Patch 201105201-8 - Rational Apex Embedded (VxWorks/Tornado) 4.4 for Linux/x86->PowerPC ----------------------------------------------------------- To install this patch, download these 3 files and run the install script: install_i386_linux2_201105201_8 i386_linux2.patch.201105201-8.inventory i386_linux2.patch.201105201-8.tar.Z Description ---------------------------------------------------------- It is suggested that all users install this patch. ---------------------------------------------------------- This patch fixes the following: Defect RATLC00428342: The disassembly generated by a_db does not match 444 solaris -> vw_ppc debugger ---------------------------------------------------------- The following were fixed in earlier patches. The fixes are included in this patch as well. Defect RATLC00152134: The format of WTX null records changed between Wind River Tornado and Workbench program development systems. The run and debug daemons used by Apex to communicate with VxWorks 6.x through Wind River Workbench do housekeeping operations on receipt of a null record. The Apex daemons did not recognize the new null records and so never did any of the housekeeping operations. Among these is the transfer of console input from the host to the VxWorks program running on the board. For this reason, Text_Io.Getline would not read a line typed into host standard I/O. The Apex daemons for Workbench 2.4, 2.6, 3.0, and 3.2 have been modified to address this and other changes in the WTX interface. Text_Io.Getline can now read host input from an Apex program running on VxWorks 6.2, 6.4, 6.6, or 6.8. This patch provides the updated daemons for Linux hosts. Defect RATLC00153534: The Apex 4.4.0 l86 => vw_ppc GUI debugger doesn't reverse bytes in the Memory window Defect RATLC00154545: This patch provides new host tools for the Apex 4.4.0 Linux to VxWorks PowerPC product. These tools support VxWorks 6.8 addition to the previously supported VxWorks 6.6, 6.4, 6.2, 5.5, and 5.4. Defect RATLC00154702: The low level polling of VxWorks only allowed the daemon to act on ^C when a vxWorks event occurred. This change allows ^C to be noticed on every poll. Defect RATLC00398402: This patch provides new host tools for the Apex 4.4.0 Linux to VxWorks PowerPC product. These tools support VxWorks 6.4 and 6.6 in addition to the previously supported VxWorks 6.2, 5.5, and 5.4. Defect RATLC00878598: This patch implements command line arguments to be passed to a vxWorks Tornado program and accessed through the interface. The arguments are passed as strings and at most 10 command line arguments are allowed. This comes from the Command_Line package and I assume it is derived from some VxWorks limitation. The command argument can be accessed via the Command_Line.Argv() array. Unused parameter slot are initialized to 0 in the Argv array. To pass command line arguments to apex_execute you must use the '-a ... ' as the last arguments to the command. ---------------------------------------------------------- It is suggested that all users install this patch.