SupportPac LA71: IBM WebSphere Operational Decision Management Integration for WebSphere Process Server - Readme

These notes support a software program that bears the name SupportPac LA71: IBM WebSphere Operational Decision Management Integration for WebSphere Process Server. Information in this document, including URLs and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice and is provided for information purposes only.


Introduction The general description of this product.
Software Requirements The software requirements to install this release.
Deprecated features Lists deprecated feature with earlier version.
Installing and Uninstalling Instructions for installing and uninstalling the components of WebSphere Operational Decision Management Integration for WebSphere Process Server.
Known Limitations Known limitations and suggested workarounds.
End-User License Agreement Location The location of the End-User License Agreement after installation of this product.


SupportPac LA71 provides integration developers with a more convenient way to encorporate decision services provided by WebSphere Operational Decision Management (WODM) into business processes running on IBM Business Process Management solutions such as WebSphere Process Server and IBM Business Process Manager.

The integration provides plugins for the BPM Integration Development Environments (IBM Integration Designer) that create SCA components from rule projects running in WODM. Using this integration, developers can define a business process in the BPM IDE and use WODM to define the business rules. The business logic is externalized from your application and can be edited and modified by business experts without requiring detailed knowledge of Java or J2EE.

The integration provides the following capabilities.

This Readme assumes that the reader has a basic understanding of IBM Decision Management and IBM Business Process Management products.

Software Requirements

To install and use SupportPac LA71: IBM WebSphere Operational Decision Management for WebSphere Process Server you need the following software installed on your computer.

Software Comments
WebSphere Operational Decision Management:
WebSphere Decision Server
WebSphere Decision Center (optional)
Version 7.5 and later Fix Packs
BPM Integration Development Environment IBM Integration Designer Version 7.5 and later Fix Packs
BPM Runtime or Test Environment IBM BPM 7.5 and later Fix Packs (Process Center or Integration Designer WTE 7.5 and later Fix Packs)

Operating System Requirements

You can use SupportPac LA71: IBM WebSphere Operational Decision Management for WebSphere Process Server on any of the following operating systems.

Notes: The LA71 requires that IBM Integration Designer (IID) has WODM 7.5 Rule Designer plugins installed. Please refer to Installing Rule Designer in IBM Eclipse-based products for how to add rule desinger plugins into IID.

Deprecated features

The following feature are deprecated in SupportPac LA71:

Installing and Uninstalling SupportPac LA71: IBM WebSphere Operational Decision Management Integration for WebSphere Process Server

This section contains information on how to install and uninstall SupportPac LA71: WebSphere Operational Decision Management Integration for WebSphere Process Server.

Installation steps:

Uninstallation stpes:

  1. Go to /Uninstall_IBM WebSphere Operational Decision Management Integration for WebSphere Process Server.
  2. Double-click Uninstall_IBM WebSphere Operational Decision Management Integration for WebSphere Process Server.exe.
Notes: After installation, a script based command line tool will be installed, which provides capability of quick installing WODM modules into WAS/BPM environment at a later stage. Please refer to Documentation > Reference > Using script to install WODM modules on WebSphere Application Server or IBM Process Server instance for detail usage of this tool.

Known Limitations

Contact WebSphere Operational Decision Management customer support to find out how to access the list of known limitations on the product. The WebSphere Operational Decision Management customer support you depend on is defined in the Exhibit A of your maintenance agreement. For support on WebSphere Process Server, IBM Business Process Manager or IBM Integration Designer you should contact the support defined for that product.

Limitations of note are listed in the following table:

Limitations Comments & Workarounds
XML Parameters with default namespace in XML Schema are not supported For rulesets using XML parameters, you should always define an XML schema namespace.
Ruleset Parameter of XML array type is not supported If you have a Ruleset Parameter of XML array type defined in the Ruleset, a runtime exception will be thrown when invoking the corresponding JRules ruleset.
Transparent decision services do not support Rulesets using a Java object model If you have developed a Ruleset using a Java XOM, you will not be able to use the decision service.
Integration Development tooling project export/import drops generated SCA dependencies When projects are exported and then imported, they lose the generated SCA dependencies and no longer function. The reason is that when importing the projects, the rule service builder definition is lost from the .project file of the module project. One workaround is to add the following definition to the .project file of module project manually.
When renaming projects in Rule Studio, the engine.conf path is not updated Renaming a project in Rule Studio can prevent the engine.conf file from being located which prevents the project from being added to a RuleApp. This can be worked around by manually changing the path in the properties page for the project. This is described in task 2 of the BPM Tutorial.
The ruleset paths must be less than 64 characters if CEI events are to be emitted If CEI events are to be emitted, the ruleset path must be less than 64 characters, because attribute CommonBaseEvent.extensionName is used for storing the ruleset path, and CBE 1.0.1 schema specifies that extensionName attribute has a maximum length of 64 charactres. Otherwise, the following exception will be thrown.
IWAT0207E The length of the value in the specified Common Base Event property exceeds the maximum number of characters.
When working with BPM 7.5, the locale used to author rules in Process Designer must match that used in Decision Center If the locales do not match, it is not possible to synchronize between Rule Designer and Decision Center. The rules must be manually refactored as described in the BPM tutorial task 2
When working with BPM 7.5, the SCA components generated by LA71 do not deploy correctly to Process Center This BPM 7.5 limitation can be worked around by modifying the LA71 module to use the J2SE connector. This does not require the resource references that are being lost and so works successfully. This workaround is described in the BPM Tutorial task 7.
When working with BPM 7.5 and importing HTDS services into Process Designer, limitations apply due to business object and namespace restrictions. In BPM 7.5 HTDS services can be discovered from JRules. Business Objects with the same name and different namespaces are renamed on the import but the automatic renaming breaks down in more complex situations. This renaming is described in the BPM Tutorial task 3.
When working with BPM 7.5.1 and auditing rule invocation via CEI events, the CEI event data store must be enabled. In BPM 7.5.1 CEI event data store is NOT enabled by default, if the rule invocation are to be traced and audited with CEI event, the event data store should be enabled manually in WAS administrative console > Service intrgration > Common Event Infrastructure > Event service > Event services > Default Common Event Infrastructure event server.

End-User License Agreement Location

You can find a copy of the End-User License Agreement in the licence directory, in the file Licence Agreement.txt.


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