Abstract -------- This document contains the readme for WebSphere MQ Version 7.5 and its maintenance, and (in a separate section at the bottom of the document) the readme for IBM Message Service Client for .NET Version The English language version of this document is the most up to date version. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DESCRIPTION =========== This file describes product limitations and known problems. The latest version of this file can be found here: https://ibm.biz/mqreadmes Translated versions can be found here: ftp://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/integration/wmq/docs/V7.5/readme/ In addition to this file, you can find more information on the IBM MQ website: http://www.ibm.com/software/products/ibm-mq The SupportPac web page is here: https://ibm.biz/mqsupportpacs For current information about known problems and available fixes, see the Support page of the IBM MQ website: http://www.ibm.com/support/entry/myportal/product/websphere/websphere_mq Web documentation updates: The latest updates to the web-based WebSphere MQ documentation are available from the WebSphere MQ website: http://www.ibm.com/software/integration/wmq/library/ Announcement letter: The announcement letter for IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.5 (US English) is available here: http://www.ibm.com/common/ssi/cgi-bin/ssialias?infotype=AN&subtype=CA&htmlfid=897/ENUS212-091&appname=USN#h2-availx See the announcement letter for the following types of information: - Detailed product description, including description of new function - Product-positioning statement - Ordering details - Hardware and software requirements ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ UPDATE HISTORY 22 Jun 2017 - Updates for WebSphere MQ Version 7.5.0, Fix Pack 8 20 Sep 2016 - Move "Deprecation of weak CipherSpecs" item from Fix Pack 6 to 7 05 Aug 2016 - Updates for WebSphere MQ Version 7.5.0, Fix Pack 7 23 Feb 2016 - Updates for WebSphere MQ Version 7.5.0, Fix Pack 6 12 Feb 2016 - Updates for deprecated SSLv3 CipherSpecs in Fix Pack 5 03 Nov 2015 - Warnings issued when uninstalling MQ Explorer from SLES 12 18 May 2015 - Warnings issued when uninstalling MQ Explorer from RHEL 7 Memory overwrite problem in Version 7.5.0, fixed in 14 May 2015 - Updates for WebSphere MQ Version 7.5.0, Fix Pack 5 27 Apr 2015 - Restructure to show issues by fix pack 01 Sep 2014 - Updates for WebSphere MQ Version 7.5.0, Fix Pack 4 01 Dec 2013 - Updates for WebSphere MQ Version 7.5.0, Fix Pack 3 08 Jul 2013 - Updates for WebSphere MQ Version 7.5.0, Fix Pack 2 21 Mar 2013 - Updates for WebSphere MQ Version 7.5.0, Fix Pack 1 18 May 2012 - Updates for WebSphere MQ Version 7.5.0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++ ++ Installation instructions ++ ++ ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Installation instructions are available as part of the WebSphere MQ Version 7.5 product documentation, published in IBM Knowledge Center: http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSFKSJ_7.5.0/com.ibm.mq.mig.doc/q008000_.htm ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++ ++ Limitations and known problems ++ ++ ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Platform notes ============== WebSphere MQ Version 7.5 is not available for IBM i and z/OS. For information about the latest versions of WebSphere MQ for IBM i and z/OS, see: http://www.ibm.com/software/products/en/ibm-mq/. LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS FOR VERSION 7.5.0, FIX PACK 8 ============================================================ MQ JMS ExceptionListener is invoked only for connection broken exceptions ------------------------------------------------------------------------- When your JMS application uses the WebSphere MQ V7.5 classes for JMS, by default the JMS ConnectionFactory property JmsConstants.ASYNC_EXCEPTIONS was set to the value JmsConstants.ASYNC_EXCEPTIONS_ALL. With this setting, your application's JMS ExceptionListener should be called not only for broken connection exceptions, but also for any exception raised that prevents asynchronous message delivery to a JMS MessageListener. However, non-connection broken exceptions (for example MQRC_GET_INHIBITED) were not being delivered to the ExceptionListener. APAR IT14820 implements the following fixes: - To maintain behavior for current JMS applications that configure a JMS MessageListener and a JMS ExceptionListener, the default value for the JmsConstants.ASYNC_EXCEPTIONS JMS ConnectionFactory property has been changed to JmsConstants.ASYNC_EXCEPTIONS_CONNECTIONBROKEN for the WebSphere MQ V7.5 classes for JMS. As a result, by default, only exceptions