OSEM for z/OS User's Guide

Operating System
Environment Manager
for z/OS
User's Guide
Version 6.1

Document Number SC31-6901-01


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Trident Services and E.S.A. Software makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to the programs or documentation. Trident Services and E.S.A. Software shall not be liable in any event for incidental or consequent damages in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance, or use of these programs.

Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of the vendor. The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement, and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of that agreement.

Copyright Notice

IBM Operating System Environment Manager (OSEM) for z/OS. Licensed materials - Property of IBM. 5799-HAX

(c) Copyright IBM Corp 2007. All rights reserved.

(c) Copyright E.S.A. Software 1990-2007. All rights reserved.

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Second Edition (February 2006)

Revised 21 May 2008

This edition applies to Operating System Environment Manager for z/OS (OSEM for z/OS) Version 6 Release 1 Modification 0 (Program Number 5799-HAX).

Table of Contents



What's New

  • Version 6.1 (FMID HOSM610)
  • Version 6.0 (FMID HOSM600)
  • Version 5.6
  • Version 5.5
  • Introduction to OS/EM

  • What is OS/EM?
  • Extended OS/EM Functions
  • OS/EM The Operating System/Environment Manager
  • System availability
  • Isolated production testing
  • Operating system standardization
  • Ease of maintenance
  • How OS/EM works
  • Supported exits
  • System components
  • OS/EM Messages Under TSO
  • ISPF Interface

  • ISPF Interface Description
  • Entering data
  • Specifying options and parameters
  • Internal documentation
  • Generated commands
  • Help Screens
  • Starting the ISPF Interface
  • Primary Options Menu
  • System Controls, Maintenance & Installation Functions

  • System Level Controls
  • Authorization Codes
  • Expire Warning Messages
  • Abend Notification
  • SMF Recording
  • Performance Counts and Timings
  • Execute Online Warning Message
  • Maintenance
  • Pending Changes Table Maintenance
  • Rebuild OS/EM Tables
  • SMP/E Functions for OS/EM
  • Assemble Offset Table
  • Copy SMP/E Libraries to Executable Libraries
  • Update Installation Variables
  • Verify/Change Generated DSNames
  • Update System Tables
  • Installation
  • Create OS/EM Tables
  • Upgrade to OS/EM 6.1
  • Basic Exit Functions

  • Description
  • OS/EM Exit Functions
  • List of Exits Supported
  • Autoinstall Feature
  • Basic Exit Functions Menu
  • JES2 Exits
  • JES2 Exit Point Options
  • JES2 User Exit Module Selection
  • JES2 User Exit Module Definition
  • JES3 Exits
  • JES3 User Exit Options
  • JES3 User Exit Modules
  • JES3 User Exit Module Definition
  • MVS Exits
  • MVS User Exit Options
  • MVS User Exit Modules
  • MVS User Exit Module Definition
  • Extended OS/EM Functions

  • Define Dataset Name Groups
  • Add a DSN Group
  • Change a DSN Group
  • Delete a DSN Group
  • Temporarily Disable a DSN Group
  • Dataset Name Masks
  • Examples of dataset name masks
  • Define Volume Groups
  • Add a Volume Group
  • Change a Volume Group
  • Delete a Volume Group
  • Temporarily Disable a Volume Group
  • Volume Masks
  • Examples of volume serial number masks
  • HSM Optimizer
  • Description
  • Summary of Features
  • HSM Optimizer Menu
  • HSM Optimizer Report System
  • Description
  • Summary of Features
  • HSM Optimizer Report XREF
  • DFHSM Report Descriptions
  • HSM Optimizer Report Menu
  • Produce HSM Reports
  • ISPF File Prefix Controls
  • Description
  • System Requirements
  • JCL Controls
  • Description
  • Summary of Features
  • JCL Control Menu
  • Job Controls
  • Description
  • Summary of Features
  • Job Controls Menu
  • Job Routing Controls
  • Description
  • Job Routing/Classing Controls Menu
  • Miscellaneous Controls
  • Description
  • Miscellaneous Controls Menu
  • QuickPool
  • Description
  • Summary of Features
  • QuickPool Menu
  • RACF Controls
  • Description
  • RACF Controls Menu
  • Restrict Devices
  • Description
  • Summary of Features
  • Restrict Devices
  • SVC Controls
  • Description
  • Tape Share Controls
  • Description
  • Tape Share Controls Menu
  • System Level Controls
  • Device Level Controls
  • Time Controls
  • Description
  • Summary of Features
  • Time Controls Menu
  • Query OS/EM Status

    Reload Exits

  • Selection Menu
  • JES2 Exits User Modules
  • JES3 Exits User Modules
  • MVS Exits User Modules
  • OS/EM System Modules
  • RACF Tables
  • Set JES2 Name

    Execute Pending Changes

  • Pending Change Detail Display
  • Executing Changes Via A Batch Job
  • Execute Changes Warning Panel
  • Build Initialization Member

    Dynamic Task Library Utility

  • FEMLIB Commands
  • ADD
  • LIST
  • PUSH
  • POP
  • FEMLIB Operands
  • FEMLIB Examples
  • Allocation Example
  • Add Example
  • Delete Example
  • Deallocation Example
  • List Example
  • Push & Pop Example
  • Appendix A. Supported Exits

  • Allocation Exits
  • Data Facility Product (DFP) Exits
  • Data Facility Hierarchical Storage Manager (DFHSM) Exits
  • ISPF Exits
  • Job Entry System Two (JES2) Exits
  • IBM supported Exit points 0-49
  • User Defined Exit points 50-255
  • Job Entry System Three (JES3) Exits
  • IBM supported Exit points
  • JES3 Exits IATUX73 - IATUX99
  • Resource Access Control Facility (RACF)
  • System Authorization Facility (SAF) Exits
  • System Management Facility (SMF) Exits
  • Time Sharing Option Extended (TSO/E) Exits
  • Appendix B. General Masking

  • Example Volume Serial Number Masks
  • Example of Jobname Mask
  • Example of Terminal Mask
  • Example of Program Name Mask
  • Appendix C. Define Dataset Name Groups

  • Dataset name masks
  • Examples of dataset name masks
  • Appendix D. Define Volume Groups

  • Volume/Jobname Masks
  • Example Volume Serial Number Masks
  • Example of Jobname Mask
  • Appendix E. SMF Record Format

    Appendix F. JES2 Commands

  • RACF Resources and Authority Table
  • Appendix G. JECL Statements for Job Routing

  • Resource Routing Control JECL Statements
  • /*CNTL and /*THREAD JECL Statements
  • AFTER & PRED JECL Statement
  • BEFORE JECL Statement
  • EXCLUDE JECL Statement
  • WITH JECL Statement
  • Appendix H. $HASP Messages for Job Routing ($HASP6xx & $HASP9xx)

    Appendix I. MVS Commands for Tape Share

    Appendix J. OS/EM External Security Profiles Summary

  • Job Class Checking
  • Operating System and JES2 Command Checking
  • OS/EM JES2 Command Checking
  • JCL & SYSOUT Parameter Checking
  • FEMCNTL Command Security
  • ISPF Admin Dialog Security
  • Other RACF Resources
  • User Defined Resources
  • Index

    Reader's Comment Form


    1. Primary Option Menu
    2. Setup and Maintenance
    3. Authorization Codes
    4. Expiration Warning Message Control
    5. Notify Menu
    6. Define User Groups Menu
    7. Define User IDs for a Group
    8. Define IDs or Groups
    9. SMF Recording
    10. OS/EM Performance Stats
    11. OS/EM Execution Warn Mode Panel
    12. Pending Changes Maintenance
    13. Verify Rebuild
    14. ISPF Table Rebuild Utility
    15. SMP/E Functions Menu
    16. SMP/E Job Skeleton
    17. SMP/E Functions Menu
    18. SMP/E APPLY Maintenance
    19. SMP/E ACCEPT Maintenance
    20. JES Offset Table Menu
    21. Library Definitions for JES Offset Table
    22. JES Offset Table JOB Statement
    23. Copy SMP/E Libraries
    24. OS/EM Installation Variables
    25. OS/EM Installation Variables
    26. Verify/Change OS/EM Datasets
    27. Update System Tables
    28. Create OS/EM ISPF Tables
    29. Verify Upgrade
    30. Basic Exit Functions
    31. JES2 Exit Selection List
    32. JES2 Exit Point Options
    33. JES2 User Exit Module Selection
    34. JES2 User Exit Module Definition
    35. Basic JES3 Exit Selection
    36. JES3 User Exit Options
    37. JES3 User Exit Modules
    38. JES3 User Exit Module Definition Panel
    39. Basic MVS Exit Selection
    40. MVS User Exit Options
    41. MVS User Exit Modules
    42. MVS User Exit Module Definition Panel
    43. Extended OS/EM Support
    44. Dataset Name Group List
    45. DSN Name Groups - Add Group Name
    46. DSN Name Groups - Change
    47. DSN Name Groups - Wait
    48. DSN Name Groups - Delete
    49. DSN Name Groups - References
    50. DSN Name Groups - No References
    51. Volume Name Groups
    52. Volume Name Groups - Add Group Name
    53. Volume Name Groups - Change
    54. HSM Optimizer Menu
    55. HSM Optimizer Backup Control
    56. Select DSN Groups for Backup Exclusion Pop-up
    57. Defragmentation Control/Procedure
    58. Defragmentation VOL Group Controls with "POPUP" screen
    59. Delete-By-Age Hold Options
    60. Delete-By-Age Hold Options with DSN Groups "POP-UP" screen
    61. Delete-If-Backed-UP Hold Options
    62. Delete-If-Backed-Up Hold Options with DSN Group "POP-UP" screen
    63. Migration Control: Direct to ML2
    64. Early Batch Recall Control
    65. Entry panel for Force DSORG to PS
    66. Migration Controls
    67. Migration Hold Options with "POPUP" screen
    68. MIG Level-2 Hold Options with "POPUP" screen
    69. Prioritize Recall/Recover Requests Menu
    70. Priority System Level Controls
    71. Recall Selection Lists
    72. Selection Group Entry Panel
    73. Recover Selection Lists
    74. Selection Group Entry Panel
    75. Entry panel for Quick Delete Control
    76. Reblock Control Menu
    77. Reblock Control - Add or Delete
    78. Recall/Recover Selection Control
    79. REPORT-01 MIGRATION DETAIL (Primary - ML1)
    109. REPORT-31 Backed Up Dataset Detail By Date
    110. HSM Optimizer Reports Menu
    111. HSM Optimizer Reports - JCL
    112. HSM Optimizer Reports - Select Reports
    113. HSM Optimizer Reports Collect SMF Data
    114. HSM Optimizer Reports - Define/Allocate Files
    115. ISPF File Prefix Controls
    116. JCL Controls for JES2
    117. Account Number Controls
    118. JCL Controls: ACCT1
    119. Convert EZ-Proclib(R) to JCLLIB
    120. Jobclass/Jobname Controls
    121. Job Class Check
    122. Job Name Checking Controls
    123. Job Name Checking Controls with "POPUP" screen
    124. Force Open Controls
    125. Other JCL Controls
    126. JCL Controls: DDNAME
    127. STEPLIB Controls Menu
    128. System Level Controls Panel
    129. Selection Lists Panel
    130. Selector Entry Panel
    131. SYSOUT Parameter Controls
    132. JCL Controls: SYSOUT
    133. Tape Usage Controls
    134. Virtual Storage Controls
    135. Selector Entry Panel
    136. Job Controls
    137. Add Notify Statement
    138. Control JES2 Commands
    139. Control Operating System Commands
    140. Dataset Name Conflict Resolution
    141. Job/Program Limits Menu
    142. Job Limits
    143. Selector Entry Panel
    144. Program Limits Entry Panel
    145. Job Start Message
    146. Job/Step Statistics
    147. Not Cataloged 2 Controls
    148. Popup Window for Job Class Entry
    149. Reformat Jobcard Account Field
    150. Surrogate Password Control
    151. Job Name List - STC
    152. Sysout Extension Controls Menu
    153. JES2 Sysout Extension Controls
    154. JES2 Sysout Extension Selectors
    155. Sysout Extension Controls
    156. Sysout Extension Lists
    157. Logoff Statistics
    158. Verify User Defined to RACF
    159. Verify UserID with Jobname
    160. Job Routing/Classing Controls Menu
    161. System Level Controls
    162. JECL Defaults
    163. Mellon Message Substitution
    164. Job Routing Resource Groups Entry Panel
    165. Selector Entry Panel.
    166. Delete Warning Panel.
    167. Jobclass/Priority Change Groups Entry Panel
    168. Scheduling Environment Change Groups Entry Panel
    169. SRVCLASS Change Groups Entry Panel
    170. XEQ Node Change Groups Entry Panel
    171. Miscellaneous Controls Menu
    172. ACF2 Non-cancel Override Entry Panel
    173. Catalog Account Control Entry Panel
    174. Catalog Account Lists
    175. Estimated Cost Groups Panel
    176. Estimated Cost Controls Panel
    177. SMF Dump Controls Menu
    178. SMF Dump Controls (IEFU29) Entry Panel
    179. SMF Dump Controls (IEFU29L) Entry Panel
    180. TSO Program Intercept Entry Panel
    181. WTO Controls Entry Panel
    182. Selector Entry Panel
    183. QuickPool Menu
    184. Control DASD Allocation
    185. QuickPool Functions
    186. QuickPool Add/Delete "POPUP" screen
    187. RACF Controls Menu
    188. RACF Discrete Profiles Entry Panel
    189. RACF External Tape Entry Panel
    190. RACF Restricted Password Entry Panel
    191. Restrict Devices
    192. Restrict Device With Jobname "POPUP" Screen
    193. SVC Delete/Replace Controls
    194. SVC Delete/Reload Entry panel
    195. Tape Share Controls Menu
    196. System Level Controls Panel
    197. Device Level Controls Panel
    198. Time Controls Menu
    199. Job Time Controls
    200. Job Time Controls Pop-up window.
    201. System Level Controls
    202. Selection Lists
    203. Selector Entry Panel
    204. FEMCNTL Query Command
    205. Sample Query Output
    206. Module Type Reload Selection
    207. JES2 Reload Selection
    208. JES3 Reload Selection
    209. MVS Exit Reload Selection
    210. System Reload Selection
    211. RACF Table Reload Selection
    212. JES2 Subsystem Names
    213. Add JES2 Subsystem
    214. Execute Pending Changes - Review/Execute
    215. Pending Changes - Detail
    216. Execute Pending Changes In Batch
    217. Pending Changes Job Card
    218. Execute Pending Changes Warning
    219. Build Initialization Members
    220. Build Initialization Members - Status

    What's New

    Version 6.1 (FMID HOSM610)

    The following enhancements have been made to OS/EM version 6.1:

    Version 6.0 (FMID HOSM600)

    The following enhancements have been made to OS/EM version 6.0:

    Version 5.6

    The following enhancements have been made to OS/EM version 5.6:

    Version 5.5

    The following enhancements have been made to OS/EM version 5.5:

    Introduction to OS/EM

    What is OS/EM?

    OS/EM (Operating System/Environment Manager) is a dynamic exit manager and a set of optional, standard control exits for the OS/390 and z/OS environments. As a dynamic exit manager, it provides a consistent, easy-to-use interface to most exit points provided by IBM to enhance the OS/390 and z/OS environment.

    The Extended OS/EM Functions provide most options commonly included in exits written by Systems Programmers, without the overhead associated with developing, maintaining, testing and implementing those exits. The ISPF interface also allows the changing of Extended OS/EM Functions without an IPL.

    Extended OS/EM Functions

    OS/EM can supply functions that incorporate many of the features which user exits are commonly intended. In many cases, the Extended Functions will provide all of the services required by your installation without any coding.

    Where applicable, the exits have a WARN mode for the gradual introduction of the new functions.

    These parameter-driven exits enable your installation to achieve:

    The benefits to this approach apply to installations new and old.

    OS/EM The Operating System/Environment Manager

    OS/EM provides your OS/390 or z/OS installation with:

    System availability

    With the ever-increasing size of host networks and seven-day, 24-hour service requirements, availability has become the keyword as far as both users and the operating system support staff is concerned. Your installation needs the system to function to carry on the business of the business, and your support staff needs the system to install program products, "tune" resource control functions, apply maintenance, etc.

    OS/EM allows your system staff to install any product or user-written control function that uses an OS/390 or z/OS SMF, TSO, JES2, JES3, RACF, HSM, DADSM or allocation exit without requiring an IPL.

    Isolated production testing

    OS/EM enhances system reliability by allowing your systems staff to thoroughly test new exits in the same production environment in which they will be running. A standard OS/EM function is to remove any exit which abends, thereby allowing normal production work to proceed. This allows the systems staff to do more thorough testing because the testing process will not have a negative impact on your system's integrity.

    Another standard OS/EM function is to limit, by jobname, the scope of SMF, TSO, RACF, DADSM, and some JES2/JES3 exits. This facility will allow the testing of new exits without impacting the function of existing exits.

    Operating system standardization

    OS/EM allows your installation to have a standard operating environment, whether on a single processor or multiple processors, by allowing all exit modules to exist outside of the operating system. Trying to stay vanilla is the very reason OS/EM was developed; you can now have the controls/products you need while still keeping a vanilla operating system without reliability exposure, availability interruptions, or system modification problems. Variations from the standard IBM supplied OS/390 or z/OS environments, such as those supplied by program products or user-written control functions, no longer require an IPL or system modification (SMP/E). Loading or reloading any of these exits can now be done via a TSO command (or ISPF dialogue).

    Ease of maintenance

    Since OS/EM manages the loading of exits, SMP/E is not needed to install exits into the operating system. While useful for any exit, this standard OS/EM function greatly simplifies the installation and maintenance of program products or user-written functions that need to share exits. OS/EM allows multiple exits sharing an exit point to exist independently; therefore SMP/E user modifications are not needed.

    How OS/EM works

    OS/EM replaces all IBM supplied SMF, TSO, JES2, JES3, RACF, ISPF, SAF, Allocation and HSM exits with its own control processor. This processor is installed at IPL time. OS/EM then dynamically loads and processes your installation's exits whether they are user-written, program products (job schedulers, report distribution systems, etc.), or OS/EM's optional control functions.

    At any time after the IPL you may:

    OS/EM has the ability to manage up to 255 modules per exit point. Using the Extended Functions does not restrict this number. However, stringing together multiple modules at a given exit point assumes that each module can work together. The functioning of an exit point may require that only one module can be "active", the other modules being "passive".

    For example, TSO exit IKJEFF10 (the TSO SUBMIT exit) is normally used to alter or produce additional job statements. Multiple modules doing such would not seem prudent.

    Supported exits

    A list of currently supported exits is documented in Appendix A, "Supported Exits".

    System components

    The OS/EM system is comprised of the following five main components:


    This program obtains storage for the OS/EM CVT (Communications Vector Table), which is required by the OS/EM control process. This program is run as part of the IPL process and uses the OS/390 or z/OS sub-system interface to establish the OS/EM environment.


    This program is started at IPL time by the FEMIPL program. It attaches the TSO control program IKJEFT01 to process the initial FEMCNTL commands before JES2 starts.


    This program is the main program of process. It is a TSO command processor that checks the command function (the first operand on the command) and calls the appropriate modules to process the request. Before the FEMCNTL command can be used, the FEMIPL program must have been run to create the OS/EM environment.

    Interface modules

    These serve as the control facility to invoke the dynamically loaded exits that perform the actual exit functions.

    Dynamic exits

    These are the exits for your program products, in house coded exits, and OS/EM Extended Functions which are loaded by the FEMCNTL command processor.

    OS/EM Messages Under TSO

    In order to receive OS/EM message numbers under ISPF or TSO, the MSGID parameter in your TSO profile must be set on.

    The following command may be issued to set OS/EM message numbers on, under ISPF or TSO.


    ISPF Interface

    The ISPF interface provides for the creation of the necessary OS/EM initialization parameters, and provides for the execution of OS/EM commands online. The interface has a function orientation. That is, the Extended OS/EM Functions are presented without regard to the OS/EM commands or exits that implement the function. The intent is to make OS/EM as accessible as possible.

    ISPF Interface Description

    The OS/EM Primary Option Menu provides for two major processing options. The 'Basic Exit Function' provides for the specification and management of all the OS/EM supported exit points. The Extended OS/EM Functions provides the support for DASD controls, QuickPool, JCL Controls, Job Controls, HSM Optimizer, HSM Reports, RACF Controls Device Restriction, ISPF File Prefix, Job Routing, Tape Share, SVC Delete/Replace Controls and Time Controls. Although initialization member generation and command generation bring the two processes together, the actual specification of basic and extended functions are independent of one another. The only requirement is that an exit point's OPTIONS be specified. The interface will ensure that this is true. This means that if your installation has no exits of its own, but you wish to use OS/EM Extended Functions, you will not have to be concerned with specifying basic functions.

    The entries you make are saved from one use of the interface to the next. Each time you use the interface for a particular command, your last entries will be presented for any changes you wish to make.

    The interface saves all information in ISPF tables. This enables multiple users of the interface, each of who have access to the same information. However, only one user at a time may use the interface.

    The required tables are not shipped with the OS/EM install package. They are generated the first time you invoke any of the interface functions. The amount of time required for this generation varies depending on your hardware and the work being done at the time of generation. Each time a particular function's tables are generated, a panel is presented indicating that tables are being generated. Some tables, such as volume and dataset name group tables, are generated only as required.

    You may elect to generate the ISPF tables all at one time. To accomplish this, select option 1 from the OS/EM primary options menu.

    Entering data

    All OS/EM IPSF panels conform to standard display and data input conventions. Each panel has an ISPF command line at the top of the display (indicated by COMMAND ===>) and accepts the applicable ISPF commands.

    The most commonly used ISPF commands are:

    Where necessary, panels contain "scrollable" areas that allow you to specify as many entries (such as volume and dataset name groups) as required by your installation. Panels with scrollable viewing are indicated by the presence of the SCROLL field in the top right hand corner of the panel. These panels support ISPF scrolling and location commands. The commands typically used are:

    First use of the interface will present you with empty fields (of the appropriate type) which you modify. Additional entries are made by inserting new, blank fields; or by using an ADD command and overtyping existing information. Provision is made to allow you to delete entries that are no longer needed, while ensuring that information necessary to the successful operation of OS/EM is not deleted.

    PF Key Usage

    The Program Function (PF) keys supported by the OS/EM ISPF panels are:

    PF1 Display HELP information
    PF2 Split display screen at cursor
    PF3 Return to previous menu (updates saved)
    PF7 Scroll up
    PF8 Scroll down
    PF9 Swap display panels
    PF12 Return to previous menu (updates discarded)

    Specifying options and parameters

    The bulk of a function's parameters/options are specified by entering either a YES or NO value, or leaving the option blank. Entering a YES will enable the option. Entering a NO will disable the option, etc. Once entered, each parameter and option will display with your last entry until you change it.

    Internal documentation

    Where appropriate, you may enter descriptions that can serve as documentation. For example, each volume and dataset name group may have an optional description associated with it. You may use this description to describe the function of the group, document who created the group, etc. The description fields are provided strictly for your use and are included in the generated initialization commands for documentation.

    Generated commands

    All OS/EM commands are generated via ISPF skeleton processing. If an initialization member is requested, the final output is placed in the dataset pointed to by DD name FEMFILE which is automatically allocated when you enter the ISPF interface. If the command is issued online, the final output is executed via a TSO EXEC command.

    The following initialization members are currently generated:


    Contains the statements required to authorize the use of OS/EM, for the CPU ID, time period and options that your company has licensed.

    Contains the SMF Recording Record Type number.

    Contains Notification Group information.

    Created when you select SYSTEM from the Build Initialization Members menu.

    Note: The CODEINIT member must be the first member processed in the procedure OSEM SYSTSIN concatenation. No other OS/EM commands will be processed until this command is processed.


    Contains the statements required to generate the DASD allocation controls.

    Created when you select DASD from the Build Initialization Members menu.


    Contains the statements required to generate your specified dataset name groups. If you have entered a description for a group, the description will appear as a comment before the group.

    Created when you select Dataset from the Build Initialization Members menu.


    Contains the statements required to generate the HSM Optimizer controls.

    Created when you select HSM from the Build Initialization Members menu.


    Contains the statements required to generate the JES2 JCL controls.

    Created when you select JCL from the Build Initialization Members menu.


    Contains the statements required to generate basic support for the various JES2 exits that you wish to load your routines.

    Created when you select JES2 from the Build Initialization Members menu.


    Contains the statements required to generate basic support for the various JES3 exits that you wish to load your routines.


    Contains the statements required to generate various Job related JCL controls.

    Created when you select JOB from the Build Initialization Members menu.


    Contains the statements required to generate the Job Routing JES2 controls.

    Created when you select JOBR from the Build Initialization Members menu.


    Contains the statements required to generate the ACF2 Non-cancel Override Controls, Catalog Account Controls, Estimated Cost Controls, TSO Program Intercept Controls and the WTO Controls.

    Created when you select MISC from the Build Initialization Members menu.


    Contains the statements required to generate basic support for the various MVS exits that you wish to load your routines.

    Created when you select MVS from the Build Initialization Members menu.


    Contains the statements required to generate your specified global ALLOW and DISALLOW list; and the associations between volume pools and datasets explicitly ALLOWed or DISALLOWed on volumes within the pool.

    Created when you select QuickPool from the Build Initialization Members menu.


    Contains the statements required to generate the ISPF LOG/LIST/TEMP file prefix controls.

    Created when you select PREFIX from the Build Initialization Members menu.


    Contains the statements required to generate the RACF Discrete Profile controls.

    Created when you select RACF from the Build Initialization Members menu.


    Contains the statements required to generate the Restrict Device controls.

    Created when you select RSTR from the Build Initialization Members menu.


    Contains the statements required to generate the SVC Delete/Replace controls.

    Created when you select SVC from the Build Initialization Members menu.


    Contains the statements required to generate the TAPESHR controls.

    Created when you select TPSHR from the Build Initialization Members menu.


    Contains the statements required to generate the Time Controls.

    Created when you select TIME from the Build Initialization Members menu.


    Contains the statements required to generate your specified volume groups. If you have entered a description for a group.

    Created when you select Volume from the Build Initialization Members menu.

    If you browse any of the initialization members, you will note that each exit point is generated as a separate OS/EM command. This is not an OS/EM requirement but it makes the commands easier to "read". Comments are included to help document what the command is for, and to document the user who last generated the command (along with date and time). If you use the description fields, they will be included as comments in the generated commands.

    Do not EDIT the initialization commands. All maintenance of the initialization members should be done through the interface. Any changes you make by editing the member will not be included the next time you use the interface unless you have executed the OSEM started task and used the REBUILD command to resynchronize the interface.

    Help Screens

    An extensive set of HELP screens is supplied for the ISPF interface. These screens will guide you through the various fields on their "owning" panels and explain the use/contents of the fields.

    Starting the ISPF Interface

    The OS/EM ISPF Interface is reached either by selecting the OS/EM option from an existing ISPF Menu screen (assuming you created an OS/EM option on some existing ISPF Menu screen during the installation process), or by entering the command FEMSTART from the TSO READY prompt or ISPF Option 6 (TSO Command Processor).

    Primary Options Menu

    The Primary Option Menu (refer to Figure 1) presents several selections. Each option presents another selection menu, taking you down the path you have chosen.

    Figure 1. Primary Option Menu

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------- Primary Option Menu ------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Option ===>                                                                     |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                            UserID   -SPJRT     |
    |                      1  System Level Controls              System ID-BLUE      |
    |                         Maintenance Functions              Time     -15:29     |
    |                         Installation Functions             Terminal -3278      |
    |                                                            PF Keys  -24        |
    |                      2  Basic Exit Functions                                   |
    |                      3  Extended OS/EM Functions                               |
    |                      4  Query OS/EM Status                                     |
    |                      5  Reload Exits                                           |
    |                      6  Set JES name / currently: JES2                         |
    |                      7  Execute Pending Changes                                |
    |                      8  Build Initialization Member                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                      T  Tutorial                                               |
    |                      X  Exit from OS/EM                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Each of these paths is presented in the following sections:


    System Level Controls (see "System Controls, Maintenance & Installation Functions")


    Basic Exit Functions (see "Basic Exit Functions")


    Extended OS/EM Functions (see "Extended OS/EM Functions")


    Query OS/EM Status (see "Query OS/EM Status")


    Reload Exits (see "Reload Exits")


    Set JES2 name (see "Set JES2 Name")


    Execute Pending Changes (see "Execute Pending Changes")


    Build Initialization Member (see "Build Initialization Member")


    ISPF Tutorial


    Exit OS/EM

    System Controls, Maintenance & Installation Functions

    This menu is divided into three sections:

    1. System Level Controls - defines general OS/EM system parameters
    2. Maintenance - OS/EM housekeeping functions
    3. Installation - OS/EM installation & upgrade functions

    Figure 2. Setup and Maintenance

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------- MAINTENANCE AND INSTALLATION -------------- Version 6.1   |
    |SELECTION ===>                                                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                            SYSTEM LEVEL CONTROLS                               |
    |                  1  Authorization Codes                                        |
    |                  2  Enable/Disable Expiration Warning Message                  |
    |                  3  Abend Notify TSO IDs                                       |
    |                  4  SMF Recording Record Type Number                           |
    |                  5  Performance Counts and Timings                             |
    |                  6  Enable/Disable Execute Online Warning Message              |
    |                                MAINTENANCE                                     |
    |                  7  Pending Changes Table Clean-up                             |
    |                  8  Rebuild OS/EM Tables from Query Function                   |
    |                  9  SMP/E Functions for OS/EM                                  |
    |                 10  Assemble Offset Table                                      |
    |                 11  Copy SMP/E Libraries to Executable Libraries               |
    |                 12  Update Installation Variables                              |
    |                 13  Verify/Change Generated DSNames                            |
    |                 14  Update System Tables                                       |
    |                                INSTALLATION                                    |
    |                 15  Create Tables for Version 6.1  (New Install Only)          |
    |                 16  Upgrade to OS/EM Version 6.1                               |
    |                                                                                |
    | F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F7=Up      F8=Down    F9=Swap   F12=Cancel    |
    |                                                                                |

    Enter the number for the function that needs to be performed. The appropriate panel will then be displayed.

    Each of these paths is presented in the following sections:

    System Level Controls

    See "System Level Controls"


    See "Maintenance"


    See "Installation"

    System Level Controls

    Authorization Codes

    The Authorization Codes function is used to authorize OS/EM to execute on your installation's CPU(s).

    Figure 3. Authorization Codes

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------------------- AUTHORIZATION CODES ------------- Version 6.1  |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Line Cmds: (A)dd new code, (D)elete existing code, (S)elect for update         |
    |                                                                                |
    |       Authorization                                                            |
    |  Sel      Code              Description                                        |
    |   _    3CF8BB8233           Blue System_____________________________           |
    |                                                                                |
    |   _    2F83A6F119           Disaster Recovery Site__________________           |
    |                                                                                |
    |   _    3D66C1E203           Green System____________________________           |
    |                                                                                |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Enter the Authorization Code supplied with your installation materials.

    When your order for OS/EM was placed, you were asked for the four low-order digits of the CPUID you will be running on. Therefore you need supply only one CPUID if your CPU contains more than one processor.

    Each CPU that you intend running OS/EM on must have an authorization code. Multiple authorization codes are allowed in the initialization member so that a single initialization member can be used for all the CPUs at your site.

    Note: You may also want to add authorization codes for your disaster recovery site so that there will be no problems if you have to execute offsite.

    There are 3 line commands available:


    Add a new code.

    Enter 'A' in the SEL column and overtype any existing information and press enter.


    Delete an existing code.

    Enter 'D' in the SEL column to delete an entry no longer needed.


    Select an existing code to update the description.

    Enter 'S' in the SEL column to update the description field. The authorization code itself may not be updated. If an incorrect code is entered, you will need to re-add it as a new code, then delete the incorrect code.

    Usage Notes :

    Expire Warning Messages

    Warning messages will be issued starting 30 days before expiration of the authorization code. You will need to obtain a new code within that time.

    By default OS/EM will produce the message FEMDCN031 *WARNING* OS/EM WILL EXPIRE IN xx DAYS every hour for the entire month before expiration.

    Figure 4. Expiration Warning Message Control

    |                                                                                |
    | ----------------------- OS/EM EXPIRATION WARNING MESSAGE ----------------------|
    | Cmd ===>                                                                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Display Expiration Warning Message? ===> YES      (YES/NO)                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |  By default, OS/EM will display the message:                                   |
    |  FEMDCN031 *WARNING* OS/EM WILL EXPIRE IN xx DAYS                              |
    |  approximately every hour for the last 30 days before the authorization        |
    |  code expires.                                                                 |
    |                                                                                |
    |  If you do not want this warning message displayed, you may turn it off        |
    |  here.                                                                         |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Some customers have found this to be distracting and have requested a way to turn off the warning message. This function will allow you to suppress the message.

    Note: Suppressing this message may be unwise as OS/EM will fail to operate once your current authorization code has expired.

    Abend Notification

    This function defines the TSO users who are to be notified in the event of an ABEND.

    Figure 5. Notify Menu

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------------------- NOTIFY MENU ----------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |SELECTION ==>                                                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                         1  Define Notify Groups                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                            Specify IDs or Groups                               |
    |                         2  ALLOC Exits                                         |
    |                         3  DASD  Exits                                         |
    |                         4  HSM   Exits                                         |
    |                         5  ISPF  Exits                                         |
    |                         6  JES2  Exits                                         |
    |                         7  JES3  Exits                                         |
    |                         8  MISC  Exits                                         |
    |                         9  RACF  Exits                                         |
    |                        10  SAF   Exits                                         |
    |                        11  SMF   Exits                                         |
    |                        12  TSO   Exits                                         |
    |                        13  Any OS/EM Exit                                      |
    |                        14  Any User  Exit                                      |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    TSO user IDs can be defined explicitly to one or more exit functions and/or to one or more user groups which are subsequently defined to the desired exit functions.

    Each exit function can have a maximum of three user definitions. Therefore, it is often recommended that user groups be used.

    Selection Options:


    Define & maintain notification user groups.


    Define users/groups to receive ABEND notification for specific user exit functional areas.


    Define users/groups to receive ABEND notification for any OS/EM exit.


    Defines users/groups to receive ABEND notification for any user exit.

    Options 2 through 14 have the same selection panel and so will not be described individually.

    Define Notify Groups

    This function provides the ability to group multiple users into a single logical entity that can be used for ABEND notification. Up to 32 user groups can be defined.

    When this function is entered, the list of group names is displayed. PF7 / PF8 scrolls backwards/forwards through the group list.

    Figure 6. Define User Groups Menu

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ---------------------- NOTIFY GROUPS ---------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Line Commands:  (S)elect for Update                                           |
    |                                                                                |
    | Cmd  Group Name   Description                                                  |
    |  s    SYSPROG_  : Systems Programmers__________________________                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  _    PAYROLL__  : Payroll Application Group____________________               |
    |                                                                                |
    |  _    GL_______  : General Ledger Application Group_____________               |
    |                                                                                |
    |  _    _________  : _____________________________________________               |
    |                                                                                |
    |  _    _________  : _____________________________________________               |
    |                                                                                |
    |  _    _________  : _____________________________________________               |
    |                                                                                |
    |  _    _________  : _____________________________________________               |
    |                                                                                |
    |  _    _________  : _____________________________________________               |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    The S line command selects the entry to be defined or altered. The group name and description fields can be entered or modified (Caution: altering the group name may have adverse effects on existing abend notification lists).

    When Enter is pressed, the following entry box will be displayed:

    Figure 7. Define User IDs for a Group

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ---------------------- NOTIFY GROUPS ---------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |C +-- SPECIFY IDS FOR GROUP SYSPROG ---+                      SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |  | COMMAND ===>                       |                                        |
    |  |                                    |                                        |
    |  |   Enter TSO IDs below:             |                                        |
    |  |                                    |                                        |
    |  |    1) SPGRH      2) SPJRT          |                                        |
    |  |    3) SPESA      4) SPKRL          | ________________________               |
    |  |    5) SPNOM      6)                |                                        |
    |  |    7)            8)                | ________________________               |
    |  |                                    |                                        |
    |  +------------------------------------+ ________________________               |
    |                                                                                |
    |  _    _________  : _____________________________________________               |
    |                                                                                |
    |  _    _________  : _____________________________________________               |
    |                                                                                |
    |  _    _________  : _____________________________________________               |
    |                                                                                |
    |  _    _________  : _____________________________________________               |
    |                                                                                |
    |  _    _________  : _____________________________________________               |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Enter the user name(s) in the available fields (1 through 8). PF3 completes the user name definition and returns to the user group list panel.

    User Notes:

    Define Users for Abend Notification

    Options 2 through 12 of the Notify Menu panel maintains the notification lists for user exit abends. When any of these options is selected, the following panel is displayed:

    Figure 8. Define IDs or Groups

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------------------- NOTIFY MENU ----------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |S +------ SPECIFY IDS FOR ALLOCATION EXITS ------+                              |
    |  | COMMAND ===>                                 |                              |
    |  |                                              |                              |
    |  | Enter TSO IDs below:                         |                              |
    |  |                                              |                              |
    |  | 1) SYSPROG    2) HERCB      3)               |                              |
    |  |                                              |                              |
    |  +----------------------------------------------+                              |
    |                         4  HSM   Exits                                         |
    |                         5  ISPF  Exits                                         |
    |                         6  JES2  Exits                                         |
    |                         7  JES3  Exits                                         |
    |                         8  MISC  Exits                                         |
    |                         9  RACF  Exits                                         |
    |                        10  SAF   Exits                                         |
    |                        11  SMF   Exits                                         |
    |                        12  TSO   Exits                                         |
    |                        13  Any OS/EM Exit                                      |
    |                        14  Any User  Exit                                      |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Enter the TSO user IDs and/or user groups to be notified of an abend. PF3 completes the update process and the user is returned to the Notify Menu.

    SMF Recording

    OS/EM can create SMF records to track each execution of the FEMCNTL command and its output. Job Routing changes also create SMF records.

    Figure 9. SMF Recording

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------- SMF RECORDING RECORD NUMBER  -------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |      SMF Recording Active ===> YES         (Yes/No)                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |      Enter Record Number for SMF Recording ===> 222                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. SMF Recording Active

      Enter Yes or No to control the creation of the OS/EM SMF records.

    2. Enter Record Number for SMF Recording

      Enter the number of the record type you want OS/EM to use.

      Note: This number may also be specified in the OSEM subsystem definition in the system PARMLIB. Be sure that it is the same number if it is specified in both places. Refer to the OS/EM Installation Guide for more information.

    Performance Counts and Timings

    OS/EM can track the number of times an exit is called and the CPU time each exit took to execute. These values are displayed on the OS/EM Query Report. Because tracking these values adds overhead to your system, it is suggested that you normally leave this tracking function disabled.

    Figure 10. OS/EM Performance Stats

    |                                                                                |
    |--------------------------- OS/EM PERFORMANCE STATS --------------------------- |
    |Command ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Display Performance Stats? ===> YES      (YES/NO)                              |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Performance counts and timings are displayed on the OS/EM Query Report.        |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Enter YES to enable performance tracking, enter NO to disable tracking.

    Execute Online Warning Message

    The OS/EM ISPF interface allows you to execute online (or via batch) the changes you have made to the different options. To make the changes effective across IPLs, the INIT members have to be updated.

    To remind you of this needed function, a warning pop-up window is displayed each time you execute the changes.

    You may disable this message with the WARN System Level Control.

    Figure 11. OS/EM Execution Warn Mode Panel

    |                                                                                |
    | OS/EM ---------------- OS/EM Execution Warn Mode ---------------- Version 6.0  |
    | COMMAND ===>                                                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | DISPLAY EXECUTE PENDING WARNING MESSAGE? ===> NO       (YES/NO)                |
    |                                                                                |
    | By default, OS/EM will display a pop-up window reminding you to use 'Option 8  |
    | Build Initialization Member' each time you execute your pending changes        |
    | online.  Specifying NO here will disable this pop-up.                          |
    |                                                                                |
    | This option is stored in your ISPF profile.  This means that each OS/EM user   |
    | may set this option.                                                           |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Enter NO to turn off the warning pop-up. Enter YES to keep the pop-up reminder.

    Note: This setting is stored in the individual users ISPF profile dataset. As such this setting applies to the individual OS/EM user.


    This section provides functions to maintain the OS/EM environment.

    Pending Changes Table Maintenance

    The Pending Changes Maintenance function is used to clean up the Pending Changes table by deleting changes that have been permanently implemented by having the initialization members built (see "Build Initialization Member").

    This function is particularly useful when frequent changes are being made to OS/EM (e.g. initial setup and tuning) because it reduces the amount of data in the table (all changes to the OS/EM system are recorded in the Pending Changes table).


    1. If the Pending Changes table library is a standard PDS, periodic compression of the dataset will be necessary.

    2. The Rebuild Function will automatically delete all Pending Changes entries (See "Rebuild OS/EM Tables" in this topic)

    Figure 12. Pending Changes Maintenance

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------- PENDING CHANGES MAINTENANCE ----------- Version 6.1       |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Enter date of latest record to delete ===>             (YY/MM/DD)            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Enter the date in YY/MM/DD format, of the latest changes to delete.

    2. Press Enter to begin the deletion process, or PF3 (end) to exit.

    Rebuild OS/EM Tables

    The Rebuild Function reconstructs the ISPF tables from the current OS/EM system environment.

    The function processes an OS/EM Query (by either executing the Query command or reading a previously saved query) and recreates the ISPF tables. Any descriptions which have been previously entered will be copied from the original ISPF tables before they are deleted.

    The Rebuild Function can be used to synchronize the tables with the existing environment after OS/EM changes are made without going through the ISPF interface.

    Note: If you have valid changes pending, they should be executed prior to using this function, or those changes will be lost. See "Execute Pending Changes" for more information on this process.

    Figure 13. Verify Rebuild

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ---------------------- VERIFY REBUILD --------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Selecting the REBUILD option will destroy all of the current OS/EM ISPF        |
    | tables and rebuild them from either an existing FULL Query Report or by        |
    | issuing the QUERY command directly.                                            |
    |                                                                                |
    | If you specify an existing Query Report, be sure that the previous table       |
    | library specified is from the same system as the Query Report.  The previous   |
    | table library will be used to obtain any descriptive information that may      |
    | have been entered.                                                             |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Existing Query Report file (may be blank)                                     |
    |    ===>                                                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Previous Table Library (used only if Query Report specified)                  |
    |    ===>                                                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Current Table Library (may not be changed, information only)                  |
    |    ===> 'SPJRT.OSEM.VER61.SISPTENU'                                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Enter an existing Query Report which will be used in place of executing the query command directly (optional).

      If used, be sure to enclose the DSN in apostrophes (single quotes), otherwise your TSO ID will be appended to the front of the dataset name.

    2. If you entered a Query Report DSN, you must also enter the name of the matching table library. If this library is not on shared DASD, make a temporary copy available on the system which will execute the rebuild function.

      Again, use apostrophes to qualify the dataset name.

    3. Press ENTER to destroy all existing OS/EM ISPF tables and rebuild them based on current storage.

    4. Press PF3 (END) to cancel.

    Figure 14. ISPF Table Rebuild Utility

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------ ISPF TABLE REBUILD UTILITY ------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |   PLEASE WAIT. . . . . . . .                                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |   The OS/EM tables are being rebuilt.                                          |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Generating function:  BASIC                                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Depending on the options you have chosen, this process may take some         |
    |   time.                                                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Currently processing member:  FEMTBUJY                                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Since this process takes several minutes to complete, the above panel is displayed to let you know what processing is currently being done.

    SMP/E Functions for OS/EM

    The SMP/E Functions provide dialogs for applying maintenance to the OS/EM product. This is a simplified form of the standard SMP/E ISPF dialog for the RECEIVE, APPLY and ACCEPT functions.

    It is not mandatory to use these functions to apply OS/EM maintenance (users can use the SMP/E dialogs and/or tailored JCL). However, these dialogs significantly streamline the maintenance process and insure that the correct datasets are used.

    Figure 15. SMP/E Functions Menu

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ---------------------  SMP/E FOR OS/EM --------------------- Version 6.1  |
    |Command ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                     1 - Receive SYSMODS and HOLDDATA                           |
    |                     2 - Apply SYSMODS                                          |
    |                     3 - Accept SYSMODS                                         |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F7=Up      F8=Down    F9=Swap   F12=Cancel    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Each option will submit a job to complete the SMP/E function. A JOB statement skeleton panel will be presented which will allow the user to tailor the JOB statement, view / edit the JCL stream and submit the job.

    Figure 16. SMP/E Job Skeleton

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------------- SMP/E RECEIVE -------------------- VERSION 6.1  |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Select from the following:                                                    |
    |    1 - Submit the Job                                                          |
    |    2 - Browse the Job                                                          |
    |    3 - Edit the Job                                                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Job Statement Information: Verify before proceeding                           |
    |                                                                                |
    |  ===> //ROB6616  JOB (ACCT),'OS/EM RECEIVE',                                   |
    |  ===> //         MSGCLASS=X,CLASS=A,NOTIFY=&SYSUID,REGION=0M                   |
    |  ===> //*                                                                      |
    |  ===> //*                                                                      |
    |                                                                                |
    | Select option 1 to submit job, or press PF3 (END) to exit.                     |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F7=Up      F8=Down    F9=Swap   F12=Cancel    |
    |                                                                                |

    1. Receive SYSMODS and HOLDDATA. This option will unpack the OS/EM cumulative maintenance dataset (using the TRSMAIN utility) and then SMP/E RECEIVE the PTFs.

      Figure 17. SMP/E Functions Menu

      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |OS/EM ---------------------- SMP/E RECEIVE ----------------------- Version 6.1  |
      |Command ===>                                                                    |
      |                                                                                |
      | Enter the DSN of the file containing HOLDDATA.  This should be the text        |
      | file uploaded to your host and have a RECFM of FB and a LRECL of 80.           |
      |                                                                                |
      | HOLDDATA File       ===> ___________________________________                   |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      | Enter the DSN of the file containing SYSMODs to be received.  This should be   |
      | the packed file uploaded to your host and have a RECFM of FB and a LRECL of    |
      | 1024.                                                                          |
      |                                                                                |
      | Cumulative Fix File ===> ___________________________________                   |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      | F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F7=Up      F8=Down    F9=Swap   F12=Cancel    |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |

      Enter the fully qualified name of the packed cumulative maintenance dataset and the HOLDDATA dataset. Do not use quotes. All other required datasets (i.e. the load library that has the TRSMAIN utility and the SMP/E CSI) are defined in the installation variables.

      The job should complete with a return code of zero. For more information regarding the RECEIVE process or for any problem determination procedures, consult the relevant IBM SMP/E references.

    2. Apply SYSMODS. This option will SMP/E APPLY the received maintenance into the OS/EM target libraries.

      Figure 18. SMP/E APPLY Maintenance

      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |OS/EM ----------------------- SMP/E APPLY ------------------------ Version 6.1  |
      |Command ===>                                                                    |
      |                                                                                |
      |                               1 -Apply Check                                   |
      |                                                                                |
      |                               2 -Apply                                         |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                   Bypass system holds? ===> NO    (Yes/No)                     |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      | F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F7=Up      F8=Down    F9=Swap   F12=Cancel    |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |

      Select the desired APPLY function and the BYPASS option. It is recommended that an APPLY CHECK is run prior to the APPLY to insure all requisites and HOLD requirements are satisfied.

      All required datasets are defined in the installation variables.

      The job should complete with a return code of zero (or four if HOLDs are present and have been bypassed). For more information regarding the APPLY process, the CHECK and BYPASS options, or for any problem determination procedures, consult the relevant IBM SMP/E references.

    3. Accept SYSMODS. This option will SMP/E ACCEPT the received maintenance into the OS/EM distribution libraries.

      Figure 19. SMP/E ACCEPT Maintenance

      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |OS/EM ----------------------- SMP/E ACCEPT ----------------------- Version 6.1  |
      |Command ===>                                                                    |
      |                                                                                |
      |                               1 -Accept Check                                  |
      |                                                                                |
      |                               2 -Accept                                        |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                   Bypass system holds? ===> NO    (Yes/No)                     |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      | F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F7=Up      F8=Down    F9=Swap   F12=Cancel    |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |

      Select the desired ACCEPT function and BYPASS option. It is recommended that an ACCEPT CHECK is run prior to the ACCEPT to insure all requisites and HOLD requirements are satisfied.

      All required datasets are defined in the installation variables.

      The job should complete with a return code of four. For more information regarding the APPLY process, the CHECK and BYPASS options, or for any problem determination procedures, consult the relevant IBM SMP/E references.

    Assemble Offset Table

    This function generates the JES2 and/or JES3 offset tables. This table is critical for OS/EM's interaction with JES functionality.

    The JES Offset Table(s) must be generated under the following circumstances:

    When this option is selected, the user is presented with the following selection menu:

    Figure 20. JES Offset Table Menu

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------ OS/EM JES OFFSET TABLES ---------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Option ===>                                                                     |
    |                                                                                |
    |                          1  Enter Required Libraries                           |
    |                          2  JES2 Offset Table                                  |
    |                          3  JES3 Offset Table                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F7=Up      F8=Down    F9=Swap   F12=Cancel    |
    |                                                                                |

    1. Enter Required Libraries

      This function defines the MVS and JES libraries that are to be used for the Offset Table generation. These libraries must match the environment on which OS/EM is to run.

      The libraries are defined at installation time but may need to be modified if the Offset Table is being generated for a new environment (e.g. building a new set of SYSRES volumes).

      If the incorrect libraries are used, abends in OS/EM control modules and/or JES modules may result.

    Figure 21. Library Definitions for JES Offset Table

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------ OS/EM LIBRARIES FOR OFFSET TABLES ------------ VERSION 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                   More:     +  |
    | Enter the libraries to be used to assemble the JES offset table.               |
    |                                                                                |
    | Specify libraries:                                               Unit   Volser |
    | MVS  Macros  ===> SYS1.MACLIB                                  ________ ______ |
    | MVS  MODGEN  ===> SYS1.MODGEN                                  ________ ______ |
    | TCPIP Macros ===> TCPIP.SEZACMAC                               ________ ______ |
    |                                                                                |
    | JES2 Macros  ===> SYS1.SHASMAC                                 ________ ______ |
    | JES2 Source  ===> SYS1.SHASSRC                                 ________ ______ |
    | JES2 Load    ===> SYS1.SHASLNKE                                ________ ______ |
    |                                                                                |
    | JES3 Macros  ===> ____________________________________________ ________ ______ |
    |                                                                                |
    | Use the UNIT and VOLSER fields only if you need libraries not cataloged.       |
    | Specify the SYS1 libraries (the libraries currently active for this IPL) if    |
    | applying OS/EM maintenance, if preparing to apply JES2 maintenance specify     |
    | the SMP/E target libraries (or the libraries which will be used to IPL         |
    | the JES2 updates.)                                                             |
    |                                                                                |
    | The libraries specified here MUST match the libraries which will be used       |
    | at IPL time.  This means if you are preparing to apply JES2 maintenance you    |
    | should enter the library names which contain the updated macros/source/load    |
    | modules.  Then when these libraries are copied to the SYS1 libraries the new   |
    | offset table should be copied at the same time.  Contact Trident Support if    |
    | you have any questions about this procedure.                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    | F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F7=Up      F8=Down    F9=Swap   F12=Cancel    |
    |                                                                                |

    Enter the appropriate library dataset names that are / will be in effect when OS/EM will be initialized.

    MVS Macros

    This is the system macro library (normally named SYS1.MACLIB).


    This is the SYSGEN or module generation macro library (normally named SYS1.MODGEN).

    TCPIP Macros

    This is the TCPIP macro library (normally named TCPIP.SEZACMAC).

    JES2 Macros

    This is the JES2 macro library (normally named SYS1.SHASMAC).

    JES2 Source

    This is the JES2 source library (normally named SYS1.SHASSRC).

    JES2 Load

    This is the JES2 link or load library. Depending on the release level of JES2, the library is normally named SYS1.SHASLINK or named SYS1.SHASLNKE).

    JES3 Macros

    This is the JES3 macro library (normally named SYS1.SIATMAC).

    If the JES Offset Table generation is for the current system, the cataloged libraries should be used and so it shouldn't be necessary to enter anything in the UNIT and VOLSER fields.

    If the JES Offset Table generation is for a new environment using different SYSRES volumes, the UNIT and VOLSER fields must point to the new volumes to be used when the system is IPLed.

    When the JES Offset Table menu options 2 or 3 are selected, the user is presented with a skeleton JOB JCL statement that can be modified prior to submitting the Offset Table generation job.

    Figure 22. JES Offset Table JOB Statement

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------------- CREATE JES2 OFFSET TABLE -------------- VERSION 6.1  |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Select from the following:                                                    |
    |    1 - Submit the Job                                                          |
    |    2 - Browse the Job                                                          |
    |    3 - Edit the Job                                                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Job Statement Information: Verify before proceeding                           |
    |                                                                                |
    |  ===> //ROB6616  JOB (ACCT),'JES2 OFFSET TABLE',                               |
    |  ===> //         MSGCLASS=X,CLASS=A,NOTIFY=&SYSUID,REGION=0M                   |
    |  ===> //*                                                                      |
    |  ===> //*                                                                      |
    |                                                                                |
    | Select option 1 to submit job, or press PF3 (END) to exit.                     |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F7=Up      F8=Down    F9=Swap   F12=Cancel    |
    |                                                                                |


    Copy SMP/E Libraries to Executable Libraries

    This function copies the contents of the selected SMP/E libraries to the corresponding executable libraries.

    Figure 23. Copy SMP/E Libraries

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------- COPY SMP/E TARGET TO EXECUTABLE ------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    | Select the libraries to be copied, the libraries may be optionally             |
    | compressed.  Also LLA may be refreshed for the LINKLIB.                        |
    |                                                                                |
    | SYS4T.HOSM610.LINKLIB                                          _    Y    Y     |
    |                             --> SYS4.OSEM.LINKLIB                              |
    | SYS4T.HOSM610.SISPMENU                                         _    _          |
    |                             --> SYS4.OSEM.SISPMENU                             |
    | SYS4T.HOSM610.SISPPENU                                         Y    Y          |
    |                             --> SYS4.OSEM.SISPPENU                             |
    | SYS4T.HOSM610.SISPSENU                                         _    _          |
    |                             --> SYS4.OSEM.SISPSENU                             |
    | SYS4T.HOSM610.SISPEXEC                                         _    _          |
    |                             --> SYS4.OSEM.SISPEXEC                             |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Enter CSVLLA Suffix for 'F LLA,UPDATE=xx' command ===>  61  (Used if REFR=Y)   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F7=Up      F8=Down    F9=Swap   F12=Cancel    |
    |                                                                                |

    The selection columns are :


    Enter Y if you want to compress the selected executable library prior to copying the contents of the corresponding target library.


    Enter Y if you want to copy the selected target library to the corresponding executable library.


    This applies only to the executable load library. Enter Y and specify the appropriate suffix for the system PARMLIB CSVLLAxx member if you wish to refresh the Library Lookaside (LLA) after the executable load library has been copied.

    Once the appropriate libraries have been selected, pressing PF3 will result in the JCL JOB statement selection panel being presented. Make the necessary changes and submit the job (option 1).


    Update Installation Variables

    This function allows the user to make changes to the OS/EM installation variables that were set during the initial installation of the product. Alterations to these variables will affect the operation of the OS/EM maintenance functions.

    Changes made to the installation variables will affect the JCL that is submitted for the maintenance functions (e.g. JES Offset Table generation).

    The principal purpose of this function is to allow the user to change executable library definitions. This permits the maintenance of multiple iterations of the OS/EM system libraries from the one ISPF environment.

    Figure 24. OS/EM Installation Variables

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------- OS/EM Installation Variables --------------- Version 6.1  |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |      Library Type                High Level Qualifier       Product Qualifier  |
    |  SMP/E Libraries            ===> MVS$SMP               ===> HOSM610            |
    |  Distribution Libraries     ===> SYSA                  ===> HOSM610            |
    |  Target Libraries           ===> SYS2A                 ===> HOSM610            |
    |  Executable Libraries       ===> SYS2                  ===> OSEM.HOSM610       |
    |    OS/EM LINKLIB (optional) ===> SYS1                  ===> OSEM.HOSM610       |
    |  SMP/E Relfile Prefix       ===> SYS2A.REL                                     |
    |  SMP/E Zone Names:  TARGET  ===> OSEMTGT          DLIB ===> OSEMDLB            |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Unit and Volume Names:                                                        |
    |    SMP/E Unit       ===> SYSDA      Volume  ===> SMS001                        |
    |    DLIB Unit        ===> SYSDA      Volume  ===>                               |
    |    TLIB Unit        ===> SYSDA      Volume  ===>                               |
    |    Executable Unit  ===> SYSDA      Volume  ===>                               |
    |      LINKLIB Unit   ===> SYSDA      Volume  ===> OS39M1  (If blank exec used)  |
    |    Work File Unit   ===> SYSDA                                                 |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Press END to enter required system library names.                             |
    | F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F7=Up      F8=Down    F9=Swap   F12=Cancel    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |


    Very Important:

    Use extreme caution when modifying SMP/E, target and distribution library specifications. This dialog does not change dataset & library definitions defined within SMP/E (i.e. DDDEF entries for the OS/EM system). Problems when attempting to maintain the OS/EM system are likely if there is a mismatch between these installation variables and the SMP/E environment.

    Pressing PF3 will display the OS/EM Required System Libraries panel.

    Figure 25. OS/EM Installation Variables

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------- OS/EM Installation Variables --------------- Version 6.1  |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |Enter fully qualified dataset names.  Quotes are allowed but ignored.           |
    |                                                                  Unit   Volser |
    |OS/EM Install File: SYS2A.HOSM610.DIST                          ________ ______ |
    |                                                                                |
    |TRSMAIN Library:    ___________________________________________ ________ ______ |
    |                                                                                |
    |COBOL SCEELKED:     CEE.SCEELKED                                                |
    |MVS MACLIB:         SYS1.MACLIB                                 ________ ______ |
    |MVS MODGEN:         SYS1.MODGEN                                 ________ ______ |
    |TCPIP SEZACMAC:     TCPIP.SEZACMAC                              ________ ______ |
    |                                                                                |
    |JES2 SHASMAC:       SYS1.SHASMAC                                ________ ______ |
    |JES2 SHASSRC:       SYS1.SHASSRC                                ________ ______ |
    |JES2 SHASLNKE:      SYS1.SHASLINK                               ________ ______ |
    |                                                                                |
    |JES3 SIATMAC:       ___________________________________________ ________ ______ |
    |                                                                                |
    |Press HELP to determine which libraries should be used here.                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F7=Up      F8=Down    F9=Swap   F12=Cancel    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |


    Verify/Change Generated DSNames

    This function allows the user to review and/or alter any of the dataset names that are to be used by the OS/EM maintenance functions.

    Figure 26. Verify/Change OS/EM Datasets

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM-------------- Verify/Change Generated DSNames -------- Row 1 to 15 of 42  |
    | Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    |Overtype Dataset name to update entry.  Enter HELP for more information and an  |
    |explanation of the  'C' column codes of blank, 'C' and 'F'.                     |
    |                                                                                |
    |Type     Description              Dataset Name                                C |
    |CSI      SMP/E GLOBAL CSI         MVS$SMP.HOSM610.GLOBAL.CSI                    |
    |SMPLOG   SMP/E LOG FILE           MVS$SMP.HOSM610.GLOBAL.SMPLOG                 |
    |SMPLOGA  SMP/E LOG FILE           MVS$SMP.HOSM610.GLOBAL.SMPLOGA                |
    |SMPPTS   SMP/E PTS LIBRARY        MVS$SMP.HOSM610.GLOBAL.SMPPTS                 |
    |AISPEXEC DLIB REXX LIBRARY        SYSP.HOSM610.AISPEXEC                         |
    |AISPMENU DLIB MESSAGE LIBRARY     SYSP.HOSM610.AISPMENU                         |
    |AISPPENU DLIB PANEL LIBRARY       SYSP.HOSM610.AISPPENU                         |
    |AISPSENU DLIB SKELETON LIBRARY    SYSP.HOSM610.AISPSENU                         |
    |AISPTENU DLIB TABLE LIBRARY       SYSP.HOSM610.AISPTENU                         |
    |AOBJLIB  DLIB OBJECT MODULES      SYSP.HOSM610.AOBJLIB                          |
    |ASAMPLIB DLIB SAMPLE LIBRARY      SYSP.HOSM610.ASAMPLIB                         |
    |ASEMLENU DLIB BOOKMGR BOOKS       SYSP.HOSM610.ASEMLENU                         |
    |ASEMOENU DLIB BOOKMGR SHELVES     SYSP.HOSM610.ASEMOENU                         |
    |ASEMXENU DLIB BOOKMGR INDEXES     SYSP.HOSM610.ASEMXENU                         |
    |SMPLOG   SMP/E DLIB LOG FILE      SYSP.HOSM610.SMPLOG                           |
    | F1=HELP      F2=SPLIT     F3=END       F4=RETURN    F5=RFIND     F6=RCHANGE    |
    | F7=UP        F8=DOWN      F9=SWAP     F10=LEFT     F11=RIGHT    F12=RETRIEVE   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Update System Tables

    This option is used to update OS/EM system tables that have been affected by maintenance to the product.

    This option only needs to be used when specifically instructed in SMP/E HOLDDATA for the affecting PTF(s).

    The following panel is an example of options that could be listed following maintenance.

    Figure 27. Update System Tables

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------- UPDATE SYSTEM TABLES ------------------ Version 6.1   |
    |SELECTION ===>                                                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |            UK00620    1  OS/EM System Modules Reload Table                     |
    |                                                                                |
    |            UK00620    2  Job Routing Message Substitution Table                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | F1=HELP      F2=SPLIT     F3=END       F4=RETURN    F5=RFIND     F6=RCHANGE    |
    | F7=UP        F8=DOWN      F9=SWAP     F10=LEFT     F11=RIGHT    F12=RETRIEVE   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |


    Create OS/EM Tables

    The create process is used when OS/EM is first installed. The function creates all of the ISPF tables which the ISPF interface uses to store the information needed to build the initialization parameter members used at IPL time.

    Figure 28. Create OS/EM ISPF Tables

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------------- INSTALLATION PROCESS ----------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |   PLEASE WAIT. . . . . . . .                                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Various tables are being created to support OS/EM basic and option           |
    |   functions. This is a one-time process and will take a few moments to         |
    |   complete.                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                        BASIC EXIT OPTIONS                                      |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    If the tables create process fails for any reason, you cannot simply reselect it from the menu. You need to delete any tables that may have been added to the new table library first.

    Use ISPF option 3.1 (Library Utility) to delete any members which may have been added.

    Note: The OS/EM supplied table library (TLIB) contains three members, OSEMCMDS, OSEMKEYS and OSEMVER. Be sure these members are not deleted, or are recopied into the table library if the CREATE process needs to be restarted.

    After the table library has been cleaned-up, re-select the CREATE process from the maintenance menu.

    Upgrade to OS/EM 6.1

    The upgrade function parses a Query Report of your current OS/EM environment to determine which exits and/or optional features you are using and stores that information in ISPF tables. This function will also rebuild the initialization members.

    Note: Since the upgrade function rebuilds the initialization members, it is advisable to execute this function before you IPL. Otherwise the initialization members which the install procedure places into parmlib will be empty, and no OS/EM features or user exits will be activated.

    Figure 29. Verify Upgrade

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------------- VERIFY UPGRADE  --------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Selecting this option will attempt to upgrade your existing OS/EM             |
    |  options into the format required by the current release of OS/EM.             |
    |  This is done by parsing a Query Report showing your existing options.         |
    |                                                                                |
    |  If you are installing OS/EM on a system where OS/EM does not exist you        |
    |  may specify a file name which contains a Full Query Report from the system    |
    |  where OS/EM is currently running.                                             |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Execute Query Function? ===>            (Yes/No)                              |
    |                                                                                |
    |    or                                                                          |
    |                                          (Query Report DSN)                    |
    |  Use this Query Report   ===>                                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Previous Table Library ===> 'SYS1.OSEM.VER56.ISPTLIB'                         |
    |  Current  Table Library ===> 'SYS1.OSEM.TEST.SISPTENU'                         |
    |  Current  Parm  Library ===> 'SYS1.OSEM.TEST.PARMLIB'                          |
    |  Current  Command Library => 'SYS1.OSEM.SISPEXEC'                              |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    1. Specify whether you want to have the Upgrade function execute the Query Function, or specify a Query Report dataset name which will be parsed.

      If you are going to run this function prior to your first IPL with the new OS/EM release, you may allow the Upgrade to execute the query directly. However, if you will be doing an IPL before the upgrade, you should create a Query Report using the ALL parameter and save the report so that the upgrade function will have access to it.

      Note: To successfully run the upgrade function on a different machine from where OS/EM is currently running, create a query report and point the upgrade function to it.

    2. The four libraries needed for the upgrade are listed at the bottom of the panel. If any of these names are incorrect, you will need to edit the FEMSTART CLIST and correct any incorrectly entered site variables.

    3. Press the Enter key to begin the upgrade.

    4. Press END to cancel.

    Basic Exit Functions


    The basic OS/EM Function provides for the dynamic loading, and reloading of all supported OS/390 and z/OS Exits. Exit points may be enabled and disabled dynamically; and, where appropriate, exit points may be limited to specific jobnames giving an installation a Quality Assurance or testing environment not previously available.

    OS/EM Exit Functions

    List of Exits Supported

    For a complete list, see Appendix A, "Supported Exits".

    Autoinstall Feature

    New to version 6.0, the OS/EM Autoinstall Feature greatly simplifies the installation and migration process by dynamically defining exit points and automatically loading both OS/EM and user exit modules.

    Autoinstall provides the following functions:

    Basic Exit Functions Menu

    Basic Exit Functions allow you to specify:

    If you wish to enable OS/EM Extended Functions for an exitpoint, such as HSM Optimizer functions, but you do not have any user exits, you do not need to "visit" Basic Function Support. The OS/EM Extended Function interface ensures that the proper specifications are made in order to generate support, and you do not need to concern yourself with which exit point(s) supports the OS/EM Extended Function you are invoking.

    Figure 30. Basic Exit Functions

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | OS/EM ------------------  BASIC EXIT FUNCTIONS ------------------ Version 6.1  |
    | COMMAND ===>                                                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                               1  JES2 Exits                                    |
    |                               2  JES3 Exits                                    |
    |                               3  MVS  Exits                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Each of these paths is presented in the following sections:

    1. JES2 Exits (see "JES2 Exits")

    2. JES3 Exits (see "JES3 Exits")

    3. MVS Exits (see "MVS Exits")

    JES2 Exits

    This panel displays all of the JES2 exits in alphabetical order by exit name and tells you which JES2 user exits are being used. You may page up and down with PFK7 and PFK8.

    Figure 31. JES2 Exit Selection List

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------- JES2 EXIT SELECTION ------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |(CMD = Exit Point (O)ptions, (U)ser Exits                                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |           Exit        User                                                     |
    |CMD Active Point       Exits  Description                                       |
    | '  ACTIVE EXIT000            Pre-initialization                                |
    | '  ACTIVE EXIT001            Print/Punch Separators                            |
    | '  ACTIVE EXIT002      YES   Job Statement Scan                                |
    | '  ACTIVE EXIT003            Job Statement Accounting Field Scan               |
    | '  ACTIVE EXIT004            JCL and Job Statement Account                     |
    | '  ACTIVE EXIT005            JES2 Command Preprocessor                         |
    | '  ACTIVE EXIT006            Converter/Interpreter Text Scan                   |
    | '  ACTIVE EXIT007            JCT Read/Write                                    |
    | '  ACTIVE EXIT008            Control Block Read/Write                          |
    | '  ACTIVE EXIT009            Job Output Overflow                               |
    | '  ACTIVE EXIT010            $WTO Screen                                       |
    | '  ACTIVE EXIT011            Spool Partitioning Allocation ($TRACK)            |
    | '  ACTIVE EXIT012            Spool Partitioning Allocation ($STRAK)            |
    | '  ACTIVE EXIT013            TSO/E Transmit Facility Screen/Notification       |
    | '  ACTIVE EXIT014            Job Queue Work Select ($QGET)                     |
    | '  ACTIVE EXIT015            Output Dataset/Copy Select                        |
    |                                                                                |

    Line commands are:

    O Define exit point options

    This function controls the execution options for the exit point.

    "JES2 Exit Point Options" documents the resulting panel(s) and actions for this selection.


    U Define user exit modules

    This function defines the user exit modules to be executed for the exit point and their execution sequence.

    If there are load modules currently defined for this user exit, the user exit module selection list is displayed (see "JES2 User Exit Module Selection").

    If no load modules are defined for this user exit, the user exit module definition panel is displayed (see "JES2 User Exit Module Definition").

    JES2 Exit Point Options

    The following panel is displayed when the when the O line command is entered for a JES2 exit point.

    Figure 32. JES2 Exit Point Options

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ---------------- EXIT POINT EXIT002 OPTIONS --------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Exit Point EXIT002     ===> ACTIVE                  (Active/Inactive/Disable) |
    |                                                                                |
    |  OS/EM Exit Called      ===> FIRST                                (First/Last) |
    |  Notify For OS/EM ABEND ===> _______ , _______ , _______     (Up to 3 TSO IDs) |
    |  Use Autoinstall?       ===> YES                                   (Yes or No) |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Exit Re-entrant Key    ===> 0                                        (0 or 1) |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Default Return Code ===>  ___    or Reset ===> Y        (0-999 or Y to reset) |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Valid Return Codes:    or Reset ===> Y                     (Enter Y to reset) |
    |   ______________________________________________________                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Good Return Codes      or Reset ===> Y                     (Enter Y to reset) |
    |   ______________________________________________________                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Disabling Return Codes or Reset ===> Y                     (Enter Y to reset) |
    |   ______________________________________________________                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Enter any combination of the following separated by commas or spaces:         |
    |  0,4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,ANY,GE255,LT255,NONZERO or the literal NONE  |
    |                                                                                |

    This field entry panel allows you to set the general execution options for the selected JES2 user exit.

    1. Exit Point xxxxxxxx

      ACTIVE - the defined JES2 exit(s) will be loaded at IPL time and executed when the exit is driven.

      INACTIVE - the defined JES2 exit(s) will be loaded at IPL time but will not be executed when the exit is driven.

      DISABLE - the defined JES2 exit(s) will not be loaded or executed.

    2. OS/EM Exit Called

      FIRST - specifies that the OS/EM Extended Functions will be applied before any JES2 user exit modules are invoked for this exit point.

      LAST - specifies that the OS/EM Extended Functions will be applied after the JES2 user exits are invoked for this exit point.

      Note: If the exit being displayed does not have associated OS/EM Extended Functions, the OS/EM fields will be locked.

    3. Notify for OS/EM ABEND

      Enter up to three TSO User IDs or Notify Group Names to be notified if an ABEND occurs in any of the OS/EM extended functions for this JES2 exit point.

    4. Use Autoinstall?

      YES - OS/EM will scan the JES2 initialization parameters for LOADMOD and EXIT statements and will load and activate the specified user exits.

      NO - OS/EM will ignore LOADMOD and EXIT statements

      Note: If NO is specified, any EXIT and LOADMOD statements for the user exit point will be processed by JES2. The exit will not be under the control of OS/EM.

    5. Exit Re-entrant Key

      0 - the JES2 exit modules must be MVS re-entrant.

      1 - the JES2 exit modules need not be MVS re-entrant.

      Note: Key 0 programs may be loaded to LPA, key 1 programs will be loaded into CSA.

    6. Default Return Code

      The return code (register 15) passed by the OS/EM exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if the exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each JES2 exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.

    7. Valid Return Codes

      OS/EM checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by the IBM JES2 exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM JES2 exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution.

    8. Good Return Codes

      OS/EM checks for good return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a user exit for IEFUTL set the return code to zero (indicating the job processing is to be cancelled), then no other user exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM JES2 exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution.

    9. Disabling Return Codes

      OS/EM checks for a return code (register 15) being issued by a user exit module then disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is primarily provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc.

    Note: When specifying return codes, enter any combination of the following values separated by blanks or commas:

    JES2 User Exit Module Selection

    The following panel is displayed when the U line command is entered for a JES2 user exit point.

    Figure 33. JES2 User Exit Module Selection

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------- USER EXIT SELECTION - EXIT001  -------------- Version 6.1  |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |(S)elect, (C)opy, (M)ove, (B)efore, (A)fter, (I)nsert, (D)elete), (R)epeat      |
    |             Primary/Backup                                                     |
    |SEL Active      Names             Description                                   |
    | '   YES   RDJESX01 : USER01__    Xerox Separators____________________________  |
    |           ________ : ________    ____________________________________________  |
    | '   ___   ________ : ________    ____________________________________________  |
    |           ________ : ________    ____________________________________________  |
    | '   ___   ________ : ________    ____________________________________________  |
    |           ________ : ________    ____________________________________________  |
    | '   ___   ________ : ________    ____________________________________________  |
    |           ________ : ________    ____________________________________________  |
    | '   ___   ________ : ________    ____________________________________________  |
    |           ________ : ________    ____________________________________________  |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    This panel displays the modules defined for the selected JES2 exit point. The user can add & delete modules entries, update entries and change the execution sequence of the user exit modules.

    Line commands are:

    S Select a user exit module entry

    This function displays the user exit module field entry panel and allows the user to modify the definition parameters for that module.

    "JES2 User Exit Module Definition" documents the resulting panel(s) and actions for this selection.


    I Insert entry

    This function adds an empty module entry immediately following the specified entry. This blank entry can then be defined by using the S line command to edit the module details.


    D Delete entry

    This function deletes the specified module entry.


    C Copy entry

    This function makes a copy of the specified entry. This line command is used in conjunction with the A and B line commands to control the location of the copied entry.


    M Move entry

    This function relocates the specified entry within the module selection list. This line command is used in conjunction with the A and B line commands to control the new location of the moved entry.


    R Repeat entry

    This function duplicates the specified entry and inserts it immediately following the specified entry.


    A Locate AFTER

    This function locates a copied/moved entry immediately after the selected entry.


    B Locate BEFORE

    This function locates a copied/moved entry immediately before the selected entry.

    JES2 User Exit Module Definition

    The following panel is displayed when the S line command is entered in the JES2 User Exit Module display panel.

    Figure 34. JES2 User Exit Module Definition

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------- USER EXIT 1 FOR EXIT POINT EXIT001  -------- Version 6.1         |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  User Exit Active      ===> YES                                      (Yes/No)  |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Notify for User ABEND ===> 1) SYSPROG_ 2) ________ 3) ________                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Primary Exit Module Name ===> RDJESX01                                        |
    |               Entry Point ===> USER01__                                        |
    |    Library ===> ____________________________________________                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Backup Exit Module Name  ===> ________                                        |
    |              Entry Point  ===> ________                                        |
    |    Library ===> ____________________________________________                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Limits ===> _______________________________________________                   |
    |    Location ===> _______________________________________________               |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Description: Xerox Separators____________________________                     |
    |               ____________________________________________                     |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    This field entry panel defines the characteristics of the user exit module to be executed.

    1. User Exit Active

      YES - the defined JES2 exit module will be loaded at IPL time and executed when the exit is driven.

      NO - the defined JES2 exit(s) will not be loaded or executed.

    2. Notify for User Exit ABEND

      Enter up to three TSO User IDs or Notify Group Names to be notified if an ABEND occurs in the defined user exit module for this JES2 exit point.

    3. Primary User Exit - this is the user exit module to be executed when the JES2 exit is driven.
      1. Module Name - the name of the load module (or alias) to be executed.
      2. Entry Point - the name of the load module entry point to be used.
      3. Library - if the load module does not reside in a library defined in the system's LINKLIST, you may specify the name of the load library dataset. The dataset name with single quotes (') and the library must be APF authorized.

        Note: If a library is specified and the load module is not found in that library, OS/EM will not continue to search for the module and it will not be loaded.

