Abstract -------- This document contains the readme for IBM MQ Version 8.0 and its maintenance. The English language version of this document is the most up to date version. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DESCRIPTION =========== This file describes product limitations and known problems. Translated versions can be found here: ftp://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/integration/wmq/docs/V8.0/Readme/ In addition to this file, you can find more information on the IBM MQ website: http://www.ibm.com/software/products/ibm-mq The SupportPac web page is here: https://ibm.biz/mqsupportpacs For current information about known problems and available fixes, see the IBM MQ Support page: https://www.ibm.com/support/home/product/P439881V74305Y86/IBM_MQ Web documentation updates: The latest updates to the web-based IBM MQ documentation are available from the IBM MQ library page: http://www-01.ibm.com/software/integration/wmq/library/ Announcement letters: The announcement letters for IBM MQ Version 8.0 (US English) are available here: IBM MQ Distributed http://www.ibm.com/common/ssi/ShowDoc.wss?docURL=/common/ssi/rep_ca/2/649/ENUSA14-0332/index.html IBM MQ for z/OS http://www.ibm.com/common/ssi/ShowDoc.wss?docURL=/common/ssi/rep_ca/9/649/ENUSA14-0339/index.html IBM MQ for z/OS Value Unit Edition, IBM MQ MFT for z/OS, IBM MQ AMS for z/OS and IBM MQ Advanced for z/OS http://www.ibm.com/common/ssi/ShowDoc.wss?docURL=/common/ssi/rep_ca/1/649/ENUSA14-0331/index.html See the announcement letters for the following types of information: - Detailed product description, including description of new function - Product-positioning statement - Ordering details - Hardware and software requirements ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ UPDATE HISTORY 28 Mar 2018 - Updates for IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 9 24 Nov 2017 - Updates for IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 8 19 Jul 2017 - Updates for APARs IT18908 and IT15252 for IBM PureApplication System 22 Jun 2017 - Updates for IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 7 23 Jan 2017 - Updates for IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 6 23 May 2016 - Updates for IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 5 11 Feb 2016 - Updates for IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4 AIX Support for IBM PureApplication System 23 Oct 2015 - Updates for IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4 25 Sep 2015 - Updates for IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 3 High Availability Support for IBM PureApplication System 18 Jun 2015 - Updates for IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 3 29 May 2015 - Authority problem for IBM i special profile *PUBLIC in 18 May 2015 - Memory overwrite problem in Version 8.0.0, fixed in Fix Pack 2 27 Feb 2015 - Updates for IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 2 27 Jan 2015 - Further updates for IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 1 11 Sep 2014 - Updates for IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 1 23 May 2014 - Updates for IBM MQ Version 8.0.0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++ ++ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ++ ++ ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Installation instructions are available as part of the IBM MQ Version 8.0 product documentation published in IBM Knowledge Center: http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSFKSJ_8.0.0/com.ibm.mq.helphome.v80.doc/WelcomePagev8r0.htm ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++ ++ LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS ++ ++ ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS FOR VERSION 8.0.0, FIX PACK 9 ============================================================ Java client hangs when queue manager is quiescing as new connection attempt is made ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This issue affects applications that use the following MQ features: - Classes for JMS - Classes for Java - JCA resource adapter - OSGi bundles - Managed File Transfer An MQ queue manager can send notifications to connected clients requesting a controlled closure of conversations (connection handles), for example when the queue manager is being quiesced. If a thread within a Java client receives one of these notifications at the same time as another thread within the client requests a new conversation, a deadlock can occur as both threads need access to the internal "connectionsLock" on the RemoteConnectionSpecification object. This issue is fixed in IBM MQ Version, by APAR IT22127. The fix launches a new thread to reassociate the connection with its RemoteConnectionSpecification if necessary, so that it can be reused. For the fix to work for your applications, you need to add the following new policy to the policy file used by the Java Security Manager: permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThread"; Erroneous entries are created in the Object Authority Manager (OAM) data store ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This issue affects users of the default Object Authority Manager. A programming error resulted in the creation of erroneous entries in the Object Authority Manager (OAM) data store. These entries contain entities with the name "<>". This issue is fixed in IBM MQ Version, by APAR IT202274. The erroneous entries are removed from the OAM when the queue manager is restarted. LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS FOR VERSION 8.0.0, FIX PACK 8 ============================================================ There are no new limitations or known problems that require your attention. LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS FOR VERSION 8.0.0, FIX PACK 7 ============================================================ The File Transfer fteCleanAgent command, run with no parameters, ---------------------------------------------------------------- does the equivalent of -all --------------------------- When running the fteCleanAgent command with only the agent name and no arguments specified, the behavior is equivalent to fteCleanAgent -all. As a result, all in-progress and pending transfers, resource monitor definitions and scheduled transfers definitions on the agent the command was run against are cleared. For example, the following two commands result in the same behavior: fteCleanAgent agent100 fteCleanAgent -all agent100 Under APAR IT15522, the fteCleanAgent command is updated so that a user must specify which Managed File Transfer state to clear by passing the appropriate parameters to the command, as well as providing an agent name. This APAR also adds a new property to revert fteCleanAgent to its original behavior if required. The property is