QMF Support Center
QMF Visionary Version 8 Release FixPack 2
Defect fix The LoadComplete event does not fire when the ‘ShowToolbar’ property of the Visionary Viewer ActiveX control is set to false.
Defect fix The QMF Visionary WorldView (runtime viewer) sporadically locks up when multiple concurrent queries are cancelled due to user navigation.
Support for QMF Workbooks QMF Visionary now supports direct DB2 connectivity using the same mechanisms offered by QMF for Windows. When connecting to a data source defined in the QMF server definitions file, QMF Visionary now loads a comprehensive Visionary ‘workbook’, providing full-featured support for Visionary’s query development tools and offline schemas. With this change, it is possible to develop and deploy solutions without the need for the DB2 runtime client.
ValueSet Event A new ‘ValueSet’ event has been added to the TextBox control. This event fires when the text property of the control is programmatically set to a new value. The addition of this event significantly expands the scope of operations that can be performed within QMF Visionary because it is the first event that can be triggered by a programmatic action (as opposed to a user-driven action). Given this fundamental ability, it is now possible to execute any number of event actions in response to a single initiating event. To do this, the following general procedure can be employed:
  1. Add a ‘dummy’ textbox for each event action that is to be executed.
  2. If the textboxes are to be hidden, set the BorderStyle property to ‘NoBorder’ and the width and height to 0 (textbox events will not fire if the visible property is set to false).
  3. Create a numeric scene parameter and set the default value to 0.
  4. Set the text property of each textbox to the above scene parameter.
  5. On the initiating event (such as a command button click or a scene’s LoadComplete), increment the scene parameter (e.g. s_nParam = s_nParam + 1). The ValueSet events of each textbox will then fire.
Example usage scenarios:
  1. Initializing multiple global or scene parameters from SQL operations (Execute SQL event action) when a scene loads (using the LoadComplete event).
  2. Updating multiple table rows using a single ‘Update’ button click (add a textbox to the data template row and set the update SQL in the ValueSet event).
  3. Any operation whereby multiple event actions should be fired in response to a given event.