corresponding to broken connection error codes are delivered to an application's JMS ExceptionListener. Connection broken exceptions are delivered to the exception listener when consuming messages synchronously or asynchronously. - The WebSphere MQ V7.5 classes for JMS have also been updated such that JMS exceptions relating to non-connection broken errors that occur during message delivery to asynchronous message consumers, are delivered to a registered ExceptionListener when the JMS ConnectionFactory used by the application has the JmsConstants.ASYNC_EXCEPTIONS property set to the value JmsConstants.ASYNC_EXCEPTIONS_ALL. The File Transfer fteCleanAgent command, run with no parameters, ---------------------------------------------------------------- does the equivalent of -all --------------------------- When running the fteCleanAgent command with only the agent name and no arguments specified, the behavior is equivalent to fteCleanAgent -all. As a result, all in-progress and pending transfers, resource monitor definitions and scheduled transfers definitions on the agent the command was run against are cleared. For example, the following two commands result in the same behavior: fteCleanAgent agent100 fteCleanAgent -all agent100 Under APAR IT15522, the fteCleanAgent command is updated so that a user must specify which Managed File Transfer state to clear by passing the appropriate parameters to the command, as well as providing an agent name. This APAR also adds a new property to revert fteCleanAgent to its original behavior if required. The property is called "failCleanAgentWithNoArguments" and is set in the command.properties file. By default the value of "failCleanAgentWithNoArguments" is true, and the fteCleanAgent command fails to run if only the agent name parameter is specified. GSKit or later alters the stash file format ----------------------------------------------------- APAR IT16295 updates the GSKit component level to or later. This update alters the stash file format used when generating a .sth file to stash the key database password. Stash files generated by this level of the GSKit are not readable by earlier GSKit levels. To ensure compatibility, any applications or other installations that use a stash file generated with this level of the GSKit should be updated to a version of MQ that contains GSKit or later. If you cannot update applications or other installations, you can request a backwards-compatible stash file format. You do this by supplying the "-v1stash" parameter to the runmqakm or runmqckm commands when you use the "-stash" or "-stashpw" options to generate a stash file. You cannot generate a backwards-compatible stash file when using the iKeyman GUI. LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS FOR VERSION 7.5.0, FIX PACK 7 ============================================================ The WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer Java EE database logger generates ------------------------------------------------------------------------ warning messages in WebSphere Application Server Community Edition Version 2.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ when used with an Oracle DB --------------------------- This issue affects all users of the database logger to persist, to an Oracle database, information published as XML log messages to the SYSTEM.FTE topic on the coordination queue manager. If any of the columns defined for a table created in the Oracle database are of type CLOB (e.g., NCLOB), the Java class defined using Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) to represent that table should annotate the class member-variables representing the column of type CLOB with "@Lob". If not, the column type is assumed to be of type "VARCHAR". This annotation was not included in the Java classes provided with the WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer component. Therefore, when the JPA implementation tried to match the member field representing a column in a database table with the actual column in the database table, the difference was detected and reported as a warning. This issue is fixed in WebSphere MQ Version 7.5.0, Fix Pack 7, subject to the following ongoing limitations: - Columns with the names "SOURCE_BRIDGE_URL" and "DESTINATION_BRIDGE_URL" in the table "FTELOG"."TRANSFER_EVENT" should be defined with the column length 2083. - Users of the MQ Managed File Transfer component that have a database logger that connects to a DB2 database might have to update these column lengths manually after applying this fix pack, if the length of these columns has been defined as 1024. Otherwise if data longer than 1024 bytes is written then the