called "failCleanAgentWithNoArguments" and is set in the command.properties file. By default the value of "failCleanAgentWithNoArguments" is true, and the fteCleanAgent command fails to run if only the agent name parameter is specified. The MQ Explorer Managed File Transfer plugin does not handle passwords longer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- than 12 characters if the MQCSP Authentication Mode is enabled -------------------------------------------------------------- If you use the MQ Explorer Managed File Transfer plugin, or have Managed File Transfer agents that connect to a queue manager using the CLIENT transport and specify a password, then the agent does not authenticate with the queue manager if the password specified is greater than 12 characters in length. This is because the code does not use MQCSP authentication, and authenticates using "compatibility mode" which limits the password to 12 characters in length. Under APAR IT17772, the code is updated so that you can disable the default compatibility mode and enable MQCSP Authentication mode. You can do this in the following ways: - In the MQ Explorer: - Select the queue manager you want to connect to. - Right click, and select Connection Details > Properties. - Click the Userid tab. - Ensure "Enable user identification" is selected, and clear the "User identification compatibility mode" checkbox. - For MFT agents: Add a new parameter "useMQCSPAuthentication" to the MFTCredentials.xml file for the relavant user. Set the parameter to true. If the parameter is not there, it is by default set to false and uses compatibility mode to authenticate the user with the queue manager. Here is an example entry to show how to set the useMQCSPAuthentication parameter in the MFTCredentials.xml file: LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS FOR VERSION 8.0.0, FIX PACK 6 ============================================================ Some properties are not referenced in the HA template configurations provided ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- with IBM MQ Virtual System Pattern Type --------------------------------------- For IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 6, the following properties are included in the multi-instance pattern templates that are provided with IBM MQ Virtual System Pattern Type for IBM PureApplication System: - ha_manage_mq_data_manually - ha_existing_data_path - ha_do_not_install_mq_advanced_components References to these properties are currently missing from the "High availability standby instance" template configurations. To use either of these configurations, redraw the "Data Dependencies" line or add the property references to the configuration. This issue is fixed in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 7 by APAR IT18908. FDC can incorrectly show missing subscriptions for a clustered queue manager ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cluster repository process includes maintenance checks. One check is that internal subscriptions exist for queue and queue manager objects in the local queue manager view of the cluster configuration. If a queue manager record is found not to have subscriptions in the clusters it is a member of, an FDC with probe RM702021 (Missing Subscription) is generated. However, during the process of creating a new full repository there is a point in time when the queue manger record can include a cluster name that the local queue manager is not yet aware of (because it is not yet a full repository for the named cluster, nor is it a partial repository either). In this case, the generated FDC is misleading as there should not be any subscriptions. APAR IT14931 checks if the queue manager could be a deferred full repository, and if so does not generate the FDC. But the system cannot be sure that the queue manager is about to become a full repository, so it is important that you also make the following manual checks: - Check that cluster receiver channels in the cluster configuration are shared in the appropriate clusters. - Check that namelists used by cluster receiver channels on remote queue managers, contain the expected list of cluster names. - Check that manually defined sender channels are correctly defined, and that the destination is expected to be a full repository (manually defined channels (CLUSSDR) are always expected to point to full repositories. CLUSSDRs that point at partial repositories are a configuration error). MQ JMS ExceptionListener is not invoked for all cases of connection broken exceptions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following issues affect a JMS application that uses the IBM MQ V8.0 classes for JMS: - When you set the JMS ConnectionFactory property JmsConstants.ASYNC_EXCEPTIONS to the value JmsConstants.ASYNC_EXCEPTIONS_ALL, your application's JMS ExceptionListener should be called not only for broken connection exceptions, but also for any exception raised during asynchronous message delivery to a JMS MessageListener. However, non-connection broken exceptions (for example MQRC_GET_INHIBITED) were not being delivered to the ExceptionListener. - When a JMS Session uses a different TCP/IP socket to the JMS Connection, the application's ExceptionListener was not invoked if only the socket used by the JMS Session is broken. - After you install MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 3, your application's JMS ExceptionListener is only invoked for a connection broken exception when the application is using asynchronous message consumers, and not when using synchronous message consumers. APAR IT14820 implements the following fixes: - An ExceptionListener registered by an application is invoked for any connection broken exceptions, regardless of whether the application is using synchronous or asynchronous message consumers. - An ExceptionListener registered by an application is invoked if a TCP/IP socket used by a JMS Session is broken. - Non-connection broken exceptions (for example MQRC_GET_INHIBITED) that arise during message delivery are delivered to an application's ExceptionListener when the application is using asynchronous message consumers and the JMS ConnectionFactory used by the application has the ASYNC_EXCEPTIONS property set to the value ASYNC_EXCEPTIONS_ALL. GSKit or later alters the stash file format ----------------------------------------------------- APAR IT16295 updates the GSKit component level to or later. This update alters the stash file format used when generating a .sth file to stash the key database password. Stash files generated by this level of the GSKit are not readable by earlier GSKit levels. To ensure compatibility, any applications or other installations that use a stash file generated with this level of the GSKit should be updated to a version of MQ that