    4. Backup User Exit - this user exit module (if specified) will be used in the event that an ABEND occurs in the primary module.
      1. Module Name - the name of the load module (or alias) to be executed.
      2. Entry Point - the name of the load module entry point to be used.
      3. Library - if the load module does not reside in a library defined in the system's LINKLIST, you may specify the name of the load library dataset. The dataset name with single quotes (') and the library must be APF authorized.

        Note: If a library is specified and the load module is not found in that library, OS/EM will not continue to search for the module and it will not be loaded.

    5. Limits

      This field allows the execution of the user exit module to be restricted to specific jobnames and/or jobname masks. Multiple names or masks should be separated by spaces.

      This is particularly useful for limiting the scope of an exit module while it is being tested by restricting its execution to specific test jobs. When the module is to be put into production, the execution of the exit can be made global by removing the jobname limits.

      Note: If the exit point does not support limits this field will be locked and no entry will be allowed.

    6. Location

      This specifies the address of the jobname field in the parameters being passed to this user exit. Refer to the TSO TEST command for a discussion of addressing conventions for this parameter. The value contained at the specified address will be compared to the jobname specified by the limits entry above and if a match is found the exit is allowed to execute.

    7. Description

      This fields provides an area to document the function of the user exit module.

    Limit Masking

    Job Name Masks 

    The following table shows the allowable mask characters:




    The question mark is used to unconditionally match any single character (except periods) where the question mark occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The ampersand is used to unconditionally match any single alpha character where the ampersand occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The percent sign is used to unconditionally match any single numeric character where the percent sign occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The dash is used to unconditionally match any preceding or succeeding character(s). Multiples are allowed.

    JES3 Exits

    This panel displays all of the JES3 exits in alphabetical order by exit name and tells you which JES3 user exits are being used. You may page up and down with PFK7 and PFK8.

    Figure 35. Basic JES3 Exit Selection

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------------  EXIT SELECTION ----------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |(CMD = Exit Point (O)ptions, (U)ser Exits)                                      |
    |                                                                                |
    |           Exit     User                                                        |
    |CMD Active Point    Exits  Description                                          |
    | '  ACTIVE IATUX00         Reserved Name                                        |
    | '  ACTIVE IATUX01         Reserved Name                                        |
    | '  ACTIVE IATUX02         Reserved Name                                        |
    | '  ACTIVE IATUX03         Examine Converter/Interpreter Text                   |
    | '  ACTIVE IATUX04         Examine Job Information from JCL                     |
    | '  ACTIVE IATUX05         Examine Step Information from JCL                    |
    | '  ACTIVE IATUX06         Examine DD Statement Information from JCL            |
    | '  ACTIVE IATUX07         Examine/Substitute Unit, Type and VOLSER Info        |
    | '  ACTIVE IATUX08         Examine Setup Information                            |
    | '  ACTIVE IATUX09         Examine Final Job Status, JST and JVT                |
    | '  ACTIVE IATUX10         Generate a Message                                   |
    | '  ACTIVE IATUX11         Inhibit Printing of LOCATE Request/Response          |
    | '  ACTIVE IATUX12         Reserved Name                                        |
    | '  ACTIVE IATUX13         Reserved Name                                        |
    | '  ACTIVE IATUX14         Job Validation/Restart LOCATE Req/Response           |
    | '  ACTIVE IATUX15         Scan an Initialization Statement                     |
    |                                                                                |

    Line commands are:

    O Define exit point options

    This function controls the execution options for the exit point.

    "JES3 User Exit Options" documents the resulting panel(s) and actions for this selection.


    U Define user exit modules

    This function defines the user exit modules to be executed for the exit point and their execution sequence.

    If there are load modules currently defined for this user exit, the user exit module selection list is displayed (see "JES3 User Exit Modules").

    If no load modules are defined for this user exit, the user exit module definition panel is displayed (see "JES3 User Exit Module Definition").

    JES3 User Exit Options

    The following panel is displayed when the when the O line command is entered for a JES3 user exit point.

    Figure 36. JES3 User Exit Options

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ---------------- EXIT POINT IATUX14 OPTIONS --------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Exit Point IATUX14     ===> ACTIVE                 (Active/Inactive/Disable)  |
    |                                                                                |
    |  OS/EM Exit Called      ===> FIRST                               (First/Last)  |
    |  Notify For OS/EM ABEND ===> _______ , _______ , _______    (Up to 3 TSO IDs)  |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Linkage Edit Style     ===> ______                   (BAKR/BALR/ARET/ARETRC)  |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Default Return Code ===>  ___    or Reset ===> Y       (0-999 or Y to reset)  |
    |  Default R15 Value   ===>  ___                                                 |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Valid Return Codes:    or Reset ===> Y                    (Enter Y to reset)  |
    |   ______________________________________________________                       |
    |  Valid R15 Values:                                                             |
    |   ______________________________________________________                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Good Return Codes      or Reset ===> Y                    (Enter Y to reset)  |
    |   ______________________________________________________                       |
    |  Good R15 Values:                                                              |
    |   ______________________________________________________                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Disabling Return Codes or Reset ===> Y                    (Enter Y to reset)  |
    |   ______________________________________________________                       |
    |  Disabling R15 Values                                                          |
    |   ______________________________________________________                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Enter any combination of the following separated by commas or spaces:         |
    |  0,4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,ANY,GE255,LT255,NONZERO or the literal NONE  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    This field entry panel allows you to set the general execution options for the selected JES3 user exit.

    1. Exit Point xxxxxxxx

      ACTIVE - the defined JES3 exit(s) will be loaded at IPL time and executed when the exit is driven.

      INACTIVE - the defined JES3 exit(s) will be loaded at IPL time but will not be executed when the exit is driven.

      DISABLE - the defined JES3 exit(s) will not be loaded or executed.

    2. OS/EM Exit Called

      FIRST - specifies that the OS/EM Extended Functions will be applied before any JES3 user exit modules are invoked for this exit point.

      LAST - specifies that the OS/EM Extended Functions will be applied after the JES3 user exits are invoked for this exit point.

      Note: If the exit being displayed does not have associated OS/EM Extended Functions, the OS/EM fields will be locked.

    3. Notify for OS/EM ABEND

      Enter up to three TSO User IDs or Notify Group Names to be notified if an ABEND occurs in any of the OS/EM extended functions for this JES3 exit point.

    4. Exit Linkage Style

      BAKR - The exit is called using the BAKR (Branch and Stack) instruction.

      BALR - The exit is called using the BALR (Branch and Link Register) instruction.

      ARET - The exit is called using the ACALL macro and control is returned with the ARETURN macro without the RC= parameter.

      ARETRC - The exit is called using the ACALL macro and control is returned with the ARETURN macro with the RC= parameter.

      Note: For more information about these program linkage options, refer to the IBM JES3 Customization manual.

    5. Default Return Code

      The return code (register 15) passed by the OS/EM exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if the exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each JES3 exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.

    6. Valid Return Codes

      OS/EM checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by the IBM JES3 exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM JES3 exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution.

    7. Good Return Codes

      OS/EM checks for good return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a user exit for IEFUTL set the return code to zero (indicating the job processing is to be cancelled), then no other user exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM JES3 exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution.

    8. Disabling Return Codes

      OS/EM checks for a return code (register 15) being issued by a user exit module then disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is primarily provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc.

    Note: When specifying return codes, enter any combination of the following values separated by blanks or commas:

    For JES3, there is a second set of return code values - Default / Valid / Good / Disabling R15 Values. These settings are applicable when the user exit uses ARETURN RC= (ARETC) program linkage conventions.

    JES3 User Exit Modules

    The following panel is displayed when the when the U line command is entered for a JES3 user exit point.

    Figure 37. JES3 User Exit Modules

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------- USER EXIT SELECTION - IATUX20  -------------- Version 6.1  |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |(S)elect, (C)opy, (M)ove, (B)efore, (A)fter, (I)nsert, (D)elete), (R)epeat      |
    |             Primary/Backup                                                     |
    |SEL  Active      Names      Description                                         |
    | '    ___      J3USRX9_     ____________________________________________        |
    |               ________     ____________________________________________        |
    | '    ___      ________     ____________________________________________        |
    |               ________     ____________________________________________        |
    | '    ___      ________     ____________________________________________        |
    |               ________     ____________________________________________        |
    | '    ___      ________     ____________________________________________        |
    |               ________     ____________________________________________        |
    | '    ___      ________     ____________________________________________        |
    |               ________     ____________________________________________        |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    This panel displays the modules defined for the selected JES3 exit point. The user can add & delete modules entries, update entries and change the execution sequence of the user exit modules.

    Line commands are:

    S Select a user exit module entry

    This function displays the user exit module field entry panel and allows the user to modify the definition parameters for that module.

    "JES3 User Exit Module Definition" documents the resulting panel(s) and actions for this selection.


    I Insert entry

    This function adds an empty module entry immediately following the specified entry. This blank entry can then be defined by using the S line command to edit the module details.


    D Delete entry

    This function deletes the specified module entry.


    C Copy entry

    This function makes a copy of the specified entry. This line command is used in conjunction with the A and B line commands to control the location of the copied entry.


    M Move entry

    This function relocates the specified entry within the module selection list. This line command is used in conjunction with the A and B line commands to control the new location of the moved entry.


    R Repeat entry

    This function duplicates the specified entry and inserts it immediately following the specified entry.


    A Locate AFTER

    This function locates a copied/moved entry immediately after the selected entry.


    B Locate BEFORE

    This function locates a copied/moved entry immediately before the selected entry.

    JES3 User Exit Module Definition

    The following panel is displayed when the S line command is entered in the JES3 User Exit Module display panel.

    Figure 38. JES3 User Exit Module Definition Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------- USER EXIT 1 FOR EXIT POINT IATUX03 -------- Version 6.1          |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  User Exit Active      ===> YES                                      (Yes/No)  |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Notify for User ABEND ===> 1) SYSPROG_ 2) ________ 3) ________                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Primary Exit Module Name ===> J3USRX9                                         |
    |    Library ===> ____________________________________________                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Backup Exit Module Name  ===> ________                                        |
    |    Library ===> ____________________________________________                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Limits ===> _______________________________________________                   |
    |    Location ===> _______________________________________________               |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Description: ____________________________________________                     |
    |               ____________________________________________                     |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    This field entry panel defines the characteristics of the user exit module to be executed.

    1. User Exit Active

      YES - the defined JES3 exit module will be loaded at IPL time and executed when the exit is driven.

      NO - the defined JES3 exit(s) will not be loaded or executed.

    2. Notify for User Exit ABEND

      Enter up to three TSO User IDs or Notify Group Names to be notified if an ABEND occurs in the defined user exit module for this JES3 exit point.

    3. Primary User Exit - this is the user exit module to be executed when the JES3 exit is driven.
      1. Module Name - the name of the load module (or alias) to be executed.
      2. Entry Point - the name of the load module entry point to be used.
      3. Library - if the load module does not reside in a library defined in the system's LINKLIST, you may specify the name of the load library dataset. The dataset name with single quotes (') and the library must be APF authorized.

        Note: If a library is specified and the load module is not found in that library, OS/EM will not continue to search for the module and it will not be loaded.

    4. Backup User Exit - this user exit module (if specified) will be used in the event that an ABEND occurs in the primary module.
      1. Module Name - the name of the load module (or alias) to be executed.
      2. Entry Point - the name of the load module entry point to be used.
      3. Library - if the load module does not reside in a library defined in the system's LINKLIST, you may specify the name of the load library dataset. The dataset name with single quotes (') and the library must be APF authorized.

        Note: If a library is specified and the load module is not found in that library, OS/EM will not continue to search for the module and it will not be loaded.

    5. Limits

      This field allows the execution of the user exit module to be restricted to specific jobnames and/or jobname masks. Multiple names or masks should be separated by spaces.

      This is particularly useful for limiting the scope of an exit module while it is being tested by restricting its execution to specific test jobs. When the module is to be put into production, the execution of the exit can be made global by removing the jobname limits.

      Note: If the exit point does not support limits this field will be locked and no entry will be allowed.

    6. Location

      This specifies the address of the jobname field in the parameters being passed to this user exit. Refer to the TSO TEST command for a discussion of addressing conventions for this parameter. The value contained at the specified address will be compared to the jobname specified by the limits entry above and if a match is found the exit is allowed to execute.

    7. Description

      This fields provides an area to document the function of the user exit module.

    Limit Masking

    Job Name Masks 

    The following table shows the allowable mask characters:




    The question mark is used to unconditionally match any single character (except periods) where the question mark occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The ampersand is used to unconditionally match any single alpha character where the ampersand occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The percent sign is used to unconditionally match any single numeric character where the percent sign occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The dash is used to unconditionally match any preceding or succeeding character(s). Multiples are allowed.

    MVS Exits

    This panel displays all of the MVS exits in alphabetical order by exit name and tells you which MVS user exits are being used. You may page up and down with PFK7 and PFK8.

    Figure 39. Basic MVS Exit Selection

    |                                                                                |
    | OS/EM ------------------- BASIC EXIT SELECTION ------------------ Version 6.1  |
    | COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | (CMD = Exit Point (O)ptions, (U)ser Exits)                                     |
    |     Exit               Exit     User                                           |
    | CMD Type      Active   Point    Exits Description                              |
    |  '  SMF       ACTIVE   IEFACTRT  YES  SMF Job/Step Termination                 |
    |  '  ALLOC     ACTIVE   IEFALLOD       Allocated/Offline Device                 |
    |  '  ALLOC     ACTIVE   IEFALLSW       Specific Waits                           |
    |  '  ALLOC     ACTIVE   IEFALLVE       Volume Enqueue                           |
    |  '  ALLOC     ACTIVE   IEFALLVM       Volume Mount                             |
    |  '  ALLOC     ACTIVE   IEFDB401       Allocation Input Validation (SVC99)      |
    |  '  SMF       ACTIVE   IEFUAV         User Account Validation                  |
    |  '  SMF       ACTIVE   IEFUJI         Job Initiation                           |
    |  '  SMF       ACTIVE   IEFUJP         Job Purge                                |
    |  '  SMF       ACTIVE   IEFUJV         Job Validation                           |
    |  '  SMF       ACTIVE   IEFUSI         Step Initiation                          |
    |  '  SMF       ACTIVE   IEFUSO         SYSOUT OUTLIM                            |
    |  '  SMF       ACTIVE   IEFUTL         Time Limits                              |
    |  '  SMF       ACTIVE   IEFU29         SMF Dump                                 |
    |  '  SMF       ACTIVE   IEFU83         SMF Record                               |
    |                                                                                |

    Line commands are:

    O Define exit point options

    This function controls the execution options for the exit point.

    "MVS User Exit Options" documents the resulting panel(s) and actions for this selection.


    U Define user exit modules

    This function defines the user exit modules to be executed for the exit point and their execution sequence.

    If there are load modules currently defined for this user exit, the user exit module selection list is displayed (see "MVS User Exit Modules").

    If no load modules are defined for this user exit, the user exit module definition panel is displayed (see "MVS User Exit Module Definition").

    MVS User Exit Options

    The following panel is displayed when the when the O line command is entered for a MVS exit point.

    Figure 40. MVS User Exit Options

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ---------------- EXIT POINT IEFACTRT OPTIONS --------------- Version 6.1  |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                   More:     +  |
    |  Exit Point IEFACTRT    ===> ACTIVE                 (Active/Inactive/Disable)  |
    |                                                                                |
    |  OS/EM Exit Called      ===> FIRST                               (First/Last)  |
    |  Notify For OS/EM ABEND ===>         ,        ,             (Up to 3 TSO IDs)  |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Default Return Code ===>  ___    or Reset ===> Y       (0-999 or Y to reset)  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Valid Return Codes:    or Reset ===> Y                    (Enter Y to reset)  |
    |   ______________________________________________________                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Good Return Codes      or Reset ===> Y                    (Enter Y to reset)  |
    |   ______________________________________________________                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Disabling Return Codes or Reset ===> Y                    (Enter Y to reset)  |
    |   ______________________________________________________                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Enter any combination of the following separated by commas or spaces:         |
    |  0,4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,ANY,GE255,LT255,NONZERO or the literal NONE  |
    |                                                                                |

    This field entry panel allows you to set the general execution options for the selected MVS user exit.

    1. Exit Point xxxxxxxx

      ACTIVE - the defined MVS exit(s) will be loaded at IPL time and executed when the exit is driven.

      INACTIVE - the defined MVS exit(s) will be loaded at IPL time but will not be executed when the exit is driven.

      DISABLE - the defined MVS exit(s) will not be loaded or executed.

    2. OS/EM Exit Called

      FIRST - specifies that the OS/EM Extended Functions will be applied before any MVS user exit modules are invoked for this exit point.

      LAST - specifies that the OS/EM Extended Functions will be applied after the MVS user exits are invoked for this exit point.

      Note: If the exit being displayed does not have associated OS/EM Extended Functions, the OS/EM fields will be locked.

    3. Notify for OS/EM ABEND

      Enter up to three TSO User IDs or Notify Group Names to be notified if an ABEND occurs in any of the OS/EM extended functions for this MVS exit point.

    4. Default Return Code

      The return code (register 15) passed by the OS/EM exit interface if no User exit modules are present, if the exit module controller module is not loaded, or some other internal error has occurred. There is a default return code provided by the exit interface module for each MVS exit point that is managed. Use this option with extreme caution.

    5. Valid Return Codes

      OS/EM checks for valid return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules as defined by the IBM MVS exit programming documentation for each exit point. The valid return codes for each IBM MVS exit point are built into OS/EM. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution.

    6. Good Return Codes

      OS/EM checks for good return codes (register 15) being issued by user exit modules. A good return code allows subsequent user exit modules to be called. OS/EM provides a default list. For example, if a user exit for IEFUTL set the return code to zero (indicating the job processing is to be cancelled), then no other user exit modules would be called, including the optional features if they were to be called last. Check the IBM MVS exit programming documentation to determine which return codes are valid for good return codes. If anything is specified it completely replaces the IBM list. Use this option with extreme caution.

    7. Disabling Return Codes

      OS/EM checks for a return code (register 15) being issued by a user exit module then disables that user exit module from being executed again. This option is primarily provided for JES3 support, but could be used for one time loading of tables, etc.

    Note: When specifying return codes, enter any combination of the following values separated by blanks or commas:

    MVS User Exit Modules

    The following panel is displayed when the U line command is entered for an MVS user exit point.

    Figure 41. MVS User Exit Modules

    |                                                                                |
    | OS/EM -------------- USER EXIT SELECTION - IEFACTRT -------------- Version 6.1 |
    | COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | (S)elect, (C)opy, (M)ove, (B)efore, (A)fter, (I)nsert, (D)elete), (R)epeat     |
    |              Primary/Backup                                                    |
    | SEL  Active      Names      Description                                        |
    |  '    YES      USRXIT1_     ____________________________________________       |
    |                ________     ____________________________________________       |
    |  '    ___      ________     ____________________________________________       |
    |                ________     ____________________________________________       |
    |  '    ___      ________     ____________________________________________       |
    |                ________     ____________________________________________       |
    |  '    ___      ________     ____________________________________________       |
    |                ________     ____________________________________________       |
    |  '    ___      ________     ____________________________________________       |
    |                ________     ____________________________________________       |
    | ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************|
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    This panel displays the modules defined for the selected MVS exit point. The user can add & delete modules entries, update entries and change the execution sequence of the user exit modules.

    Line commands are:

    S Select a user exit module entry

    This function displays the user exit module field entry panel and allows the user to modify the definition parameters for that module.

    "MVS User Exit Module Definition" documents the resulting panel(s) and actions for this selection.


    I Insert entry

    This function adds an empty module entry immediately following the specified entry. This blank entry can then be defined by using the S line command to edit the module details.


    D Delete entry

    This function deletes the specified module entry.


    C Copy entry

    This function makes a copy of the specified entry. This line command is used in conjunction with the A and B line commands to control the location of the copied entry.


    M Move entry

    This function relocates the specified entry within the module selection list. This line command is used in conjunction with the A and B line commands to control the new location of the moved entry.


    R Repeat entry

    This function duplicates the specified entry and inserts it immediately following the specified entry.


    A Locate AFTER

    This function locates a copied/moved entry immediately after the selected entry.


    B Locate BEFORE

    This function locates a copied/moved entry immediately before the selected entry.

    MVS User Exit Module Definition

    The following panel is displayed when the S line command is entered in the MVS User Exit Module display panel.

    Figure 42. MVS User Exit Module Definition Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------- USER EXIT FOR EXIT POINT IEFACTRT  ------------ Version 6.1 |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  User Exit Active      ===> YES                                      (Yes/No)  |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Notify for User ABEND ===> 1) MVSPROG_ 2) ________ 3) ________                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Primary Exit Module Name ===> USRXIT1_                                        |
    |    Library ===> ____________________________________________                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Backup Exit Module Name  ===> ________                                        |
    |    Library ===> ____________________________________________                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Limits ===> _______________________________________________                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Description: ____________________________________________                     |
    |               ____________________________________________                     |
    |                                                                                |

    This field entry panel defines the characteristics of the user exit module to be executed.

    1. User Exit Active

      YES - the defined MVS exit module will be loaded at IPL time and executed when the exit is driven.

      NO - the defined MVS exit(s) will not be loaded or executed.

    2. Notify for User Exit ABEND

      Enter up to three TSO User IDs or Notify Group Names to be notified if an ABEND occurs in the defined user exit module for this MVS exit point.

    3. Primary User Exit - this is the user exit module to be executed when the MVS exit is driven.
      1. Module Name - the name of the load module (or alias) to be executed.
      2. Entry Point - the name of the load module entry point to be used.
      3. Library - if the load module does not reside in a library defined in the system's LINKLIST, you may specify the name of the load library dataset. The dataset name with single quotes (') and the library must be APF authorized.

        Note: If a library is specified and the load module is not found in that library, OS/EM will not continue to search for the module and it will not be loaded.

    4. Backup User Exit - this user exit module (if specified) will be used in the event that an ABEND occurs in the primary module.
      1. Module Name - the name of the load module (or alias) to be executed.
      2. Entry Point - the name of the load module entry point to be used.
      3. Library - if the load module does not reside in a library defined in the system's LINKLIST, you may specify the name of the load library dataset. The dataset name with single quotes (') and the library must be APF authorized.

        Note: If a library is specified and the load module is not found in that library, OS/EM will not continue to search for the module and it will not be loaded.

    5. Limits

      This field allows the execution of the user exit module to be restricted to specific jobnames and/or jobname masks. Multiple names or masks should be separated by spaces.

      This is particularly useful for limiting the scope of an exit module while it is being tested by restricting its execution to specific test jobs. When the module is to be put into production, the execution of the exit can be made global by removing the jobname limits.

      Note: If the exit point does not support limits this field will be locked and no entry will be allowed.

    6. Description

      This fields provides an area to document the function of the user exit module.

    Limit Masking

    Job Name Masks 

    The following table shows the allowable mask characters:




    The question mark is used to unconditionally match any single character (except periods) where the question mark occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The ampersand is used to unconditionally match any single alpha character where the ampersand occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The percent sign is used to unconditionally match any single numeric character where the percent sign occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The dash is used to unconditionally match any preceding or succeeding character(s). Multiples are allowed.

    Extended OS/EM Functions

    Figure 43. Extended OS/EM Support

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------ EXTENDED OS/EM SUPPORT ----------------- Version 6.1   |
    |SELECTION ===>                                                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                         1  Define Dataset name groups                          |
    |                         2  Define Volume groups                                |
    |                         3  HSM Optimizer                                       |
    |                         4  HSM Reports                                         |
    |                         5  ISPF File Prefix Controls                           |
    |                         6  JCL Controls                                        |
    |                         7  Job Controls                                        |
    |                         8  Job Routing/Classing                                |
    |                         9  Miscellaneous Controls                              |
    |                        10  Quickpool/DASD Allocation Controls                  |
    |                        11  RACF Controls                                       |
    |                        12  Restrict Devices                                    |
    |                        13  SVC Delete/Replace                                  |
    |                        14  Tape Share Controls                                 |
    |                        15  Time Controls                                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    Each of these paths is presented in the following sections:

    1. Define Dataset Name Groups (see "Define Dataset Name Groups")

    2. Define Volume Groups (see "Define Volume Groups")

    3. HSM Optimizer (see "HSM Optimizer")

    4. HSM Reports (see "HSM Optimizer Report System")

    5. ISPF File Prefix Controls (see "ISPF File Prefix Controls")

    6. JCL Controls (see "JCL Controls")

    7. Job Controls (see "Job Controls")

    8. Job Routing/Classing (see "Job Routing Controls")

    9. Miscellaneous Controls (see "Miscellaneous Controls")

    10. QuickPool (see "QuickPool")

    11. RACF Controls (see "RACF Controls")

    12. Restrict Devices (see "Restrict Devices")

    13. SVC Delete/Replace (see "SVC Controls")

    14. Tape Share Controls (see "Tape Share Controls")

    15. Time Controls (see "Time Controls")

    Define Dataset Name Groups

    Dataset Name Groups are used to establish a list of dataset name mask(s) and/or dataset name(s). The group names are then used in various OS/EM functions instead of specifying the same dataset name or masks(s) in every function.

    Build groups as needed. A dataset name or mask(s) may appear in more than one group since each OS/EM function will use Dataset Name Groups in a different way.

    This dialog displays the list of Dataset Name Groups and provides the functions to create new groups as well as maintain and delete existing groups.

    Figure 44. Dataset Name Group List

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------------- DSN NAME GROUPS --------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Enable groups      ===> YES      (Enter YES to enable; NO to disable)        |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  (CMD = (A)dd (D)elete (C)hange (T)emporarily disable toggle)                  |
    |                                                                                |
    | Cmd  Group Name   Description                                                  |
    |  _    ANY       : PATTERN TO MATCH ANY MULTI-LEVEL DSN_________                |
    |                 : _____________________________________________                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  _    BATCH     : MIGRATABLE BATCH FILES_______________________                |
    |                 : _____________________________________________                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  _    BKPEXC    : datasets excluded from hsm backup____________                |
    |                 : _____________________________________________                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  _    CATLG     : CATALOGS_____________________________________                |
    |                 : _____________________________________________                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  _    CLMSBAT   : Claims for Portland flat files_______________                |
    |                 : _____________________________________________                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    This panel displays the Dataset Groups that are currently defined to the OS/EM system. The PF7 & PF8 keys can be used to scroll up & down the list of groups.

    Creating Group Names

    Group Names are a maximum of eight characters in length, and may not start with the letters NO.

    Each Group Name represents a group of one or more dataset names and/or mask(s). Dataset group names are used wherever OS/EM Extended Functions (such as the HSM Optimizer Direct to ML2 function) can use dataset name groups for its INCLUDE option.

    There is no practical limit to the number of dataset name groups that may be created; especially since the groups may consist of dataset name(s)/mask(s) that represent a subset of your installation's total number of datasets.

    It is suggested that you develop a naming scheme which will give some indication as to the dataset name group's use.

    Note: Groups are stored internally in alphabetical order. Keep this in mind when creating group names. The OS/EM initialization member will also be built in alphabetic order. This determines OS/EM's search order when going through the dataset name(s) and mask(s) in each group to find a match. Dataset name(s) and mask(s) are searched in the order entered within the Dataset Name Group list. The first match that OS/EM finds will be the one used.

    Panel Input Fields

    1. Panel Command Line - see "Entering data" for more information regarding ISPF commands.

    2. Enable Groups


      The Dataset Groups function is enabled and the defined groups are available to the OS/EM extended functions.


      The Dataset Groups function is disabled.

    3. Line Commands

      A - Add a Dataset Group (see "Add a DSN Group")

      C - Change the Dataset Group (see "Change a DSN Group")

      D - Deletes the Dataset Group (see "Delete a DSN Group")

      T - Toggles the Dataset Group to/from being temporarily disabled (see "Temporarily Disable a DSN Group")

    Add a DSN Group

    The following screen is displayed when the line command A (Add a group) is entered in the DSN Name Group panel or if the Define DSN Groups function is entered and no groups are currently defined.

    Figure 45. DSN Name Groups - Add Group Name

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------------- DSN NAME GROUPS -------------------- Version 6.1    |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Enter DSN Group Name and optional Description                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Group Name  ===>            (Enter DSN Group Name)                             |
    |                                                                                |
    | Description ===> _____________________________________________                 |
    |                  _____________________________________________                 |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    1. Group Name

      This is the name of the group to be defined. The group name can be up to 8 characters in length and must not start with NO. See Creating Group Names earlier in this section for more details about selecting a Dataset Group name.

    2. Description

      This optional field provides an area for the user to provide comments relating to the group.

    When the ENTER key is pressed, the Change Group panel is displayed (see Figure 46). This allows the user to define the dataset name(s) and mask(s) which will constitute the group.

    Change a DSN Group

    The following panel is displayed in response to the Change and Add (after Dataset group is defined) line commands. This panel which will allow you to change the group description and to change, add and delete dataset name(s) and mask(s) for the group.

    Figure 46. DSN Name Groups - Change

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------------- DSN NAME GROUPS -------------------- Version 6.1    |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                 SCROLL ===> CSR    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Group Name  ===> BATCH                                                         |
    |                                                                                |
    | Description ===> MIGRATABLE BATCH FILES_______________________                 |
    |                  _____________________________________________                 |
    |                                                                                |
    | Enter DSN names for group:                                                     |
    |    (CMD = (I)nsert line (D)elete line (S)elect for update)                     |
    |                                                                                |
    |     CMD     DSN names or masks                                                 |
    |      _      GSA%.-.-.FIL.+                                                     |
    |      _      GSA%.-.-.OBS.PRC                                                   |
    |      _      GSA%.-.-.OBS.SRC                                                   |
    |      _      GSA%.-.-.OBS.JCL                                                   |
    |      _      GSA%.-.-.OBS.CPY                                                   |
    |      _      GSA%.-.-.BKP.+                                                     |
    |      _      GSA%.-.-.LOG.+                                                     |
    |      _      GSA%.-.-.IMC.+                                                     |
    |      _      GSA%.-.-.COM.+                                                     |
    |      _      GSA%.-.-.SAV.+                                                     |
    |******************************* Bottom of Data *******************************  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    The change panel contains a scrollable area where the dataset name(s) or mask(s) are maintained. Each row consists of a single dataset name or mask.

    The following line commands can be used:

    D - Delete the entry

    I - Insert a new dataset name / mask immediately following the selected line.

    S - Select the entry for update. The dataset name / mask can be modified prior to pressing ENTER.

    You may NOT change the group name. If you wish to change the name, you must create a new group with the desired name and enter all the dataset name(s) and mask(s) that will constitute the group. Delete the old group once the new group is active.

    Delete a DSN Group

    A dataset group is deleted by entering a D line command next to the desired group.

    The group, and all the dataset name(s) and mask(s) comprising the group, will be deleted. OS/EM will check that the group is not referenced in any function and will not delete the group if it is, however no checks are made to determine whether the group is still referenced within an OS/EM initialization member. Initialization will produce undesired results if undefined Dataset Name Groups are referenced.

    A series of panels will display after a group has been selected for deletion. These panels will are as follows:

    Figure 47. DSN Name Groups - Wait

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | OS/EM -------------------- DSN NAME GROUPS ------------- Version 6.1           |
    |                                                                                |
    | COMMAND ===>                                                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |    PLEASE WAIT. . . .                                                          |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |    A search is being made of all functions that use DSN name groups            |
    |    to ensure that you are not attempting to delete a group that is             |
    |    still in use. This process will take a few moments.                         |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Figure 48. DSN Name Groups - Delete

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------------- DSN NAME GROUPS ---------------- Version 6.1         |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |   The search has found that Group BATCH    is referenced                       |
    |   1     times in various functions. You must delete all references             |
    |   before you can delete the group.                                             |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Deleting the group and building a new Group initialization                   |
    |   member will NOT remove the group until the next IPL.                         |
    |                                                                                |
    |   If you wish to immediately remove the group, temporarily disable the         |
    |   group, then EXECUTE the DSN Group function. Finally, build the               |
    |   initialization member so that the group will not reappear with the           |
    |   next IPL.                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Use ENTER to see the list of references for Group BATCH                      |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Figure 49. DSN Name Groups - References

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------------- DSN NAME GROUPS ---------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Group BATCH    is referenced in the following functions:                     |
    |                                                                                |
    |         QUICKPOOL: POOL NAME IS VOLG15, POOL TYPE IS ALLOW                     |
    |******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Figure 50. DSN Name Groups - No References

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | OS/EM -------------------- DSN NAME GROUPS --------------------- Version 6.1   |
    | COMMAND ===>                                                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |    The search has found no references to Group BATCH2.                         |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Deleting the group and building a new Group initialization                  |
    |    member will NOT remove the group until the next IPL.                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |    If you wish to immediately remove the group, temporarily disable the        |
    |    the group, then EXECUTE the  Group function. Finally, build the             |
    |    initialization member so that the group will not reappear with the          |
    |    next IPL.                                                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Use ENTER to continue, or use CANCEL to quit.                               |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Temporarily Disable a DSN Group

    A dataset group may be temporarily disabled by entering a T in line command field before the desired group entry. The group definition will be retained but none of the dataset name(s) within the group will be available for OS/EM processing.

    Disabled groups are indicated by a T immediately to the left of the group name. These groups may be enabled by entering a T in the line command field. The T line command acts as a disable/enable toggle.

    While the definition is retained, the same considerations apply as if the group were being deleted (see "Delete a DSN Group").

    As with all changes in the interface, you must remember to execute this change online for it to take effect.

    Dataset Name Masks

      Dataset name masks are created by using qualifiers within a dataset name. Valid qualifiers are:




      The question mark is used to unconditionally match any single character (except periods) where the question mark occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


      The ampersand is used to unconditionally match any single alpha character where the ampersand occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


      The percent sign is used to unconditionally match any single numeric character where the percent sign occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


      The minus sign is used to unconditionally match a single node of the dataset name. Multiples are allowed.


      The plus sign is used to unconditionally match all characters/nodes of the dataset name beyond where it is entered in the specification. A single plus sign may be specified.

    Examples of dataset name masks




      Specifies single-level dataset AA


      Specifies a single-level dataset name of five characters. The first and last two characters are AA. The third character can be anything: AA5AA,AABAA, etc.


      Specifies any dataset name beginning with the two characters AA: AA55.TEST


      Specifies a single-level dataset name beginning with the characters AA: AA5PROD


      Specifies a two or more level dataset name. The first node is AA: AA.PROD.COMP


      Specifies a two level dataset name. The first node is AA: AA.CICS


      Specifies a two level dataset name. The last node is AA: PROD.AA


      Specifies a three-level dataset name. The first node is SYS1 and the last node is HRP1000


      Specifies any three-level dataset name. This type of specification will match every three-level dataset name within your installation.


      Specifies a three-level dataset name. The first node is GSAX and the last node is PRM.


      Specifies a two-level dataset name. The first node starts with SYS and any other character. The second node can be anything: SYS1.LINKLIB


      Specifies a two-level dataset name. The first node starts with SYS and any other alphabetic character. The second node can be anything: SYSX.LINKLIB


      Specifies a two-level dataset name. The first node starts with SYS and any other numeric character. The second node can be anything: SYS5.LINKLIB


      Specifies a three-level dataset name. The first node is SYSX. The second node can be anything. The third node begins with EZT and any three characters: SYSX.CICS.EZT030


      Specifies a two or more level dataset name. The first node begins with any two characters, followed by SYSUT and any other single character.


      Specifies a three or more level dataset name. The first node is AA and the last node is BB.


      Specifies a single-level dataset name. The first two characters are AA and the last two characters are AA. The up to four middle characters can be anything. There has to be at least one middle character - AAAA will not match.


      A fully qualified dataset name.

    Define Volume Groups

    Volume name groups are used to establish a list of DASD volumes. These group names are then used in various OS/EM Extended Functions instead of specifying the same volume serial numbers in every function.

    Build groups as needed. A volume serial number may appear in more than one group since each OS/EM Extended Function will use volume serial numbers in a different way.

    This dialog displays the list of Volume Groups and provides the functions to create new groups as well as maintain and delete existing groups.

    Figure 51. Volume Name Groups

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------------- VOL NAME GROUPS --------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Enable groups      ===> YES      (Enter YES to enable; NO to disable)        |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  (CMD = (A)dd (D)elete (C)hange (T)emporarily disable toggle)                  |
    |                                                                                |
    | Cmd  Group Name   Description                                                  |
    |  _    MVSAUX    : MVS Auxiliary volumes (SMP/E SMF ISPF Etc..)_                |
    |                 : _____________________________________________                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  _    SMSSTD    : volumes in sms standard pool_________________                |
    |                 : _____________________________________________                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  _    VOLG1     : _____________________________________________                |
    |                 : _____________________________________________                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  _    VOLG10    : dispatch online viewing______________________                |
    |                 : _____________________________________________                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  _    VOLG16    : HSM ML1 VOLUMES______________________________                |
    |                 : _____________________________________________                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    This panel displays the Volume Groups that are currently defined to the OS/EM system. The PF7 & PF8 keys can be used to scroll up & down the list of groups.

    Creating Group Names

    Group Names are a maximum of eight characters in length, and may not start with the letters NO.

    Each Group Name represents a group of one or more DASD volumes. Masking characters may be used to define a generic range of volumes (see "Volume Masks" for more information on volume name masking). Volume group names are used wherever OS/EM Extended Functions (such as the HSM Optimizer defragmentation function) may require volume names on which to operate.

    There is no practical limit to the number of volume groups that may be created; especially since groups may consist of volume serial mask(s) that represent a subset of your installation's total number of volumes.

    It is suggested that you develop a naming scheme which will give some indication as to the volume group's use.

    Note: Groups are stored internally in alphabetical order. Keep this in mind when creating group names. The OS/EM initialization member will also be built in alphabetic order. This determines OS/EM's search order when going through the volume name(s) and mask(s) in each group to find a match. Volume name(s) and mask(s) are searched in the order entered within the Volume Group list. The first match that OS/EM finds will be the one used.

    Panel Input Fields

    1. Panel Command Line - see "Entering data" for more information regarding ISPF commands.

    2. Enable Groups


      The Volume Groups function is enabled and the defined groups are available to the OS/EM extended functions.


      The Volume Groups function is disabled.

    3. Line Commands

      A - Add a Volume Group (see "Add a Volume Group")

      C - Change the Volume Group (see "Change a Volume Group")

      D - Deletes the Volume Group (see "Delete a Volume Group")

      T - Toggles the Volume Group to/from being temporarily disabled (see "Temporarily Disable a Volume Group")

    Add a Volume Group

    The following screen is displayed when the line command A (Add a group) is entered in the Vol Name Group panel or if the Define Volume Groups function is entered and no groups are currently defined.

    Figure 52. Volume Name Groups - Add Group Name

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------------- VOL NAME GROUPS -------------------- Version 6.1    |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Enter VOL Group Name and optional Description                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Group Name  ===>            (Enter VOL Group Name)                             |
    |                                                                                |
    | Description ===> _____________________________________________                 |
    |                  _____________________________________________                 |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    1. Group Name

      This is the name of the group to be defined. The group name can be up to 8 characters in length and must not start with NO. See Creating Group Names earlier in this section for more details about selecting a Volume Group name.

    2. Description

      This optional field provides an area for the user to provide comments relating to the group.

    When the ENTER key is pressed, the Change Group panel is displayed (see Figure 53). This allows the user to define the volume name(s) and/or mask(s) which will constitute the group.

    Change a Volume Group

    The following panel is displayed in response to the Change and Add (after Volume group is defined) line commands. This panel which will allow you to change the group description and to change, add and delete volume name(s) and mask(s) for the group.

    Figure 53. Volume Name Groups - Change

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------------- VOL NAME GROUPS -------------------- Version 6.1    |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                 SCROLL ===> CSR    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Group Name  ===> MVSAUX                                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    | Description ===> MVS Auxiliary volumes (SMP/E SMF ISPF Etc..)_                 |
    |                  _____________________________________________                 |
    |                                                                                |
    | Enter VOL names for group:                                                     |
    |    (CMD = (I)nsert line (D)elete line (S)elect for update)                     |
    |                                                                                |
    |     CMD     VOL names or masks                                                 |
    |      _      MVSCTA                                                             |
    |      _      MVSCTB                                                             |
    |      _      PAGE01                                                             |
    |      _      PAGE02                                                             |
    |      _      SYS000                                                             |
    |      _      SYS001                                                             |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    The change panel contains a scrollable area where the volume name(s) or mask(s) are maintained. Each row consists of a single volume name or mask.

    The following line commands can be used:

    D - Delete the entry

    I - Insert a new volume name / mask immediately following the selected line.

    S - Select the entry for update. The volume name / mask can be modified prior to pressing ENTER.

    You may NOT change the group name. If you wish to change the name, you must create a new group with the desired name and enter all the volume name(s) and mask(s) that will constitute the group. Delete the old group once the new group is active.

    Delete a Volume Group

    A Volume Group is deleted by entering a D line command next to the desired group.

    The group, and all the volume name(s) and mask(s) comprising the group, will be deleted. OS/EM will check that the group is not referenced in any function and will not delete the group if it is, however no checks are made to determine whether the group is still referenced within an OS/EM initialization member. Initialization will produce undesired results if undefined Volume Name Groups are referenced.

    A series of panels will display after a group has been selected for deletion. These panels will are as follows:

    Delete a complete volume group by entering a D in the CMD field before the group.

    The group, and all the dataset names and masks comprising the group, will be deleted. OS/EM will check that the group is not referenced in any other panel and will not delete the group if it is, however no checks are made to determine whether the group is still referenced within OS/EM initialization member. Initialization will produce undesired results if undefined Volume Groups are referenced.

    Temporarily Disable a Volume Group

    A volume group may be temporarily disabled by entering a T in line command field before the desired group entry. The group definition will be retained but none of the volume name(s) within the group will be available for OS/EM processing.

    Disabled groups are indicated by a T immediately to the left of the group name. These groups may be enabled by entering a T in the line command field. The T line command acts as a disable/enable toggle.

    While the definition is retained, the same considerations apply as if the group were being deleted (see "Delete a Volume Group").

    As with all changes via the interface, you must remember to execute the change online to have it take effect.

    Volume Masks

    Volume masks are created by using qualifiers within a volume serial number. Valid qualifiers are:




    The question mark is used to unconditionally match any single character (except periods) where the question mark occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The ampersand is used to unconditionally match any single alpha character where the ampersand occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The percent sign is used to unconditionally match any single numeric character where the percent sign occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The dash is used to unconditionally match any preceding or succeeding character(s). Multiples are allowed.

    Examples of volume serial number masks




    Matches any serial number that begins with VOL0 and any two numeric characters: VOL010


    Matches any serial number that begins with any alpha character and five numbers

    HSM Optimizer


    The HSM Optimizer allows you to more precisely control DFHSM migration and backup. DFHSM as supplied by IBM in both SMS and Non-SMS environments provides a limited set of specifications in determining which datasets will, or will not, be migrated or backed up. Complete volumes may be excluded, datasets may be excluded from migration, and a residency factor (the number of days since last reference) may be specified. The HSM Optimizer, in contrast allows multiple residency specifications, the dataset size as a factor at migration time versus allocation time in DFSMS, and a relationship between a dataset's size and specification in a dataset name list.

    Summary of Features

    HSM Optimizer Menu

    DFHSM, as currently supplied by IBM, offers only coarse control over which datasets get migrated and backed up. Only one aging factor may be supplied, and this factor applies to all datasets, except those explicitly excluded from processing. If your installation has a very aggressive aging factor, say only one or two days, and a high percentage factor for migration 'kick-in', datasets will be continually migrated and recalled, with no regard to their usage or size. Further, the same sort of factors apply to DFHSM's Level-1 storage. If your Level-1 storage is on the small side and a large dataset migrates, you might find that many of your recalls will be coming from Level-2 storage. If this level is tape, there will be delays while the tape is found and mounted.

    The HSM Optimizer has been designed to give you much finer control over the migration and backup process. It also gives you the option to reblock datasets when they are recalled, and to automatically defragment DASD volumes based on supplied criteria. The following details the HSM Optimizer's functions (it is assumed that you have some familiarity with DFHSM processing and the setting of options in the ARCCMDxx parm member):

    We recommend that you run the report system before attempting to specify any of the HSM Optimizer's controls. Once you have determined a strategy, implement it in phases. Also, to get the most effect from the HSM Optimizer, set DFHSM's aging factors to one day and specify a low THRESHOLD for the volumes, see Programmer's Guide. The HSM Optimizer only "sees" those datasets that DFHSM considers eligible for processing. By setting aggressive factors in your DFHSM ARCCMDxx parm member, you let the HSM Optimizer determine whether a dataset should be processed. Consider, too, removing all specifications for datasets that you currently set as NOMIG or COMMANDMIGRATION via the SETMIG statement. Handle such datasets via the HSM Optimizer. This will place all DFHSM control in one place.

    Directed Recall requires that the following DFHSM SETSYS option be present in DFHSM ARCCMDxx member.


    Note: If the dataset is a DFSMS dataset this option will not be invoked. If QUICKPOOL allocation is in effect, you must specify DIRECTRECALL. DFHSM RECALL/RECOVERY will most likely fail if this option is not enabled.

    Figure 54. HSM Optimizer Menu

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------------------  HSM OPTIMIZER --------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                     1 - Backup Control                                         |
    |                     2 - Defragmentation Control                                |
    |                     3 - Delete-By-Age Control                                  |
    |                     4 - Delete-If-Backed-Up Control                            |
    |                     5 - Direct to Level-2 Control   (ML0 -> ML2)               |
    |                     6 - Early Batch Recall          (JES2)                     |
    |                     7 - Force DSORG to PS                                      |
    |                     8 - Migration Control           (ML0 -> ML1)               |
    |                     9 - Migration Level-2 Control   (ML1 -> ML2)               |
    |                    10 - Prioritize Recall/Recover Requests                     |
    |                    11 - Quick Delete Control                                   |
    |                    12 - Reblocking Control                                     |
    |                    13 - Recall/Recover Volume Selection Control                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Each of the Optimizer's functions is detailed in the following sections. Many of the panels are repetitious. For example, any function that is driven by a dataset group list has a panel on which you specify the dataset name groups. The interface presents this panel, with an appropriate title, for each function; but the panel will be detailed only once.

    Each of these paths is presented in the following sections:

    1. Backup Control (see "Backup Control")

    2. Defragmentation Control (see "Defragmentation")

    3. Delete-By-Age Control (see "Delete-by-Age Control")

    4. Delete-If-Backed-Up Control (see "Delete-if-Backed-Up Control")

    5. Direct to Level-2 Control (see "Direct-to-Level-2 Control")

    6. Early Batch Recall (see "Early Batch Recall")

    7. Force DSORG to PS (see "Force DSORG to PS")

    8. Migration Control (see "Migration Control (ML0-ML1)")

    9. Migration Level-2 Control (see "Migration Level-2 Control (ML1-ML2)")

    10. Prioritize Recall/Recover Requests (see "Prioritize Recall/Recover Requests")

    11. Quick Delete Control (see "Quick Delete Control")

    12. Reblocking Control (see "Reblocking Control")

    13. Recall/Recover Volume Selection Control (see "Recall/Recover Volume Selection")

    Backup Control

    Backup control allows you to specify datasets which should not be backed up. DFHSM processing will back up every dataset that has changed or is new. Many installations have datasets that are created, used, and overwritten the next time they are used. There really is no need to back up such datasets.

    The first panel presented (Figure 55) allows you to ENABLE or DISABLE backup control. You also specify whether any EXCLUDE dataset name group list(s) will be a part of backup processing.

    The EXCLUDE list consists of previously defined dataset name groups. Any dataset that can be resolved to a group on the list will NOT be backed up. Be careful that datasets you are excluding should not be backed up. Note that the displayed description is the description you entered, if any, when you created the dataset name group. It is displayed here for documentation purposes.

    Figure 55. HSM Optimizer Backup Control

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ---------------------- BACKUP CONTROL -------------------- Version 6.1    |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                 SCROLL ===> CSR    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Enable Backup Control ===> YES  (Enter YES to enable; NO to disable)           |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Enter Dataset Name Groups that are to be excluded; leave groups blank for      |
    | normal DFHSM processing.                                                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |    (CMD = (A)dd group; (D)elete group)                                         |
    |     Cmd   Dataset Name Group(s)                                                |
    |      _    BKPEXC  : datasets excluded from hsm backup_________                 |
    |                   : __________________________________________                 |
    |      _    ZBD1    : __________________________________________                 |
    |                   : __________________________________________                 |
    |      _    ZBD2    : __________________________________________                 |
    |                   : __________________________________________                 |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Enable Backup Control

      Entering YES in this field will enable OS/EM's extended processing.

      Entering NO will disable this function.

    2. Exclude Dataset Name Groups

      The area in which the group names are entered is a scrollable area. Normal ISPF commands for scrolling are in effect.

      Group names are up to eight characters in length. They are created by using the Define Dataset Name Groups function (see "Define Dataset Name Groups"). Each group represents a set of dataset name masks or fully qualified dataset names.

      Note: The dataset group names that you enter must have been properly defined by using the Define Dataset Name Groups option before they can be accepted on this panel.

      To add a dataset name group, enter an A in the CMD field and overtype the name of the dataset name group in the group field (overtyping will not alter the old entry).

      If you enter a group name which does not exist, a popup window (see Figure 56) will be displayed which lists all available groups. Use the 'S' line command to select as many groups as needed.

      Note: The initial display of the Group Selection List will be positioned to the closest match for the name you tried to enter. Use the Up and Down scroll PF keys to reposition the display.

      To delete an existing entry, enter a D in the CMD field.

      Figure 56. Select DSN Groups for Backup Exclusion Pop-up

      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |OS/EM ---------------------- BACKUP CONTROL -------------------- Row 1 from 37  |
      |COMMAND ===>                                                 SCROLL ===> CSR    |
      |  .----------- SELECT DSN GROUPS FOR BACKUP EXCLUSION ------------.             |
      |  |                                                Row 16 from 29 |             |
      |  |  S  Group     Description                                     | )           |
      |  |  _  ONLINE    cics online files____________________________   |             |
      |  |               _____________________________________________   |             |
      |  |                                                               | nk for      |
      |  |  _  SYSTEM    SYSTEM DATASETS______________________________   |             |
      |  |               _____________________________________________   |             |
      |  |                                                               |             |
      |  |  _  SYS1      sys1 for rename______________________________   |             |
      |  |               _____________________________________________   |             |
      |  |                                                               |             |
      |  |  _  USERS     tso userid datasets__________________________   |             |
      |  |               _____________________________________________   |             |
      |  |                                                               |             |
      |  | COMMAND ===>                                                  |             |
      |* '---------------------------------------------------------------' *********** |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |


    OS/EM's Defragmentation control automates the "compaction" of DASD volumes.

    DASD volumes become fragmented over time. This can eventually lead to allocation failure because, while the total free space on the volume may be adequate, too many secondary allocations would be required to satisfy an allocation request.

    DFHSM returns a "fragmentation index" every time it does space management on a volume. OS/EM uses this index, based on your specification, to determine when to issue a DFDSS defrag procedure.

    Invoking the Optimizer's Defragmentation Control presents the following panel:

    Figure 57. Defragmentation Control/Procedure

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------------- DEFRAGMENTATION CONTROL ------------------ Version 6.1  |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Enable DEFRAG Control     ===> YES       (Enter YES to enable DEFRAG control; |
    |  Defragmentation procedure ===> FEMDFRAG  (Default FEMDFRAG)                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Default:              -- Time --       ---------- DAYS -----------            |
    |                        Start  End       Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun            |
    |                        0800 : 1200       _   Y   Y   Y   Y   _   _             |
    |                                                                                |
    | (CMD = (S)elect for update (G)roup update)                                     |
    |     Fragmentation       -- Time --       ---------- DAYS -----------      VOL  |
    |CMD Lvl Enable Index     Start  End       Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun     Groups|
    | '    1   Y    52__      1600 : 2300       _   _   _   _   _   Y   Y        Y   |
    | '    2   Y    15__      0200 : 0400       Y   _   _   _   _   _   _            |
    | '    3   _    ____      ____ : ____       _   _   _   _   _   _   _            |
    | '    4   _    ____      ____ : ____       _   _   _   _   _   _   _            |
    | '    5   _    ____      ____ : ____       _   _   _   _   _   _   _            |
    | '    6   _    ____      ____ : ____       _   _   _   _   _   _   _            |
    | '    7   _    ____      ____ : ____       _   _   _   _   _   _   _            |
    | '    8   _    ____      ____ : ____       _   _   _   _   _   _   _            |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Enable DEFRAG Control

      Entering YES in this field will enable OS/EM's extended processing.

      Entering NO in this field will disable OS/EM's extended processing.

    2. Defragmentation Procedure

      You may also specify the procedure name which will be used to start the DFDSS procedure which will actually defragment the DASD volume. The default name is FEMDFRAG. Any other procedure name can be specified. The procedure must exist in your installation's procedure library. Processing will not be affected if the procedure does not exist; however, the defragmentation process will not be done.

      The procedure should be a regular DFDSS defragmentation procedure. It must be created with a single symbolic parameter - V - which becomes the serial number of the volume to be defragmented (this may be passed in the PARM of the DFDSS EXECUTE statement). Each execution of the procedure will defragment a single volume. It is suggested that the executed procedure not actually be the DFDSS procedure, but a procedure which submits a batch job, with the appropriate parameter, that is the DFDSS defragment job. This will prevent your system from being flooded with many started tasks when a large number of volumes are being defragmented.

    3. Default

      Setting Global Time values

         Default:              -- Time --
                               Start  End
                               0900 : 1400

      Specifies the time of day during which OS/EM will issue the start for the defrag procedure. This time will apply to every defrag level which does not have its own time specification.

      The time is based on a 24 hour clock. The first time parameter specifies the earliest start time that the defrag procedure will be submitted; the second time parameter, the latest time that the defrag procedure will be submitted.

      For example, if you enter 0900 as the first time and 1400 as the second time, the defrag procedure will be submitted anywhere from 9AM to 2PM. The day of submission will depend on the DAYS that you specify.

      Setting Global Days values

         Default:         ---------- DAYS -----------
                          Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
                           Y   _   _   Y   _   Y   _

      Specifies the day(s) of the week on which OS/EM will issue the start for the defrag procedure. The day(s) will apply to any defrag level which does not specifically set its own days.

      Enter Y beneath the appropriate column for the desired day. Each day must be specifically entered. If you do not wish a particular day to be active, do not enter it.

      If you enter MON, THU, SAT, for example, the defrag procedure will be submitted on these days.

    4. Defrag Levels

      Specify the defrag level you wish to customize by placing an S in the CMD column. Eight levels are available, each with its own fragmentation index, times, days, and list of volume groups. There is no inherent meaning to the level numbers.

      The defrag level parameter may be used in a couple of different ways. You may code all 8 levels with the same fragmentation index, but supply a different volume list for each level. This creates a series of volume pools that may be defragmented on different days of the week by specifying the proper TIME and DAY parameters. Using this technique enables you to defrag your volumes on a weekly basis, spreading the process throughout the week.

      The second method would be to code different fragmentation indexes for each level, specifying appropriate volumes and TIME and DAY parameters. This method allows you to defrag volumes based on their content and usage (i.e., some volumes may have large files allocated to them; therefore, you might want to defrag such volumes more frequently to minimize secondary allocation).

        (CMD = (S)elect for update (G)roup update)
           Fragmentation       -- Time --       ---------- DAYS -----------      VOL
      CMD Lvl Enable Index     Start  End       Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun     Groups
       '    1   Y    350_      2300 : 0300       _   Y   _   Y   _   Y   _        Y
       '    2   _    ____      ____ : ____       _   _   _   _   _   _   _

      The following is an example of how to use levels.

      Table 1. Defrag Levels

      LVL Index Time Days Volume Groups
      1 400
      2 400
      3 400
      4 400
      5 400
      6 400
      7 400

      Figure 58. Defragmentation VOL Group Controls with "POPUP" screen

      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |OS/EM ----------------- DEFRAGMENTATION CONTROL ------------------ Version 6.1  |
      |COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR  |
      |  .------------------- VOL GROUPS FOR LVL 1 --------------------.               |
      |  |                                                             | FRAG control; |
      |  |  Enter Volume Groups that are to be included:               |               |
      |  |    (CMD = (A)dd group (D)elete group)                       |               |
      |  | CMD Group    Description                                    | --            |
      |  |  _  VOLG1    ______________________________________________ | un            |
      |  |              ______________________________________________ | _             |
      |  | ********************* Bottom of data ********************** |               |
      |  |                                                             |               |
      |  |                                                             | --      VOL   |
      |M |                                                             | un     Groups |
      |G |                                                             | Y        Y    |
      |' |                                                             | _             |
      |' |                                                             | _             |
      |' |                                                             | _             |
      |' |                                                             | _             |
      |' | CMD =>                                                      | _             |
      |' '-------------------------------------------------------------' _             |
      |'    8   _    ____      ____ : ____       _   _   _   _   _   _   _             |
      |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |

      Use the "POPUP" panel to add or delete the VOL Groups.

      The area in which the group names are entered is a scrollable area. Normal ISPF commands for scrolling are in effect.

      Group names are up to eight characters in length. Create them by using the Define Volume Groups function (see "Define Volume Groups"). Each group represents a set of volume serial masks or fully qualified volume serial numbers.

      The volume group names that you enter must have been properly defined by using the VOL function before they will be accepted on this panel.

      To add a volume group, enter an A in the CMD field and the name of the volume group in the group field. Type a description of the group in the description field. Overtype any existing entry - the old entry will not be altered.

      To delete an existing entry, enter a D in the CMD field.

    Delete-by-Age Control

    DFHSM Delete-by-Age processing is rather draconian in its approach: a single aging factor may be specified after which ALL datasets exceeding this age are deleted.

    OS/EM provides finer control by allowing the size of the dataset to be a determining factor, along with various aging factors OS/EM also allows specified datasets to not be deleted, even if they exceed the aging factor.

    In order to use this extended function, you must activate DFHSM's Delete-By-Age processing in the appropriate ARCCMDxx parm member. The value must be set low since HSM Optimizer processing actually determines whether a dataset should be deleted. For example, if you wish to start aging datasets after 1 day, the Delete-By-Age parameter in ARCCMDxx must specify 1 day.

    Figure 59. Delete-By-Age Hold Options

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------------------- HOLD OPTIONS ---------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |Controls Active for DELETE-BY-AGE       ===> YES (YES to enable, NO to disable) |
    |                                                                                |
    | (CMD = (S)elect for update, (G)roup display)                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |    En-  Num-   Max     AND   DSN                                               |
    |CMD able days   size    /OR  Groups Description                                 |
    | '   Y   01     3000    ___         __________________________________________  |
    |                                    __________________________________________  |
    | '   Y   02     ______  ___    3    __________________________________________  |
    |                                    __________________________________________  |
    | '   Y   03     4520    OR     1    __________________________________________  |
    |                                    __________________________________________  |
    | '   Y   04     6000    AND    2    __________________________________________  |
    |                                    __________________________________________  |
    | '   _   05     ______  ___         __________________________________________  |
    |                                    __________________________________________  |
    | '   _   06     ______  ___         __________________________________________  |
    |                                    __________________________________________  |
    | '   _   07     ______  ___         __________________________________________  |
    |                                    __________________________________________  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Controls Active

      Enter YES to enable extended processing; NO to disable extended processing.

    2. CMD

      There are two line commands available, S and G. You must enter a S on any line you make changes to for the changes to be saved.

      Enter a S in the CMD field of the line that contains the number of days specified datasets are to be held on Level-0 storage before being eligible for deletion.

      OS/EM allows the specification of 22 different aging factors.

    3. Enable Days

      Enter Y in the ENABLE area for the specified number of days.

      Enter N in the area to deactivate processing for this number of days.

      To update the DSN groups, use the G line command. This will cause a POPUP window (see Figure 60) to appear where you may update the groups.

      Use these values, along with MAXSIZE, OR/AND connective and INCLUDEd datasets, to determine how long unreferenced datasets will be held before they are deleted.

    4. Maxsize

      Enter maximum dataset size to hold in K bytes, blank to suppress MAXSIZE criteria.

      Only datasets that are larger than this value will be deleted once they exceed the aging factor.

      This value is in K bytes. Thus, a value of 1000 means that datasets less than or equal to 1,024,000 bytes will not be deleted even if they are older than the specified number of days.

      If you do not wish to hold datasets based on their size, leave this value blank, or blank it if you have already entered a value.

    5. OR/AND

      Enter logical connection between MAXSIZE and INCLUDEd datasets: OR = MAXSIZE datasets or specified datasets; AND = MAXSIZE datasets and specified datasets; blank = suppress OR/AND criteria.

      A logical connection between the MAXSIZE specification and INCLUDEd datasets is established by entering OR or AND.

      If you enter OR, datasets will be held if they do not exceed the MAXSIZE value, OR if the dataset is in any of the dataset name groups that are in the INCLUDE list.

      If you enter AND, datasets will be held if they do not exceed the MAXSIZE value, AND the dataset is in any of the dataset name groups that are in the INCLUDE list.

    6. Add or Delete DSN Groups

      Figure 60. Delete-By-Age Hold Options with DSN Groups "POP-UP" screen

      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |OS/EM ----------------------- HOLD OPTIONS ----------------------- Version 6.1  |
      |Command ===>                                                   Scroll ===> CSR  |
      |                                                                                |
      |Controls Active for DELETE-BY-AGE       ===> YES (YES to enable, NO to disable) |
      |                                                                                |
      | (CMD = (S)elect for update, (G)roup display)                                   |
      |                                                                                |
      |    En-  Num-   Max     AND   DSN                                               |
      |CMD able days .------------------- DSN GROUPS FOR DAY 02 -------------------.   |
      | '   Y   01   |                                                             |   |
      |              |  Enter Dataset Name Groups to be used:                      |   |
      | G   Y   02   |    (CMD = (A)dd group (D)elete group)                       |   |
      |              | CMD Group    Description                                    |   |
      | '   Y   03   |  _  HOLD999  permanent hold datasets___________________     |   |
      |              |              __________________________________________     |   |
      | '   Y   04   |  _  ZAD1     __________________________________________     |   |
      |              |              __________________________________________     |   |
      | '   _   05   |  _  ZAD2     __________________________________________     |   |
      |              |              __________________________________________     |   |
      | '   _   06   | ********************* Bottom of data ********************** |   |
      |              |                                                             |   |
      | '   _   07   |                                                             |   |
      |              |                                                             |   |
      |              | CMD =>                                                      |   |
      |              '-------------------------------------------------------------'   |
      |                                                                                |

      Use the "POP-UP" panel to add or delete the DSN Groups.

      The area in which the group names are entered is a scrollable area. Normal ISPF commands for scrolling are in effect.

      Group names are up to eight characters in length. Create them by using the Define Dataset Name Groups function (see "Define Dataset Name Groups"). Each group represents a set of dataset name masks or fully qualified dataset names.

    Note: The dataset group names that you enter must have been properly defined by using the Define Dataset Name Groups option before they can be accepted on this panel.

    Delete-if-Backed-Up Control

    DFHSM can be directed to delete datasets that it has backed up, but as with Delete-By-Age processing, it is an all or nothing approach.

    OS/EM provides finer control by allowing the size of the dataset to be a determining factor, along with various aging factors OS/EM also allows specified datasets to not be deleted, even if they exceed the aging factor.

    In order to use this extended function, you must activate DFHSM's Delete-If-Backed-Up processing in the appropriate ARCCMDxx parm member.

    Figure 61. Delete-If-Backed-UP Hold Options

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------------------- HOLD OPTIONS ---------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |Controls Active for DELETE-IF-BACKED-UP ===> YES (YES to enable, NO to disable) |
    |                                                                                |
    | (CMD = (S)elect for update, (G)roup display)                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |    En-  Num-   Max     AND   DSN                                               |
    |CMD able days   size    /OR  Groups Description                                 |
    | '   Y   01     ______  ___    2    __________________________________________  |
    |                                    __________________________________________  |
    | '   Y   02     3000    OR     3    __________________________________________  |
    |                                    __________________________________________  |
    | '   Y   03     4000    AND    1    __________________________________________  |
    |                                    __________________________________________  |
    | '   Y   04     5200    ___         __________________________________________  |
    |                                    __________________________________________  |
    | '   _   05     ______  ___         __________________________________________  |
    |                                    __________________________________________  |
    | '   _   06     ______  ___         __________________________________________  |
    |                                    __________________________________________  |
    | '   _   07     ______  ___         __________________________________________  |
    |                                    __________________________________________  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Controls Active

      Enter YES to enable extended processing; NO to disable extended processing.

      Enter an S to select the days specified datasets are to be held on Level-0 storage before being eligible for deletion.

      Enter a Y in the ENABLE area to activate hold processing for the specified number of days.

      OS/EM allows the specification of 22 different aging factors.

      Use these values, along with MAXSIZE, OR/AND connective and INCLUDEd datasets, to determine how long unreferenced datasets will be held before they are deleted.

    2. Maxsize

      Enter maximum dataset size to hold in K bytes, blank to suppress MAXSIZE criteria.

      Only datasets that are larger than this value will be deleted once they exceed the aging factor.

      This value is in K bytes. Thus, a value of 1000 means that datasets less than or equal to 1,024,000 bytes will not be deleted even if they are older than the specified number of days.

      If you do not wish to hold datasets based on their size, leave this value blank, or blank it if you have already entered a value.

    3. OR/AND

      Enter logical connection between MAXSIZE and INCLUDEd datasets: OR = MAXSIZE datasets or specified datasets; AND = MAXSIZE datasets and specified datasets; blank = suppress OR/AND criteria.

      A logical connection between the MAXSIZE specification and INCLUDEd datasets is established by entering OR or AND.

      If you enter OR, datasets will be held if they do not exceed the MAXSIZE value, OR if the dataset is in any of the dataset name groups that are in the INCLUDE list.

      If you enter AND, datasets will be held if they do not exceed the MAXSIZE value, AND if the dataset is in any of the dataset name groups that are in the INCLUDE list.

    4. DSN Groups

      If you wish to INCLUDE a list of datasets which will not be deleted, enter G in the CMD field. When the enter key is pressed, a pop-up window will be displayed where you can specify the group names.

    5. Add or Delete DSN Groups

    Figure 62. Delete-If-Backed-Up Hold Options with DSN Group "POP-UP" screen

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------------------- HOLD OPTIONS ---------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |Controls Active for DELETE-IF-BACKED-UP ===> YES (YES to enable, NO to disable) |
    |                                                                                |
    | (CMD = (S)elect for update, (G)roup display)                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |    En-  Num-   Max     AND   DSN                                               |
    |CMD able days .------------------- DSN GROUPS FOR DAY 02 -------------------.   |
    | '   Y   01   |                                                             |   |
    |              |  Enter Dataset Name Groups to be used:                      |   |
    | G   Y   02   |    (CMD = (A)dd group (D)elete group)                       |   |
    |              | CMD Group    Description                                    |   |
    | '   Y   03   |  _  HSM      HSM DATASETS AND DATASETS DURING RECALL/RE     |   |
    |              |              __________________________________________     |   |
    | '   Y   04   |  _  ZAD1     __________________________________________     |   |
    |              |              __________________________________________     |   |
    | '   _   05   |  _  ZAD2     __________________________________________     |   |
    |              |              __________________________________________     |   |
    | '   _   06   | ********************* Bottom of data ********************** |   |
    |              |                                                             |   |
    | '   _   07   |                                                             |   |
    |              |                                                             |   |
    |              | CMD =>                                                      |   |
    |                                                                                |

    Use the "POP-UP" panel to add or delete the DSN Groups.

    The area in which the group names are entered is a scrollable area. Normal ISPF commands for scrolling are in effect.

    Group names are up to eight characters in length. They are created by using the Define Dataset Name Groups function (see "Define Dataset Name Groups" ). Each group represents a set of dataset name masks or fully qualified dataset names.

    To add a dataset name group, enter an A in the CMD field and the name of the dataset name group in the group field. Type a description of the group in the description field. Overtype any existing entry - the old entry will not be altered.

    To delete an existing entry, enter a D in the CMD field.

    Note: The dataset group names that you enter must have been properly defined by using the Define Dataset Name Groups option before they can be accepted on this panel.

    Direct-to-Level-2 Control

    Datasets that are not used on a regular basis, say daily or weekly, should probably be migrated. However, you do not want to exhaust ML1 storage with such datasets. ML2 storage (tape) is provided by DFHSM for this purpose. But DFHSM only migrates from ML0-ML1-ML2, unless you manually issue a DFHSM command to migrate a particular dataset directly to ML2 storage. The Optimizer can automate this process.

    Selecting DIRML2 presents you with the MIGRATION CONTROL:DIR TO ML2 panel (Figure 63). This panel is similar to those already shown except that there are no HOLD days to specify. You ENABLE or DISABLE DIRML2 processing on this panel; specify a MINIMUM dataset size (datasets equal to or greater than this size will be eligible for DIRML2 processing); specify the logical connective between size and the dataset name group list, and whether the dataset name group list is an INCLUDE list or an EXCLUDE list (only one type of list may be created).

    Direct migration to Level-2 storage may be controlled by use of this option. A minimum size for such datasets may be established; and, via an OR/AND connective, either include or exclude datasets from such processing.

    The intent of this option is to move large, infrequently used datasets directly to Level-2 storage (usually tape) freeing Level-1 storage for smaller frequently used datasets.

    Figure 63. Migration Control: Direct to ML2

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------- MIGRATION CONTROL: DIR TO ML2 ------------- Version 6.1    |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                 SCROLL ===> CSR    |
    |                                                                                |
    | Enable DIRML2 Control  ===> YES  ( Enter YES to enable; NO to disable )        |
    |                                                                                |
    | Minimum dataset size to migrate directly to ML2:                               |
    |        ===> 20000     ( in K bytes, blank to suppress MINSIZE criteria)        |
    |                                                                                |
    | Logical connection between MINSIZE and datasets:                               |
    |        ===> AND       ( AND/OR/blank )                                         |
    |                                                                                |
    | Include or Exclude Dataset Name Groups:                                        |
    |        ===> EXCLUDE   ( INCLUDE/EXCLUDE/blank )                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |     CMD   Dataset Name Group(s)   (CMD = (A)dd group; (D)elete group)          |
    |      "    HSM     : HSM DATASETS AND DATASETS DURING RECALL/RE                 |
    |                   : __________________________________________                 |
    |                                                                                |
    |      "    ZMD1    : __________________________________________                 |
    |                   : __________________________________________                 |
    |                                                                                |
    |      "    ZMD2    : __________________________________________                 |
    |                   : __________________________________________                 |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. DIRML2 Control

      Enter YES to enable Migration control.

      Enter NO to disable Migration Control.

    2. MINSIZE

      Enter minimum dataset size (in K bytes) to migrate directly to ML2; blank to suppress MINSIZE criteria.

      Only datasets that are equal to or larger than this specified size will be eligible for direct migration to Level-2 storage.

      If you do not wish to direct datasets to Level-2 storage based on their size, leave this field blank or blank it out if you have already entered a value.

    3. OR/AND

      Enter logical connection between MINSIZE and INCLUDED/EXCLUDED datasets.

      A logical connection between the MINSIZE specification and the INCLUDEd or EXCLUDEd datasets is established by entering OR/AND.

      If you enter OR, datasets will be selected if they are MINSIZE OR in the INCLUDE or EXCLUDE lists.

      If you enter AND, datasets will be selected if they are either MINSIZE AND also in the INCLUDE or EXCLUDE lists.


      Enter INCLUDE to include Dataset Name Groups, or EXCLUDE to exclude Dataset Name Groups.

      Note: You may have either an INCLUDE list or an EXCLUDE list, but NOT both.

    5. Add or Delete a Dataset Name Group

      The area in which the group names are entered is a scrollable area. Normal ISPF commands for scrolling are in effect.

      Group names are up to eight characters in length. Create them by using the Define Dataset Name Groups function (see "Define Dataset Name Groups"). Each group represents a set of dataset name masks or fully qualified dataset names.

      Note: The dataset group names that you enter must have been properly defined by using the Define Dataset Name Groups option before they can be accepted on this panel.

    Early Batch Recall

    OS/EM's early batch recall function will cause DFSMSHSM to recall needed datasets while the job waits in the input queue, thus keeping initiators available for jobs which can begin execution immediately.

    Note: This control is unique to each JES2 subsystem you have defined. Use Primary Option 6 - Set JES name to control which JES2 subsystem you are updating (see "Set JES2 Name".)

    Figure 64. Early Batch Recall Control

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | OS/EM ----------- EARLY BATCH RECALL CONTROL - JES2 ---------- Version 6.1     |
    | COMMAND ===>                                                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |     Early Batch Recall Active  ===> YES                (Yes/No)                |
    |                                                                                |
    |     Disallow Local Recalls?    ===> NO                 (Yes/No)                |
    |     Ignore Failed Recalls?     ===> YES                (Yes/No)                |
    |     Only Recall First Dataset? ===> NO                 (Yes/No)                |
    |     Recall COND=ONLY Steps?    ===> NO                 (Yes/No)                |
    |     Recheck All Datasets?      ===> YES                (Yes/No)                |
    |     Send Message to Job Owner? ===> YES                (Yes/No)                |
    |     Send Message to Joblog?    ===> YES                (Yes/No)                |
    |     WTO to Console?            ===> YES                (Yes/No)                |
    |                                                                                |
    |     Wait for ALL Recalls       ===> NO                 (Yes/No)                |
    |     OR Only Tape Datasets      ===> YES                (Yes/No)                |
    |        Only First Recall       ===> YES                (Yes/No)                |
    |        Condition Only          ===> NO                 (Yes/No)                |
    |                                                                                |
    |     Recheck Interval for:                                                      |
    |        Generationdatagroups    ===> 90                 (Seconds)               |
    |        Normal datasets         ===> 300                (Seconds)               |
    |                                                                                |

    The options and their meanings follow:

    Disallow Local Recalls?

    OS/EM will not issue the recall request on the local system.

    Ignore Failed Recalls?

    OS/EM will allow the job to be selected for execution even if an early recall has failed.

    Only Recall First Dataset?

    OS/EM will only issue a recall request for the first dataset of the job.

    Send Message to Job Owner?

    OS/EM will send a TSO message to the owner of a job that is being held because of pending recalls.

    Send Message to Joblog?

    OS/EM will write a message to the joblog showing the datasets recalled.

    Send Message to Console?

    OS/EM will write the following message to the console:


    Wait for ALL Recalls?

    OS/EM will block execution of the job until all migrated datasets have been recalled.

    Wait for Only Tape Datasets?

    OS/EM will only block execution of the job if the job had datasets migrated to tape. This cannot be YES if 'Wait for ALL Recalls?' is set to YES.

    Wait for Only First Recall?

    OS/EM will only block execution of the job until the first migrated dataset has been recalled. This cannot be YES if 'Wait for ALL Recalls?' is set to YES.

    Wait for Condition Only?

    OS/EM will block execution of the job until all migrated datasets in COND=ONLY steps have been recalled. This cannot be YES if 'Wait for ALL Recalls?' is set to YES.

    Recheck Interval for Generationdatagroups

    Specify the time in seconds that OS/EM will wait before rechecking the status of a HRECALL request. Default time is 30 seconds.

    Recheck Interval for Normal Datasets

    Specify the time in seconds that OS/EM will wait before rechecking the status of a HRECALL request. Default time is 300 seconds.

    Force DSORG to PS

    This control is applied to datasets which have been allocated but never opened, which leaves an unknown DSORG causing DFSMSHSM to bypass the dataset during migration and backup processing.

    Forcing the DSORG to PS allows DFSMSHSM to process the dataset.

    Figure 65. Entry panel for Force DSORG to PS

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | OS/EM -------------------- FORCE DSORG TO PS -------------------- Version 6.1  |
    | COMMAND ===>                                                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |       Force DSORG to PS? ===> YES         (Yes/No)                             |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  This control applies to datasets allocated but never opened so that DFSMSHSM  |
    |  may migrate and backup these datasets.                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Enter YES to force the DSORG, or enter NO to leave unopened new datasets alone.