data is truncated and no warning is given by DB2. Change of behavior: Strict checking of PCF responses is now disabled by default ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The PCFMessageAgent class is used by applications, and internally by the MQ Explorer, to send PCF requests to a queue manager and collect the responses. This class is modified by WebSphere MQ Version 7.5.0, Fix Pack 7 to provide a mechanism to turn off/on the strict checking of PCF response messages that was introduced as part of APAR IT01469. This is to prevent applications and the MQ Explorer from behaving unexpectedly when connecting to a queue manager that is affected by the issue reported in APAR IT10521. PCFMessageAgents and the MQ Explorer can be used to communicate with many different queue managers, and it is not always possible to apply the fix for IT10521 to each of these queue managers. Given this, the default behaviour of the three send() methods provided by the PCFMessageAgent has been changed so that they no longer performs strict checking of the PCF responses that are received. Rather than counting the PCF responses to ensure that the queue manager has sent the required number before returning control back to the application, the methods now assume they have received all of the PCF responses to a command after they have processed a response message that has the Control field set to the value MQCFC_LAST. This reverts the behavior back to how it was before the fix for APAR IT01469. If strict checking of PCF response messages is required, for example to avoid the issue reported in APAR IT01469, set the following Java system property on the Java Runtime Environment on which the application using the PCFMessageAgent is running: com.ibm.mq.pcf.enableStrictPCFResponseChecking=true To enable strict checking of PCF response messages within MQ Explorer, start the user interface by running the following command from the command line: MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/bin/MQExplorer -Dcom.ibm.mq.pcf.enableStrictPCFResponseChecking=true where MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH is the directory in which MQ V7.5 is installed. Deprecation of weak CipherSpecs ------------------------------- IBM MQ Version 7.5.0, Fix Pack 7 deprecates the use of the following CipherSpecs: RC4_SHA_US RC4_MD5_US TRIPLE_DES_SHA_US DES_SHA_EXPORT1024 RC4_56_SHA_EXPORT1024 RC4_MD5_EXPORT RC2_MD5_EXPORT DES_SHA_EXPORT TLS_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA NULL_SHA NULL_MD5 FIPS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA FIPS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA256 These CipherSpecs are no longer permitted by default when initiating MQ channels. Attempting to start a channel instance using one of these CipherSpecs results in AMQ9635 or AMQ9788 messages in the queue manager error log. If you need to continue using any of these CipherSpecs, set or export the environment variable AMQ_SSL_WEAK_CIPHER_ENABLE to any value. Do this in the environment used to start the queue manager. Alternatively, add the following entry to the SSL stanza of the queue manager's qm.ini file: AllowWeakCipherSpec=Yes Defining the environment variable AMQ_SSL_WEAK_CIPHER_ENABLE enables the CipherSpecs regardless of any value specified in the qm.ini file. Note that this set of deprecated CipherSpecs overlaps significantly with the set listed in "Deprecation of SSLv3 protocol" for Fix Pack LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS FOR VERSION 7.5.0, FIX PACK 6 ============================================================ Withdrawal of migmbbrk migration utility ---------------------------------------- The migmbbrk utility has been previously supplied with all WebSphere MQ Version 7 releases, and was used to migrate publish/subscribe configuration data from WebSphere Event Broker Version 6.0 or WebSphere Message Broker Version 6.0 or 6.1 to WebSphere MQ Version 7. To facilitate its operation, additional software components were supplied with the product. Given the withdrawal of support for the applicable WebSphere Event Broker and WebSphere Message Broker releases, the migmbbrk utility and its dependencies are no longer supplied as part of the MQ product installation. For compatibility, identically named placeholder files are shipped instead to preserve the installation layout on disk. A standalone edition of the migmbbrk utility is to be made available on the IBM support site. LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS FOR VERSION 7.5.0, FIX PACK 5 ============================================================ Deprecation of SSLv3 protocol ----------------------------- IBM MQ Version 7.5.0, Fix