contains GSKit or later. If you cannot update applications or other installations, you can request a backwards-compatible stash file format. You do this by supplying the "-v1stash" parameter to the runmqakm or runmqckm commands when you use the "-stash" or "-stashpw" options to generate a stash file. You cannot generate a backwards-compatible stash file when using the iKeyman GUI. Log-on issues when using Managed File Transfer agents on z/OS ------------------------------------------------------------- When the IBM WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition product became a component of IBM MQ, a number of security enhancements were made. These included restricting the following commands so that they can only be issued by the user that the agent or logger processes were running as: - fteStartAgent - fteStopAgent - fteSetAgentTraceLevel - fteShowAgentDetails - fteStartLogger - fteStopLogger - fteSetLoggerTraceLevel When you use IBM MQ Managed File Transfer on z/OS, you can run agents as a started task. Such tasks typically run as an administrative user that might not have log-on privileges. In this situation, you cannot log on to the z/OS system as the same user that the agent is running under, which in turn means that the following commands cannot be issued for that agent: - fteStartAgent - fteStopAgent - fteSetAgentTraceLevel - fteShowAgentDetails APAR PI52942 adds a new agent property "adminGroup" for use with IBM MQ Managed File Transfer agents on z/OS. When this property is set to the name of an existing group, members of that group can execute the previous commands for that agent. LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS FOR VERSION 8.0.0, FIX PACK 5 ============================================================ IBM PureApplication System is not currently available on IBM MQ Version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you use IBM PureApplication System, apply IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4. There is currently no Fix Pack 5 for IBM PureApplication System. The IBM MQ Managed File Transfer Java EE database logger generates warning -------------------------------------------------------------------------- messages in WebSphere Application Server Community Edition Version 2.1 when --------------------------------------------------------------------------- used with an Oracle DB ---------------------- For a full description of this issue, see the LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS FOR VERSION 8.0.0. This issue is fixed in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 5, subject to the following ongoing limitations: - Columns with the names "SOURCE_BRIDGE_URL" and "DESTINATION_BRIDGE_URL" in the table "FTELOG"."TRANSFER_EVENT" should be defined with the column length 2083. - Users of the MQ Managed File Transfer component that have a database logger that connects to a DB2 database might have to update these column lengths manually after applying this fix pack, if the length of these columns has been defined as 1024. Otherwise if data longer than 1024 bytes is written then the data is truncated and no warning is given by DB2. Change of behavior when using CONNAUTH to connect to a queue manager -------------------------------------------------------------------- When using CONNAUTH in previous versions of the product, there was a difference in behavior between using the MQ classes for Java API, and using other APIs. In previous versions, if CONNAUTH is enabled on a queue manager and the CHCKCLNT parameter is set to OPTIONAL in AUTHINFO definition, and if a client application using the MQ classes for Java API provides a user ID without a password, the application connects successfully. The behavior is different when using other APIs, such as JMS or the native MQ API, which fail to connect. From IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 5, the behavior for applications that use the MQ classes for Java API is the same as for other APIs. That is, if a user ID is provided without a password, then the connection fails. Change of behavior: Strict checking of PCF responses is now disabled by default ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The PCFMessageAgent class is used by applications, and internally by the MQ Explorer, to send PCF requests to a queue manager and collect the responses. This class is modified by IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 5 to provide a mechanism to turn off/on the strict checking of PCF response messages that was introduced as part of APAR IT01469. This is to prevent applications and the MQ Explorer from behaving unexpectedly when connecting to a queue manager that is affected by the issue reported in APAR IT10521. PCFMessageAgents and the MQ Explorer can be used to communicate with many different queue managers, and it is not always possible to apply the fix for IT10521 to each of these queue managers. Given this, the default behaviour of the three send() methods provided by the PCFMessageAgent has been changed so that they no longer performs strict checking of the PCF responses that are received. Rather than counting the PCF responses to ensure that the queue manager has sent the required number before returning control back to the application, the methods now assume they have received all of the PCF responses to a command after they have processed a response message that has the Control field set to the value MQCFC_LAST. This reverts the behavior back to how it was before the fix for APAR IT01469. If strict checking of PCF response messages is required, for example to avoid the issue reported in APAR IT01469, set the following Java system property on the Java Runtime Environment on which the application using the PCFMessageAgent is running: com.ibm.mq.pcf.enableStrictPCFResponseChecking=true To enable strict checking of PCF response messages within MQ Explorer, start the user interface by running the following command from the command line: MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/bin/MQExplorer -Dcom.ibm.mq.pcf.enableStrictPCFResponseChecking=true where MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH is the directory in which MQ V8.0 is installed. LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS FOR VERSION 8.0.0, FIX PACK 4 SUPPORT FOR ======================================================================== IBM PUREAPPLICATION SYSTEM ========================== Virtual machine is not restarted after shutting down using ssh command "halt" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The virtual machine is not able to restart after performing the shutting down command "halt" on any Power/AIX rack with IBM PureApplication System build level The workaround is to power off/power on the failing virtual machine, after which it comes back to a working