    Migration Control (ML0-ML1)

    OS/EM's migration control extends standard DFHSM migration control by considering the size of datasets and the number of days a dataset has been resident on Level-0 storage.

    In order to use this extended function, you must activate DFHSM's migration processing in the appropriate ARCCMDxx parm member.

    Figure 66. Migration Controls

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------------------- HOLD OPTIONS ---------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |Controls Active for MIGRATION           ===> YES (YES to enable, NO to disable) |
    |                                                                                |
    | (CMD = (S)elect for update, (G)roup display)                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |    En-  Num-   Max     AND   DSN                                               |
    |CMD able days   size    /OR  Groups Description                                 |
    | '   _   01     ______  ___         __________________________________________  |
    |                                    __________________________________________  |
    | '   Y   02     ______  ___    3    __________________________________________  |
    |                                    __________________________________________  |
    | '   _   03     ______  ___         __________________________________________  |
    |                                    __________________________________________  |
    | '   _   04     ______  ___         __________________________________________  |
    |                                    __________________________________________  |
    | '   Y   05     752     OR     3    __________________________________________  |
    |                                    __________________________________________  |
    | '   _   06     ______  ___         __________________________________________  |
    |                                    __________________________________________  |
    | '   _   07     ______  ___         __________________________________________  |
    |                                    __________________________________________  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Migration from primary storage (referred to as Level-0 or ML0 storage) to secondary storage (referred to as Level-1 or ML1 storage) moves datasets from primary to secondary storage when they exceed the aging criterion. Such datasets are commonly compressed to maximize secondary storage utilization. DFHSM also supports Small-Dataset-Packing (SDSP), which allows small datasets to become records within a single VSAM file which you establish.

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Controls Active

      Enter YES to enable extended processing; NO to disable extended processing.

      OS/EM allows the specification of 22 different aging factors.

      Use these values, along with MAXSIZE, OR/AND connective and INCLUDEd datasets, to determine how long unreferenced datasets will be held before they are migrated.

    2. Enable

      Enter Y in the ENABLE area to activate hold processing for the specified number of days.

      Note: You must use either the S or G line command for any updates to take place.

    3. Maxsize

      Enter maximum dataset size to hold in K bytes, blank to suppress MAXSIZE criteria.

      Only datasets that are larger than this value will be migrated once they exceed the aging factor.

      This value is in K bytes. Thus, a value of 1000 means that datasets less than or equal to 1,024,000 bytes will not be migrated even if they are older than the specified number of days.

      If you do not wish to hold datasets based on their size, leave this value blank, or blank it if you have already entered a value.

    4. OR/AND

      Enter logical connection between MAXSIZE and INCLUDEd DSN Groups; OR = MAXSIZE datasets or specified DSN Groups; AND = MAXSIZE datasets and specified DSN Groups; blank = suppress OR/AND criteria.

      A logical connection between the MAXSIZE specification and INCLUDEd DSN Groups is established by entering OR or AND.

      If you enter OR, datasets will be held if they do not exceed the MAXSIZE value, OR if the dataset is in any of the dataset name groups that are in the INCLUDE list. The default is OR.

      If you enter AND, datasets will be held if they do not exceed the MAXSIZE value, AND if the dataset is in any of the dataset name groups that are in the INCLUDE list.


      Enter INC to include Dataset Name Groups, EXC to exclude Dataset Name Groups.

      Note: You may have either an INCLUDE list or an EXCLUDE list, but NOT both.

    6. DSN Groups

      If you wish to INCLUDE a list of datasets which will not be migrated, enter Y in this field.

      Enter N to not have an INCLUDE list.

    7. Add or Delete DSN Groups

    Figure 67. Migration Hold Options with "POPUP" screen

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------------------- HOLD OPTIONS ----------------------- Version 6.1  |
    |Command ===>                                                   Scroll ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    |Controls Active for MIGRATION           ===> YES (YES to enable, NO to disable) |
    |                                                                                |
    | (CMD = (S)elect for update, (G)roup display)                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |    En-  Num-   Max     AND   DSN                                               |
    |CMD able days .------------------- DSN GROUPS FOR DAY 02 -------------------.   |
    | '   _   01   |                                                             |   |
    |              |  Enter Dataset Name Groups to be used:                      |   |
    | G   Y   02   |    (CMD = (A)dd group (D)elete group)                       |   |
    |              | CMD Group    Description                                    |   |
    | '   _   03   |  _  ML1H02   migration level 1 - hold 2 days___________     |   |
    |              |              __________________________________________     |   |
    | '   _   04   |  _  ZMD1     __________________________________________     |   |
    |              |              __________________________________________     |   |
    | '   Y   05   |  _  ZMD2     __________________________________________     |   |
    |              |              __________________________________________     |   |
    | '   _   06   | ********************* Bottom of data ********************** |   |
    |              |                                                             |   |
    | '   _   07   |                                                             |   |
    |              |                                                             |   |
    |              | CMD =>                                                      |   |
    |              '-------------------------------------------------------------'   |
    |                                                                                |

    The area in which the group names are entered is a scrollable area. Normal ISPF commands for scrolling are in effect.

    Group names are up to eight characters in length. Create them by using the Define Dataset Name Groups function (see "Define Dataset Name Groups"). Each group represents a set of dataset name masks or fully qualified dataset names.

    Note: The dataset group names that you enter must have been properly defined by using the Define Dataset Name Groups option before they can be accepted on this panel.

    Migration Level-2 Control (ML1-ML2)

    Migration from secondary storage to the final level (referred to as Level-2 or ML2 storage, and most commonly tape) moves datasets when ML1 storage exceeds its defined threshold and room must be made to hold the datasets migrated to ML1 storage from ML0 storage (Primary).

    Each of these functions presents a first panel such as illustrated by the Delete-by-Age Control panel (Figure 59). The function (DBA, DBU, MIG, ML2) is ENABLED by specific HOLD day. Each specific HOLD day may be ENABLED--enter a Y on the ENABLE area of the HOLD day you desire (use Y to also change a HOLD day specification)--or DISABLED by entering a N in the ENABLE area of the HOLD day selection. You may change the description connected with a particular HOLD day at any time. You might consider using the description to briefly annotate the criteria being used for HOLD day. The illustration shows HOLD day 3 with such a description.

    Note: Hold day 9999 represents a special case. A dataset placed in this HOLD day will never age. The effect is identical to specifying NOMIG for the dataset in your ARCCMDxx member.

    Figure 60 shows the panel presented when you enable a particular HOLD day. The title area of the panel will indicate the HOLD day you are currently specifying. If you find that you have chosen the wrong day, CANCEL the panel and you will be returned to the HOLD day selection list.

    The action of a particular HOLD day may be qualified by a maximum dataset size to hold, and a list of datasets which should be included with the HOLD day. If you specify none of these options, ALL datasets, not otherwise qualified, will be aged for possible processing. This still extends DFHSM processing by giving you multiple aging factors. However, the best use of a HOLD day is to specify a maximum dataset size and specify a dataset name list.

    The maximum dataset size you specify indicates that if a particular dataset is less than or equal to the maximum size, it will not be processed (the size is expressed in K).

    Note: To be effective, this number should decrease as the number of days a dataset is held (not deleted or migrated) increases. That is, large datasets should be held for a few days; small datasets can be effectively held for a longer period of time. While there is no requirement that this policy be implemented, holding large datasets beyond when DFHSM processing would normally remove eligible datasets from a volume defeats the purpose of removing such datasets--maximizing available DASD space.

    If a particular dataset resolves to the include list, it will not be processed. You can connect the two criteria with the AND/OR connective.

    If you specify that a dataset name group INCLUDE list should be part of the HOLD day's processing, you will be presented with the standard DATASET NAME GROUPS panel already presented (Figure 44).

    The relationship between these various elements is best demonstrated with an example. Assume the following has been established for the indicated HOLD days:

    DAY Maxsize Connective Include
    2 130 OR TESTGRP

    15 30 AND TESTT

    Assume, also, that the following dataset name groups have been previously defined:

    GROUP Datasets, dataset name masks
    SYSXBRP SYSX.+ All datasets that begin with SYSX.
    P3RDINS P3RD.INSTALL.+ All datasets that begin with PR3D.INSTALL
    TESTGRP TEST.+ All datasets that begin with TEST
    DEVTMP $DEV%%%.TEMP.+ Datasets that begin with $DEV
    TESTT TEST.T?????.- Datasets which begin with TEST.T plus any five characters and one other node name.
    PRODW PROD.WORKS%% sys%%%%.- Datasets which begin with PROD as the first node

    Although the above examples show only one dataset name mask in each group, dataset name groups may contain multiple fully qualified dataset names and/or multiple dataset name masks.

    Determining whether a particular dataset should be processed is as follows:

    While limited, this example shows the definitions you need to effectively manage DFHSM. Remember, the goal is to ensure that active datasets are always available in a timely manner and to maximize your primary storage utilization.

    ML2 usage note: Remember that datasets will not be held if Level-2 storage is not tape. The purpose for keeping datasets from migrating to tape Level-2 storage is to hasten their recall. If Level-2 storage is another DASD device, such a consideration does not apply. Issuing the FREEVOL AGE(0) command will also bypass ML2 hold processing. It is assumed that if you issue this command, the Level-1 volume is to be cleared.

    Figure 68. MIG Level-2 Hold Options with "POPUP" screen

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------------------------- HOLD OPTIONS ----------    ROW 77 FROM 101  |
    |Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |Controls Active for MIGRATION LEVEL-2   ===> NO  (YES to enable, NO to disable) |
    |                                                                                |
    | (CMD = (S)elect for update, (G)roup display)                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |    En-  Num-  Max      AND   DSN                                               |
    |CMD able days  size     /OR  Groups Description                                 |
    | G   Y   01    _______  ___    Y    _________________________________________   |
    |                                    _________________________________________   |
    | '   _   02  .------------------- DSN GROUPS FOR DAY 01 -------------------.    |
    |             | CMD =>                                         ROW 1 FROM 1 |    |
    | '   _   03  |                                                             |    |
    |             |    (CMD = A(dd group) D(elete group)                        |    |
    | '   _   04  | CMD Group    Description                                    |    |
    |             |  _  _______  ______________________________________________ |    |
    | '   _   05  |              ______________________________________________ |    |
    |             | ********************** BOTTOM OF DATA ********************* |    |
    | '   _   06  |                                                             |    |
    |             |                                                             |    |
    | '   _   07  |                                                             |    |
    |             '-------------------------------------------------------------'    |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Controls Active

      Enter YES to enable extended processing; NO to disable extended processing.

      This field must be completed before you will be allowed to leave the panel.

      Enter a S in the CMD field to select the hold days for datasets to be held on Level-1 storage before being eligible for migration.

      Enter a Y in the ENABLE area to activate hold processing for the specified number of days.

      OS/EM allows the specification of 22 different aging factors.

      Use these values, along with MAXSIZE, OR/AND connective and INCLUDEd datasets, to determine how long unreferenced datasets will be held before they are migrated.

    2. Maxsize

      Enter maximum dataset size to hold in K bytes; blank to suppress MAXSIZE criteria.

      Only datasets that are larger than this value will be deleted once they exceed the aging factor.

      This value is in K bytes. Thus, a value of 1000 means that datasets less than or equal to 1,024,000 bytes will not be migrated even if they are older than the specified number of days.

      Leave this value blank if you do not wish to hold datasets based on their size, or blank it out if you have already entered a value.

    3. OR/AND

      Enter logical connection between MAXSIZE and INCLUDEd DSN Groups; OR = MAXSIZE datasets or specified DSN Groups; AND = MAXSIZE datasets and specified DSN Groups; blank = suppress OR/AND criteria.

      A logical connection between the MAXSIZE specification and INCLUDEd DSN Groups is established by entering OR or AND.

      If you enter OR, datasets will be held if they do not exceed the MAXSIZE value, OR if the dataset is in any of the dataset name groups that are in the INCLUDE list. The default is OR.

      If you enter AND, datasets will be held if they do not exceed the MAXSIZE value, AND if the dataset is in any of the dataset name groups that are in the INCLUDE list.


      Enter INC to include Dataset Name Groups, EXC to exclude Dataset Name Groups.

      Note: You may have either an INCLUDE list or an EXCLUDE list, but NOT both.

    5. DSN Groups

      If you wish to INCLUDE a list of datasets which will not be deleted, enter G in the CMD field; a pop-up window will open to allow entry of the DSN Groups.

      Use the "POPUP" panel to add or delete the DSN Groups.

      The area in which the group names are entered is a scrollable area. Normal ISPF commands for scrolling are in effect.

      Group names are up to eight characters in length. They are created by using the Define Dataset Name Groups function (see "Define Dataset Name Groups" ). Each group represents a set of dataset name masks or fully qualified dataset names.

      Note: The dataset group names that you enter must have been properly defined by using the Define Dataset Name Groups option before they can be accepted on this panel.

    Prioritize Recall/Recover Requests

    This function allows you to prioritize DFHSM recall and recover requests based on where the request was generated: Batch or Online; where the data resides: DASD or Tape. You may limit the requests that are prioritized by time of day/day of week, job name/mask, dataset name/mask or user ID/mask. A request which does not meet any of these selection criteria will receive the specified default priority.

    In order to use this extended function, you must activate DFHSM's ARCRPEXT exit processing in the appropriate ARCCMDxx parmlib member.

    Figure 69. Prioritize Recall/Recover Requests Menu

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------ PRIORITIZE RECALL/RECOVER REQUESTS ----------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                     1 - Prioritize System Level Controls                       |
    |                     2 - Recall Requests Priority                               |
    |                     3 - Recover Requests Priority                              |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    The primary menu for this function contains three options. Option 1: 'Prioritize System Level Controls' must always be filled out, as this is where the function is turned on or off. Options 2 and 3 are filled in as needed.

    Each of these paths is presented in the following sections:

    1. Prioritize System Level Controls (see "Prioritize System Level Controls")

    2. Recall Requests Priority (see "Recall Requests Priority")

    3. Recover Requests Priority (see "Recover Requests Priority")

    Prioritize System Level Controls 

    Figure 70. Priority System Level Controls

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------- PRIORITIZE SYSTEM LEVEL CONTROL------------ Version 6.1       |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Priority Controls Active:         YES    (Yes/No)                              |
    |                                                                                |
    | Operator/HSM Generated Requests:  50     (1 to 100)                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    To turn priority controls on or off enter YES or NO in the 'Priority Controls Active' field.

    To specify a priority setting for operator or HSM internally generated requests, enter the value in the second field.

    Recall Requests Priority 

    Figure 71. Recall Selection Lists

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------- HSM RECALL PRIORITY -------------------- Version 6.1  |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Controls Active:   NO        (Yes/No)                                       |
    |    Default Priority:  ___       (1 to 100)                                     |
    |                                                               Job  DS    User  |
    |                                                (1234)  Days  Name  Name  ID    |
    |                                                Weight:  _     _     _     _    |
    |(S)elect Group, (D)elete Group                                                  |
    |    Priority        Request from    |  Data coming from                         |
    |Sel Number  Active  Batch / Online  |   DASD  /  Tape                           |
    | _   1        N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   2        N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   3        N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   4        N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   5        N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   6        N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   7        N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   8        N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   9        N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   10       N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   11       N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   12       N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    There are 22 selection lists or groups available. For each list you may specify time of day by day of week, job names/masks, dataset names/masks or user ids/masks. Each list has its own priority setting.

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Controls Active

      Enter YES to enable RECALL priority processing; NO to disable RECALL processing.

    2. Default Priority

      Enter a value from 1 to 100 to specify the priority that requests which do not match one of the 22 selection lists will receive.

    3. Weight

      For the four selection types, enter the weight which is to be given to each type.

      Each active selection list is checked for a matching entry. The weight parameters are added to each matching entry and the list with the highest value will be used to determine the priority given to the request.

    The scrollable portion of the panel contains the 22 selection lists. Four line commands are used to access the selection types.

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Sel

      Two line commands are available: S to update the selection entries or D to delete the selection entries.

      No line command is needed to update any other field, simply overtype the field and press enter for the selection list to be updated.

    2. Active

      Enter a Y to activate this selection list, or a N to deactivate it. Deactivating the list allows the selection type entries to remain even though they are not used. This allows you to turn on the selection list at a later time without having to re-specify the different type entries.

    3. Request from Batch

      Enter a value here from 1 to 99.

      The batch, online, DASD and tape parameters control the actual priority value assigned to a request. OS/EM determines if the request is from a batch job or an online user, and whether the dataset to be recalled/recovered is currently stored on tape or DASD. It then calculates the priority to be assigned by adding the stated values together.

      As an example, if the following values have been specified to OS/EM:

      BATCH:  30        TAPE:  40
      ONLINE: 40        DASD:  45

      If a request is received from a batch job, and HSM has the dataset stored on DASD, the priority assigned to the request would be:

      30 + 45 = 75%

      While a request from an online user for a dataset which is stored on tape would be:

      40 + 40 = 80%

    4. Request from Online

      Enter a value from 1 to 99.

    5. Data coming from DASD

      Enter a value from 1 to 99.

    6. Data coming from Tape

      Enter a value from 1 to 99.

    The final four fields on this panel will display either INC or EXC depending if you have entered any selection type items.

    The selection group panel is a scrollable list of all the selectors needed to determine the jobs/users which should have the appropriate priority.

    Figure 72. Selection Group Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------------ SELECTOR ENTRY - 1 ---------------- Version 6.1  |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    |Enter Selector Types, either Include or Exclude                                 |
    |                Jobname ===> INCLUDE      DSName  ===> INCLUDE                  |
    |                UserID  ===> INCLUDE                                            |
    |                                                                                |
    | Line Cmds: (D)elete line, (I)nsert line                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Selector                                                                     |
    |     Type     Selector Names/Mask List                                          |
    |_  DSNAME     TRP.+ SAP.+ USP.+                                                 |
    |_  JOBNAME    TRPD- SAPD- USPD-                                                 |
    |_  USERID     CA7                                                               |
    |_  TUESDAY    0800:1600                                                         |
    |_  FRIDAY     0500:0900                                                         |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    The selector types for this function are:


    Days of the week are used to allow entry of time values. In the above example the selection group is only applicable on Tuesday between 8AM and 4PM or Friday between 5AM and 9AM. Only one time range per day is permitted. Be sure to enter the time in 24 hour format separating the beginning and ending times with a colon (:).


    Enter complete jobnames or jobname masks. You may enter as many names or masks as will fit on the line (separated by spaces). If more names/masks are needed, insert another line and use the same selector type (JOBNAME).


    Enter full dataset names or dataset name masks. You may enter as many names or masks as will fit on the line (separated by spaces). If more names/masks are needed, insert another line and use the same selector type (DSNAME).


    Enter user IDs or user ID masks separated by spaces. You may enter as many IDs/masks as will fit on the line. If more IDs/masks are needed simply insert another blank line and use the same selector type (USERID).

    Recover Requests Priority 

    Figure 73. Recover Selection Lists

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------- HSM RECALL PRIORITY -------------------- Version 6.1  |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Controls Active:   NO        (Yes/No)                                       |
    |    Default Priority:  ___       (1 to 100)                                     |
    |                                                               Job  DS    User  |
    |                                                (1234)  Days  Name  Name  ID    |
    |                                                Weight:  _     _     _     _    |
    |(S)elect Group, (D)elete Group                                                  |
    |    Priority        Request from    |  Data coming from                         |
    |Sel Number  Active  Batch / Online  |   DASD  /  Tape                           |
    | _   1        N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   2        N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   3        N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   4        N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   5        N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   6        N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   7        N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   8        N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   9        N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   10       N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   11       N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    | _   12       N     ___     ___     |   ___      ___                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    There are 22 selection lists or groups available. For each list you may specify time of day by day of week, job names/masks, dataset names/masks or user ids/masks. Each list has its own priority setting.

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Controls Active

      Enter YES to enable RECOVER priority processing; NO to disable RECOVER processing.

    2. Default Priority

      Enter a value from 1 to 100 to specify the priority that requests which do not match one of the 22 selection lists will receive.

    3. Weight

      For the four selection types, enter the weight which is to be given to each type.

      Each active selection list is checked for a matching entry. The weight parameters are added to each matching entry and the list with the highest value will be used to determine the priority given to the request.

    The scrollable portion of the panel contains the 22 selection lists. Four line commands are used to access the selection types.

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Sel

      Two line commands are available: S to update the selection entries or D to delete the selection entries.

      No line command is needed to update any other field, simply overtype the field and press enter for the selection list to be updated.

    2. Active

      Enter a Y to activate this selection list, or a N to deactivate it. Deactivating the list allows the selection type entries to remain even though they are not used. This allows you to turn on the selection list at a later time without having to re-specify the different type entries.

    3. Request from Batch

      Enter a value here from 1 to 99.

      The batch, online, DASD and tape parameters control the actual priority value assigned to a request. OS/EM determines if the request is from a batch job or an online user, and whether the dataset to be recalled/recovered is currently stored on tape or DASD. It then calculates the priority to be assigned by adding the stated values together.

      As an example, if the following values have been specified to OS/EM:

      BATCH:  30        TAPE:  40
      ONLINE: 40        DASD:  45

      If a request is received from a batch job, and HSM has the dataset stored on DASD, the priority assigned to the request would be:

      30 + 45 = 75%

      While a request from an online user for a dataset which is stored on tape would be:

      40 + 40 = 80%

    4. Request from Online

      Enter a value from 1 to 99.

    5. Data coming from DASD

      Enter a value from 1 to 99.

    6. Data coming from Tape

      Enter a value from 1 to 99.

    The final four fields on this panel will display either INC or EXC depending if you have entered any selection type items.

    The selection group panel is a scrollable list of all the selectors needed to determine the jobs/users which should have the appropriate priority.

    Figure 74. Selection Group Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------------ SELECTOR ENTRY - 1 ---------------- Version 6.1  |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    |Enter Selector Types, either Include or Exclude                                 |
    |                Jobname ===> INCLUDE      DSName  ===> INCLUDE                  |
    |                UserID  ===> INCLUDE                                            |
    |                                                                                |
    | Line Cmds: (D)elete line, (I)nsert line                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Selector                                                                     |
    |     Type     Selector Names/Mask List                                          |
    |_  DSNAME     TRP.+ SAP.+ USP.+                                                 |
    |_  JOBNAME    TRPD- SAPD- USPD-                                                 |
    |_  USERID     CA7                                                               |
    |_  TUESDAY    0800:1600                                                         |
    |_  FRIDAY     0500:0900                                                         |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    The selector types for this function are:


    Days of the week are used to allow entry of time values. In the above example the selection group is only applicable on Tuesday between 8AM and 4PM or Friday between 5AM and 9AM. Only one time range per day is permitted. Be sure to enter the time in 24 hour format separating the beginning and ending times with a colon (:).


    Enter complete jobnames or jobname masks. You may enter as many names or masks as will fit on the line (separated by spaces). If more names/masks are needed, insert another line and use the same selector type (JOBNAME).


    Enter full dataset names or dataset name masks. You may enter as many names or masks as will fit on the line (separated by spaces). If more names/masks are needed, insert another line and use the same selector type (DSNAME).


    Enter user IDs or user ID masks separated by spaces. You may enter as many IDs/masks as will fit on the line. If more IDs/masks are needed simply insert another blank line and use the same selector type (USERID).

    Quick Delete Control

    The Quick Delete function allows OS/EM to delete files which are migrated by issuing an HDEL command instead of first recalling the files.

    The requirements for this option are that the program name is IEFBR14 and the retention status of any files coded is DELETE.

    Figure 75. Entry panel for Quick Delete Control

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | OS/EM ------------------- QUICK DELETE CONTROL ------------------ Version 6.1  |
    | COMMAND ===>                                                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                   Quick Delete Active  ===> YES       (Yes/No)                 |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Enter YES to enable the Quick Delete function or enter NO to disable it.

    Reblocking Control

    While everyone acknowledges that files should be blocked for the optimum DASD efficiency, the task is rarely done. Sequential files can be automatically reblocked whenever they are recalled or recovered to DASD by DFHSM. The HSM Optimizer supports FULL through EIGHTH track reblocking, plus SYSTEM reblocking if your installation has level 3.+ of DFP installed.

    As usual, the first field on the reblock panel (Figure 76) allows you to ENABLE or DISABLE this function. Select the reblocking factor of choice by entering an S in the CMD field and typing YES in the ENABLED field. Figure 76.

    Reblocking is advantageous when migrating to new, higher capacity DASD devices; and to ensure that DASD utilization is optimal.

    Note: If either your programs or JCL contain explicit block sizes, this function will cause job failure since the internal description of the file and your external description of it will not match. You should specify block sizes in the JCL, ONLY when first creating the file.

    Reblock Control requires that the following DFHSM SETSYS option be present in DFHSM ARCCMDxx member.


    Note: Refer to the DFHSM Systems Programmer's Guide for further information and discussion.

    Figure 76. Reblock Control Menu

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------------- REBLOCK CONTROL --------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Enable Reblock Control ===> YES  (Enter YES to enable; NO to disable)        |
    |                                                                                |
    | (CMD = (S)elect for update; (G)roup display)                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |         REBLOCKING                   MINIMUM     EXCLUDED DSN                  |
    |  CMD      FACTOR      ENABLED         SIZE          GROUPS                     |
    |   "      SYSTEM                                                                |
    |   "      FULL           YES                                                    |
    |   "      HALF           YES              1           2                         |
    |   "      THIRD                                                                 |
    |   "      FOURTH                                                                |
    |   "      FIFTH                                                                 |
    |   "      SIXTH                                                                 |
    |   "      SEVENTH                                                               |
    |   "      EIGHTH                                                                |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Enable Reblocking Control

      Each reblocking factor may be Enabled or Disabled. Each reblocking factor may specify a minimum dataset size which a dataset must equal or exceed before it is eligible for reblocking. Finally, you may create an EXCLUDE list of dataset name groups. Datasets resolved to this list will not be reblocked.

      Entering YES in this field will enable the OS/EM's extended processing.

      Entering NO will disable this function.

    2. Select Reblocking Factor


      System reblocking is available only on systems that have DFP 3.0 or higher.


      Full track blocking depends on the target device. For those devices with a track size larger than 32760, such as the 3380, the resulting blocksize used will actually be HALF-track blocking. For devices with a track size smaller than 32760, the actual track size will be used.

      The actual block size used is determined by the device track size, whether the file contains fixed or variable length records, and DFHSM. The block size will not be adjusted by DFHSM if the file contains variable length records. The block size will become the maximum blocksize for the file.

      If the file contains fixed length records, DFHSM will adjust the block size downward until an even number of logical records will fit.

    3. Enable

      Entering YES in this field will enable OS/EM's extended processing.

      Entering NO will disable this function.

    4. Minimum Dataset Size

      If you wish to prevent small datasets from being reblocked, enter a minimum dataset size (in K bytes) to be reblocked. Blank this field to allow datasets of any size to be reblocked.

    5. Excluded DSN Groups

      If you wish to exclude particular datasets from being reblocked by DFHSM, enter G in the CMD field. You will be presented with a pop-up window where you may enter the Dataset Name Groups which will be exempt from reblocking.

    6. Add or Delete DSN Groups

      Figure 77. Reblock Control - Add or Delete

      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |OS/EM --------------------- REBLOCK CONTROL ------------------ Row 1 to 9 of 9  |
      |                                                                                |
      |  .---------------- DSN GROUPS FOR FACTOR HALF -----------------. sable)        |
      |  |                                              Row 36 from 37 |               |
      |  |  Enter Dataset Name Groups to be used:                      |               |
      |  |    (CMD = (A)dd group (D)elete group)                       |               |
      |  | CMD Group    Description                                    |               |
      |  |  _  ZCD1     Z Control Datasets group 1________________     |               |
      |  |              __________________________________________     |               |
      |  |  _  ZCD2     Z Control Datasets group 2________________     |               |
      |  |              __________________________________________     |               |
      |  | ********************* Bottom of data ********************** |               |
      |  |                                                             |               |
      |  |                                                             |               |
      |  |                                                             |               |
      |  |                                                             |               |
      |  |                                                             |               |
      |* | CMD =>                                                      | ************* |
      |  '-------------------------------------------------------------'               |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |

      Use the "POPUP" panel to add or delete the DSN Groups.

      The area in which the group names are entered is a scrollable area. Normal ISPF commands for scrolling are in effect.

      Group names are up to eight characters in length. They are created by using the Define Dataset Name Groups function (see "Define Dataset Name Groups" ). Each group represents a set of dataset name masks or fully qualified dataset names.

      Note: The dataset group names that you enter must have been properly defined by using the Define Dataset Name Groups option before they can be accepted on this panel.

    Recall/Recover Volume Selection

    This option determines whether DFHSM RECALL/RECOVER will proceed according to the DASD allocation rules established with OS/EM's QuickPool option.

    If the QuickPool option is in effect, you must enable this option. DFHSM RECALL/RECOVERY might fail if this option is not in effect; especially if you change the allocation rules after DFHSM has migrated or backed up the dataset.

    Directed Recall requires that the following DFHSM SETSYS option be present in DFHSM ARCCMDxx member.


    Note: If the dataset is a DFSMS dataset this option will not be invoked. If QUICKPOOL allocation is in effect, you must specify DIRECTRECALL. DFHSM RECALL/RECOVERY will most likely fail if this option is not enabled.

    Figure 78. Recall/Recover Selection Control

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------- RECALL/RECOVER VOLUME SELECTION CONTROL --------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Specify if RECALL/RECOVERY will proceed according to the QuickPool          |
    |    allocation rules:                                                           |
    |                                                                                |
    |           ===> YES    (Enter YES to use rules; NO to not use rules)            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  * Specifying NO for this option when QuickPool allocation rules are           |
    |    enabled may result in failed RECALL/RECOVERY.                               |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Enable Recall/Recover Control

      Entering YES in this field will enable the OS/EM's extended processing.

      Entering NO will disable this function.

    HSM Optimizer Report System


    HSM Report System provides reports detailing the performance of the DFHSM component in both a Non-SMS and DFSMS environment utilizing the DFHSM SMF Function Statistic Records (FSR), Volume Statistic Records (VSR), and the Daily Statistic Records (DSR). A database of the DFHSM SMF records is maintained to provide both daily and historical reporting.

    Summary of Features

    HSM Optimizer Report XREF

    Report Number

    Report Name































































    DFHSM Report Descriptions

    Report-01 MIGRATION DETAIL (Primary - ML1)

    This report presents a list of all datasets migrated from primary storage to ML1 storage for the requested reporting period.

    If you find very large datasets going to ML1, especially if they have low compression ratios, you might want to consider moving these datasets directly to ML2 storage (assuming this is tape in your installation). Such datasets impact ML1 utilization and might result in a ML1 to ML2 migration which will impact recall times for all datasets migrated.

    Figure 79. REPORT-01 MIGRATION DETAIL (Primary - ML1)

     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                              MIGRATION DETAIL (PRIMARY - ML1)                                          PAGE   3
     REPORT: 01 FORMAT: 01                                   02/10/02 - 02/12/02                      REPORT TIME: 12:14  DATE:  2/13/05
                                                                                               LAST   DATA
                                                   FROM     TO               DATE     TIME    ACCESS   SET  READ WRITE CMP MGEMENT
     OSEM560.COMPAT56.BIN                         SMS528  HSM000  **HSM*** 02/10/02  5:09:53 02/04/02    6  642K  644K   0 SMP
     GSA3.OP.RMMBK.BKP.RMMDB.G2452V00             SMS502  HSM000  **HSM*** 02/10/02 16:06:33 02/10/02    0 18.1M 18.1M   0 STD10YR
     GSA4.AW.B8050.FIL.AW0BEEM                    SMS506  HSM000  **HSM*** 02/10/02 16:07:06 02/10/02    0 1.93M 1.93M   0 STD10YR
     GSA4.LG.B8050.FIL.LG0BMBR                    SMS506  HSM000  **HSM*** 02/10/02 16:07:10 02/10/02    0 1.66M 1.66M   0 STD10YR
     GSA4.SE.B8050.FIL.SE0BMBR                    SMS502  HSM000  **HSM*** 02/10/02 16:11:02 02/10/02    0 13.5M 13.5M   0 STD10YR
     GSA3.OP.RMMBK.BKP.RMMDB.G2453V00             SMS507  HSM000  **HSM*** 02/11/02  2:08:13 02/11/02    0 18.1M 18.1M   0 STD10YR
     GSA2.PD.D2001.FIL.FLAT                       SMS505  HSM000  SPJRM    02/11/02 11:09:25 02/11/02    0  574K 94.0K  84 STD10YR
     GSA7.LB.V0900.FIL.TESTFILE                   SMS508  HSM000  **HSM*** 02/11/02 16:07:47 02/11/02    0 3.96M 3.96M   0 STD10YR
     GSA2.SE.D2001.FIL.DOWNIRS                    SMS508  HSM000  **HSM*** 02/11/02 16:08:06 02/11/02    0  767K  124K  84 STD10YR
     GSA4.AI.B0902.FIL.LASTWRK                    SMS506  HSM000  **HSM*** 02/12/02 17:06:04 02/12/02    0 1.34M 1.34M   0 STD10YR
     GSA3.OP.SMFDM.BKP.SMF.G0003V00               SMS507  HSM000  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:01:50 02/12/02    0 16.2M 16.2M   0 STD10YR
     GSA7.IW.K0210.BKP.IWEEMST.G0069V00           SMS507  HSM000  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:01:56 02/12/02    0 16.2M 16.2M   0 STD10YR
     GSA7.LM.K0170.BKP.LMEEMST                    SMS507  HSM000  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:02:00 02/12/02    0 11.8M 11.8M   0 STD10YR
     GSA7.FN.K0170.BKP.FNEEMST                    SMS518  HSM000  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:02:43 02/12/02    0 5.08M 5.08M   0 STD10YR
     GSA7.LB.V0900.FIL.PRINTFIL                   SMS518  HSM000  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:02:46 02/12/02    0 4.87M 4.87M   0 STD10YR
     GSA4.AI.B0941.FIL.ENRLBEN                    SMS518  HSM000  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:02:50 02/12/02    0 3.74M 3.75M   0 STD10YR
     GSA2.ZZ.C1002.FIL.LTRTRANS.G3376V00          SMS518  HSM000  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:02:54 02/12/02    0 2.53M  952K  63 STD10YR
     GSA2.ZZ.C0000.BKP.QLMPSTG.G2657V00           SMS507  HSM000  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:03:51 02/12/02    0 3.76M 3.05M  19 STD10YR
     GSA4.OL.B0940.FIL.MBRINFO                    SMS507  HSM000  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:04:02 02/12/02    0 5.78M 5.78M   0 STD10YR

    The report contains the following data:

    Report-02 MIGRATION DELAY SUMMARY (Primary - ML1)

    This report presents a summary, by dataset size, of delays in migrating datasets. Delays usually occur when all defined DFHSM migration tasks are currently busy. Unless the average delay seems overly long, do not be too concerned with the values reported. If the average delays do seem overly long, you might want to consider allowing more concurrent DFHSM migration tasks.

    Figure 80. REPORT-02 MIGRATION DELAY SUMMARY (Primary - ML1)

     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                          MIGRATION DELAY SUMMARY (PRIMARY - ML1)                                       PAGE   2
     REPORT: 02 FORMAT: 02                                   02/01/02 - 03/31/02                      REPORT TIME:  8:36  DATE:  3/18/02
                                            PERCENT     TOTAL      PERCENT     AVERAGE      TOTAL     TOTAL       AVERAGE       TOTAL
                   DATASET    NUMBER OF    OF TOTAL      WAIT      OF TOTAL      WAIT       BYTES     BYTES       PERCENT        CPU
                     SIZE      REQUESTS    REQUESTS      TIME     WAIT TIME      TIME        READ    WRITTEN    COMPRESSION      TIME
                    25.0K          45          4        0:03:52        2        0:00:05     49.9K     92.0K           0       0:00:21.89
                    50.0K          31          2        0:02:16        1        0:00:04     1.25M      132K          90       0:00:14.83
                    75.0K          14          1        0:01:22        1        0:00:06      840K      524K          38       0:00:07.04
                     100K          16          1        0:01:20        1        0:00:05     1.39M      414K          71       0:00:07.97
                     250K          52          4        0:04:22        3        0:00:05     8.16M     2.56M          69       0:00:26.50
                     500K          43          3        0:03:51        2        0:00:05     15.3M     2.81M          82       0:00:24.27
                     750K          43          3        0:09:09        6        0:00:13     25.9M     9.17M          65       0:00:26.88
                    1024K          52          4        0:05:07        3        0:00:06     46.0M     17.3M          62       0:00:34.60
                    1.50M         116          9        0:11:17        7        0:00:06      140M     97.0M          31       0:01:17.24
                    2.00M          83          6        0:08:13        5        0:00:06      147M     98.8M          33       0:00:56.27
                    3.00M          91          7        0:09:29        6        0:00:06      226M      175M          23       0:01:00.55
                    4.00M          76          6        0:07:51        5        0:00:06      270M      195M          28       0:00:51.28
                    5.00M          70          5        0:07:40        5        0:00:07      311M      229M          26       0:00:46.82
                    7.50M         115          9        0:12:22        8        0:00:06      685M      616M          10       0:01:15.52
                    10.0M          99          8        0:13:58        9        0:00:08      885M      794M          10       0:01:05.33
                    20.0M         285         22        0:40:50       26        0:00:09     4.25G     4.08G           4       0:03:10.89
                    30.0M          42          3        0:08:10        5        0:00:12      917M      862M           6       0:00:30.05
                    40.0M           0          0        0:00:00        0        0:00:00     0.00K     0.00K           0       0:00:00.00
                    50.0M           0          0        0:00:00        0        0:00:00     0.00K     0.00K           0       0:00:00.00
                    75.0M           1          0        0:00:26        0        0:00:26     74.1M     74.1M           0       0:00:00.66
                     100M           0          0        0:00:00        0        0:00:00     0.00K     0.00K           0       0:00:00.00
                     OVER           4          0        0:05:48        4        0:01:27     1.45G     1.45G           0       0:00:03.52
                    TOTAL       1,278                   2:37:23                             9.37G     8.63G                   0:13:42.11

    The migration delay summary report contains the following data:

    Report-03 MIGRATION AGE SUMMARY (Primary - ML1)

    This report presents a summary, by dataset age, of all datasets migrated during the reporting period.

    This report will help you pinpoint problems with your current aging strategy, if any. For example, a report may show 45 requests for datasets that have not been referenced within 50 days. It may also show 2,487 requests for a dataset age of 2. If the total bytes read for the age 50 datasets is fairly large, when compared to the total bytes read for the age 2 datasets, you may be holding such datasets on primary storage for too long a period.

    Figure 81. REPORT-03 MIGRATION AGE SUMMARY (Primary - ML1)

     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                           MIGRATION AGE SUMMARY (PRIMARY - ML1)                                        PAGE   3
     REPORT: 03 FORMAT: 03                                   02/01/02 - 03/31/02                      REPORT TIME:  8:36  DATE:  3/18/02
                                        NUMBER        PERCENT                                    TOTAL      TOTAL      TOTAL
                            DATASET       OF            OF        CUMULATIVE      CUMULATIVE     BYTES      BYTES       CPU
                              AGE      REQUESTS      REQUESTS      REQUESTS         PERCENT       READ     WRITTEN      TIME
                                1       1,251           98           1,251             98        9.33G      8.61G    0:13:24.36
                                2           0            0           1,251             98        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                                3           8            1           1,259             99         944K       144K    0:00:03.95
                                4           1            0           1,260             99        5.83M      5.83M    0:00:00.68
                                5           0            0           1,260             99        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                                6           5            0           1,265             99        2.57M      2.58M    0:00:02.06
                                7           0            0           1,265             99        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                                8           1            0           1,266             99         110K       112K    0:00:00.45
                                9           0            0           1,266             99        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               10           6            0           1,272            100        17.0M      7.11M    0:00:06.35
                               15           3            0           1,275            100        4.26M       620K    0:00:02.09
                               20           1            0           1,276            100        97.2K      74.0K    0:00:00.48
                               25           0            0           1,276            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               30           2            0           1,278            100        8.47M       446K    0:00:01.69
                               40           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               50           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               60           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               70           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               80           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               90           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              100           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              125           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              150           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              175           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              200           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              250           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              300           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              350           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              400           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              450           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              500           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              600           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              700           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              800           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              900           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             1000           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             1250           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             1500           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             1750           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             2000           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             OVER           0            0           1,278            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                            TOTAL       1,278                        1,278                       9.37G      8.63G    0:13:42.11

    The Migration Age Summary Report contains the following data:

    Report-04 MIGRATION DETAIL (ML1 - ML2)

    This report presents a listing of all datasets migrated from DFHSM ML1 storage to ML2 storage (this is usually tape in most installations).

    Figure 82. REPORT-04 MIGRATION DETAIL (ML1 - ML2)

     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                                MIGRATION DETAIL (ML1 - ML2)                                            PAGE   4
     REPORT: 04 FORMAT: 01                                   01/16/02 - 02/13/02                      REPORT TIME: 13:00  DATE:  2/14/02
                                                                                               LAST   DATA
                                                   FROM     TO               DATE     TIME    ACCESS   SET  READ WRITE CMP MGEMENT
     GSA5.LB.P0301.FIL.LB1PSSN                    HSM000  031230  **HSM*** 01/30/02  4:55:40 01/29/02    1 4.01M 4.01M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.LB.P0301.FIL.PPSORT                     HSM000  031230  **HSM*** 01/30/02  4:55:49 01/29/02    1 10.8M 10.8M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.LB.P0302.BKP.FICHE.G0004V00             HSM000  031230  **HSM*** 01/30/02  4:55:51 01/07/02   23 1.02M 1.02M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.LB.P0302.BKP.FICHE.G0005V00             HSM000  031230  **HSM*** 01/30/02  4:55:53 01/29/02    1 1.02M 1.02M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.LB.P0360.FIL.CKAFP                      HSM000  031230  **HSM*** 01/30/02  4:56:02 01/29/02    1 10.8M 10.8M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.LC.P0101.BKP.LC1PPEN.G0031V00           HSM000  031230  **HSM*** 01/30/02  4:56:05 01/14/02   16 1.93M 1.93M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.LC.P5030.BKP.LC1PPTR.G0796V00           HSM000  031230  **HSM*** 01/30/02  4:56:34 01/29/02    1 14.7M 14.7M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.OI.A5150.FIL.OI1ADET                    HSM000  031230  **HSM*** 01/30/02  4:56:37 01/07/02   23 1.61M 1.61M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.OI.P0201.BKP.OI1PPEN                    HSM000  031230  **HSM*** 01/30/02  4:56:39 01/22/02    8 1.29M 1.29M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.OI.P5000.BKP.OI1PPTR.G0034V00           HSM000  031230  **HSM*** 01/30/02  4:56:51 01/24/02    6 13.7M 13.7M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.OI.P5030.BKP.OI1PPTR.G0972V00           HSM000  031232  **HSM*** 01/30/02  4:59:35 01/29/02    1 13.7M 13.7M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.OT.P0301.FIL.OT1PSSN                    HSM000  031232  **HSM*** 01/30/02  4:59:39 01/23/02    7 4.82M 4.82M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.OT.P0375.FIL.VHAFP                      HSM000  031232  **HSM*** 01/30/02  4:59:51 01/23/02    7 11.9M 11.9M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.OT.P5092.FIL.FED1099.G0002V00           HSM000  031232  **HSM*** 01/30/02  4:59:54 01/28/02    2 1.80M 1.80M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.OU.P2260.BKP.OU1PPTR                    HSM000  031232  **HSM*** 01/30/02  4:59:58 01/11/02   19 3.69M 3.69M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.PH.P0360.FIL.CKAFP                      HSM000  031232  **HSM*** 01/30/02  5:00:04 01/23/02    7 4.39M 4.39M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.SW.P5030.BKP.SW1PPTR.G0689V00           HSM000  031233  **HSM*** 01/30/02  5:06:39 01/29/02    1 13.1M 13.1M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.SY.P2260.BKP.SY1PPTR                    HSM000  031233  **HSM*** 01/30/02  5:06:45 01/22/02    8 5.08M 5.08M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.SY.P2260.BKP.SY1P0201                   HSM000  031233  **HSM*** 01/30/02  5:06:50 01/28/02    2 5.03M 5.03M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.UA.P5030.BKP.UA1PPTR.G0838V00           HSM000  031233  **HSM*** 01/30/02  5:07:03 01/25/02    5 14.7M 14.7M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.UA.P5030.BKP.UA1PPTR.G0841V00           HSM000  031233  **HSM*** 01/30/02  5:07:14 01/29/02    1 14.7M 14.7M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.WS.P0304.FIL.WSALPHA                    HSM000  031233  **HSM*** 01/30/02  5:07:29 01/24/02    6 1.66M 1.66M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.WS.P2260.FIL.SORTED                     HSM000  031233  **HSM*** 01/30/02  5:07:44 01/11/02   19 18.7M 18.7M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.WS.P5030.BKP.WS1PPTR.G0934V00           HSM000  031233  **HSM*** 01/30/02  5:07:58 01/22/02    8 19.0M 19.0M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.WS.P5092.FIL.FED1099.G0003V00           HSM000  031233  **HSM*** 01/30/02  5:08:14 01/23/02    7  184K  184K   0 STD10YR

    The report contains the following data:


    This report presents a summary, by dataset size, of all datasets migrated from DFHSM ML1 storage to ML2 storage and the wait time associated with the migration requests.

    If most of your migration activity seems to be concentrated in datasets of small to medium size, you might want to investigate the Migration Detail report, paying particular attention to datasets of small size. Migrating small datasets really doesn't buy that much especially if they must be recalled in a short period of time.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                            MIGRATION DELAY SUMMARY (ML1 - ML2)                                         PAGE   4
     REPORT: 05 FORMAT: 02                                   02/01/02 - 03/31/02                      REPORT TIME:  8:36  DATE:  3/18/02
                                            PERCENT     TOTAL      PERCENT     AVERAGE      TOTAL     TOTAL       AVERAGE       TOTAL
                   DATASET    NUMBER OF    OF TOTAL      WAIT      OF TOTAL      WAIT       BYTES     BYTES       PERCENT        CPU
                     SIZE      REQUESTS    REQUESTS      TIME     WAIT TIME      TIME        READ    WRITTEN    COMPRESSION      TIME
                    25.0K          58          6        0:01:01        0        0:00:01      560K      560K           0       0:00:02.38
                    50.0K          29          3        0:02:27        1        0:00:05     1002K     1002K           0       0:00:01.50
                    75.0K          30          3        0:00:35        0        0:00:01     1.82M     1.82M           0       0:00:02.09
                     100K          15          2        0:00:17        0        0:00:01     1.36M     1.36M           0       0:00:01.26
                     250K          38          4        0:43:30       11        0:01:09     6.09M     6.09M           0       0:00:03.34
                     500K          28          3        0:02:60        1        0:00:06     10.4M     10.4M           0       0:00:02.78
                     750K          14          2        0:00:26        0        0:00:02     8.52M     8.52M           0       0:00:01.42
                    1024K          26          3        0:00:47        0        0:00:02     22.8M     22.8M           0       0:00:02.86
                    1.50M          77          9        0:10:36        3        0:00:08     91.1M     91.1M           0       0:00:09.22
                    2.00M          44          5        0:01:56        0        0:00:03     76.4M     76.4M           0       0:00:06.06
                    3.00M          65          7        0:13:44        3        0:00:13      159M      159M           0       0:00:10.83
                    4.00M          41          5        0:05:17        1        0:00:08      140M      140M           0       0:00:07.92
                    5.00M          34          4        0:05:31        1        0:00:10      150M      150M           0       0:00:08.35
                    7.50M          87         10        0:33:01        8        0:00:23      520M      520M           0       0:00:24.74
                    10.0M          66          7        0:24:10        6        0:00:22      592M      592M           0       0:00:25.99
                    20.0M         204         23        1:55:35       29        0:00:34     3.02G     3.02G           0       0:02:01.95
                    30.0M          34          4        0:29:45        7        0:00:53      742M      742M           0       0:00:28.30
                    40.0M           0          0        0:00:00        0        0:00:00     0.00K     0.00K           0       0:00:00.00
                    50.0M           0          0        0:00:00        0        0:00:00     0.00K     0.00K           0       0:00:00.00
                    75.0M           1          0        0:05:57        1        0:05:57     74.1M     74.1M           0       0:00:02.78
                     100M           0          0        0:00:00        0        0:00:00     0.00K     0.00K           0       0:00:00.00
                     OVER           4          0        1:41:08       25        0:25:17     1.45G     1.45G           0       0:00:50.27
                    TOTAL         895                   6:38:41                             7.01G     7.01G                   0:05:14.04

    The Migration Delay Summary Report contains the following data:


    This report presents a summary, by dataset age, of all datasets migrated from DFHSM ML1 storage to ML2 storage.

    This report will help you pinpoint problems with your current aging strategy, if any. For example, a report may show 45 requests for datasets that have not been referenced within 50 days. It may also show 2,487 requests for a dataset age of 2. If the total bytes read for the age 50 datasets is fairly large, when compared to the total bytes read for the age 2 datasets, you may be holding such datasets on primary storage for too long a period.

    If the bulk of your requests are concentrated at low aging factors, either your current DFHSM aging is very aggressive or your DASD is limited and you must continually migrate. You should also take a close look at your ARCCMDxx member or your ACS parameters and determine whether an excessive number of datasets are being excluded from the migration process. Such datasets limit the amount of primary storage under DFHSM management, and probably cause excessive migration for the remaining datasets.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                             MIGRATION AGE SUMMARY (ML1 - ML2)                                          PAGE   5
     REPORT: 06 FORMAT: 03                                   02/01/02 - 03/31/02                      REPORT TIME:  8:36  DATE:  3/18/02
                                        NUMBER        PERCENT                                    TOTAL      TOTAL      TOTAL
                            DATASET       OF            OF        CUMULATIVE      CUMULATIVE     BYTES      BYTES       CPU
                              AGE      REQUESTS      REQUESTS      REQUESTS         PERCENT       READ     WRITTEN      TIME
                                1         315           35             315             35        3.47G      3.47G    0:02:26.53
                                2         121           14             436             49         778M       778M    0:00:35.13
                                3         104           12             540             60         631M       631M    0:00:29.68
                                4          39            4             579             65         353M       353M    0:00:16.20
                                5          65            7             644             72         494M       494M    0:00:21.92
                                6          21            2             665             74        59.4M      59.4M    0:00:03.21
                                7          20            2             685             77        47.5M      47.5M    0:00:02.68
                                8          24            3             709             79        80.6M      80.6M    0:00:04.32
                                9          27            3             736             82         151M       151M    0:00:07.17
                               10           0            0             736             82        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               15         125           14             861             96         887M       887M    0:00:39.44
                               20          26            3             887             99         132M       132M    0:00:06.84
                               25           0            0             887             99        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               30           0            0             887             99        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               40           8            1             895            100        7.01M      7.01M    0:00:00.92
                               50           0            0             895            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               60           0            0             895            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               70           0            0             895            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               80           0            0             895            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               90           0            0             895            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              100           0            0             895            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
           ---    ~         ---        ~         ---           ~     ---       ~        ---        ~       ---         ~
                              450           0            0             895            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              500           0            0             895            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              600           0            0             895            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              700           0            0             895            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              800           0            0             895            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              900           0            0             895            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             1000           0            0             895            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             1250           0            0             895            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             1500           0            0             895            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             1750           0            0             895            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             2000           0            0             895            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             OVER           0            0             895            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                            TOTAL         895                          895                       7.01G      7.01G    0:05:14.04

    The Migration Age Summary Report contains the following data:


    This report presents a listing of all datasets migrated from DFHSM storage directly to ML2 storage (this is usually tape in most installations). It presents the same information shown for migration from primary to ML1 storage. Such migration is usually explicitly requested since the normal migration path is from primary to ML1 to ML2. Datasets on this report would be likely candidates for the Optimizer's Direct-to-ML2 support.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                              MIGRATION DETAIL (PRIMARY - ML2)                                          PAGE  30
     REPORT: 07 FORMAT: 01                                   02/10/02 - 02/12/02                      REPORT TIME: 12:14  DATE:  2/13/02
                                                                                               LAST   DATA
                                                   FROM     TO               DATE     TIME    ACCESS   SET  READ WRITE CMP MGEMENT
     GSA2.ZZ.D8509.FIL.VCHRS.G3245V00             SMS507  029656  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:13:40 02/01/02   11 0.84K 0.84K   0 STD10YR
     GSA2.ZZ.D8406.FIL.FIYRECON.G2963V00          SMS507  029656  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:13:43 02/01/02   11 0.84K 0.84K   0 STD10YR
     GSA4.XI.B1014.FIL.LOSELIG                    SMS507  029656  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:13:46 02/01/02   11 55.5K 55.5K   0 STD10YR
     GSA2.ZZ.D8406.FIL.SNWRECON.G1570V00          SMS507  029656  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:13:50 02/01/02   11 16.5K 16.5K   0 STD10YR
     GSA2.ZZ.M0406.FIL.FIBRECON.G3308V00          SMS507  029656  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:13:53 02/05/02    7 0.84K 0.84K   0 STD10YR
     GSA2.ZZ.D8406.FIL.USBRECON.G1014V00          SMS507  029656  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:13:56 02/02/02   10 7.44K 7.44K   0 STD10YR
     GSA2.PI.X3002.FIL.PIXWLF.G1225V00            SMS507  029656  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:13:59 02/02/02   10 0.84K 0.84K   0 STD10YR
     GSA2.ZZ.M0406.FIL.CITRECON.G3304V00          SMS507  029656  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:14:02 02/01/02   11 0.84K 0.84K   0 STD10YR
     GSA2.ZZ.M0406.FIL.WLFCTL.G2010V00            SMS507  029656  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:14:05 02/01/02   11 2.52K 2.52K   0 STD10YR
     GSA2.ZZ.C3502.FIL.LOUISVL.G1326V00           SMS507  029656  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:14:08 02/03/02    9 43.7K 43.7K   0 STD10YR
     GSA2.ZZ.M0406.FIL.FRERECON.G0202V00          SMS507  029656  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:14:11 02/05/02    7 14.8K 14.8K   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.BK.P0315.FIL.BKRECON                    SMS507  029656  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:14:14 01/28/02   15 55.5K 55.5K   0 STD10YR
     GSA2.ZZ.D8406.FIL.BOARECON.G2182V00          SMS507  029656  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:14:17 02/02/02   10 0.84K 0.84K   0 STD10YR
     GSA2.ZZ.D8406.FIL.FINRECON.G2186V00          SMS507  029656  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:14:20 02/02/02   10 0.84K 0.84K   0 STD10YR
     GSA2.ZZ.D8406.FIL.WLFRECON.G1976V00          SMS507  029656  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:14:23 02/02/02   10 2.52K 2.52K   0 STD10YR
     GSA2.ZZ.M0406.FIL.UBSRECON.G2954V00          SMS507  029656  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:14:26 02/02/02   10 0.84K 0.84K   0 STD10YR
     GSAC.Z0.I1010.FIL.SELJRNL.G2153V00           SMS507  029656  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:14:29 02/02/02   10 55.5K 55.5K   0 TEST
     GSA7.MA.K8520.FIL.MTDMAINT.G0460V00          SMS507  029656  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:14:32 02/04/02    8 0.84K 0.84K   0 STD10YR
     GSA2.TD.R2001.FIL.FLAT                       SMS507  029656  **HSM*** 02/12/02 21:14:58 01/28/02   15 15.5K 15.5K   0 STD10YR
     GSA2.ZZ.M0406.FIL.LSBRECON.G2350V00          SMS518  029656  **HSM*** 02/12/02 22:03:38 01/29/02   14 0.84K 0.84K   0 STD10YR
     GSA7.PP.K1790.FIL.UPKMSTR                    SMS563  031611  **HSM*** 02/12/02 22:06:39 02/12/02    0 95.1M 95.1M   0 STD10YR
     GSA4.AI.B8050.FIL.AI0BMBR                    SMS563  031611  **HSM*** 02/12/02 22:07:19 02/10/02    2 79.6M 79.6M   0 STD10YR
     ATP3.LB.BABPA.FIL.ER.HISTORY.L18             SMS560  029593* **HSM*** 02/12/02 22:08:32 02/12/02    0  399M  399M   0 STDMTLY
                                                  SMS559  031208  **HSM*** 02/12/02 23:03:19 02/11/02    1 1.55M 1.55M   0 STD10YR
                                                  SMS559  031276  **HSM*** 02/12/02 23:03:45 02/11/02    1 16.0M 16.0M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.UA.A0890.BKP.UA1APEN                    SMS503  031612  **HSM*** 02/12/02 23:09:11 02/09/02    3 20.2M 20.2M   0 STD10YR
     GSA4.PL.B8050.FIL.PL0BMBR                    SMS503  031612  **HSM*** 02/12/02 23:09:29 02/10/02    2 32.8M 32.8M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.PP.A0890.BKP.PP1APEN                    SMS503  031612  **HSM*** 02/12/02 23:09:40 02/09/02    3 18.4M 18.4M   0 STD10YR
     GSA1.Z0.I9991.FIL.CNTLM                      SMS503  031612  **HSM*** 02/12/02 23:09:45 02/09/02    3 23.4M 23.4M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.AI.P5035.BKP.AI1PPTR.G0160V00           SMS559  014583  **HSM*** 02/12/02 23:13:07 02/11/02    1  119M  119M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.PJ.A0890.BKP.PJ1APEN                    SMS559  014583  **HSM*** 02/12/02 23:13:29 02/09/02    3 37.6M 37.6M   0 STD10YR
                    TOTAL RECORDS:     1,059
                                                 *  DATASET EXISTS ON MULTIPLE TAPE VOLUMES

    The report contains the following data:


    This report presents a summary, by dataset size, of all datasets migrated from DFHSM primary storage to ML2 storage.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                          MIGRATION DELAY SUMMARY (PRIMARY - ML2)                                       PAGE   6
     REPORT: 08 FORMAT: 02                                   02/01/02 - 03/31/02                      REPORT TIME:  8:36  DATE:  3/18/02
                                            PERCENT     TOTAL      PERCENT     AVERAGE      TOTAL     TOTAL       AVERAGE       TOTAL
                   DATASET    NUMBER OF    OF TOTAL      WAIT      OF TOTAL      WAIT       BYTES     BYTES       PERCENT        CPU
                     SIZE      REQUESTS    REQUESTS      TIME     WAIT TIME      TIME        READ    WRITTEN    COMPRESSION      TIME
                    25.0K       3,381         24        5:16:35        5        0:00:06     13.7M     13.7M           0       0:27:30.16
                    50.0K         801          6        1:16:30        1        0:00:06     31.8M     31.8M           0       0:06:27.06
                    75.0K       1,430         10        2:22:49        2        0:00:06     77.6M     77.6M           0       0:11:40.36
                     100K         138          1        0:14:28        0        0:00:06     11.8M     11.8M           0       0:01:05.26
                     250K       1,408         10        2:04:09        2        0:00:05      203M      203M           0       0:10:55.18
                     500K       1,117          8        1:30:13        1        0:00:05      399M      399M           0       0:08:46.86
                     750K         478          3        1:09:60        1        0:00:09      294M      294M           0       0:03:45.88
                    1024K         363          3        0:35:33        1        0:00:06      311M      311M           0       0:02:52.92
                    1.50M         625          4        1:03:40        1        0:00:06      775M      775M           0       0:04:43.13
                    2.00M         324          2        0:44:02        1        0:00:08      568M      568M           0       0:02:26.64
                    3.00M         506          4        1:09:48        1        0:00:08     1.23G     1.23G           0       0:04:13.98
                    4.00M         312          2        0:56:30        1        0:00:11     1.07G     1.07G           0       0:02:46.30
                    5.00M         327          2        1:07:44        1        0:00:12     1.44G     1.44G           0       0:02:38.94
                    7.50M         476          3        2:13:34        2        0:00:17     2.79G     2.79G           0       0:04:11.24
                    10.0M         327          2        2:06:50        2        0:00:23     2.80G     2.80G           0       0:02:54.47
                    20.0M         835          6        9:07:21        9        0:00:39     11.9G     11.9G           0       0:08:41.34
                    30.0M         245          2        4:55:47        5        0:01:12     5.96G     5.96G           0       0:03:03.84
                    40.0M         165          1        3:31:30        3        0:01:17     5.36G     5.36G           0       0:02:24.93
                    50.0M         192          1        5:14:53        5        0:01:38     8.16G     8.16G           0       0:04:42.27
                    75.0M         238          2        9:16:57        9        0:02:20     14.3G     14.3G           0       0:04:43.34
                     100M         173          1       12:42:59       12        0:04:25     15.1G     15.1G           0       0:03:55.10
                     OVER         273          2       34:35:39       33        0:07:36     58.1G     58.1G           0       0:21:36.71
                    TOTAL      14,134                 103:17:31                              130G      130G                   2:26:05.91

    The migration delay summary report contains the following data:


    This report presents a summary, by dataset age, of all datasets migrated from DFHSM primary storage to ML2 storage.

    This report will help you pinpoint problems with your current aging strategy, if any. For example, a report may show 45 requests for datasets that have not been referenced within 50 days. It may also show 2,487 requests for a dataset age of 2. If the total bytes read for the age 50 datasets is fairly large, when compared to the total bytes read for the age 2 datasets, you may be holding such datasets on primary storage for too long a period.

    If the bulk of your requests are concentrated at low aging factors, either your current DFHSM aging is very aggressive or your DASD is limited and you must continually migrate. You should also take a close look at your ARCCMDxx member or your ACS parameters and determine whether an excessive number of datasets are being excluded from the migration process. Such datasets limit the amount of primary storage under DFHSM management, and probably cause excessive migration for the remaining datasets.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                           MIGRATION AGE SUMMARY (PRIMARY - ML2)                                        PAGE   7
     REPORT: 09 FORMAT: 03                                   02/01/02 - 03/31/02                      REPORT TIME:  8:36  DATE:  3/18/02
                                        NUMBER        PERCENT                                    TOTAL      TOTAL      TOTAL
                            DATASET       OF            OF        CUMULATIVE      CUMULATIVE     BYTES      BYTES       CPU
                              AGE      REQUESTS      REQUESTS      REQUESTS         PERCENT       READ     WRITTEN      TIME
                                1         918            6             918              6        44.8G      44.8G    0:09:35.59
                                2         462            3           1,380             10        12.4G      12.4G    0:04:09.38
                                3         447            3           1,827             13        15.5G      15.5G    0:07:48.29
                                4         451            3           2,278             16        10.6G      10.6G    0:05:01.25
                                5         316            2           2,594             18        5.78G      5.78G    0:03:15.63
                                6       2,813           20           5,407             38        12.0G      12.0G    0:34:54.97
                                7       1,280            9           6,687             47        5.20G      5.20G    0:12:18.53
                                8         794            6           7,481             53        4.64G      4.64G    0:07:04.55
                                9         573            4           8,054             57        2.44G      2.44G    0:05:17.48
                               10         617            4           8,671             61        1.97G      1.97G    0:05:21.72
                               15       2,395           17          11,066             78        9.02G      9.02G    0:20:26.27
                               20       1,274            9          12,340             87        1.61G      1.61G    0:11:15.68
                               25         404            3          12,744             90         455M       455M    0:03:37.99
                               30         274            2          13,018             92        14.6M      14.6M    0:02:09.04
                               40         278            2          13,296             94        2.17G      2.17G    0:02:33.53
                               50         243            2          13,539             96        96.9M      96.9M    0:01:54.70
                               60         105            1          13,644             97         349M       349M    0:00:49.40
                               70          95            1          13,739             97        2.89M      2.89M    0:00:46.48
                               80         116            1          13,855             98        3.13M      3.13M    0:00:57.36
                               90          68            0          13,923             99        1.22M      1.22M    0:00:35.17
                              100          48            0          13,971             99        1.53M      1.53M    0:00:25.04
                              125          43            0          14,014             99        14.5M      14.5M    0:00:22.48
                              150          21            0          14,035             99        54.5M      54.5M    0:00:25.68
                              175          12            0          14,047             99        43.3M      43.3M    0:00:24.15
                              200          17            0          14,064            100         771K       771K    0:00:09.68
                              250           8            0          14,072            100        63.6M      63.6M    0:00:32.21
                              300           1            0          14,073            100         309K       309K    0:00:00.37
                              350          12            0          14,085            100         109M       109M    0:00:32.86
               ---      ~          ---        ~      ---        ~        ---          ~           ---         ~          ---
                             1750           0            0          14,134            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             2000           0            0          14,134            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             OVER           0            0          14,134            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                            TOTAL      14,134                       14,134                        130G       130G    2:26:05.91

    The Migration Age Summary Report contains the following data:


    This report is a listing of all datasets recalled from DFHSM ML1 storage to primary storage for the requested period. It presents the same information shown for migration from primary to ML1 storage.

    Again, look for an excessive number of recalls for datasets that were migrated for a short period of time. Datasets that remained migrated for a relatively long period of time might be likely candidates for migration directly to ML2 storage. This will free space on ML1 storage, allowing more frequently referenced datasets to remain on ML1 storage and give better service times for dataset recall.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                               RECALL DETAIL (ML1 - PRIMARY)                                            PAGE  33
     REPORT: 10 FORMAT: 01                                   02/10/02 - 02/12/02                      REPORT TIME: 12:14  DATE:  2/13/02
                                                                                               LAST   DATA
                                                   FROM     TO               DATE     TIME    ACCESS   SET  READ WRITE CMP MGEMENT
     OSEM560.COMPAT56.BIN                         HSM000  SMS528   *H*S*M* 02/10/02  5:09:56 02/04/02    0  644K  642K   0 SMP
     GSA7.LB.V0900.FIL.TESTFILE                   HSM000  SMS563  AEDMF    02/12/02 13:50:28 02/12/02    0 3.91M 3.90M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.PH.P5092.FIL.FED1099.G0001V00           HSM000  SMS563  PCALX    02/12/02 15:00:46 01/31/02   12  454K 2.49M  82 STD10YR
     GSA3.OP.SMFDM.BKP.SMF.G0003V00               HSM000  SMS505  GNLPROD  02/12/02 22:00:53 02/12/02    0 16.2M 16.2M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.ZZ.P0403.FIL.MTDCHG.G0631V00            HSM000  SMS566  GNLPROD  02/12/02 23:37:12 02/12/02    0 2.89M 2.89M   0 STD10YR
                    TOTAL RECORDS:         5

    The Recall Detail Report contains the following data:


    This report presents a summary by dataset size, of delays in recalling datasets. Delays usually occur when all defined DFHSM recall tasks are currently busy. Unless the average delay seems overly long, do not be too concerned with the values reported. If the average delays do seem overly long, you might want to consider allowing more concurrent DFHSM recall tasks.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                            RECALL DELAY SUMMARY (ML1 - PRIMARY)                                        PAGE   8
     REPORT: 11 FORMAT: 04                                   02/01/02 - 03/31/02                      REPORT TIME:  8:36  DATE:  3/18/02
                                            PERCENT     TOTAL      PERCENT     AVERAGE      TOTAL     TOTAL       AVERAGE       TOTAL
                   DATASET    NUMBER OF    OF TOTAL      WAIT      OF TOTAL      WAIT       BYTES     BYTES       PERCENT        CPU
                     SIZE      REQUESTS    REQUESTS      TIME     WAIT TIME      TIME        READ    WRITTEN    COMPRESSION      TIME
                    25.0K          22         12        0:12:48       20        0:00:35     44.0K     18.5K           0       0:00:16.85
                    50.0K           2          1        0:00:11        0        0:00:06     14.0K     92.2K          85       0:00:01.35
                    75.0K           4          2        0:00:40        1        0:00:10     96.0K      234K          59       0:00:02.31
                     100K           0          0        0:00:00        0        0:00:00     0.00K     0.00K           0       0:00:00.00
                     250K           2          1        0:00:09        0        0:00:05      118K      285K          59       0:00:01.19
                     500K           1          1        0:00:05        0        0:00:05      146K      277K          47       0:00:00.77
                     750K          10          5        0:01:56        3        0:00:12     4.47M     5.60M          20       0:00:05.56
                    1024K           9          5        0:01:13        2        0:00:08     4.99M     7.90M          37       0:00:07.22
                    1.50M          16          8        0:02:15        3        0:00:08     15.4M     18.4M          16       0:00:11.94
                    2.00M          13          7        0:02:26        4        0:00:11     15.4M     23.1M          33       0:00:09.41
                    3.00M          19         10        0:02:55        4        0:00:09     38.7M     48.7M          21       0:00:14.82
                    4.00M           9          5        0:01:49        3        0:00:12     25.1M     31.8M          21       0:00:06.49
                    5.00M           8          4        0:01:24        2        0:00:10     32.6M     36.3M          10       0:00:06.53
                    7.50M          12          6        0:07:05       11        0:00:35     64.6M     75.0M          14       0:00:09.84
                    10.0M          13          7        0:16:57       26        0:01:18      107M      112M           4       0:00:10.90
                    20.0M          45         24        0:12:00       18        0:00:16      644M      685M           6       0:00:37.38
                    30.0M           6          3        0:01:43        3        0:00:17      128M      128M           0       0:00:05.27
                    40.0M           0          0        0:00:00        0        0:00:00     0.00K     0.00K           0       0:00:00.00
                    50.0M           0          0        0:00:00        0        0:00:00     0.00K     0.00K           0       0:00:00.00
                    75.0M           0          0        0:00:00        0        0:00:00     0.00K     0.00K           0       0:00:00.00
                     100M           0          0        0:00:00        0        0:00:00     0.00K     0.00K           0       0:00:00.00
                     OVER           0          0        0:00:00        0        0:00:00     0.00K     0.00K           0       0:00:00.00
                    TOTAL         191                   1:05:36                             1.06G     1.15G                   0:02:27.83

    The recall Delay Summary Report contains the following data:


    This report presents a summary, by dataset age, of all datasets recalled from DFHSM ML1 storage to primary storage.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                             RECALL AGE SUMMARY (ML1 - PRIMARY)                                         PAGE   9
     REPORT: 12 FORMAT: 03                                   02/01/02 - 03/31/02                      REPORT TIME:  8:36  DATE:  3/18/02
                                        NUMBER        PERCENT                                    TOTAL      TOTAL      TOTAL
                            DATASET       OF            OF        CUMULATIVE      CUMULATIVE     BYTES      BYTES       CPU
                              AGE      REQUESTS      REQUESTS      REQUESTS         PERCENT       READ     WRITTEN      TIME
                                1         157           82             157             82         964M      1.01G    0:02:01.33
                                2          12            6             169             88        52.0M      52.9M    0:00:09.77
                                3           7            4             176             92        11.9M      12.6M    0:00:05.35
                                4           3            2             179             94        19.2M      28.7M    0:00:02.47
                                5           0            0             179             94        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                                6           3            2             182             95        4.35M      4.38M    0:00:02.05
                                7           5            3             187             98        3.14M      4.83M    0:00:03.69
                                8           1            1             188             98        22.7M      22.7M    0:00:00.78
                                9           1            1             189             99        1.07M      1.07M    0:00:00.81
                               10           0            0             189             99        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               15           2            1             191            100        3.88M      9.00M    0:00:01.58
                               20           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               25           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               30           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               40           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               50           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               60           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               70           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               80           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                               90           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              100           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              125           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              150           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              175           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              200           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              250           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              300           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              350           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              400           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              450           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              500           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              600           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              700           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              800           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                              900           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             1000           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             1250           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             1500           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             1750           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             2000           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             OVER           0            0             191            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                            TOTAL         191                          191                       1.06G      1.15G    0:02:27.83

    The following data is presented:


    This report is a listing of all datasets recalled from DFHSM ML2 storage to primary storage for the requested period.

