
7527 Microcode Fix/Enhancment History

Read about what we have fixed in or added to the 7527's EPROM-based microcode (now at version 1.22).

Several 7527 microcode version area available here if you have your own EPROM eraser and programmer.

If you do not have an EPROM programmer, you may have an outside supplier with the capabilities make the EPROMS for you at your expense (such as RaCoAmo Inc., the company who makes them for us). 7527 units are all out of warranty now -- IBM no longer provides free upgrades.

7527 Sample CFR

Download this sample Custom Function Routine which provides various useful additions to the function of 7527 Extended Terminal Services. Functions include:

Source and executable are provided.

7527 Input Panel Driver Sample

Download the PANELS Custom Function Routine for the 7527 Data Collection Terminal which provides an easy, efficient method to produce powerful, user-friendly data input panels on the screen of either the 7527-001 or 7527-002.

Demo Installation Instructions:

The sample code comes in a self-extracting packed file name 7527PANL.EXE. Create a 7527PANL directory containing this and execute 7527PANEL.EXE using the -d option: 7527PANL.EXE -d

The unpacking process will create CFR, TDF, and VAL subdirectories which map to the DCC directories of the same name. A SOURCE directory is also created for the CFR and other program's source code. When unpacked, read the READ.ME file and view the OS/2 INF file.

7527 Sample Library for CFR Development

Download this sample Custom Function Routine 'C' function library which provides various useful functions for linking into your 7527 CFR code. Source and executable are provided.