######################################################################## # # # COMPONENT_NAME: MQSeries # # # # FILE: MEMOPTF # # # # Program Number 5724-A39 # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1995, 2001 # # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed Material - Property of IBM # # # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # ######################################################################## PTF Memo for IBM MQSeries for Compaq NonStop Kernel, Version 5.1 7/5/02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This memoptf file contains information you need for updating IBM MQSeries for Compaq NonStop Kernel V5.1, as well as a summary of the contents of the latest CSD and any earlier CSDs. This memoptf file corresponds to the first CSD, which is defined as PTF IP22535 and is numbered 01. The first CSD will bring your MQSeries for Compaq NonStop Kernel 5.1 installation up to service level IP22535(CSD01). This CSD can be used to update the MQSeries for Compaq NonStop Kernel V5.1 server. The memoptf file for this CSD is divided into the following sections: o Installation and maintenance information o Documentation changes o Special information o Service and technical support o CSD history ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE INFORMATION ---------------------------------------- Maintenance updates can be supplied on CD-ROM, or they can be downloaded from the World Wide Web. ** Precaution ************************************************** * * * Do not have queue managers running while you are applying * * or removing maintenance updates to MQSeries for Compaq * * NonStop Kernel * * * * You are required to relink / rebind your MQSeries * * applications if you use the static libraries MQMLIB or * * MQMLIBN. For MQSeries applications that use the SRL MQSRLLIB * * this is not required, however an NLD -CHANGE LIBNAME is * * recommended. * * * * It is required for installations that use their own MQSeries * * private SRL, for exits as an example, be rebuilt and all * * MQSeries applications and user applications be relinked to * * the new PSRL. * * * * It may be necessary to update the channel client definition * * file, CCHDEFS, located in the qmD subvolume for each queue * * manager. * * * **************************************************************** Backup your original MQSeries for Compaq NonStop Kernel executables and libraries that are being replaced. Ensure that all Queue Managers have been ended. Ensure that you have up to date copies of the configuration scripts (RUNMQSC command files) that were used to create any existing Queue Managers. If installing from an archive (pak file): 1. Logon as the user-id in the MQM group owning the MQSeries Installation, for example MQM.MANAGER. 2. Move the pak file to subvolume ZMQSPTF. Ensure that the UNPAK utility is in the default program search path for the MQSeries Installation owner, for example MQM.MANAGER. You can obtain UNPAK from the World Wide Web. The URL is http://www.bsi2.com/DOWNLOAD-FREE.HTML This URL is outside IBM's control and may change. If you are unable to download a copy of UNPAK, log a support call and the service team will send you a copy. 3. Restore the install program (instmqm), memoptf and readme files from the archive file as follows: UNPAK IP22535, $*.INSTALL.*, MAP NAMES $*.*.* TO & $.ZMQSPTF.*, LISTALL, MYID 4. Invoke the install program 5. Answer the prompts which follow with the assistance of the MQSeries for Compaq NonStop Quick Beginnings Guide 6. If applicable, update all queue manager channel client database files located in the qmD subvolume per the instructions in the Special Information section. 7. If applicable, update all queue managers for National Language support per the instructions in the Special Information section. If installing from a 3480 cartridge, replace step 3 above as follows: 3. Restore the install program (instmqm), memoptf and readme from the cartridge device as follows: RESTORE $MARA1, $*.INSTALL.*, MAP NAMES $*.*.* TO & $.ZMQSPTF.*, LISTALL, MYID, NOUNLOAD NOTE: We do not recommend that you replace the original INSTMQM (located by default in ZMQSEXE) with the one restored from the PTF as they have slightly different functionality. NOTE: The VPROC information has been updated for the files replaced by this PTF. Library: Version procedure: T0085D45_05JUL2002_xxxLIB_51 Executable: Version procedure: T0085D45_05JUL2002_xxxEXE_51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DOCUMENTATION CHANGES --------------------- There are no changes to the documentation that are relevant for MQSeries for Compaq NonStop Kernel V5.1 other than the amendments to the MQSeries publications listed in the latest readme file located in the INSTALL and ZMQSSYS subvolumes of the product installation. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SPECIAL INFORMATION ------------------- A) CSD01 (PTF IP22535) ------------------- o IC31075 - Defining a CLNTCONN channel with DATA/EXIT info causes FFSTs. The MQSeries qmD.CCHDEFS file was created with an incorrect record length. Installations which created queue managers or upgraded queue managers using the UPGMQM utility with the GA code base will need to correct their queue managers. Some installations may have already performed this procedure as a result of applying a electronic fix (efix) for IC31075 and may skip this procedure. To further verify if the CCHDEFS file needs upgrade, compare the file attributes of the client channel file, CCHDEFS, with the channel file, CHDEFS using FUP INFO , DETAIL. If they are the same the CCHDEFS is correct and this procedure may be skipped. To correct the CCHDEFS file a TACL macro, CLNTDEF, is supplied in ZMQSSYS. The macro will recreate the file and copy any data. To install and run the macro perform the following steps: 1. Place CLNTDEF macro in the qmD subvolume for a queue manager. 2. Load the CLNTDEF macro: at TACL enter LOAD CLNTDEF. 3. Run the macro to correct the CCHDEFS file: at TACL enter CLNTDEF. Volume to the qmD subvolume for any additional queue managers and run CLNTDEF. o IC32046 - Use of National Language Support on a receiving channel caused MQMD Version problem. The changes for IC32046 require replacement of the MSG file for the supported national languages. In addition the QMINI DefaultCCSID value must be compatible with the MSG file installed and the Queue Manager CCSID. If they are not compatible CONV_NOT_SUP errors will occur. The following list shows the CCSID value loaded in message language catalog for the supported National Languages. US English MSGENUS CCSID 819 Spanish MSGESES CCSID 850 French MSGFRFR CCSID 850 German MSGDEDE CCSID 850 Italian MSGITIT CCSID 850 Japanese MSGJAJP CCSID 932 Korean MSGKOKR CCSID 949 Brazilian Portuguese MSGPTBR CCSID 850 Simplified Chinese MSGZHCN CCSID 1381 Traditional Chinese MSGZHTW CCSID 950 The QMINI DefaultCCSID value will be used as the NLS (National Language Support) setting and must have an entry in the ZMQSSYS.CCSID file. Some installations may have already applied the NLS changes as a result of a electronic fix (efix) and may skip this procedure. To modify CCSID for a Queue Manager: Verify a CCSID entry exists in ZMQSSYS.CCSID Alter the Queue Manager using RUNMQSC ALTER QMGR CCSID Edit the QMINI file DefaultCCSID End the queue manager. Verify the qmD.CCSIDMEM and qmD.QMINIMEM files are no longer open. If they are stop all processes that may have it open (user applications, third party products for example). Restart the queue manager to implement CCSID value changes. o For MQSeries applications that use the Static build to MQMLIB or MQMLIBN a relink / rebind of the application is required. Failure to do this may produce unpredictable results. o For MQSeries applications that use the SRL build to MQSRLLIB it is recommended to reset the application's MQSeries User Library reference using the command: NLD -CHANGE LIBNAME $vol.ZMQSLIB.MQSRLLIB where $vol is the volume the MQSeries Private SRL resides on, and is the application program. If your installation uses a customized MQSeries Private SRL (to integrate your own channel exits for example) use the name of this customized Private SRL as the value of the LIBNAME parameter. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SERVICE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT ----------------------------- A) Service Level Information ------------------------- IBM MQSeries for Compaq NonStop Kernel V5.1 is the first release of product 5724-A39. o This release incorporates the following APARs from IBM MQSeries for Tandem NonStop Kernel V2.2.0.1: IY22166 IY23779 IY24473 B) Service Support Available from the Internet ------------------------------------------- The MQSeries support page is located at: http://www.ibm.com/software/ts/mqseries/support From the MQSeries support page, you can obtain the latest information about the following topics: IBM Transaction Processing SupportPacs Closed APARs Fix Packages Frequently Asked Questions Tips and Techniques Device Drivers Forums Related Links C) Preventive Service Planning --------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CSD HISTORY =========== A) CSD01(PTF IP22535) ------------------- This is the first CSD for IBM MQSeries for Compaq NonStop Kernel 5.1 from IBM. It is delivered via PTF IP22535 for APAR IC33945. This PTF is distributed for all National Language versions using the same CD-ROM as the PTF for the English version. Number of APARs in CSD = 33. It contains fixes for all the problems listed below: IC30979 - An MQGET with GMO SET SIGNAL option from an application running as an unnamed process caused the Queue Server to loop. IC31071 - The EMS template ZMQSTMPL supplied with GA was incorrect. IC31075 - A definition of a CLNTCONN channel with DATA / EXIT information or remote administration updates to channels caused FFSTs or rrxGetFirstChannelDef len=1792 sizeof(rrxCHANNEL)=1786 or similar errors using RUNMQSC. IC31135 - Administration message routines did not handle DBCS messages when found in the MSG catalog. Some messages caused the Queue Server / DSPMQFLS process to loop. IC31168 - A CPU failure left the channel status as RUNNING when the MCA no longer existed. The channel could not be restarted. IC31325 - MQMC queue and channel panels