    Again, look for an excessive number of recalls for datasets that were migrated for a short period of time. Datasets that remained migrated for a relatively long period of time might be likely candidates for migration directly to ML2 storage. This will free space on ML1 storage, allowing more frequently referenced datasets to remain on ML1 storage and give better service times for dataset recall.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                               RECALL DETAIL (ML2 - PRIMARY)                                            PAGE  37
     REPORT: 13 FORMAT: 01                                   02/10/02 - 02/12/02                      REPORT TIME: 12:14  DATE:  2/13/02
                                                                                               LAST   DATA
                                                   FROM     TO               DATE     TIME    ACCESS   SET  READ WRITE CMP MGEMENT
     GSA5.SP.P5035.BKP.SP1PPTR.G0150V00           026044  SMS572  AEKEW    02/11/02 17:45:17 01/17/02   11 0.00K 31.9M   0 STD10YR
     GSA1.Z0.I6102.FIL.TIMEDATA.G0153V00          031494  SMS558  GNLPROD  02/11/02 23:25:40 02/04/02    1 0.00K  275K   0 STD10YR
     GSA1.Z0.I0403.FIL.MTDCHG.G1676V00            022454  SMS501  GNLPROD  02/12/02  0:22:18 02/09/02    1 0.00K 11.9M   0 STD10YR
     GSA4.LB.B0307.FIL.MTDCHG.G0028V00            025498  SMS501  GNLPROD  02/12/02  0:43:12 02/09/02    1 0.00K  519K   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.CT.P5090.BKP.CT1PPTR                    024649  SMS504  AEKEW    02/12/02  9:44:25 01/19/99 1105 0.00K 1.44M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.AI.P5090.BKP.AI1PPTR                    029451  SMS504  AEKEW    02/12/02  9:45:41 02/11/02    0 0.00K  119M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.IC.P5090.BKP.IC1PPTR                    023239  SMS563  AEKEW    02/12/02  9:46:44 01/26/99 1095 0.00K  329K   0 STD10YR
     GSA2.ZZ.M0406.FIL.UBCRECON.G1450V00          025498  SMS563  SPJRM    02/12/02  9:47:21 02/06/02    0 0.00K 40.1K   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.KC.P5090.BKP.KC1PPTR                    028837  SMS563  AEKEW    02/12/02  9:48:22 12/30/99  644 0.00K 0.82K   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.OI.P5090.BKP.OI1PPTR                    023114  SMS563  AEKEW    02/12/02  9:49:28 01/27/99 1104 0.00K 3.69M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.PU.P5090.BKP.PU1PPTR                    028008  SMS504  AEKEW    02/12/02 10:00:30 12/30/99  676 0.00K 0.82K   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.XL.P5090.BKP.XL1PPTR                    028837  SMS563  AEKEW    02/12/02 10:13:11 12/30/99  644 0.00K 0.82K   0 STD10YR
     GSA4.AI.B0941.FIL.ENRLBEN                    023313  SMS504  AEJHT    02/12/02 10:16:19 02/08/02    0 0.00K 2.73M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.FN.L2001.FIL.FED1099.G0017V00           019068  SMS563  SPJRM    02/12/02 11:08:34 01/24/02   12 0.00K 55.5K   0 STD10YR
     GSAE.LB.F0000.DBS.LB2FNTR                    031567  SMS563  AESVB    02/12/02 12:05:38 01/30/02    0 0.00K  627K   0 TEST
     GSAE.LB.F0000.DBS.LB2FATR                    031607  SMS563  TESTUSR  02/12/02 12:07:02 01/30/02    4 0.00K 1.71K   0 TEST
     GSAE.LB.F0000.DBS.LB2FGTR                    012567  SMS504  AESVB    02/12/02 12:07:40 01/30/02    7 0.00K  783K   0 TEST
     GSA4.AI.B0902.FIL.AI0BHST.G0049V00           026744* SMS512  AEOLP    02/12/02 12:27:27 01/01/02   41 0.00K  214M   0 STD10YR
     ATP3.LB.D0400.FIL.TOOTH                      031464  SMS504  APJBW    02/12/02 12:28:44 02/06/02    3 0.00K  119M   0 STDMTLY
     GSA4.AI.B0902.FIL.AI0BHST.G0050V00           023170* SMS510  AEOLP    02/12/02 12:29:56 01/31/02    6 0.00K  217M   0 STD10YR
     GSA4.AI.B080B.FIL.GENACTG.G0056V00           022057  SMS563  AEOLP    02/12/02 12:41:49 01/31/02    1 0.00K 7.06M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.TC.P0301.FIL.TCALPHA                    025821  SMS563  AEKEW    02/12/02 12:53:19 01/23/02   10 0.00K  165K   0 STD10YR
     GSA4.AI.B0943.FIL.AI0BTRN                    019255  SMS503  AEJHT    02/12/02 14:19:09 11/09/01   92 0.00K  119M   0 STD10YR
     GSA7.PP.K1790.FIL.UPKMSTR                    026482  SMS563  AECBS    02/12/02 15:09:01 02/09/02    2 0.00K 95.1M   0 STD10YR
     GSA4.PP.B1006.FIL.PP0BELG.G0041V00           031566  SMS502  AEJHT    02/12/02 16:15:05 02/08/02    0 0.00K 9.09M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.BK.P5035.BKP.BK1PPTR.G0114V00           019508  SMS566  AEKEW    02/12/02 16:34:06 02/11/02    0 0.00K 8.45M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.CY.P5035.BKP.CY1PPTR.G0132V00           019242  SMS503  AEKEW    02/12/02 16:43:05 01/23/02   18 0.00K 16.7M   0 STD10YR
     GSA5.IC.P5035.BKP.IC1PPTR.G0163V00           025512  SMS505  AEKEW    02/12/02 17:20:20 01/10/02   12 0.00K 1.44M   0 STD10YR
     ATP3.LB.BABPA.FIL.ER.HISTORY.G06             030824  SMS505  AEOLP    02/12/02 21:27:04 01/29/02   13 0.00K 7.14M   0 STDMTLY
                                                 *  DATASET EXISTS ON MULTIPLE TAPE VOLUMES

    The Recall Detail Report contains the following data:


    This report presents a summary by dataset size, of delays in recalling datasets. Delays usually occur when waiting for a tape mount to occur.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                            RECALL DELAY SUMMARY (ML2 - PRIMARY)                                        PAGE  10
     REPORT: 14 FORMAT: 04                                   02/01/02 - 03/31/02                      REPORT TIME:  8:36  DATE:  3/18/02
                                            PERCENT     TOTAL      PERCENT     AVERAGE      TOTAL     TOTAL       AVERAGE       TOTAL
                   DATASET    NUMBER OF    OF TOTAL      WAIT      OF TOTAL      WAIT       BYTES     BYTES       PERCENT        CPU
                     SIZE      REQUESTS    REQUESTS      TIME     WAIT TIME      TIME        READ    WRITTEN    COMPRESSION      TIME
                    25.0K          91          6        6:14:14        7        0:04:07     0.00K      311K           0       0:01:08.72
                    50.0K         106          7        5:20:25        6        0:03:01     0.00K     3.90M           0       0:01:19.42
                    75.0K          81          5        3:18:48        4        0:02:27     0.00K     4.46M           0       0:01:04.40
                     100K          21          1        1:00:19        1        0:02:52     0.00K     1.83M           0       0:00:16.02
                     250K         180         12        8:39:25        9        0:02:53     0.00K     26.5M           0       0:02:22.77
                     500K         160         10        6:58:30        7        0:02:37     0.00K     57.4M           0       0:02:03.15
                     750K          88          6        4:19:59        5        0:02:57     0.00K     53.9M           0       0:01:10.22
                    1024K          74          5        3:56:51        4        0:03:12     0.00K     63.7M           0       0:01:02.90
                    1.50M         128          8        5:59:10        6        0:02:48     0.00K      156M           0       0:01:45.80
                    2.00M          56          4        3:34:14        4        0:03:50     0.00K     97.9M           0       0:00:46.84
                    3.00M          62          4        2:43:34        3        0:02:38     0.00K      154M           0       0:00:54.48
                    4.00M          49          3        2:42:34        3        0:03:19     0.00K      168M           0       0:00:46.59
                    5.00M          52          3        3:07:03        3        0:03:36     0.00K      229M           0       0:00:55.23
                    7.50M          54          4        3:06:45        3        0:03:28     0.00K      339M           0       0:00:50.56
                    10.0M          40          3        2:24:60        3        0:03:37     0.00K      344M           0       0:00:38.62
                    20.0M         111          7       10:48:09       12        0:05:50     0.00K     1.58G           0       0:02:24.46
                    30.0M          33          2        2:04:19        2        0:03:46     0.00K      753M           0       0:00:40.55
                    40.0M          15          1        1:05:19        1        0:04:21     0.00K      496M           0       0:00:19.71
                    50.0M          15          1        0:42:46        1        0:02:51     0.00K      669M           0       0:00:39.62
                    75.0M          27          2        1:56:44        2        0:04:19     0.00K     1.72G           0       0:01:19.72
                     100M          25          2        2:27:28        3        0:05:54     0.00K     2.14G           0       0:04:05.84
                     OVER          70          5       10:35:41       11        0:09:05     0.00K     15.2G           0       0:07:52.83
                    TOTAL       1,538                  93:07:17                             0.00K     24.2G                   0:34:28.45

    The Recall Delay Summary Report contains the following data:


    This report presents a summary, by dataset age, of all datasets recalled from DFHSM ML2 storage to primary storage.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                             RECALL AGE SUMMARY (ML2 - PRIMARY)                                         PAGE  11
     REPORT: 15 FORMAT: 03                                   02/01/02 - 03/31/02                      REPORT TIME:  8:36  DATE:  3/18/02
                                        NUMBER        PERCENT                                    TOTAL      TOTAL      TOTAL
                            DATASET       OF            OF        CUMULATIVE      CUMULATIVE     BYTES      BYTES       CPU
                              AGE      REQUESTS      REQUESTS      REQUESTS         PERCENT       READ     WRITTEN      TIME
                                1         206           13             206             13        0.00K      6.22G    0:07:55.16
                                2          75            5             281             18        0.00K      1.94G    0:01:53.30
                                3          65            4             346             22        0.00K      1.13G    0:00:55.52
                                4          65            4             411             27        0.00K       566M    0:01:23.31
                                5          55            4             466             30        0.00K      1.26G    0:01:45.98
                                6          50            3             516             34        0.00K       670M    0:00:41.75
                                7          48            3             564             37        0.00K       583M    0:01:15.96
                                8          33            2             597             39        0.00K       574M    0:00:27.31
                                9          39            3             636             41        0.00K      1.03G    0:00:31.90
                               10          38            2             674             44        0.00K       317M    0:00:31.35
                               15         206           13             880             57        0.00K      2.99G    0:05:01.35
                               20         155           10           1,035             67        0.00K      1.50G    0:03:36.50
                               25         118            8           1,153             75        0.00K      1.14G    0:01:34.06
                               30          75            5           1,228             80        0.00K       710M    0:01:03.19
                               40          63            4           1,291             84        0.00K       149M    0:01:02.31
                               50          44            3           1,335             87        0.00K      2.81G    0:00:41.23
                               60          18            1           1,353             88        0.00K       105M    0:00:21.08
                               70          15            1           1,368             89        0.00K      61.3M    0:00:18.11
                               80           5            0           1,373             89        0.00K      76.3M    0:00:09.44
                               90           7            0           1,380             90        0.00K      87.6M    0:00:09.28
                              100           9            1           1,389             90        0.00K       189M    0:00:07.36
                              125          16            1           1,405             91        0.00K      47.7M    0:00:19.77
                              150          10            1           1,415             92        0.00K      95.2M    0:00:21.50
                              175          16            1           1,431             93        0.00K       261M    0:00:18.08
                              200          12            1           1,443             94        0.00K      92.1M    0:00:13.42
                              250          10            1           1,453             94        0.00K       288M    0:00:09.25
                              300          15            1           1,468             95        0.00K       111M    0:00:12.75
                              350           7            0           1,475             96        0.00K      38.6M    0:00:05.84
                              400          13            1           1,488             97        0.00K      69.3M    0:00:10.45
                              450           6            0           1,494             97        0.00K      10.9M    0:00:06.49
                              500           3            0           1,497             97        0.00K      8.54M    0:00:04.75
                              600           3            0           1,500             98        0.00K      2.57M    0:00:03.84
                              700          11            1           1,511             98        0.00K      16.3M    0:00:12.60
                              800          12            1           1,523             99        0.00K      4.26M    0:00:11.62
                              900           1            0           1,524             99        0.00K      2.29M    0:00:02.52
                             1000           3            0           1,527             99        0.00K      7.37M    0:00:02.29
                             1250           5            0           1,532            100        0.00K      6.25M    0:00:03.75
                             1500           0            0           1,532            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             1750           2            0           1,534            100        0.00K      5.69M    0:00:01.49
                             2000           0            0           1,534            100        0.00K      0.00K    0:00:00.00
                             OVER           4            0           1,538            100        0.00K      98.1M    0:00:22.59
                            TOTAL       1,538                        1,538                       0.00K      25.1G    0:34:28.45

    The following data is presented:


    The DFHSM Volume Report shows the activity of all the volumes under DFHSM control.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                                 DFHSM DASD VOLUME SUMMARY                                              PAGE   2
     REPORT: 16 FORMAT: 08                                   02/01/02 - 03/31/02                      REPORT TIME: 16:08  DATE:  3/18/02
                 - PERCENT -  FRAGMENT    -- MIGRATION -  --- RECALL ---  --- BACKUP ---  --- RECOVER --  -------- VOLUME DUMP ---------
     HSM000   M   40   4  91 166  39 392   2,179    8:07     183    0:50     864    5:02       0    0:00
     MVSRSF   P   99  99  99 207 207 207       0    0:00       0    0:00     541    3:17       0    0:00      3   1:41 03/10/02 10:58:43
     MVSRS0   P   97  97  97   9   9   9       0    0:00       0    0:00     544    3:24       0    0:00      5   2:55 03/10/02 10:13:22
     MVSRS2   P   96  96  96  26  26  26       0    0:00       0    0:00       0    0:00       0    0:00
     MVSRS3   P   99  99  99   6   6   6       0    0:00       0    0:00     544    2:59       0    0:00      5   2:49 03/10/02 10:46:08
     MVSRS5   P   99  99  99  16  16  16       0    0:00       0    0:00     544    2:43       0    0:00      2   1:07 03/10/02 10:25:58
     MVSRS6   P   97  96  99 122  16 168       0    0:00       0    0:00     547    2:42       0    0:00      4   2:08 03/10/02 11:16:48
     PAGE00   P    0   0   0   0   0   0       0    0:00       0    0:00       0    0:00       0    0:00      1   0:24 03/03/02 11:03:06
     PAGE03   P   79  79  79   0   0   0       0    0:00       0    0:00      10    0:50       0    0:00      2   0:34 03/10/02 11:16:10
     SMS402   P   91  91  91 534 533 535       0    0:00       0    0:00     270    2:45       0    0:00      3   1:43 03/10/02  9:33:13
     SMS403   P    1   1   1 114 114 114       0    0:00       0    0:00       0    0:00       0    0:00
     SMS501   P   69  44  85 275 135 458   1,262    9:10     188    1:15   1,811   28:51       3    0:03
     SMS502   P   69  49  86 378 234 564   1,235    9:37     151    1:15   3,749   47:27       0    0:00
     SMS503   P   70  58  84 352 144 518   1,266    9:18     135    0:38   3,478   35:08       4    0:11
     SMS504   P   69  52  85 290 118 463   1,156    7:50     234    1:18   3,178   27:44       2    0:04
     SMS505   P   70  55  90 324 143 541   1,492    8:54     255    0:57   3,443   34:52       1    0:02
     SMS506   P   75  60  85 272 164 390     956    5:26      60    0:16   2,240   27:32       0    0:00
     SMS507   P   72  61  81 349 187 509   1,008    6:19      46    0:28   2,474   25:06       0    0:00
     SMS508   P   74  53  87 247 131 431   1,069    6:58      79    0:15   1,875   30:10       0    0:00
     SMS510   P   62  24  98  91  43 297       8    0:49       4    0:26      68    6:16       0    0:00
     SMS511   P   60  47  97 130 103 285       5    0:19       0    0:00      75    9:27       0    0:00
     SMS513   P   56   3  96 103   0 203       8    1:03       6    1:08      22    2:29       0    0:00
     SMS517   P   63  57  96  99  77 146       1    0:02       0    0:00      70   11:02       0    0:00
     SMS518   P   72  55  89 576 487 713     963    6:29     107    0:31   2,288   29:08       0    0:00
     SMS520   P   78  74  80 326 274 347       5    0:02       1    0:00     130    3:01       0    0:00
     SMS521   P   80  77  82 343 333 366      18    0:02       0    0:00     119    2:59       0    0:00
     SMS522   P   78  76  83 238 232 251       7    0:04       0    0:00     245    2:40       0    0:00
     SMS524   P   78  75  79 272 266 281       1    0:01       0    0:00     102    1:22       0    0:00
     SMS525   P   80  79  80 340 325 360      10    0:04       0    0:00     146    2:33       1    0:05
     SMS527   P   56  50  61 137 120 163       4    0:04       1    0:01     229    3:14       0    0:00
     SMS532   P   95  95  95 212 211 214       0    0:00       0    0:00     136    1:22       0    0:00      4   2:43 03/10/02  9:52:03
     SMS558   P   71  56  84 551 431 657     767    5:47     196    0:47   2,354   20:52       1    0:04

    The report contains the following data:


    The Primary Dataset Activity Report list the datasets that are thrashing. By specifying a Data Set movement index, only datasets that exceed that value will be included on the report. The index is calculated as:

     DMIndex = total migrations + total recalls / 30

    Note: Total Migrations and Total Recalls are calculated from thirty days preceding the Report Ending Date.

    The minimum retention date for the HSM Optimizer Report Database should be two months, but the recommended retention date is three months, so that the dataset movement index will include enough data to be of value. The report is sorted in descending order by dataset movement index.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                              PRIMARY DATASET ACTIVITY REPORT                                           PAGE  43
     REPORT: 17 FORMAT: 06                                   02/10/02 - 02/12/02                      REPORT TIME: 12:14  DATE:  2/13/02
                                                                     - MIGRATION --    --- RECALL ---    --- BACKUP ---    -- RECOVERY --
                                                         MOVEMENTS   PAST PAST PREV    PAST PAST PREV    PAST PAST PREV    PAST PAST PREV
                                                            PER        7   30   30       7   30   30       7   30   30       7   30   30
     DATASET NAME                                  SIZE     DAY      DAYS DAYS DAYS    DAYS DAYS DAYS    DAYS DAYS DAYS    DAYS DAYS DAYS
     ATP3.LB.BABPA.FIL.ELIG.MASTER.L17             110M    0.700       0   12    4       0   10    4       0    0    1       0    0    0
     CICSEM.SPDAW.SOURCE                           532K    0.533       0    8    0       0    8    0       1    5    0       0    0    0
     ATP3.LB.D0400.FIL.TOOTH                       119M    0.433       4    7    0       3    6    0       0    1    0       0    0    0
     ATP3.LB.BABPA.FIL.CLM1                       94.2M    0.433       1    7    2       1    6    2       0    0    1       0    0    0
     ATP3.LB.BABPA.FIL.CLM2                        100M    0.400       0    6    1       0    6    0       0    0    1       0    0    0
     ATP3.LB.BABPA.FIL.ACUM.XTRACT.L19             207M    0.400       0    6    4       0    6    2       0    0    1       0    0    0
     ATP3.LB.BABPA.FIL.CLM4                        101M    0.400       1    6    1       1    6    0       0    0    1       0    0    0
     ATP3.LB.BABPA.FIL.PELIG1.SEQ.L20              289M    0.367       1    5    3       2    6    2       1    3    1       0    0    0
     GSA2.ZZ.M5002.BIL.BILLS01                     255M    0.333       0    5    9       0    5    7       1    3    1       0    1    1
     GSA3.OP.SMFDM.BKP.SMF.G0001V00               21.4M    0.333       0    5    2       0    5    2       0    0    0       0    0    0
     ATP3.LB.BABPA.FIL.ER.HISTORY.L18              399M    0.300       1    5    3       1    4    3       0    2    1       0    0    0
     GSA4.LB.V9999.FIL.LB0BVAC                    76.5M    0.267       0    4    2       0    4    0       0    3    8       0    0    0
     GSA4.LB.B9310.FIL.LB0BHST                     392M    0.267       0    5    4       0    4    0       1    5    4       0    0    0
     GSA4.CY.B4113.FIL.ADJBILL                    2.19M    0.233       0    4    0       0    3    0       0    1    1       0    0    0
     GSA3.OP.SMFDM.BKP.SMF.G0002V00               22.6M    0.233       0    3    2       0    4    2       0    0    0       0    0    0
     GSA2.ZZ.M5024.FIL.BILLS.G0036V00              836K    0.200       0    3    0       1    3    0       0    0    1       0    0    0
     GSA4.LB.V9150.FIL.LB0BCHK                    1.77M    0.200       1    3    0       1    3    0       0    5    2       0    0    0
     GSA2.FH.R0102.FIL.FEE                         130M    0.200       0    3    0       1    3    0       1    1    2       0    0    0
     ATP3.LB.BABPA.FIL.VAC.CHECK.HISTY.L02        7.56M    0.200       0    4    0       0    3    0       0    0    1       0    0    0
     ATP3.LB.BABPA.FIL.MEMB.MSTR.L15              22.7M    0.167       1    2    1       1    3    1       0    0    1       0    0    0
     GSA5.LB.A2092.FIL.LB1APEN                     102M    0.167       2    4    4       2    2    0       1    3    8       0    0    0
     GSA4.LB.B9215.FIL.ACTGERN                    14.7M    0.167       0    4    0       0    2    0       0    3    0       0    0    0
     GSA2.ZZ.R0996.FIL.IC9PROC                    1.14M    0.167       0    1    0       1    4    0       0    0    1       0    0    0
     GSA2.ZZ.M5024.FIL.BILLS.G0033V00              928K    0.167       0    2    0       1    3    0       0    1    0       0    0    0
     GSA2.ZZ.M5024.FIL.BILLS.G0034V00              836K    0.167       0    2    0       1    3    0       0    1    0       0    0    0
     GSA2.ZZ.M5024.FIL.BILLS.G0035V00              836K    0.167       0    2    0       1    3    0       0    1    0       0    0    0
     GSA4.AI.B080B.FIL.GENACTG.G0056V00           7.06M    0.133       1    2    0       1    2    0       0    1    0       0    0    0
     GSA4.LB.B9107.FIL.XREFIL1                    2.90M    0.133       1    2    0       2    2    0       1    1    0       0    0    0
     GSA5.AN.P2001.FIL.FED1099.G0016V00           3.42M    0.133       0    1    0       1    3    0       0    1    0       0    0    0
     GSA7.FN.K1010.BKP.FNEEMSTB.G0023V00          4.92M    0.133       0    2    0       0    2    0       0    1    0       0    0    0
     GSA5.ZZ.P0403.FIL.MTDCHG.G0607V00            3.90M    0.133       0    2    0       0    2    0       0    1    0       0    0    0

    The following data is presented:


    The DFHSM Error Detail Report lists all the datasets during the reporting period that failed DFHSM processing for one reason or another. The datasets are listed by DFHSM error and reason code.

    The type of errors which require investigation include unsupported dataset errors: the dataset may have been created and never opened leaving an unknown DSORG, catalog locate errors (probably a dataset that has been uncataloged but not deleted), or any other error which you do not believe should occur. It is probably worth your time to investigate any such error the first time you produce these reports.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                                 DFHSM ERROR DETAIL REPORT                                              PAGE  58
     REPORT: 18 FORMAT: 05                                   02/10/02 - 02/12/02                      REPORT TIME: 12:14  DATE:  2/13/02
                           FUNCTION: DAILY BACKUP                      RETURN CODE: 19          REASON CODE:  00
                                        ARC1319I DATASET IN USE BY ANOTHER USER OR JOB, BACKUP REJECTED
                                                                      FROM        TO
                    DATASET NAME                                     VOLUME     VOLUME      USER ID       DATE       TIME
                    GSA1.OP.ZDISP.FIL.DISPAUDT.G0708V00              SMS505                **HSM***     02/12/02    2:15:49
                    GSA5.XI.P5035.FIL.XIICHKF                        SMS505                **HSM***     02/12/02    2:08:06
                    GSA9.ZZ.CICSX.FIL.DFHDMPA                        SMS503                **HSM***     02/12/02    2:15:03
                    SPLFY.TRACE                                      SMS513                **HSM***     02/12/02    1:25:59
                    SYSX.VCSS.PROD.CKPT                              SYS001                **HSM***     02/10/02   21:30:10
                    SYSX.VCSS.TEST.CKPT                              SYS002                **HSM***     02/10/02   21:30:15
                      TOTAL ERRORS:         6
                    TOTAL DATASETS:         6

    The report contains the following information:


    The DFHSM Error Summary Report lists the total number of errors and the number of datasets that DFHSM could not process for one reason or another. The report is summarized by DFHSM error and reason code.

    The types of errors which require investigation include unsupported dataset errors: the dataset may have been created and never opened leaving an unknown DSORG, catalog locate errors (probably a dataset that has been uncataloged but not deleted), or any other error which you do not believe should occur. It is probably worth your time to investigate any such error the first time you produce these reports.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                                 DFHSM ERROR SUMMARY REPORT                                             PAGE  73
     REPORT: 19 FORMAT: 07                                   02/10/02 - 02/12/02                      REPORT TIME: 12:14  DATE:  2/13/02
                                     RETURN  REASON  ERROR  DATASET
     FUNCTION                         CODE    CODE   COUNT   COUNT   MESSAGE
         TOTAL                                          15       1
                                       19      05       11       8   ARC1219I DATASET IN USE BY ANOTHER USER OR JOB, MIGRATION REJECTED
                                       19      08        1       1   ARC1219I DATASET IN USE BY ANOTHER USER OR JOB, MIGRATION REJECTED
                                       58      08       46       5   ARC1258I MIGRATION FAILED FOR DATA SET
                                       68     910        1       1   NO MESSAGE FOR THIS CONDITION
         TOTAL                                          94      18
     RECALL FROM ML2 TO PRIMARY        02      00        3       2   ARC1102I DATA SET IS NOT MIGRATED/BACKED UP
         TOTAL                                           3       2
         TOTAL                                          12       3
     DAILY BACKUP                      17      00        1       1   ARC1317I I/O ERROR READING PDS DIRECTORY DURING BACKUP
                                       19      00        6       6   ARC1319I DATASET IN USE BY ANOTHER USER OR JOB, BACKUP REJECTED
                                       19      12        2       2   ARC1319I DATASET IN USE BY ANOTHER USER OR JOB, BACKUP REJECTED
                                       68     799        1       1   NO MESSAGE FOR THIS CONDITION
                                       68     910        2       2   NO MESSAGE FOR THIS CONDITION
                                       70      13       22      22   ARC1370I AN ERROR OCCURRED WHILE DFHSM WAS PROCESSING AN SMS MANAGED
                                                                     DATA SET
                                       00      00        1       1   NO MESSAGE FOR THIS CONDITION
         TOTAL                                          35      35
     RECYCLE BACKUP VOLUME             16      00        1       1   NO MESSAGE FOR THIS CONDITION
                                       31      00        1       1   NO MESSAGE FOR THIS CONDITION
                                       69      00        2       2   NO MESSAGE FOR THIS CONDITION
                                       00      00        2       2   NO MESSAGE FOR THIS CONDITION
         TOTAL                                           6       6
     RECYCLE MIGRATION VOLUME          31      00        2       2   NO MESSAGE FOR THIS CONDITION
                                       69      00        1       1   NO MESSAGE FOR THIS CONDITION
                                       00      00        2       2   NO MESSAGE FOR THIS CONDITION
         TOTAL                                           5       5
     VOLUME DUMP                       08      00        1       1   NO MESSAGE FOR THIS CONDITION
                                       16      00        2       1   NO MESSAGE FOR THIS CONDITION
         TOTAL                                           3       2

    The report contains the following information:


    The Activity Summary report shows the summary activity for DFHSM processing for the last 24 hours and for the report period selected by the Beginning Date for Reports and the Ending Date for Reports.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                                      ACTIVITY SUMMARY                                                  PAGE   2
     REPORT: 20 FORMAT: 09                                   02/01/02 - 03/31/02                      REPORT TIME: 16:10  DATE:  3/18/02
                                      ---------- LAST 24 DATA HOURS ----------        ------------ REPORT PERIOD -------------
                                      --- 03/15/02 19:29 -- 03/16/02 19:29 ---        --- 02/01/02 00:00 -- 03/31/02 23:59 ---
                                        TOTAL     ERROR     ERROR     ELAPSED           TOTAL     ERROR     ERROR     ELAPSED
                                        COUNT     COUNT    PERCENT      TIME            COUNT     COUNT    PERCENT      TIME
                 PRIMARY - ML1              3         0        0       0:00:18          1,395       117        8       2:38:29
                 PRIMARY - ML2             36         1        3       0:42:48         15,558     1,424        9     106:14:56
                 ML1 - ML2                  0         0        0       0:00:00            895         0        0       6:38:41
                 TOTAL                     39         1        3       0:43:06         17,848     1,541        9     115:32:06
                 ML1 - PRIMARY              0         0        0       0:00:00            199         8        4       1:06:12
                 ML2 - PRIMARY              3         0        0       0:07:59          1,579        41        3      93:14:38
                 TOTAL                      3         0        0       0:07:59          1,778        49        3      94:20:50
                 DAILY                  1,071        49        5      10:00:40         44,617     1,068        2     686:52:28
                 SPILL                      0         0        0       0:00:00              0         0        0       0:00:00
                 TOTAL                  1,071        49        5      10:00:40         44,617     1,068        2     686:52:28
                 PRIMARY                    0         0        0       0:00:00              0         0        0       0:00:00
                 MIGRATED                 275         0        0       2:02:12         15,198     3,275       22      21:50:41
                 TOTAL                    275         0        0       2:02:12         15,198     3,275       22      21:50:41
                 MIGRATE VOLUME             0         0        0       0:00:00          8,355         8        0      37:24:19
                 BACKUP VOLUME              0         0        0       0:00:00          9,981        23        0      34:03:31
                 TOTAL                      0         0        0       0:00:00         18,336        31        0      71:27:49
               RECOVER                      0         0        0       0:00:00             25         8       32       0:59:08
               DUMP                         0         0        0       0:00:00             68        11       16      21:00:03
               RESTORE                      0         0        0       0:00:00              0         0        0       0:00:00

    The report contains the following data:


    This report lists all migration activity by days aged. It shows summary information for all datasets migrated to ML1 storage, and datasets migrated to ML2 storage.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                                  MIGRATED DATASET SUMMARY                                              PAGE   2
     REPORT: 21 FORMAT: 10                                   02/11/02 - 02/13/02                      REPORT TIME:  9:02  DATE:  2/14/02
                ---- MIGRATION LEVEL 1 ----                 ---- MIGRATION LEVEL 2 ----
                           AVERAGE    TOTAL                             AVERAGE   TOTAL
      DAYS      DATASETS     SIZE      SIZE                 DATASETS     SIZE      SIZE
         1            2     3.32M     6.63M                     758     11.4M     8.48G
         2            0     0.00K     0.00K                     497     6.95M     3.37G
         3            0     0.00K     0.00K                     379     3.57M     1.32G
         4            0     0.00K     0.00K                     139     5.43M      754M
         5            0     0.00K     0.00K                      90     22.2M     1.96G
         6            0     0.00K     0.00K                     223     8.20M     1.79G
         7            0     0.00K     0.00K                     137     10.7M     1.43G
         8            0     0.00K     0.00K                     231     12.4M     2.81G
         9            0     0.00K     0.00K                     202     13.3M     2.63G
        10            0     0.00K     0.00K                     112     4.51M      504M
        15            6     2.72M     16.3M                   3,203     3.29M     10.2G
        20            0     0.00K     0.00K                   1,614     4.84M     7.64G
        25            0     0.00K     0.00K                     689     6.46M     4.34G
        30            0     0.00K     0.00K                     872     7.82M     6.66G
        40            0     0.00K     0.00K                   1,029     9.60M     9.65G
        50            0     0.00K     0.00K                     893     12.9M     11.2G
        60            0     0.00K     0.00K                   1,172     6.29M     7.20G
        70            0     0.00K     0.00K                     790     7.12M     5.49G
        80            0     0.00K     0.00K                     742     10.2M     7.40G
        90            0     0.00K     0.00K                     481     6.31M     2.96G
       100            0     0.00K     0.00K                     679     8.77M     5.82G
       125            0     0.00K     0.00K                   1,586     7.56M     11.7G
       150            0     0.00K     0.00K                   1,896     6.81M     12.6G
       175            0     0.00K     0.00K                   1,255     8.68M     10.6G
       200            0     0.00K     0.00K                   1,714     6.13M     10.2G
       250            0     0.00K     0.00K                   2,768     7.70M     20.8G
       300            0     0.00K     0.00K                   2,612     6.42M     16.3G
       350            0     0.00K     0.00K                   2,367     7.20M     16.6G
       400            0     0.00K     0.00K                   3,039     6.01M     17.8G
       450            0     0.00K     0.00K                   2,030     6.06M     12.0G
       500            0     0.00K     0.00K                   2,709     6.32M     16.7G
       600            0     0.00K     0.00K                   3,658     4.64M     16.5G
       700            0     0.00K     0.00K                   4,806     5.52M     25.9G
       800            3     6.53M     19.5M                   4,527     4.11M     18.1G
       900            0     0.00K     0.00K                   4,238     4.34M     17.9G
      1000            0     0.00K     0.00K                   5,391     4.62M     24.3G
      1250            0     0.00K     0.00K                   9,512     3.62M     33.6G
      1500            0     0.00K     0.00K                   8,025     2.96M     23.1G
      1750            0     0.00K     0.00K                   6,722     2.43M     15.9G
      2000            0     0.00K     0.00K                   4,025     1.93M     7.57G
      OVER            0     0.00K     0.00K                   4,882     3.11M     14.8G
     TOTAL           11     3.86M     42.5M                  92,694     4.94M      447G

    The report contains:


    This report presents a summary, by dataset age, of DFHSM backup activity for the reporting period. Since you may specify that multiple versions of a backed up dataset be retained, summaries are presented for versions 1 through 4, and for retained versions of 5 or greater.

    If you have many datasets that have been retained for more than a year or two, you might want to investigate how many of these datasets are still valid. Deleting a dataset does not automatically delete a DFHSM backup copy of the dataset.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                                   DATASET BACKUP SUMMARY                                               PAGE   3
     REPORT: 22 FORMAT: 11                                   02/11/02 - 02/13/02                      REPORT TIME:  9:02  DATE:  2/14/02
               ---- TOTAL ----      ---- VER 1 ----      ---- VER 2 ----      ---- VER 3 ----      ---- VER 4 ----      ---- VER 5+ ---
         1        1,636  18.3G         1,454  14.7G           182  3.59G             0  0.00K             0  0.00K             0  0.00K
         2        1,168  9.81G           933  5.85G           101  1.45G           134  2.51G             0  0.00K             0  0.00K
         3            0  0.00K             0  0.00K             0  0.00K             0  0.00K             0  0.00K             0  0.00K
         4            8   970M             8   970M             0  0.00K             0  0.00K             0  0.00K             0  0.00K
         5        1,743  10.5G         1,391  7.38G           150   441M            91  1.37G           111  1.42G             0  0.00K
         6        1,519  8.32G         1,157  4.84G           114   485M            52   278M            96  1.66G           100  1.08G
         7        1,240  7.09G           966  4.59G            65   971M            76   140M            39   174M            94  1.24G
         8          750  7.51G           558  4.88G            57   155M            49   257M            20   202M            66  2.03G
         9        2,040  7.62G         1,649  4.22G           211  2.08G            42  50.7M            92  34.4M            46  1.23G
        10            0  0.00K             0  0.00K             0  0.00K             0  0.00K             0  0.00K             0  0.00K
        15        4,982  30.2G         4,275  20.5G           194  4.77G           299  3.13G            70   363M           144  1.49G
        20        2,746  16.0G         2,358  9.88G           146  1.09G           113  2.23G            78  1.80G            51  1.06G
        25        5,890  25.0G         3,156  10.3G           651  4.22G           640  3.04G           823  4.89G           620  2.56G
        30        5,206  26.3G         4,441  16.0G           167  2.53G           133  2.59G           144  2.02G           321  3.17G
        40        5,900  33.0G         5,032  18.6G           377  2.90G           155  2.71G           114  2.77G           222  6.02G
        50        7,392  26.7G         5,955  20.3G         1,226  4.52G            78  1.07G            58   390M            75   364M
        60        5,081  18.9G         4,278  14.8G           636  3.23G            74   596M            64   138M            29   180M
        70        6,181  23.5G         5,372  16.4G           230  1.15G           390  3.18G           105  1.40G            84  1.43G
        80        6,713  23.4G         5,186  16.6G           138   966M         1,179  4.31G            98   811M           112   819M
        90        4,353  13.2G         3,756  10.5G            31   260M           488  1.56G            51   307M            27   579M
       100        5,776  18.1G         5,278  15.4G            82   260M           107   961M           248  1.18G            61   422M
       125       13,611  48.9G        11,527  35.8G           178  2.44G           104   855M         1,627  6.83G           175  2.99G
       150       15,363  46.7G        13,242  36.9G           178  1.19G           101  1.53G           117  1.34G         1,725  5.75G
       175       12,660  35.1G        12,185  31.3G           179  2.46G            80   194M            58   452M           158   714M
       200       12,754  35.9G        12,363  29.7G           174  1.94G            87  1.41G            62   927M            68  1.95G
       250       25,284  74.9G        24,504  64.8G           319  4.60G           221  2.90G           122  1.43G           118  1.15G
       --    ~    --   ~   --   ~  --  ~  --  ~  --  ~  --  ~  --  ~  --  ~  --  ~  --  ~  --  ~  --  ~  --  ~  --  ~  --  ~  --  ~  --
       700       50,807  90.4G        50,464  87.9G           275  2.10G            33   201M             6  23.1M            29   267M
       800       45,449  71.9G        45,156  71.0G           180   651M            61  86.1M             8  4.61M            44   115M
       900        9,234  38.0G         9,168  37.3G            54   534M             3   168M             2   496K             7  5.56M
      1000        7,318  32.6G         7,251  32.5G            46  33.6M             6  8.51M             5  8.14M            10  12.8M
      1250       13,543  49.8G        13,447  49.2G            54   544M            12  18.9M             5   583K            25  61.7M
      1500        8,612  27.6G         8,490  24.9G            40   536M            16  28.2M            18  31.7M            48  2.12G
      1750        7,883  18.6G         7,452  18.0G            44  82.7M            13  8.83M            16  1.16M           358   587M
      2000        5,496  12.0G         5,460  11.9G            17   164M             2  1.18M             3  2.23M            14  12.0M
     TOTAL      489,375  1.30T       461,410  1.11T         9,853  71.5G         6,211  44.2G         5,258  37.4G         6,643  47.2G

    The report contains the following data:


    This report presents a list of all DFHSM primary volumes. The list is presented in serial number sequence.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                                       PRIMARY VOLUMES                                                  PAGE  19
     REPORT: 23 FORMAT: 12                                   02/11/02 - 02/13/02                      REPORT TIME:  9:02  DATE:  2/14/02
                              THRSHLD      AUTO                                                                      RELEAS-
     SYS001  3390    MIG   0    0 100   NO YES  MIGRATE 00/00/00  0:00           DSORG=PS       7  36.7M  36.7M  100  0.00K    0
                                                BACKUP  02/10/02 21:28           DSORG=PSU      2  14.0M  14.0M  100  0.00K    0
                                                DUMP    02/03/02 11:08 OFFSITE   DSORG=PO       3  14.4M  7.90M   55  5.49M   38
                                                DUMP    02/03/02 11:08 ONSITE    DSORG=VS       7  17.4M  17.4M  100  0.00K    0
                                                                                 TOTAL         19  82.7M  76.1M   92  5.49M    7   732M
     SYS002  3390    MIG   0    0 100   NO YES  MIGRATE 00/00/00  0:00           DSORG=PS       4  17.0M  17.0M  100  0.00K    0
                                                BACKUP  02/10/02 21:30           DSORG=PSU      1  1.01M  1.01M  100  0.00K    0
                                                DUMP    02/10/02 11:03 OFFSITE   TOTAL          5  18.0M  18.0M  100  0.00K    0   790M
                                                DUMP    02/10/02 11:03 ONSITE
     SYS003  3390    MIG   0    0 100   NO YES  MIGRATE 00/00/00  0:00           DSORG=PS       4  35.2M  35.2M  100  0.00K    0
                                                BACKUP  02/10/02 21:30           DSORG=PSU      1  12.6M  12.6M  100  0.00K    0
                                                DUMP    02/10/02 11:04 OFFSITE   DSORG=DA       1   861K   861K  100  0.00K    0
                                                DUMP    02/10/02 11:04 ONSITE    TOTAL          6  48.6M  48.6M  100  0.00K    0   760M
     TMM000  3390    MIG   0    1   1  YES  NO  MIGRATE 07/10/97  4:45           TOTAL          0  0.00K  0.00K    0  0.00K    0  0.00K
                                                BACKUP  07/10/97  0:40
                                                DUMP    00/00/00 00:00
     TMM001  3390    MIG   0    1   1  YES  NO  MIGRATE 07/10/97  4:45           TOTAL          0  0.00K  0.00K    0  0.00K    0  0.00K
                                                BACKUP  07/10/97  0:40
                                                DUMP    00/00/00 00:00
     TMM002  3390    MIG   0    1   1  YES  NO  MIGRATE 07/10/97  4:45           TOTAL          0  0.00K  0.00K    0  0.00K    0  0.00K
                                                BACKUP  07/10/97  0:41
                                                DUMP    00/00/00 00:00
     TMM003  3390    MIG   0    1   1  YES  NO  MIGRATE 07/10/97  4:45           TOTAL          0  0.00K  0.00K    0  0.00K    0  0.00K
                                                BACKUP  07/10/97  0:41
                                                DUMP    00/00/00 00:00
     TMM004  3390    MIG   0    1   1  YES  NO  MIGRATE 07/10/97  4:45           TOTAL          0  0.00K  0.00K    0  0.00K    0  0.00K
                                                BACKUP  07/10/97  0:41
                                                DUMP    00/00/00 00:00
     TMM005  3390    MIG   0    1   1  YES  NO  MIGRATE 07/10/97  4:45           TOTAL          0  0.00K  0.00K    0  0.00K    0  0.00K
                                                BACKUP  07/10/97  0:41
                                                DUMP    00/00/00 00:00
     TOTAL                                                                       DSORG=PS    6669  25.2G  20.9G   83  1.21G    5
                                                                                 DSORG=PSU      6  31.0M  31.0M  100  0.00K    0
                                                                                 DSORG=PO    4927  44.6G  31.1G   70  6.98G   16
                                                                                 DSORG=DA       8  40.5M  40.5M  100  0.00K    0
                                                                                 DSORG=VS    3205  44.7G  44.7G  100  0.00K    0
                                                                                 TOTAL      14815   114G  96.9G   85  8.19G    7  56.0G

    The data presented is:

    If a volume contains DSORGs indicated as ???, you should investigate the volume for datasets that have been allocated but never opened.

    You might also consider using the DFHSM compress option for PDS datasets, if such datasets indicate a high percentage of free space. Many PDS datasets are allocated with a large primary allocation so that they will not run out of room. If you use the DFHSM compress option, you can use a primary allocation that will hold the normal contents of the dataset, and specify a secondary allocation to handle expansion. During DFHSM migration volume processing, these datasets will be migrated, then recalled with a new allocation contain the contents within a primary allocation. This will free any unused space within the dataset. The secondary allocation will still handle expansion (to keep from fragmenting the file, consider using a secondary allocation at least as large as the primary allocation).

    If you use the compress option, be sure that you set the number of extents appropriately. MVS systems consider 5 extents to be a primary allocation. Therefore, set the number of extents to at least 6.


    This report presents a list of all DFHSM primary volumes. The list is presented in volume serial number sequence.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                                   PRIMARY VOLUME DETAIL                                                PAGE 313
     REPORT: 24 FORMAT: 13                                   02/11/02 - 02/13/02                      REPORT TIME:  9:02  DATE:  2/14/02
     SMS585 GSA5.AI.L0000.DBS.AI1LPTH.DATA               02/14/02 02/22/12 02/14/02 TRK  57.4K 57.4K 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA5.AI.L0000.DBS.AI1LPTH.INDEX              02/14/02 00/00/00 00/00/00 TRK  57.4K 57.4K 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA5.CM.P0000.DBS.CM1PGTR.DATA               02/13/02 02/21/12 02/13/02 CYL  5.05M 5.05M 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA5.CM.P0000.DBS.CM1PGTR.INDEX              02/13/02 00/00/00 00/00/00 TRK  57.4K 57.4K 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA5.IC.A0000.DBS.IC1ANDX.DATA               02/09/02 02/17/12 02/13/02 TRK   344K  344K 0.00K  5 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA5.IC.A0000.DBS.IC1ANDX.INDEX              02/09/02 00/00/00 00/00/00 TRK  57.4K 57.4K 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA5.IC.P0000.DBS.IC1PPEN.DATA               02/09/02 02/17/12 02/14/02 TRK  1.01M 1.01M 0.00K  2 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA5.IC.P0000.DBS.IC1PPEN.INDEX              02/09/02 00/00/00 00/00/00 TRK  57.4K 57.4K 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA5.OU.A0000.DBS.OU1ANDX.DATA               02/09/02 02/17/12 02/14/02 TRK   287K  287K 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA5.OU.A0000.DBS.OU1ANDX.INDEX              02/09/02 00/00/00 00/00/00 TRK  57.4K 57.4K 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA5.PF.P0000.DBS.PF1PNME.DATA               02/14/02 02/22/12 02/14/02 TRK   114K  114K 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA5.PF.P0000.DBS.PF1PNME.INDEX              02/14/02 00/00/00 00/00/00 TRK  57.4K 57.4K 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA5.PJ.P0000.DBS.PJ1PATR.DATA               02/13/02 02/21/12 02/13/02 CYL  6.73M 6.73M 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA5.PJ.P0000.DBS.PJ1PATR.INDEX              02/13/02 00/00/00 00/00/00 TRK  57.4K 57.4K 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA5.XL.P0000.DBS.XL1PNDX.INDEX              02/14/02 00/00/00 00/00/00 TRK  57.4K 57.4K 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA5.ZZ.P0000.DBS.PENPTYP.DATA               02/13/02 02/21/12 02/13/02 TRK   172K  172K 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA5.ZZ.P0000.DBS.PENPTYP.INDEX              02/13/02 00/00/00 00/00/00 TRK  57.4K 57.4K 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA7.OM.K0000.DBS.OMEEAIX.DATA               02/05/02 02/13/12 02/14/02 TRK  57.4K 57.4K 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA7.OM.K0000.DBS.OMEEAIX.INDEX              02/05/02 00/00/00 00/00/00 TRK  57.4K 57.4K 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA7.PI.K0000.DBS.PIEEMST.DATA               01/25/02 02/02/12 02/14/02 CYL   225M  225M 0.00K  7 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA7.PI.K0000.DBS.PIEEMST.INDEX              01/25/02 00/00/00 00/00/00 TRK   344K  344K 0.00K  3 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA7.PP.K0000.DBS.PPEEMST.DATA               02/13/02 02/21/12 02/14/02 CYL  62.2M 62.2M 0.00K 18 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA7.PP.K0000.DBS.PPEEMST.INDEX              02/13/02 00/00/00 00/00/00 TRK   114K  114K 0.00K  2 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 SYS1.VTOCIX.SMS585                           07/16/01 00/00/00 00/00/00 TRK  2.47M 2.47M 0.00K  1 PS  F     2048  2048  Y
     SMS585 SYS1.VVDS.VSMS585                            12/13/01 00/00/00 00/00/00 TRK   574K  574K 0.00K  1 VS           0  4096  Y  PR

    The data presented is:


    This report presents a list of all datasets on primary volumes in reference date order. The date starts with the oldest reference date to most current. It presents the same data as the Primary Volume Detail report.

    If this report indicates a fair number of large datasets on primary datasets with fairly old reference dates, there might be a problem with your ARCCMDxx specifications. Datasets not frequently referenced should not be occupying primary volume space. Such space could probably be put to better use by your installation.

    The report format will be the same as the Primary Volume Detail Report.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                            PRIMARY VOLUME DATE REFERENCE DETAIL                                        PAGE 273
     REPORT: 25 FORMAT: 13                                   02/11/02 - 02/13/02                      REPORT TIME:  9:39  DATE:  2/14/02
     SMS585 GSA4.PI.B0000.DBS.PI0BNRL.DATA               01/20/02 01/28/12 02/14/02 CYL  4.20M 4.20M 0.00K  2 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA4.PL.B0000.DBS.PL0BILL.DATA               01/29/02 02/06/12 02/14/02 TRK  8.63M 8.63M 0.00K 18 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA4.PU.B0000.DBS.PU0BNRL.DATA               01/20/02 01/28/12 02/14/02 TRK   918K  918K 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA4.SE.B0000.DBS.SE0BHST.DATA               01/29/02 02/06/12 02/14/02 CYL  63.0M 63.0M 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS585 GSA4.SP.B0000.DBS.SP0BERM.DATA               02/03/02 02/11/12 02/14/02 CYL   861K  861K 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS900 CATALOG.MASTER                               09/07/95 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL  2.52M 2.52M 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS900 CATALOG.SYSTEMS                              09/01/95 09/09/05 02/14/02 CYL  11.7M 11.7M 0.00K 14 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS900 CATALOG.TEST                                 09/01/95 09/09/05 02/14/02 CYL  6.73M 6.73M 0.00K  4 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS900 SYSX.ATPA.ISPMLIB                            11/25/97 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL   861K  172K 0.00K  1 PO  FB      80  6160  Y
     SMS900 SYSX.ATPA.ISPSLIB                            11/25/97 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL   861K  114K 0.00K  1 PO  FB      80  6160  Y
     SMS900 SYSX.ATPA.PLILINK                            06/05/97 00/00/00 02/14/02 TRK  1.07M 1.07M 0.00K  1 PO  U        0 32760  Y
     SMS900 SYSX.NETVIEW.CNM02.DSILIST                   06/08/00 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL   861K 0.00K 0.00K  1 PO  FB      80  6160  Y
     SMS900 SYSX.NETVIEW.CNM02.DSIPRF                    06/08/00 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL   861K 0.00K 0.00K  1 PO  FB      80  3920  Y
     SMS900 SYSX.NETVIEW.CNM02.SEZLPNLU                  06/08/00 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL   861K 0.00K 0.00K  1 PO  FB      80  3920  Y
     SMS900 SYSX.OSEM.VER55.TEST.PARMLIB                 11/16/00 00/00/00 02/14/02 BLK  2.07M 0.00K 0.00K  2 PO  FB      80 32720  Y
     SMS900 SYSX.OSEM.VER56.ISPCLIB                      01/31/02 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL  10.0M 0.00K 0.00K  3 PO  FB      80 23440  Y
     SMS900 SYSX.OSEM.VER56.ISPPLIB                      01/31/02 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL  4.20M 0.00K 0.00K  1 PO  FB      80 23440  Y
     SMS900 SYSX.OSEM.VER56.TEST.IPL.REPORT              01/31/02 00/00/00 02/14/02 BLK   516K  516K 0.00K  9 PS  VBA    125  8192  Y
     SMS900 SYSX.OSEM.VER56.TEST.PARMLIB                 01/31/02 00/00/00 02/14/02 BLK   459K 0.00K 0.00K  1 PO  FB      80 32720  Y
     SMS900 SYS1.SMARTSMS.LOADLIB                        07/22/99 00/00/00 02/14/02 TRK  4.20M 4.09M  114K  5 PO  U        0 32760  Y
     SMS901 CATALOG.PROD                                 09/01/95 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL  62.2M 62.2M 0.00K 27 VS  U        0  4096  Y  PR
     SMS901 SYSX.OPER.JCL                                08/28/98 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL  29.4M 24.7M 4.20M  1 PO  FB      80  6160  Y
     SYS000 SMS.ATPA.ACDS.DATA                           12/14/92 12/31/99 02/14/02 TRK  1.01M 1.01M 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  N  PR
     SYS000 SMS.ATPA.COMMDS.DATA                         01/08/92 12/31/99 02/14/02 TRK  57.4K 57.4K 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  N  PR
     SYS000 SMS.ATPA.SCDS.DATA                           01/08/92 12/31/99 02/14/02 TRK  1.01M 1.01M 0.00K  1 VS  U        0  4096  N  PR
     SYS000 SYS1.ATPA.PROCLIB                            09/08/95 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL  6.73M 6.39M 0.00K  1 PO  FB      80 23440  N
     SYS000 SYS1.ATPA.PROD.PROCLIB                       09/07/95 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL  2.52M  114K 1.68M  1 PO  FB      80 27920  N
     SYS000 SYS1.ATPA.TEST.PROCLIB                       09/07/95 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL  2.52M  114K 1.68M  1 PO  FB      80 27920  N
     SYS000 SYS1.BRODCAST                                09/08/95 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL  4.20M 4.20M 0.00K  1 DA  F      129   129  N
     SYS000 SYS1.JESPARMS                                08/13/87 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL  2.52M 1.46M  861K  1 PO  FB      80  3120  N
     SYS000 SYS1.PARMLIB                                 09/08/95 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL  1.68M 1.68M 0.00K  1 PO  FB      80 27920  N
     SYS000 SYS1.PROD.HASPINDX                           02/12/96 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL   861K  861K 0.00K  1 PS  F     4096  4096  N
     SYS000 SYS1.PROD.LOGREC                             09/08/95 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL  1.68M 1.68M 0.00K  1 PSU U        0  1944  N
     SYS000 SYS1.TEST.HASPINDX                           02/12/96 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL   861K  861K 0.00K  1 PS  F     4096  4096  N
     SYS000 SYS1.UADS                                    09/08/95 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL   861K 57.4K 0.00K  1 PO  FB     172  1720  N
     SYS001 SYSX.VCSS.PROD.JSA                           09/28/95 00/00/00 02/14/02 BLK   746K  746K 0.00K  1 PS  U        0  6200  N
     SYS001 SYSX.VCSS.TEST.JSA                           09/29/95 00/00/00 02/14/02 BLK   746K  746K 0.00K  1 PS  U        0  6200  N
     SYS001 SYS1.RACF                                    09/21/95 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL  12.6M 12.6M 0.00K  1 PSU F     4096  4096  N
     SYS001 SYS1.V23.PLILINK                             12/13/93 00/00/00 02/14/02 CYL  5.89M 5.55M 0.00K  1 PO  U        0 32760  N

    The data presented is:


    This report presents a list of all datasets migrated in dataset name order. The information presented is contained in the DFHSM Migration Control Data Set.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                           MIGRATED DATASET DETAIL - DSN SEQUENCE                                       PAGE 466
     REPORT: 26 FORMAT: 14                                   02/11/02 - 02/13/02                      REPORT TIME:  9:39  DATE:  2/14/02
                                                   PRIM   ------ MIGRATION ------  CREATE    EXPIRE     DS   ------- SMS CLASSES --------
     --------------- DATASET NAME --------------- VOLUME    DATE      TIME    LVL   DATE      DATE     SIZE    MGMT      STOR      DATA
     GSA7.PP.K1010.BKP.PPEEMSTA.G0100V00          SMS504  02/11/02  15:05:13   2  02/07/02  00/00/00  43.9M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.PP.K1010.BKP.PPEEMSTB.G0100V00          SMS502  01/05/02  20:11:15   2  01/03/02  00/00/00  43.8M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.PP.K1010.BKP.PPEEMSTB.G0101V00          SMS572  02/13/02  14:21:00   2  02/05/02  00/00/00  45.0M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.PP.K1010.BKP.PPEEMSTB.G0102V00          SMS505  02/13/02  13:08:39   2  02/07/02  00/00/00  45.0M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.PP.K155T.FIL.ZZKFINDH                   SMS503  01/15/02  16:12:14   2  01/03/02  00/00/00  55.5K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.PP.K155T.FIL.ZZKFINDL                   SMS572  01/31/02   6:05:18   2  01/03/02  00/00/00  55.5K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.PP.K1550.BKP.PPEEMST.G0192V00           SMS566  01/15/02  20:17:32   2  01/03/02  00/00/00  44.3M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.PP.K1550.BKP.PPEEMST.G0193V00           SMS503  01/05/02  19:11:03   2  01/03/02  00/00/00  44.3M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.PP.K1550.BKP.PPEEMST.G0194V00           SMS506  01/12/02   5:00:45   2  01/11/02  00/00/00  44.5M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.PP.K1550.BKP.PPEEMST.G0195V00           SMS518  01/14/02  19:08:24   2  01/11/02  00/00/00  44.5M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.PP.K1550.BKP.PPEEMST.G0196V00           SMS508  02/14/02   4:13:36   2  02/13/02  00/00/00  43.9M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.PP.K1570.BKP.PPEEMST.G0038V00           SMS566  01/15/02  20:17:05   2  01/07/02  00/00/00  44.5M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.PP.K1570.FIL.PPEEMST.G0036V00           SMS558  01/30/02  17:11:43   2  07/05/01  00/00/00  0.84K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.PP.K1570.FIL.PPEEMST.G0039V00           SMS566  02/01/02   5:14:16   2  08/22/01  00/00/00  0.84K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.PP.K1570.FIL.PPEEMST.G0040V00           SMS563  01/30/02  19:18:56   2  10/29/01  00/00/00  0.84K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.PP.K1570.FIL.PPEEMST.G0042V00           SMS504  01/28/02  19:34:42   2  11/07/01  00/00/00  0.84K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.PP.K8520.FIL.MTDMAINT.G0455V00          SMS508  02/08/02   0:13:50   2  01/29/02  00/00/00   110K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.PP.K8520.FIL.MTDMAINT.G0457V00          SMS508  02/11/02  16:08:16   2  01/31/02  00/00/00   110K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.PP.K9915.BKP.PPEEMST                    SMS507  02/14/02   3:16:11   2  02/13/02  00/00/00  44.1M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.PP.K9999.BKP.PPNOTES                    SMS558  01/30/02  17:18:40   2  12/07/01  00/00/00  55.5K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.SD.K0758.FIL.BANKFAX                    SMS508  02/08/02   0:15:28   2  01/30/02  00/00/00  55.5K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.SD.K0900.BKP.SDEEMST.G0007V00           SMS558  01/30/02   4:36:39   2  01/02/02  00/00/00  1.23M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.SD.K0900.BKP.SDEEMST.G0008V00           SMS506  01/19/02   5:02:55   2  01/02/02  00/00/00  1.23M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.SD.K0900.BKP.SDEEMST.G0009V00           SMS518  01/19/02  22:16:19   2  01/16/02  00/00/00  1.23M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.SD.K1000.BKP.SDPAYRL.G0007V00           SMS506  01/02/02  23:10:33   2  01/02/02  00/00/00  1.18M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.SD.K1000.BKP.SDPAYRL.G0008V00           SMS505  02/05/02   5:05:51   2  01/16/02  00/00/00  1.18M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.SD.K1010.BKP.SDANNUAL.G0010V00          SMS505  01/21/02   5:00:27   2  01/02/02  00/00/00  1.23M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.SD.K1010.BKP.SDANNUAL.G0011V00          SMS501  01/28/02   4:54:48   2  01/16/02  00/00/00  1.23M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.SD.K1010.BKP.SDEEMSTA.G0009V00          SMS507  01/14/02   5:12:30   2  01/02/02  00/00/00  1.28M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.SD.K1010.BKP.SDEEMSTA.G0010V00          SMS518  01/19/02  22:16:10   2  01/16/02  00/00/00  1.28M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.SD.K1010.BKP.SDEEMSTB.G0010V00          SMS563  01/29/02  23:07:26   2  01/02/02  00/00/00  1.23M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.SD.K1010.BKP.SDEEMSTB.G0011V00          SMS558  02/09/02  23:01:22   2  01/16/02  00/00/00  1.23M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.SD.K2010.FIL.BKP1099.G0001V00           SMS506  02/05/02  18:05:50   2  01/30/02  00/00/00  55.1K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.SD.K2010.FIL.FED1099.G0001V00           SMS508  02/08/02   0:17:09   2  01/30/02  00/00/00  55.5K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA7.SD.K8520.FIL.MTDMAINT.G0461V00          SMS518  02/12/02  21:08:58   2  02/02/02  00/00/00  0.84K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ

    The dataset presented is:


    This report presents a list of datasets which have been backed up in dataset name order with a cross-reference showing the current location of the dataset.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                            DATASET BACKUP DETAIL - DSN SEQUENCE                                        PAGE 186
     REPORT: 27 FORMAT: 15                                   02/11/02 - 02/13/02                      REPORT TIME:  9:39  DATE:  2/14/02
                                                    PRIM  CUR ----- BACKUP -----   CREATE    EXPIRE     DS   ------- SMS CLASSES --------
     --------------- DATASET NAME ---------------  VOLUME LOC   DATE      TIME      DATE      DATE     SIZE    MGMT      STOR      DATA
                                                   SMS522  D  02/08/02   2:33:21  10/20/00  00/00/00  1.19M  SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.SMPTLOGA                                SMS524  D  01/18/02   2:08:10  10/20/00  00/00/00  0.63K  SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.SORTLIB                                 SMS522  D  01/18/02   2:08:51  10/20/00  00/00/00   223K  SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.SORTLPA                                 SMS520  D  02/06/02   3:02:03  10/20/00  00/00/00   789K  SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.SVCLIB                                  SMS522  D  01/18/02   2:10:10  10/20/00  00/00/00  8.18K  SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.SWITCH.LINKLIB                          SMS525  D  01/09/02   2:28:49  08/24/01  00/00/00   330K  SMP       STANDARD
                                                   SMS525  D  01/26/02   2:42:11  08/24/01  00/00/00   334K  SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.SWITCH.SOURCE                           SMS524  D  01/09/02   2:28:23  08/24/01  00/00/00   527K  SMP       STANDARD
                                                   SMS524  D  01/26/02   2:36:33  08/24/01  00/00/00   533K  SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.TCPPARMS                                SMS523  D  01/18/02   2:20:52  10/20/00  00/00/00   173K  SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.TMON.INSTLIB                            SMS528  D  02/08/02   3:24:22  12/07/00  00/00/00   902K  SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.TMON.LMKLOAD                            SMS525  D  02/08/02   2:51:16  12/14/00  00/00/00  3.00M  SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.TMON.LMKSAMP                            SMS527  D  02/08/02   2:59:59  12/14/00  00/00/00  3.61M  SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.TMON.TCEINST                            SMS523  D  02/08/02   2:35:28  12/14/00  00/00/00  13.1K  SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.TMON.TCELOAD                            SMS522  D  02/09/02   2:38:50  12/14/00  00/00/00  4.37M  SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.TMON.TCESAMP                            SMS520  D  02/09/02   2:35:47  12/14/00  00/00/00  2.26M  SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.TMON.USEREXIT.LOAD                      SMS524  D  02/08/02   2:32:10  12/18/00  00/00/00  3.89K  SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.VPS.LINKLIB                             SMS521  D  01/12/02   2:06:18  11/13/00  00/00/00  3.74M  SMP       STANDARD  PDS
     SYS1R.VTAMLIB                                 SMS524  D  02/08/02   2:35:52  10/20/00  00/00/00  9.63M  SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.VTAMLST                                 SMS529  D  01/19/02   2:59:37  10/20/00  00/00/00  4.45K  SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1S.SHASLINK                                SMS529  D  02/09/02   2:43:44  11/01/01  00/00/00  1.78M  SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1S.SHASMAC                                 SMS525  D  01/12/02   2:08:59  08/23/01  00/00/00  20.6M  SMP       STANDARD  PDSE
     USFTUN1.FTP4.CO.B9102.FIL.RDY.ELIG            SMS558  D  02/14/02   2:58:17  02/13/02  00/00/00  13.1K  TSO       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     USFTUN1.FTP4.CO.B9102.FIL.RDY.MELIG           SMS558  X  01/12/02   1:52:14            00/00/00  13.1K  TSO       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     USFTUN1.FTP4.GE.B0620.FIL.RDY.HIPAA           SMS506  X  01/09/02   1:26:56            00/00/00  13.1K  TSO       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     USFTUN1.FTP4.GE.B9102.FIL.RDY.ELIG            SMS566  X  01/09/02   2:15:44            00/00/00  13.1K  TSO       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     USFTUN1.FTP4.GE.B9202.FIL.RDY.MBRS            SMS559  X  01/09/02   2:11:37            00/00/00  13.1K  TSO       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
                                                   SMS506  X  02/05/02   1:37:31            00/00/00  13.1K  TSO       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     USFTUN1.GSA5.OT.P0308.FIL.OT1PHLD             SMS508  X  01/01/02   1:57:23            00/00/00  1.14M  TSO       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
                                                   SMS559  X  01/09/02   2:11:28            00/00/00  1.14M  TSO       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
                                                   SMS566  M  02/05/02   2:53:01  02/02/02  00/00/00  1.14M  TSO       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
                            TOTAL DATASETS:     38,587     TOTAL SIZE:    216G

    The data presented is:

    Report-28 MIGRATED DATASET DETAIL (MCDS Sorted by Date)

    This report presents a list of all datasets which have been migrated. The information presented is from the Migration Control Data Set sorted by date migrated.

    Figure 106. REPORT-28 MIGRATED DATASET DETAIL (MCDS Sorted by Date)

     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                           MIGRATED DATASET DETAIL - DATE SEQUENCE                                      PAGE 383
     REPORT: 28 FORMAT: 14                                   02/11/02 - 02/13/02                      REPORT TIME:  9:39  DATE:  2/14/02
                                                   PRIM   ------ MIGRATION ------  CREATE    EXPIRE     DS   ------- SMS CLASSES --------
     --------------- DATASET NAME --------------- VOLUME    DATE      TIME    LVL   DATE      DATE     SIZE    MGMT      STOR      DATA
     GSA4.OI.B1033.FIL.PBHELIG                    SMS566  02/14/02   5:26:39   2  01/31/02  00/00/00   438K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA5.PH.P5030.BKP.PH1PPTR.G0335V00           SMS563  02/14/02   5:27:49   2  02/01/02  00/00/00  40.5M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     SPJRT.VER55.EXPR.QUERY                       SMS572  02/14/02   5:28:06   2  01/31/02  00/00/00   242K  TSO       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.XI.B4120.FIL.AFP.LABELS                 SMS572  02/14/02   5:28:09   2  01/31/02  00/00/00  34.9K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.UA.B4165.FIL.UA1BERM                    SMS572  02/14/02   5:28:12   2  01/31/02  00/00/00  55.5K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.PH.B4175.FIL.PH0BERM.G0017V00           SMS572  02/14/02   5:28:16   2  01/31/02  00/00/00   548K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.AI.B0801.FIL.ACTGRPT                    SMS572  02/14/02   5:28:19   2  01/30/02  00/00/00   493K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.LC.B0801.FIL.ACTGRPT                    SMS572  02/14/02   5:28:23   2  01/31/02  00/00/00   384K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.SY.B1015.FIL.AFP.LABELS                 SMS572  02/14/02   5:28:26   2  01/31/02  00/00/00  38.4K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     SPHGR.OSEM.VER55.GEN2.ISPPLIB                SMS572  02/14/02   5:28:31   2  08/06/01  00/00/00  3.28M  TSO       STANDARD  PDSE
     GSA5.CK.P5035.BKP.CK1PPEN.G0109V00           SMS572  02/14/02   5:28:34   2  01/31/02  00/00/00   329K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.WI.B080B.FIL.GENACTG.G0053V00           SMS572  02/14/02   5:28:38   2  01/31/02  00/00/00   712K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     SPHGR.OSEM.VER56.QATESTS                     SMS572  02/14/02   5:28:43   2  10/01/01  00/00/00  1.45M  TSO       STANDARD  PDSE
     GSA4.CD.B0810.FIL.L101YTD.G0089V00           SMS572  02/14/02   5:28:46   2  01/31/02  00/00/00  0.84K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.PT.B4125.FIL.UNPBILL                    SMS572  02/14/02   5:28:49   2  01/31/02  00/00/00   329K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA5.CD.A5130.FIL.CD1ADET                    SMS572  02/14/02   5:28:55   2  02/02/02  00/00/00  5.19M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA5.CY.P0101.FIL.CYPNOTE.G0032V00           SMS572  02/14/02   5:28:58   2  02/02/02  00/00/00   428K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA2.ZZ.D8509.BKP.VCHRN.G2703V00             SMS572  02/14/02   5:29:02   2  02/02/02  00/00/00   931K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     SPKAS.OSEM.VER55.MANUAL.G0002V00             SMS572  02/14/02   5:29:12   2  01/18/01  00/00/00  2.49M  TSO       STANDARD  PDS
     GSA5.CT.Q0700.FIL.MSTBK                      SMS572  02/14/02   5:29:15   2  02/02/02  00/00/00   438K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA3.Z0.I1010.FIL.SELJRNL.G2179V00           SMS572  02/14/02   5:29:19   2  02/02/02  00/00/00  1.23M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA5.CK.P5030.BKP.CK1PPTR.G0604V00           SMS572  02/14/02   5:29:22   2  02/02/02  00/00/00  1.34M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.BE.B9120.BKP.BE0BMBR.G0051V00           SMS572  02/14/02   5:29:26   2  02/02/02  00/00/00  2.26M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.BS.B9120.BKP.BS0BMBR.G0052V00           SMS572  02/14/02   5:29:38   2  02/02/02  00/00/00  12.6M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.TY.B9120.BKP.TY0BMBR.G0051V00           SMS572  02/14/02   5:29:42   2  02/02/02  00/00/00  2.67M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA2.ZZ.C1002.FIL.MEDTRANS.G3382V00          SMS572  02/14/02   5:29:47   2  02/02/02  00/00/00  3.42M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA2.AI.M7090.FIL.BOEHM.FLAT                 SMS572  02/14/02   5:29:50   2  02/03/02  00/00/00  1.00M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA2.ZZ.M3509.FIL.LOGCHK.G3394V00            SMS572  02/14/02   5:29:54   2  02/02/02  00/00/00  3.16M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA2.NB.M7090.FIL.BOEHM.G0079V00             SMS572  02/14/02   5:29:57   2  02/03/02  00/00/00  43.5K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA2.ZZ.C3502.FIL.PORTLAND.G1054V00          SMS572  02/14/02   5:29:59   2  02/03/02  00/00/00   301K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA2.BS.M7090.FIL.BOEHM.G0077V00             SMS572  02/14/02   5:30:04   2  02/03/02  00/00/00  1.00M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA2.CI.M7090.FIL.BOEHM.G0077V00             SMS572  02/14/02   5:30:06   2  02/03/02  00/00/00   256K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     MIGRATION LEVEL 1:     TOTAL DATASETS:          8     TOTAL SIZE:    22.9M
     MIGRATION LEVEL 2:     TOTAL DATASETS:     10,608     TOTAL SIZE:    69.0G

    The data presented is:

    Report-29 BACKED UP DATASET DETAIL (BCDS Sorted by Date With XREF)

    This report presents a list of all datasets backed up in backup date order. The information presented is from the Backup Control Data Set.

    Figure 107. REPORT-29 BACKED UP DATASET DETAIL (BCDS Sorted by Date With XREF)

     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                            DATASET BACKUP DETAIL - DATE SEQUENCE                                       PAGE  98
     REPORT: 29 FORMAT: 15                                   02/11/02 - 02/13/02                      REPORT TIME:  9:39  DATE:  2/14/02
                                                    PRIM  CUR ----- BACKUP -----   CREATE    EXPIRE     DS   ------- SMS CLASSES --------
     --------------- DATASET NAME ---------------  VOLUME LOC   DATE      TIME      DATE      DATE     SIZE    MGMT      STOR      DATA
     GSA4.OI.B0305.FIL.MTDCHG.G2677V00             SMS558  X  02/14/02   3:10:28            00/00/00  55.5K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.XF.B0305.FIL.MTDCHG.G2542V00             SMS558  X  02/14/02   3:10:30            00/00/00   165K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.AW.B0403.FIL.MTDCHG.G4069V00             SMS558  X  02/14/02   3:10:33            00/00/00  55.5K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.BE.B0403.FIL.MTDCHG.G1397V00             SMS558  X  02/14/02   3:10:34            00/00/00  55.5K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.GE.B0403.FIL.MTDCHG.G0873V00             SMS558  X  02/14/02   3:10:36            00/00/00   876K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.BS.B0410.FIL.MTDCHG.G1245V00             SMS558  X  02/14/02   3:10:38            00/00/00   274K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.CY.B0410.FIL.MTDCHG.G1280V00             SMS558  X  02/14/02   3:10:40            00/00/00   110K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.PT.B0410.FIL.MTDCHG.G1206V00             SMS558  X  02/14/02   3:10:41            00/00/00  55.5K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.SE.B0410.FIL.MTDCHG.G1250V00             SMS558  X  02/14/02   3:10:43            00/00/00   110K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.WI.B0410.FIL.MTDCHG.G1262V00             SMS558  X  02/14/02   3:10:44            00/00/00  55.5K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSAA.ZZ.CICST.DBS.DFHGCD                      SMS558  D  02/14/02   3:10:46  10/03/01  00/00/00  2.12M  SMP       STANDARD  VSAM
     GSA5.AI.P5035.BKP.AI1PPTR.G0163V00            SMS518  M  02/14/02   3:11:31  02/13/02  00/00/00   122M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA2.ZZ.D8509.FIL.JCHECK.TOPC                 SMS508  X  02/14/02   3:11:47            00/00/00  1.87M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA2.ZZ.M3509.FIL.LOGCHK.G3402V00             SMS508  X  02/14/02   3:11:49            00/00/00  7.59M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA2.ZZ.M0406.FIL.FRERECON.G0208V00           SMS508  X  02/14/02   3:11:55            00/00/00  13.1K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA2.ZZ.M0406.FIL.BOARECON.G2234V00           SMS508  X  02/14/02   3:11:57            00/00/00  0.84K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA5.XL.P5035.FIL.XLVOID.G0151V00             SMS508  X  02/14/02   3:11:58            00/00/00  54.2K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA5.KC.P5035.FIL.KCSSN                       SMS508  X  02/14/02   3:12:01            00/00/00  55.5K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA5.PP.P5035.FIL.PPSSN                       SMS508  X  02/14/02   3:12:02            00/00/00  55.5K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA5.PU.P5035.FIL.PUSSN                       SMS508  X  02/14/02   3:12:03            00/00/00  55.5K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA5.TC.P5035.FIL.TCSSN                       SMS508  X  02/14/02   3:12:05            00/00/00  55.5K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA5.UA.P5035.FIL.UASSN                       SMS508  X  02/14/02   3:12:06            00/00/00  55.5K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA2.ZZ.M2296.FIL.FAX.OUT                     SMS508  X  02/14/02   3:12:08            00/00/00  36.1K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.PL.B1300.FIL.PL0BMBR                     SMS508  M  02/14/02   3:12:09  02/14/02  00/00/00  32.8M  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA1.Z0.I1199.FIL.UPSLABEL                    SMS508  X  02/14/02   3:12:31            00/00/00  43.6K  STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSAE.ZZ.P0000.DBS.PENPTBL                     SMS508  D  02/14/02   3:12:48  12/21/01  12/22/02   783K  TEST      STANDARD  COMPKSDS
     SPJR6.ISPF.EXPR.ISPPROF                       SMS518  X  02/14/02   3:17:57            00/00/00   137K  TSO       STANDARD  PDSE
     SPKAS.OSEM.VER55.CNTL.G0002V00                SMS518  X  02/14/02   3:18:01            00/00/00   842K  TSO       STANDARD  PDS
     GSAE.LB.A0000.DBS.LB1APEN                     SMS518  D  02/14/02   3:18:09  02/12/02  02/13/03   446M  TEST      STANDARD  COMPKSDS
     GSA9.ZZ.CICSZ.FIL.DFHDMPB                     SMS518  X  02/14/02   3:32:06            00/00/00  32.9K  SMP       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSAA.ZZ.CICST.FIL.DFHDMPB                     SMS518  X  02/14/02   3:32:08            00/00/00  32.9K  SMP       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
                            TOTAL DATASETS:     38,587     TOTAL SIZE:    216G

    The data presented is:


    This report presents a list of all datasets backed up in dataset name order. The information presented is from the Backup Control Data Set.


     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                                 BCDS DETAIL - DSN SEQUENCE                                             PAGE 813
     REPORT: 30 FORMAT: 16                                   02/11/02 - 02/13/02                      REPORT TIME:  9:39  DATE:  2/14/02
                                                          PRIM    ----- BACKUP -----    EXPIRE      DS    ------- SMS CLASSES --------
     --------------- DATASET NAME ---------------  GEN   VOLUME     DATE      TIME       DATE      SIZE     MGMT      STOR      DATA
                                                     27  SMS522   02/08/02   2:33:21   00/00/00   1.19M   SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.SMPTLOGA                                  11  SMS524   01/18/02   2:08:10   00/00/00   0.63K   SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.SORTLIB                                   11  SMS522   01/18/02   2:08:51   00/00/00    223K   SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.SORTLPA                                   12  SMS520   02/06/02   3:02:03   00/00/00    789K   SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.SVCLIB                                    11  SMS522   01/18/02   2:10:10   00/00/00   8.18K   SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.SWITCH.LINKLIB                             9  SMS525   01/09/02   2:28:49   00/00/00    330K   SMP       STANDARD
                                                     10  SMS525   01/26/02   2:42:11   00/00/00    334K   SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.SWITCH.SOURCE                              9  SMS524   01/09/02   2:28:23   00/00/00    527K   SMP       STANDARD
                                                     10  SMS524   01/26/02   2:36:33   00/00/00    533K   SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.TCPPARMS                                  11  SMS523   01/18/02   2:20:52   00/00/00    173K   SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.TMON.INSTLIB                              14  SMS528   02/08/02   3:24:22   00/00/00    902K   SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.TMON.LMKLOAD                              11  SMS525   02/08/02   2:51:16   00/00/00   3.00M   SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.TMON.LMKSAMP                              12  SMS527   02/08/02   2:59:59   00/00/00   3.61M   SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.TMON.TCEINST                              11  SMS523   02/08/02   2:35:28   00/00/00   13.1K   SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.TMON.TCELOAD                              13  SMS522   02/09/02   2:38:50   00/00/00   4.37M   SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.TMON.TCESAMP                              13  SMS520   02/09/02   2:35:47   00/00/00   2.26M   SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.TMON.USEREXIT.LOAD                        10  SMS524   02/08/02   2:32:10   00/00/00   3.89K   SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.VPS.LINKLIB                               14  SMS521   01/12/02   2:06:18   00/00/00   3.74M   SMP       STANDARD  PDS
     SYS1R.VTAMLIB                                   12  SMS524   02/08/02   2:35:52   00/00/00   9.63M   SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1R.VTAMLST                                   11  SMS529   01/19/02   2:59:37   00/00/00   4.45K   SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1S.SHASLINK                                   4  SMS529   02/09/02   2:43:44   00/00/00   1.78M   SMP       STANDARD
     SYS1S.SHASMAC                                    5  SMS525   01/12/02   2:08:59   00/00/00   20.6M   SMP       STANDARD  PDSE
     USFTUN1.FTP4.CO.B9102.FIL.RDY.ELIG              14  SMS558   02/14/02   2:58:17   00/00/00   13.1K   TSO       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     USFTUN1.FTP4.CO.B9102.FIL.RDY.MELIG              1  SMS558   01/12/02   1:52:14   00/00/00   13.1K   TSO       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     USFTUN1.FTP4.GE.B0620.FIL.RDY.HIPAA              4  SMS506   01/09/02   1:26:56   00/00/00   13.1K   TSO       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     USFTUN1.FTP4.GE.B9102.FIL.RDY.ELIG               4  SMS566   01/09/02   2:15:44   00/00/00   13.1K   TSO       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     USFTUN1.FTP4.GE.B9202.FIL.RDY.MBRS               8  SMS559   01/09/02   2:11:37   00/00/00   13.1K   TSO       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
                                                      9  SMS506   02/05/02   1:37:31   00/00/00   13.1K   TSO       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     USFTUN1.GSA5.OT.P0308.FIL.OT1PHLD               12  SMS508   01/01/02   1:57:23   00/00/00   1.14M   TSO       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
                                                     13  SMS559   01/09/02   2:11:28   00/00/00   1.14M   TSO       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
                                                     14  SMS566   02/05/02   2:53:01   00/00/00   1.14M   TSO       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
                            TOTAL DATASETS:     38,587     TOTAL SIZE:    216G

    The data presented is:


    This report lists the datasets found in the BCDS in backup date sequence.

