........................................................................ PATCH DESCRIPTION FOR PATCH (Priority: Mandatory) Platform: Windows Prerequisite: ........................................................................... Information for installing from a release area: RATLC00991284: In most cases, a release area created from a version installation package supports all available languages for a product; however, when a release area is created from CD media or ISO files and the product spans more than one CD/ISO, then the release area only supports the language in which the release area was created. For example, if a release area is created on a Japanese operating system in Japanese, then the release area only supports the Japanese language. The following two workarounds are available to create a multi-language release area with CD media or ISO files: 1. Create the release area using an image that was downloaded as a Web download. The problem that occurs when spanning CD/ISO files is not encountered when a Web download is used to create a release area. 2. Create the release area using CDs or ISO files. Place the IBM Rational Product CD Disc 1 in the CD drive ~or~ mount the IBM Rational Product CD Disc 1 ISO image. Run the MUI_RA_Console.exe tool, which updates the release area with information to support all available languages for a product. For example: MUI_RA_Console where is the letter of the CD drive that contains IBM Rational Product CD 1 or the drive mapped to IBM Rational Product CD 1 ISO image, and is the root directory location of the pre-existing release area created using a version GA product installation CD. For more information, please see technote #1239528, available at http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?&uid=swg21239528. ........................................................................... Uninstalling an iFix: In order to remove an iFix from a version 7 installation of RequisitePro, you must be uninstall RequisitePro 7.0.0. ........................................................................... RequisiteWeb user interface enhancements for performance, usability, and consistency: This service release includes changes to the RequisiteWeb graphical user interface. These changes enhance performance and usability, and provide consistency between RequisiteWeb and the RequisitePro client for Windows and other Rational Web applications. - The "Select action" menu options, which previously were displayed on most pages in a drop-down menu in the main toolbar, are now represented as icons in the content frame toolbar. The labels for the icons are consistent with the previous menu options. - The "Return to view" icon is now represented as a button. This icon is displayed in the main toolbar after you open a view in your RequisiteWeb session. - The Discussions icon, which previously was only available on the Project Properties page, is now represented as a button that is displayed in the main toolbar. This button is now available throughout your RequisiteWeb session. - The Requisite Web Explorer controls, which are displayed above the Explorer, are now represented as buttons. These buttons include: Search the Explorer, Synchronize the Explorer, and Refresh the Explorer. - The Package Properties page has been redesigned to enable you to edit the properties directly on the page rather than on a separate editing page. After you submit your edits, a new message is displayed: "Your changes have been saved." - The User Profile page has been redesigned to enable you to edit your profile and preferences directly on the page rather than on a separate editing page. After you submit your edits, a new message is displayed: "Your changes have been saved." - The Requirement Properties Revisions page has been reorganized to be consistent with the RequisitePro client for Windows. Disabled fields are now shaded. Only the last revision is displayed. Click the new History button to display a full history for the selected requirement. - The text at the left of the main toolbar now displays the current project name rather than the selected page or artifact. - The browser window title now displays the "Rational RequisiteWeb" client name, followed by the browser name. Note: After installing RequisiteWeb, if you can access the Log In page but receive the following error when attempting to log in, restart the ReqWeb service (IBM WebSphere Application Server V6 - RWP ReqWeb servlet) or restart the server. JSP Processing Error HTTP Error Code: 404 Error Message:JSPG0036E: Failed to find resource /MainFrame.jsp ........................................................................... Known problems in this patch release: RATLC00997473 - A new message is displayed in RequisiteWeb after modifying the User Profile or Package Properties: "Your changes have been saved." Also, on the Revisions page for Requirement Properties, there is a new History button and Time field on this redesigned page. This message and these labels are in English only; they will be translated to Japanese in an upcoming release. ........................................................................... Fixes defects in this patch release: IC47325 (RATLC01098582), IC47740 (RATLC00962351), IC50157 (RATLC00994171), IC50384 (RATLC00996219), PK26587 (RATLC00990553), PK27678 (RATLC00987503), PK28762 (RATLC01185238), PK28801 (RATLC00993512), PK29602 (RATLC00994689), PK29785 (RATLC00995001), PK30166 (RATLC00995585), RATLC00703430, RATLC00727649, RATLC00732834, RATLC00738608, RATLC00755267, RATLC00994856, RATLC00997313, RATLC00997326, RATLC00997438, RATLC00997477, RATLC00997561, RATLC00997948, RATLC01090271, RATLC01091219, RATLC01185387, RATLC01185546 This patch release includes all fixes from the previous v. 7.0.0 patch releases, as well as the new fixes for the following software defects: IC47325 (RATLC01098582) - RequisitePro Metrics: Corrects a problem that caused the Trend Intervals checkbox to be selected but unavailable for change in a Report Time Period window. IC47740 (RATLC00962351) - Baseline Manager: Prevents the occurrence of OutOfMemoryError messages when comparing baselines of two large projects. Users can now configure the JVM virtual memory size for large project baselines using a configuration file. If you encounter an OutOfMemoryError when comparing baselines, do the following steps: 1. Close the Baseline Manager. 