state. IBM PureApplication System: Virtual machine failover limitation --------------------------------------------------------------- If a virtual machine is stopped after a deployment is running for less than 30 minutes, failover actions might not take place. The failover framework must monitor the virtual machine status for about 30 minutes after the entire deployment enters a RUNNING status before failover operations become available. Limitation when installing and upgrading IBM MQ to the latest fixpack level --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This limitation affects Power/AIX and Linux/x86 users running the following versions of IBM PureApplication System: - IBM PureApplication System build levels, and later - IBM MQ PureApplication pattern types and earlier Because of an interface change in IBM PureApplication System build levels, and later, installation and upgrade of IBM MQ at the latest maintenance level contained in the pattern type fails. Although the installation appears to have worked, IBM MQ Version is installed and the subsequent fixpack update is not applied. This affects IBM MQ PureApplication pattern types and earlier, and leads to the following restrictions: - For IBM PureApplication System build levels earlier than, and at build level, you can install all versions of IBM MQ contained in the pattern type. You can also apply maintenance to running pattern instances. - For IBM PureApplication System build levels, and later, you can install IBM MQ Version only. You cannot install later MQ versions, and you cannot apply maintenance to running pattern instances. This issue is fixed in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 6 by APAR IT15252. IBM PureApplication System: Virtual machine reboot/shutdown issue ----------------------------------------------------------------- If you are using a version of IBM PureApplication System earlier than Version, you should only restart virtual machines by using the PureApplication System console. If you restart a virtual machine using the command line, the automatic shutdown of IBM MQ queue manager instances might not complete before the GPFS filesystem is unmounted. This can lead to the virtual machine hanging during its shutdown sequence. The situation can be resolved using the PureApplication System console, selecting the affected node in the Virtual Machine perspective, then powering it off and then on again. After the restart completes, the IBM MQ queue manager instances return to their correct states. LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS FOR VERSION 8.0.0, FIX PACK 4 ============================================================ Failure to update gskit libraries when upgrading on AIX -------------------------------------------------------- On AIX systems, while performing an upgrade in place to IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4 from an earlier release the following messages might be seen while applying the mqm.gskit.rte fileset: tar: can't create lib/libgsk8ssl.so: Text file busy tar: can't create lib/libgsk8cms.so: Text file busy tar: can't create lib/libgsk8sys.so: Text file busy tar: can't create lib/libgsk8iccs.so: Text file busy WARNING: Return code "1" from tar while expanding gskssl32.tar.Z tar: can't create lib64/libgsk8ssl_64.so: Text file busy tar: can't create lib64/libgsk8cms_64.so: Text file busy tar: can't create lib64/libgsk8sys_64.so: Text file busy tar: can't create lib64/libgsk8iccs_64.so: Text file busy WARNING: Return code "1" from tar while expanding gskssl64.tar.Z The MQ command /usr/mqm/bin/dspmqver -p64 will show the version of the IBM Global Security Kit libraries to be at an earlier level than To correct the situation, as root, run the AIX command: /usr/sbin/slibclean ... followed by the MQ command: /usr/mqm/bin/amqigski -i Run the command /usr/mqm/bin/dspmqver -p64 to confirm that the correct version ( is shown for both 32-bit and 64-bit Global Security Kit libraries. Name: IBM Global Security Kit for WebSphere MQ Version: Build Type: Production Mode: 32-bit Name: IBM Global Security Kit for WebSphere MQ Version: Build Type: Production Mode: 64-bit If the IBM MQ installation was to a non-default location, then prefix the MQ commands described above with the path to the User Specified Install location ( USIL) that was specified on the -R option to installp. This issue is fixed in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 5. Fix pack installation of MQ Explorer ------------------------------------ There is a limitation that can result in MQ Explorer not being updated to Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4 after you install the fix pack. After applying the fix pack, check which version of MQ Explorer is installed. Launch MQ Explorer, then navigate to Help > About IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer. If the plugins are back-level, use one or more of the following options to bring them up to date. ** Option 1: Use the -initialize flag ** Start MQ Explorer with the -initialize flag while running as an Administrator or root, then launch MQ Explorer as normal. After running with the -initialize flag, if you see either of the following conditions, apply Option 2 (install MSOT): - On startup, MQ Explorer asks you to create a new workspace, after which a back-level version of MQ Explorer is launched. - errors similar to the following are seen: Attribute 265(unknown)missing from type table (2) for object obj1 Attribute 2133(MQCA_LDAP_GROUP_OBJECT_CLASS)missing from type table (83) for object SYSTEM.DEFAULT.AUTHINFO.IDPWLDAP ** Option 2: Install MS0T ** If your system displays either of the error conditions described for Option 1, install the MS0T Support Pac from http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24021041 When running with the MS0T version of the MQ Explorer, you need extra configuration to view local queue managers. The MS0T product must be the 64-bit version of the product, to match the 64-bit local queue managers. - On Windows, set the PATH environment variable to include the bin64 and java/lib64 directories of your IBM MQ installation. You can use the setmqenv command to do this before you start MS0T from the same command line. For example, if IBM MQ is installed in directory C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ, enter the following command: C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\bin\setmqenv -s - On Linux, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to include the java/lib64 and lib64 directories of your IBM MQ installation before you run the MQ Explorer. For example, if IBM MQ is installed in /opt/mqm then update the path as follows: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mqm/java/lib64:/opt/mqm/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ** Option 3: Install from new media ** Alternatively, install Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4 from the full manufacturing refresh from Passport Advantage, rather than applying Fix Pack 4 to a previous Version 8.0 installation. This issue is fixed in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 5 by APAR IT08513. setmqm program error AMQ5688 when changing a queue manager from V8.0.0.4 to V8.0.0.