Pack 5 deprecates the SSLv3 protocol and the use of the following CipherSpecs on channel definitions associated with the queue manager: AES_SHA_US RC4_SHA_US RC4_MD5_US TRIPLE_DES_SHA_US DES_SHA_EXPORT1024 RC4_56_SHA_EXPORT1024 RC4_MD5_EXPORT RC2_MD5_EXPORT DES_SHA_EXPORT NULL_SHA NULL_MD5 FIPS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA FIPS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA Attempting to use or configure one of these CipherSpecs results in one or more of the following messages in the queue manager error log: AMQ8242, AMQ9616, AMQ9635. If you need to continue using SSLv3 CipherSpecs, you can set the environment variable AMQ_SSL_V3_ENABLE to the value "TRUE" in the environment used to start the queue manager. Alternatively, add the following entry to the SSL stanza of the queue manager's qm.ini file: AllowSSLV3=Y After this change is applied, queue managers using GSKit 8 have the GSK_STRICTCHECK_CBCPADBYTES functionality enabled by default. To override this, set GSK_STRICTCHECK_CBCPADBYTES=GSK_FALSE in the environment used to start the queue manager. Warning messages displayed when uninstalling MQ Explorer from RHEL 7 or SLES 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you remove the WebSphere MQ Explorer package (MQSeriesExplorer-7.5.0-5.x86_64) from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, or from SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12, warnings such as the following are issued by the "rpm -e" command: warning: file /opt/mqm/mqexplorer/eclipse/p2/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine/profileRegistry/ profile.profile/1429886658124.profile.gz: remove failed: No such file or directory warning: file /opt/mqm/mqexplorer/eclipse/p2/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine: remove failed: No such file or directory warning: file /opt/mqm/mqexplorer/eclipse/p2/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core/cache/binary/ com.ibm.mq.explorer.ui.rcp.product_root.gtk.linux.x86_64_7.5.0.201504241541: remove failed: No such file or directory warning: file /opt/mqm/mqexplorer/eclipse/p2: remove failed: No such file or directory warning: file /opt/mqm/mqexplorer/eclipse/configuration/org.eclipse.update/platform.xml: remove failed: No such file or directory Despite these warnings, the uninstall completes successfully, and all expected files and directories are removed. This issue is addressed by APAR IT08932. LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS FOR VERSION 7.5.0, FIX PACKS 3 AND 4 =================================================================== These fix packs contain no new limitations or problems that require your attention. LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS FOR VERSION 7.5.0, FIX PACK 2 ============================================================ Installing on HP-UX alongside -------------------------------------- This problem affects installation media for the HP-UX platform which is built at the following levels : WebSphere MQ,,, If a HP-UX machine has WebSphere MQ or later fix pack installed on it, an attempt to install alongside may fail similar to the following error. Installing alongside or earlier is not a problem. ERROR: MQSERIES, which is not compatible with this release, is installed in this system Check the documentation for this release and correct the situation before retrying the installation. ERROR: The "checkinstall" script for "MQSERIES" failed (exit code "1"). The script location was "/var/tmp/BAA020518/catalog/MQSERIES/pfiles/checkinstall". * This script had errors and the execution of this product cannot proceed until the problem is fixed. Check the above output from the script for further details. * Executing preDSA command. To work around this problem, please install 7.5 or 7.1 from installation media which includes the fix for IV45059 ( or Alternatively install alongside or earlier, and then upgrade the 7.0.1 system to or later after completing the 7.1 or 7.5 installation. Installation of the fix pack Server component on the UNIX/Linux platforms ------------------------------------------------------------------------- First introduced in WebSphere MQ and, during the installation of the fix pack Server component on the UNIX/Linux platforms, a message is displayed of the following form: After the installation of this fix pack has completed, run the '/opt/mqm/bin/mqconfig' command, using the 'mqm' user ID. For example, execute the following statement when running as the 'root' user: su mqm -c "/opt/mqm/bin/mqconfig" The 'mqconfig' command validates that the system configuration satisfies the requirements for WebSphere MQ, and ensures that the settings for the 