Installing the HTML version of the IBM® Message Service Client for C/C++ documentation

You can view the HTML version of the Message Service Client for C/C++ documentation either in a web browser, or as a documentation plug-in within an Eclipse environment.

To install and view this documentation, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the ZIP file that contains the HTML.
  2. Install the documentation:
    • To install the documentation for viewing in a web browser, extract the folders and files in the zip file to the location of your choice.
    • To install the documentation as a plug-in within an Eclipse environment, extract the folders and files in the zip file to a folder named in eclipse/plug-ins, and then refresh your Eclipse environment.
  3. Open the documentation:
    • To view the documentation in a web browser, open the file index.html.
    • To view the documentation within an Eclipse environment, open the plug-in named Message Service Client for C/C++ in your Eclipse environment.

This documentation is also supplied in PDF format with Message Service Client for C/C++.

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