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suppose a queue manager, running from an MQ Version installation, is started at Command Level 802. If you then use the setmqm program to change the installation for that queue manager from Version to, the setmqm program fails with the following exception message: AMQ5688: Unable to associate queue manager '' with installation ''. This operation ought to be valid, because CommandLevel 802 is supported by both versions of the product. For more information about this issue, including a manual workaround that you can apply, see http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1IT13017 This issue is fixed in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 5 by APAR IT13017. Cannot start MQ Explorer after reverting to an earlier Fix Pack on Windows 64 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After uninstalling a Fix Pack on 64-bit Windows, and reverting to the previous Fix Pack, you might not be able to start MQ Explorer using strmqcfg in the earlier Fix Pack. This issue was first seen when reverting from Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4 to Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 3. To resolve this issue, see the following technote: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21983577 Installation of AMQP -------------------- From Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4, IBM MQ supports MQ Light APIs by using an Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) channel type. To install the AMQP component for the first time, you must download and install an IBM MQ Version (or later) manufacturing refresh from Passport Advantage, rather than applying the latest Fix Pack from Fix Central to a previous Version 8.0 installation. LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS FOR VERSION 8.0.0, FIX PACK 3 HIGH AVAILABILITY ============================================================================== SUPPORT FOR IBM PUREAPPLICATION SYSTEM ====================================== Limitations when deploying to virtual machines hosted across multiple racks --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deploying an IBM MQ Virtual System Pattern Type Multi-instance Pattern to virtual machines hosted across multiple racks in an IBM PureApplication System multi-rack environment is not supported. This issue is fixed in Version of the IBM MQ Virtual System Pattern Type, which is included in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4. The metadata of pre-existing patterns are not displayed in later pattern builders --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version and later versions of the IBM MQ Virtual System Pattern Type have multi-instance support, and the metadata of single instance patterns created with Version of the software are not displayed in later versions of the pattern builder. To overcome this problem, rebuild these patterns using a later version of the pattern builder. Limitations when selecting the Stop action from the Manage pop-up context menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Selecting maintenance mode for IBM PureApplication System Virtual System Instances enables the Manage action for virtual machines listed in the Virtual Machine perspective. Selecting the Stop action from the Manage pop-up context menu, for virtual machines hosting an active multi-instance IBM MQ queue manager, causes both instances of the queue manager to end immediately. This issue is fixed in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4. Queue managers automatically start when virtual machines start -------------------------------------------------------------- Queue managers in patterns using the IBM MQ Virtual System Pattern Type automatically start when virtual machines start. LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS FOR VERSION 8.0.0, FIX PACK 3 =========================================================== QMQM profile not available when Managed File Transfer is installed on IBM i system ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no previous IBM MQ installation ------------------------------------ If attempting to use IBM MQ Managed File Transfer Version 8 on an IBM i system where no previous version of IBM MQ was installed, the QMQM profile is not available for use, preventing IBM MQ Managed File Transfer from being configured. Pre-requisite product 5724L26 does not currently create the QMQM profile. As a workaround for this problem, also install the IBM MQ C Client 5725A49 which will create the QMQM profile. This is a no-charge product similar to the Java client, and can be downloaded here: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24037500 This issue is fixed in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4 by APAR SE62180. Connection to queue manager fails on Redhat Linux390 Advanced Server 7.0 (64bit) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to a suspected GSKit Java code error, an attempt to connect to a queue manager fails when using a JMS client using the SSL_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 CipherSpec. This issue is fixed in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4 by an upgrade to GSKIT version Deprecation of support for weaker cryptographic algorithms implemented through CipherSpecs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changes have been made to the IBM MQ queue manager to disallow the configuration of CipherSpecs which use cryptographic algorithms or protocols that are now considered to be weak: ** SSL v3 ** All CipherSpecs are disabled by default ** TLS 1.0 ** TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_40_MD5 TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5 TLS_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_MD5 TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 ** TLS 1.2 ** ECDHE_ECDSA_NULL_SHA256 ECDHE_ECDSA_RC4_128_SHA256 ECDHE_RSA_NULL_SHA256 ECDHE_RSA_RC4_128_SHA256 TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_NULL TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA256 TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA256 The deprecated CipherSpecs are by default not allowed to be specified on a channel definition returning MQRCCF_SSL_CIPHER_SPEC_ERROR in PCF and displaying message AMQ8242: SSLCIPH definition wrong. Channels attempting to start with a deprecated CipherSpec are not allowed to