Your data collection controller is built on top of an operating system and utilizes many programs from many different providers. The whole thing has to work flawlessly to satisfy a critical data collection mission -- but it only runs as well as its weakest link. Painful experience has shown that it really pays to have the latest fixes for everything installed before you get deeply into development or attempt to 'go live'. For your convenience, here are some links to various fix packs on the web:

IBM OS/2, TCP/IP, DB2/2, CM/2 and more...

Microsoft Windows NT

FTP site for many products

See the guide to product service levels at this FTP site for a tabular view of the levels of many products.

TCP/IP for DOS and OS/2

IBM Personal Computer Co. Hardware files

Massive list of areas of interest -- reference disks, Netware clients, etc.

IBM PC SERVER BIOS updates, device drivers