........................................................................... PATCH DESCRIPTION FOR PATCH (Priority: Mandatory) Platform: Windows Prerequisite: The following table maps Ifix01 file names with the language they include: 1033_reqpro.msp - Language: English 1041_reqpro.msp - Language: Japanese ........................................................................... Information for installing from a release area: RATLC00991284: In most cases, a release area created from a Baltic installation package will support all languages that a product is available in. However, when a release area is created from CD media or ISO files, and the product spans more than one CD/ISO, the release area will support only the language that the release area was created with. For example, if a release area is created on a Japanese operating system, in Japanese, then the release area will support only the Japanese language. The following two workarounds are available to create a multi-language release area with CD media or ISO files: 1. Create the release area using an image that was downloaded as a Web download. The problem that occurs when spanning CD/ISO files is not encountered when a Web download is used to create a release area. 2. Create the release area using CDs or ISO files. Place the IBM/Rational Product CD Disc 1 in the CD drive ~or~ mount the IBM/Rational Product CD Disc 1 ISO image. Run the MUI_RA_Console.exe tool that will update the release area with information to support all languages a given product is available in. For example: MUI_RA_Console where is the the letter of the CD drive that contains IBM/Rational Product CD 1 or the drive mapped to IBM/Rational Product CD 1 ISO image, and is the root directory location of the pre-existing release area created using a Baltic GA product installation CD. For more information, please see technote #1239528, available at http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?&uid=swg21239528. ........................................................................... Fixes defects: IC47813 (RATLC01103100), PK09170 (RATLC01094800), PK12792 (RATLC01099991), PK17752 (RATLC01107855), PK23072 (RATLC00984969), RATLC00489055, RATLC00489056, RATLC00735863, RATLC00736015, RATLC00740622, RATLC00741680, RATLC00749497, RATLC00769039, RATLC00982600, RATLC00983867, RATLC00984924, RATLC00985114, RATLC00985542, RATLC00985621, RATLC00985645, RATLC00986320, RATLC00987316, RATLC00987513, RATLC00988217, RATLC00989369, RATLC00990648, RATLC01091261, RATLC01091307, RATLC01091394, RATLC01091526, RATLC01091562 This patch corrects the following software defects: IC47813 (RATLC01103100): Corrects a runtime error that occurs when selecting a requirement in the Requirements Explorer if the document in which the requirement is located is open. PK09170 (RATLC01094800): Provides a useful error message when attempting to delete a package that contains a private view that belongs to another user. Previously, a confusing message was displayed when performing this action in projects with Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases. PK12792 (RATLC01099991): Corrects an error that prevents a non-administrative RequisitePro user from associating a RequisitePro project with a RoseRT model after an administrator has added the required attributes to the project. PK17752 (RATLC01107855): Corrects slow performance of the add-to-list function when using ClearQuest integrated with a large RequisitePro project. PK23072 (RATLC00984969): A whitepaper has been published to explain RequisitePro project size and database limitations (30,000 - 50,000 requirements). RATLC00489055: Improves performance in RequisiteWeb by ignoring the settings to retain hierarchical relationships in views if no filters are selected. In this case, all requirements (parents and children) of the selected type are returned, so there is no need to process parent/child relationships. RATLC00489056: Improves performance by removing the independent validation of each requirement's package when opening in Attribute Matrix view in RequisiteWeb. RATLC00735863: Provides a more complete error message that is displayed when associating a Rose model to a RequisitePro project when the user does not have permissions to change project structure. RATLC00736015: Corrects a problem that causes discussion replies to appear as discussions when comparing baselines of projects that were created from baselines. RATLC00740622: Removes the “Modify” Action menu selection from the “View Requirement” window in the ClearQuest integration. This prevents users from modifying the requirement name and text in ClearQuest, since these are overwritten by RequisitePro during a refresh. RATLC00741680: Corrects a problem that causes loss of traceability information in project baselines that include in documents and views. RATLC00749497: Displays an error when invalid characters are entered in the label of a baseline, including a colon in the first position of the label name. RATLC00769039: Corrects the occurrence of an invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x2) in the value of the "Name" attribute, when opening a package in RequisiteWeb. This occurs when a document- based requirement has text but no requirement name. RATLC00982600: Corrects a problem that causes loss of initial revision information from existing requirements in a project created from a baseline. RATLC00983867: Corrects a problem that prevents the display of the requirement name and text in baselined projects in RequisiteWeb. RATLC00984924: Corrects inconsistent behavior in discussions in RequisiteWeb. RATLC00985114: Corrects an error that occurs when creating a baseline from a project. RATLC00985542: Corrects a problem that breaks the connection between RequisitePro and Microsoft Word when a non-requirement Word document is closed. RATLC00985621: Corrects a problem that prevents users from importing documents in RequisiteWeb if the document name includes Japanese characters. RATLC00985645: Provides error messages to explain failures in the integration of RequisitePro and ClearQuest when making associations from RequisitePro. RATLC00986320: Corrects errors that occur when accessing project security when using Microsoft SQL Server 2005. RATLC00987316: Corrects a problem in the RequisitePro-ClearQuest Integration wizard that inserts 'CQWeb' instead of 'cqweb' for ClearQuest Web URL. RATLC00987513: Corrects a problem that causes multiple traceability relationships to be inappropriately marked as Suspect in RequisiteWeb. RATLC00988217: Corrects a runtime error that occurs when creating requirements with the Import wizard using a document that includes a custom Word style. RATLC00989369: Corrects the display of a login prompt for every external project for LDAP-enabled RequisitePro projects. RATLC00990648: Corrects RequisiteWeb login performance problems. RATLC01091261: Corrects a problem that causes discussions created in the Requirement Properties window to be marked as "Read" automatically. RATLC01091307: Corrects a problem that prevents the association of a ClearQuest record with a RequisitePro requirement when eSignature is required for a Modify action in ClearQuest. RATLC01091394: Corrects a problem in which suspect marks do not display in RequisiteWeb traceability views with external project requirements in RequisiteWeb. RATLC01091526: Corrects a problem that occurs in the RequisitePro-ClearQuest Integration wizard if the Rational Administrator project is UCM-enabled. RATLC01091562: Corrects a problem in the installation of RequisitePro from a release area, which in some cases resulted in the installation of incorrect language versions of some components and the corruption of displays during the installation and use of the application.