    Figure 109. REPORT-31 Backed Up Dataset Detail By Date

     HSM OPTIMIZER  6.1                                 BCDS DETAIL - DATE SEQUENCE                                            PAGE 528
     REPORT: 31 FORMAT: 16                                   02/11/02 - 02/14/02                      REPORT TIME:  9:39  DATE:  2/14/02
                                                          PRIM    ----- BACKUP -----    EXPIRE      DS    ------- SMS CLASSES --------
     --------------- DATASET NAME ---------------  GEN   VOLUME     DATE      TIME       DATE      SIZE     MGMT      STOR      DATA
     GSA4.OI.B0305.FIL.MTDCHG.G2677V00                1  SMS558   02/14/02   3:10:28   00/00/00   55.5K   STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA4.WI.B0410.FIL.MTDCHG.G1262V00                1  SMS558   02/14/02   3:10:44   00/00/00   55.5K   STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSAA.ZZ.CICST.DBS.DFHGCD                       392  SMS558   02/14/02   3:10:46   00/00/00   2.12M   SMP       STANDARD  VSAM
     GSA5.AI.P5035.BKP.AI1PPTR.G0163V00               1  SMS518   02/14/02   3:11:31   00/00/00    122M   STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA2.ZZ.D8509.FIL.JCHECK.TOPC                16655  SMS508   02/14/02   3:11:47   00/00/00   1.87M   STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA2.ZZ.M3509.FIL.LOGCHK.G3402V00                1  SMS508   02/14/02   3:11:49   00/00/00   7.59M   STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA5.TC.P5035.FIL.TCSSN                         71  SMS508   02/14/02   3:12:05   00/00/00   55.5K   STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA2.ZZ.M2296.FIL.FAX.OUT                      216  SMS508   02/14/02   3:12:08   00/00/00   36.1K   STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSA1.Z0.I1199.FIL.UPSLABEL                   16656  SMS508   02/14/02   3:12:31   00/00/00   43.6K   STD10YR   STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSAE.ZZ.P0000.DBS.PENPTBL                      815  SMS508   02/14/02   3:12:48   12/22/02    783K   TEST      STANDARD  COMPKSDS
     SPJR6.ISPF.EXPR.ISPPROF                         90  SMS518   02/14/02   3:17:57   00/00/00    137K   TSO       STANDARD  PDSE
     SPKAS.OSEM.VER55.CNTL.G0002V00                  85  SMS518   02/14/02   3:18:01   00/00/00    842K   TSO       STANDARD  PDS
     GSAE.LB.A0000.DBS.LB1APEN                       21  SMS518   02/14/02   3:18:09   02/13/03    446M   TEST      STANDARD  COMPKSDS
     GSA9.ZZ.CICSZ.FIL.DFHDMPB                      254  SMS518   02/14/02   3:32:06   00/00/00   32.9K   SMP       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
     GSAA.ZZ.CICST.FIL.DFHDMPB                      266  SMS518   02/14/02   3:32:08   00/00/00   32.9K   SMP       STANDARD  COMPSEQ
                            TOTAL DATASETS:     38,587     TOTAL SIZE:    216G

    The data presented is:

    HSM Optimizer Report Menu

    DFHSM generates many statistics which are kept in SMF records and are not generally reported. Since tuning DFHSM can be critical to its successful operation, we have provided a series of reports which use these statistics, and will significantly reduce the tuning effort required for DFSMS, DFHSM, and the HSM Optimizer.

    These reports will assist in setting and maintaining your ACS parameters in a DFSMS environment as well.

    Reports are generated by selecting 4 HSM Reports from the OS/EM Extended Functions menu. When you do so, a panel is displayed which presents you with three (3) options.

    Figure 110. HSM Optimizer Reports Menu

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------ HSM OPTIMIZER REPORTS -------------- Version 6.1       |
    |SELECTION ===>                                                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                         1  Produce HSM reports                                 |
    |                         2  Collect SMF data for HSM Database                   |
    |                         3  Define/Allocate HSM OPTIMIZER Files                 |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Each of these paths is presented in the following sections:


    Produce HSM Reports (see "Produce HSM Reports")


    Collect SMF Data (see "Collect SMF Data for HSM database")

    This option is used to load HSM data from a file containing the HSM SMF records into the HSM Report database. The database must already have been created by Option 3.


    Define/Allocate HSM Optimizer Reports Files (see "Define/Allocate HSM Optimizer Files")

    This option is used to define a new HSM Optimizer Report database (either VSAM or QSAM); define the names of the HSM Migration Control Data Set (MCDS), the Backup Control Data Set (BCDS), and SMF record type being produced by DFHSM that is required for building the HSM database.

    Each of these options results in a batch job being submitted which does the actual work. A panel allowing you to supply an appropriate JOB statement is presented just before the batch job is submitted.

    Note: The JOBCARD information is stored in the user's profile.

    Figure 111. HSM Optimizer Reports - JCL

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------ HSM OPTIMIZER REPORTS ------------------ Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                           Submit Batch Job                                     |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Verify JOB Card...                                                          |
    |                                                                                |
    |  ===> //FEMEMR  JOB OSEM,'OPTIMIZER RPTS',NOTIFY=OSEMUSR,                      |
    |  ===> //       CLASS=S,MSGCLASS=X                                              |
    |  ===> //*                                                                      |
    |  ===> //*                                                                      |
    |  ===> //*                                                                      |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Verify SYSOUT Specification...                                              |
    |                                                                                |
    |  //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT= *                                                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Press PF3 (END) to submit job, or enter CANCEL to exit.                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Verify JOB card

      Enter or update the information for the JOB statement to be used for the batch job which will be submitted.

    2. Verify SYSOUT Specification

      Enter or update the SYSPRINT specification that will be used in the batch job which will be submitted.

      Report 00 (which contains control card images), report processing messages, sort messages and other utility messages are directed to SYSPRINT. Reports 1 to 32 are written to dynamically allocated DD statements where the DDNAME is the name of the report.

      Note: The print class used for reports 1 to 32 is taken from the SYSPRINT specification.

    Produce HSM Reports

    Once the Define/Allocate (see "Define/Allocate HSM Optimizer Files") and the Collect SMF Data (see "Collect SMF Data for HSM database") steps have been completed, you may request reports. Thirty-one (31) reports are produced in sixteen (16) basic formats.

    Reports are requested by selecting 4, HSM Reports, from the OS/EM Extended Functions panel. The HSM Optimizer Reports panel (see Figure 112) lets you set the beginning and ending reporting dates, the beginning and ending dates for the MCDS and BCDS reports as well as the data movement index needed for report-17.

    The entries you make determine the reports that are generated.

    Figure 112. HSM Optimizer Reports - Select Reports

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------ HSM OPTIMIZER REPORTS ------------------- Version 6.1  |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                      Create Reports ===>  NO    (YES/NO)                       |
    |                                                                                |
    | Optimizer Report Dates:  Begin: *M-1      End: *M        Use MM/DD/YY or       |
    | MCDS Report Dates:       Begin: *M-1      End: *M        *M or *M-x or         |
    | BCDS Report Dates:       Begin: *M-1      End: *M        *D or *D-x where x    |
    |                                                          is 1 to 999           |
    | Dataset Movement Index for Report 17 ===>  0.100                               |
    |                                                                                |
    |SEL Selected     Report Description                                             |
    | _    ___    01  Migration Detail        (Primary -> ML1)                       |
    | _    ___    02  Migration Delay Summary (Primary -> ML1)                       |
    | _    ___    03  Migration Age Summary   (Primary -> ML1)                       |
    | _    ___    04  Migration Detail        (ML1 -> ML2)                           |
    | _    ___    05  Migration Delay Summary (ML1 -> ML2)                           |
    | _    ___    06  Migration Age Summary   (ML1 -> ML2)                           |
    | _    ___    07  Migration Detail        (Primary -> ML2)                       |
    | _    ___    08  Migration Delay Summary (Primary -> ML2)                       |
    | _    ___    09  Migration Age Summary   (Primary -> ML2)                       |
    | _    ___    10  Recall Detail           (ML1 -> Primary)                       |
    | _    ___    11  Recall Delay Summary    (ML1 -> Primary)                       |
    | _    ___    12  Recall Age Summary      (ML1 -> Primary)                       |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Beginning/Ending Report Dates

      The Report Beginning/Ending dates can be specified as MM/DD/YY, or optionally by using HSM Optimizer Reports' Dynamic Date specification the user can allow the HSM Optimizer Reports to select the records included on the report based on the current run date and a 'DELTA' specified from the current date.

      If the beginning Date for Reports is specified as '*M' and nothing is entered in the Ending Date for Reports then only records that match the current processing month will be included in the reports. Specifying '*M-1' in the Beginning Date for Reports includes all records from the month prior to the current processing date. Valid values are '*M' thru '*M-999' for both Beginning and Ending dates.

      If the Beginning Date for Reports is specified as '*D-1' the reports will include all records from the Day prior to the current processing date. Valid values are '*D' thru '*D-999' for both Beginning and Ending Report Dates.

      If the Report Beginning/Ending dates are specified as MM/DD/YY, the months, days, and years are coded as two digit numbers.

      If neither a beginning nor ending date is specified, the report will contain only the last seven (7) days.

    2. Dataset Movement Index for Report 17

      By specifying a Dataset Movement Index, only datasets that exceed that value will be included in the report. See "Report-17 PRIMARY DATASET ACTIVITY REPORT".

    The bottom portion of the panel is scrollable. It lists the 31 available reports in numerical sequence. This information is saved in the OS/EM ISPTLIB library and so is available to anyone selecting reports.

    There are two available fields in this section of the panel, SEL and Selected. The SEL field acts as a toggle, in other words, if the report has not been selected, placing an S in the SEL column will change the Selected field to YES. If the report has already been selected, placing an S in the SEL column will change the Selected field to blanks.

    Note: The RPTRPT member provided in the OS/EM SAMPLIB provides sample JCL for the create HSM Optimizer Reports function and is to be used as an example to create any batch jobs that you may require.

    Collect SMF Data for HSM database

    The second step in report generation is to collect the appropriate SMF data. Three fields are required on the panel (see Figure 113): the HSM Database Retention Date, the HSM Report Database name and the SMF Input File Name.

    Figure 113. HSM Optimizer Reports Collect SMF Data

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------ HSM OPTIMIZER REPORTS ------------------ Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                    Collect SMF Data for HSM Database                           |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |HSM Database Retention Date - *M-1                                              |
    |                                                                                |
    |HSM Report Database =>  'GSA3.OP.O0000.DBS.HSM'                                 |
    |SMF Input File Name =>  'GSA3.OP.SMFDM.BKP.SMF'                                 |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |Press PF3 (END) to submit job, or enter CANCEL to exit.                         |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Retention Report Dates

      The Report Retention dates can be specified as MM/DD/YY, or optionally by using HSM Optimizer Reports' Dynamic Date specification the user can allow the HSM Optimizer Reports to retain the records included on the HSM Optimizer Reports database on the current run date and a 'DELTA' specified from the current date.

      If the Retention is specified as '*M' then only records that match the current processing month will be retained in the HSM Optimizer Reports database. Specifying '*M-1' in the retention Date for HSM Optimizer Reports database will retain the current and prior months data. Valid values are '*M' thru '*M-999' for the Retention date.

      If the Retention Date for is specified as '*D-1' the HSM Optimizer Reports database will retain the day prior to the current processing date. Valid values are '*D' thru '*D-999' for the retention date.

      If the Report Retention date is specified as MM/DD/YY the months, days, and years are coded as two digit numbers.

      Note: OS/EM recommends that the retention date be specified as at least '*M-2'. This retains the current month plus the two previous months on the HSM Optimizer Reports database. This is required for certain reports to function properly. i.e. Dataset Activity Report.

      If a Retention Date is not specified, the database will contain all records.

    2. HSM Report Database Name

      Enter the name of the database created by "Define/Allocate HSM Optimizer Files".

    3. SMF Input File Name

      The other required information is the name of the SMF file where your installation collects SMF data. This file must have a format produced by the IBM IFASMFDP program.

      Note: The IFASMFDP member provided in the OS/EM SAMPLIB provides sample JCL for the dump SMF files function and is to be used as an example to create any batch jobs that you may require.

    The end result of using this panel will be a batch job which will read the specified SMF file and populate the HSM Optimizer Reports database with the requested records. Each time you use the panel, more data is collected, up to the specified retention. For a QSAM database, the effective retention is the number of generations you specified when defining the HSM Optimizer Reports database. For a VSAM database, records are added and updated, as necessary, to keep the database within the desired retention period. This will mean that the database should be reorganized when a catalog listing shows an excessive number of CI and CA splits.

    Note: The RPTCOLL member provided in the OS/EM SAMPLIB provides sample JCL for the collect SMF data function and is to be used as an example to create any batch jobs that you may require.

    Define/Allocate HSM Optimizer Files

    The HSM Optimizer files must be defined and allocated before any reports can be produced. The panel (see Figure 114) lets you specify these datasets.

    Figure 114. HSM Optimizer Reports - Define/Allocate Files

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------ HSM OPTIMIZER REPORTS ------------------ Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                   Allocate/Define HSM OPTIMIZER Files                          |
    |                                                                                |
    |                NO   - SUBMIT Job for Initialization                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |       V   - HSM Database (V=VSAM Q=QSAM)     234  - HSM SMF Record Type        |
    |                                                                                |
    |  SMS505   - Volume to Place Database (Required for VSAM)                       |
    |    3390   - Unit Parameter for Database (3380/3390/3420/3480/3490)             |
    |                                                                                |
    |      05   - Number of Generations for QSAM Database (Required for QSAM)        |
    |                                                                                |
    | 080000   - Number of Records for Primary Allocation (Required)                 |
    | 020000   - Number of Records for Secondary Allocation (Required)               |
    |                                                                        UPDATE  |
    |                 - Define HSM OPTIMIZER Datasets                        SPLIT   |
    |                                                                        DSNs    |
    |Report Database Name   -  'SYSX.OP.O0000.DBS.HSM'                               |
    |HSM MCDS Dataset Name  -  'SYSX.HSM.MCDS'                                NO     |
    |HSM BCDS Dataset Name  -  'SYSX.HSM.BCDS'                                NO     |
    |Model DSCB for GDG Dsn -  'SYSX.GDG'                                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Submit Job for Initialization

      Enter Y to submit JOB for creating a VSAM cluster or defining the Generation Dataset Base definition for a QSAM file.

      Enter N to not submit a JOB.

    2. HSM Optimizer Database

      Enter a V or Q to define a VSAM cluster or QSAM HSM Report Database.

      The HSM Optimizer database will be a QSAM or VSAM dataset. If you choose QSAM, you must specify:

      If you choose VSAM as the database organization, you must specify:

      The default number of records for primary and secondary allocation should be adequate for most installations.

      Note: You must also specify the names of the DFHSM MCDS and BCDS datasets used in your installation. Information used in some of these reports is gathered from these datasets.

    3. HSM SMF Record Type

      Enter the DFHSM SMF record number.

      Note: Refer to DFHSM ARCCMDxx member or your DFHSM Storage Administration Reference to determine the SMF record number selected for your installation.

    4. Volume

      Enter the volser of the volume where the VSAM database is to be allocated.

    5. Unit Type

      Enter the unit type where the HSM Report Database will be allocated.

    6. Number of Generations

      Enter the number of generations required for QSAM database.

    7. Primary Allocation

      Enter the primary allocation specified in number of records.

    8. Secondary Allocation

      Enter the secondary allocation specified in number of records.

    9. Report Database Name

      Enter a dataset name for the HSM Optimizer Report Database

    10. MCDS Database Name

      Enter the DFHSM Migration Control Data Set (MCDS) dataset name.

    11. BCDS Database Name

      Enter the DFHSM Backup Control Data Set (BCDS) dataset name.

      Note: If either your MCDS or BCDS datasets are split, enter YES in the UPDATE SPLIT DSNs field. This will present you with another panel to enter the dataset names.

    12. Model DSCB for GDG Dataset Name

      Enter the name of a Model DSCB if you are allocating a QSAM HSM Optimizer Report database.

    Once all the fields on the panel are complete to your satisfaction, ensure the SUBMIT Job for Initialization field is set to Y. The submitted job will either define the GDG Base Definition, or define a VSAM file.

    Note: The RPTALLOC member provided in the OS/EM SAMPLIB provides sample JCL for the define HSM Optimizer Reports files function and is to be used as an example to create any batch jobs that you may require.

    ISPF File Prefix Controls


    The ISPF File Prefix Controls allow you to specify a specific prefix for ISPF log, list, and temporary dataset allocations.

    Figure 115. ISPF File Prefix Controls

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ---------------- ISPF File Prefix Controls ---------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                  Log Prefix   ===> BSYS                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |                  List Prefix  ===> BSYS                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |                  Temp Prefix  ===> &SYSNAME                                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    To disable the prefix for any of the above, simply blank out the field for the file type to be disabled.

    System Symbolics may also be entered. If entered, they will be resolved prior to file allocation.

    The dataset name constructed will be in the form:



    If this option is enabled by executing the change online it takes effect immediately for all users currently using ISPF and may cause ISPF system errors. Because of this it is suggested that the option only be enabled during an IPL when OS/EM will process the INIT members in the OSEM started task.

    System Requirements

    OS/EM provides a version of ISPEXITS to allow it to dynamically load and delete any of the ISPF Installation Wide Exits. IBM provides a default module of this name and if your already run ISPF exits you will have your own version. You must ensure that ISPEXITS is not in a STEPLIB in any ISPF logon procedure, otherwise ISPEXITS will be loaded from the STEPLIB and not from the OS/EM load library. Any exit (and associated data area) coded in your ISPEXITS must be defined to OS/EM via the Basic Exit Functions.

    In addition, if you have never activated the ISPF Installation Wide Exits, you must enable them by either coding the option on the ISPMTAIL macro or with the ISPCCONF command. See the ISPF Planning and Customizing manual section Tailoring ISPF Defaults for more information.

    JCL Controls


    JCL Controls allow installations to control various JCL parameters using an OS/EM table, or utilize an External Security Manager for checking whether Users have access to a particular resource.

    Summary of Features

    JCL Control Menu

    Figure 116. JCL Controls for JES2

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------------------- JCL CONTROLS ---------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                   1  Account Number Controls           (JES2)                  |
    |                   2  Convert EZ-Proclib(R) to JCLLIB   (JES2)                  |
    |                   3  Jobclass/Jobname Controls                                 |
    |                   4  Force Open Controls                                       |
    |                   5  Other JCL Controls                (JES2)                  |
    |                   6  Steplib Controls                                          |
    |                   7  Sysout Class/Parameters           (JES2)                  |
    |                   8  Tape Usage Controls                                       |
    |                   9  Virtual Storage Controls                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                  10  Specify JES subsystem name used by                        |
    |                      above options (currently set to JES2)                     |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Each of these paths is presented in the following sections:

    1. Account Number Controls (see "Account Number Controls")

    2. Convert EZ-Proclib(R) to JCLLIB (see "Convert EZ-Proclib(R) to JCLLIB")

    3. Jobclass/Jobname Controls (see "Jobclass/Jobname Controls")

    4. Force Open Controls (see "Force Open Controls")

    5. Other JCL Controls (see "Other JCL Controls")

    6. STEPLIB Controls (see "STEPLIB Controls")

    7. Sysout Class/Parameters (see "Sysout Class/Parameters")

    8. Tape Usage Controls (see "Tape Usage Controls")

    9. Virtual Storage Controls (see "Virtual Storage Controls")

    10. Specify JES2 Subsystem Name (see "Set JES2 Name")

    Account Number Controls

    Figure 117. Account Number Controls

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------------- ACCOUNT NUMBER CONTROLS ----------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                            _  Account Field 1                                  |
    |                            _  Account Field 2                                  |
    |                            _  Account Field 3                                  |
    |                            _  Account Field 4                                  |
    |                            _  Account Field 5                                  |
    |                            _  Account Field 6                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Apply Account Number Controls to TSO Users? ===> YES   (Yes/No)              |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Account Number Controls allows you to control whether a job will be allowed to execute based upon the values entered in the Job accounting field of the job card or the step execute card.

    OS/EM supports up to six sub-parameter Job accounting fields (ACCT1 to ACCT6). To set accounting field control attributes, enter a non-blank character next to the desired account field. The account control edit panel will be displayed (see Figure 118).

    If you want the account number controls to validate TSO users at logon time, enter YES in the 'Apply Account Number Controls to TSO Users?' field.

    Figure 118. JCL Controls: ACCT1

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------------- JCL CONTROLS: ACCT1 ------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |   ACCT1 checking is active       ===> YES             (Yes/No)                 |
    |                                                                                |
    |   ACCT1 values listed below                                                    |
    |      or defined to security      ===> CHECK           (Allow/Disallow/Check)   |
    |   ACCT1 undefined to security    ===> DISALLOW        (Allow/Disallow)         |
    |   Other ACCT1 values             ===> CHECK           (Allow/Disallow/Check)   |
    |   ACCT1 format                   ===> CHAR            (CHAR/Numeric)           |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Optional security                                                            |
    |   Class ===> ________   Resource ==> ________________________________________  |
    |                                                                                |
    | (CMD = (I)nsert (D)elete (S)elect)                                             |
    |  CMD   ACCT1 / Description                                                     |
    |   '    SP$XXX                                                                  |
    |        SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING ACCOUNT                                             |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Account checking active

      Enter YES to activate accounting field checking.

      Enter NO to deactivate accounting field checking.

    2. ACCTx values listed or defined to security

      If you have entered values in the scrollable portion of this panel you may allow their use, disallow their use, or security check the values.

      This field is the controlling keyword for this function. If you enter ALLOW or DISALLOW, you must enter items in the scrollable section of this panel, as those will be the items which are to be allowed or disallowed.

      If you have specified ALLOW, then the accounting field from the job being checked will be compared to the listed items. If the value is not found, then the other values field will determine if the value is allowed. See the other values field below for determining the action to be taken if the value is not found.

      If you have specified DISALLOW, then the accounting field from the job being checked will be compared to the listed items. If the value is listed, then the account number is disallowed, and the job will receive a JCL error. If the account number is not listed, then the other values field will determine if the value is allowed. See the other values field below for determining the action to be taken.

      If you have specified CHECK and you have listed items in the scrollable portion of the panel, then the accounting field will be compared to those items. If a match is found, then the external security manager is checked to determine if the user submitting the job has access to the value listed.

      If this value is not defined to your security manager, then the undefined to security field will determine the action to be taken.

      If this value is not defined in the list, then the other values field determines if the value is allowed.

      If you enter CHECK and do not enter any items in the scrollable portion of the panel, then all accounting field values will be checked against the external security manager and the undefined to security field will determine the action to be taken if the resource is not defined.

    3. Account number undefined to security

      If you have specified CHECK as the controlling keyword, any values that have not been defined to the external security manager will either be allowed or disallowed based on your entry here.

      This entry is ignored if the controlling keyword is ALLOW or DISALLOW.

    4. Other Account values

      This field specifies the action to be taken whenever a parameter is not found in the list of values displayed in the scrollable portion of the panel.

      Specifying ALLOW means that any parameter which was not found in the list of values will be allowed.

      DISALLOW specifies that the parameter which was not found in the list will be disallowed and the job will fail with a JCL error.

      Specifying CHECK will cause the parameter not found in the list to be checked via the external security manager.

    5. Account Number Format

      Enter either CHAR or NUMERIC to control how the account number is validated. If NUMERIC is specified, then leading zeros are dropped, whereas CHAR specifies that each character must match exactly.

    6. Optional security

      This defines the security profile to be used when CHECK is specified.


      The general resource class to be used.


      The resource name prefix. The value of general resouce class and, optionally, the resource name. The value of the ACCTx field will be appended to the value in the Resource field.


      For example, if the Resource field is set to ACCOUNT1, then the profile that will be checked is ACCOUNT1.value


    7. CMD

      To list specific data, use the scrollable portion of the panel. To insert a blank line, enter I in the CMD field.

      To delete a line, enter a D in the CMD field for the line to be deleted.

      To update a line, enter an S in the CMD field and overtype the information to be changed.

    8. ACCT#

      Enter the accounting value(s) and/or value mask(s) to be allowed, disallowed or checked by external security.

      See Appendix B, "General Masking" for information about field masking.

    9. Description

      Enter any descriptive text (optional).

    Convert EZ-Proclib(R) to JCLLIB

    This control will cause OS/EM to convert any EZ-Proclib(R) statements to normal IBM JCLLIB statements.

    Figure 119. Convert EZ-Proclib(R) to JCLLIB

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------- CONVERT EZ-PROCLIB(R) TO JCLLIB STATEMENTS ------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |       Convert EZ-Proclib(R) to JCLLIB? ===> YES         (Yes/No)               |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  EZ-Proclib is a Registered Trademark of Computer Associates                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    To enable conversion, enter YES. To leave these statements alone, enter NO.

    Any //PROCLIB DD statements, including concatenations, are commented out and replaced by //PROCLIB JCLLIB ORDER= statements.

    Jobclass/Jobname Controls

    Wherever possible, OS/EM optional functions are applied on a job class basis. This means that your installation should have a well-defined set of rules for job class usage. Any rules you develop should account for the following:

    Figure 120. Jobclass/Jobname Controls

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ---------------- JOBCLASS/JOBNAME CONTROLS ---------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                     1  Enable/Disable Job Class Checking                       |
    |                     2  Enable/Disable Job Name Checking                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    1. Enable/Disable Job Class Checking (See "Job Class checking")

    2. Enable/Disable Job Name Checking (See "Job Name Checking")

    Job Class checking 

    This function uses your external security package (RACF, CA-ACF2 or CA-TOPSECRET) to verify user's ability to use a particular jobclass either at submission time, execution time or both.

    Figure 121. Job Class Check

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------------- JOB CLASS CHECK --------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |               Job Class Checking is active at:                                 |
    |                                                                                |
    |                   Submit time    ===> YES      (YES/NO)                        |
    |                     RACF Logging ===> NORMAL   (NONE/NORMAL)                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                   Execution time ===> YES      (YES/NO)                        |
    |                     RACF Logging ===> NONE     (NONE/NORMAL)                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Submit time

      Entering YES specifies that a check be done to ensure that the user is authorized to submit a job in the jobclass used.

      Entering NO disables this option.

    2. RACF Logging

      Entering NORMAL means that RACF will do normal logging for this check. NONE says no RACF logging will be requested.

    3. Execution time

      Entering YES specifies that a check is done when the job is selected for execution to be sure that the user is authorized to execute a job in the jobclass used.

      Entering NO disables this option.

    4. RACF Logging

      Same as 2 above.

    The command authorization is done by using classname FACILITY for RACF and CA-ACF2, and classname IBMFAC or DATASET for CA-TOPSECRET. The resource name is JOBCLASS.x where 'x' is the desired jobclass. Each jobclass must be properly defined to your security system.

    Note: Jobclass resources that are not defined to the External Security system are always allowed.

    Job Name Checking 

    This function allows you to control which jobs can execute within a given jobclass. Using job name masks, you can specify that only jobs which match a mask can execute and/or exclude jobs which match a mask.

    When you select Job Name Checking Controls, you are presented a scrollable list of job classes.

    Figure 122. Job Name Checking Controls

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ---------------- JOB NAME CHECKING CONTROLS --------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |CMD = (S)elect for update (I)nclude masks (E)xclude masks)                      |
    |                                                                                |
    |               Controls   Include     and/     Exclude                          |
    |CMD     Class   Active   Job Masks     or     Job Masks                         |
    | '        A      ___        NO        ___        NO                             |
    | '        B      ___        NO        ___        NO                             |
    | '        C      ___        NO        ___        NO                             |
    | '        D      ___        NO        ___        NO                             |
    | '        E      ___        NO        ___        NO                             |
    | '        F      ___        NO        ___        NO                             |
    | '        G      ___        NO        ___        NO                             |
    | '        H      ___        NO        ___        NO                             |
    | '        I      YES        YES       AND        YES                            |
    | '        J      YES        YES       OR         YES                            |
    | '        K      ___        NO        ___        NO                             |
    | '        L      ___        NO        ___        NO                             |
    | '        M      ___        NO        ___        NO                             |
    | '        N      ___        NO        ___        NO                             |
    | '        O      ___        NO        ___        NO                             |
    | '        P      ___        NO        ___        NO                             |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. CMD

      To activate a class, enter an S in the CMD field for that class, and enter YES in the Controls Active column.

    2. Controls Active

      Entering YES in this field will enable OS/EM's extended processing.

      Entering NO in this field will disable OS/EM's extended processing.

      This field must be completed before you will be allowed to leave this panel.

    3. INCLUDE

      To create a list of INCLUDE job masks, enter an I in the CMD field and press enter. You will be presented with a POPUP panel showing all of the masks previously entered.

      Jobs matching an include mask are permitted to execute in the class specified.

    4. AND/OR

      Connective between include masks and exclude masks. If you specify AND then the job being submitted must match an include mask and must not match an exclude mask. If you specify OR then the job being submitted may either match an include mask or not match an exclude mask.

    5. EXCLUDE

      To create a list of EXCLUDE job masks, enter an E in the CMD field and press enter. You will be presented with a POPUP panel showing all of the masks previously entered.

      Jobs matching an exclude mask are not permitted to execute in the specified class.

    Figure 123. Job Name Checking Controls with "POPUP" screen

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ---------------- JOB NAME CHECKING CONTROLS --------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |CMD = (S)elect for update (I)nclude masks (E)xclude masks)                      |
    |                                                                                |
    |               Controls   Include     and/     Exclude                          |
    |CMD     Class   Active   Job Masks     or     Job Masks                         |
    | '        A      ___        NO        ___        NO                             |
    | '        B      ___        NO        ___        NO                             |
    | '        C      ___      .------- INCLUDE JOB MASKS FOR CLASS I --------.      |
    | '        D      ___      |                                 Row 2 from 4 |      |
    | '        E      ___      | CMD   Job Name Mask  (CMD = (A)dd (D)elete)  |      |
    | '        F      ___      |  _      XX-                                  |      |
    | '        G      ___      | ************** Bottom of data ************** |      |
    | '        H      ___      |                                              |      |
    | I        I      YES      |                                              |      |
    | '        J      YES      |                                              |      |
    | '        K      ___      |                                              |      |
    | '        L      ___      |                                              |      |
    | '        M      ___      | CMD =>                                       |      |
    | '        N      ___      '----------------------------------------------'      |
    | '        O      ___        NO        ___        NO                             |
    | '        P      ___        NO        ___        NO                             |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. To add a mask, enter an A in the CMD field and overtype the Job Name Mask field.

    2. To delete a mask, enter a D in the CMD field.

    Include / Exclude 

    Job Name Masks 

    The following table shows the allowable mask characters:




    The question mark is used to unconditionally match any single character (except periods) where the question mark occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The ampersand is used to unconditionally match any single alpha character where the ampersand occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The percent sign is used to unconditionally match any single numeric character where the percent sign occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The dash is used to unconditionally match any preceding or succeeding character(s). Multiples are allowed.

    Force Open Controls

    The Force Open Controls function ensures that allocated datasets are opened prior to the completion of a job. OS/EM will force an open for any dataset that is allocated but not opened, thus allowing excess storage to be released. The forced open will occur at the completion of the last job step that references the dataset.

    Figure 124. Force Open Controls

    |                                                                                |
    | OS/EM -------------------- FORCE OPEN CONTROLS ------------------- Version 6.1 |
    | COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                     Force Open Active ==> YES          (Yes/No)                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Enter Selector List Types, either Include or Exclude                           |
    |       DDNAME   ==> EXCLUDE    DSNAME   ==> EXCLUDE     GRPNAME  ==>            |
    |       JOBCLASS ==> INCLUDE    JOBNAME  ==>             PGMNAME  ==> EXCLUDE    |
    |       USERID   ==> EXCLUDE                                                     |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Line Cmds: (D)elete line, (I)nsert line                                       |
    |    Selector                                                                    |
    |      Type     Selector Names/Mask List                                         |
    | _  DDNAME     SYSLMOD                                                          |
    | _  DSNAME     A2345678.B2345678.C2345678.D2345678.E2345678 SECOND.DATA.SET     |
    | _  DSNAME     HEJRT.+                                                          |
    | _  JOBCLASS   A:D                                                              |
    | _  PGMNAME    IEFBR14                                                          |
    | ******************************* Bottom of data ******************************* |
    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------    |
    || Selection Types: DDNAME, DSNAME, GRPNAME, JOBCLASS, JOBNAME, PGMNAME and |    |
    || USERID.                                                                  |    |
    |----------------------------------------------------------------------------    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Force Open Active

      Enter YES to activate Force Open Controls

      Enter NO to deactivate Force Open Controls

    2. Selector List Types

      The scope of the Force Open Controls can be limited to jobs that have specific attributes. This is controlled by INCLUDE and EXCLUDE lists:

      The following job attributes can control Force Open Controls through the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE lists:


      Specifies the DDNAMEs to be included / excluded for Force Open Controls. If no DDNAME include / exclude list is provided then all DDNAMEs will be eligible for this function.


      Specifies the dataset names to be included / excluded for Force Open Controls. If no DSNAME include / exclude list is provided then all datasets will be eligible for this function.


      Specifies the job classes to be included / excluded for Force Open Controls. If no JOBCLASS include / exclude list is provided then all classes, TSO users and started tasks will be eligible for this function. Valid classes are A-Z, 0-9, TSU and STC. A contiguous range of classes can be specified with a colon (e.g. A:J).


      Specifies the job names to be included / excluded for Force Open Controls. If no JOBNAME include / exclude list is provided then all job names will be eligible for this function.


      Specifies the program names to be included / excluded for Force Open Controls. If no PGMNAME include / exclude list is provided then all programs will be eligible for this function.


      Specifies the user names to be included / excluded for Force Open Controls. If no USERID include / exclude list is provided then all users will be eligible for this function.

    3. Selector Names/Mask List

      There must be one or more selector list entries for every Selector List Type that has an INCLUDE/EXCLUDE specification. These entries can be created and edited by simply entering the appropriate data into the Selector Type and Selector Names/Mask List fields.

      Selector line items can be inserted and deleted by entering I and D respectively in the line command field (the first input field of the Selector List detail line).

    Defining INCLUDE / EXCLUDE lists

    The Selector Names/Mask List field must contain at least one selector value. Multiple values are separated by a blank. With the exception of the JOBCLASS selector, values can be specified as a mask. See Appendix B, "General Masking" and "Dataset name masks" for information regarding value masking.

    Multiple Selector Names/Mask detail lines can be defined for a particular Selector Type.

    The Selector Names/Mask values are processed in the following way in order to determine Forced Open Controls eligibility:

    Usage Notes:

    Other JCL Controls

    Figure 125. Other JCL Controls

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------------- OTHER JCL CONTROLS ------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                               1  ADDRSPC                                       |
    |                               2  DATACLASS                                     |
    |                               3  DDNAMES                                       |
    |                               4  DPRTY                                         |
    |                               5  EXPDT                                         |
    |                               6  MGMTCLASS                                     |
    |                               7  PERFORM                                       |
    |                               8  PROTECT                                       |
    |                               9  PRTY                                          |
    |                              10  RETPD                                         |
    |                              11  STORCLASS                                     |
    |                              12  SUBSYS                                        |
    |                              13  TIME                                          |
    |                              14  UNIT                                          |
    |                              15  USERLIB                                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    When a selection is made, the next panel will reflect your choice and the verbiage on the panel will also reflect your choice. In Figure 126, the choice was number 3 and the verbiage reflects DDNAMES. The same panel will appear for the other choices, but the verbiage will be different.

    The following parameters are available:




    Type of address space required


    DFSMS data class


    Data definition names


    Dispatching priority


    Expiration Date


    The EXPDT is normalized to the date format YYYY/DDD before checking.


    DFSMS management class


    Performance group


    Request RACF protection of a dataset


    Job selection priority


    Retention Period


    DFSMS storage class


    Subsystem which will process a dataset


    Specify maximum step execution time


    The only available time parameters are: MAXIMUM, 1440, NOLIMIT, and HIGH. The value HIGH is compared to the time parameter coded in JES PARMS for the executing job class. If the value coded in the JCL for a step is greater than that specified by JES2 the user needs READ access for CHECK.


    Storage device type


    OUTPUT statement for AFP libraries.

    The same panel is displayed for all of the above parameters. The following example shows the definitions for the DDNAME parameter.

    Figure 126. JCL Controls: DDNAME

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------ JCL CONTROLS: DDNAME ------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |   DDNAME checking is active       ===> YES             (Yes/No)                |
    |                                                                                |
    |   DDNAME values listed below                                                   |
    |      or defined to security       ===> CHECK           (Allow/Disallow/Check)  |
    |   DDNAME undefined to security    ===> DISALLOW        (Allow/Disallow)        |
    |   Unlisted DDNAME values          ===> ALLOW           (Allow/Disallow/Check)  |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Optional security                                                            |
    |   Class ===> ________   Resource ===> _______________________________________  |
    |                                                                                |
    | (CMD = (I)nsert (D)elete (S)elect)                                             |
    |  CMD   DDNAME / Description                                                    |
    |   '    JOBCAT                                                                  |
    |        MAKE SURE USER IS ALLOWED TO USE JOBCAT                                 |
    |   '    STEPCAT                                                                 |
    |        MAKE SURE USER IS ALLOWED TO USE STEPCAT                                |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. DDNAME checking active

      Enter YES to activate DDNAME checking.

      Enter NO to deactivate DDNAME field checking.

    2. Listed DDNAME values or defined to security

      If you have entered values in the scrollable portion of this panel you may allow their use, disallow use, or security check the value.

      This field is the controlling keyword for this function. If you enter ALLOW or DISALLOW, you must enter items in the scrollable section of this panel, as those will be the items which are to be allowed or disallowed.

      If you have specified ALLOW, then the JCL parameter from the job being checked will be compared to the listed items. If the value is not found, then the Unlisted values field will determine if the value is allowed. See the Unlisted values field below for determining the action to be taken if the value is not found.

      If you have specified DISALLOW, then the JCL parameter from the job being checked will be compared to the listed items. If the value is listed, then the parameter is disallowed, and the job will receive a JCL error. If the parameter is not listed, then the Unlisted values field will determine if the value is allowed. See the Unlisted values field below for determining the action to be taken if the parameter is not found.

      If you have specified CHECK, and you have listed items in the scrollable portion of the panel, then the JCL parameter will be compared to those items. If a match is found, then the external security manager is checked to determine if the user submitting the job has access to the value listed.

      If this value is not defined to your security system, then the undefined to security field will determine the action to be taken.

      If this value is not defined in the list, then the Unlisted values field determines if the value is allowed.

      If you enter CHECK and do not enter any items in the scrollable portion of the panel, all values will be checked against the external security manager. If the value is not defined to security then the undefined to security field will determine the action to be taken.

    3. Parameter undefined to security

      If you have specified CHECK as the controlling keyword, any values which have not been defined to the external security manager will either be allowed or disallowed based on your entry here.

      This entry is ignored if the controlling keyword is ALLOW or DISALLOW.

    4. Unlisted DDNAME values

      This field specifies the action to be taken whenever a parameter is not found in the list of values displayed in the scrollable portion of the panel.

      Specifying ALLOW means that any parameter which was not found in the list of values will be allowed.

      DISALLOW specifies that the parameter which was not found in the list will be disallowed and the job will fail with a JCL error.

      Specifying CHECK will cause the parameter not found in the list to be checked via the external security manager.

    5. Optional security

      This defines the security profile to be used when CHECK is specified.


      The general resource class to be used.


      The resource name prefix. The value of general resouce class and, optionally, the resource name. The value of the DDNAME field will be appended to the value in the Resource field.


      For example, if the Resource field is set to DDNAMES, then the profile that will be checked is DDNAMES.value


    6. CMD

      To list specific data, use the scrollable portion of the panel. To insert a blank line, enter I in the CMD field.

      To delete a line, enter a D in the CMD field for the line to be deleted.

      To update a line, enter an S in the CMD field and overtype the information to be changed.

    7. DDNAME

      Enter the DDNAME(s) and/or DDNAME mask(s) that are to be allowed, disallowed or checked with external security.

      See Appendix B, "General Masking" for information about general field masking and "Dataset name masks" for dataset name masking.

    The example in Figure 126 uses external security to control the use of the JOBCAT & STEPCAT DDNAME. The job will be terminated with a JCL error if the job has a JOBCAT or STEPCAT DD and (1) the user does not have READ access authority to the JOBCAT / STEPCAT resource, or (2) if the JOBCAT / STEPCAT resource is not defined to security. In this example, the default resource class and profile names will be used (i.e. JCL.DDNAME.JOBCAT 1 JCL.DDNAME.STEPCAT in the FACILITY class).

    STEPLIB Controls

    Description  The STEPLIB option allows you to modify or replace existing STEPLIB DD statements or add a new STEPLIB DD based on job class, job name, user ID, step name or program name. You may optionally fail the job if any of the specified libraries for the STEPLIB are unavailable, or you may allow the job to continue without changing the existing STEPLIBs.

    STEPLIB Controls Menu 

    Figure 127. STEPLIB Controls Menu

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------------- STEPLIB CONTROLS -------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |SELECTION ===>                                                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                       1  System Level Controls                                 |
    |                       2  Selection Lists                                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    This menu contains entries to update system level control information and the selection lists. Both entries must be selected to initially setup STEPLIB Controls.

    System Level Controls 

    Figure 128. System Level Controls Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------------- STEPLIB SYSTEM CONTROLS ----------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |           Steplibs Active     ===> YES     (Yes/No)                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |           Wait Options:                                                        |
    |             Dataset           ===> YES     (Yes/No)                            |
    |             Volume            ===> NO      (Yes/No)                            |
    |             Unit              ===> NO      (Yes/No)                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |           Allow HSM Recalls?  ===> NO      (Yes/No)                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Use this panel to enter non-specific information about STEPLIB Controls. The information on this panel is required before any controls dealing with specific STEPLIBs becomes effective.

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. STEPLIBs Active

      Enter YES to turn on STEPLIBs, or NO to disable STEPLIBs on the current system.

    2. Wait Options:

      The following Wait Options refer to the datasets specified as STEPLIB entities.

    3. Allow HSM Recalls

      Enter YES to allow the DFHSM recall to be processed. Enter NO to disable DFHSM recalls. If you disable recalls, the STEPLIB will not be processed and the FAIL JOB option specified on the selection lists panel will take effect.

    Selection Lists  Up to 32 different sets of libraries and the selection criteria needed for each to be selected may be specified on this panel. You also state by selection group whether the job will fail (via a jcl error) if a specified library is unavailable, or if the job will continue without the STEPLIB being modified, replaced or added.

    Figure 129. Selection Lists Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------------- STEPLIB CONTROLS -------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |Line Commands: (S)election Lists, (D)elete Lists                                |
    |                                                       Active Lists             |
    |                  Placement           Fail Job     Job   Job  User Step         |
    |SEL  Num  Active           Description             Class Name  ID  Name Program |
    | '   01    Y      REPLACE             YES           EXC        INC              |
    |                  Vendor Product________________                                |
    | '   02    Y      AFTER               NO            INC  INC   INC  INC   INC   |
    |                  Book Manager__________________                                |
    | '   03    N      BEFORE              NO            INC                         |
    |                  ______________________________                                |
    | '   04    N      _______             ___                                       |
    |                  ______________________________                                |
    | '   05    N      _______             ___                                       |
    |                  ______________________________                                |
    | '   06    N      _______             ___                                       |
    |                  ______________________________                                |
    | '   07    N      _______             ___                                       |
    |                  ______________________________                                |
    | '   08    N      _______             ___                                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Active

      To activate a selection group, use the tab key to place the cursor in the Active column and enter a Y.

    2. Placement

      Tab to the Placement field and enter where you want the dynamic STEPLIB libraries placed. Valid entries are:

    3. Fail Job

      Tab to the Fail Job field and enter either YES or NO. This value determines whether the job will fail with a JCL error if any of the dynamic STEPLIB libraries are unable to be allocated. If it is acceptable that the job execute without the dynamic libraries enter NO here.

    4. Description

      You may also enter an optional description line to describe what these dynamic libraries are for.

    There are 2 line commands available. Use S to modify the selection lists or D to delete the selection lists.

    The Select line command allows you to specify the dynamic library names, enter the selection criteria based on job class, job name, user ID, step name or program name. Masks are acceptable for all but job class and the steplib dataset name.

    Figure 130. Selector Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------------ SELECTOR ENTRY - 02 -------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |Enter Selector Types, either Include or Exclude                                 |
    |      Jobclass ===> INCLUDE   Jobname  ===> INCLUDE    Pgmname  ===>  INCLUDE   |
    |      Stepname ===> INCLUDE   UserID   ===> INCLUDE                             |
    |                                                                                |
    | Line Cmds: (D)elete line, (I)nsert line                                        |
    |   Selector                                                                     |
    |     Type     Selector Names/Mask List                                  VOLUME  |
    |_  JOBNAME    BKBUILD BKINDEX                                           ______  |
    |_  JOBCLASS   B:D                                                       ______  |
    |_  STEPLIB    'EOY.SEOYLOAD'                                            SMS003  |
    |_  USERID     SP- HE-                                                   ______  |
    |_  STEPNAME   BUILD INDEX                                               ______  |
    |_  PGMNAME    IKJEFT01                                                  ______  |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    This panel allows you to specify the dataset names to be used for the STEPLIB as well as the selector types used to match this selector group to the job being checked.

    Each selector type may be either an INCLUDE or EXCLUDE list. Types marked as include lists have to match the attributes of the job being checked. Types marked as exclude lists may not match the jobs attributes.

    If you fail to specify either include or exclude, the list will be forced to an include type list.

    In the scrollable portion of the panel, you enter the selector types and the names or masks for that type. With the exception of the STEPLIB type, you may enter as many names/masks that will fit on the line. If you have more entries than will fit on a line, simply insert a blank line and mark it to be the same selector type and continue entering names/masks. Selector types are JOBCLASS, JOBNAME, PGMNAME, STEPNAME and USERID.

    The JOBCLASS entries may be listed individually or as a range. A range is entered as two classes separated by a colon (:), i.e. F:K.

    The STEPLIB selector type is actually the dataset name of the library or libraries which will be used for the STEPLIB. A volume may be specified for datasets which are not cataloged (non-SMS) or to force use of a dataset on a different volume than that which is contained in the catalog. Only one dataset name may be specified per entry. If multiple dataset names are entered they will be concatenated in the order entered.

    Any library entered here must currently exist. Standard TSO naming conventions are used, i.e. if prefix is turned on, any name entered without apostrophes will have your TSO ID added as the prefix.

    Sysout Class/Parameters

    Figure 131. SYSOUT Parameter Controls

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ---------------- SYSOUT PARAMETER CONTROLS ---------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                1  BURST                                        |
    |                                2  CHARS                                        |
    |                                3  COPIES                                       |
    |                                4  DEST                                         |
    |                                5  FCB                                          |
    |                                6  FLASH                                        |
    |                                7  FORM                                         |
    |                                8  FORMDEF                                      |
    |                                9  MODIFY                                       |
    |                               10  MSGCLASS                                     |
    |                               11  OUTPRTY                                      |
    |                               12  PAGEDEF                                      |
    |                               13  PRMODE                                       |
    |                               14  SYSOUT                                       |
    |                               15  UCS                                          |
    |                               16  WRITER                                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    When a selection is made, the next panel will reflect your choice and the verbiage on the panel will also reflect your choice. In Figure 132, the choice was number 14 and the verbiage reflects SYSOUT. The same panel will appear for the other choices, but the verbiage will be different.

    The following parameters are available:




    Character arrangement tables


    Use 3800 burster-trimmer-stacker


    Number of copies of hardcopy output


    Destination for a SYSOUT dataset


    Forms control buffer


    Forms overlay


    Form name


    AFP form definition name


    Copy modification module


    SYSOUT class for the job log, allocation messages and JCL image


    OUTPUT print priority.


    AFP page definition


    PSF process mode


    Output print class for generated output


    Universal character set


    External writer name

    The following figure is an example of the screen that will appear:

    Figure 132. JCL Controls: SYSOUT

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | OS/EM ------------------ JCL CONTROLS: SYSOUT ------------------- Version 6.1  |
    | Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    |    SYSOUT checking is active       ===> YES             (Yes/No)               |
    |                                                                                |
    |    SYSOUT values listed below                                                  |
    |       or defined to security       ===> CHECK           (Allow/Disallow/Check) |
    |    SYSOUT undefined to security    ===> ALLOW           (Allow/Disallow)       |
    |    Unlisted SYSOUT values          ===> ALLOW           (Allow/Disallow/Check) |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Optional security                                                            |
    |   Class ===> ________   Resource ===> _______________________________________  |
    |                                                                                |
    |  (CMD = (I)nsert (D)elete (S)elect)                                            |
    |   CMD   SYSOUT / Description                                                   |
    |    '    P                                                                      |
    |         Production Print Class                                                 |
    | ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************|
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. SYSOUT checking active

      Enter YES to activate SYSOUT checking.

      Enter NO to deactivate SYSOUT field checking.

    2. Listed SYSOUT values or defined to security

      If you have entered values in the scrollable portion of this panel you may allow their use, disallow use, or security check the value.

      This field is the controlling keyword for this function. If you enter ALLOW or DISALLOW, you must enter items in the scrollable section of this panel, as those will be the items which are to be allowed or disallowed.

      If you have specified ALLOW, then the JCL parameter from the job being checked will be compared to the listed items. If the value is not found, then the Unlisted values field will determine if the value is allowed. See the Unlisted values field below for determining the action to be taken if the value is not found.

      If you have specified DISALLOW, then the JCL parameter from the job being checked will be compared to the listed items. If the value is listed, then the parameter is disallowed, and the job will receive a JCL error. If the parameter is not listed, then the Unlisted values field will determine if the value is allowed. See the Unlisted values field below for determining the action to be taken if the parameter is not found.

      If you have specified CHECK, and you have listed items in the scrollable portion of the panel, then the JCL parameter will be compared to those items. If a match is found, then the external security manager is checked to determine if the User submitting the job has access to the value listed.

      If this value is not defined to your security system, then the undefined to security field will determine the action to be taken.

      If this value is not defined in the list, then the Unlisted values field determines if the value is allowed.

      If you enter CHECK and do not enter any items in the scrollable portion of the panel, all values will be checked against the external security manager. If the value is not defined to security then the undefined to security field will determine the action to be taken.

    3. Parameter undefined to security

      If you have specified CHECK as the controlling keyword, any values which have not been defined to the external security manager will either be allowed or disallowed based on your entry here.

      This entry is ignored if the controlling keyword is ALLOW or DISALLOW.

    4. Unlisted SYSOUT values

      This field specifies the action to be taken whenever a parameter is not found in the list of values displayed in the scrollable portion of the panel.

      Specifying ALLOW means that any parameter which was not found in the list of values will be allowed.

      DISALLOW specifies that the parameter which was not found in the list will be disallowed and the job will fail with a JCL error.

      Specifying CHECK will cause the parameter not found in the list to be checked via the external security manager.

    5. Optional security

      This defines the security profile to be used when CHECK is specified.


      The general resource class to be used.


      The resource name prefix. The value of general resource class and, optionally, the resource name. The value of the SYSOUT field will be appended to the value in the Resource field.


      For example, if the Resource field is set to SYSOUT, then the profile that will be checked is SYSOUT.value


    6. CMD

      To list specific data, use the scrollable portion of the panel. To insert a blank line, enter I in the CMD field.

      To delete a line, enter a D in the CMD field for the line to be deleted.

      To update a line, enter an S in the CMD field and overtype the information to be changed.

    7. SYSOUT

      Enter the SYSOUT value(s) and/or SYSOUT mask(s) to be allowed, disallowed or checked with external security.

      See Appendix B, "General Masking" for information about general field masking.

    The example in Figure 132 uses external security to control the use of the production SYSOUT class. The job will be terminated with a JCL error if the job has a DD with SYSOUT=P and the user does not have READ access authority to the resource. All other classes can be used by any job. In this case, the default resource class and profile names will be used (i.e. JCL.SYSOUT.P in the FACILITY class).

    Tape Usage Controls

    Tape allocation checking occurs as each job step executes. That is, as each tape device is allocated, a count is accumulated and checked against the total limit specified for the job class. Once the total limit is exceeded, the job is cancelled unless operating in WARN mode.

    Figure 133. Tape Usage Controls

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------- TAPE USAGE CONTROLS ------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |     Max Tape Controls active   ===> YES        (Yes/No)                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |     Violators warned/cancelled ===> CANCEL     (Warn/Cancel)                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |(CMD = (S)elect)                                                                |
    |                          Total    Total    Total    Total      Total    Total  |
    | CMD  Class     Active    3420     3480     3490    3490-VTS    3590     Tapes  |
    |  '    A         YES       ___      ___      ___      ___        ___      0     |
    |  '    B         YES       ___      ___      ___      ___        ___      0     |
    |  '    C         YES       0        0        0        2          2        3     |
    |  '    D         NO        ___      ___      ___      ___        ___      ___   |
    |  '    E         NO        ___      ___      ___      ___        ___      ___   |
    |  '    F         NO        ___      ___      ___      ___        ___      ___   |
    |  '    G         NO        ___      ___      ___      ___        ___      ___   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Max Tape Controls

      This field specifies that tape allocation control will be applied according to criteria established with the various CLASS parameters.

    2. Violators Warned/Cancelled

      This field provides you with a way of observing your tape allocation rules without actually enforcing those rules. WTO messages are produced which will indicate the action OS/EM would have taken if WARN mode were not in effect.

    3. SELECT

      To enable Tape Usage controls for a job class, select the class by placing an S in the CMD field and then overtyping the fields on that line.

    4. ACTIVE

      Enter YES in the Active column to enable a CLASS.

      Enter NO to disable a CLASS.

    5. Total Number of Tapes

      Each jobclass - A through 9 - can be individually enabled. Enter the total tapes allowed for each type of tape device as well as the total allowed for the step. Each number can be between 0 and 255. The number of 3420, 3480, 3490 3490-VTS and 3590 devices combined may exceed the total number allowed, however no single entry may be greater than the value specified for total tapes.

    Virtual Storage Controls

    Virtual Storage Controls provides the ability to set a region's virtual storage and override REGION= values specified in the JCL. Up to 32 region control rules can be defined to set virtual storage allocations. These controls can limit a job's virtual storage below the line, above the line, above the bar and hiper/dataspaces.

    These region control rules are selected based on a job's JOBNAME, PGMNAME and/or JOBCLASS. Weightings can be applied to these parameters to determine the best rule to use when a job matches multiple rules.

    Additionally, a default region control can be used when a job does not match any of the active rules.

    Figure 134. Virtual Storage Controls

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | OS/EM ----------------- VIRTUAL STORAGE CONTROLS ---------------- Version 6.1  |
    | COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Region Controls Active:  YES                                                  |
    |  Region Override Active:  NO           Hiperspace/Dataspace                  C |
    |  Region Defaults Active:  YES         Default Total  Total   Total           L |
    |           Size  Limit Size    Limit   Size    Size   Spaces  Size    J   P   A |
    |  Region   < 16M < 16M > 16M   > 16M   (pages) (Megs) (count) > 2G    O   G   S |
    |  Default: 6144  6144  0       0       ______  ______  ______ 4G      B   M   S |
    |                                                      Weight: (1-9)   2   9   3 |
    | (S)elect Lists, (D)elete Entry/Lists                                           |
    | S Reg Act                                                                      |
    | _  1   Y  6144  6144  0       0       ______  ______  ______ 0              INC|
    | _  2   Y  8192  8192  40960   45960   200     40      10     6T     INC        |
    | _  3   Y  -1024 -512  0       0       ______  ______  ______ ______         INC|
    | _  4   Y  4096  4096  0       0       ______  ______  ______ ______     INC    |
    | _  5   Y  6144  8192  0       90000   ______  ______  ______ ______     INC    |
    | _  6   Y  8192  8192  0       0       ______  ______  ______ ______     INC    |
    | _  7   Y  8192  16384 64000   65000   ______  ______  ______ ______     INC    |
    | _  8   Y  8192  8192  40960   45960   200     40      10     0M____     INC    |
    | _  9   N  _____ _____ _______ _______ ______  ______  ______ ______            |
    | _  10  N  _____ _____ _______ _______ ______  ______  ______ ______            |
    | _  11  N  _____ _____ _______ _______ ______  ______  ______ ______            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Region Controls Active

      Enter YES to enable Region Controls.

      Enter NO to disable Region Controls.

    2. Region Override Active

      Enter YES to enable Region Override Controls

      Enter NO to disable Region Override Controls

      When Region Override is enabled, OS/EM will use the region values defined in the strongest rule that matches the job's characteristics. If there is no rule that matches the job's characteristics, the default values will be used (if defined & active).

      When Region Override is disabled, OS/EM values will only be used if the REGION= value is greater than the strongest rule or default values. The following values will be used:

      Regardless of the Region Override setting, if there are no rule matches AND no default values are defined (or Region Defaults is set to NO), the REGION= value (or the MVS defaults) will be used.

    3. Region Defaults Active

      Enter YES to enable Region Defaults

      Enter NO to disable Region Defaults.

      This allows you to disable the default entries without disturbing the information already entered.

    4. Region Defaults

      Specify the default values used by OS/EM for storage utilization control. These values are used if there is no matching region control rule.

      With the exception of Hiperspace/Dataspace values, and above the 2 Gigabyte bar, the numeric values are entered in K. Total spaces is entered as the total number of Hiperspaces/Dataspaces allowed within the region. Default size for Hiperspace is in 4K blocks. Total size of Hiperspace is in Megabytes. Refer to MVS Systems Modifications, SMF exit IEFUSI for further information regarding these parameters.

    5. REGION

      The first value is the amount of storage, below the 16M line, a program will be given to execute in. A negative value may be entered indicating that the amount of storage is to be calculated by subtracting this value from the size of the private area currently available below the 16M line.

      The third value is the amount of storage, above the 16M line, a program will be given to execute in.

      A value of 0 or a blank field will result in the MVS defaults or the REGION= value to be used.

    6. LIMIT

      The second value is the maximum amount of storage, below the 16M line, a program will be allowed to GETMAIN. A negative value may be entered indicating that the amount of storage is to be calculated by subtracting this value from the size of the private area currently available below the 16M line.

      The fourth value is the maximum amount of storage, above the 16M line, a program will be allowed to GETMAIN.

      A value of 0 or a blank field will result in the MVS defaults or the REGION= value to be used.

    7. Hiperspace/Dataspace

      The fifth value is the default size of a Hiperspace or Dataspace when it is created in units of 4K blocks.

      The sixth value is the total size of storage that may be used for all user key Hiperspaces and Dataspaces in an address space, in units of 1 Megabyte increments.

      The seventh value is the total number of Hiperspaces or Dataspaces allowed within an address space.


      The eighth value is the amount of storage a user may obtain above the 2 gigabyte bar up to a maximum of 16 exabytes. The value must be entered with the storage type specified as the last character of the amount, i.e. 16G would indicate 16 gigabytes, and 2P would indicate 2 petabytes. Use M for megabytes, G for gigabytes, T for terabytes and P for petabytes.

      For space above the 2G bar, you may enter 0M to indicate that NO space above the bar may be used. Entering 0 without a type modifier indicates that the system default will be used.

    9. Weight

      Enter a number between 1 and 9 for each of the selection list types.

      If a job matches more than one region control definition, these weight values will be used to determine which definition to use. In other words, if a job matches region 2 because of the job class, and matches region 3 because of the program name, and the weight value for job class is 8 while the weight for program name is 2, region 2 will be selected because its weight will be higher.

    10. JOB, PGM, CLASS Options

      The optional region parameters (1-32) specify storage values that will be applied to specified program names, job names, or job classes.

      To enable an individual region, enter a Y in the Active column, and any numeric values which should be different than the default values.

    To enter selection criteria enter an S in the command column and press the ENTER key. Another panel will be displayed where you can specify the selectors for this region definition.

    Figure 135. Selector Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------------ SELECTOR ENTRY - 4 --------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    | Enter Selector Types, either Include or Exclude                                |
    |     Jobclass ===> INCLUDE   Jobname ===> INCLUDE   Pgmname ===> INCLUDE        |
    |                                                                                |
    | Line Cmds: (D)elete line, (I)nsert line                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Selector                                                                     |
    |     Type    Selector Name/Mask List                                            |
    |_  JOBCLASS  P:R                                                                |
    |_  JOBNAME   LCRD0102 MRPD-                                                     |
    |_  PGMNAME   IFCEREP1                                                           |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    This panel allows you to enter the selection criteria for a region group. You may enter the following types of items:


    The class of the job being evaluated.


    The jobname of the job being evaluated.


    A program that will execute in the job being evaluated.

    Each Selector Type may be either an INCLUDE group or an EXCLUDE group. This means that selectors marked as an include group must match the attributes of the job being evaluated. Selectors marked as an exclude group must not match the attributes of the job being evaluated.

    Separate the names or masks with a space. You may enter as many names/masks as will fit on the line. To enter more items, simply insert another line and enter the same selector type keyword.

    Multiple names/masks within a selector type are considered to be OR conditions. That is, if any of them are matched the condition is satisfied. Specifying multiple selector types, however, is considered to be an AND condition. All selector types must be satisfied in order for the region control to be assigned to the job being evaluated.


    The following table shows the allowable mask characters:




    The question mark is used to unconditionally match any single character (except periods) where the question mark occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The ampersand is used to unconditionally match any single alpha character where the ampersand occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The percent sign is used to unconditionally match any single numeric character where the percent sign occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The dash is used to unconditionally match any preceding or succeeding character(s). Multiples are allowed.

    Job Controls


    JOB Controls provides the option for Step end statistics, JOB end statistics, TSO logoff statistics, Surrogate password processing, use of certain functions during TSO submit processing, correction of NOT CATALOGED 2 conditions, control number of concurrently running jobs by user or program, and allow SYSOUT extensions.

    Summary of Features

    Job Controls Menu

    The Job Controls Menu presents sixteen selections. Each option presents another selection menu, taking you down the path you have chosen.

    Several options are activated for a specific JES2 subsystem. These options show the currently selected JES2 name to the right of the menu item. To specify the JES2 subsystem that the control will effect, set the name using the Set JES2 Name and User Fields menu item ("Set JES2 Name").

    Figure 136. Job Controls

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------------------- JOB CONTROLS ---------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |SELECTION ===>                                                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |               1  Add Notify Statement                                          |
    |               2  Control JES2 Commands                                         |
    |               3  Control Operating System Commands                             |
    |               4  Dataset Name Conflict Resolution    (JES2)                    |
    |               5  Job Step Notify                                               |
    |               6  Job/Program Limits                  (JES2)                    |
    |               7  Job Start Message                   (JES2)                    |
    |               8  Job/Step Statistics                                           |
    |               9  Not Cataloged 2                                               |
    |              10  Reformat Jobcard Account Field                                |
    |              11  Set JES2 Name and User Fields       (JES2)                    |
    |              12  Surrogate Passwords                 (JES2)                    |
    |              13  Sysout Extensions                   (JES2)                    |
    |              14  TSO Logoff Statistics                                         |
    |              15  Verify User Defined to RACF                                   |
    |              16  Verify User ID with Jobname                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    Each of these paths is presented in the following sections:

    1. Add Notify Statement (see "Add Notify Statement")

    2. Allow JES2 Commands (see "Control JES2 Commands")

    3. Allow Operating System Commands (see "Control Operating System Commands")

    4. Dataset Name Conflict Resolution (see "Dataset Name Conflict Resolution")

    5. Job Step Notify (see "Job Step Notify")

    6. Job/Program Limits Controls (see "Job/Program Limits")

    7. Job Start Message (see "Job Start Message")

    8. Job/Step Statistics (see "Job/Step Statistics")

    9. Not Cataloged 2 (see "Not Cataloged 2 Correction")

    10. Reformat Jobcard Account Field (see "Reformat Jobcard Account Field")

    11. Set JES2 Name and User Fields (see "Set JES2 Name")

    12. Surrogate Passwords (see "Surrogate Password Control")

    13. Sysout Extensions (see "Sysout Extensions")

    14. TSO Logoff Statistics (see "TSO Logoff Statistics")

    15. Verify User Defined to RACF (see "Verify User Defined to RACF")

    16. Verify User ID with Jobname (see "Verify User ID with Jobname")

    Add Notify Statement

    ADD NOTIFY specifies that a NOTIFY parameter is to be inserted on the job statement if it is missing. The insertion is limited to the classes specified.

    Figure 137. Add Notify Statement

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------- ADD NOTIFY STATEMENT -------------------- Version 6.1 |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ===> CSR |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Add Notify Statement if Missing ===> NO                                     |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Enter class or class range below to add Notify (exp:  TSO TSU A C:F)          |
    |                                                                                |
    |  (CMD = (A)dd; (D)elete)                                                       |
    |CMD     Class                                                                   |
    | '       ___                                                                    |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:


      Enter YES to have OS/EM add a NOTIFY parameter to a job of it is missing, or enter NO to disable this option.

    2. Add or Delete

      To make the check universal, enter the class as A:9.

      To enter a class, type an A in the CMD field and overtype the class.

      To delete a previously entered class, type a D in the CMD field of the class to be deleted.

    Control JES2 Commands

    This function controls the use of JES2 commands imbedded in JCL that is submitted by TSO users.

    Figure 138. Control JES2 Commands

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------ ALLOW JES2 COMMANDS ------------------ Version 6.1     |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Allow JES2 Commands ===> YES      (Yes/No)                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |    RACF Logging        ===> NORMAL   (None/Normal)                             |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Entering YES specifies that a check is done to ensure that the user is authorized to submit jobs that contain JES2 commands. The user can be limited to only specified commands, all commands, or can be precluded from submitting jobs with any JES2 commands.

    2. Specifying NO for this field disables this option.

    3. Enter NORMAL or NONE to control RACF logging.

    The command authorization is done by using classname FACILITY for RACF and CA-ACF2, and classname IBMFAC or DATASET for CA-TOPSECRET. The resource name is JES2.$cmd where 'cmd' is the desired JES2 command.

    Each defined command must be a single letter: with four exceptions; $VS, $ADD, $TRACE and $DEL.

    If the user is not permitted to any JES2.$cmd resources, the user will not be allowed to include JES2 commands in any submitted jobs. READ authority is required for access to the command.

    Usage Restrictions:

    Control Operating System Commands

    Figure 139. Control Operating System Commands

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------- ALLOW O/S COMMANDS ------------------ Version 6.1     |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Allow Operating System Commands ===> YES      (Yes/No)                      |
    |                                                                                |
    |    RACF Logging                    ===> NORMAL   (None/Normal)                 |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Entering YES specifies that a check is done to ensure that the user is authorized to submit jobs that contain operating system commands. The user can be limited to only specified commands, all commands, or can be precluded from submitting jobs with any operating system commands.

    Specifying NO for this field disables this option.

    Enter NORMAL or NONE to control RACF logging.

    The command authorization is done by using classname FACILITY for RACF and CA-ACF2, and classname IBMFAC or DATASET for CA-TOPSECRET. The resource name is COMMAND.cmd where 'cmd' is the desired MVS command.

    Each defined command must be in its LONG form; i.e., VARY, not V.

    If the user is not permitted to any MVS.command resources, the user will not be permitted to include operating system commands in any submitted jobs. READ authority is required.

    Dataset Name Conflict Resolution

    The Dataset Name Conflict Resolution function prevents jobs from being selected for execution until all needed datasets are available. This prevents a job from taking an initiator when it is actually unable to run because datasets are already in use by another job or user. TSO send messages may optionally be issued to operators, the job owner and/or the owner of the dataset.

    Figure 140. Dataset Name Conflict Resolution

    |                                                                                |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |    DSN Conflict Resolution Active  ===> YES                (Yes/No)            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Send Message to Operator?       ===> YES                (Yes/No)            |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Send Message to Job Owner?      ===> YES                (Yes/No)            |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Send Message to Resource Owner? ===> YES                (Yes/No)            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. DSN Conflict Resolution Active

      Enter yes to activate the function or no to turn the function off.

    2. Send Message to Operator?

      Enter yes to have OS/EM send a message to the console listing the datasets which are unavailable.

    3. Send Message to Job Owner?

      Enter yes to have OS/EM send a message to the jobs owner notifying them that a dataset needed by their job is unavailable.

    4. Send Message to Resource Owner?

      Enter yes to have OS/EM send a message to the person who has control of the needed dataset.

    Usage Notes:

    Job Step Notify

    The Job Step Notify panel allows you to request that OS/EM send a message at the end of each job step for non-zero return codes.

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Produce Step End Notify

      Enter YES to have a message sent to the user ID specified on the jobcard.

    2. Minimum Return Code

      If you leave the minimum return code field blank or enter zero, a message is sent for any non-zero return code. Specifying a number above zero results in a message being sent for any step with that value or higher.

    Job/Program Limits

    You may control the number of jobs running either by User ID or Program Name.

    Figure 141. Job/Program Limits Menu

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------ JOB/PROGRAM LIMITS CONTROLS - JES2 ----------- Version 6.1   |
    |SELECTION ===>                                                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                            1  Job Limits by User                               |
    |                                                                                |
    |                            2  Program Limits                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Select the type of job limiting you want to perform.

    1. Job Limits by User (see "Job Limits By User")

    2. Program Limits (see "Program Limits")

    Job Limits By User

    The JOB LIMITING function enables the customer to control the number of jobs each user may have executing at a single time. This control may be for a single system, all systems in a multiple access spool environment, or specific system IDs. Additionally, the control can be limited to specific job classes, selected job names, certain user IDs and limited by time of day and day of week. Please note that all jobclasses are checked to determine the number of currently executing jobs unless limited by the SCOPE option.

    Figure 142. Job Limits

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------ JOB LIMITING CONTROLS ------------------- Version 6.1  |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ===> CSR |
    |                                                                                |
    | Limiting Controls Active:  YES                     (Yes/No)                    |
    | RACF Resource Name:        JOB.LIMIT.BYPASS                                    |
    | RACF logging:              NORMAL                  (Normal/None)               |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                      Job   Job   User          |
    | Limiting Scheme is:              (Yes/No/1-9)  Days Class  Name   ID   Scope   |
    |   Liberal: NO  , Conservative: NO  or  Weight:  4     3     1     9            |
    |                                                                                |
    |S(elect for update)                                                             |
    |   Limit            Max jobs       Max jobs                                     |
    |S  Number  Active  w/other work    init idle   |---- Active Lists Types ----|   |
    |_   1        Y         1              1                      EXC   INC   MAS    |
    |_   2        Y         3              2                INC         INC   LOC    |
    |_   3        N         ___            ___                                       |
    |_   4        N         ___            ___                                       |
    |_   5        N         ___            ___                                       |
    |_   6        Y         6              6          INC                     ID     |
    |_   7        N         ___            ___                                       |
    |_   8        N         ___            ___                                       |
    |_   9        N         ___            ___                                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    The Job Limiting Controls main entry panel has a fixed area in the top half of the panel where you enter global information about the function.

    The bottom half of the panel is scrollable, and stores the information regarding the 32 limit selection groups.

    Field entry is as follows:

        Limiting Controls Active: ___               (Yes/No)

    This field is the first field in the fixed portion of the panel. It controls whether any Job Limiting Controls are active or not. Entering NO here will turn off all Job Limiting Controls without disturbing any of the detail information previously entered.

        RACF Resource Name:       ______________

    To allow a user or group of users to bypass the Job Limiting controls enter the name of the RACF profile you have defined in the General Resource FACILITY class (for RACF and ACF-2) or the IBMFAC class (CA-Topsecret). Users to be allowed to bypass this control must have read authority to this profile.

        RACF logging:             ______            (Normal/None)

    If you want RACF logging, enter NORMAL in this field. To turn off RACF logging, enter NONE.

                                                          Job   Job   User
      Limiting Scheme is:             (Yes/No/1-9)  Days Class  Name   ID
        Liberal: ___, Conservative: ___ or  Weight:  _     _     _     _

    When a job being submitted matches more that one selection group, the Scheme controls which group will be used.

    If a scheme of LIBERAL is selected, the selection group which allows the most jobs to execute is used. Conversely, a CONSERVATIVE scheme will use the group which allows the least number of jobs to execute.

    You may instead elect to give the different include/exclude lists additional weight by specifying a number from 1 to 9 for the list type. Weights are used when a job matches multiple selection lists. The weight of each list is calculated by adding the weight value specified for each matching include/exclude type. This means that if list 1 has a weight of 9 for user ID and a weight of 2 for the job class the total weight for list 1 would be 12 (1 for simply matching, 2 for job class and 9 for user ID = 12). The list having the highest weight would be used.

       Limit            Max Jobs      Max jobs
    S  Number  Active  w/other work   init idle   |---- Active Lists Types ----|
    _   1        Y         1             2          INC   EXE   INC   EXE   ID

    In the above example which shows group 1, you can see that the group is active, only 1 job may execute at a time when other work is waiting to be processed; 2 jobs may execute at a time if an initiator attempts to select work, and nothing else is available to run. There are 4 active lists for the group: an include list for DAYS, an exclude list for JOB CLASSES, an include list for JOB NAMES and an exclude list for USER IDs. The scope of the group is by system IDs.

    To update the number of jobs or whether a group is active, simply overtype the fields and press enter. To update a selection group, you must place an 'S' in the select column.

    Note: If using Work Load Manager (WLM) initiators, only the Max Jobs Init Idle limit is used as WLM initiators are normally available.

    The scrollable portion of the panel contains entries for the 32 available limit selection groups.

    After entering an 'S' and updating the number of jobs (if necessary), pressing the enter key will present the SELECTOR ENTRY panel.

    The SELECTOR ENTRY panel allows you to specify the type of information jobs will be evaluated against.

    Figure 143. Selector Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------------ SELECTOR ENTRY - 1 ---------------- Version 6.1  |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    | Enter Selector Types, either Include or Exclude                                |
    |     JOBCLASS  ===> INCLUDE   JOBNAME ===> INCLUDE   USERID ===> INCLUDE        |
    |                                                                                |
    | Enter SCOPE Type, LOCAL, MAS, or ID                                            |
    |     SCOPE ===> ID                                                              |
    |                                                                                |
    | Line Cmds: (D)elete line, (I)nsert line                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Selector                                                                     |
    |     Type     Selector Names/Mask List                                          |
    |_  JOBCLASS   C:E_________________________________________________________      |
    |_  JOBNAME    TRSDJ- TRSWJ- __________________________________________________  |
    |_  SCOPECLS   C:E_________________________________________________________      |
    |_  SYSID      PR01 PR02_______________________________________________________  |
    |_  USERID     -_______________________________________________________________  |
    |_  TUESDAY    0800:1600___________________________________________________      |
    |_  WEDNESDAY  0800:1600___________________________________________________      |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    The available selector types are:


    Allows you to specify the time of day, by day of week that JOB LIMITS controls will be active.

    Enter the time as a range using a 24 hour clock. 8AM to 4PM would be entered as 0800:1600.


    This list may contain either user IDs which will be INCLUDED, or IDs which are to be EXCLUDED. If you specify an include type group, only those IDs, or ID masks you enter will be affected by job limits. If it is an exclude list, everyone except the entered IDs will be subject to job limits. This is the ID taken from the job card USER parameter which defaults to the ID of the submitter if not present on the job card.


    This list contains job names or job name masks. Again this list type may be either an include or exclude list.


    This list contains any job classes which you may wish to have job limits limited to, or job classes which job limits will not affect.

    Note: The classes specified here are only to select jobs which may have the limiting controls applied to them. They do not affect how jobs are counted. By default all job classes are checked for executing jobs. You may limit the classes whose jobs are counted with the SCOPE parameter explained below.


    This selector type controls which execution classes are to be considered when executing jobs are counted. This selector works in conjunction with the SCOPE Type setting (see below).


    If SCOPE Type has been set to ID, you need to list the system IDs using this selector type.