2. In Windows Explorer or a Command Prompt window, navigate to the bin directory for your installation of RequisitePro. The default location for this directory is C:\Program Files\Rational\RequisitePro\bin 3. Open the Baseline.vmcfg file with any text editor. 4. Modify the default size of JVM virtual memory size (Xmx) from 256 to the maximum supported memory; for example, Xmx=512m or Xmx=1024m. 5. Save and close the Baseline.vmcfg file. 6. Launch Baseline Manager and try generating the report. IC50157 (RATLC00994171) - Provides error handling and display when a view query times out using the Microsoft SQL Server database. PK26587 (RATLC00990553) - Corrects the occurrence of missing columns in an Attribute Matrix view in a project that is created from a baseline. PK27678 (RATLC00987503) - Corrects the truncated display of the button labels in the Japanese version of the Discussions window. PK28762 (RATLC01185238) - Corrects an error that occurs when creating a project from a project baseline. PK28801 (RATLC00993512) - Prevents rapid growth of the RQTRACETABLETEMP in RequisitePro. PK29602 (RATLC00994689) - Corrects a problem in which the requirements list is not displayed in the Microsoft Project Integration wizard "Perform an action" page if there are greater than five hundred requirements of a certain type. PK29785 (RATLC00995001) - Corrects a duplicate key error that occurred when a history record number for a revised requirement, document, or project was a duplicate of an existing entry in the database rather than an increment of the latest version number. PK30166 (RATLC00995585) - Corrects a condition that causes the RequisitePro > Requirement > Find operation in a RequisitePro document to take a long time. RATLC00703430 - Restores focus to the New Document window in the Rational Rose integration with RequisitePro when associating a use case with a new document after disassociating a previous document. The window is now visible and has focus during this operation. RATLC00727649 - Fixes a problem that caused the Make Baseline wizard window to move to the right each time user clicks "Next." RATLC00732834 - Baseline Manager: Retains the availability of the "Close" button in the Create Project From Baseline wizard after clicking the "Help" button. RATLC00738608 - Prevents unexpected changes in focus between fields in the RequisitePro Project Logon window. RATLC00755267 - Adds the ability for users to create customized menus in RequisiteWeb with links to targeted URL or UNC paths. The add-in menu is displayed in the top-right corner of RequisiteWeb as a drop-down box. To create a customized add-in menu, edit the ReqWeb_AddIns.html file, which is installed with RequisiteWeb in the following default location: C:\Program Files\Rational\common\rwp\EmbeddedExpress\profiles\profile2\installedApps\DefaultNode\ReqWeb.ear\ReqWeb.war Make a backup copy of the ReqWeb_AddIns.html file. Open the file with a text editor. Follow the instructions in the comment section to create the add-in menu. Save the file in its current location in the ReqWeb.war file and refresh your RequisiteWeb browser. RATLC00994856 - Corrects a problem that causes a "SQL Timeout" error when creating a new requirement of a type that has a default Revision Notification value. RATLC00997313 - Prevents an error that occurred when resetting in the RequisiteWeb View Properties page after adding an invalid filter (Not Traced-to and Suspect) and then clicking "Click here to reset page and continue." RATLC00997326 - Prevents an error that occurred when adding a filter to a new Traceability Matrix in RequisiteWeb. RATLC00997438 - Adds a missing label to the Discussions button in the toolbar in RequisiteWeb. RATLC00997477 - Corrects a problem in RequisiteWeb that prevented an update of a package location when modifying a package using the Browse option and the Package Browser. RATLC00997561 - RequisiteWeb: Corrects a problem that caused views to appear in the wrong package, when creating a view by right-clicking a package in the RequisiteWeb Explorer. RATLC01090271 - Prevents an error that occurred when a project administrator password is changed and the administrator attempts to add a requirement type or document type. RATLC01091219 - Adjusts the size of the list box for External Projects Review in the RequisitePro Make Baseline Wizard window. The list box is enlarged to show entries and permit scrolling. RATLC01185387 - Corrects an error that occurred when creating a project from a baseline if the project version reason contained more then 255 characters. RATLC01185546 - Prevents a runtime error that occurred if you clicked the Reset button in the Requirement Properties page of a child requirement in RequisiteWeb. ........................................................................... Fixes defects in previous patch releases: IC46380 (RATLC01086902),IC46922 (RATLC00961822), IC47077 (RATLC00472681), IC47813 (RATLC01103100), IC48603 (RATLC00772473), IC49721 (RATLC00990942), IC50182 (RATLC00994412), PK09170 (RATLC01094800), PK12054 (RATLC01099310), PK12152 (RATLC01099415), PK12792 (RATLC01099991), PK14021 (RATLC01102049), PK17752 (RATLC01107855), PK19278 (RATLC01109709),PK19880 (RATLC00772553), PK21416 (RATLC00982127), PK22208 (RATLC00144681), PK22288 (RATLC00144694), PK23072 (RATLC00984969), PK25122 (RATLC00988277), PK26050 (RATLC00740697), PK26052 (RATLC00145433), PK26730 (RATLC00990802), PK26851 (RATLC00991007), PK27176 (RATLC01091243), PK27574 (RATLC01185071), PK28536 (RATLC00993110), PK30168 (RATLC00494034), PK31382 (RATLC00997929), RATLC00139962, RATLC00489055, RATLC00489056, RATLC00727649, RATLC00728663, RATLC00732354, RATLC00735863, RATLC00736015, RATLC00738830, RATLC00740622, RATLC00741680, RATLC00744961, RATLC00744962, RATLC00745465, RATLC00749497, RATLC00769039, RATLC00982600, RATLC00983867, RATLC00984924, RATLC00985114, RATLC00985542, RATLC00985621, RATLC00985645, RATLC00986320, RATLC00987316, RATLC00987513, RATLC00988217, RATLC00989312, RATLC00989369, RATLC00990648, RATLC00992017, RATLC00992305, RATLC00992320, RATLC01077054, RATLC01090547, RATLC01090813, RATLC01091261, RATLC01091307, RATLC01091394, RATLC01091522, RATLC01091526, RATLC01091562, RATLC01091796, RATLC01185006, RATLC01185315, RATLC01185316