Patch 201010111-8 - Rational Apex Embedded (LynxOS) 4.4 for Linux/x86->PowerPC ----------------------------------------------------------- To install this patch, download these 3 files and run the install script: install_i386_linux2_201010111_8 i386_linux2.patch.201010111-8.inventory i386_linux2.patch.201010111-8.tar.Z Description REQUIRED PATCH SERIES IDs: Starting with Apex 4.0.0, most Native and Embedded patches have a SeriesID associated with them. Specifying a SeriesID as a prerequisite for installation as opposed to a PatchID prevents prerequisites from becoming obsolete as new patches are created. SeriesIDs are text strings -- eg runtimes, views, etc -- and are listed next to the PatchIDs at Before installing this patch, you must install a patch from each of the following product-series: This product: series share [patchID 20091218 or later]. ---------------------------------------------------------- It is suggested that all users install this patch. ---------------------------------------------------------- This patch fixes the following: Defect RATOC00154464: The Apex C compiler does not implement the GCC __attribute__ directives, and fails when encountering them in the source. This prevents compilation of some LynxOS 5.0.0 header files, in particular sys/ioctl.h. This patch provides a macro in the Spire.cfg file that elides all __attribute__ directives encountered in the source. In addition, the LynxOS 5.0.0 header rcsid.h defines the static global __RCSid each time it is expanded, causing the Apex C compiler to fail the second time this header is included. This patch provides a modifed rcsid.h file that is only effective the first time it is included, avoiding this error and allowing other LynxOS headers that use rcsid.h to compile. ---------------------------------------------------------- The following were fixed in earlier patches. The fixes are included in this patch as well. Defect RATLC00144079: The AXI Motif library libmotif.a for the LynxOS 3.1.0a (COFF) target was built with the Solaris ar (archive) utility. The LynxOS linker is unable to read archive files built with the Solaris utility, so applications using the Motif AXI interface cannot be linked. This patch provides a libmotif.a built with the LynxOS 3.1.0a ar utility. Defect RATLC00150479: This patch provides Apex 4.4.0 Ada views for LynxOS PowerPC ELF. This includes fully patched lxe_ppc views for the previously supported LynxOS 4.0.0/4.2.0 operating systems, plus new lxe5_ppc views supporting LynxOS 5.0.0. Defect RATLC01485423: The Apex C compiler fails on the LynxOS 4.0.0 and 4.2.0 version of the header netdb.h. This header contains the __const directive, which the Apex compiler does not recognize. This patch replaces __const with const, which the Apex compiler does recognize, during C compilations. ---------------------------------------------------------- It is suggested that all users install this patch.