    You also specify the scope of the job limiting controls. The scope types and their function are:


    Multiple Access Spool. Specifying MAS will cause OS/EM to check each system in the MAS for executing jobs before allowing a job to execute.


    Specifying LOCAL will limit the job limiting controls to only the machine where OS/EM is executing. No other system in the sysplex will be checked.


    Enter a selector type of SYSID to specify the 4 character system ID of the LPARs in the MAS you want OS/EM to check for executing jobs.

    Along with SCOPE, you may specify which classes will be used for the purpose of counting the number of active jobs a user may have running. If used, only the jobclasses specified will have their executing jobs counted. Use the selector type SCOPECLS to specify the classes to be checked.

    Note: This parameter is the only way to control which jobclasses are used to count the number of executing jobs. If not specified every job executing regardless of jobclass will be counted to determine the number of jobs a user currently has executing.

    For example if job class 'A' is the only class listed here, only jobs executing in class 'A' will be counted even if you are limiting jobs in another class. This means that if your are limiting jobs running in job class 'D' and the SCOPE is set for job class 'A', your users will be able to run as many jobs as the want in class 'D' as long as they keep the number of their jobs executing in class 'A' below the limit specified.

    It is suggested that if you are limiting jobs that can execute in a particular job class, that you have the matching job class specified in SCOPECLS as well.

    Program Limits

    The Program Limits function allows you to control how many copies of a program may be run concurrently.

    Note: This function must be specified for each JES2 subsystem you have executing to limit programs by LPAR. See "Set JES2 Name".

    Figure 144. Program Limits Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------------- PROGRAM LIMITS - JES2 ---------------- Version 6.1  |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    | Program Limits Active ===> YES                     (Yes/No)                    |
    |                                                                                |
    | Produce MAS Limit Changed Message ===> YES         (Yes/No)                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |(I)nsert (D)elete                                                               |
    |                     --Limits--                                                 |
    |S Active  Program    Local  MAS  Description                                    |
    |_  YES    IEFBR14     10    10                                                  |
    |_  YES    SAS         1     2    Uses lots of resources.                        |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    The top portion of this panel contains two fields:

    The bottom portion of the panel contains a scrollable area listing all the programs which are being controlled.

    Two line commands are available for this portion of the panel.


    Inserts a blank line to allow entry of program information.


    Deletes existing program information.

    To control a program, insert a blank line then type the information required:


    Enter YES to have this entry controlled. You may mark an existing entry NO to have OS/EM ignore the listed information, but not lose it so you may reactivate the entry at a later time.


    The name of the program to be controlled.

    Local Limit

    Enter the number of concurrently executing copies of the program allowed.

    Leaving this field blank effectively marks the program as having no local limits.

    MAS Limit

    Enter the number of concurrently executing copies of the program allowed within the MAS.

    Leaving this field blank effectively marks the program as having no MAS limits.


    An optional description line possibly used to explain why you are limiting this program (license restrictions; resource hog).

    All programs executing on the system are counted, however only batch jobs will be blocked from execution if the number of running programs is above the limits specified above.

    Note: The MAS value is propagated to each system within the MAS which has Program Limiting active when you execute your changes online.

    Job Start Message

    The Job Start Message function of OS/EM sends a message to the TSO ID of the user specified in the NOTIFY parameter of the job card.

    The message is sent when the job actually starts executing.

    Figure 145. Job Start Message

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------ SET JOB START MESSAGE ------------------ Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |            Job Start Message Active ===> YES    (Yes/No)                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    Enter a YES to activate this function.

    Enter a NO to deactivate it.

    Job/Step Statistics

    This function enables job end and step end messaging and execution statistics.

    These functions are controlled by job class (including TSO, Started Task and, in some instances, Open Edition).

    Figure 146. Job/Step Statistics

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------- JOB/STEP STATISTICS ------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Command ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |     Firm Name Printed? ===> YES                                                |
    |                        ===> TRIDENT SERVICES, INC.                             |
    |                        ===> CAPITOLA, CA                                       |
    |                        ===> RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM                      |
    |                                                                                |
    |     Flushed Step Text  ===> ________      (Default is ----)                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |     Extend Step End WTO Message? ===> ___ (Yes/No)                             |
    |                                                                                |
    |SEL = (S)elect for update)                                                      |
    |SEL  Enabled   Message Type       Specify Classes (A:9 TSU STC)                 |
    | '     YES      ABENDMSG          F    K:L  P:Q  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___        |
    |                                  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___        |
    |                                                                                |
    | '     YES      CANCELWTOR        A:9  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___        |
    |                                  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___        |
    |                                                                                |
    | '     YES      STEPENDSTATS      A:9  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___        |
    |                                  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___        |
    |                                                                                |
    | '     YES      STEPENDWTO        A:9  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___        |
    |                                  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___        |
    |                                                                                |
    | '     YES      JOBENDSTATS       A:9  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___        |
    |                                  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___        |
    |                                                                                |
    | '     YES      JOBENDWTO         A:9  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___        |
    |                                  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___        |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    Specifying Job Classes

    The scope of the above options are limited by job class. Valid job classes are:

    Job classes can be defined as:

    Not Cataloged 2 Correction

    With this option, OS/EM allows you to avoid receiving Not Cataloged 2 errors. OS/EM will attempt to correct a Not Cataloged 2 error by one of three means:

    Figure 147. Not Cataloged 2 Controls

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------------- NOT CATALOGED 2 CONTROLS ---------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |           Not Cataloged 2 Controls Active ===> YES     (Yes/No)                |
    |                                                                                |
    |           Operate in Warn Mode            ===> NO      (Yes/No)                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |    CMD ACTIVE FUNCTION           |---------- JOB CLASSES SELECTED ----------|  |
    |                                                                                |
    |     _   YES   Delete Files        ###DEF#H##################################   |
    |                                                                                |
    |     _   YES   Recatalog Files     #########JKL#N############################   |
    |                                                                                |
    |     _   YES   Fail Jobs           ###############PQR##U#####################   |
    |                                                                                |
    | (CMD = (S)elect for update; (C)lass set/modify)                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Controls Active

      Enter YES to enable OS/EM control of Not Cataloged 2 errors.

      Enter NO to disable controls.

    2. Operate in Warn Mode

      WARN mode provides you with a way of observing Not Cataloged 2 events without changing the result of a job's execution. WTO messages are produced which will indicate the action OS/EM would have taken if WARN mode were not in effect.

      Note : WARN mode only applies to the Fail Jobs control option. If active, the Delete Files and/or Recatalog Files controls will be performed regardless of the WARN mode setting.

    3. Delete Files

      To have OS/EM delete an existing file and re-drive the catalog request, place a C in the CMD field, enter YES in the ACTIVE field then press the Enter key. A popup window will open to allow you to enter the job classes that the Delete function will be monitor.

      Figure 148. Popup Window for Job Class Entry

      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |OS/EM ----------------- NOT CATALOGED 2 CONTROLS ---------------- Version 6.1   |
      |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
      |          .----------- DELETE FILES -----------.                                |
      |          |                                    | ES     (Yes/No)                |
      |          |   (CMD = (A)dd; (D)elete)          |                                |
      |          | CMD     Class                      | O      (Yes/No)                |
      |          |  '       H                         |                                |
      |          |  '       1:9                       |                                |
      |    CMD A | ********* Bottom of data ********* |  CLASSES SELECTED ----------|  |
      |          |                                    |                                |
      |     C    |                                    | ############################   |
      |          |                                    |                                |
      |     _    | COMMAND ===>                       | ############################   |
      |          '------------------------------------'                                |
      |     _   YES   Fail Jobs           ###############PQR##U#####################   |
      |                                                                                |
      | (CMD = (S)elect for update; (C)lass set/modify)                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |

    4. Recatalog Files

      To have OS/EM uncatalog an existing file and recatalog it, place a C in the CMD field, enter YES in the ACTIVE field, then press the Enter key. A popup window will open to allow you to enter the job classes that the Recatalog function will monitor (see Figure 148).

    5. Fail Jobs

      To have OS/EM fail a job, place a C in the CMD field, enter YES in the ACTIVE field then press the Enter key. A popup window will open to allow you to enter the job classes that the Fail function will be monitor (see Figure 148).

    Note: You should always specify the FAIL option with both the Delete Files and the Recatalog Files; this insures that if a Not Catalog 2 condition is encountered and OS/EM should fail in correcting the Not Cataloged 2 condition, the Job will be failed with a JCL error.

    Reformat Jobcard Account Field

    Figure 149. Reformat Jobcard Account Field

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------ JOB CARD ACCOUNT FIELD ----------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Reformat Job card Account Field ===> NO       (Yes/No)                      |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Entering YES specifies that account numbers of the form (XX-YY), 'XX-YY', and XX-YY are to be converted to (XX,YY). That is, remove surrounding apostrophes or replace with parentheses if none are present, and convert dashes to commas.

    2. Specifying NO for this field disables this option.

    Surrogate Password Control

    Surrogate password control through OS/EM is intended to supply passwords to jobs submitted by started tasks, TSO users, or other batch jobs so that these jobs can properly access RACF protected datasets.

    This panel also controls whether password information will be added to jobs sent over a JES network and whether a password of 1 to 8 question marks found on a jobcard will be replaced with the user's password.

    Figure 150. Surrogate Password Control

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ---------------- SURROGATE PASSWORD CONTROL --------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    | Password Controls are active    ===> YES     (Yes, No)                         |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Password Dataset Name           ===> 'SYSX.NEWPASS'                            |
    | Delete or Load Password Dataset ===> LOAD    (Delete, Load)                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Add password to jobs            ===> YES     (Yes, No)                         |
    | Replace ???????? with password  ===> NO      (Yes, No)                         |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Allow surrogate password processing for listed:                                |
    |   Jobnames      ===> ___                                                       |
    |   Started Tasks ===> YES      Enter JOB, STC or TSU on Command line            |
    |   TSO Users     ===> YES      to update name lists                             |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Password Controls

      Password controls activates the optional OS/EM password function.

      Enter YES to enable this function.

      Enter NO to disable this function.

    2. Password Dataset Name

      The OS/EM password dataset consists of one statement per user ID, with the user ID in positions 1-8 and the password in positions 10-17. The user ID is defined to RACF and the password is the RACF password for that user ID. This dataset is user maintained via ISPF EDIT and should be RACF protected to limit access to authorized users.

      Use the file attributes: RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=0, to allocate the password dataset.

      The default password dataset name is SYS1.RACFPASS.

      Note: The User ID that is set in the password dataset has to be defined to RACF, and should have its password set up as "PASSWORD NOINTERVAL" in order to insure that the User ID password never expires.

    3. Delete or Load Password

      Requests that the OS/EM password dataset be deleted, loaded or reloaded.

    4. Add Password to Jobs

      Jobs sent over a JES network require password information be present on the jobcard. If you would like OS/EM to check for passwords and insert them if missing, enter YES.

    5. Replace ???????? with Password

      OS/EM can check for question marks on a jobcard and, if found, replace them with the user's password. This allows jobcards to be stored in an unprotected dataset, submitted for execution, and still prevent others from learning a user's password.

    6. Allow Surrogate Password Processing

      Entries for Jobnames, Started Tasks, and TSO Users specify that password insertion processing is to be active for jobs submitted by other jobs.

      Enter YES to enable processing.

      Enter NO to disable processing.

    7. Command Line

      An optional list of names can be specified which will limit password checking to the named job, STC, or user. If this list is omitted, all STCs jobs or users will have passwords added to the jobs they submit.

      Enter JOB, STC or TSU on the command line to access the name lists.

      Started task names, job names, and TSO user IDs may be specified with mask characters:

    Job Name Masks

    The following table shows the allowable mask characters:




    The question mark is used to unconditionally match any single character (except periods) where the question mark occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The ampersand is used to unconditionally match any single alpha character where the ampersand occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The percent sign is used to unconditionally match any single numeric character where the percent sign occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The dash is used to unconditionally match any preceding or succeeding character(s). Multiples are allowed.

    When a selection is made, the next panel will reflect your choice and the verbiage on the panel will also reflect your choice. In Figure 151, the choice was STC and the panel verbiage reflects STC. The same panel will appear for the other choices, JOB and TSU, but the verbiage will be different.

    Figure 151. Job Name List - STC

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------------- STC NAME LIST ------------------------ Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |(CMD = (A)dd (D)elete)                                                          |
    |CMD                 STC Name                                                    |
    | '                  CONTROLM                                                    |
    | '                  TMON8DLS                                                    |
    | '                  UCC7-                                                       |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Surrogate Password Use

    The intended use of this function is to supply passwords to jobs submitted by started tasks, TSO users, or other batch jobs so that these jobs can properly access RACF protected datasets. Your installation might, for example, have a job scheduling system installed. If you run it as a started task, and name it via this command, jobs which this scheduling system submits would be eligible to have passwords added to the JOB statement.

    This can avoid some audit and operational exposures associated with every job submitted by the Scheduling System having the highest level of access that is required for one job or system like system backups which require RACF OPERATION privilege.

    The password will be added if the submitted job's JOB statement has a USER=userid parameter that matches a USER ID in the OS/EM password dataset.

    Typically, you would define one or more user IDs that represent your production jobs. These user IDs would have RACF access to production datasets. Jobs which your scheduling system submits would have a JOB statement that included the USER=userid parameter. The OS/EM password dataset would include statements with these user IDs and their associated RACF passwords. When such jobs are submitted, the appropriate password would be added.

    You can create as many user IDs as are necessary within your installation.

    The OS/EM password dataset consists of one statement per user ID, with the user ID in positions 1-8 and the password in positions 10-17. The user ID is defined to RACF and the password is the RACF password for that user ID. The dataset is user maintained and should be RACF protected to limit access to authorized users only.

    It is your responsibility to keep this password dataset current and correct. OS/EM will use whatever password is indicated for the user ID. If the password is not correct for the user ID, the submitted job will fail with a password violation.

    Note: To keep the password dataset maintenance to a minimum, the RACF password for each user ID you define should be specified as NEVER CHANGE.

    Sysout Extensions

    The Sysout Extension Control function of OS/EM allows you to give extensions to jobs that go over the line limit defined on an OUTLIM JCL parameter, or the JES2 initialization parameters ESTLNCT, ESTPAGE or ESTBYTE. The controls can be selected based on the jobname, program name, job class and/or message class. It may also be controlled by RACF resource.

    There may be up to 32 different extension groups, and you may weight the different classes/names to help the selection of the group which will be used.

    Figure 152. Sysout Extension Controls Menu

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ---------------- SYSOUT EXTENSION CONTROLS ---------------- Version 6.1   |
    |SELECTION ===>                                                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |               1  Control by JES2 Parms         ( current subsystem: JES2     ) |
    |                                                                                |
    |               2  Control by OUTLIM parameter                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Select either Control by JES2 Parms or Control by OUTLIM parameter to get to the entry panel.

    Control by JES2 Parms 

    Figure 153. JES2 Sysout Extension Controls

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------- JES2 SYSOUT EXTENSION CONTROLS ------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |1                                                                           M   |
    | Extension Controls Active:  YES                                             S  |
    | RACF Resource Name:         SYSOUT.EXTEND                                   G  |
    | RACF logging:               NORMAL           (Normal/None)             C    C  |
    |                                                                        L    L  |
    |            ---- Extension ----   WTO When   WTOR After       J    P    A    A  |
    |            Lines  Pages  Bytes   Granted     How Many        O    G    S    S  |
    | RACF:      5000   11     11000     YES          __           B    M    S    S  |
    | Defaults:  10000  20     99999     YES          __                             |
    |S(elect for update)                           Weight: (1234)  1    2    3    4  |
    |S  Ext Active                                                 - Active Lists -  |
    |_  1     Y  1000   33     _____     YES          3           INC  INC  INC  INC |
    |_  2     Y  9999   _____  _____     YES          __          INC                |
    |_  3     N  _____  _____  _____     ___          __                             |
    |_  4     N  _____  _____  _____     ___          __                             |
    |_  5     N  _____  _____  _____     ___          __                             |
    |_  6     N  _____  _____  _____     ___          __                             |
    |_  7     N  _____  _____  _____     ___          __                             |
    |_  8     N  _____  _____  _____     ___          __                             |
    |_  9     N  _____  _____  _____     ___          __                             |
    |_  10    N  _____  _____  _____     ___          __                             |
    |_  11    N  _____  _____  _____     ___          __                             |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Extension Controls Active

      Enter YES to enable JES2 Sysout Extensions, or NO to disable them.

    2. RACF Resource Name

      Enter the resource name that has been defined to RACF for extension control. This name must be defined in the general resource FACILITY class for RACF and CA-ACF2 or the IBMFAC class for CA-Topsecret. Users who will be granted extensions must be given READ access to this profile.

      Note: This resource is only checked if there are no matches with the selection groups defined below. This includes the DEFAULT group. Therefore if you want to control Sysout Extensions via your Security Manager the DEFAULT group must be left blank.

    3. RACF Logging

      Enter NORMAL to have RACF logging, or NONE to turn off logging.

    4. The following fields are used for RACF control, defaults and for the 32 possible selection groups.

      Note: If a job does not match any selection group and there is no DEFAULT, and you have not specified a RACF resource name, the job will use the values defined in your JESPARMS member.

                    ---- Extension ----   WTO When  WTOR After
                    Lines  Pages  Bytes   Granted    How Many
         RACF:      5000_  11___  50000     YES        15
         Defaults:  10000  20___  99999     YES        50
        S  Ext Active
        _  1     Y  15000  30___  99999     YES        5_
        _  32    N  _____  _____  _____     ___        __

    5. Extension Lines

      Enter the number of lines that the job will be given each time an extension is granted.

    6. Extension Pages

      Enter the number of pages that the job will be given each time an extension is granted.

    7. Extension Bytes

      Enter the number of bytes that the job will be given each time an extension is granted.

    8. WTO When Extension Granted

      You may elect to have OS/EM send a message to the operator each time an extension is granted. Enter Yes or No in this field.

    9. WTOR After How Many

      To ensure that a job doesn't get over looked while extensions are being granted, you may elect to have OS/EM issue a WTOR to force the operator to allow the extension to be granted.

      To update these fields for RACF or Defaults or one of the 32 selection groups, simply overtype the previously entered information.

    10. Weight

      Each of the 32 selection groups may have selection lists attached to them. The different list types are: Job name, Program name, Job class and Message class. You must enter the weight that is to be given to each type of list. This weight will be used when a job matches more than one selection group. Enter 1, 2, 3 or 4 for each list type.

    For job name and program name, you either specify the exact name or use a name mask.

    Job classes and Message classes may be entered as individual classes or as a range, i.e. 1:4 specifies classes 1, 2, 3 and 4.

    To update any of these lists, simply enter an S in the select column and press enter. Another panel will be presented to allow update of the selectors.

    Figure 154. JES2 Sysout Extension Selectors

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------------ SELECTOR ENTRY - 1 --------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |Enter Selector Types, either Include or Exclude                                 |
    |                Jobclass ===> INCLUDE     Jobname  ===> INCLUDE                 |
    |                Msgclass ===> INCLUDE     Pgmname  ===> INCLUDE                 |
    |                                                                                |
    | Line Cmds: (D)elete line, (I)nsert line                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Selector                                                                     |
    |     Type     Selector Names/Mask List                                          |
    |_  JOBCLASS   P                                                                 |
    |_  JOBNAME    TRSWJ- TRSMJ-                                                     |
    |_  PGMNAME    TRP030 TRP190                                                     |
    |_  MSGCLASS   V                                                                 |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    This panel is displayed each time one of the selection groups is selected for update.

    Each list type may be either an include list or an exclude list. For example if you have an include list of job classes which contains 6:9, only jobs running in class 6, 7, 8 or 9 will be selected by this extension group. If it were an exclude list, jobs in class A through 5 would be eligible.

    The allowable selector types are:


    Enter jobclass as individual classes or a class range. A range is two classes separated by a colon (:).


    Jobnames may be entered as individual jobnames, or you may use jobname masks.


    Program names may be entered as individual programs or you may use program name masks.


    Enter message classes as individual classes or a class range. A range is two classes separated by a colon (:).

    For any of these lists, you may enter as many items as needed on a line separated with spaces. If you have more items than will fit on a single line, simply insert another line and use the same selector type.

    Control by OUTLIM parameter 

    Figure 155. Sysout Extension Controls

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ---------------- SYSOUT EXTENSION CONTROLS ---------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    | Extension Controls Active:  YES                                                |
    | RACF Resource Name:         OUTLIM.EXTEND                                   S  |
    | RACF logging:               NORMAL           (Normal/None)             C    Y  |
    |                                                                        L    S  |
    |             Extension        WTO When       WTOR After       J    P    A    O  |
    |               Lines      Extension Granted   How Many        O    G    S    U  |
    | RACF:         444              YES              4            B    M    S    T  |
    | Defaults:     1000             YES              __                             |
    |S(elect for update)                           Weight: (1234)  4    3    1    2  |
    |S  Ext Active                                                 - Active Lists -  |
    |_  1     Y     5200             YES              5           EXC  EXC  INC  INC |
    |_  2     _     _____            ___              __                             |
    |_  3     _     _____            ___              __                             |
    |_  4     _     _____            ___              __                             |
    |_  5     _     _____            ___              __                             |
    |_  6     _     _____            ___              __                             |
    |_  7     _     _____            ___              __                             |
    |_  8     _     _____            ___              __                             |
    |_  9     _     _____            ___              __                             |
    |_  10    _     _____            ___              __                             |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Extension Controls Active

      Enter YES to enable Sysout Extensions, or NO to disable them.

    2. RACF Resource Name

      Enter the resource name which has been defined to RACF for extension control. This name must be defined in the general resource FACILITY class for RACF and CA-ACF2 or the IBMFAC class for CA-Topsecret. Users who will be granted extensions must be given READ access to this profile.

    3. RACF Logging

      Enter NORMAL to have RACF logging, or NONE to turn off logging.

    4. The following fields are used for RACF control, as defaults and for the 32 possible selection groups.
                    Extension        WTO When       WTOR After
                      Lines      Extension Granted   How Many
         RACF:        1500_            YES              15
         Defaults:    1000_            NO_              15
        S  Ext Active
        _  1     Y    15000            YES              5_
        _  32    N    _____            ___              __

    5. Extension Lines

      Enter the number of lines that the job will be given each time an extension is granted.

    6. WTO When Extension Granted

      You may elect to have OS/EM send a message to the operator each time an extension is granted. Enter Yes or No in this field.

    7. WTOR After How Many

      To ensure that a job doesn't get over looked while extensions are being granted, you may elect to have OS/EM issue a WTOR to force the operator to allow the extension to be granted.

      To update these fields for RACF or Defaults, simply overtype the previously entered information.

    8. Weight

      Each of the 32 selection groups may have selection lists attached to them. The different list types are: Job name, Program name, Job class and Sysout class. You must enter the weight that is to be given to each type of list. This weight will be used when a job matches more than one selection group. Enter 1, 2, 3 or 4 for each list type.

    For job name and program name, you either specify the exact name or use a name mask.

    Job classes and SYSOUT classes may be entered as individual classes or as a range, i.e. 1:4 specifies classes 1, 2, 3 and 4.

    To update any of these lists, simply enter an S in the select column and press enter. Another panel will be presented to allow update of the different lists.

    Figure 156. Sysout Extension Lists

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------------ SELECTOR ENTRY - 1 --------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |Enter Selector Types, either Include or Exclude                                 |
    |                Jobclass ===> INCLUDE     Jobname  ===> INCLUDE                 |
    |                Msgclass ===> INCLUDE     Pgmname  ===> INCLUDE                 |
    |                                                                                |
    | Line Cmds: (D)elete line, (I)nsert line                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Selector                                                                     |
    |     Type     Selector Names/Mask List                                          |
    |_  JOBCLASS   P                                                                 |
    |_  JOBNAME    TRSWJ- TRSMJ-                                                     |
    |_  PGMNAME    TRP030 TRP190                                                     |
    |_  MSGCLASS   V                                                                 |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    This panel is displayed each time one of the selection groups is selected for update.

    Each list type may be either an include list or an exclude list. For example if you have an include list of job classes which contains 6:9, only jobs running in class 6, 7, 8 or 9 will be selected by this extension group. If it were an exclude list, jobs in class A through 5 would be eligible.

    The allowable selector types are:


    Enter jobclass as individual classes or a class range. A range is two classes separated by a colon (:).


    Jobnames may be entered as individual jobnames, or you may use jobname masks.


    Program names may be entered as individual programs or you may use program name masks.


    Enter sysout classes as individual classes or a class range. A range is two classes separated by a colon (:).

    For any of these lists, you may enter as many items as needed on a line separated with spaces. If you have more items than will fit on a single line, simply insert another line and use the same selector type.

    TSO Logoff Statistics

    TSO Logoff Statistics specifies that OS/EM will display TSO session statistics at logoff time.

    Figure 157. Logoff Statistics

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------------- LOGOFF STATISTICS -------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Provide TSO Logoff Statistics? ===> YES          (Yes/No)                      |
    |                                                                                |
    | Number of seconds to display?  ===> 1            (1 - 99)                      |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Provide TSO Logoff Statistics

      To enable TSO Logoff Statistics enter YES, to disable, enter NO.

    2. Number of seconds to display

      Enter the number of seconds to display the TSO Logoff Statistics. Valid entries are 1 to 99. This field is required if you entered YES above.

    Verify User Defined to RACF

    Figure 158. Verify User Defined to RACF

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------------- USER/RACF CHECK --------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Verify User is defined to RACF ===> NO       (Yes/No)                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Entering YES specifies that a check is done to ensure that the user is defined to your security system (RACF, CA-TOPSECRET, CA-ACF2).

    2. Specifying NO for this field disables this option.

    Verify User ID with Jobname

    USERID/JOBNAME check specifies that the first characters of the jobname matches the TSO USER ID. The check is limited to the classes specified.

    Figure 159. Verify UserID with Jobname

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------- USERID/JOBNAME CHECK ------------------- Version 6.1  |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Verify Jobname Starts With User ID ===> YES  (Yes/No/Blank)                  |
    |     Number of characters to compare  ===>      (1 to 7 or blank)               |
    |                                                                                |
    |   RACF Resource name ===> USERID.BYPASS        (exp: IKJEFF10.RACF)            |
    |   RACF Logging       ===> NONE                 (None/Normal)                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Enter class or class range below to limit verification (exp: A C:F)          |
    |                                                                                |
    |  (CMD = (A)dd; (D)elete)                                                       |
    |CMD     Class                                                                   |
    | '       A:9                                                                    |
    | '       STC                                                                    |
    | '       TSU                                                                    |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:


      Enter YES to cause OS/EM to verify User ID to Jobnames. Enter NO to turn this option off.

    2. Number of characters to compare

      Enter the number of characters of the User ID that will be used to compare it to the jobname. If blank, the full length of the User ID will be used.

    3. RACF Resource name

      Enter the name of the RACF resource which has been defined to control this option. Leave blank to have control strictly by class.

      This resource must be defined in the general resource FACILITY class for RACF and CA-ACF2 or IBMFAC for CA-Topsecret. Users must have READ access to this profile to allow job submission using a job name not matching their TSO ID. Only job classes specified below will be security checked.

    4. RACF Logging

      Enter NORMAL to have RACF logging, or NONE if logging is not required.

    5. Add or Delete

      To make the check universal enter the class as A:9.

      To enter a class, type an A in the CMD field and overtype the class.

      To delete a previously entered class, type a D in the CMD field of the class to be deleted.

      If a security resource name is supplied a RACHECK will be performed for any job submitted in the specified class(es).

    Job Routing Controls


    The optional Job Routing function allows job routing between CPU's in a JES2 MAS based on defined resource names and their availability. Use the $QA and $QD commands to manage resource names on each system running OS/EM Job Routing (See Appendix F, "JES2 Commands") The routing may be controlled by JCL statements placed within the JOBLIB member, or by specifying routing control information through the OS/EM Job Routing Controls function.

    Note: There may be a maximum of 127 routes per job. This is a combination of JCL statements and OS/EM automated routing.

    This function may also be used to change the Workload Manager service class that would normally be assigned to a job, override the specified jobclass or priority specified on the jobcard and change the Workload Manager scheduling environment.

    Note: If a valid JES2 NODE is found on a /*ROUTE XEQ nodename card the job is routed to the specified node before OS/EM has access to the job. Therefore no OS/EM changes will be processed on the system where the job was submitted. If OS/EM job routing is active on the node where the job was routed, OS/EM changes will be effective there.

    The $HASP message numbers produced by the OS/EM implementation of the Mellon Modifications may also be changed. This feature is provided for customers who would like to see the original Mellon message numbers. Although Mellon had originally reused IBM message numbers, the OS/EM implementation tries to avoid this where possible. This feature allows you to specify the message number you want to appear for selected messages.

    Note: The Job Routing Communications dataset must be on DASD shared by each JES within the MAS, and must be a unique dataset for each MAS or independent system running Job Routing. Failure to have unique datasets will result in unpredictable results/failures. Additionally the Job Routing function must be enabled on each LPAR within a MAS concurrently. Failure to do so will result in jobs not being allowed to execute on LPARs where Job Routing is active if they have been through the interpreter on a LPAR without Job Routing. Conversely, LPARs within the MAS without Job Routing active may select jobs for execution without the specified resources.

    Job Routing/Classing Controls Menu

    Figure 160. Job Routing/Classing Controls Menu

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------- JOB ROUTING/CLASSING CONTROLS - JES2 ---------- Version 6.1   |
    |SELECTION ===>                                                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                       1  System Level Controls                                 |
    |                       2  JECL Defaults                                         |
    |                       3  Message Number Substitution                           |
    |                       4  Resource Routing Groups                               |
    |                                                                                |
    |                       5  Change Jobclass/Priority Groups                       |
    |                       6  Change Scheduling Environment Groups                  |
    |                       7  Change SRVCLASS Groups                                |
    |                       8  Change XEQ Node Groups                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                       9  Set JES name / currently: JES2                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Each of these paths is presented in the following sections:

    1. System Level Controls (see "System Level Controls")

    2. JECL Defaults (see "JECL Defaults")

    3. Message Number Substitution (see "Message Number Substitution")

    4. Resource Routing Groups (see "Job Routing Resource Groups")

    5. Change JOBCLASS Groups (see "Change Jobclass/Priority Groups")

    6. Change SCHEDENV Groups (see "Change Scheduling Environment Groups")

    7. Change SRVCLASS Groups (see "Change SRVCLASS Groups")

    8. Change XEQ Node Groups (see "Change XEQ Node Groups")

    9. Set JES name (see "Set JES2 Name")

    System Level Controls

    This panel allows you to completely turn off the Job Routing Controls without deleting any of the control information previously entered. You also specify the name of the dataset containing your resource name information here.

    Figure 161. System Level Controls

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------- JOB ROUTING SYSTEM LEVEL CONTROLS - JES2 ------- Version 6.1      |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    | Resource DSN ===> 'SYSX.JOBROUTE.RESOURCE'                                     |
    |                                                                                |
    | Job Routing Active ===> YES         (Yes/No)                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    | Automatic Routing Active ===> YES   (Yes/No)                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    | Issue Message to Console ===> YES   (Yes/No)                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    | Default Resource ===> DEFAULT.RESOURCE.NAME_______________________             |
    |                                                                                |
    | Convert SCHENV JOBCARD parameter to OS/EM Route?          ===> NO    (Yes/No)  |
    |                                                                                |
    | Convert SYSAFF=name to SYSAFF=ANY if OS/EM Route present? ===> NO    (Yes/No)  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Data entry is as follows:

    1. Job Routing Active

    2. Resource DSN

      Enter the dataset name of the sequential file which will store the resource name information. This dataset must be located on a shared DASD volume that can be accessed by all LPARs in the MAS.

      This dataset contains 32 fixed length records - one record for each system within the MAS. Each record is made up of a 4 byte header plus 45 bytes for each active resource on the system.

      Allocate a Resource dataset with the following characteristics:


      where nnnnn is the record / block size. This is calculated with the following algorithm:

          45 * Max_Number_Resource_Entries + 4

      The minimum record length is 4505 (allowing a maximum of 100 active resources per system) and the maximum record length is 32719 (737 active resources). It is recommended that the maximum value is used since the dataset is very small and will not increase in size.

      Only allocate 32 blocks for the primary extent and zero for the secondary allocation. Any allocation exceeding this will simply be wasted allocated space.

    3. Job Routing Active

      Specify either YES or NO here.

      No OS/EM routing functions will be available unless this field is marked YES.

    4. Automatic Routing Active

      Specify either YES or NO here.

      If you enter NO but enter YES for Job Routing, only routing via JECL will be active. This field controls automatic routing as well as the ability to change various routing information.

    5. Issue Message to Console

      Specify either YES or NO here.

      Enter YES to have OS/EM Job Routing messages to be sent to the console. Messages will be issued each time a /*ROUTE JECL statement is processed or an automatic route is assigned.

      Note : All Job Routing messages are always written to the JES2 job log regardless of the setting of this control parameter.

    6. Default Resource

      To have a resource name attached to any job which either does not have an OS/EM routing card (/*ROUTE XEQ resource) in the JCL or does not match an automatic routing group simply enter the resource name here.

      To disable a default resource previously specified, simply blank out this field.

    7. Convert SCHENV JOBCARD parameter to OS/EM Route?

      Specifying YES will cause OS/EM to scan for the keyword SCHENV= on the JOBCARD statement and remove it. It then inserts an OS/EM Job Routing JECL statement using the scheduling environment name just removed as the resource name.

      Note: If you are using OS/EM Job Routing to assign a Scheduling Environment based on some selection criteria it will still be assigned, as that processing occurs after any original SCHENV keyword has been converted to a route statement. This means that your jobs could end up having a route statement with the original scheduling environment name as the resource and a SCHENV keyword generated based on your selection criteria.

    8. Convert SYSAFF=name to SYSAFF=ANY if OS/EM Route present?

      Specifying YES will cause OS/EM to set a job's system affinity (SYSAFF) to ANY, if, and only if, the job has been assigned one or more OS/EM Job Route resources. The job route resources may be from either JECL control cards (/*ROUTE XEQ resource) or automatically generated.

      Note: You may use both SCHENVCONVERT and SYSAFFANY. The system affinity change occurs after any schedule environments have been replaced with ROUTE statements.

      Additional notes:

      1. It is highly recommended that this option be activated if Resource Routing is being utilized.

      2. JES2 will continue to use the original SYSAFF specification to determine where JCL conversion takes place. Setting the SYSAFF to ANY occurs after JCL conversion and prior to queuing the job for execution.

      3. The independent mode status is not affected by this option. In other words, if the job routing condition is met, a job with SYSAFF=(CPU1,IND) would be changed to SYSAFF=(ANY,IND). In this way systems can be placed into independent mode and still participate fully in resource routing.

    JECL Defaults

    This option allows you to specify system wide defaults for the various JECL statements used for job routing and scheduling.

    See Appendix G, "JECL Statements for Job Routing" for information about the supported JECL statements.

    Figure 162. JECL Defaults

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------- JOB ROUTING JECL DEFAULTS - JES2 ----------- VERSION 6.1      |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    | CNTL Default  ==> SHR     (SHR/EXC)     THREAD Default ==> SHR     (SHR/EXC)   |
    |  Issue Message => YES     (Yes/No)      Issue Message  ==> YES     (Yes/No)    |
    | AFTER Statement Actions:  (Ignore/Fail/Wait/OK/Cancel/Hold)                    |
    |  No Job        => IGNORE  (I/F/W/OK)    No Specific Job => FAIL    (I/F)       |
    |  Multiple Jobs => OK      (I/F/OK)      Impossible Job  => CANCEL  (I/C/H)     |
    |  Issue Message => YES     (Yes/No)                                             |
    | BEFORE Statement Actions: (Ignore/Fail/OK)                                     |
    |  No Job        => OK      (I/F/OK)      No Specific Job => FAIL    (I/F)       |
    |  Multiple Jobs => OK      (I/F/OK)      Issue Message  ==> YES     (Yes/No)    |
    | EXCLUDE Statement Actions: (Ignore/Fail/OK)                                    |
    |  No Job        => OK      (I/F/OK)      No Specific Job => FAIL    (I/F)       |
    |  Multiple Jobs => OK      (I/F/OK)      Issue Message  ==> YES     (Yes/No)    |
    |  Basis         => TIME    (Time/System)                                        |
    | PRED Statement Actions:   (Ignore/Fail/Wait/OK/Cancel/Hold)                    |
    |  No Job        => IGNORE  (I/F/W/OK)    No Specific Job => FAIL    (I/F)       |
    |  Multiple Jobs => OK      (I/F/OK)      Impossible Job  => CANCEL  (I/C/H)     |
    |  Issue Message => YES     (Yes/No)                                             |
    | WITH Statement Actions:   (Ignore/Fail/Wait/OK/Cancel/Hold)                    |
    |  No Job        => WAIT    (I/F/W/OK)    No Specific Job => FAIL    (I/F)       |
    |  Multiple Jobs => OK      (I/F/OK)      Impossible Job  => CANCEL  (I/C/H)     |
    |  Basis         => TIME    (Time/System) Issue Message   => YES     (Yes/No)    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    Each of the remaining JECL statements are processed in the same way. The Impossible Job parameter is not available for the BEFORE or EXCLUDE statements.

    The meanings of the different options are:

    Issue Message (Yes / No)

    Enter YES to have OS/EM Job Routing messages to be sent to the console. Messages will be issued each time that the related JECL statement is processed.

    Note : All Job Routing messages are always written to the JES2 job log regardless of the setting of this control parameter.

    Basis (Time/System)

    This parameter applies to the WITH and EXCLUDE control statements. Valid Basis values are:


    The job will be run on any eligible member of the MAS once the WITH / EXCLUDE condition is satisfied.


    In the case of the WITH statement, the job will execute on any member of the MAS when the named job is executing in the MAS.


    With the EXCLUDE statement, the job will run on any eligible member of the MAS only when the named job is not executing in the MAS.


    The job will execute on specific MAS member(s).


    In the case of the WITH statement, the job will execute on the same MAS member where the named job is executing.


    With the EXCLUDE statement, the job will be allowed to execute on any eligible member of the MAS where the named job is NOT executing (the job will not wait for the named job to terminate unless there is no eligible MAS member).

    Message Number Substitution

    This function allows the user to set the message numbers for the standard OS/EM HASP messages. This could be desirable under the following circumstances:

    Figure 163. Mellon Message Substitution

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ---------- MELLON MESSAGE SUBSTITUTION - JES2 ------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    | Message Substitution Active ===> YES         (Yes/No)                          |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Line Cmds: (S)elect for update                                                 |
    |                                                                                |
    |      OS/EM    Replacement                                                      |
    |Sel Msg number Msg number   Message Text                                        |
    |_     900        ___        TOO MANY|FEW OPERANDS                               |
    |                                                                                |
    |_     901        ___        INVALID OPERAND XXXXX                               |
    |                                                                                |
    |_     902        ___        TOO MANY RESOURCES ALREADY DEFINED                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |_     903        ___        UNABLE TO ACCESS RESOURCE DATASET                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |_     904        ___        JJJJ(NNN) JOB X                                     |
    |                                                                                |
    |_     905        ___        RESOURCE IN USE. YOU MUST USE FORCE TO DELETE.      |
    |                                                                                |
    |_     906        ___        JJJ(NNN) /*_ JOB JJJ IS NOT SUITABLE FOR DJC        |
    |                            - X.                                                |
    |_     907        ___        JOBNAME XXXX IS NOT SUITABLE FOR DJC                |
    |                                                                                |
    |_     921        ___        LIST FORMS                                          |
    |                                                                                |
    |_     928        ___        DEVICE UNIT STATUS F=FORM Q=X                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |_     929        ___        JJJJ(NNN) /*X XXX REMOVED                           |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    When this function is selected a scrollable list of the OS/EM HASP messages is displayed. The message text displayed is not available for update, it is simply to aid in the identification of the message numbers to change.

    The input fields are as follows:

    Job Routing Resource Groups

    This function allows you to specify up to 999 different sets of routing rules. The 999 rule sets are shared between normal resource routing, changing jobclass/priority, changing scheduling environments, changing the service class or changing the execution node.

    These rules are searched sequentially and attached to the job in the order processed.

    Figure 164. Job Routing Resource Groups Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ---------------------- JOB ROUTING GROUPS - JES2 ---------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Line Cmds: (S)elect for update; (D)elete group, (C)opy, (M)ove, (O)ver         |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Routing   Group  Resource                                                   |
    |Sel Group No  Active   Name      Resource Description                           |
    | _    1         Y    EASYTREV                                                   |
    |                                 System B with Easytrieve_____________________  |
    | _    2         Y    THIS.IS.A.REALLY.LONG.RESOURCE.NAME                        |
    |                                 Example of using long resource names_________  |
    | _    3         _    ____________________________________________               |
    |                                 _____________________________________________  |
    | _    4         _    ____________________________________________               |
    |                                 _____________________________________________  |
    | _    5         _    ____________________________________________               |
    |                                 _____________________________________________  |
    | _    6         _    ____________________________________________               |
    |                                 _____________________________________________  |
    | _    7         _    ____________________________________________               |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    There are 5 line commands available:

    1. (S)elect for update

      To add or change the selection criteria for a resource, you must enter an S in the Sel column, then press enter. Another window will open where you can specify the selector type (such as DDNAME, UNITNAME, RACFGROUP), and the selector names or masks. (See Figure 165 for an example of this panel.) Resource names may be up to 44 characters long.

    2. (D)elete Group

      To clear a resource group, enter a D in the Sel column, then press enter. When you use this command and there are selection criteria attached to the resource, another panel will be displayed showing the selection criteria and warning you that they will be deleted if you continue. Press PF3 (end command) to process the deletion, or enter CANCEL on the command line to cancel the delete process. (See Figure 166 for an example of this panel.)

    3. (C)opy

      Use the copy line command along with the (O)ver line command to copy an existing resource group over an empty group. All of the existing selection criteria is copied along with the resource group.

    4. (M)ove

      Use the move line command along with the (O)ver line command to move an existing resource group over an empty group. All of the existing selection criteria is moved along with the resource group.

    Figure 165. Selector Entry Panel.

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------------ SELECTOR ENTRY - 1 ---------------- Version 6.1  |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    | Line Cmds: (D)elete line, (I)nsert line                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |     Selector                                                                   |
    |Sel    Type       Selector Name/Mask List                                       |
    | _   ACCOUNT      '12345,-,PROD'                                                |
    | _   DDNAME       USRUPDI EZUT1                                                 |
    | _   DSNAME       SPJRT.OSEM.VER60.TEST.ISPCLIB.G0001V00                        |
    | _   EXECPARM     'IMSP-'                                                       |
    | _   JOBNAME      TRSP- DDAP- MISP-                                             |
    | _   PGMNAME      TRPG121 TRPH223                                               |
    | _   RACFGROUP    SYS1 REMUSRS PROD                                             |
    | _   UNITNAME     3480 3480X 3420 CARD OCR                                      |
    | _   USERID       SP- AEJKE TS242JT                                             |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    This panel allows you to enter the selection criteria for a resource group. You may enter the following types of items:


    The account number or mask on the JOBCARD.


    The DDNAME or mask of any DD statement.


    A dataset name or mask.


    A PARM field or mask found on an EXEC statement.


    The class of the job.


    A job name or mask.


    Time value from jobcard. The time parameters are entered as MMMMMM.SS, where MMMMMM may be from 0 to 357,912 minutes and SS may be from 0 to 59 seconds.

    JOBTIME may also be entered as a range by separating the beginning and ending values with a colon (:), i.e. 0.10:2.0 would specify a range beginning with zero minutes and 10 seconds to two minutes and zero seconds. Leading and trailing zeros may be dropped, i.e. the above could also be entered as .10:2 for ten seconds to two minutes.


    A PDS member name or mask found in a DD statement.


    A program name or mask found on an EXEC statement.


    A RACF group or mask.


    The workload manager scheduling environment.


    The workload manager service class.


    The user ID or job name that submitted the job.


    The program name that submitted the job.


    The source type, either JOB, TSU or STC.


    The name of a unit on a DD statement.


    The user ID associated with the job.

    Note: If JOBCLASS or SERVCLS is used for job routing, unpredictable results will occur if the class is changed after the job has been submitted.

    Separate the names or masks with a space. You may enter as many names/masks as will fit on the line. To enter more items, simply insert another line and enter the same type.

    Note: The selector types ACCOUNT and EXECPARM only allow use of one item. In other words if you wanted jobs with execution parms of 'IMSP-' and 'IMSD-' to be routed to the same system, you would have to code two separate selection groups, one for each parm.

    Multiple names/masks within a selector type are considered to be OR conditions. That is, if any of them are matched the condition is satisfied. Specifying multiple selector types, however, is considered to be an AND condition. All selector types must be a match in order for the resource name to be assigned to the job.

    For example, if the following entries were used:

      Sel   Type       Selector Name/Mask List
       _  DDNAME       SYSUT2 SPECIAL
       _  JOBNAME      TSYS- TDEV-

    Then only those jobs which had jobnames beginning with TSYS or TDEV that also had a DDNAME of SPECIAL or a DDNAME of SYSUT2 in their JCL streams would be assigned that particular Resource Name.

    On the other hand, if you only wanted TSYS jobs with a SYSUT2 DDNAME or only those TDEV jobs with a SPECIAL DDNAME to be assigned the Resource Name, you could code two Routing Groups and specify the same Resource Name for both.

            Routing   Group  Resource
        Sel Group No  Active   Name      Resource Description
         _    1         Y    RES_TEST
                                         TSYS jobs with DDNAME SYSUT2___
         _    2         Y    RES_TEST
                                         TDEV jobs with DDNAME SPECIAL__
         _    3         _    ____________________________________________

    Routing group 1 would have selector entries like:

      Sel   Type       Selector Name/Mask List
       _  DDNAME       SYSUT2_____________________
       _  JOBNAME      TSYS-______________________

    Routing group 2 would have selector entries like:

      Sel   Type       Selector Name/Mask List
       _  DDNAME       SPECIAL____________________
       _  JOBNAME      TDEV-______________________

    In this way, TDEV jobs with a SYSUT2 DDNAME and TSYS jobs with a SPECIAL DDNAME would not be assigned the resource as they would in the first example.

    There are two line commands available for this panel.

    1. (D)elete line

      Use this line command to delete an invalid or obsolete line.

    2. (I)nsert line

      Use this line command to insert a blank line into the display. Then enter the resource type and the names/masks for that type.

      The display is sorted by selector type, so even if you insert a line at the end of the display, when next entered the panel will have been resorted.

    Figure 166. Delete Warning Panel.

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------- SELECTION DELETION CONFIRMATION - 1 -------- Version 6.1  |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    | WARNING:  The following entries will be deleted if the Resource Group          |
    |           1       is deleted.                                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    | Press PF3 or END to delete Resource Group and all selection entries,           |
    | else, enter CANCEL to return without deleting group.                           |
    |                                                                                |
    |     Selection                                                                  |
    |       Type       Type Name/Mask List                                           |
    |     DDNAME       OUTFILM                                                       |
    |     JOBNAME      MISPRDP                                                       |
    |     UNITNAME     MISTAP                                                        |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    This panel will be displayed showing the selection criteria for a resource group before the group is deleted. If you are sure you want the group deleted, simply press the PF3 key or enter the END command. To continue without deleting the group, enter the CANCEL command.

    Change Jobclass/Priority Groups

    This function allows you to specify up to 999 different sets of rules to allow changing the Jobclass or priority parameter. The 999 rule sets are shared between normal resource routing, changing jobclass/priority, changing scheduling environments, changing the service class or changing the execution node.

    The rules are processed sequentially and attached to the job in the order processed. Because of this the last matching rule will be the one that actually sets the jobclass and/or priority.

    Note: You must enable Automatic Routing. See "System Level Controls".

    Figure 167. Jobclass/Priority Change Groups Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------- JOBCLASS/PRIORITY CHANGE GROUPS - JES2 ---- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Line Cmds: (S)elect for update, (D)elete group, (C)opy, (M)ove, (O)ver         |
    |                                                                                |
    |                     Change                                                     |
    |Sel Group  Active Class/Priority  Change Description                            |
    | _   1       _      _      __     ____________________________________________  |
    | _   3       _      _      __     ____________________________________________  |
    | _   4       _      _      __     ____________________________________________  |
    | _   5       _      _      __     ____________________________________________  |
    | _   6       Y      T      9      jobname spx-________________________________  |
    | _   7       _      _      __     ____________________________________________  |
    | _   9       Y      U      __     unitname myunit_____________________________  |
    | _   11      Y      _      15     ddname mydd_________________________________  |
    | _   16      _      _      __     ____________________________________________  |
    | _   18      _      _      __     ____________________________________________  |
    | _   19      _      _      __     ____________________________________________  |
    | _   20      _      _      __     ____________________________________________  |
    | _   21      _      _      __     ____________________________________________  |
    | _   22      _      _      __     ____________________________________________  |
    | _   23      _      _      __     ____________________________________________  |
    | _   24      _      _      __     ____________________________________________  |
    |                                                                                |

    The fields and their meanings are listed below:

    Change Scheduling Environment Groups

    This function allows you to specify up to 999 different sets of rules to allow changing the Workload Manager SCHENV parameter. The 999 rule sets are shared between normal resource routing, changing jobclass/priority, changing scheduling environments, changing the service class or changing the execution node.

    The rules are processed sequentially and attached to the job in the order processed. Because of this the last matching rule will be the one that actually sets the scheduling environment.

    Note: You must enable Automatic Routing. See "System Level Controls".

    Figure 168. Scheduling Environment Change Groups Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------- SCHEDULE ENVIRONMENT CHANGE GROUPS - JES2 -- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Line Cmds: (S)elect for update, (D)elete group, (C)opy, (M)ove, (O)ver         |
    |                                                                                |
    |                       Change                                                   |
    |Sel Group No  Active   SCHEDENV            Change Description                   |
    | _    1         _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    2         Y      MONTHEND  Monthend Production Jobs_____________________  |
    | _    3         _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    4         _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    5         _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    7         _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    16        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    18        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    19        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    20        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    21        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    22        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    23        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    24        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    25        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    26        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    |                                                                                |

    This panel is a scrollable list of the 999 groups available.

    The fields and their meanings are listed below:

    Change SRVCLASS Groups

    This function allows you to specify up to 999 different sets of rules to allow changing the Workload Manager SRVCLASS parameter. The 999 rule sets are shared between normal resource routing, changing the jobclass/priority, changing scheduling environments, changing the service class or changing the execution node.

    The rules are processed sequentially and attached to the job in the order processed. Because of this the last matching rule will be the one that actually sets the service class.

    Note: You must enable Automatic Routing. See "System Level Controls".

    Figure 169. SRVCLASS Change Groups Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------------- SRVCLASS CHANGE GROUPS - JES2 -------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Line Cmds: (S)elect for update, (D)elete group, (C)opy, (M)ove, (O)ver         |
    |                                                                                |
    |                       Change                                                   |
    |Sel Group No  Active   Srvclass            Change Description                   |
    | _    1         _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    3         _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    4         _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    5         _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    7         _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    8         Y      BATCHSYP  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    16        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    18        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    19        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    20        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    21        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    22        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    23        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    24        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    25        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    26        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    |                                                                                |

    This panel is a scrollable list of the 999 groups available.

    The fields and their meanings are listed below:

    Change XEQ Node Groups

    This function allows you to specify up to 999 different sets of rules to allow changing the execution node parameter. The 999 rule sets are shared between normal resource routing, changing the jobclass/priority, changing scheduling environments, changing the service class or changing the execution node.

    The rules are processed sequentially and attached to the job in the order processed. Because of this the last matching rule will be the one that actually sets the execution node.

    Note: You must enable Automatic Routing. See "System Level Controls".

    Figure 170. XEQ Node Change Groups Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------------- XEQ NODE CHANGE GROUPS - JES2 -------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Line Cmds: (S)elect for update, (D)elete group, (C)opy, (M)ove, (O)ver         |
    |                                                                                |
    |                       Change                                                   |
    |Sel Group No  Active   XEQ Node            Change Description                   |
    | _    1         _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    3         _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    4         _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    5         _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    7         _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    8         Y      GREEN1    Route jobs to the Green Prod System _________  |
    | _    16        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    18        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    19        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    20        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    21        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    22        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    23        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    24        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    25        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    | _    26        _      ________  _____________________________________________  |
    |                                                                                |

    This panel is a scrollable list of the 999 groups available.

    The fields and their meanings are listed below:

    Miscellaneous Controls


    The Miscellaneous Controls Menu provides access to the ACF2 Non-cancel Override, Catalog Account Control, Estimated Costs Controls, TSO Program Intercept and WTO functions.

    Miscellaneous Controls Menu

    Figure 171. Miscellaneous Controls Menu

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------ MISCELLANEOUS CONTROLS ----------------- Version 6.1   |
    |SELECTION ===>                                                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                       1  ACF2 Noncancel Override Control                       |
    |                       2  Catalog Account Controls                              |
    |                       3  Estimated Costs Controls                              |
    |                       4  SMF Dump Controls                                     |
    |                       5  TSO Program Intercept Controls                        |
    |                       6  WTO Controls                                          |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Each of these functions is presented in the following sections:

    1. ACF2 Non-cancel Override (see "ACF2 Non-cancel Override Control")

    2. Catalog Account Control (see "Catalog Account Control")

    3. Estimated Costs Controls (see "Estimated Costs Controls")

    4. SMF Dump Controls (see "SMF Dump Controls")

    5. TSO Program Intercept (see "TSO Program Intercept")

    6. WTO (see "WTO Controls")

    ACF2 Non-cancel Override Control

    The ACF2 Non-cancel Override allows OS/EM to enforce controls previously setup for ACF2 users who have the non-cancel attribute.

    Figure 172. ACF2 Non-cancel Override Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------- ACF2 NONCANCEL OVERRIDE CONTROL ------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |      ACF2 Noncancel Override Active ===> YES         (Yes/No)                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    Catalog Account Control

    The Catalog Account Control function will place up to 32 characters of JOB or STEP accounting information into the catalog record for a new VSAM or SMS-managed non-VSAM data set. The Access Methods Services program, DCOLLECT, can then be used to produce charge-back reports for DASD utilization.

    If a catalog account field is already present, e.g., it was specified on the IDCAMS DEFINE statement, it is not replaced. If both JOB and STEP accounting information is present, STEP accounting takes precedence.

    You must enable SMF record type 61 in your SMFPRMxx parmlib member for this function to operate.

    The Catalog Account entry panel provides the means for tailoring the function to an installation's specific needs. The information to be selected from either a JOB's accounting fields or a STEP's accounting fields and placed in the 32-byte catalog account field can be controlled by up to eight subfield entries.

    These subfield entries specify an account field, a starting position within the account field and the number of characters to select. This allows for selecting all or parts of up to eight different accounting fields or eight parts of a single accounting field or any combination in between. The subfields are processed from left-to-right and the information obtained from processing each is placed in the catalog account field in left-to-right order as well.

    If a subfield requests an account number that is not present, or there is not enough data in the account field to satisfy the requested subfield length, provision is made to use an error character to fill in the gap. If the subfield length is zero, the subfield is skipped. If the combined subfield lengths are greater than 32 characters, only the first 32 are used.

    There is a DEFAULT group of subfield entries and provision for up to 16 additional groups of subfield entries that are used in conjunction with selection criteria such as JOBNAME, JOBCLASS, USERID and RACF GROUPNAME. Weights can be assigned to the selection criteria so that if a match is made on more than one criterion, the one with the highest weight assigned is the subfield selection group used. If weights are not assigned or are equal, the first group (from 1 to 16) that satisfies the criteria is used. If no criteria are met, the default selection group is used.

    The primary entry panel for the Catalog Account Controls function allows you to turn the function on or off; specify an error fill code to be used for a missing or short account field; specify the name of the started task(s) which handle recalling or recovering datasets which have been migrated or backup up; specify the default selection values to build the accounting code if a job does not match any of the 16 selection groups; specify an Owner ID to be used if missing from the ACEE; specify weights to be applied to the different selection criteria which may be specified.

    Figure 173. Catalog Account Control Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------------- CATALOG ACCOUNT CONTROLS ---------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                            R   |
    | Catalog Account Active:  YES                                               A   |
    |             Error Code:  /     Archival STC Names: HSM       ________      C   |
    |                                                                         C  F   |
    |                    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8       U  L      |
    | Select      Field  3     0     __    5     3     1     1     __   J  S  A  G   |
    | Defaults:   Start  1     1     ___   3     8     1     1     ___  O  E  S  R   |
    |             Length 1     1     __    1     1     1     1     __   B  R  S  P   |
    |             Owner  IGGYPOP                                                     |
    |(S)elect lists, (D)elete lists                     Weights: (1234) 1  2  3  4   |
    |S GRP Active                                                      Active Lists  |
    |_  1    Y    Field  5     7     3     1     3     5     1     __         I      |
    |             Start  4     1     9     1     3     5     5     ___               |
    |             Length 1     1     1     1     1     1     1     __                |
    |_  2    Y    Field  11    5     0     5     1     11    9     __   I            |
    |             Start  3     2     2     0     5     2     4     ___               |
    |             Length 1     1     1     1     1     1     1     __                |
    |_  3    Y    Field  9     3     7     3     5     7     11    1       I         |
    |             Start  1     3     1     7     4     2     2     4                 |
    |             Length 1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1                 |
    |_  4    Y    Field  3     11    3     7     0     9     3     __            I   |
    |             Start  0     4     3     4     5     1     1     ___               |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    The bottom portion of the panel is a scrollable area containing the 16 possible selection groups. Enter the account code field number, the starting position within the field and the length of the field to be moved. You may specify up to eight areas. They may be the same or different field numbers.

    To delete a field entry no longer needed, you must blank out the field, start and length fields.

    To the right of the panel are four indicators showing the type of selection list, Job Name, User ID, Job Class or RACF Group. An I means that it is an INCLUDE group, while an E means that it is an EXCLUDE group.

    To make the list active, enter a Y in the ACTIVE column. Enter a N to turn the list off without having to blank out the entries.

    To update the selection list types, place a S in the S column and press enter.

    Figure 174. Catalog Account Lists

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------------ SELECTOR ENTRY - 3 ---------------- Version 6.1  |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    |Enter Selector Types, either Include or Exclude                                 |
    |                Jobclass ===>             Jobname  ===>                         |
    |                RACFGRP  ===>             USERID   ===> INCLUDE                 |
    |                                                                                |
    | Line Cmds: (D)elete line, (I)nsert line                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Selector                                                                     |
    |     Type     Selector Names/Mask List                                          |
    |_  USERID     SPHG-                                                             |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |          +------------------------------------------------------+              |
    |          | Selector Types:  JOBCLASS, JOBNAME, RACFGRP, USERID. |              |
    |          +------------------------------------------------------+              |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    This selection panel allows you to specify the selector types active for this catalog account selection group, as well as specifying the list type, either INCLUDE or EXCLUDE.

    To enter selector entries, use the I command to insert a blank line, then enter the Selector Type and the names or masks that will be checked. Separate the names with a space. If you have more names/masks than will fit on a line, simply insert another blank line and use the same selector type.

    When entering jobclasses, you may enter a range of classes by separating the first and last class with a colon (:), i.e. A:D will cause OS/EM to check class A, B, C and D.

    The four selector types available are:

    Note: The following restrictions apply:

    Estimated Costs Controls

    The Estimated Cost function of OS/EM can be used to calculate an approximate charge for running each step of a job and an approximate total cost of running the job. The costs are presented in the flower box produced by requesting OS/EM's STEP/JOB-end statistics (see "Job/Step Statistics".)

    The Estimated Cost Controls panel provides the means for tailoring the computation of estimated cost to an Installation's specific needs. There are twelve selectable rate fields that can be specified as multipliers against usage measurements such as service units, CPU time, I/O activity and tape mounts. Additionally, field entries are provided for a CPU time normalization factor, a fixed cost that is added to each job's total cost, and a default minimum cost of a job that will be used if the calculated cost is lower. Up to sixteen separate sets of rates can be specified based upon System ID. A default set of rates can also be specified that will be used against work run on any LPAR for which there is no specific System ID set of rates.

    Which rate or rates to specify is up to each individual installation. If an installation wishes to compute an estimated cost based upon TCB CPU time only, then only that rate field needs to be entered. A value of zero for a rate negates the use of that rate in the cost calculation. The computed values for each rate/usage measurement combination (rounded up to two decimal places) are added together to arrive at an estimated cost. If a fixed cost value is specified it will be added to the job's total cost. If a minimum cost value is specified it will be used for a job's total cost if the calculated value is lower.

    Figure 175. Estimated Cost Groups Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------ ESTIMATED COST GROUPS ------------------ Version 6.1   |
    |Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Estimated Cost Controls Active ===>  YES                                       |
    |                                                                                |
    | Set Default Values ===>  NO                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    | (S)elect for Update                                                            |
    |Sel   Group   Active   SYSID   Description                                      |
    | _     1        Y      WXYZ    NON-EXISTANT SYSTEM LPAR                         |
    | _     2        Y      TEST    TEST LPAR                                        |
    | _     3        Y      EXPR    PRODUCTION SYSTEM                                |
    | _     4        N      ____    ________________________________________         |
    | _     5        N      ____    ________________________________________         |
    | _     6        N      ____    ________________________________________         |
    | _     7        N      ____    ________________________________________         |
    | _     8        N      ____    ________________________________________         |
    | _     9        N      ____    ________________________________________         |
    | _     10       N      ____    ________________________________________         |
    | _     11       N      ____    ________________________________________         |
    | _     12       N      ____    ________________________________________         |
    | _     13       N      ____    ________________________________________         |
    | _     14       N      ____    ________________________________________         |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    The bottom portion of this panel contains a scrollable list of the sixteen (16) available rate groups. Each entry must specify the SMFID of the system to which the rates apply and for the rates to be active you must enter a Y in the Active column. An optional line of descriptive text may also be entered.

    Below is a sample of the rates data entry panel along with a description of each field.

    Figure 176. Estimated Cost Controls Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | OS/EM ------------ ESTIMATED COST CONTROLS - 0 ------------ Version 6.1        |
    | COMMAND ===>                                                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |  System ID:     DEFT                                                           |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Minimum Cost:  00010 . 00            Fixed Cost:    00002 . 00                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Service Unit Multipliers:                                                     |
    |    TCB Service Units: . 3500000       I/O Service Units: . 7400000             |
    |    SRB Service Units: . 3300000       MSO Service Units: . 2900000             |
    |                                                                                |
    |  CPU Time Multipliers:                                                         |
    |    TCB CPU Time:  01 . 32000          SRB CPU Time:  02 . 43000                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  I/O Activity Multipliers:                                                     |
    |    DASD:  00 . 87300                  TAPE:  02 . 25000                        |
    |    VIO:   01 . 99000                                                           |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Tape Mount Multipliers:                                                       |
    |    Specific Tape Mounts:  03 . 59000  Non-Specific Tape Mounts:  02 . 11000    |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Normalization Factor:    001 . 0000  Device Connect Time:  01 . 11000         |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:


    1. This function requires the use of SMF exit IEFACTRT and SMF record types 30.4 and 30.5. The SYS1.PARMLIB member, SMFPRMxx, should reflect this requirement.

    2. The calculated estimated cost of a STEP/JOB is displayed in the STEP/JOB-end statistics produced by OS/EM. This function must be enabled.

    3. Rounding to two (2) decimal places takes place at the end of each calculation, not at the end of cost processing.

    SMF Dump Controls

    This function allows you to specify the name of a JCL procedure that is to be executed when an SMF log is closed. The procedure would typically archive the SMF data and clear the log for subsequent reuse.

    This function will obsolete any in-house maintained IEFU29 and/or IEFU29L user exits that are currently being used. Users should deactivate any IEFU29 & IEFU29L user exits prior to enabling this function.

    Figure 177. SMF Dump Controls Menu

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------------- SMF DUMP CONTROLS -------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |SELECTION ===>                                                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                       1  SMF Dump via IEFU29                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                       2  SMF Dump via IEFU29L                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=End    F7=Up      F8=Down    F9=Swap   F12=Cancel     |
    |                                                                                |

    Select the desired option:

    1. SMF Dump via IEFU29 - This function processes the SMF data that is being recorded to standard SMF log datasets.

    2. SMF Dump via IEFU29L - This function processes the SMF data that is being recorded to the System Logger. This function is only supported for z/OS Version 1.9 or later.

    Note: The IEFU29 and/or IEFU29L user exits must be enabled in the SMFPRMxx member in the system PARMLIB (refer to the MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference).

    SMF Dump Controls - IEFU29

    Figure 178. SMF Dump Controls (IEFU29) Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ---------------- SMF DUMP CONTROLS - IEFU29 --------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Issue Start Command?  ===> YES        (Yes/No)                              |
    |                                                                                |
    |      PROC Name           ===> SMFDUMP    (Required)                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |      DSN Symbol Name     ===> SMFDSN     (Optional)                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    Note: When this option is activated, the processing module will always complete with a return code of 4. This will suppress the SMF dump messages (IEE362I and IEE362A) from being displayed. Users should ensure that this suppression of messages does not impact any automated operations that rely on these messages to trigger other actions.

    SMF Dump Controls - IEFU29L

    Figure 179. SMF Dump Controls (IEFU29L) Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------- SMF DUMP CONTROLS - IEFU29L --------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Issue Start Command?  ===> YES        (Yes/No)                              |
    |                                                                                |
    |      PROC Name           ===> SMFDUMP    (Required)                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    TSO Program Intercept

    This function allows you to specify the name of a program that is executed under TSO and disallow use of the program and writing up to 5 lines of explanation.

    This would typically be used to force execution of certain programs only on the LPAR where they are licensed.

    Space for thirty-two programs is provided.

    Figure 180. TSO Program Intercept Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------ TSO PROGRAM INTERCEPT ------------------ Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    | Program Intercept Active:  YES                     (Yes/No)                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |S(elect for update)                                                             |
    |S  Number  Active  Program   Message                                            |
    |_   3       NO     ________                                                     |
    |_   4       NO     ________                                                     |
    |_   5       NO     ________                                                     |
    |_   6       NO     ________                                                     |
    |_   7       NO     ________                                                     |
    |_   8       NO     ________                                                     |
    |_   9       NO     ________                                                     |
    |_   10      YES    DLSPUNK3  UNABLE TO EXECUTE ON THIS LPAR.                    |
    |_   11      NO     ________                                                     |
    |_   12      NO     ________                                                     |
    |_   13      NO     ________                                                     |
    |_   14      NO     ________                                                     |
    |_   15      NO     ________                                                     |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    There are 32 available slots to specify a program name and the associated messages.

    To activate any of the 32 slots, tab to the appropriate slot and enter YES To deactivate a slot, enter NO.

    For each slot activated, and program name and message must be entered. To enter or change a program name, simply tab to the program field and type the program name. To add or change the message, enter an S in the select column on and press enter. A popup window will open allowing 5 lines of text.

    Note: Do not use apostrophes (') in your message text!

    WTO Controls

    Description  The WTO Controls function allows OS/EM to monitor user specified DD names for specific messages. When found, the message is written to the system console to allow appropriate action by either the operator or an automated operations package.

    The DD name to be monitored may be limited to specific job names and/or program names. To have this function active, you must specify at a minimum a message id to search for, a DD name to search, and the program name (from the exec card) which owns the DD name.

    WTO Controls Entry Panel 

    Figure 181. WTO Controls Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------------------- WTO CONTROLS ---------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |              WTO Controls Active ===> YES         (Yes/No)                     |
    |                                                                                |
    |Line Commands: (S)elector Groups, (D)elete Groups                               |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                      Active Selection Lists    |
    |                   Add      Route    Description    DD    Job  Message  Program |
    |SEL Num Active   OSEM ID    Codes       Codes      Name   Name   ID       Name  |
    | '  1     YES      YES       YES         YES       YES    YES    YES      YES   |
    | '  2     NO       ___                                                          |
    | '  3     NO       ___                                                          |
    | '  4     NO       ___                                                          |
    | '  5     NO       ___                                                          |
    | '  6     NO       ___                                                          |
    | '  7     NO       ___                                                          |
    | '  8     NO       ___                                                          |
    | '  9     NO       ___                                                          |
    | '  10    NO       ___                                                          |
    | '  11    NO       ___                                                          |
    | '  12    NO       ___                                                          |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    The fields and their meanings for this entry panel are:

    There are 32 available groupings which control which messages are tracked. Besides specifying the selection criteria, for each group you may have an OS/EM message number appended to the front of your message (FEMDC1195), and specify any routing codes or description codes to be used on the generated WTO.

    There are 2 line commands available on this panel. These are used to enter information about route codes and description codes, or to specify information in a selection criteria list.

    Figure 182. Selector Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------------ SELECTOR ENTRY - 1 --------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Line Cmds: (D)elete line, (I)nsert line                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Selector                                                            Message  |
    |     Type    Selector Names/Mask List                                   Start   |
    |_  DDNAME                                                              _______  |
    |         MSGOUT_______________________________________________________________  |
    |_  DESCCDE                                                             _______  |
    |         9____________________________________________________________________  |
    |_  JOBNAME                                                             _______  |
    |         TRPD030______________________________________________________________  |
    |_  ROUTECDE                                                            _______  |
    |         11___________________________________________________________________  |
    |_  MSGID                                                               8        |
    |         UPDATE OF MASTER FAILED______________________________________________  |
    |_  PGMNAME                                                             _______  |
    |         TRP0321P_____________________________________________________________  |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |  +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
    |  | DDNAME, MSGID and PGMNAME are REQUIRED!                                     |
    |  +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    There are 6 selector types available, however two types (DESCCDE and ROUTECDE) are used to store information to be passed back to MVS on the WTO macro and not used to select messages to be processed.

    Three selector types are required to activate this function: DDNAME, PGMNAME and MSGID.



    Quick Pool is a dynamic DASD pooling package for non-VSAM datasets and also enforces VSAM dataset placement as defined by the pooling rules.

    Summary of Features

    QuickPool Menu

    Figure 183. QuickPool Menu

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------------ QUICK POOL ----------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |SELECTION ===>                                                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                       1  DASD Allocation Controls                              |
    |                       2  Quickpool Rules                                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Each of these paths is presented in the following sections:

    1. DASD Allocation Controls (see "DASD Allocation Control")

    2. QuickPool Rules (see "QuickPool Rules")

    DASD Allocation Control

    The Control DASD allocation function consists of one panel (Figure 184). By specifying either a YES or NO, you control the following options:

    Figure 184. Control DASD Allocation

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------------- CONTROL DASD ALLOCATION ----------------- Version 6.1   |
    |SELECTION ===>                                                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Select the DASD allocation function(s) from the following list.             |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Specifying YES before a function means that that function will be           |
    |    allowed. Specifying NO before a function means that that function           |
    |    will not be allowed. RES (for RESET) is allowed for ADSP and PROT.          |
    |                                                                                |
    |           YES  ENABLE  - Enable/Disable ALL DASD/QuickPool controls            |
    |           NO   WARN    - Operate DASD/QuickPool controls in WARN mode          |
    |           NO   ABSTR   - Absolute track allocation                             |
    |           YES  CONTIG  - Contiguous space allocation                           |
    |           NO   ALX     - ALX allocation                                        |
    |           NO   MXIG    - MXIG allocation                                       |
    |           NO   SINGLE  - Single-level dataset name allocation                  |
    |           NO   ISAM    - ISAM file organization                                |
    |           YES  UNMOVE  - Unmovable file allocation                             |
    |           NO   ADSP    - RACF automatic dataset protection                     |
    |           NO   PROT    - RACF discrete profiles                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    The DASD Allocation Control function may be used to allow or disallow various allocation parameters.

    Field entry is as follows:

    WARN mode 

    WARN mode provides you with a way of observing your allocation rules without enforcing those rules. Each time a dataset allocation would violate a rule, the allocation proceeds and a WTO message is created. The WTO message will list the dataset that was allocated, and the dataset name group the dataset resolved to. With this information, you can determine why the allocation would have been disallowed if WARN mode had not been in effect.

    WARN mode should be used before actually "turning on" the QuickPool function. Allocation rules can become complicated, and your installation probably would not want production jobs failing because a dataset could not be allocated. It is also quite likely that there are jobs that do not follow whatever allocation rules your installation currently has in place. And, since the QuickPool function really should be done without reference to specific volume serial number on DD statements, time will be required to alter all your installation's JCL.

    QuickPool Rules

    The QuickPool function controls which datasets may, or may not, be allocated on which DASD volumes. It will also automatically place datasets on the correct volume if your jobs do not direct datasets to specific volumes (such directed allocations must still follow the rules you establish). You can create volume groups with certain performance objectives in mind and ensure that proper datasets are placed on these volumes. For example, some of your volumes may deliver better access times because of your hardware configuration. These volumes would be likely candidates for your online files where quick access can be critical. Or, you can create volume groups that will ensure that datasets with simultaneous, heavy access are properly separated. The effectiveness of the QuickPool function is determined by the volume and dataset name groups you have built.

    Figure 185. QuickPool Functions

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------- QUICKPOOL FUNCTIONS ------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                           Quickpool Active ===> YES    (Yes/No)                |
    |                    Operate in Control mode ===> YES    (Yes/No)                |
    |                                                                                |
    |Note: The groups GLOBALA and GLOBALD contain the DSN groups which are always    |
    |       ALLOWED or DISALLOWED on QuickPool controlled volumes.                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |CMD = (A)dd pool (D)elete pool (C)hange DSN groups (S)elect enable/description) |
    |CMD   Enable   Pool        Pool Type      Description                           |
    |                                          ___________________________________   |
    |                                          ___________________________________   |
    | "     YES     MVSAUX      ALLOW          MVS AUXILIARY VOLUMES (SMP/E SMF IS   |
    |                                          ___________________________________   |
    | "     YES     VOLG1       ALLOW          ___________________________________   |
    |                                          ___________________________________   |
    | "     YES     VOLG10      ALLOW          DISPATCH ONLINE VIEWING____________   |
    |                                          ___________________________________   |
    | "     YES     VOLG16      ALLOW          HSM ML1 VOLUMES____________________   |
    |                                          ___________________________________   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    The QuickPool entry panel allows you to turn on or off QuickPool, specify that QuickPool will operate in Control mode, and create/update pools.

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. QuickPool Active

      QuickPool is enabled by entering a YES (or Y), or disabled by entering a NO (or N).

    2. Operate in Control mode

      This option establishes the QuickPool span of control. If set to YES, the QuickPool function controls all of your installation's DASD volumes, even if they have not been explicitly defined to the QuickPool function.

      Enter NO if the QuickPool function will control only those volumes specifically defined by the POOL list.

      If you specify CONTROL, volumes not explicitly defined by the POOL list will be controlled by the allocation rules you establish with the global ALLOW and DISALLOW lists. If you do not create such lists, volumes not resolvable to Pool lists will not have any datasets, other than SYS1 datasets, allocated to them.

    The bottom portion of the QuickPool Functions panel is a scrollable list of the pools defined. There are two special pool names which control global allocations. The first is GLOBALA where you may specify datasets which are always allowed on QuickPool volumes; and second GLOBALD where you specify datasets which are always disallowed. These two pool names may not be deleted or renamed. If they are not to be used, simply disable them by entering NO in the enable column.

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. CMD

      There are four line commands available. They are:

    2. POOL

      The Pool list establishes an association between volumes and datasets. Each volume group may have 'either' an ALLOW list 'or' a DISALLOW list (these are subordinates to the global lists). If you do not define these lists, the volume group is strictly under the control of the global lists.

      The ALLOW lists specifies which datasets are allowed on volumes within the group. The DISALLOW list specifies which datasets are not allowed on volumes within the group.

      The type of list you are creating for the volume group, ALLOW or DISALLOW, is specified during the ADD a new group process. Once you have chosen the type of dataset name group list to be associated with the volume group, it cannot be changed. The type of list associated with the volume group is displayed as part of the volume group POOL list display.

      The Volume group must have been previously defined (see "Define Volume Groups")

    3. POOL Type

      1. ALLOW

        ALLOW defines a global list of dataset name groups which apply to all your DASD volumes. Groups defined via this option are always allowed on a volume regardless of the volume's own specific ALLOW or DISALLOW lists. The current status of this option is always indicated.