start, returning MQCC_FAILED (2) and a Reason of MQRC_SSL_INITIALIZATION_ERROR (2393) to the client. It is possible to re-enable one or more of the deprecated CipherSpecs for defining channels at runtime on the server by setting an environment variable AMQ_SSL_WEAK_CIPHER_ENABLE. The environment variable accepts a single CipherSpec name, or a comma seperated list of MQ CipherSpec names to re-enable, or alternatively a special value of ALL, representing all CipherSpecs. The new set of default CipherSpecs now allow only the following 17 values: ** TLS 1.0 ** TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA (AES_SHA_US on IBM i) TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA ** TLS 1.2 ** ECDHE_ECDSA_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 ECDHE_ECDSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 ECDHE_ECDSA_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 ECDHE_ECDSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 ECDHE_ECDSA_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA256 ECDHE_RSA_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 ECDHE_RSA_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 ECDHE_RSA_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA256 TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 IBM i support for TLS 1.2 CipherSpecs ------------------------------------- IBM MQ for IBM i now supports the following CipherSpecs: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_NULL_SHA TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS FOR VERSION 8.0.0, FIX PACK 2 ============================================================ A JMS application returns null, and triggers -------------------------------------------- "Receive interrupted by async Session start" message ---------------------------------------------------- When an application creates an asynchronous consumer on a JMS session, associates a MessageListener with that consumer, then creates a synchronous consumer in the onMessage method of that MessageListener using the same session the original asynchronous consumer was created with, any subsequent receive on that synchronous consumer returns null instead of a message, and outputs a message to the console: "Receive interrupted by async Session start". The JMS specification does not permit the use of a session for synchronous methods when asynchronous message delivery is running. Your JMS application must create a separate session if you want to use both synchronous methods and asynchronous delivery simultaneously. Under APAR IT13758, the message output by the console is changed to give this explanation and solution. This change is implemented in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 6. IBM i special profile *PUBLIC is not being honored -------------------------------------------------- When you work with authorities in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 2, the IBM i special profile *PUBLIC is not honored. When you try to use this profile, the following exception message is generated: Message ID . . . . . . : AMQ8168 Severity . . . . . . . : 30 Message type . . . . . : Diagnostic Date sent . . . . . . : "date" Time sent . . . . . . : "time" Message . . . . : User profile name for parameter USER not found. Cause . . . . . : The user profile name specified for parameter USER could not be found on the system, and is not the special value *PUBLIC. This issue is specific to IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 2 and is fixed by APAR SE61852 in Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 3. An Interim Fix is also available for separate download. FIPS 140-2 restriction on Linux Little-endian Power PC systems -------------------------------------------------------------- Users of SSL and TLS should note that the version of GSKit provided for Linux Little-endian Power PC systems is not FIPS 140-2 compliant. Enabling FIPS mode causes MQ SSL and TLS channels to fail with error AMQ9620 reporting error code 207 from the gsk_environment_init function call. For more information, see the technote relating to this issue at http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=171&uid=swg21695457 This issue is fixed in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4 by an upgrade to GSKIT version SSL/TLS hang in GSKit when using LDAP CRLs on Linux Little-endian Power PC systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Users of SSL and TLS on Linux Little-endian Power PC systems experience a hang in GSKit when using Certificate Revocation Lists stored in an LDAP server. MQI client applications do not return from MQCONN and MQCONNX and message channels do not enter the RUNNING state. Output from the "DISPLAY CHSTATUS(*) ALL" MQSC command on the queue manager shows the channel in STATUS(BINDING) SUBSTATE(SSLHANDSHK) for a long period of time. This problem only affects SSL and TLS connections that use GSKit. This issue is fixed by GSkit level, which is included in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 4. Deprecation of SSLv3 protocol ----------------------------- IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 2 deprecates the SSLv3 protocol and the use of the following CipherSpecs on channel definitions associated with the queue manager: AES_SHA_US RC4_SHA_US RC4_MD5_US TRIPLE_DES_SHA_US DES_SHA_EXPORT1024 RC4_56_SHA_EXPORT1024 RC4_MD5_EXPORT RC2_MD5_EXPORT DES_SHA_EXPORT NULL_SHA NULL_MD5 FIPS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA FIPS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA Users of these CipherSpecs should change channel definitions to use an alternative CipherSpec that uses TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.2 protocol. If you need to continue using SSLv3 CipherSpecs, you can set the environment variable AMQ_SSL_V3_ENABLE=1. Alternatively, add the following entry to the SSL stanza of the queue manager's qm.ini file: AllowSSLV3=Y DSPMQM on IBM i fails with CPF6A39 after upgrade from Version 7.1.0.x or 8.0.0, Fix Pack 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 2 is installed on top of either Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 1 or a Version 7.1 installation that has had fix pack PTFs installed, after the upgrade, DSPMQM on an active queue manager fails with message CPF6A39: Message ID . . . . . . : CPF6A39 Severity . . . . . . . : 40 Message type . . . . . : Escape Message . . . . : Variable buffer length too small. Cause . . . . . : Variable buffer length 2016 is too small for buffer length 2064 required by variable record DSPMQ4REC defined in panel group AMQOPMQX in library QSYS. Recovery . . . : Either increase the length of the buffer, or change the definition of variable record DSPMQ4REC in the panel group. Then try the request again. Message ID . . . . . . : CEE9901 Severity . . . . . . . : 