did not support 100MB message size. IC31514 - The Command Server abended processing a Reset_Queue_Statistics. IC31801 - INSTMQM license problems. IC31891 - Auto defined CLUSSDR channel has CONNAME problem when the CLUSRCVR CONNAME has a space(s) between dns name and port. IC31898 - A erroneous COD was generated by the sending channel process when the message was dequeued from the xmitq and contained a COD report request. IC31913 - ALTMQFLS --qsize resulted in a usage error. IC31915 - The Primary of a Non-stop process pair did not run on 1 CPU. IC31917 - INSTMQM did not open the defined spooler in all cases. IC31948 - SETMQAUT/DSPMQAUT -g using unknown group did not return AMQ7026 error. IC31952 - A Queue Server takeover caused channel error 2101. IC32046 - Use of National Language Support on receiving channel caused MQMD Version problem. IC32088 - Added user security validation to MQSeries for remote administration requests received for channels. IC32198 - A SVRCONN channel did not recycle its TM/MP transaction. A long running SVRCONN channel ended abnormally with a 2297 error. IC32288 - Expiry of messages residing on a xmitq were not handled correctly. IC32362 - CLEANRDF attempted to copy a file to the backup site that is no longer used for V51. IC32363 - Messages were not rolled back when MQPMO_NONE (no option supplied for syncpoint) was used by a application and a TM/MP transaction was begun and aborted. The default syncpoint option for MQSeries for Compaq NSK is syncpoint. IC32369 - Document APAR for the Quick Beginnings and System Administration Guide for TACL PMSEARCH. IC32506 - MQGET of a Grouped message was retrieving the messages before the last message was committed. IC32519 - ENDMQM -i logs a 2162 error for SYSTEM.CLUSTER.REPOSITORY.QUEUE IC32562 - AdoptNewMCA feature was not functioning. IC32666 - Support for Non-Stop Java 2 in the Java bindings. IC32801 - STOP of a Receiver Channel produced FFSTs from Status Server. IC33010 - The MQMC Resolve Channel command generated an error. IC33158 - UPGMQM failed to upgrade queues that were moved using ALTMQFLS to a non-default queue manager message volume. IC33324 - An MQGET with browse option of messages with a queue non-zero DEFPRTY did not function. IC33476 - Use of a MQGMO_VERSION_2 structure was not handled correctly by the channel agent. IC33843 - Status Server usage of system Time List Elements (TLE). IC33860 - MQGET specifying GMO SET SIGNAL option by CorrelId did not work. 164 - The performance of MQMC monitor channel was enhanced. 325 - An FFST was generated by the Queue Server after a RUNMQSC CLEAR QLOCAL was requested and the queue was still open. 329 - A crash of the ECBOSS put channels in RETRY state but they did not retry. 331 - The Status Server did not shutdown properly on ENDMQM -i if RUNMQSC was still running. 332 - RUNMQSC abended receiving replies from OS/390 during remote administration. 333 - The EC did not always restart after an ECBOSS failure. 335 - A STOP CHANNEL quiesce sometimes set the channel status as RETRY instead of STOPPED. 344 - An MQPUT of Grouped messages failed when PUT to a Remote queue. 345 - EC message AMQ8810 for EC process start was not same as V2201. 350 - Build scripts for C++ Samples for Guardian and OSS provided. 351 - RUNMQSC ALTER NAMELIST NAMES command abends. 359 - PINSTALL of MQMPAX file for OSS errored due to invalid path. 361 - DSPMQTRC abends with an illegal address reference. 364 - A RUNMQSC DELETE QLOCAL command with the PURGE option deletes a queue with uncommitted messages on it. 366 - COA reply missing data. 367 - Reply messages to an xmitq did not trigger a channel. 370 - STRMQM did not report the actual Pathway error for problem diagnosis. 371 - CRTMQM abended when an invalid DLQ parameter was supplied. - A second MQCONN attempt did not return MQRC-ALREADY-CONNECTED. - STRMQM will now ignore warning errors on the PATHCTL database such as detecting that the Pathway is now running on a different node. This is beneficial for queue manager disaster recovery on a backup queue manager. - Report messages were not being put to the DLQ with the mqm userid. - A permanent dynamic queue with multiple openers that was requested to be deleted when closed was not deleted when the last opener closed the queue. - A Channel Stop of a retrying channel using the MQMC Channel panel caused errors. - The MeasCounter feature was not working for multiple queues. - The Master Repository server, MQS-REPSVR00 could only have 8 slave repositories, MQS-REPSVR01-nn. The maximum of 15 slaves, one for each available CPU on a NSK system, is now supported. - STRMQM did not warn that shared memory files, CCSIDMEM or QMINIMEM, were open and updates made to ZMQSSYS.CCSID or qmD.QMINI would not be propagated to the shared memory file. An FFST is now generated. - RUNMQSC did not exit with a non-zero return code in the case of errors. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TRADEMARKS ---------- The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM AIX MQSeries NonStop Kernel is a trademark of the Tandem Division of Compaq. ####### ------- end of file MEMOPTF -----------------------------------