        As with any OS/EM list, if you specify NO, you are deleting the list; thus, NO has no meaning in an initialization member. It only has an effect when used via the OS/EM online function.

      2. DISALLOW

        DISALLOW defines a global list of dataset name groups. Such groups are not allowed on a volume (SYS1 datasets cannot be excluded from initial allocation via this option).

      3. Global ALLOW

        The global ALLOW list (which has a pool name of GLOBALA) specifies datasets which are always allowed on volumes controlled by the QuickPool function. This list takes precedence over the global DISALLOW list and any private DISALLOW lists specified for a volume group.

        SYS1 datasets are always initially allowed on any volume.

        To update the DSN groups in the Global ALLOW pool, enter C in the CMD field. A list of DSN groups will be displayed (see Figure 186).

      4. Global DISALLOW

        The global DISALLOW list (which has a pool name of GLOBALD) specifies datasets which are always disallowed on volumes controlled by the QuickPool function. This list takes precedence over any private ALLOW lists specified for a volume group.

        To update the DSN groups in the Global DISALLOW pool, enter C in the CMD field. A list of DSN groups will be displayed (see Figure 186).

    4. Dataset Name Group

      Figure 186. QuickPool Add/Delete "POPUP" screen

      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |
      |OS/EM ------------------- QUICKPOOL FUNCTIONS ---------------- Row 1 to 6 of 8  |
      |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
      |  .---------------------- DSN GROUPS FOR POOL MVSAUX -----------------------.   |
      |  |                                                           Row 3 from 13 |   |
      |  |     Group Name ===> MVSAUX                                              |   |
      |  |           Type ===> ALLOW      (Allow/Disallow)                         |   |
      |N |    Description ===> MVS AUXILIARY VOLUMES (SMP/E SMF IS_____            |   |
      |  |                     ________________________________________            |   |
      |  |                                                                         |   |
      |C |     (CMD = (A)dd group (D)elete group)                                  | ) |
      |C |                                                                         |   |
      |  | CMD DATASET NAME GROUP(S)                                               |   |
      |  |  _  CATLG     CATALOGS_____________________________________             |   |
      |  |               _____________________________________________             |   |
      |  |  _  MVSAUX    MVS Auxiliary datasets_______________________             |   |
      |  |               _____________________________________________             |   |
      |  |  _  SYSTEM    SYSTEM DATASETS______________________________             |   |
      |  |               _____________________________________________             |   |
      |  | *************************** Bottom of data **************************** |   |
      |  |                                                                         |   |
      |  | COMMAND =>                                                              |   |
      |  '-------------------------------------------------------------------------'   |
      |                                          ___________________________________   |
      |                                                                                |
      |                                                                                |

      Field entry is as follows:

      1. Add

        To add entries, enter an A in the CMD field and overtype the Dataset Name Group on that line (overtyping will not alter the old entry).

        The Dataset Name Group name must already be defined (see "Define Dataset Name Groups") for the add to be successful. Duplicates will be rejected. Group names are kept in alphabetical order, and this is the search mode OS/EM uses in trying to resolve volume/dataset associations.

      2. Delete

        To delete entries, enter a D in the CMD field.

        The DSN group must have been previously defined (see "Define Dataset Name Groups")

      If an ALLOW list is created, one of two actions will occur when a dataset is resolved to the volume group. In the case of a non-directed dataset allocation, each dataset within the listed dataset name groups will be allocated on a volume within the volume group. In the case of a directed dataset allocation, dataset allocation on a volume within the volume group will only be allowed if the dataset is resolved to one of the listed dataset name groups.

      If a DISALLOW list is created, no dataset within a dataset name group will be allocated, or allowed to be allocated, on any volume within the volume group.

      If a volume group is created without an ALLOW or DISALLOW list, the group will be controlled by the global ALLOW or DISALLOW lists. If you do not create global ALLOW or DISALLOW lists, such volumes will not be eligible for allocation.

      Note: SYS1 datasets are always initially allowed on any volume. However, you cannot rename a dataset to SYS1 unless you have specifically allowed SYS1 datasets on the volume.

    ALLOW/DISALLOW search order 

    OS/EM follows an explicit hierarchy when searching the ALLOW and DISALLOW lists for a dataset name match.

    Dataset name lists established with the ALLOW and DISALLOW options are global and apply to all controlled and uncontrolled volumes. Any dataset name matches resolved to either of these two lists stops the search and the resulting allocation rule will be the one used. Any matches that might apply to a specific volume group will be ignored. For example, if a dataset name resolves to the global ALLOW list, and also to a specific volume group DISALLOW list, the allocation will be permitted. The reverse is also possible: a dataset allocation will not be permitted if it is in the global DISALLOW list and also in a specific volume group ALLOW list.

    If no matches are found in the global ALLOW and DISALLOW lists, or you have not specified any global ALLOW or DISALLOW lists, the volume group ALLOW and DISALLOW lists are searched. The first match within any of these lists is the allocation rule used.

    Further, within the global lists, ALLOW takes precedence over DISALLOW. That is, if a dataset name can be resolved to both an ALLOW list and a DISALLOW list (because of a dataset name specification), the dataset allocation will be allowed.

    Volume Pool considerations 

    You might think it "normal" to place a given volume in only one group. However, consider the follow situation:

    The QuickPool function covers this situation by allowing the volume to be defined in two, or more, volume groups. Specific datasets can be allowed to the volume, but the volume will also be part of a volume pool which is used for the more general case.

    Also consider the HSM Optimizer defragmentation process. You may wish to place a volume in one group that is defragmented on a weekly basis. You might also want to place the volume in a group that has emergency defragmentation criteria.

    RACF Controls


    The RACF Controls Menu provides access to the Discrete Profiles, External Tapes functions and Restricted Passwords controls.

    RACF Controls Menu

    Figure 187. RACF Controls Menu

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------------------  RACF CONTROLS --------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                     1 - Discrete Profiles Control                              |
    |                     2 - External Tape Control                                  |
    |                     3 - Restricted Password Control                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Each of these functions is presented in the following sections:

    1. Discrete Profiles Control (see "RACF Discrete Profiles")

    2. External Tape Control (see "External Tape Control")

    3. Restricted Password Control (see "Restricted Password Control")

    RACF Discrete Profiles

    The RACF Discrete Profile provides the option to control who can create RACF discrete profiles. With DFSMShsm System Managed Storage, RACF discrete profiles are incompatible with dynamic storage groups because of the restriction the discrete profile carries(i.e. a specific volume serial number).

    Note: You must define the classes to be controlled to your security manager. Use the general resource class 'FACILITY' for RACF and ACF-2 or 'IBMFAC' for CA-Topsecret and a resource name of DISCRETE.PROFILE.name where 'name' matches the class name your are protecting. For class DATASET the resource name or profile would be DISCRETE.PROFILE.DATASET. Read authority is required to allow creation of the discrete profile.

    Figure 188. RACF Discrete Profiles Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------ RACF DISCRETE PROFILES ----------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |            Discrete Check Active ===> YES      (Yes/No)                        |
    |            Operate in Warn Mode  ===> NO       (Yes/No)                        |
    |            RACF Logging          ===> NONE     (Normal/None)                   |
    |                                                                                |
    | (CMD = (A)dd (D)elete)                                                         |
    |CMD   Class      Type Check                                                     |
    | '    DATASET     FAIL                                                          |
    |                                                                                |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Discrete Check Active

      Enter YES to activate the control of discrete profile creation. Enter NO to deactivate this control.

    2. Operate in Warn Mode

      Enter YES to enable warning messages to be sent to the person trying to create the discrete profile instead of failing the request.

    3. RACF Logging

      Enter NORMAL to enable RACF standard logging, or NONE to disable RACF logging.

    The bottom portion of the panel contains a scrollable area. There are two line commands available:

    External Tape Control

    The External Tape function allows a user to read any tape dataset when the following criteria is met, thus bypassing the RACF PROTECTALL(FAIL) option:

    Figure 189. RACF External Tape Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------- RACF EXTERNAL TAPES ------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Command ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |            Allow access to External Tapes? ===> YES      (Yes/No)              |
    |                                                                                |
    |            RACF Logging                    ===> NONE     (Normal/None)         |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    Restricted Password Control

    The Restricted Password function allows you to control how a password is entered. The function can reject a password if it fails any of the following tests:

    Figure 190. RACF Restricted Password Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    | OS/EM --------------- RESTRICTED PASSWORD CONTROL --------------- Version 6.1  |
    | COMMAND ===>                                                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Enable Restricted Password Control   ===> YES     (Yes, No)                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Reject if RACF USER ID in Password     ===> YES     (Yes, No)                 |
    |  Reject if RACF User Name in Password   ===> YES     (Yes, No)                 |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Minimum Number of Uppercase Characters ===> 2       (0 - 8)                   |
    |  Minimum Number of Lowercase Characters ===> 2       (0 - 8)                   |
    |  Minimum Number of Numeric Characters   ===> 2       (0 - 8)                   |
    |  Minimum Number of Special Characters   ===> 0       (0 - 8)                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Use Password Exclusion Table           ===> NO      (Yes, No)                 |
    |    Update Table?                        ===> NO      (Yes, No)                 |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    Usage Notes:

    Restrict Devices


    Restrict Devices provides the option of reserving devices for critical jobs that must complete without waiting for devices to become available. The device is reserved and only the Jobnames that are specified with this option will be able to use the device. Even Operator VARY device commands will not make a restricted device available.

    Summary of Features

    Restrict Devices

    Figure 191. Restrict Devices

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------------- RESTRICT DEVICES -------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |     Restrict Devices Active ===> YES        (Yes/No)                           |
    |                                                                                |
    | (CMD = (A)dd (D)elete (G)roup display)                                         |
    |CMD  Device Range    Groups                                                     |
    | '    823  : ____      2                                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    | '    828  : 82F       2                                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    | '    901  : 902       2                                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    | '    905  : ____      2                                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    | '    907  : ____      2                                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    | '    909  : 90B       2                                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Add

      To add entries, enter an A in the CMD field and overtype the Device Range, both entries are required. (Overtyping will not alter the old entry.)

    2. Delete

      To delete entries, enter a D in the CMD field.

    Specify Jobname

    Figure 192. Restrict Device With Jobname "POPUP" Screen

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------------- RESTRICT DEVICES -------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |     Restrict Devices Active ===> YES        (Yes/No)                           |
    |                                                                                |
    | (CMD = (A)dd (D)elete (G)roup display)                                         |
    |CMD  Device Range    Groups                                                     |
    | G    823  : ____      2                                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    | '    828  .------- JOB NAMES/MASKS -------.                                    |
    |           |                               |                                    |
    | '    901  |    (CMD = (A)dd (D)elete)     |                                    |
    |           |     CMD    Jobname or Mask    |                                    |
    | '    905  |      _     OS-                |                                    |
    |           |      _     SP-                |                                    |
    | '    907  | ****** Bottom of data ******* |                                    |
    |           |                               |                                    |
    | '    909  |                               |                                    |
    |           |                               |                                    |
    |********** | CMD =>                        | ********************************** |
    |           '-------------------------------'                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Add

      To add entries, enter an A in the CMD field and overtype the Jobname or Jobname mask (overtyping will not alter the old entry).

    2. Delete

      To delete entries, enter a D in the CMD field.

    Jobname / Jobname Mask

    Masking Characters 

    The following table shows the allowable mask characters:




    The question mark is used to unconditionally match any single character (except periods) where the question mark occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The ampersand is used to unconditionally match any single alpha character where the ampersand occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The percent sign is used to unconditionally match any single numeric character where the percent sign occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The dash is used to unconditionally match any preceding or succeeding character(s). Multiples are allowed.

    SVC Controls


    The SVC DELETE/REPLACE function allows you to delete an SVC so it cannot be executed, or optionally replace it with your own program.

    Upon entry to this function you are presented with a scrollable list of the SVCs that have previously been entered, or a blank entry.

    Figure 193. SVC Delete/Replace Controls

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------- SVC DELETE/REPLACE CONTROLS --------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    | Select from the list below to view/change detail information:                  |
    |                                                                                |
    | (CMD = (A)dd (D)elete (S)elect for update)                                     |
    |                                                                                |
    |                    Member if                                                   |
    |CMD  SVC  Function   Replace  Library                                           |
    | '   ___  _______    _______  ____________________________________________      |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    The fields and their meaning are:

    The data entry panel contains several required fields depending on the type of SVC being replaced.

    Figure 194. SVC Delete/Reload Entry panel

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | ----------------------------- SVC DELETE/RELOAD -----------------------------. |
    ||                                                                             | |
    ||                              SVC Number ===> 252                            | |
    ||                                                                             | |
    ||   Delete/Reload SVC          ===> DELETE     (Delete/Reload)                | |
    ||                                                                             | |
    ||   Program Name for reload    ===> ________   (Member name)                  | |
    ||                                                                             | |
    ||   SVC Type                   ===> _          (1,2,3,4,6)                    | |
    ||                                                                             | |
    ||   Use Lock type CMS          ===> ___        (Yes/No)                       | |
    ||                 Local        ===> ___        (Yes/No)                       | |
    ||                                                                             | |
    ||   Restrict to APF programs   ===> ___        (Yes/No)                       | |
    ||                                                                             | |
    ||   Access in AR mode          ===> ___        (Yes/No)                       | |
    ||                                                                             | |
    ||   May be Preempted for I/O   ===> ___        (Yes/No)                       | |
    ||                                                                             | |
    ||   Clear User CVT             ===> ___        (Yes/No)                       | |
    ||                                                                             | |
    ||   Load from library          ===> _________________________________________ | |
    || COMMAND ===>                                                                | |
    |'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' |
    |                                                                                |

    The fields and their meaning are:

    Tape Share Controls


    The Tape Share option allows you to define tape drives to OS/EM which will then control the devices by automatically issuing the VARY commands needed to put the drive offline on one system and online on the system where it is needed. No operator intervention is required.

    Note: Since Tape Share controls whether a device is online or offline, we suggest that you configure all drives defined to Tape Share to be offline at IPL time.

    This optional feature of OS/EM requires a started task to be running on each system sharing tape devices. A sample of the procedure to execute the started task may be found in the OS/EM SAMPLIB in member name FEMTPSHR. The name of the started task must remain FEMTPSHR as OS/EM will issue a start command for this name at IPL time.

    Tape Share Controls Menu

    Figure 195. Tape Share Controls Menu

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------- TAPE SHARE CONTROLS ------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |SELECTION ===>                                                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                       1  System Level Controls                                 |
    |                       2  Device Level Controls                                 |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    This menu contains entries for both system level and device level control information. Both entries must be selected to initially setup Tape Share Controls.

    System Level Controls

    Figure 196. System Level Controls Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ---------------- TAPE SHARE SYSTEM CONTROLS --------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Tape Share Active   ===> YES        (Yes/No)                                |
    |      Inactivate Option ===> WAIT       (Global/Remove/Wait)                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Wait Option         ===> NOHOLD     (Hold/Nohold)                           |
    |    IPL Offline Mode    ===> GLOBAL     (Global/Local)                          |
    |    IPL Online Mode     ===> LOCAL      (Global/Local)                          |
    |    Control DSN         ===> 'SYSX.OSEM.TAPESHR2'                               |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Set System Priority ===> YES        (Yes/No)                                |
    |      Specify System IDs in Priority Order Below                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |Primary Command:  (I)nsert  Note:  System IDs in Priority Order                 |
    |Line Commands:    (D)elete, (I)nsert                                            |
    |SEL   System ID     Comment/Description of System ID                            |
    | '    PROD          Production System_______________________                    |
    | '    ZULU          Y2K LPAR________________________________                    |
    | '    TEST          Test LPAR_______________________________                    |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Use this panel to enter non-specific information about Tape Share Controls. The information on this panel is required before any controls dealing with specific devices become effective.

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Tape Share Active

      Enter YES to turn on Tape Share, or NO to disable Tape Share on the current system.

    2. Inactivate Option

      Specify the action to be taken when Tape Share Controls are deactivated. Enter one of the following:

    3. Wait Option

      Specify the action to be taken if resources are unavailable and the job is placed into a wait state. Specify one of the following:

    4. IPL Offline Mode

      Cause the devices selected on the Device Level Controls panel to be taken offline at IPL time.

    5. IPL Online Mode

      Cause the devices selected on the Device Level Controls panel to be marked available at IPL time.

      Note: Does not issue a VARY command to bring the device(s) online.

    6. Control DSN

      Specify the dataset name which will be used as the communications dataset. This file must be on shared DASD available to all systems sharing tape drives. Enter the dataset name using standard TSO naming conventions, i.e. if apostrophes do not enclose the dataset name, your TSO ID will be appended to the beginning of the entered name.

      Note: The dataset must have the following attributes:


      One track will be sufficient space.

    7. Set System Priority

      Enter either YES or NO depending upon your need to specify system priorities. If you specify YES here, you must also enter the system names in the scrollable portion of the panel.

      If you have previously specified system names to set priorities, you do not need to remove them when changing this response to NO.

    The bottom portion of this panel contains a scroll area. This is used to store the system names/IDs in priority order. Initially this list is empty and you must use the Insert primary command to enter the first entry.

    There are two line commands available:

    Device Level Controls

    Figure 197. Device Level Controls Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------- TAPE SHARE CONTROLS ------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |    Enter Device or Range to Add ===> ____ : ____                               |
    |        Comment for Device/Range ===> ________________________________________  |
    |                                                                                |
    |Line Commands: (D)elete; (F)orce Delete; Overtype fields to update              |
    |                  Preference  IPL                                               |
    |SEL Device  Alias   Order     Mode    Comment/Description of Device             |
    | '   0200   ____    ____     OFFLINE  Cart Drives_____________________________  |
    | '   0201   ____    ____     OFFLINE  Cart Drives_____________________________  |
    | '   0202   ____    ____     OFFLINE  Cart Drives_____________________________  |
    | '   0203   ____    ____     OFFLINE  Cart Drives_____________________________  |
    | '   0204   ____    ____     OFFLINE  Cart Drives_____________________________  |
    | '   0205   ____    40       ONLINE   Cart Drives_____________________________  |
    | '   0206   ____    ____     _______  Cart Drives_____________________________  |
    | '   0207   ____    ____     _______  Cart Drives_____________________________  |
    | '   0208   ____    ____     _______  Cart Drives_____________________________  |
    | '   0209   ____    30       ONLINE   Cart Drives_____________________________  |
    | '   020A   ____    ____     _______  Cart Drives_____________________________  |
    | '   020B   ____    20       ONLINE   Cart Drives_____________________________  |
    | '   020C   ____    10       ONLINE   Cart Drives_____________________________  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Use this panel to enter information about specific tape device addresses. The system level controls must be completed for this information to be used.

    Field entry is as follows:

    1. Enter the address of a tape device to be placed into the tape share pool. A range of addresses may also be entered.

    2. Enter a comment for the device or device range. This is an optional field, and is only used for documentation purposes.

    3. Press the enter key to have the device or device range entered into the scrollable list in the bottom portion of the panel.

    After the device addresses are in the scrollable list, you may assign alias entries, assign a preference order of use, and the mode the device will be placed in at IPL time. To change any of these entries, simply overtype the field to be added or changed and press the enter key.

    Following is an explanation of each of these optional items.


    Used if all systems do not refer to a device with the same address. In this case, a global name is assigned that all systems will use, and the machine which has a different address will use the ALIAS keyword to bind the local address to the global address.

    Preference Order

    The order in which the drives will be assigned. Lowest number to highest number. It is suggested that you enter numbers at least 10 apart to allow other drives to be added into the order at a later date.

    IPL Mode

    Enter either ONLINE or OFFLINE to specify the mode the drives will be placed in at IPL time. If specified, the global or local option entered on the systems controls menu will be used for that address.

    Line Commands

    Use the Delete command to remove devices from Tape Share's control. The Delete command will wait for the device(s) to become unallocated. Use the Force Delete command to remove the device from Tape Share's control immediately. Tape Share will not wait for the device to become unallocated.

    Time Controls


    Time Controls provides the option of enforcing CPU time limitations, extending CPU time, JOB wait time, and TSO wait time as well as controlling by job class the insertion of a missing time parameter, overriding the time specified on the jobcard, or canceling the job if job time is greater than the JES2 time value.

    Summary of Features

    Time Controls Menu

    Figure 198. Time Controls Menu

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------------- TIME CONTROLS MENU ------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |SELECTION ===>                                                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                            1   Job Time Controls                               |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                TIME EXTENSIONS                                 |
    |                            2   System Level Controls                           |
    |                            3   Selection Lists Processing                      |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Each of these paths is presented in the following sections:

    1. Job Time Controls (see "Job Time Controls")

    2. System Level Controls (see "Time Extensions System Level Controls")

    3. Selection Lists Processing (see "Selection Lists Processing")

    Job Time Controls

    The JOB TIME function allows you to control by job class the insertion of a missing time parameter, override the time specified on the jobcard or optionally cancel the job for incorrect time values.

    You also have the option of cancelling all jobs coming into the system which do not have a time specified. This option takes precedence over the Insert Missing by job class function.

    For each job class selected the following processing occurs:

    Figure 199. Job Time Controls

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------------- JOB TIME CONTROLS -------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |        Job Time Controls Active       ===> YES     (Yes/No)                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |              Cancel Option Active     ===> NO      (Yes/No)                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |              Time Parameter Required? ===> NO      (Yes/No)                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |  CMD ACTIVE FUNCTION             |---------- JOB CLASSES SELECTED ----------|  |
    |   _   NO    Insert Time Parameter ##########################################   |
    |                                                                                |
    |   _   NO    Reset MAXIMUM         ##########################################   |
    |                                                                                |
    |   _   NO    Reset NOLIMIT         ##########################################   |
    |                                                                                |
    |   _   NO    Reset if High         ##########################################   |
    |                                                                                |
    |   _   YES   Reset if Low          #####F####################################   |
    |                                                                                |
    | (CMD = (S)elect for update; (C)lass set/modify)                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    The fields and their meaning for this input panel are:

    The above example shows that all classes will have their job time set if the time parameter is missing on the jobcard; Classes A,B,C,D and E will reset the time if the jobcard has TIME=MAXIMUM coded; classes N, O and P will be reset if the job has TIME=NOLIMIT or TIME=1440; classes 4, 5, and 6 will have their time reset if the time parameter is greater than that specified in JES2; class X will be reset only if the job's time parameter is set lower than that specified in JES2.

    The '#' symbol represents a class available for use.

    Two line commands are available:


    Select for update; use this to change the Active indicator from YES to NO.


    Class set/modify; when you use this line command, a popup window will open (see Figure 200) allowing you to specify or change the classes for the selected function. On the popup window, you may specify the classes in a range, i.e. A:D will activate the function for classes A, B, C and D.

    Figure 200. Job Time Controls Pop-up window.

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------------- JOB TIME CONTROLS -------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |           Job Time Controls Active ===> YES     (Yes/No)                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |  CMD ACTIVE FUNCTION             |---------- JOB CLASSES SELECTED ----------|  |
    |   C   YES   Insert Time Parameter AB##################################STCTSU   |
    |             .------- INSERT TIME DISPLAY --------.                             |
    |   _   YES   |                                    | #########################   |
    |             |   (CMD = (A)dd; (D)elete)          |                             |
    |   _   YES   | CMD     Class                      | RSTUVW###################   |
    |             |  '       A:B                       |                             |
    |   _   YES   |  '       STC                       | ######X#Z##########STC###   |
    |             |  '       TSU                       |                             |
    |   _   YES   | ********* Bottom of data ********* | ######################TSU   |
    |             |                                    |                             |
    | (CMD = (S)e |                                    |                             |
    |             | COMMAND ===>                       |                             |
    |             '------------------------------------'                             |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Time Extensions System Level Controls

    OS/EM provides support to extend execution time at both the job and step level. It also allows you to extend wait time for batch jobs, TSO users and/or terminals.

    For both step and job CPU time, you may specify individual job classes or all classes to be given the default time extension. You can specify time extension by class which is different than the default time. You may also request OS/EM issue a WTO every time an extension is given.

    To ensure that a job is not overlooked while extensions are being given, a WTOR may be issued every 1 to 99 times an extension is granted.

    Wait time extensions may be granted by job class, and for TSO activity, by user ID, terminal ID and active hours by day of week.

    If both job and step time has been exceeded at the same time, it is unpredictable which indicator will be presented to OS/EM first. Because of this, it is suggested that you setup extensions for both job and step CPU times.

    Screen Figure 201 shows where RACF information, default time information and selection weights are entered.

    Figure 201. System Level Controls

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------- TIME EXTENSIONS SYSTEM LEVEL -------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    | Grant Time Extensions:  YES                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    | Weights: (1 to 5)                                                              |
    |   Days:        1         Program:         2                                    |
    |   Jobclass:    3         Terminal:        4                                    |
    |   Jobname:     5                                                               |
    |                                                                                |
    | Defaults:                WTO When     WTOR After                               |
    |               Time       Granted       How Many                                |
    |   Job  CPU:    60  (sec)   ___            __                                   |
    |   Step CPU:    60  (sec)   YES            1                                    |
    |   TSO  Time:   10  (min)   ___                  (Time before Disconnect)       |
    |   Wait Time:   15  (min)   ___                                                 |
    |                                                  RACF                          |
    | RACF:                                           Logging  RACF Resource Name    |
    |   Job  CPU:    60  (sec)   YES            __    NORMAL   RACF.JOBCPU           |
    |   Step CPU:    60  (sec)   YES            5     NORMAL   RACF.STEPCPU          |
    |   TSO  Time:   10  (min)   ___                  NONE     ____________________  |
    |   Wait Time:   15  (min)   ___                  NORMAL   RACF.WAIT___________  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    The fields and their meanings are as follows:

    The defaults block is where you can specify extension time that will take effect if no extension group matches a given job or userid.

    The RACF block is where you can specify extension time that will take effect for any job/user/terminal which matches an entry in the specified RACF resource. This block takes precedence over the normal defaults or an extension group.

    The Time, WTO and WTOR fields are identical to the defaults block. The RACF block has two additional fields:

    Selection Lists Processing

    The Time Extension Controls panel lists the 32 available extension groups. Each group will have at least one list of job classes, job names, program names, terminal IDs, or time of day to control which extension is granted to whom.

    Figure 202. Selection Lists

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------- TIME SELECTION LISTS PROCESSING ------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                 C              |
    |(S)elect Groups, (D)elete Groups                             T   L           T  |
    |                                                             I   A   J   P   E  |
    |                    Extension      WTO When      WTOR After  M   S   O   G   R  |
    |S Ext Active Type     Time     Extension Granted  How Many   E   S   B   M   M  |
    |_  1    Y                                                   INC INC INC INC INC |
    |             JOBCPU    45_ (sec)     YES             5                          |
    |             STEPCPU   15_ (sec)     YES             2                          |
    |             TSO       ___ (min)     ___                                        |
    |             WAIT      30  (min)     ___                                        |
    |_  2    Y                                                   INC INC INC         |
    |             JOBCPU    ___ (sec)     ___             __                         |
    |             STEPCPU   ___ (sec)     ___             __                         |
    |             TSO       ___ (min)     ___                                        |
    |             WAIT      30  (min)     ___                                        |
    |_  3    N                                                                       |
    |             JOBCPU    ___ (sec)     ___             __                         |
    |             STEPCPU   ___ (sec)     ___             __                         |
    |             TSO       ___ (min)     ___                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Extension 1 shown in Figure 202 is active. A job level time extension of 45 seconds will be granted. Each extension will have a message written to the operator. After 5 extensions, a WTOR will be issued to allow the operator to cancel the job if necessary. A step level extension of 15 seconds will also be given. Again a WTO will be issued at each extension and a WTOR will be issued after 2 extensions. Wait time will be extended by 30 minutes, and a WTO will not be issued when the extension is granted.

    There are 5 active selection lists for Extension 1:

    1. The Time of Day list contains the days and hours within that day that WAIT extensions will be granted. This list is always an include list.

    2. The Class list contains the job classes which may have the execution time extended, if it is an include list, or the classes which will not have execution time extended in the case of an exclude list.

    3. The Name list contains job names and/or TSO IDs. An include list will have the names of jobs which may have their execution and wait time extended or the TSO IDs which may have their wait time extended. An exclude list will contain the names of jobs and/or TSO IDs which may not be extended.

    4. The PGM list contains program names. Again, an include list will contain programs which may be extended, and the exclude list contains programs which will not be extended while all other programs will be.

    5. The terminal list contains terminal addresses. An include list contains the addresses of terminals which may have their wait time extended. The exclude list contains terminals which may not be extended, while all others will be.

    There are two line commands available: S to add/update selector entries and D to remove all selector entries and clear the selection list of time and WTO values.

    When the line command is processed, another panel Figure 203 is displayed where you may select any of the lists for update as well as change the list type between include and exclude. The Days list is always an include list.

    Figure 203. Selector Entry Panel

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------------ SELECTOR ENTRY - 1 --------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |Enter Selector Types, either Include or Exclude                                 |
    |                Jobclass ===>             Jobname  ===> INCLUDE                 |
    |                Pgmname  ===> INCLUDE     Terminal ===>                         |
    |                                                                                |
    | Line Cmds: (D)elete line, (I)nsert line                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Selector                                                                     |
    |     Type     Selector Names/Mask List                                          |
    |_  JOBNAME    PCEDI                                                             |
    |_  PGMNAME    IKJEFT01                                                          |
    |_  MONDAY     0001:2400                                                         |
    |_  TUESDAY    0001:2400                                                         |
    |_  WEDNESDAY  0001:2400                                                         |
    |_  THURSDAY   0001:2400                                                         |
    |_  FRIDAY     0001:2400                                                         |
    |_  SATURDAY   0001:2400                                                         |
    |_  SUNDAY     0001:2400                                                         |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    The selector entry panel allows you to enter the criteria that will be used to select a job that will have its time adjusted.

    There are five types of selectors:


    Enter the jobclasses that the job being evaluated must match if this is an include type list, or the classes which the job must not match for an exclude list.

    The jobclasses may be entered individually separated by spaces or as a range where the beginning class and ending class is separated by a colon (:).


    Enter any jobnames either as complete names or as a jobname mask. Separate the names or masks with a space. Enter as many names/masks as will fit on the line. If additional names need to be entered simply insert a blank line and enter the selector type as JOBNAME and continue entering names or masks.


    Enter any program names either as complete names or as a program name mask. Separate the names or masks with a space. Enter as many names/masks as will fit on the line. If additional names need to be entered simply insert a blank line and enter the selector type as PGMNAME and continue entering names or masks.


    Enter any terminal IDs as the complete ID or as a mask. Separate the IDs or masks with a space. Enter as many IDs/masks as will fit on the line. If additional IDs need to be entered simply insert a blank line and enter the selector type as TERMINAL and continue entering IDs and or masks.

    Day of Week

    Use the day of week you need to specify a time range as the selector type then in the Selector Names/Mask List field enter the beginning and ending times separated by a colon (:) using the 24 hour time format. Only one time range is allowed per day.

    If you want the control to be active on Monday between 8AM and 5PM enter the selector type as MONDAY then enter 0800:1700 in the list field.

    Query OS/EM Status

    The QUERY function displays the state of the OS/EM environment.

    The ALL and ACTIVE options are mutually exclusive. If you select no options, ACTIVE is assumed.

    The output of the QUERY command is to a dataset that will be browsed by the ISPF BROWSE function. When you have finished viewing the output, the END key will exit the browse function.

    The SMF, TSO, DASD, ALLOC, RACF, JES2, JES3, HSM and ISPF options can be limited to a specific exit point by entering its name in the supplied field. If the exit does not exist, an error will be returned.

    To limit the display of JES2 exit information, you may enter the name of the JES2 subsystem to be displayed in the JESNAME field. If left blank, all JES2 subsystems will be displayed.

    The POOL display may be limited to Data Set Name Groups (DSN), Volume Name Groups (VOL), or QuickPool definitions (POOL).

    Figure 204. FEMCNTL Query Command

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------ FEMCNTL QUERY COMMAND ------------------ Version 6.0   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |           _ ALL                            _ ACTIVE                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |           _ ALLOC    ( ________ )          _ DASD     ( ________ )             |
    |                                                                                |
    |           _ HSM      ( ________ )          _ ISPF     ( ________ )             |
    |                                                                                |
    |           _ JES2     ( ________ )            JESNAME  ( ____     )             |
    |                                                                                |
    |           _ JES3     ( ________ )          _ MISC     ( ________ )             |
    |                                                                                |
    |           _ POOL     ( ________ )          _ RACF     ( ________ )             |
    |                                                                                |
    |           _ SAF      ( ________ )          _ SMF      ( ________ )             |
    |                                                                                |
    |           _ TSO      ( ________ )          _ SYSTEM                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |           Name of file for browse dataset ===> TEMP.QUERY                      |
    |                                                                                |
    | ENTER to continue                                                              |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    To select a QUERY option, from specific to ALL, enter an S before the QUERY option.

    When the query has completed you will be placed into BROWSE to view the results. Below is a sample of the first page of generated output for the SMF IEFACTRT exit.

    Figure 205. Sample Query Output

    |                                                                                |
    |   Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Help                                             |
    | _______________________________________________________________________________|
    | BROWSE    HEJT2.OSEM.QUERY                           Line 00000000 Col 001 080 |
    | Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  |
    |********************************* Top of Data **********************************|
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM VER: 6.1 TIME: 12:16:54 DATE:  2/01/2006 SYSPLEX: ADCDPL   SID: P390      |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | SMF DATA                                                                       |
    |  NOTIFY: <NONE>                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  IEFACTRT - EXIT IS ENABLED                                                    |
    |   VALID RETURN CODES: (DEFAULT) ANY                                            |
    |   GOOD RETURN CODES: (DEFAULT) 0                                               |
    |   DISABLING RETURN CODES: (DEFAULT) NONE                                       |
    |   DEFAULT RETURN CODE: (DEFAULT) 0                                             |
    |   OS/EM EXIT - CALLED FIRST - NOTIFY: <NONE>                                   |
    |    EXIT (FEMACTRT) - PTF HOSM610 2006-01-27 20:17:45                           |
    |     ADDR: 083AFDB0 EP: 883AFDB0 - SOURCE: OSEM                                 |
    |      LNKLIB: SYSX.OSEM.LINKLIB                                                 |
    |                                                                                |

    Reload Exits

    Selection Menu

    Use of this screen will result in the generation of RELOAD commands for the optional OS/EM control functions, and for the various OS/EM interface modules.

    You would not normally reload these modules unless you had applied maintenance to the OS/EM system. Instructions with the OS/EM maintenance tape will indicate if any of these modules have to be reloaded.

    Figure 206. Module Type Reload Selection

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------- SELECT MODULE TYPE FOR RELOAD -------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                      1 - JES2 User Modules                                     |
    |                      2 - JES3 User Modules                                     |
    |                      3 - MVS  User Modules                                     |
    |                      4 - OS/EM System Modules                                  |
    |                      5 - RACF tables                                           |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Each of these paths is presented in the following sections:

    1. JES2 User Modules (see "JES2 Exits User Modules")

    2. JES3 User Modules (see "JES3 Exits User Modules")

    3. MVS Exits User Modules (see "MVS Exits User Modules")

    4. OS/EM System Modules (see "OS/EM System Modules")

    5. RACF Tables (see "RACF Tables")

    JES2 Exits User Modules

    The JES2 Reload Selection panel displays all of the active JES2 exits. Scroll through this list to find the exit(s) which need to be reloaded.

    The list of user exits displayed is controlled by the active JES2 subsystem. Please use Option 6 - Set JES name to select the active JES2 subsystem name. (See "Set JES2 Name")

    Figure 207. JES2 Reload Selection

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM -------------------- JES2 - EXIT RELOAD SELECTION --------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |(S)elect for Reload                                                             |
    |                                                                                |
    |             Primary Exit:EP                                                    |
    | Exit Point  /Backup Exit:EP     Load Library                                   |
    |EXIT000  '  HASPXIT0 : EXIT00    _____________________________________________  |
    |         '           :           _____________________________________________  |
    |EXIT000  '  HASPXIT0 : EXIT01    _____________________________________________  |
    |         '           :           _____________________________________________  |
    |EXIT000  '  HASPXIT0 : EXIT02    _____________________________________________  |
    |         '           :           _____________________________________________  |
    |EXIT000  '  HASPXIT0 : EXIT03    _____________________________________________  |
    |         '           :           _____________________________________________  |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    The scrollable list presented shows all the primary and backup user exits which have been defined using the ISPF Interface. Select any exit which needs to be reloaded by placing an S before the exit name. You may optionally specify or change the load library where the exit to be reloaded resides. The library name should be enclosed in single quotes (').

    After pressing the enter key to register your selections, the exits are removed from the display.

    If an exit has been selected in error, enter the cancel command to exit the selection list without reloading the exits.

    The reload commands are generated and executed when you exit the selection list.

    Note: If you need to reload an exit which has not been defined to the ISPF Interface, you will need to define it before it will be displayed in this list. This includes exits which OS/EM finds and loads at IPL time. You may wish to use the REBUILD function (see "Rebuild OS/EM Tables") which will find and add all currently loaded user exits to the interface.

    JES3 Exits User Modules

    The JES3 Reload Selection panel displays all of the active JES3 exits. Scroll through this list to find the exit(s) which need to be reloaded.

    Figure 208. JES3 Reload Selection

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | OS/EM ------------------ JES3 RELOAD SELECTION ------------------ Version 6.1  |
    | COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    | (S)elect for Reload                                                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                      Primary                                                   |
    |  Exit Point          /Backup     Load Library                                  |
    |  IATUX03    1     '  J3USRX9     ____________________________________________  |
    |                   '              ____________________________________________  |
    |  IATUX03    2     '  J3USRX10    ____________________________________________  |
    |                   '  J3USRY10    ____________________________________________  |
    |  IATUX07    1     '  J3USRM14    'USER.LINKLIB'                                |
    |                   '              ____________________________________________  |
    | ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************|
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    When an exit is found, enter an S in front of the module name and press enter. You may change or add the library name. The library name should be enclosed in single quotes (').

    Changes made here are not saved. To make any needed changes permanent, make the changes through the "Basic Exit Functions".

    If an exit has been selected in error, enter the cancel command.

    The reload commands are generated and executed when you exit the selection list.

    Note: If you need to reload an exit which has not been defined to the ISPF Interface, you will need to define it before it will be displayed in this list. This includes exits which OS/EM finds and loads at IPL time. You may wish to use the REBUILD function (see "Rebuild OS/EM Tables") which will find and add all currently loaded user exits to the interface.

    MVS Exits User Modules

    The MVS Reload Selection panel displays all of the active MVS exits. Scroll through this list to find the exit(s) which need to be reloaded.

    Figure 209. MVS Exit Reload Selection

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | OS/EM ------------------ EXIT RELOAD SELECTION ------------------ Version 6.1  |
    | COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    | (S)elect for Reload                                                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                      Primary                                                   |
    |  Exit Point          /Backup     Load Library                                  |
    |  ICHRIX02   1     '  ICHRIX02    ____________________________________________  |
    |                   '              ____________________________________________  |
    |  IEFU29     1     '  USRU29      'USER.LINKLIB'                                |
    |                   '              ____________________________________________  |
    |  IGGPOST0   1     '  IGGPOST0    ____________________________________________  |
    |                   '              ____________________________________________  |
    |  IGGPRE00   1     '  IGGPRE00    ____________________________________________  |
    |                   '              ____________________________________________  |
    |  IKJEFF10   1     '  IKJEFF10    'SYS1.LINKLIB'                                |
    |                   '              ____________________________________________  |
    |  IKJEFF53   1     '  IKJEFF53    'SYS1.OSEM.LOAD1'                             |
    |                   '              ____________________________________________  |
    |  IKJEFLN2   1     '  IKJEFLN2    'SYS1.OSEM.LOAD1'                             |
    |                   '              ____________________________________________  |
    | ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************|
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    When an exit is found, place an S in front of the module name and press ENTER. You may add or change the load library where the module to be reloaded resides. The library name should be enclosed in single quotes (').

    Changes made here are not saved. To make any needed changes permanent, make the changes through the "Basic Exit Functions".

    If an exit has been selected in error, enter the cancel command.

    The reload commands are generated and executed when you exit the selection list.

    Note: If you need to reload an exit which has not been defined to the ISPF Interface, you will need to define it before it will be displayed in this list. This includes exits which OS/EM finds and loads at IPL time. You may wish to use the REBUILD function (see "Rebuild OS/EM Tables") which will find and add all currently loaded user exits to the interface.

    OS/EM System Modules

    The System Reload Selection panel displays all of the active System exits. Scroll through this list to find the exit(s) which need to be reloaded.

    Figure 210. System Reload Selection

    |                                                                                |
    | OS/EM ----------------- SYSTEM RELOAD SELECTION ----------------- Version 6.1  |
    | COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |        Sel    Module Name  Description                                         |
    |         '     FEMACTRT     Job/Step End Statistics                             |
    |         '     FEMADEXT     HSM Dataset Deletion                                |
    |         '     FEMALCCN     ALLOC Controller                                    |
    |         '     FEMALLOD     Offline Device Allocation                           |
    |         '     FEMALLSW     Specific Wait Allocation                            |
    |         '     FEMASYNC     Asynchronous WTO/SEND Routine                       |
    |         '     FEMBDEXT     HSM Dataset Backup                                  |
    |         '     FEMCDEXT     HSM Dataset Reblock                                 |
    |         '     FEMCMD       MVS Command Review                                  |
    |         '     FEMCOMM      Common Storage Access                               |
    |         '     FEMDADCN     DADSM Controller                                    |
    |         '     FEMDB401     Dynamic Allocation                                  |
    |         '     FEMDEL       OS/EM Module Delete                                 |
    |         '     FEMECALL     Extended Call Function                              |
    |         '     FEMEFF10     TSO Submit Command                                  |
    |         '     FEMEFLD1     LOGON Pre-prompt                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    When an exit is found, enter a S in front of the module name and press ENTER.

    If an exit has been selected in error, enter the cancel command which will cancel all system reload processing. Reselect the OS/EM System Modules to re-specify the correct system modules to be reloaded.

    RACF Tables

    The RACF Tables Reload Selection panel displays the three RACF Tables available to be reloaded.

    Figure 211. RACF Table Reload Selection

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | OS/EM --------------- RACF TABLE RELOAD SELECTION --------------- Version 6.1  |
    | COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                  Replacement     Reset                                         |
    | Sel  Table Name  Module Name or (yes/no) Library Name                          |
    |  '   ICHRFR01     ________       ___     _____________________________________ |
    |  '   ICHRIN03     ________       ___     _____________________________________ |
    |  '   ICHRRCDE     ________       ___     _____________________________________ |
    | ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************|
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    To cause a table to be reloaded, place an S in front of the module name. If you are replacing the table with another module, enter the module name in the field provided. If you just want to reset the module, leave the replacement module name blank and enter YES in the reset field.

    An optional library name may also be specified. This library must be APF authorized. The library name should be enclosed in single quotes (').

    Set JES2 Name

    This function defines the primary and any secondary JES2 subsystems that OS/EM will control. It is also used to select the active JES2 subsystem. The JES2-related controls that are displayed and/or set in the ISPF dialog affect the active JES2 subsystem.

    Figure 212. JES2 Subsystem Names

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------------- JES2 SUBSYSTEM NAMES  ----------------- Version 6.1   |
    |Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |Primary Command: (A)dd new subsystem                                            |
    |Line Commands: (S)elect Active, (D)elete Subsystem                              |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Subsystem      Primary          Auto  Convert                                 |
    |Sel Name  Version  JES   Active  Install  Any  Subsystem Description            |
    | '  JESL  SP510__  NO_             YES    NO_  _______________________________  |
    | '  JESX  OS210__  NO_             YES    NO_  _______________________________  |
    | '  JESZ  ZS102__  NO_             YES    NO_  _______________________________  |
    | '  JES2  ZS105__  YES   ACTIVE    YES    YES  _______________________________  |
    |******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    This panel shows:

    The Version, Primary JES, AutoInstall, Convert Any and Subsystem Description fields may be changed by simply overtyping whatever is there.

    There are three line commands available on this panel:


    Selects the active subsystem. All OS/EM entries processed through the interface which affect JES2 will be processed against this subsystem name.


    Deletes the JES2 subsystem entry.


    Adds a new JES2 subsystem entry. (This can also be entered in the primary command line).

    When the A command is entered, the following panel will be displayed.

    Figure 213. Add JES2 Subsystem

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ---------------------- ADD JES2 NAME ---------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | Specify your JES2 sub-system name and optionally a description of the system.  |
    |                                                                                |
    | JESNAME ===>          Description ===> ______________________________________  |
    |                                                                                |
    | Primary JES      ===> NO         (Yes/No)                                      |
    |                                                                                |
    | JES version      ===>            (Required for secondary JES)                  |
    |                                                                                |
    | AutoInstall      ===> YES        (Yes or No)                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    | Convert Any Job  ===> NO         (Yes or No)                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    All fields have the same function as described in the JES2 subsystem selection panel.

    Execute Pending Changes

    This facility allows the user to dynamically implement changes made to the OS/EM functions.

    Changes made to the OS/EM panels are not automatically implemented in the OS/EM environment. All changes are logged and the Execute Pending Changes function is used to implement changes immediately.

    When the Execute Pending Changes function is entered, a scrollable list of the changes is presented.

    Figure 214. Execute Pending Changes - Review/Execute

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------------- PENDING CHANGES --------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |(CMD = (B)rowse changes (E)xecute online (S)ubmit Batch Job (R)eset   Last      |
    |CMD  EXE   Control Type/Last Updated                                  Action    |
    | '   EXE   ACCOUNT NUMBER CONTROLS                                    EXECUTED  |
    |           SPJRT     15:58   06/10/26                                           |
    | '         ADD NOTIFY STATEMENT                                       CHANGED   |
    |           SPJRT     10:26   06/10/22                                           |
    | '         JOB ROUTING                                                ADDED     |
    |           SPJRT     10:01   06/10/22                                           |
    | '   EXE   ENABLE/DISABLE JOB NAME CHECKING                           EXECUTED  |
    |           SPJRT     10:11   06/10/21                                           |
    | '   INIT  HSM: DIRECT TO LEVEL-2 CONTROL                             INIT      |
    |           SPJRT     10:19   06/10/20                                           |
    | '         JES2 EXITS                                                 CHANGED   |
    |           SPJRT     10:05   06/10/20                                           |
    | '         JES3 EXITS                                                 CHANGED   |
    |           SPJRT     09:55   06/10/20                                           |
    | '   INIT  MVS EXITS                                                  INIT      |
    |           SPJRT     10:33   06/10/10                                           |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    The changes are displayed in chronological order (most recent change first).

    The display columns are as follows:

    1. CMD

      This is the line command input field. The valid line commands are:


      Displays all the change details for the selected function (see "Pending Change Detail Display").


      Selects the change to be executed from the user's TSO session. This line command is only valid when the status of the change is blank (see below). When the change is selected with the E command, the status is changed to ONL to indicate that the change has been selected for execution.


      Once all desired changes have been selected, pressing PF3 will invoke the FEMCNTL commands from the user's TSO session to make the changes to the current environment. Pressing PF12 or entering CANCEL in the panel command line will cancel the selections and control is returned to the OS/EM primary menu.


      Resets the status for this change. This allows the change to be re-executed with the E or S line commands.


      This line command is only valid when the status is EXE (see below). The status field will be changed to blanks.


      Selects the change to be executed from a batch job. This line command is only valid when the status of the change is blank (see below). When the change is selected with the S command, the status is changed to SUB to indicate that the change has been selected for execution by submitting batch job.


      Once all desired changes have been selected, pressing PF3 will present the user with the batch job submission menu (see "Executing Changes Via A Batch Job"). Pressing PF12 or entering CANCEL in the panel command line will cancel the selections and control is returned to the OS/EM primary menu.

    2. Execute Status

      The EXE field indicates the current status of the change. Valid status values are:


      The change has not been executed and the initialization member has not been updated to implement the change.


      The change has been executed and the current OS/EM environment is operating with this change. However, the initialization member has not been built and so the change will not be in effect the next time OS/EM is initialized (typically at the next IPL).


      Refer to "Build Initialization Member" for building the initialization members.


      Important Notes:


      This status is not reset when OS/EM is re-initialized. Therefore, the status may not reflect the true condition of the current OS/EM environment. Users should use the OS/EM Query function to verify the current function settings (see "Query OS/EM Status").


      When the changes are executed by a batch job (with the S line command), the EXE status indicates that a job was submitted or saved to a file. Users must verify that the job was successfully run to ensure that the changes were actually executed.


      The initialization member has been updated to incorporate this change.


      Refer to "Build Initialization Member" for building the initialization members.


      Note : If the initialization member was built before executing the change, the change will not be invoked until OS/EM is re-initialized (typically at the next IPL). Displaying the details of the change with the B line command will show if/when the change was executed. Also, the OS/EM Query function (see "Query OS/EM Status") can be used to display the current OS/EM environment.


      The change has been selected for execution via the user's TSO session. This change will be executed when the PF3 key is pressed.


      The change has been selected for execution by submitting a batch job. When the PF3 key is pressed, the user will be presented with the batch job submission panel (see "Executing Changes Via A Batch Job").

    3. Control Type

      This is the name of the function that has been changed.

    4. Last Updated

      This is the TSO ID, date and time of the most recent change to this function.

    5. Last Action

      This is the most recent action that was performed for this function.

    Pending Change Detail Display

    The following panel is displayed when the Browse function (line command B) is entered in the Pending Changes summary panel.

    Figure 215. Pending Changes - Detail

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------------- PENDING CHANGES --------------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR   |
    |                                                                                |
    |ENABLE/DISABLE JOB CLASS CHECKING                                               |
    |                                                                                |
    |     User     Time    Date         Field/Data                                   |
    |EXECUTED                           BATCH                                        |
    |     SPJRT    10:33   06/10/27     SPJRT00                                      |
    |                                                                                |
    |CHANGED                            JOB CLASS CHECKING FOR SUBMIT                |
    |     SPJRT    10:05   06/10/27     N                                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |INIT                                                                            |
    |     SPJRT    14:46   06/10/08                                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |***************************** Bottom of data ********************************** |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    The detail records are presented in chronological order (most recent action first). Each detail record displays:

    Executing Changes Via A Batch Job

    The following panel is displayed when the Submit function (line command S) is entered in the Pending Changes selection panel.

    Figure 216. Execute Pending Changes In Batch

    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ------------- EXECUTE PENDING CHANGES IN BATCH ------------ Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Select node name below where your changes should be executed, or              |
    |  select ALL nodes ===> NO   (Yes/No)                                           |
    |                                                                                |
    |(S)ubmit   To enter node name, simply type it in with an optional description.  |
    |                                                                                |
    |S Submit  SYSAFF or XEQ Node    Description                                     |
    |'  ___     EXPR     ________    Primary Production LPAR ________________        |
    |'  ___     ____     N2______    Development LPAR________________________        |
    |'  ___     ____     BLUE____    SYSPROG LPAR____________________________        |
    |'  ___     ____     ________    ________________________________________        |
    |'  ___     ____     ________    ________________________________________        |
    |'  ___     ____     ________    ________________________________________        |
    |'  ___     ____     ________    ________________________________________        |
    |'  ___     ____     ________    ________________________________________        |
    |'  ___     ____     ________    ________________________________________        |
    |'  ___     ____     ________    ________________________________________        |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    This is a scrollable entry panel which defines up to 32 systems where the batch update job(s) can be routed for execution.

    This allows the selected change(s) to be executed on multiple systems for a single batch request.

    The fields on this panel are:

    System definitions can be added or changed by overtyping the fields in an entry.

    Once the desired system(s) have been selected, pressing PF3 will present the user with the Job Statement skeleton panel (see below). Pressing PF12 or entering CANCEL in the panel command line will cancel the job submission and return the user to the OS/EM primary menu.

    Figure 217. Pending Changes Job Card

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | OS/EM ------------- EXECUTE PENDING CHANGES IN BATCH ------------ Version 6.1  |
    | COMMAND ===>                                                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Select from the following:                                                   |
    |     1 - Submit the Job                                                         |
    |     2 - Browse Generated JCL/Commands                                          |
    |     3 - Edit Generated JCL/Commands                                            |
    |     4 - Save Generated Jobs to DSN:  _________________________________         |
    |                             Member:  ________                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Job Statement Information:  Verify before proceeding                         |
    |                                                                                |
    |   ===> //HEJT2A JOB (ACCT),PENDINGCHGS,                                        |
    |   ===> //         MSGCLASS=X,CLASS=A,NOTIFY=&SYSUID,REGION=0M                  |
    |   ===> //*                                                                     |
    |   ===> //*                                                                     |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Press PF3 (END) to submit job, or enter CANCEL to exit.                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Review the job statement skeleton to ensure that the parameters conform to site standards (e.g. account number, CLASS, etc).

    Select the desired job submission function:

    1. Submit the job
    2. Browse the job to be submitted
    3. Edit the job to be submitted
    4. Save the job to the named dataset. The TSO user name will be inserted as the dataset name prefix if it is not enclosed in quotes. The member field is only valid if the dataset is a PDS or PDS/E. Any existing data in the dataset / member will be overwritten.

    Execute Changes Warning Panel

    Whenever changes are executed (TSO or batch) the following warning panel is displayed:

    Figure 218. Execute Pending Changes Warning

    |                                                                                |
    |------------------------- OS/EM EXECUTE ONLINE WARNING ------------------------ |
    |Cmd ===>                                                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | WARNING:  You have changed the way OS/EM operates.                             |
    |                                                                                |
    | If your changes operate as expected, please remember to use option:            |
    | 8 - Build Initialization member'.                                              |
    |                                                                                |
    | Otherwise, these changes will be lost either at the next IPL or the next       |
    | time the started task 'OSEM' is run.                                           |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | NOTE:  This warning may be disabled by selecting WARN on the Maintenance and   |
    |        Installation menu.                                                      |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F7=Up      F8=Down    F9=Swap   F12=Cancel    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    The purpose of this panel is to remind the user that changes that were just executed should be regarded as temporary and, in order to make them permanent, the Initialization Member(s) must be built. See "Build Initialization Member" for instructions on performing this process.

    If desired, the displaying of this panel can be suppressed. See "Execute Online Warning Message" for instructions on setting the warning panel display options.

    Build Initialization Member

    This facility builds the OS/EM PARMLIB initialization member(s) for the selected function(s). As the name suggests, these members are used during OS/EM initialization. Building the PARMLIB effectively makes changes permanent and all defined controls will be activated every time OS/EM is initialized.

    Figure 219. Build Initialization Members

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM --------------- BUILD INITIALIZATION MEMBERS -------------- Version 6.1   |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |  Select the Initialization member(s) to build from the following list:         |
    |                                                                                |
    |                             SYSTEM WIDE CONTROLS                               |
    |                        _  1.x - System Level Controls                          |
    |                                                                                |
    |                             BASIC EXIT FUNCTIONS                               |
    |                        _  2.1 - JES2 Exits                                     |
    |                        _  2.2 - JES3 Exits                                     |
    |                        _  2.3 - MVS Exits                                      |
    |                                                                                |
    |                             EXTENDED FUNCTIONS                                 |
    | _ 3.1  - Define Dataset name groups   _ 3.10.1 - DASD Allocation Controls      |
    | _ 3.2  - Define Volume groups         _ 3.10.2 - Quickpool Rules               |
    | _ 3.3  - HSM Optimizer                _ 3.11   - RACF Controls                 |
    | _ 3.5  - ISPF File Prefix Controls    _ 3.12   - Restrict Devices              |
    | _ 3.6  - JCL Controls                 _ 3.13   - SVC Delete/Replace            |
    | _ 3.7  - Job Controls                 _ 3.14   - Tape Share Controls           |
    | _ 3.8  - Job Routing/Classing         _ 3.15   - Time Controls                 |
    | _ 3.9  - Miscellaneous Controls                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F7=Up      F8=Down    F9=Swap   F12=Cancel    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    Usage Notes:

    Important Note :

    not invoke the change in the current environment (i.e. the changes will only be made the next time that OS/EM is initialized).

    When functions are selected, the progress of the build process is displayed. Figure 220 is an example of this status display.

    Figure 220. Build Initialization Members - Status

    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |OS/EM ----------------- INITIALIZATION MEMBER BUILD ----------- Version 6.1     |
    |COMMAND ===>                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |   PLEASE WAIT. . . . . . . .                                                   |
    |                                                                                |
    |   The initialization member you requested:                                     |
    |                                                                                |
    |   TIME CONTROLS                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |   is being generated.                                                          |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Depending on the options you have chosen, this process may take some         |
    |   time.                                                                        |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Now processing: WAIT TIME CLASSES                                            |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |

    The name of the OS/EM PARMLIB dataset is defined during OS/EM installation. This dataset must be available to the OSEM started task, which is executed at system initialization time.

    Member names are indicative of the function. For example, HSMINIT is the initialization member for DFHSMShsm support.

    Usage Notes :

    Dynamic Task Library Utility

    The OS/EM Dynamic Task Library Utility FEMLIB allows a TSO user to define, modify and delete DDNAME definitions for the user's TSO session. The DDNAME can be an existing definition (e.g. STEPLIB, SYSPROC) or a new DDNAME.

    Note: Any dataset(s) specified in the FEMLIB command must be a partitioned dataset (PDS or PDSE).

    FEMLIB Commands


    Use the ALLOCATE command to define a new DDNAME or replace an existing DDNAME.

       FEMLIB ALLocate                                                   -
              FILe(ddname) | DDName(ddname)                              -
              DAtaset(dsn1 {dsn2 dsn3 ...}) | FROmdd(frddn)              -
             {VOLume(volser1 | * {volser2 | *  volser3 | * ...})}        -
             {REOpen | NOReopen}                                         -
             {NOList}                                                    -
             {REUse}                                                     -


    Use the ADD command to add one or more datasets to an existing DDNAME.

       FEMLIB ADD                                                        -
              FILe(ddname) | DDName(ddname)                              -
              DAtaset(dsn1 {dsn2 dsn3 ...})                              -
             {VOLume(volser1 | * {volser2 | *  volser3 | * ...})}        -
             {LASt | FIRst | BEFore(dsn) | AFTer(dsn) | POS(n)}          -
             {REOpen | NOReopen}                                         -
             {NOList}                                                    -


    Use the DELETE command to remove one or more datasets from an existing DDNAME.

       FEMLIB DELete                                                     -
              FILe(ddname) | DDName(ddname)                              -
              DAtaset(dsn1 {dsn2 dsn3 ...})                              -
             {VOLume(volser1 | * {volser2 | *  volser3 | * ...})}        -
             {REOpen | NOReopen}                                         -
             {NOList}                                                    -


    Use the UNALLOC command to delete an existing DDNAME.

       FEMLIB UNALLOC                                                    -
              FILe(ddname) | DDName(ddname)                              -


    Use the LIST command to display the datasets that are associated with a DDNAME.

       FEMLIB LISt                                                       -
              FILe(ddname) | DDName(ddname)                              -
             {STACK{( n | n:m )}}                             -


    Use the PUSH command to save the DDNAME in the push stack.

       FEMLIB PUSh                                                       -
              FILe(ddname) | DDName(ddname)                              -


    Use the POP command to restore the DDNAME that is on the top of the push stack. Any datasets defined to the DDNAME will be replaced with the contents of the stack.

       FEMLIB POP                                                        -
              FILe(ddname) | DDName(ddname)                              -
             {NOList}                                                    -

    FEMLIB Operands

    FILe This specifies the DDNAME that the FEMLIB command acts upon. FILE and DDNAME serve the same function and a mutually exclusive. This is a required operand. The DDNAME 'SCRNLIB' may be used to define a task library specific for the ISPF screen where the command is issued. There can be SCRNLIBs as there ISPF screens.
    DAtaset This specifies the dataset name(s) to be processed. The dataset naming conventions are according to standard TSO rules (i.e. if the TSO profile has the PREFIX parameter set, the dataset name is prefixed with the TSO prefix for names not in quotes). This is a required operand.
    VOLume This operand is required when specifying dataset names that are not catalogued. The volume names are positional and map to the sequence of dataset names specified in the DATASET operand. Only one volume serial number is allowed per dataset. An asterisk can be specified for catalogued datasets (trailing asterisks are not required).
    FROmdd This operand specifies an existing allocation which is to be copied to the new allocation. This operand is mutually exclusive to the DATASET parameter.
    POS This operand specifies the location within an existing DDNAME's concatenation where the dataset(s) are to be added. These operands are mutually exclusive.
      The parameter for the POS operand is a sequence number where the dataset(s) will be located within the concatenation once the addition is complete. POS(1) is functionally equivalent to FIRST. Any value greater than the number of existing datasets in the concatenation is functionally equivalent to LAST.
      If none of these parameters is specified, LAST is assumed.
    NOReopen This operand controls whether datasets that are currently open should be closed and reopened during command processing. If REOPEN is not specified and datasets are open, the command will fail. REOPEN will only work for datasets that are currently open for input.
    STAck This operand specifies that the DDNAME information is to be obtained from the stack. The parameter allows you to specify an individual stack entry (n) or a range of entries (n:m). A value of 1 indicates the top entry in the stack. If the value is omitted, a value of 1 is assumed.
    REUse This operand will allow any existing allocations for the DDNAME to be discarded and replaced with the new dataset allocation. If REUSE is not specified and the DDNAME exists, the ALLOCATE will fail.
    ABEnd This operand will cause an ABEND and a dump if the command return code is 8 or greater.

    FEMLIB Examples

    Allocation Example

                    DA(TEST.LOAD TEMP.LOAD 'SYS2.PROD.LOAD') -
                    VOL(* TST001) -
                    REUSE NOLIST

    This command will replace the current STEPLIB with the three load libraries specified above. Note that the first two dataset names will be prefixed with the TSO PREFIX profile value (if set). In the example, the dataset prefix.TEMP.LOAD is not catalogued and is located on the volume TST001. A listing of the newly allocated STEPLIB will not be displayed.

    Add Example

                    DA('SYS2.DEVL.CLIST') -
                    POS(3) REOPEN

    This command will add the named library to the current SYSPROC. Upon successful completion of the command, the added library will be the third dataset in the concatenation. The other libraries in the concatenation will be reopened during processing of this command (this is superfluous in this example since REOPEN is assumed for SYSPROC).

    Delete Example

                    DA(TEMP.LOAD) -

    This command will delete the named load library from the current STEPLIB. The remaining libraries will be reopened during the processing of the command (REOPEN is assumed for STEPLIB).

    Deallocation Example


    This command will deallocate the current STEPLIB.

    List Example


    This command will display the current STEPLIB allocation.


    This command will display STEPLIB allocations that have been stored in the stack. In this case it will display the top three pushed definitions.

    Push & Pop Example


    This command will save the current STEPLIB definition on the push stack. The STEPLIB definition remains active.


    This command will replace the current STEPLIB definition with the definition that is stored in the push stack. If there are multiple stack entries, the most recently PUSHed entry will be restored.

    Appendix A. Supported Exits

    The following is a list of SMF, TSO, ISPF, JES2, JES3, RACF, Allocation and DFP exits that OS/EM currently supports. The standard support manages the loading and execution of up to three user exits, and optionally an OS/EM exit that provides the Extended support. The listed usage may not cover all the conditions the exit can handle; it is only suggestive of the common use.

    Allocation Exits

    IEFALLOD Allocated/Offline Device Exit
    IEFALLSW Specific Waits Exit
    IEFALLVE Volume Enqueue Exit
    IEFALLVM Volume Mount Exit
    IEFDB401 Allocation Input Validation Exit (SVC99)

    Data Facility Product (DFP) Exits

    IGGPRE00 DADSM Pre-processing for Allocate, Extend, Scratch, Partial Release and Rename
    IGGPOST0 DADSM Post-processing for Allocate, Extend, Scratch, Partial Release and Rename

    Data Facility Hierarchical Storage Manager (DFHSM) Exits

    ARCADEXT Data Set Deletion Exit
    ARCBDEXT Data Set Backup Exit
    ARCBEEXT ABARS Backup Error Exit
    ARCCBEXT Control Data Set Backup Exit
    ARCCDEXT Data Set Reblock Exit
    ARCCREXT ABARS Conflict Resolution Exit
    ARCEDEXT ABARS Expiration Date Exit
    ARCINEXT Initialization Exit
    ARCMDEXT Data Set Migration Exit
    ARCMMEXT Second-Level Migration Data Set Exit
    ARCMVEXT Space Management Volume Exit
    ARCM2EXT ABARS Migration Level 2 Data Set Exit
    ARCRDEXT Recall Exit (Not valid for SMS Managed Data Sets)
    ARCRPEXT Recall/Recover Priority Exit
    ARCSAEXT Space Management and Backup Exit
    ARCSDEXT Shutdown Exit
    ARCSKEXT ABARS Data Set Skip Exit
    ARCTDEXT Tape Data Set Exit
    ARCTEEXT Tape Ejected Exit
    ARCTVEXT Tape Volume Exit

    ISPF Exits

    Exit 1 ISPF initialization
    Exit 2 ISPF termination
    Exit 3 SELECT service start
    Exit 4 SELECT service end
    Exit 5 TSO command start
    Exit 6 TSO command end
    Exit 7 LIBDEF service
    Exit 8 RESERVE
    Exit 9 RELEASE
    Exit 10 Logical screen start
    Exit 11 Logical screen end
    Exit 12 ISPF/PDF service start
    Exit 13 ISPF/PDF service end
    Exit 14 SWAP logical screens
    Exit 15 DISPLAY service start
    Exit 16 Log, list, and temporary data set allocation

    Job Entry System Two (JES2) Exits

    IBM supported Exit points 0-49

    Exit 0 Pre-initialization
    Exit 1 Print/Punch Separators
    Exit 2 Job Statement Scan
    Exit 3 Job Statement Accounting Field Scan
    Exit 4 JCL and JES2 Control Statement Scan
    Exit 5 JES2 Command Preprocessor
    Exit 6 Converter/Interpreter Text Scan
    Exit 7 JCT Read/Write (JES2)
    Exit 8 Control Block Read/Write (User)
    Exit 9 Job Output Overflow
    Exit 10 $WTO Screen
    Exit 11 Spool Partitioning Allocation ($TRACK)
    Exit 12 Spool Partitioning Allocation ($STRAK)
    Exit 13 TSO/E Interactive Data Transmission Facility Screening and Notification
    Exit 14 Job Queue Work Select - $QGET
    Exit 15 Output Data Set/Copy Select
    Exit 16 Notify
    Exit 19 Initialization Statement
    Exit 20 End of Input
    Exit 21 SMF Record
    Exit 22 Cancel/Status
    Exit 23 FSS Job Separator Page (JSPA) Processing
    Exit 24 Post-initialization
    Exit 25 JCT Read (FSS)
    Exit 26 Termination/Resource Release
    Exit 27 PCE Attach/Detach
    Exit 28 Subsystem Interface (SSI) Job Termination
    Exit 29 Subsystem Interface (SSI) End-of-Memory
    Exit 30 Subsystem Interface (SSI) Data Set Open and RESTART
    Exit 31 Subsystem Interface (SSI) Allocation
    Exit 32 Subsystem Interface (SSI) Job Selection
    Exit 33 Subsystem Interface (SSI) Data Set Close
    Exit 34 Subsystem Interface (SSI) Data Set Deallocation
    Exit 35 Subsystem Interface (SSI) End-of-Task
    Exit 36 Pre-security Authorization Call
    Exit 37 Post-security Authorization Call
    Exit 38 TSO/E Receive Data Set Disposition
    Exit 39 NJE SYSOUT Reception Data Set Disposition
    Exit 40 Modifying SYSOUT Characteristics
    Exit 41 Modifying Output Grouping Key Selection
    Exit 42 Modifying a Notify User Message
    Exit 43 Transaction Program Select/Terminate/Change
    Exit 44 JES2 Converter Exit (Main Task)
    Exit 45 Pre-SJF Exit Request
    Exit 46 Transmitting a NJE Data Area
    Exit 47 Receiving a NJE Data Area
    Exit 48 Subsystem Interface (SSI) SYSOUT Data Set Deallocation
    Exit 49 Job Queue Work Select

    User Defined Exit points 50-255

    Job Entry System Three (JES3) Exits

    IBM supported Exit points

    IATUX01 Reserved Name
    IATUX02 Reserved Name
    IATUX03 Examine of modify Converter/Interpreter Text created from JCL
    IATUX04 Examine the Job Information from the JCL
    IATUX05 Examine the Step Information from the JCL
    IATUX06 Examine DD Statement Information from the JCL
    IATUX07 Examine or Substitute Unit, Type and Volume Serial Information
    IATUX08 Examine Setup Information
    IATUX09 Examine Final Job Status, JST and JVT
    IATUX10 Generate a Message
    IATUX11 Inhibit Printing of the LOCATE Request or Response
    IATUX14 Job Validation/Restart LOCATE Request or Response
    IATUX15 Scan an Initialization Statement
    IATUX16 Reserved Name
    IATUX17 Define Set of Scheduler Elements
    IATUX18 Check Input Authority Level for Consoles
    IATUX19 Examine or Modify Data Temporary OSE
    IATUX20 Examine or Modify Data Written on Job Header Pages
    IATUX21 Create and Write Data Set Headers for Output Data Sets
    IATUX22 Examine or Alter the Forms Alignment
    IATUX23 Examine or Modify Data Written to Trailer Pages
    IATUX24 Examine the Net-id and Devices Requested
    IATUX25 Examine or Modify Volume Serial Number
    IATUX26 Examine MVS Scheduler Control Blocks
    IATUX27 Examine or Alter the JDAB, JCT and JMR
    IATUX28 Examine the Accounting Information as Provided by the Job Statement
    IATUX29 Examine the Accounting Information as Provided JCT, JDAB and JMR
    IATUX30 Examine Authority Level for TSO/E Terminal Commands
    IATUX31 Examine or Modify Destination or Message Text
    IATUX32 Override the DYNALLDSN Initialization Statement
    IATUX33 JES3 Control Statement and the JCL EXEC Statement Installation Exit
    IATUX34 JCL DD Statement User Exit and the JCL EXEC Statement Installation Exit
    IATUX35 Validity Check Network Commands
    IATUX36 Collect Accounting Information
    IATUX37 Modify the JES3 Networking Data Set Header
    IATUX38 Change the SYSOUT Class for Networking Data Sets
    IATUX39 Modify the Data Set Header for a SYSOUT Data Set
    IATUX40 Modify Job Header
    IATUX41 Determine the Disposition of Job Over JCL Limit
    IATUX42 TSO/E Interactive Data Transmission Facility Screening and Notification
    IATUX43 Modify Job Header Segments
    IATUX44 Examine and Modify the JCL
    IATUX45 Examine and Modify the Data Sent to an Output Writer FSS
    IATUX46 Select Processors Eligible for Converter/Interpreter Processing
    IATUX47 Reserved Name
    IATUX48 Override Operator Modification of Output Data Sets
    IATUX49 Override Address Selected for Converter/Interpreter Processing
    IATUX50 Process User Defined BSIDMOD Codes for Converter/Interpreter
    IATUX56 Authorize JES3 Commands Entered Through BDT
    IATUX57 Select a Single WTO Routing Code for JES3 MGSROUTE
    IATUX58 Modify Security Information Before JES3 Security Processing
    IATUX59 Modify Security Information After JES3 Security Processing
    IATUX60 Determine Action to take when a TSO/E User is Unable to Receive a Data Set
    IATUX61 During MDS Processing, Choose Whether a Job Should be Cancelled or Sent to the Error Queue
    IATUX62 Overrides the Decision to Accept a Tape or Disk Mount
    IATUX66 Assigns Transmission Priority to a SNA/NJE Data Stream
    IATUX67 Determines Action when Remote Data Set is Rejected by RACF
    IATUX68 Modify Local NJE Job Trailers
    IATUX69 Determine If a Message is to be Sent to the Jes3 Global Address Space
    IATUX70 Perform Additional Message Processing
    IATUX71 Modify a Tape Request Setup Message
    IATUX72 Examine/Modify a Temporary OSE or an OSE Moved to Writer Queue

    JES3 Exits IATUX73 - IATUX99

    IATUX73 - IATUX99 are provided for future compatibility allowing for the specification of the Linkage Types:

    ARETURN with RC=

    Resource Access Control Facility (RACF)

    ICHCCX00 RACF password
    ICHCNX00 RACF password
    ICHDEX01 RACF password encryption
    ICHPWX01 New Password exit
    IRRACX01 ACEE Compression/Decompression Exit
    IRRACX02 ACEE Compression/Decompression Exit
    IRREVX01 RACF Common Command Exit

    System Authorization Facility (SAF) Exits

    ICHRTX00 MVS Router
    IRRSXT00 SAF Callable Services Router

    System Management Facility (SMF) Exits

    IEFACTRT SMF Job/Step Termination Exit
    IEFUJI Job Initiation Exit
    IEFUJP Job Purge Exit
    IEFUJV Job Validation Exit
    IEFUSI Step Initiation Exit
    IEFUSO SYSOUT Limit Exit
    IEFUTL Time Limit Exit
    IEFU29 SMF Dump Exit
    IEFU83 SMF Record Exit
    IEFU84 SMF Record Exit
    IEFU85 SMF Record Exit

    Time Sharing Option Extended (TSO/E) Exits

    ICQAMFX1 Application Manager Function Pre-initialization
    ICQAMFX2 Application Manager Function Post-termination
    ICQAMPX1 Application Manager Panel Pre-display
    ICQAMPX2 Application Manager Panel Post-display
    IEEVSNX0 OPER SEND subcommand Initialization
    IEEVSNX1 OPER SEND subcommand Pre-display
    IEEVSNX2 OPER SEND subcommand Pre-save
    IEEVSNX3 OPER SEND subcommand Failure
    IEEVSNX4 OPER SEND subcommand Termination
    IKJADINI ALTLIB Initialization
    IKJADTER ALTLIB Termination
    IKJCNXCI CONSPROF Initialization
    IKJCNXDE CONSOLE Deactivation
    IKJCNX50 CONSOLE 80% Message Capacity
    IKJCNX64 CONSOLE 100% Message Capacity
    IKJCT43I EXEC Initialization
    IKJCT43T EXEC Termination
    IKJCT44B Add Installation-written CLIST Built-in Functions
    IKJCT44S Add Installation-written CLIST Statements
    IKJEESXB LISTBC Termination
    IKJEESX0 SEND Initialization
    IKJEESX1 SEND Pre-display
    IKJEESX2 SEND Pre-save
    IKJEESX3 SEND Failure
    IKJEESX4 SEND Termination
    IKJEESX5 LISTBC Initialization
    IKJEESX6 LISTBC Pre-display
    IKJEESX7 LISTBC Pre-list
    IKJEESX8 LISTBC Pre-read
    IKJEESX9 LISTBC Pre-allocate
    IKJEFD21 FREE Initialization
    IKJEFD22 FREE Termination
    IKJEFD47 ALLOCATE Command Initialization
    IKJEFD49 ALLOCATE Command Termination
    IKJEFF10 SUBMIT Command
    IKJEFLD1 Logon Authorized Pre-prompt
    IKJEFLD3 LOGON post-prompt
    IKJEFLN1 Logon Pre-display
    IKJEFLN2 Logon Post-display
    IKJEFXG1 Tailor PUTGET and GETLINE processing
    IKJEFY11 OUTDES Initialization
    IKJEFY12 OUTDES Termination
    IKJEFY60 PRINTDS Initialization
    IKJEFY64 PRINTDS Termination
    IKJEGASI TESTAUTH Subcommand Initialization
    IKJEGAST TESTAUTH Subcommand Termination
    IKJEGAUI TESTAUTH Initialization
    IKJEGCIE TEST Subcommand Initialization
    IKJEGCTE TEST Subcommand Termination
    IKJEGMIE TEST Initialization
    IKJEGMTE TEST Termination
    IKJPRMX1 PARMLIB Initialization
    IKJPRMX2 PARMLIB Termination
    INMCZ21R TRANSMIT/RECEIVE NAMES Data Set Pre-allocation
    INMRZ01R RECEIVE Initialization
    INMRZ02R RECEIVE Termination
    INMRZ04R RECEIVE Notification
    INMRZ05R RECEIVE Acknowledgment Notification
    INMRZ06R RECEIVE Pre-acknowledgment Notification
    INMRZ11R RECEIVE Data Set Pre-processing
    INMRZ12R RECEIVE Data Set Post-processing
    INMRZ13R RECEIVE Data Set Encryption
    INMRZ15R RECEIVE Post-prompt
    INMRZ21R RECEIVE Log Data Set Pre-allocation
    INMXZ02R TRANSMIT Termination
    INMXZ03R TRANSMIT Encryption
    INMXZ21R TRANSMIT Log Data Set Pre-allocation
    IRXINITX REXX Pre-environment Initialization
    IRXITMV REXX Post-environment Initialization
    IRXITTS REXX Post-environment Initialization
    IRXTERMX REXX Environment Termination

    Appendix B. General Masking

    Masks are created by using qualifiers within a volume serial number, Jobname, Program name, TSO User ID, or Terminal ID.