30 Message type . . . . . : Diagnostic Message . . . . : Application error. CPF6A39 unmonitored by AMQOMDSX at statement 0000000003, instruction X'0000'. Cause . . . . . : The application ended abnormally because an exception occurred and was not handled. The name of the program to which the unhandled exception is sent is AMQOMDSX AMQMGPHA mgpDisplayStruct2. The program was stopped at the high-level language statement number(s) 0000000003 at the time the message was sent. If more than one statement number is shown, the program is an optimized ILE program. Optimization does not allow a single statement number to be determined. If *N is shown as a value, it means the real value was not available. This is due to *PNLGRP objects being present in the QSYS library from the fixpack PTFs. To recover from this problem, issue the following command to remove the old *PNLGRP objects from library QSYS, either while all MQ queue managers are INACTIVE, or before installing WebSphere MQ Version 8: DLTOBJ OBJ(QSYS/AMQ*) OBJTYPE(*PNLGRP) LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS FOR VERSION 8.0.0, FIX PACK 1 ============================================================ Correlation ID selector defined on a JMS message listener is not passed ----------------------------------------------------------------------- to the queue manager -------------------- This issue affects users who are receiving messages using a message listener that has a selector defined to only get messages matching specific correlation identifiers. The correlation identifier message selector defined on the MessageConsumer or JMSConsumer object on which a JMS MessageListener is registered is not being passed to the queue manager. This results in all messages on the destination being sent to the listener, instead of only those that match the selector. This issue is fixed by APAR IT16106 in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 7. Install issues on Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1 -------------------------------------------------------- When you install IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 1 on Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows 8.1 systems, the installation might not complete because of an incompatibility between the installer code and these versions of Windows. To mitigate this, run the FixPack loader program (WS-MQ-8.0.0-FP0001.exe) in compatibility mode (compatible with Windows 7 or 8) as follows: 1. Display the directory to which the package has been unpacked in Windows Explorer. 2. Right click the WS-MQ-8.0.0-FP0001 icon and select properties and then the Compatibility tab. 3. Select "Run this program in compatibility mode for" and "Windows 8" in the drop down box. This issue is fixed by APAR IT04867. GSKit level limitation -------------------------------- Users creating self-signed certificates for WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security (AMS), using the runmqakm command in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 1, must include the "-ca false" parameter on the certificate create command. Failure to do so will result in an invalid certificate that will cause Java client applications to throw an MQException, with reason code MQRC_SECURITY_ERROR and completion code MQCC_FAILED, during messaging operations involving an AMS protected queue. Note: This issue is specific to IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 1 and is fixed in Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 2. LIMITATIONS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS FOR VERSION 8.0.0 ================================================ The IBM MQ Managed File Transfer Java EE database logger generates warning -------------------------------------------------------------------------- messages in WebSphere Application Server Community Edition Version 2.1 when --------------------------------------------------------------------------- used with an Oracle DB ---------------------- This issue affects all users of the database logger to persist, to an Oracle database, information published as XML log messages to the SYSTEM.FTE topic on the coordination queue manager. If any of the columns defined for a table created in the Oracle database are of type CLOB (e.g., NCLOB), the Java class defined using Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) to represent that table should annotate the class member-variables representing the column of type CLOB with "@Lob". If not, the column type is assumed to be of type "VARCHAR". This annotation was not included in the Java classes provided with the IBM MQ Managed File Transfer component. Therefore, when the JPA implementation tried to match the member field representing a column in a database table with the actual column in the database table, the difference was detected and reported as a warning. This issue is fixed in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 5, subject to the following ongoing limitations: - Columns with the names "SOURCE_BRIDGE_URL" and "DESTINATION_BRIDGE_URL" in the table "FTELOG"."TRANSFER_EVENT" should be defined with the column length 2083. - Users of the MQ Managed File Transfer component that have a database logger that connects to a DB2 database might have to update these column lengths manually after applying this fix pack, if the length of these columns has been defined as 1024. Otherwise if data longer than 1024 bytes is written then the data is truncated and no warning is given by DB2. Queue manager repository manager integrity/abend caused by multiple transmit queue records ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A memory overwrite in the cluster repository manager can be triggered by a malicious user with administrator privileges, leading to loss of data integrity and denial of service through abnormal termination of the cluster repository manager. This issue is fixed in Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 2 by APAR IT05869. Interoperability problems with TLS 1.2 between z/OS and other platforms ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Users who use TLS 1.2 channels between z/OS and other platforms might experience error CSQX635 (AMQ9635) and their TLS 1.2 channels might fail to connect. The error does not occur when using a digital certificate signed with SHA-1 with ECDSA or SHA-1 with RSA. The following CipherSpecs use TLS 1.2 and are affected: ECDHE_ECDSA_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 ECDHE_ECDSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 ECDHE_RSA_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA256 This issue is fixed in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 2. Channel start fails with message AMQ9637 when using a TLS 1.2 cipher running ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- in