IBM DB2 11
Take a look at some of the new features in DB2 11

With DB2 10.5 fp7 or higher, HADR
DB2 High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR) replicated operations

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standby databases will automatically be upgraded

With DB2 11, you can now have one master key for all of your databases.


BLU tables
BLU Acceleration technology combines ease of use with unprecedented storage savings and performance acceleration for analytic workloads.

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are now supported in Massively Parallel Processing ( MPP ) environments for up to 1000 nodes. This allows for faster performance and better analytics.

Massively parallel processing (MPP) holds the key to making many inexpensive computers work together to solve a large problem.

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DB2 11.1 vs. 10.5: Query Speed

DB2 ESE and DB2 pureScale

DB2 pureScale on LE POWER Linux

  • Workload #1 - ESE
    • Workload 1 based on the TPC-E benchmark standard
    • POWER7 32c, 512 GB
  • Workload #2 - Db2 PureScale
    • Workload 2 implements a warehouse-based transactional order system
    • 4 members, 2 CFs with 16c, 256 GB
  • Workload 1
    • 80% read/ 20% write OLTP workload
    • POWER88 4c/32t, 160 GB LBP
    • 10 GB RoCE RDMA Ethernet/ 10 GB TCP sockets
Faster access to hot buffer pool pages Support for aggregateand user-defined functions New SQL functionsand VARBINARYdata type
There are two types of varying-length binary string:

1. A VARBINARY can be up to 32 672 bytes long.

2. A BLOB (binary large object) can be up to 2 gigabytes minus 1 byte (2 147 483 647 bytes) long.

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DB2’s internal algorithms have been revamped to improve internal access to its buffer pool pages, especially for pages that are commonly accessed. This change can significantly reduce contention and enhance performance.

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