    The question mark is used to unconditionally match any single character (except periods) where the question mark occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The ampersand is used to unconditionally match any single alpha character where the ampersand occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The percent sign is used to unconditionally match any single numeric character where the percent sign occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The dash is used to unconditionally match any preceding or succeeding character(s). Multiples are allowed.

    Example Volume Serial Number Masks




    Matches any serial number that begins with VOL0 and any two numeric characters: VOL010


    Matches any serial number that begins with any alpha character and five numbers.

    Example of Jobname Mask




    Matches any Jobname that begins with SPJTH


    Matches any Jobname that contains the characters SP in any position

    Example of Terminal Mask




    Matches any Terminal ID that begins with TSOGS and three numbers

    Example of Program Name Mask




    Matches the program name DFHSIP (CICS).

    Appendix C. Define Dataset Name Groups

    Dataset Name Groups are used to establish a list of dataset name masks and/or dataset names. This group name is then used in various OS/EM functions instead of specifying the same dataset names in every function.

    Build groups as needed. A dataset name or mask may appear in more than one group since each OS/EM function will use Dataset Name Groups in a different way.

    Create, change and delete groups by using this dialog. The panels presented allow maintenance of the list of Dataset Name Groups or masks that constitute a group, and add descriptions to groups for documentation purposes.

    Refer to the OS/EM User's Guide for detailed information (see Dataset Name Groups).

    Dataset name masks

    Dataset name masks are created by using qualifiers within a dataset name. Valid qualifiers are:




    The question mark is used to unconditionally match any single character (except periods) where the question mark occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The ampersand is used to unconditionally match any single alpha character where the ampersand occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The percent sign is used to unconditionally match any single numeric character where the percent sign occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The minus sign is used to unconditionally match a single node of the dataset name. Multiples are allowed.


    The plus sign is used to unconditionally match all characters/nodes of the dataset name beyond where it is entered in the specification. A single plus sign may be specified.

    Examples of dataset name masks




    Specifies single-level dataset AAA


    Specifies a single-level dataset name of five characters. The first and last two characters are AA. The third character can be anything: AA5AA,AABAA, etc.


    Specifies any dataset name beginning with the two characters AA: AA55.TEST


    Specifies a single-level dataset name beginning with the characters AA: AA5PROD


    Specifies a two or more level dataset name. The first node is AA: AA.PROD.COMP


    Specifies a two level dataset name. The first node is AA: AA.CICS


    Specifies a two level dataset name. The last node is AA: PROD.AA


    Specifies a three-level dataset name. The first node is SYS1


    Specifies any three-level dataset name. This type of specification will match every three-level dataset name within your installation.


    Specifies a three-level dataset name. The first node is GSAX


    Specifies a two-level dataset name. The first node starts with SYS and any other character. The second node can be anything: SYS1.LINKLIB


    Specifies a two-level dataset name. The first node starts with SYS and any other alphabetic character. The second node can be anything: SYSX.LINKLIB


    Specifies a two-level dataset name. The first node starts with SYS and any other numeric character. The second node can be anything: SYS5.LINKLIB


    Specifies a three-level dataset name. The first node is SYSX. The second node can be anything. The third node begins with EZT and any three characters: SYSX.CICS.EZT030


    Specifies a two or more level dataset name. The first node begins with any two characters, followed by SYSUT and any other single character.


    Specifies a three or more level dataset name. The first node is AA and the last node is BB.


    Specifies a single-level dataset name. The first two characters are AA and the last two characters are AA. The up to four middle characters can be anything. There has to be at least one middle character - AAAA will not match.


    A fully qualified dataset name.

    Appendix D. Define Volume Groups

    Volume name groups are used to establish a list of DASD volumes. This group name is then used in various OS/EM functions instead of specifying the same volume serial numbers in every function.

    Build groups as needed. A volume serial number may appear in more than one group since each OS/EM function will use volume serial numbers in a different way.

    Create, change and delete groups by using this dialog. The panels presented allow specification of a subset of all groups to operate on, add descriptions to groups for documentation purposes, and maintain the list of volume serial numbers or masks that constitute a group.

    Refer to the OS/EM User's Guide for detail information (see Volume Groups).

    Volume/Jobname Masks

    Volume/Jobname masks are created by using qualifiers within a volume serial number or Jobname. Valid qualifiers are:




    The question mark is used to unconditionally match any single character (except periods) where the question mark occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The ampersand is used to unconditionally match any single alpha character where the ampersand occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The percent sign is used to unconditionally match any single numeric character where the percent sign occurs in the specification. Multiples are allowed.


    The dash is used to unconditionally match any preceding or succeeding character(s). Multiples are allowed.

    Example Volume Serial Number Masks




    Matches any serial number that begins with VOL0 and any two numeric characters: VOL010


    Matches any serial number that begins with any alpha character and five numbers.

    Example of Jobname Mask




    Matches any Jobname that begins with SPJTH


    Matches any Jobname that contains the characters SP in any position

    Appendix E. SMF Record Format

    The SMF records written as an audit trail have the following format:

    SMF255RTY DC   BL1'0'    RECORD TYPE 0
    SMF255JOB DC   CL8' '    JOB NAME
    SMF255SUB DC   X'0'      SUBTYPE
              ORG  SMF255CMD
    SMF255WTO DC   CL256' '  WTO TEXT
              ORG  SMF255CMD
    SMF255ST3 DS   0CL45     RESOURCE ENTRIES - 1 TO MAX OF 127

    Refer to the SMF Recording section of the OS/EM User Guide for instructions on activating this option.

    See member SMFPRINT in the OS/EM SAMPLIB for a job to print these SMF records.

    Appendix F. JES2 Commands

    The following are JES2 commands which control the Job Routing function. Each command is protected by RACF and the resource and command authority needed is listed at the end of the appendix.


    Display Backlog

    This command displays summary information about jobs in the different JES queues.

    Command Syntax:


    Sample output:

        $HASP949 A = 1
        $HASP949 0 AWAITING SPIN
        $HASP952 TOTAL JOBS 113-BATCH  47-STC  3-TSO  0-APPC


    Display Conflicts

    This command displays jobs that are currently unable to run on any system in the MAS complex because they have a routing to a resource that is not defined on any member of the MAS. Note that the criterion here is whether the resource is defined to a member of the MAS, not whether that member is currently active.

    Command Syntax:

        $DC{,LIST | ,ALL}

    With no operands, the response is a single line giving the number of jobs unable to run and the number of resources that those jobs require.

    With the "LIST" parameter, the response is multiple lines giving the number of jobs that need each undefined resource, and the name of those resources.

    With the "ALL" operand, the response lists each job that is unable to run as well as listing each resource that that job requires.

    Sample output:



    Display Jobs Waiting For Datasets

    The $DJ command displays the datasets that are currently not available for the specified job.

    Command Syntax:


    where nnnnn is the JES job number.

    Sample output:

        $HASP890 JOB(ROB9TST) 272
        $HASP890                PRIORITY=9,SYSAFF=(ANY),HOLD=(NONE),
        $HASP890                DSNENQ=(ROB.OSEMTEST.LOAD-EXC)


    Display Printers/Punches

    The $DP command gives a simple one-line display for each printer or punch defined to JES, showing its status.

    Command Syntax:


    Without the "PUN" operand, each printer is listed. With the "PUN" operand, each punch is listed.

    Sample output:

        $HASP928 PRT3          INACTIVE F=STD      Q=N        FSS


    Display Resources

    The $DRESOURCE command lists resources defined to the members of the MAS. These are the resources that are referenced by the /*ROUTE JECL statements and by the JOBNAME and PROGRAMNAME routing functions.

    Command Syntax:

        $DRESOURCE{,ALL | ,SID}

    Note: The command may be abbreviated to $DRE, but no shorter as it would then be interpreted as the standard JES2 $DR command.

    With no operands, the command produces a list of those resources attached to the MAS member where it was issued. With the "ALL" operand, it lists resources for all the members of the MAS. With the "SID" operand (the system ID of a specific MAS member), it lists the resources attached to that specific member.

    Sample output:

        $HASP947 RESOURCE STATUS 268


    List Forms

    The $LF command lists the work that exists in the hardcopy queue, grouped by form, prmode, dest, writer, burst and select. For each unique combination of the above, the number of sysout datasets in each class is listed.

    The scope of the command may be changed by entering additional selection criteria on the command.

    Command Syntax:

         $LF{,F=xxxxxxxx}             Select by FORM
            {,W=xxxxxxxx}             Select by WRITER
            {,PRMODE=xxxxxxxx}        Select by PRMODE
            {,C=xxxx}                 Select by FCB
            {,T=xxxx}                 Select by UCS
            {,J=Jnnnnn{-nnnnn} |
             ,J=Snnnnn{-nnnnn} |
             ,J=Tnnnnn{-nnnnn}}       Select by JOB/STC/TSU numbers
            {,R=xxxxxxxx{-xxxxxxxx}}  Select by Destination.  Operand is
                                      NODE or NODE1-NODE2, RMT or RMT1-RMT2,
                                      NODE.RMT or NODE1.RMT1-NODE2.RMT2,
                                      NODE.USERID or USERID
            {,Q=x...}                 Select by SYSOUT classes
            {,LIM=nnn{-nnn}}          Select by LINE number range
            {,PLIM=nnn{-nnn}}         Select by PAGE number range
            {,D=A |,D=H}              Select ALL or HELD
            {,B=Y |,B=N}              Select by BURST=YES or BURST=NO
            {,S=Y |,S=N}              Select by SELECTABLE or NOT SELECTABLE
            {,JOBS}                   Request that DISPLAY be broken down by
                                      individual JOBS

    Sample output:

        $HASP921 Q: K=3 X=115
        $HASP921 Q: A=4
        $HASP921 STC09815 BPXAS    F=STD R=LOCAL PRMODE=LINE 284
        $HASP921 Q: A=1
        $HASP921 TSU00890 ROB      F=STD R=LOCAL PRMODE=LINE
        $HASP921 Q: A=1
        $HASP921 TSU01082 ROB      F=STD R=LOCAL PRMODE=LINE
        $HASP921 Q: A=1
        $HASP921 Q: A=1



    This command produces a detailed list of jobs executing and/or awaiting execution. For jobs being held, the reason(s) for the hold are displayed (e.g. required resource, Dependent Job Control (DJC) conditions, DSN conflict).

    Command Syntax:

         $LN{,ALL{,IND} |              Select by SYSAFF ALL
             ,ANY       |              Select by SYSAFF ANY
             ,sysid     |              Select by SYSAFF for sysid
             ,IND}                     Select by independent mode
            {,V=xxxxxx}                Select by SPOOL VOLSER
            {,AFTER=xxxxxxxx{(nnnnn)}  Select by AFTER specification
                                        JOBNAME and optional JOB NUMBER
            {,BEFORE=xxxxxxxx{(nnnnn)} Select by BEFORE specification
                                        JOBNAME and optional JOB NUMBER
            {,WITH=xxxxxxxx{(nnnnn)}   Select by WITH specification
                                        JOBNAME and optional JOB NUMBER
            {,PRED=xxxxxxxx{(nnnnn)}   Select by PRED specification
                                        JOBNAME and optional JOB NUMBER
            {,EXCLUDE=xxxxxxx{(nnnnn)} Select by EXCLUDE specification
                                        JOBNAME and optional JOB NUMBER
            {,CNTL=xxxxxx}             Select by CNTL resource, resource is
                                        1-44 characters, alpha, numeric,
                                        national, underscore and period.
                                        Period cannot be first or last
            {,RES=xxxxxx}              Select by ROUTING resource
                                        Resource is 1-44 characters, alpha,
                                        numeric, national, underscore and
                                        period.  Period cannot be first or
                                        last character
            {,ROUTE=nnn{-nnn}}         Select by execution routing NODE or
                                        NODE.RMT.  No USERIDS.
            {,Q=XEQ |                  Select XEQ queue
             ,Q=CNV |                  Select CONVERT queue
             ,Q=STC |                  Select STCS
             ,Q=TSU |                  Select TSUS
             ,Q=HOLD   |               Select HELD jobs
             ,Q=READY  |               Select READY jobs
             ,Q=ACTIVE |               Select ACTIVE JOBS/STCS/TSUS
             ,Q=DJCOWN |               Select owners of DJC resources
             ,Q=DJCHOLD}               Select JOBS held for DJC
            {,C=x{-x}}                 Select by JOBCLASS range; classes
                                        may be A-Z, 0-9, * (CNV), $ (STC),
                                        or @ (TSU).

    Usage Notes:

    • At least one optional parameter must be specified.
    • The $LN command will normally display only jobs that are waiting for execution. However, some optional parameters (e.g. Q=ACTIVE) will display executing jobs.

    Sample output:

        $HASP890 JOB(ROB9TST) 290
        $HASP890                PRIORITY=9,SYSAFF=(ANY),HOLD=(NONE),
        $HASP890                DSNENQ=(ROB.OSEMTEST.LOAD-EXC)
        $HASP890 JOB(ROBCB3) 291
        $HASP890                PRIORITY=9,SYSAFF=(ANY),HOLD=(NONE),
        $HASP890                DJC(RESOURCE),RESOURCE=(IMSPROD)
        $HASP890 JOB(ROBCB3) 296
        $HASP890                PRIORITY=9,SYSAFF=(ANY),HOLD=(NONE),
        $HASP890                DJC(RESOURCE),RESOURCE=(IMSPROD)



    This command produces a summary list of jobs executing and/or awaiting execution. For a detailed display, use the $LN command.

    The Command Syntax is the same as the $LN command except that there is no requirement to specify any optional parameter ($LQ is equivalent to $LQ,Q=XEQ).

    Sample output:

        $HASP945     2 XEQ A ALL 740
        $HASP945    43 XEQ $ ALL 744
        $HASP945     1 READY  A ALL 746


    Resource ADD command.


    Resource DELETE command.

    These two commands allow you to ADD and DELETE resources from a MAS member.

    Command Syntax:

         $QA | $QD                   $QA = ADD, $QD = DELETE
          ,xxxx                      Resource name (1-44 bytes)
          {,SID}                     SID where add/delete is to take place.
                                      The default is the system where the
                                      command is entered.
          {,FORCE}  (DELETE only)    Delete the resource even if the
                                      resource is currently in use by an
                                      active job on the targeted system.

    $Q'xxx', $QJ

    These commands add and delete DEPENDENT JOB CONTROL (DJC) conditions, routing resources and CNTL specifications for jobs already in the job queue.

    Command Syntax:

         $Q'xxxxxxxx'                  Specify JOBNAME
         $QJnnnnn{-nnnnn}              Specify JOB number(s)
          {,HSMRETRY}                  Retry failed HRECALLs
          {,RELEASE(HSM)}              Do not hold job for HRECALLs
          {,HOLD(HSM)}                 Hold job for HRECALLs
          {,RELEASE(USERLIMIT)}        Do not hold job for user limits
          {,HOLD(USERLIMIT)}           Hold job for user limits
          {,RELEASE(PGMLIMIT)}         Do not hold job for program limits
          {,HOLD(PGMLIMIT)}            Hold job for program limits
          {,JOBROUTE=xxxxxx,NODE=nnnn} Route specified job(s) to
                                       node if JOBROUTE resource
                                       is assigned to the job
          {,RELEASE(DJC)}              Do not hold job for dependent job controls
          {,NOAFTER}                   Remove AFTER conditions
          {,NOPRED}                    Remove PRED conditions
          {,NOBEFORE}                  Remove BEFORE conditions
          {,NOWITH}                    Remove WITH conditions
          {,NOEXCLUDE}                 Remove EXCLUDE conditions
          {,NOCNTL}                    Remove all CNTL resources
          {,NOROUTE}                   Remove all ROUTING resources
          {,ADDRES=xxxx}               Add ROUTING resource.  OBSOLETE.
                                        Use ROUTE instead.
          {,DELRES=xxxx}               Remove ROUTING resource. OBSOLETE.
                                        Use ROUTE instead.
          {,ROUTE=({+|-}xxxx,....)}    Add or remove ROUTING resource.
                                        + (ADD) and - (DEL) are optional
                                        and default to ADD.
                                        Enclosing parens are optional if
                                        only 1 resource is specified.
          {,CNTL=({+|-}xxxx{-SHR | -EXC},...)}
                                       Add or remove CNTL resource.
                                        + (ADD) and - (DEL) are optional
                                        and defaults to ADD.  -SHR and
                                        -EXC are optional and default to
                                        -SHR.  Not meaningful for delete.
                                        Enclosing parens are optional if
                                        only 1 resource is specified.
                                       Add or Remove AFTER resource.
                                       + (ADD) 1- (DEL) are optional and
                                       default to ADD.  JOBNUM, WAIT and
                                       MULT are optional.  WAIT and MULT
                                       are not valid for DELETE.
                                       The enclosing parentheses are
                                       optional if only one job is
                                       Add or remove BEFORE resource.
                                       + (ADD) 1- (DEL) are optional and
                                       default to ADD.  JOBNUM, OK and
                                       MULT are optional.  MULT and OK are
                                       not valid for DELETE.
                                       The enclosing parentheses are
                                       optional if only one job is
                                       Add or remove EXCLUDE resource.
                                       + (ADD) 1- (DEL) are optional and
                                       default to ADD.  JOBNUM, MULT, OK,
                                       SYSTEM & TIME are optional.  MULT,
                                       OK, SYSTEM & TIME are not valid
                                       for DELETE.
                                       The enclosing parentheses are
                                       optional if only one job is
                                       Add or remove PRED resource.
                                       + (ADD) 1- (DEL) are optional and
                                       default to ADD.  JOBNUM, WAIT and
                                       MULT are optional.  WAIT and MULT
                                       are not valid for DELETE.
                                       The enclosing parentheses are
                                       optional if only one job is
                                       Add or remove WITH resource.
                                       + (ADD) 1- (DEL) are optional and
                                       defaults to ADD.  JOBNUM, WAIT, MULT,
                                       SYSTEM & TIME are optional.  WAIT,
                                       MULT, SYSTEM & TIME are not valid
                                       for DELETE.
                                       The enclosing parentheses are
                                       optional if only one job is
                                       is specified.

    RACF Resources and Authority Table

    Command Resource Name Authority
    $Q'xxxx' jesx.MODIFY.OSEM UPDATE

    Replace jesx with the name of your JES2 subsystem.

    Note: All listed resources are defined to the OPERCMDS class.

    Appendix G. JECL Statements for Job Routing

    The appendix documents the JECL statements that are supported by OS/EM to control the execution of jobs within the MAS.

    Resource Routing Control JECL Statements

    These cards provide a facility by which jobs can be routed to specific CPUs depending on the availability of a particular resource name assigned to a CPU. Resource names are user defined and specified with the $QA command. Once defined, these resource names attached to a CPU remain in effect until they are detached via the $QD command.

    Resources specified can define physical I/O units which may be attached to only one CPU at a time, or possibly a software name which may only pertain to one particular CPU.

    A job may contain up to 127 /*ROUTE XEQ statements.

    The format of the resource routing JECL statement is:

         /*ROUTE XEQ resourcename

    The JECL statement must follow the JOB statement.

    Following are some examples of using the ROUTE XEQ control statement:

         System #      Resources Attached
            1            DUALD, IMS
            2            3525
            3            IMS,TSO,NOINQ
         //BSPROUT JOB (,,,7552,429),'TEST RESOURCE',CLASS=A
         /*ROUTE XEQ IMS
         //S1 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14

    This job will be scheduled to either system #1 or system #3 because of the IMS resource requested.

    The $DC command is used to display those jobs which have used the /*ROUTE XEQ resource JECL statement and no CPUs have that resource name attached. For example, using the above list, if a job were submitted with a '/*ROUTE XEQ SCANNER' statement, the job would never execute no matter how many initiators were available until a $QA,SCANNER command was issued on a system in the complex. This would be detectable by issuing a $DC command which would display those jobs waiting for resource names.

    Other /*ROUTE control cards formats are:

         /*ROUTE XEQ HERE

    The resource name 'HERE' is a reserved resource name that forces the job to be run on the system where the job is read in (there is no requirement to define the HERE resource with the $QA command).

    Note: Do not have an initiator add the SYSAFF=* parameter to a job as this overrides OS/EM Job Routing.

    /*CNTL and /*THREAD JECL Statements

    The CNTL and THREAD statements are processed identically.

    This JECL statement allows the user to serialize the execution of jobs where critical resources (e.g. a device or a dataset that is to be updated) is required exclusively. The advantage of this facility over GRS (Global Resource Serialization) is that conflicting jobs will not be selected for execution, thus freeing initiators to run other work.

    The resource name specified in the /*CNTL statement is an arbitrary name. If any other jobs come into the system with the same resource name defined, they will not execute simultaneously on the same or other CPUs in the MAS. This provides better control over the resources that must be used serially. This does not affect jobs running without the /*CNTL card or running in a system outside the MAS.

    The format of the JECL statement is:

         /*CNTL resourcename{,EXC | SHR}
         /*THREAD resourcename{,EXC | SHR}

    Jobs with the same resource name will not execute simultaneously if one of the jobs has an EXC control specification. Jobs with SHR may execute simultaneously on any member in the MAS. Alternately, a job requesting EXC control will not execute while other jobs have EXC or SHR control over the resource.

    The EXC / SHR control parameter is optional. The default control value is defined in the Job Routing JECL Defaults control panel (see "JECL Defaults")

    Users may also protect datasets from being updated by different jobs on the same or different CPUs by using the /*CNTL card. Each /*CNTL statement may have a 1 to 44 character control name and, optionally, an EXC or SHR specification.

    Up to 127 CNTL and/or THREAD statements may be specified per job.

    The following are /*CNTL and /*THREAD usage examples:

         //JOB1 JOB
         /*CNTL MASTER,EXC
         //JOB2 JOB

    In the above example, whichever job began execution first, would lockout the other job from beginning until it has completed.

         //JOB1 JOB
         /*CNTL MASTER,SHR
         //JOB2 JOB
         /*CNTL MASTER
         /*CNTL DUALDENS
         //JOB3 JOB

    In the above example, all 3 jobs could run simultaneously as they all specify the SHR option.


    These JECL statements are commonly referred to as Dependant Job Control (DJC) statements and are used to control the execution sequence of jobs. A job can contain up to 127 DCJ statements.

    Default DJC parameters are set in the Job Routing JECL Defaults control panel (see "JECL Defaults").

    AFTER & PRED JECL Statement

    The AFTER and PRED JECL statements are functionally equivalent. The AFTER / PRED statement allows the job to execute on any eligible MAS member only after the specified job has completed execution.

                                 <no_job> <mult_job>
      /*AFTER   jobname{(jobnum)}{,IGNORE}{,IGNORE}
                                 {,FAIL  }{,FAIL  }
                                 {,WAIT  }{,OK    }
                                 {,      }
      /*PRED    jobname{(jobnum)}{,IGNORE}{,IGNORE}
                                 {,FAIL  }{,FAIL  }
                                 {,WAIT  }{,OK    }
                                 {,      }


    This is the only required parameter. This parameter defines the name of the job that must complete execution before this job will be selected.


    This optional parameter defines the job number associated with the specified job name. This allows the JECL statement to reference a specific job.

    No Job Present

    This parameter defines the action to take when there is no job in the input queue that matches the job name specification.


    IGNORE - The JECL statement is to be treated as a comment. The job will be executed immediately.


    FAIL - The job will be canceled with a JCL error.


    WAIT - The job will wait until the named job is read in and completes execution. This option is not valid if a job number is specified.

    Multiple Jobs Present

    This parameter defines the action to take when there is more than one job present in the input queue that matches the job name specification. This parameter has no meaning if the job specification includes a job number.


    IGNORE - The JECL statement is to be treated as a comment. The job will be executed immediately.


    FAIL - The job will be canceled with a JCL error.


    OK - The job will not be selected until all jobs with the specified name have completed execution. Any jobs with the specified name that may be read in prior to this job beginning execution will also take selection precedence.

    BEFORE JECL Statement

    The BEFORE statement will only allow the job to execute on any eligible MAS member if the specified job has not been selected for execution. Jobs with the specified job name will not be selected for execution until this job has completed. If a job with the specified job name is already executing when the job is read in, the job be canceled with a JCL error.

                                 <no_job> <mult_job>
      /*BEFORE  jobname{(jobnum)}{,IGNORE}{,IGNORE}
                                 {,FAIL  }{,FAIL  }
                                 {,OK    }{,OK    }
                                 {,      }


    This is the only required parameter. This parameter defines the name of the job(s) that will wait until this job completes execution.


    This optional parameter defines the job number associated with the specified job name. This allows the JECL statement to reference a specific job.

    No Job Present

    This parameter defines the action to take when there is no job in the input queue that matches the job name specification.


    IGNORE - The JECL statement is to be treated as a comment. The job will be executed immediately. If a job is read in with the specified job name, it will be eligible for immediate execution.


    FAIL - The job will be canceled with a JCL error.


    OK - The job will be selected for execution. If a job is read in with the specified job name while this job is executing, it will not be selected until this job completes. This option is not valid if a job number is specified in the JECL statement.

    Multiple Jobs Present

    This parameter defines the action to take when there is more than one job present in the input queue that matches the job name specification. This parameter has no meaning if the job specification includes a job number.


    IGNORE - The JECL statement is to be treated as a comment. The job will be executed immediately. If subsequent jobs are read in with the specified job name, they will also be eligible for immediate execution.


    FAIL - The job will be canceled with a JCL error.


    OK - The job will only be selected for execution if the jobs in the input queue with the specified name are not executing. If any of the jobs are executing, this job will be canceled with a JCL error. If this job can execute, all jobs with the specified job name (including jobs read in after this job starts executing), will not be selected for execution until this job completes.

    EXCLUDE JECL Statement

    The EXCLUDE statement will only allow the job to execute if the specified job is not executing. The scope of this control can be MAS-wide (i.e. the TIME option means that this job will not execute if the specified job is executing on any member of the MAS) or system specific (i.e. the SYSTEM option will only prevent the execution of this job on any MAS member that is executing the specified job).

    Once this job is selected for execution, jobs with the specified name will not be eligible for execution until this job has completed (the scope of the exclusion, TIME / SYSTEM, still applies).

                                 <no_job> <mult_job>
      /*EXCLUDE jobname{(jobnum)}{,IGNORE}{,IGNORE}{,TIME}
                                 {,FAIL  }{,FAIL  }{,SYSTEM}
                                 {,OK    }{,OK    }
                                 {,      }


    This is the only required parameter. This parameter defines the name of the job(s) that this job must execute exclusively from.


    This optional parameter defines the job number associated with the specified job name. This allows the JECL statement to reference a specific job.

    No Job Present

    This parameter defines the action to take when there is no job in the input queue that matches the job name specification.


    IGNORE - The JECL statement is to be treated as a comment. The job will be executed immediately. If a job is read in with the specified job name, it will be eligible for immediate execution.


    FAIL - The job will be canceled with a JCL error.


    OK - The job will be selected for execution. If a job is read in with the specified job name while this job is executing, it will not be selected until this job completes. The scope of this is determined by the TIME / SYSTEM option. This option is not valid if a job number is specified in the JECL statement.

    Multiple Jobs Present

    This parameter defines the action to take when there is more than one job present in the input queue that matches the job name specification. This parameter has no meaning if the job specification includes a job number.


    IGNORE - The JECL statement is to be treated as a comment. The job will be executed immediately. If subsequent jobs are read in with the specified job name, they will also be eligible for immediate execution.


    FAIL - The job will be canceled with a JCL error.


    OK - The job will only be selected for execution if the jobs in the input queue with the specified name are not executing. If any of the jobs are executing, this job will not be selected for execution until the job(s) has/have completed (the scope of this exclusion is determined by the TIME / SYSTEM option). If this job can execute, all jobs with the specified job name (including jobs read in after this job starts executing), will not be selected for execution until this job completes.


    This control parameter determines the scope of the exclusion. TIME will make the jobs run exclusively across all members of the MAS. SYSTEM will allow the jobs to run concurrently only when they can execute on separate members of the MAS.

    WITH JECL Statement

    The WITH statement will only allow the job to execute if the specified job is executing. The scope of this control can be MAS-wide (i.e. the TIME option means that this job will execute on any eligible member of the MAS, provided the specified job is executing) or system specific (i.e. the SYSTEM option will only allow the execution of this job on the MAS member that is executing the specified job).

                                 <no_job> <mult_job>
      /*WITH    jobname{(jobnum)}{,IGNORE}{,IGNORE}{,TIME}
                                 {,FAIL  }{,FAIL  }{,SYSTEM}
                                 {,WAIT  }{,OK    }
                                 {,      }


    This is the only required parameter. This parameter defines the name of the job(s) that this job must execute concurrently with. The TIME / SYSTEM control parameter determines whether the job will run on any eligible MAS member (TIME) or on the same MAS member as the specified job (SYSTEM).


    This optional parameter defines the job number associated with the specified job name. This allows the JECL statement to reference a specific job.

    No Job Present

    This parameter defines the action to take when there is no job in the input queue that matches the job name specification.


    IGNORE - The JECL statement is to be treated as a comment. The job will be executed immediately.


    FAIL - The job will be canceled with a JCL error.


    WAIT - The job will wait for the specified job to begin execution before it will be allowed to execute. This option is not valid if a job number is specified in the JECL statement.

    Multiple Jobs Present

    This parameter defines the action to take when there is more than one job present in the input queue that matches the job name specification. This parameter has no meaning if the job specification includes a job number.


    IGNORE - The JECL statement is to be treated as a comment. The job will be executed immediately.


    FAIL - The job will be canceled with a JCL error.


    OK - The job will only be selected for execution when any of the jobs in the input queue with the specified name is executing.


    This control parameter determines the scope of the WITH control statement. TIME will allow the job to execute on any eligible member of the MAS. SYSTEM will force the job to run on the same MAS member as the specified job.

    The following is an example of the use of these control cards:

        /*PRIORITY     13
        //BSPTEST JOB (,,7552,429),RUSBASAN,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),CLASS=A
        /*ROUTE XEQ MSS
        //S1 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14
        /*PRIORITY     2
        //BSPFIRST JOB (,,7552,429),RUSBASAN,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),CLASS=A
        /*ROUTE XEQ CPU2
        /*CNTL DUAL,EXC
        //SA EXEC PGM=IEFBR14

    In the above example, job BSPTEST would not execute until job BSPFIRST has finished execution, even though BSPTEST has a higher priority.

    Appendix H. $HASP Messages for Job Routing ($HASP6xx & $HASP9xx)

    The following messages may be issued by the OS/EM Job Routing option:


    Produced by the $LN command.




    Produced by the $LF command.


    Produced by a $Qx command.


    Produced by the $LN command.


    Produced by the $DP command.







    $HASP904 jjjj(nnn) JOB {HELD | CANCELLED}


    Produced by the $QD command.

    $HASP906 jjjj(nnn) BAD JCTX DATA - RC = retcode


    Produced by a $Qx command.


    Produced by the $QJ command.

    $HASP921 free-format message

    Produced by the $LF command.

    $HASP922 free-format message

    Produced by the $LQ command.

    $HASP928 free-format message

    Produced by the $DP command.

    $HASP929 jjjj(nnn) /*djc statement REMOVED

    Produced by the $QJ / $Q'xxx' command.



    $HASP932 jjjj(nnn) * -- EXCLUDE JOBNAME = xxxx -- {SYSTEM | TIME}

    $HASP933 jjjj(nnn) SYNTAX ON /*PRED IS INVALID






    $HASP939 jjjj(nnn) SYNTAX ON /*WITH IS INVALID

    $HASP940 jjjj(nnn) * -- AFTER JOBNAME = xxxx --

    $HASP941 jjjj(nnn) * -- WITH JOBNAME = xxxx -- {SYSTEM | TIME}

    $HASP942 jjjj(nnn) * -- RESOURCE ROUTING = xxxxx --

    $HASP943 jjjj(nnn) * -- CONTROL INFO = xxxxx -- {SHR | EXC}

    $HASP944 jjjj(nnn) * -- BEFORE JOBNAME = xxxx --

    $HASP945 jjjj(nnn) * -- PRED JOBNAME = xxxx --


    Produced by the $DRESOURCE command.

    $HASP947 sid - resname resname resname ....

    Produced by the $DRESOURCE command.


    Produced by the $DC command.


    Produced by the $DB command.

    $HASP950 jjjj(JOBnnnnn) * -- JOBROUTE rulenum ruletype = value --

    Produced when OS/EM generates an automatic route or a change to jobclass/priority, scheduling environment, service class or xeq node. Where:

    rulenum is the OS/EM Resource Routing and Classing rule number.

    ruletype is the OS/EM Resource Routing and Classing resource being set.

    value is the value being assigned.

    $HASP951 OS/EM VER n.n - JOBROUTING ACTIVE ON subsys FOR sid

    $HASP952 TOTAL JOBS nnn-BATCH nnn-STC nnn-TSO nnn-APPC

    Produced by the $DB command.

    $HASP953 nnn JOBS NEED RESOURCE resname

    Produced by the $DC command.


    Produced by the $DC command.

    $HASP955 jjjj(nnn) NEEDS RESOURCE resname

    Produced by the $DC command.

    $HASP956 jjjj(nnn) /*djc JOB xxxxxxxx IS NOT SUITABLE

    Produced by the $QJ / $Q'xxx' command.


    $HASP957 FOR DJC - djc

    Produced by the $QJ / $Q'xxx' command.



    $HASP959 jjjj(nnn) UNABLE TO ADD {ROUTE | CNTL | THREAD | djc} - JCTX IS FULL




    Produced by the $DC command.

    $HASP962 jjjj(nnn) DJC {ADDED | DELETED}: AFTER JOBNAME = xxxxx

    Produced by the $QJ / $Q'xxx' command.

    $HASP963 jjjj(nnn) DJC {ADDED | DELETED}: BEFORE JOBNAME = xxxxx

    Produced by the $QJ / $Q'xxx' command.

    $HASP964 jjjj(nnn) DJC {ADDED | DELETED}: EXCLUDE JOBNAME = xxxxx

    Produced by the $QJ / $Q'xxx' command.

    $HASP965 jjjj(nnn) DJC {ADDED | DELETED}: PRED JOBNAME = xxxxx

    Produced by the $QJ / $Q'xxx' command.

    $HASP966 jjjj(nnn) DJC {ADDED | DELETED}: WITH JOBNAME = xxxxx

    Produced by the $QJ / $Q'xxx' command.

    $HASP967 jjjj(nnn) RESOURCE ROUTING {ADDED | DELETED}: xxxxx

    Produced by the $QJ / $Q'xxx' command.

    $HASP968 jjjj(nnn) CONTROL INFO {ADDED | DELETED}: xxxxx-{SHR | EXC}

    Produced by the $QJ / $Q'xxx' command.


    Produced by the $QJ / $Q'xxx' command.


    Produced by the $QJ / $Q'xxx' command.

    $HASP971 OS/EM VER v.r - JCL CONVERTED BY jes ON sid

    $HASP972 JOB jjjj(nnn) CANCELLED DUE TO OS/EM ERROR - reason


    When this message is issued, an SVC dump is obtained and the job is canceled. Normal processing continues. Contact OS/EM customer support to arrange for the dump to be sent for analysis.

    Appendix I. MVS Commands for Tape Share

    The following operator commands are available to control TAPESHR functions.

    In the following command formats, dev_spec refers to the syntax allowed for ordinary MVS vary commands, e.g. 580 or 580-581 or (580,582-588), etc.

    A modify command is available to shut down FEMTPSHR.

      F FEMTPSHR,STOP {option}

    Where {option} is:

    You may optionally use the STOP command (P).


    The STOP command uses the GLOBALOFFLINE option.

    The Display Units command has been enhanced to show the TAPESHR status of those devices controlled by TAPESHR. The additional data includes the system currently owning the device (or the word 'NONE'). There may also be additional characters appended to show additional information. These include:

    Appendix J. OS/EM External Security Profiles Summary

    This is a summary of the external security profiles that OS/EM will use when the optional security functions are enabled.

    Job Class Checking


    All JOBCLASS profiles are defined to the FACILITY class (IBMFAC for CA-TopSecret).

    Operating System and JES2 Command Checking


    Generic profile for all operating system commands


    'cmd' must be full command verb (e.g. MOUNT)


    Generic profile for all JES2 commands


    'cmd' is the single-character command (excluding ADD, DEL, TRACE 1 VS)

    All command profiles are defined to the FACILITY class (IBMFAC for CA-TopSecret).

    OS/EM JES2 Command Checking

    The following table lists the OS/EM JES2 commands and the associated security resource and access authority required.

    Command Resource Name Authority

    jesx is the JES2 subsystem name.

    All command profiles are defined to the OPERCMDS class.

    JCL & SYSOUT Parameter Checking

    Users can optionally define the security class and profile names to be checked when controlling the use of JCL & SYSOUT parameters. Refer to the JCL Controls section of the OS/EM User's Guide for more information regarding this option.

    If the class and profile names are not defined, the following FACILITY class (IBMFAC for CA-TopSecret) profiles will be used:


    where valid 'parm' values are:

    ACCTx (x = 1 through 6)
    TIME (valid values are MAXIMUM, 1440, NOLIMIT & HIGH)

    FEMCNTL Command Security

    External security can be used to secure the FEMCNTL functions. The FEMCNTL utility is used to enable / disable / alter OS/EM functions and user exits.


    where valid 'command' values are:

    * Generic profile for all FEMCNTL commands
    ACF2 OS/EM ISPF Dialog security for CA-ACF2 users
    ALLOC Device allocation functions and user exits
    CODE OS/EM Authorization Code functions
    DASD DSN and Volume Group functions
    DASDCNTL DASD Quickpool functions and IGGPRE00 & IGGPOST0 user exits
    DUMP OS/EM Dump functions
    HSM HSM Optimizer functions and DFSMShsm user exits
    ISPF ISPF functions and user exits
    JES2 JES2 functions and user exits
    JES3 JES3 user exits
    MISC Miscellaneous functions
    POOL OS/EM Quickpool functions
    QUERY OS/EM Query function
    RACF RACF functions, OS/EM ISPF Dialog security for RACF users and user exits
    RELOAD OS/EM & user exit load module load / reload functions
    SAF SAF user exits
    SMF SMF functions and user exits
    SVC SVC Delete / Replace functions
    SYSTEM OS/EM general system functions
    TOPS OS/EM ISPF Dialog security for CA-TopSecret users
    TSO TSO functions and user exits

    All function profiles are defined to the FACILITY class (IBMFAC for CA-TopSecret).

    ISPF Admin Dialog Security

    External security can be used to secure the ISPF Administration dialog functions. The profile names have the structure


    where sysid is the SMF system name (defined in the SID parameter of the SMFPRMxx PARMLIB member).

    The 'function' name is hierarchical in structure to allow flexible security by functional group with generic profiles. For example:


    Profile for all ISPF administration functions


    Profile for ISPF administration Maintenance functions

    Valid 'function' values are:

    MAINT.AUTH.CODE Option 1.1
    MAINT.NOTIFY.GROUPS Option 1.3.1
    MAINT.NOTIFY.ALLOC Option 1.3.2
    MAINT.NOTIFY.DASD Option 1.3.3
    MAINT.NOTIFY.HSM Option 1.3.4
    MAINT.NOTIFY.ISPF Option 1.3.5
    MAINT.NOTIFY.JES2 Option 1.3.6
    MAINT.NOTIFY.JES3 Option 1.3.7
    MAINT.NOTIFY.MISC Option 1.3.8
    MAINT.NOTIFY.RACF Option 1.3.9
    MAINT.NOTIFY.SAF Option 1.3.10
    MAINT.NOTIFY.SMF Option 1.3.11
    MAINT.NOTIFY.TSO Option 1.3.12
    MAINT.NOTIFY.OSEM Option 1.3.13
    MAINT.NOTIFY.USER Option 1.3.14
    MAINT.PERF.COUNTS Option 1.5
    MAINT.OFFSET.LIBS Option 1.10.1
    MAINT.JES2.OFFSET Option 1.10.2
    MAINT.JES3.OFFSET Option 1.10.3
    MAINT.COPY.SMPE2EXEC Option 1.11
    MAINT.GEN.DSNAMES Option 1.13
    BASIC.JES2.EXITS Option 2.1
    BASIC.JES3.EXITS Option 2.2
    BASIC.MVS.EXITS Option 2.3
    DEFINE.DSN.GROUPS Option 3.1
    DEFINE.VOL.GROUPS Option 3.2
    HSM.BKUP Option 3.3.1
    HSM.DEFRAG Option 3.3.2
    HSM.DBA Option 3.3.3
    HSM.DBU Option 3.3.4
    HSM.DIRECT.ML2 Option 3.3.5
    HSM.EARLY.RECALL Option 3.3.6
    HSM.DSORG Option 3.3.7
    HSM.MIG Option 3.3.8
    HSM.ML2 Option 3.3.9
    HSM.QUICK.DELETE Option 3.3.11
    HSM.REBLOCK Option 3.3.12
    HSM.RECALL.VOL.SELECT Option 3.3.13
    HSM.REPORTS Option 3.4.1
    HSM.SMF.COLLECT Option 3.4.2
    HSM.DEFINE.REPT.FILES Option 3.4.3
    ISPF.PREFIX Option 3.5
    JCL.ACCOUNT.NUMBERS Option 3.6.1
    JCL.EZPROC Option 3.6.2
    JCL.FORCE.OPEN Option 3.6.4
    JCL.TAPE.CONTROLS Option 3.6.8
    JCL.VIRTUAL.STORAGE Option 3.6.9
    JOB.ADD.NOTIFY Option 3.7.1
    JOB.CONTROL.JES2.CMDS Option 3.7.2
    JOB.CONTROL.MVS.CMDS Option 3.7.3
    JOB.JOB.STEP.NOTIFY Option 3.7.5
    JOB.JOB.START.MESSAGE Option 3.7.7
    JOB.NOT.CATALOGED2 Option 3.7.9
    JOB.REFORMAT.JOB.ACCT Option 3.7.10
    SET.JES.NAME Option 3.7.11
    JOB.TSO.LOGOFF.STATS Option 3.7.14
    JOB.VERIFY.USER.RACF Option 3.7.15
    JOBROUTE.MSG.SUB Option 3.8.3
    SET.JES.NAME Option 3.8.9
    MISC.ACF2.NONCANCEL Option 3.9.1
    MISC.SMF.DUMP Option
    MISC.WTO Option 3.9.6
    QUICKPOOL.DASD.ALLOC Option 3.10.1
    QUICKPOOL.RULES Option 3.10.2
    RACF.EXTERNAL.TAPE Option 3.11.2
    RESTRICT.DEVICES Option 3.12
    SVC.REPLACE Option 3.13
    TAPESHR.SYSTEM.LEVEL Option 3.14.1
    TAPESHR.DEVICE.LEVEL Option 3.14.2
    TIME.JOB.TIME Option 3.15.1
    TIME.SYSTEM.LEVEL Option 3.15.2
    TIME.SELECTION.LISTS Option 3.15.3
    QUERY.STATUS Option 4
    RELOAD.JES2.USER.MODS Option 5.1
    RELOAD.JES3.USER.MODS Option 5.2
    SET.JES.NAME Option 6

    All administration function profiles are defined to the FACILITY class (IBMFAC for CA-TopSecret).

    Other RACF Resources

    Resource Name



    These resources are used by the RACF Discrete Profiles function to control the definition of discrete profiles. 'class' is the name of the resource class that is being controlled. READ access permits a user to create discrete profiles. See "RACF Discrete Profiles".


    This is a FACILITY class resource.


    This resources is used by the External Tape Controls function to allow users to open datasets that have no defined profile. the resource class that is being controlled. READ access permits a user to open external datasets. See "External Tape Control".


    This is a FACILITY class resource.

    User Defined Resources

    The following OS/EM functions use external security resources, the names of which are defined by the user.

    OS/EM Function


    Job Limiting

    External security can be used to allow users to bypass the job limiting controls. READ access to the defined resource will permit a user to execute more concurrent jobs than may be allowed by the job limiting rules. This resource is optional. If it is not defined all users' jobs will be subject to the job limiting controls. See "Job Limits By User".



    SYSOUT Extensions

    External security can be used to grant SYSOUT extensions when the output limits are exceeded. Read access to the defined resource will grant SYSOUT extensions to the user's job (the size of the extension is defined in the SYSOUT Extension Controls). This resource is optional. If it is not defined all users' jobs will be subject to the SYSOUT extension controls. See "Sysout Extensions".


    Example - EXTEND.SYSOUT

    Time Extensions

    External security can be used to grant CPU and/or wait time extensions when the job / step / wait time limits are exceeded. Read access to the defined resource(s) will grant CPU or wait extensions to the user's job / step. (the size of the extension is defined in the Time Extensions System Level Controls. These resources are optional. If they are not defined all users' jobs will be subject to the Time extension controls. See "Time Extensions System Level Controls".



    All User Defined profiles are defined to the FACILITY class (IBMFAC for CA-TopSecret).


    A B C D E F G H I J M N O P Q R S T U V W
  • Abend Messages
  • Account Numbers
  • Activating, (470)
  • Defining, (468)
  • Field Support, (466)
  • List Validation, (480), (482)
  • Security Checking, (478)
  • ACF2 Non-cancel Override Control, (728)
  • Add Notify Statement, (658)
  • ADDRSPC JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (507)
  • ADDVOL Parameter in DFHSM
  • Setting for HSM Optimizer, (230)
  • Allocation Exits
  • Query Status, (846)
  • ALLOW, (767)
  • Global ALLOW, (771)
  • search order, (782)
  • Authorization Code
  • CODEINIT Member, (103)
  • B
  • Backup Control, (233)
  • Basic Exit Functions
  • ABENDNOTIFY, (141), (163), (185)
  • Activate JES2 user exit, (137)
  • Activate JES3 user exit, (159)
  • Activate MVS user exit, (181)
  • Autoinstall Feature, (131)
  • Basic Entry Panel, (134)
  • Basic Exits Menu, (132)
  • JES2 Exits, (136)
  • JES3 Exits, (157)
  • MVS Exits, (179)
  • Define JES2 user exit module, (153)
  • Define JES3 user exit module, (175)
  • Define MVS user exit module, (197)
  • Definition and Use, (127)
  • Exits Supported, (129)
  • JES2 user exit module selection list, (151)
  • JES3 user exit module selection list, (173)
  • MVS user exit module selection list, (195)
  • Options JES2, (139)
  • Options JES3, (161)
  • Options MVS, (183)
  • OS/EM Exit Functions, (128)
  • Use With OS/EM Extended Functions, (133)
  • Build Initialization Member, (873)
  • BURST JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (577)
  • C
  • CA-ACF2
  • ADDRSPC, (506)
  • BURST, (574)
  • CHARS, (570)
  • COPIES, (578)
  • DATA CLASS, (509)
  • DDNAME, (513)
  • DEST, (583)
  • DPRTY, (517)
  • EXPDT, (521)
  • FCB, (587)
  • FLASH, (591)
  • FORM, (594)
  • FORMDEF, (598)
  • JES2 Command Checking, (664)
  • JES2 Command Resource Name, (667)
  • Job Accounting, (473), (476)
  • Job Class Checking, (489)
  • Message CLASS, (607)
  • MODIFY, (603)
  • MVS Command Checking, (676)
  • MVS Command Resource Name, (679)
  • OUTPRTY, (611)
  • PAGEDEF, (615)
  • PERFORM, (529)
  • PRMODE, (619)
  • PROTECT, (533)
  • PRTY, (537)
  • Resource for Job Class Checking, (492)
  • RETPD, (541)
  • STORAGE CLASS, (545)
  • SUBSYS, (549)
  • SYSOUT Class, (623)
  • TIME, (553)
  • UCS, (627)
  • UNIT, (557)
  • USERLIB, (561)
  • WRITER, (631)
  • ADDRSPC, (504)
  • BURST, (575)
  • CHARS, (571)
  • COPIES, (579)
  • DATA CLASS, (510)
  • DDNAME, (514)
  • DEST, (584)
  • DPRTY, (518)
  • EXPDT, (522)
  • FCB, (586)
  • FLASH, (590)
  • FORM, (595)
  • FORMDEF, (599)
  • JES2 Command Checking, (663)
  • JES2 Command Resource Name, (666)
  • Job Accounting, (472), (475)
  • Job Class Checking, (488)
  • Message CLASS, (606)
  • MODIFY, (602)
  • MVS Command Checking, (675)
  • MVS Command Resource Name, (678)
  • OUTPRTY, (610)
  • PAGEDEF, (614)
  • PERFORM, (530)
  • PRMODE, (618)
  • PROTECT, (534)
  • PRTY, (538)
  • Resource for Job Class Checking, (491)
  • RETPD, (542)
  • STORAGE CLASS, (546)
  • SUBSYS, (550)
  • SYSOUT Class, (622)
  • TIME, (554)
  • UCS, (626)
  • UNIT, (558)
  • USERLIB, (562)
  • WRITER, (632)
  • Catalog Account Control, (730)
  • CHARS JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (573)
  • Control JES2 Commands, (660)
  • Control Operating System Commands, (672)
  • COPIES JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (581)
  • D
  • DASD Allocation, (748)
  • DATACLASS JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (511)
  • Dataset Name Conflict Resolution, (684)
  • Dataset Name Group
  • Change Group, (206)
  • Creating Group Names, (203)
  • Delete Group, (207)
  • Disable, (205)
  • Enable, (204)
  • Temporarily Disable Group, (208)
  • Use in Delete-By-Age (DBA), (264)
  • Use in Delete-If-Backed-Up (DBU), (279), (282)
  • Use in Direct-To-Level-2, (290)
  • Use in Exclude from Backup, (235)
  • Use in ML0 to ML1 Control, (311)
  • Use in ML1 to ML2 Control, (327)
  • Use in Reblock Control, (343)
  • Used For, (202)
  • Dataset Name Groups, (919)
  • Dataset Name Masks
  • DSN masks Example, (920)
  • Examples, (211)
  • Masking Characters, (210)
  • Name Mask Table, (209)
  • Dataspace Controls
  • Masking, (652)
  • Day Controls
  • Definition and Use in DBA, (254)
  • Use in DBU, (273)
  • Use in Delete-By-Age, (256)
  • DDNAME JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (515)
  • Define/Allocate HSM Files, (451)
  • Defragmentation
  • Activating, (238)
  • Add Volume Groups, (246), (248)
  • Automatic Defragmentation, (229)
  • Deactivate, (239)
  • Definition and Use, (236)
  • DEFRAG Level, (245)
  • Delete Volume Groups, (247), (249)
  • Index Level Example, (242)
  • Procedure, (241)
  • Specifying Multiple Defrag Groups, (244)
  • Specifying Multiple Defrag Pools, (243)
  • Delete-By-Age Control
  • Activating, (253)
  • Add DSN Groups, (266)
  • Add/Delete DSN Groups, (263), (265)
  • Deactivate Day Hold, (257)
  • Definition and Use, (250)
  • Delete DSN Groups, (267)
  • Maxsize And/Or Include, (259)
  • Maxsize, (261)
  • Options Panel, (252)
  • Specifying Day Hold, (255)
  • Specifying DSN Groups, (258)
  • Use of And/Or, (262)
  • Delete-If-Backed-Up Control
  • Activating, (271)
  • Add DSN Group, (283)
  • Add/Delete DSN Group, (281)
  • And/Or Connective, (278)
  • Day Controls, (272)
  • Definition and Use, (268)
  • Delete DSN Group, (284)
  • Maxsize And/Or Include, (274)
  • Maxsize Definition, (277)
  • Maxsize, (275)
  • Options Panel, (270)
  • Specifying DSN Group, (280)
  • DEST JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (585)
  • DFHSM SETSYS Parameters
  • ADDVOL for HSM Optimizer ADDVOL in the System, (231)
  • DFHSM Record Type for HSM Optimizer Reports, (453)
  • NOMIG in ARCCMDxx, (317)
  • SETSYS for QuickPool Recall, (349)
  • SETSYS REBLOCK Control for HSM Optimizer, (336)
  • SETSYS RECALL Parameter for QuickPool, (232), (350)
  • DFP Exits
  • Query Status, (847)
  • Direct-to-Level-2
  • Add Exclude DSN Group, (294)
  • Add Include DSN Group, (293)
  • Definition and Use, (285)
  • Delete Exclude DSN Group, (295)
  • Delete Include DSN Group, (296)
  • Exclude DSN Group, (291)
  • Include DSN Group, (292)
  • Minimum And/Or Exclude, (288)
  • Minimum And/Or Include, (289)
  • Specify Minimum Dataset Size, (287)
  • Disabling Return Code
  • JES2 Usage, (144), (150)
  • JES3 Usage, (166), (172)
  • MVS Usage, (188), (194)
  • DISALLOW, (769)
  • Global DISALLOW, (773)
  • search order, (783)
  • DPRTY JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (519)
  • E
  • Estimated Costs Controls, (732)
  • Execute Pending Changes, (871)
  • Execute Pending Changes, (872)
  • Expiration Date JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (523)
  • External Tape Control, (795)
  • EZ-Proclib(R) Control, (483)
  • F
  • FCB JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (589)
  • FEMLIB Command
  • Commands, (875)
  • Description, (874)
  • Examples, (899)
  • ABEND, (898)
  • ADD, (877)
  • AFTER, (892)
  • ALLOCATE, (876)
  • BEFORE, (891)
  • DATASET, (886)
  • DDNAME, (885)
  • DELETE, (878)
  • FILE, (884)
  • FIRST, (890)
  • FROMDD, (888)
  • LAST, (889)
  • LIST, (880)
  • NOREOPEN, (894)
  • POP, (882)
  • POS, (893)
  • PUSH, (881)
  • REOPEN, (895)
  • REUSE, (897)
  • STACK, (896)
  • UNALLOC, (879)
  • VOLUME, (887)
  • Operands, (883)
  • FLASH JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (593)
  • Force Open Controls, (501)
  • FORM JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (597)
  • FORMDEF JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (601)
  • G
  • Good Return Code
  • JES2 Usage, (148)
  • JES3 Usage, (170)
  • MVS Usage, (192)
  • H
  • Hiperspace Controls
  • Masking, (651)
  • HSM Exits
  • Query Status, (854)
  • HSM Optimizer
  • Backup Control, (234)
  • Defragmentation, (237)
  • Delete-By-Age, (251)
  • Delete-If-Backed-Up, (269)
  • Description, (226)
  • Direct-to-Level-2, (286)
  • Early Batch Recall, (297)
  • Force DSORG to PS, (298)
  • HSM Optimizer Menu, (228)
  • Migration Control (ML0-ML1), (300)
  • Migration Level-2 Control (ML1-ML2), (315)
  • Prioritize Recall/Recover, (331)
  • Quick Delete Control, (332)
  • Reblock Control, (334)
  • Recall/Recover, (346)
  • Summary of Features, (227)
  • HSM Optimizer Reports
  • ACS Parameters, (421)
  • Activity Summary, (386)
  • Allocate Reports Files, (427)
  • Backed Up Dataset Detail (BCDS Date Sort No XREF), (417)
  • Backed Up Dataset Detail (BCDS Date Sort w/XREF), (413)
  • Backed Up Dataset Detail (BCDS DSN Sort No XREF), (415)
  • Backed Up Dataset Detail (BCDS DSN Sort w/XREF), (409)
  • Batch Job, (428)
  • Build Job Card, (429)
  • Collect SMF Data, (426)
  • Dataset Backup Summary, (389)
  • Dataset Movement Index Calculation, (383)
  • Dataset Movement Index Use, (382)
  • Dataset Thrashing, (381)
  • Define/Allocate HSM Files, (452)
  • Definition and Use, (355), (356)
  • Description, (354)
  • DFHSM DASD Volume Summary, (374)
  • DFHSM Error Detail Report, (384)
  • DFHSM Error Summary Report, (385)
  • DFHSM Primary Volumes Summary, (391)
  • DFHSM Specify SMF Record Type, (454)
  • DFHSM Volume Backup Statistics, (378)
  • DFHSM Volume Fragmentation Statistics, (376)
  • DFHSM Volume Last Backup, (395)
  • DFHSM Volume Last Dump, (396)
  • DFHSM Volume Last Migration, (394)
  • DFHSM Volume Management Technique, (392)
  • DFHSM Volume Recall Statistics, (377)
  • DFHSM Volume Recover Statistics, (379)
  • DFHSM Volume Thresholds, (393)
  • DFHSM Volume Usage Statistics, (375)
  • Dynamic Date Selection, (436), (437), (442), (443)
  • HSM Optimizer Report Menu, (418)
  • HSM Report Database, (446)
  • Main Menu, (424)
  • Migrated Dataset Detail (MCDS Date Sort), (411)
  • Migrated Dataset Detail (MCDS DSN Sort), (407)
  • Migrated Dataset Summary, (387)
  • Migration (Primary - ML2), (367)
  • Migration Age Summary (ML1 - ML2), (364)
  • Migration Age Summary (Primary - ML1), (361)
  • Migration Delay Summary (Primary - ML1), (360)
  • Migration Delay Summary (ML1 - ML2), (363)
  • Migration Delay Summary (Primary - ML2), (366)
  • Migration Detail (ML1 - ML2), (362)
  • Migration Detail (Primary - ML1), (359)
  • Migration Detail (Primary - ML2), (365)
  • Optimizer Reports, (431)
  • Primary Dataset Activity Report, (380)
  • Primary Volume Date Reference Detail, (405)
  • Primary Volume Detail, (403)
  • Produce Reports, (425)
  • Producing Reports, (432)
  • Recall Age Summary (ML1 - Primary), (370)
  • Recall Age Summary (ML2 - Primary), (373)
  • Recall Delay Summary (ML1 - Primary), (369)
  • Recall Delay Summary (ML2 - Primary), (372)
  • Recall Detail (ML1 - Primary), (368)
  • Recall Detail (ML2 - Primary), (371)
  • Recommended Retention Date, (444)
  • Recoverable Space, (398), (399), (400)
  • Report Number XREF, (358)
  • SAMPLIB RPTRPT, (438), (450)
  • Selecting Reports, (433)
  • SMF Data Collection, (440)
  • SMF Data Input Format, (448)
  • Specify Database Retention, (441), (445)
  • Specify SYSPRINT Class, (430)
  • Specifying Beginning Date, (434)
  • Specifying Ending Date, (435)
  • Summary of Features, (357)
  • Tuning DFHSM, (419), (422)
  • Tuning DFSMS, (420), (423)
  • Unmovable Datasets, (397), (401)
  • I
  • ISPF File Prefix Controls
  • Description, (458), (722)
  • ISPF Interface
  • Description, (97)
  • Entering data, (98)
  • External Tape Control, (796)
  • Generated commands, (102)
  • Help Screens, (104)
  • Interface, (96)
  • Internal documentation, (101)
  • JCL Controls, (459)
  • Job Controls, (654)
  • Miscellaneous Controls, (725)
  • PF Key Usage, (99)
  • Query OS/EM Status, (825)
  • QuickPool, (744)
  • RACF Controls, (790)
  • RACF Discrete Profiles, (794)
  • Reload Exits, (862)
  • Restrict Devices, (803)
  • Restricted Password Control, (800)
  • Set JES2 Name, (870)
  • Specifying options and parameters, (100)
  • SVC Controls, (812)
  • Tape Share Controls, (815)
  • Time Controls, (821)
  • WTO Controls, (739)
  • J
  • JCL Controls
  • Account Number Controls, (464)
  • Description, (461)
  • JCL Control Menu, (463)
  • EZ-Proclib(R) Control, (484)
  • Jobclass/Jobname Controls, (486)
  • Other JCL Controls, (503)
  • STEPLIB Controls, (567)
  • Sysout Class/Parameters, (569)
  • Tape Usage Controls, (635)
  • Virtual Storage Controls, (637)
  • Summary of Features, (462)
  • JES2 Commands
  • Defining CA-ACF2 Resources, (669)
  • Defining CA-TOPSECRET Resources, (670)
  • Defining RACF Resources, (668)
  • JES2 Commands and JECL (925)
  • $DB (928)
  • $DC (929)
  • $DJ (930)
  • $DP (931)
  • $DRESOURCE (932)
  • $LF (933)
  • $LN (934)
  • $LQ (935)
  • $Q'xxx' (938)
  • $QA (936)
  • $QD (937)
  • $QJ (939)
  • AFTER JECL Statement (945)
  • BEFORE JECL Statement (947)
  • CNTL JECL Statement (943)
  • EXCLUDE JECL Statement (948)
  • PRED JECL Statement (946)
  • Route JECL Statement (942)
  • THREAD JECL Statement (944)
  • WITH JECL Statement (949)
  • JECL Statements (941)
  • JES2 Commands (927)
  • JES2 Exits
  • ABENDNOTIFY, (142)
  • Activate user exit, (138)
  • Default Return Code, (143)
  • Define user exit module, (154)
  • Disabling Return Code, (149)
  • Good Return Code, (147)
  • Job Name Masks Definition, (155)
  • Options Specifications, (140)
  • Query Status, (848)
  • User exit module selection list, (152)
  • Valid Return Code, (145)
  • JES2 Exits, (135)
  • JES3 Exits
  • ABENDNOTIFY, (164)
  • Activate user exit, (160)
  • Default Return Code, (165)
  • Define user exit module, (176)
  • Disabling Return Code, (171)
  • Good Return Code, (169)
  • Job Name Masks Definition, (177)
  • Options Specifications, (162)
  • Query Status, (849)
  • User exit module selection list, (174)
  • Valid Return Code, (167)
  • JES3 Exits, (158)
  • Job Class
  • Job Controls
  • Description, (655)
  • Job Controls Menu, (657)
  • Add Notify Statement, (659)
  • Control JES2 Commands, (661)
  • Control Operating System Commands, (673)
  • Dataset Name Conflict Resolution, (685)
  • Job Limits By User, (691)
  • Job Start Message, (695)
  • Job Step Notify, (687)
  • Job/Program Limits, (689)
  • Job/Step Statistics, (697)
  • Not Cataloged 2, (699)
  • Program Limits, (693)
  • Reformat Jobcard, (701)
  • Surrogate Password, (703)
  • Sysout Extensions, (714)
  • TSO Logoff Statistics, (716)
  • Verify User to Jobname, (720)
  • Verify User to RACF, (718)
  • Summary of Features, (656)
  • Job Limits By User, (690)
  • Job Name Checking
  • Exclude Job Name Masks, (497)
  • Include Job Name Masks, (496)
  • Job Name Masks, (495)
  • Job Name Mask
  • Dataspace Control, (643)
  • Example, (916), (923)
  • Exclude Job Name, (500)
  • Hiperspace Control, (642)
  • Include Job Name, (499)
  • JES2 Mask Definition, (156)
  • JES3 Mask Definition, (178)
  • Job Name Checking, (498)
  • Masking Characters, (921)
  • MVS Mask Definition, (200)
  • Region Size Control, (641)
  • Restrict Device, (808)
  • Surrogate Password Processing, (709)
  • Job Routing Controls
  • Job Routing Controls Menu, (723)
  • Job Start Message, (694)
  • Job Step Notify, (686)
  • Job/Program Limits, (688)
  • Job/Step Statistics, (696)
  • Checking for Access to, (564)
  • Jobclass/Jobname Controls, (485)
  • Job Class Checking, (487)
  • Job Name Checking, (494)
  • M
  • Maxsize Parameter
  • Use in Delete-By-Age (DBA), (260)
  • Use in Delete-If-Backed-Up (DBU), (276)
  • Messages
  • Setting Message Number in TSO, (95)
  • MGMTCLASS JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (527)
  • Migration Control (ML0 to ML1)
  • Activating, (302)
  • Add DSN Groups, (312)
  • ARCCMDxx, (301)
  • Deactivating, (303)
  • Definition and Use, (299)
  • Delete DSN Groups, (313)
  • Exclude DSN Groups, (309)
  • Hold Days Definition, (305)
  • Include DSN Groups, (308)
  • Maxsize And/Or Include, (307)
  • Maxsize Connective, (306)
  • NOMIG in ARCCMDxx, (316)
  • Specify Hold Days, (304)
  • Specifying DSN Groups, (310)
  • Migration Control (ML1 to ML2)
  • Activating, (318)
  • Add DSN Groups, (328)
  • Deactivating, (319)
  • Definition and Use, (314)
  • Delete DSN Groups, (329)
  • Exclude DSN Groups, (325)
  • Hold Days Definition, (321)
  • Include DSN Groups, (324)
  • Maxsize And/Or Include, (323)
  • Maxsize Connective, (322)
  • Specify Hold Days, (320)
  • Specifying DSN Groups, (326)
  • Miscellaneous Controls
  • ACF2 Non-cancel Override Control, (729)
  • Catalog Account Control, (731)
  • Description, (726), (791)
  • Estimated Costs, (733)
  • Miscellaneous Controls Menu, (727)
  • SMF Dump Controls, (735)
  • TSO Program Intercept, (737)
  • WTO Controls, (741)
  • MODIFY JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (605)
  • MSGCLASS JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (609)
  • MVS Account Numbers
  • Activating, (469)
  • Defining, (467)
  • Field Support, (465)
  • List Validation, (479), (481)
  • Security Checking, (477)
  • MVS Commands
  • Defining CA-ACF2 Resources, (681)
  • Defining CA-TOPSECRET Resources, (682)
  • Defining RACF Resources, (671), (680), (683)
  • MVS Exits
  • ABENDNOTIFY, (186)
  • Activate user exit, (182)
  • Default Return Code, (187)
  • Define user exit module, (198)
  • Disabling Return Code, (193)
  • Good Return Code, (191)
  • Job Name Masks Definition, (199)
  • Options Specifications, (184)
  • User exit module selection list, (196)
  • Valid Return Code, (189)
  • MVS Exits, (180)
  • N
  • Not Cataloged 2, (698)
  • O
  • Other JCL Controls, (502)
  • OUTPUT PRTY JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (613)
  • P
  • PAGEDEF JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (617)
  • PERFORM JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (531)
  • PRMODE JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (621)
  • Program Limits, (692)
  • Program Name Mask
  • Dataspace Control, (640), (649)
  • Example, (918)
  • Hiperspace Control, (639), (648)
  • Masking Characters, (911)
  • Region Size Control, (638), (647)
  • PROTECT JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (535)
  • PRTY JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (539)
  • Q
  • Query OS/EM Status
  • ALLOC Exits, (831)
  • ALLOC Specific Exit, (841)
  • DASD Dataset Name Group, (856)
  • DASD Exits, (830)
  • DASD Specific Exit, (840)
  • DASD Specific Pool, (855)
  • DASD Volume Name Groups, (857)
  • Definition and Use, (826)
  • HSM Exits, (834)
  • HSM Specific Exit, (844)
  • ISPF Exits, (835)
  • JES2 Exits, (832)
  • JES2 Specific Exit, (842)
  • JES3 Exits, (833)
  • JES3 Specific Exit, (843)
  • MVS Exits, (837)
  • Output Dataset, (827)
  • RACF Exits, (836)
  • RACF Specific Exit, (845)
  • SMF Exits, (828)
  • SMF Specific Exit, (838)
  • TSO Exits, (829)
  • TSO Specific Exit, (839)
  • QuickPool
  • Activate, (757)
  • Add DSN Groups, (776)
  • Allow DSN Groups, (768), (778)
  • ALLOW/DISALLOW search order, (784)
  • Control all Volumes, (759), (760)
  • Control Specified Volumes, (761)
  • Deactivate, (758)
  • Define Pools with Allow DSN Groups, (764)
  • Define Pools with Disallow DSN Groups, (765)
  • Define Pools, (762)
  • Definition and Use, (745)
  • Delete DSN Groups, (777)
  • Disallow DSN Groups, (770), (779)
  • Global Allow DSN Groups, (772)
  • Global Disallow DSN Groups, (774)
  • Note on SYS1 Datasets, (780)
  • Pool Considerations, (786)
  • Query Dataset Name Group, (858)
  • Query Specific Pool, (860)
  • Query Status, (850)
  • Query Volume Name Groups, (859)
  • QuickPool Menu, (747)
  • DASD Allocation Control, (749)
  • Specify Rules, (756)
  • Specify DSN Groups, (775)
  • Specify Rules, (755)
  • Summary of Features, (746)
  • SYS1 Datasets, (781)
  • Use with HSM Optimizer, (788)
  • Volume Pool considerations, (785)
  • Volumes in Multiple Pool Definitions, (787)
  • WARN mode, (750)
  • R
  • RACF
  • ADDRSPC, (505)
  • BURST, (576)
  • CHARS, (572)
  • COPIES, (580)
  • DATA CLASS, (508)
  • DDNAME, (512)
  • Delete Surrogate Password Dataset, (706)
  • DEST, (582)
  • DPRTY, (516)
  • EXPDT, (520)
  • FCB, (588)
  • FLASH, (592)
  • FORM, (596)
  • FORMDEF, (600)
  • JES2 Command Checking, (662)
  • JES2 Command Resource Name, (665)
  • Job Accounting, (471), (474)
  • Job Class Checking, (490)
  • Load Surrogate Password Dataset, (705)
  • Message CLASS, (608)
  • MODIFY, (604)
  • MVS Command Checking, (674)
  • MVS Command Resource Name, (677)
  • NJE Surrogate Password Processing, (707)
  • OUTPRTY, (612)
  • PAGEDEF, (616)
  • PERFORM, (528)
  • PRMODE, (620)
  • PROTECT, (532)
  • PRTY, (536)
  • Resource for Job Class Checking, (493)
  • RETPD, (540)
  • STORAGE CLASS, (544)
  • SUBSYS, (548)
  • Surrogate Password User ID, (704)
  • SYSOUT Class, (624)
  • TIME, (552)
  • UCS, (628)
  • UNIT, (556)
  • USERLIB, (560)
  • WRITER, (630)
  • RACF Controls
  • External Tape Control, (798)
  • RACF Controls Menu, (792)
  • Restricted Password Control, (802)
  • RACF Discrete Profiles
  • RACF Discrete Profiles, (793)
  • RACF Exits
  • Query Status, (851)
  • Reblock Control
  • Activating, (337)
  • Add DSN Groups, (342)
  • Deactivating, (338)
  • Definition and Use, (333)
  • Delete DSN Groups, (344)
  • During Conversion to New DASD, (335)
  • Exclude DSN Groups, (341)
  • Minimum Dataset Size, (340)
  • Reblocking BLKSIZE, (339)
  • Recall/Recover
  • Activating, (351)
  • Deactivating, (352)
  • Definition and Use, (345)
  • Use with QuickPool, (347)
  • Reformat Jobcard, (700)
  • Region Size Controls
  • Controlling By Job Class, (646)
  • Controlling By Job Name, (645)
  • Controlling By Program Name, (644)
  • Masking, (650)
  • Reload Exits, (861)
  • Selection Menu, (863)
  • JES2 Exits User Modules, (864)
  • JES3 Exits User Modules, (865)
  • MVS Exits User Modules, (866)
  • RACF Tables, (868)
  • System Modules, (867)
  • Restrict Devices
  • Description, (804)
  • Jobname "POPUP" Screen, (807)
  • Restrict Devices, (806)
  • Specify Jobname Mask, (810)
  • Specify Jobname, (809)
  • Summary of Features, (805)
  • Restricted Password Control, (799)
  • Retention Period JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (543)
  • S
  • Set JES2 Name, (869)
  • SMF Data Collection
  • Definition and Use, (439)
  • DFHSM Specify Record Type, (455)
  • Input Format, (447)
  • SMF Dump Controls, (734)
  • SMF Exits
  • Query Status, (852)
  • SMF Record Format, (924)
  • Checking for Access to, (565)
  • STEPLIB Controls, (566)
  • STORCLASS JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (547)
  • SUBSYS JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (551)
  • Supported Exits
  • Allocation Exits, (901)
  • DFHSM Exits, (903)
  • DFP Exits, (902)
  • ISPF Exits, (904)
  • JES2 Exits, (905)
  • JES3 Exits, (906)
  • RACF Exits, (907)
  • SAF Exits, (908)
  • SMF Exits, (909)
  • TSO/E Exits, (910)
  • Surrogate Password
  • Definition and Use, (702)
  • Specifying Job Name Mask, (708)
  • SVC Controls
  • Description, (813)
  • Sysout Class/Parameters, (568)
  • Sysout Extensions, (713)
  • SYSOUT JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (625)
  • System Codes
  • System Controls/Maintenance/Installation Functions, (106)
  • Assemble Offset Table, (120)
  • Copy SMP/E Libraries to Executable Libraries, (121)
  • Create OS/EM Tables, (125)
  • Execute Online Warning Message, (115)
  • Pending Changes Table Maintenance, (117)
  • Rebuild OS/EM Tables, (118)
  • SMF Recording, (112)
  • SMP/E Functions, (119)
  • Update Installation Variables, (122)
  • Update System Tables, (124)
  • Upgrade to OS/EM 6.1 (126)
  • Verify/Change Generated DSNames, (123)
  • System Managed Storage
  • HSM Optimizer Recall, (348)
  • T
  • Tape Share Controls
  • Description, (816)
  • Device Level Controls, (819)
  • System Level Controls, (818)
  • Tape Share Controls Menu, (817)
  • Tape Usage Controls, (634)
  • Terminal ID Mask
  • Example, (917)
  • Masking Characters, (912)
  • Time Controls
  • Description, (822)
  • Summary of Features, (823)
  • Time Controls Menu, (824)
  • TIME JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (555)
  • TSO Exits
  • Query Status, (853)
  • TSO Logoff Statistics, (715)
  • TSO Profile
  • OS/EM Message Number, (94)
  • TSO Program Intercept, (736)
  • TSO User ID Mask
  • Surrogate Password Processing, (710)
  • U
  • UCS JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (629), (633)
  • Starting the ISPF Interface, (105)
  • UNIT JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (559)
  • USERLIB JCL Parameter
  • Controlling, (563)
  • V
  • Valid Return Code
  • JES2 Usage, (146)
  • JES3 Usage, (168)
  • MVS Usage, (190)
  • Verify User to Jobname, (719)
  • Verify User to RACF, (717)
  • Virtual Storage Controls, (636)
  • Volume Groups
  • Add Group, (216)
  • Change Group, (217)
  • Creating Group Names, (213)
  • Defining Volume Mask(s), (222)
  • Definition, (212)
  • Delete Group, (218)
  • Disable, (215)
  • Enable, (214)
  • Temporarily Disable Group, (219)
  • Use in QuickPool, (763), (766)
  • Volume Name Masks
  • Examples, (223)
  • Masking Characters, (221)
  • Name Mask Table, (220)
  • W
  • Warn Mode
  • Use in Implementing DFSMS, (753)
  • Use in QuickPool, (751), (754)
  • Why Use in QuickPool, (752)
  • WTO Controls
  • Description, (740)
  • WTO Controls Entry Panel, (742)

  • Reader's Comment Form

    The success of this manual depends solely on its usefulness to you. To ensure such usefulness, we solicit your comments concerning the clarity, accuracy, completeness, and organization of this manual. Please enter your comments below and mail this form to the address on the front page of this manual. If you wish a reply, give your name, company, and mailing address. We would also appreciate an indication of your occupation and how you use this manual.

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    accurate 1 2 3 4 5 inaccurate
    readable 1 2 3 4 5 unreadable
    well laid out 1 2 3 4 5 badly laid out
    well organized 1 2 3 4 5 badly organized
    easy to understand 1 2 3 4 5 incomprehensible
    has enough examples 1 2 3 4 5 has too few examples

    Thank you for your time and effort.