an Oracle JRE ---------------- When trying to start a channel using a TLS cipher running in an Oracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE) the client certificate is not being sent, although client authentication is enabled. Error AMQ9637 "Channel is lacking a certificate" is logged in the queue manager error log. This issue is fixed in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 5 by APAR IT10837. Users might not be able to use GB18030 characters for Installation Description on --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows ------- During the installation of the server for Windows, you can specify an Installation Description. If you try to use some GB18030 characters, they might not appear on the input fields and might not be shown correctly on the Summary page. MQ License, failure to determine system distribution on zLinux -------------------------------------------------------------- On Linux systems that do not have the lsb_release command installed the following message might be seen when running the mqlicense.sh command: 'WARNING: Unable to determine distribution and release for this system. Check that it is supported before continuing with installation.' If you receive this message, check that the system meets the requirements at http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27041395 and proceed with the installation. IBM i Physical File Member transfers may fail after enabling FTEQDLSExit sample ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An attempt to transfer a physical file member from one physical file to another might fail with the following error if the FTEQDLSExit sample is configured on the agent: BFGTR0072E: The transfer failed to complete due to the exception : BFGIO0392E: Destination file attributes have been specified for '/qsys.lib/.lib/.file/.mbr'. Destination File attributes are not supported for this destination. To work around this problem the exit will need to be removed from the agent.properties file. The exit does not affect Integrated File System (IFS) transfers or the ability to transfer a physical file member to an IFS location. This issue is fixed by APAR IT01921. IBM i Required Operating System PTFs ------------------------------------ The following V7R1M0 operating system PTFs are required for correct operation of SSL/TLS MQ channels. http://www-912.ibm.com/systems/electronic/support/a_dir/as4ptf.nsf/ALLPTFS/MF57749 http://www-912.ibm.com/systems/electronic/support/a_dir/as4ptf.nsf/ALLPTFS/MF57889 http://www-912.ibm.com/systems/electronic/support/a_dir/as4ptf.nsf/ALLPTFS/MF58003 http://www-912.ibm.com/systems/electronic/support/a_dir/as4ptf.nsf/ALLPTFS/SI52214 WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security on IBM i ----------------------------------------------- Native message protection can gradually exhaust PASE heap storage when protecting and unprotecting messages from a policy protected queue. Long running applications might fail MQI messaging operations such as MQGET or MQPUT with a MQRC_SECURITY_ERROR reason code and an associated FDC indicating that storage is not available. Java and JMS client applications are not affected by this issue. This issue is fixed in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 1. Installing the '7) WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer Service' option on Solaris -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- systems using the interactive installer --------------------------------------- If you run the WebSphere MQ installation interactively on Solaris systems and you select the option '7) WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer Service' the ftagent component is not installed. As a result you are unable to execute commands such as fteCreateAgent and fteStartAgent. If you have not yet installed WebSphere MQ, this problem can be resolved by selecting both the options '7) WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer Service' and ' 9) WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer Agent' during installation. This will install all components required for the WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer Service, including the ftagent component. If you have already installed '7) WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer Service' you can run the installation again and select the option ' 9) WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer Agent' in order to install the missing ftagent component. For more information on installing WebSphere MQ on Solaris systems, see the "Installing and Uninstalling" section of the WebSphere MQ Version 8.0 product documentation at http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSFKSJ_8.0.0/com.ibm.mq.ins.doc/q008250_.htm This issue is fixed in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 1. The database table upgrade SQL scripts for the WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- database logger are not included in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0 -------------------------------------------------------- These scripts are necessary for migrating a database logger from WebSphere MQ Version 7.5 or later to IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, and from WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Version 7.0.4 or later to IBM MQ Version 8.0.0. This issue is fixed in IBM MQ Version 8.0.0, Fix Pack 1. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++ ++ COPYRIGHT, NOTICES AND TRADEMARKS ++ ++ ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARK INFORMATION This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this information in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. 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IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. This information includes examples of data and reports used in daily business operations. To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples include the names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names are fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business enterprise is entirely coincidental. COPYRIGHT LICENSE: This information contains sample application programs in source language, which illustrate programming techniques on various operating platforms. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating platform for which the sample programs are written. These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM for the purposes of developing, using, marketing, or distributing application programs conforming to IBM's application programming interfaces. The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both: AIX, IBM, WebSphere, z/OS Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. 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