'mqm' user ID are suitably configured. Other WebSphere MQ administrators in the 'mqm' group can run this command to ensure their user limits are also properly configured to use WebSphere MQ. If 'mqconfig' indicates that any of the requirements have not been met, consult the installation section within the WebSphere MQ Information Center for details about how to configure the system and user limits. Note that WebSphere MQ has no new requirements as of these fix packs. The message is displayed to highlight a new tool, 'mqconfig', which is included with the fix pack for the UNIX/Linux platforms. This tool can be used to verify that the system is configured to the minimum tuning specification that WebSphere MQ has documented. Running this tool makes no changes to the system, it simply displays the configuration of the environment. Upgrading a server installation ------------------------------- IBM does not support a server installation applying maintenance (upgrading to a newer fixpack level) by using the MSI mechanism, only to newer versions or releases. To apply maintenance use the fix pack mechanism. Installing fix pack on top of installation image at same V.R.M.F level ---------------------------------------------------------------------- It is possible to install the fix pack on top of an installation performed from installation media that was built at (a manufacturing refresh image) on the Solaris (both architectures) platform. This should not be attempted, as it might leave the system's package management database in an inconsistent state with respect to the installation of WebSphere MQ. LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS FOR VERSION 7.5.0, FIX PACK 1 ============================================================ APAR IV31952 ------------ The fix for APAR IV31952 changed the authority checks that WebSphere MQ makes on channel objects when you run the RESET CHANNEL command. Applying this fix can give changed behavior and you might need to alter some authorities. Your systems are affected only if your channels run with an MCAUSER userID resolving to a non-mqm user. The Reset Channel command can run internally within WebSphere MQ code, so, even though you have not run the Reset Channel command manually, your system might still be affected. Ensure that, at a minimum, your channel's MCAUSER userID has both +DSP and +CTRLX authority on the channel object, so that the userID can run Reset Channel commands. Before the fix for IV31952, WebSphere MQ checked that the userID had +ALTUSR authority, which you might previously have granted to make your channel work. After applying the or later fix pack, you can remove your MCAUSER's +ALTUSR authority on the channel object because it is not required for the Reset Channel command. You should also check that your MCAUSER userID has +DSP and +CTRLX authority on the channel object. Unable to uninstall "IBM WebSphere MQ (fix pack files)" --------------------------------------------------------------- There is currently an issue with the uninstallation of the "IBM WebSphere MQ (fix pack files)". On a few machines, when you uninstall the WebSphere MQ fix pack files from "Programs and Features" you might be presented with a dialog containing the message "Installer User Interface Mode Not Supported". If you see this message, you have two options: 1) Leave the files there (they occupy just under 900MB) or 2) Use the following workaround: the default value of is either - c:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\source\WebSphere MQ -- (32-bit Windows) - c:\Program Files\IBM\source\WebSphere MQ -- (64-bit Windows) If you specified an alternate directory and cannot remember where this was, the location can be found in the registry at: "HKLM\SOFTWARE\IBM\WebSphere MQ fix pack\InstallDir" -- (32-bit Windows) "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\IBM\WebSphere MQ fix pack\InstallDir" -- (64-bit Windows) cd "\_IBM WebSphere MQ (fix pack files)_installation" Backup "Change IBM WebSphere MQ (fix pack files) Installation.lax" by copying to somewhere outside of the install location (for example the desktop) Run the following command exactly as written: echo lax.nl.java.option.java.heap.size.max=2147483648 >>"Change IBM WebSphere MQ (fix pack files) Installation.lax" Attempt the uninstallation again from "Programs and Features". Unable to apply maintenance on HP using MQPTF_NOSAVE feature ------------------------------------------------------------ The facility to suppress the creation of backup directories on HP-UX by creating the file MQPTF_NOSAVE when applying maintenance to WebSphere MQ 7.5 can lead to corrupt installations and should not be used. LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS FOR VERSION 7.5.0 ================================================ QM repository manager integrity/abend caused by multiple transmit queue records ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A memory overwrite in the cluster repository queue manager can be triggered by a malicious user with administrator privileges, leading to loss of data integrity and denial of service through abnormal termination of the cluster repository manager. This issue is fixed in Version 7.5.0, Fix Pack 5 by APAR IT05869. JMS and Java client applications using AMS in client mode --------------------------------------------------------- Any JMS or Java client application (including WebSphere MQ Explorer and Managed File Transfer Agents) cannot use Advanced Message Security in client mode with a Queue Manager earlier than version 7.5. In order to use message protection policies, these applications either need to interact with a v7.5 Queue Manager, or connect in local bindings mode to a Queue Manager on the same machine as the application. AMS deployment limitations for Java applications ------------------------------------------------ The WebSphere MQ JCA resource adapter does not contain the AMS classes, and AMS is not supported in client mode when using this RA. For applications running in Java EE application servers, you can use AMS in one of the following ways: Use bindings mode to connect to a 7.5 queue manager on the same machine as the application server. Use a previous release of the WebSphere MQ JCA RA with a previous release of WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security as a client to connect to a 7.5 queue manager. Coexistence with other products using GSKit security on AIX ----------------------------------------------------------- On AIX systems, if there is a global GSKit installation in /usr/lib[64] there might be a clash when WebSphere MQ attempts to load its GSKit libraries. To solve this issue, set the LIBPATH environment variable to point to the directory where the WebSphere MQ GSKit libraries are located. You must set the LIBPATH variable before running the WebSphere MQ application and queue manager. For information regarding the levels of GSKit and JRE included with this product, see the following link: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=171&uid=swg27038676 AIX uninstallation ------------------ On certain levels of AIX, it is possible to uninstall WebSphere MQ while queue managers are still running. Our intention is to prevent this situation where possible to help customers avoid unintentional breakages. This issue is resolved in latest AIX maintenance: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=isg1IV13738 This fix is in: Package name: 6100-06 Service Pack 7 Release date: April 2012 http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=isg1IV08698 This fix is in: Package name: 6100-07 Service Pack 2 Release date: December 2011 http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=isg1IV14774 This fix is in: Package name: 7100-00 Service Pack 5 Release date: April 2012 http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=isg1IV08782 This fix is in: Package name: 7100-01 Service Pack 2 Release date: December 2011 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++ ++ IBM Message Service Client for .NET v2.5.0.1 ++ ++ ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Changes in this release ----------------------- - dspxmsver utility: Displays XMS .NET version and build information. Troubleshooting XMS .NET issues ------------------------------- a) User authentication for WebSphere MQ is performed by using the details of the logged on user and not the information provided in the XMSC.USERID and XMSC.PASSWORD fields. This is designed to maintain consistency with WebSphere MQ. See the WebSphere MQ information center for further details about authentication. b) On a Windows 64-bit platform, the setting or getting of values for the property type “double” using the SetDoubleProperty() or GetDoubleProperty() methods may not work correctly, if the values involved are smaller than Double.Epsilon. For example, if you try to set a value of 4.9E-324 for a property with type double, the Windows 64-bit platforms treat it as 0.0. So, in a distributed messaging environment, if a JMS or another application sets the value for a double property as 4.9E-324 on any Unix or Windows 32-bit machine, and XMS .NET runs on a 64-bit machine, the value returned by GetDoubleProperty() is 0.0. This is a known issue with Microsoft .NET 2.0 Framework. Refer to the following link for more details: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/970495