....................................................................... PATCH DESCRIPTION FOR PATCH Product: IBM Rational RequisitePro Release: Fix Pack 1 Platform: Windows Prerequisite: ........................................................................... About this Fix Pack This Fix Pack for IBM Rational RequsitePro includes fixes from previous Interim Fixes (iFixes) and new, previously unreleased fixes. The content of the Fix Pack is cumulative; that is, it contains all iFix content subsequent to v. This particular Fix Pack download contains only content for upgrading RequisitePro. Maintenance content for other Rational products is available in other Fix Pack downloads or media. This Fix Pack does not include the entire product, but rather a subset of fixed components and files, and one new project template, described in "What's new in this Fix Pack." Fix Packs and other maintenance releases are available for IBM Rational Support on the Web at http://www.ibm.com/software/rational/support/upgrades/. ........................................................................... What's new in this Fix Pack This release includes a new IBM Rational Unified Process (RUP) project template to support the RUP methodology. The template includes project management and design requirements, views for all requirement types, a Requirements Management Plan document that is specific to RUP, and a Use Case Modeling Guidelines document. This fix also adds document templates (outlines) for RUP Business Rules, Risk List, Test Case Specification, and Use Case Modeling Guidelines. This release also includes a new Business Modeling project template, which is designed to complement the RequisitePro integration with WebSphere Business Modeler. The template includes Business Strategy and Business Use Case document types, views, and the following requirement types to support business modeling: Business Use Case, Business Goal, Performance Indicator, Business Rule, and Business Task. (RATLC01127754) RequisiteWeb users can now automatically connect to external projects when logging into a project, based on a project administration setting in the RequisitePro client for Windows. The setting "Connect to the external project at project open" is located on the External Projects window (File > Project Administration > External Projects). If this setting is cleared by a project administrator in the RequisitePro client for Windows, the RequisiteWeb user can connect using the External Projects icon on the RequisiteWeb Project Properties page. In this case, users must submit login information for each external project displayed on this page. (RATLC01004086) ........................................................................... Installing this Fix Pack You can install RequisitePro v. from a software package download from IBM Rational Support on the Web (http://www.ibm.com/software/rational/support/upgrades/). You can perform a single client or server installation using the Windows Installer service, or create a release area for performing multiple installations. For details on installing Rational software, see the IBM Rational RequisitePro Installation and Upgrade Guide v., which is available at the IBM Publications Center (http://www.elink.ibmlink.ibm.com/publications/servlet/pbi.wss). Because this Fix Pack includes all previous maintenance releases for RequisitePro v., you can install on top of v., with or without subsequent iFix content. To roll back to previous version of the product after installing a Fix Pack, you must uninstall the full product. You can then install a previous version that includes the full product. ........................................................................... "IMPORTANT UPGRADE INFORMATION: Review the following requirement prior to upgrading any version 7.0.0 Rational Team Products to version (See also Technote 1251131) When more than one of the following products is installed on a system, after one is upgraded to version, all the others must be upgraded to version before using any of them. - IBM Rational ClearCase - IBM Rational ClearQuest - IBM Rational ProjectConsole - IBM Rational RequisitePro - IBM Rational Robot - IBM Rational SoDA - IBM Rational TestManager ........................................................................... Installation limitation: When installing RequisitePro, do not use non-ASCII or double-byte characters for the installation path. (RATLC01005677) ........................................................................... Information for installing from a release area: RATLC00991284 - In most cases, a release area created from a version installation package supports all available languages for a product; however, when a release area is created from CD media or ISO files and the product spans more than one CD/ISO, then the release area only supports the language in which the release area was created. For example, if a release area is created on a Japanese operating system in Japanese, then the release area only supports the Japanese language. The following two workarounds are available to create a multi-language release area with CD media or ISO files: 1. Create the release area using an image that was downloaded as a Web download. The problem that occurs when spanning CD/ISO files is not encountered when a Web download is used to create a release area. 2. Create the release area using CDs or ISO files. Place the IBM Rational Product CD Disc 1 in the CD drive ~or~ mount the IBM Rational Product CD Disc 1 ISO image. Run the MUI_RA_Console.exe tool, which updates the release area with information to support all available languages for a product. For example: MUI_RA_Console where is the letter of the CD drive that contains IBM Rational Product CD 1 or the drive mapped to IBM Rational Product CD 1 ISO image, and is the root directory location of the pre-existing release area created using a version GA product installation CD. For more information, please see technote #1239528, available at http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?&uid=swg21239528. ........................................................................... Database configuration: The scripts for configuring IBM DB2 database version 8.2 for RequisitePro projects have been added to the product. See the scripts and readme.txt instructions in the folder \Rational\RequisitePro\database\db2\windows\8.2. (RATLC00989312) ........................................................................... Known problems in this release PK33905 (RATLC01002676) - After upgrading to, the File > Renumber Requirements command does not correctly renumber recently created requirements. The workaround is to run the tool twice; the second operation will renumber the requirements properly. RATLC01005460 - After upgrading a RequisiteWeb server from version 7.0.0 to, if RequisitePro 7.0.0 was installed in a location other than the default location C:\\Program Files\Rational\RequisitePro, you must edit the config.txt to ensure that all projects are available at the RequisiteWeb Logon page. See the section "Editing the configuration file for an alternate installation directory" in "Configuring RequisiteWeb" in the IBM Rational RequisitePro Installation and Upgrade Guide, which is available from Let's Go RequisitePro on the RequisitePro Help menu and also from the IBM Publications Center at http://www.elink.ibmlink.ibm.com/publications/servlet/pbi.wss. RATLC00989312 - The scripts for configuring IBM DB2 database version 8.2 for RequisitePro projects have been added to the product. See the scripts and readme.txt instructions in the folder \Rational\RequisitePro\database\db2\windows\8.2. .......................................................................... Fixes defects in this Fix Pack release (details for each follow this list): APAR number (internal RATLC defect tracking number) IC44548 (RATLC00738463), IC49248 (RATLC00740740), PK13938 (RATLC01102491), PK21553 (RATLC00769892), PK23072 (RATLC00984969), PK26132 (RATLC00145450), PK29574 (RATLC00994584), PK29758 (RATLC00994957), PK30569 (RATLC00996396), PK30571 (RATLC01185566), PK30777 (RATLC00996802), PK30915 (RATLC00495130), PK30980 (RATLC00492619), PK31479 (RATLC00998188), PK31596 (RATLC00998379), PK32071 (RATLC00999240), PK32741 (RATLC01000614), PK32913 (RATLC01000953), PK32953 (RATLC00498290), PK32962 (RATLC00498320), PK32983 (RATLC01001101), PK33620 (RATLC01186427), PK35406 (RATLC01005313) This fix pack 1 release includes all fixes from the previous v. 7.0.0 patch releases, as well as the new fixes for the following software defects: IC44548 (RATLC00738463) - The New Requirements wizard has been modified when using tables in a document to prevent the overlap of requirement text or the inclusion of cell borders in the requirement text. Sentences or paragraphs within a cell are now included in the requirement text if the keyword is present, based on the user's selections in the wizard. Users can now successfully delete requirements that are created within tables. IC49248 (RATLC00740740) - Corrects a problem when working in ClearQuest and attempting to view associated requirements in the RequisitePro integration. The RequisitePro Project Logon window was hidden behind the ClearQuest interface. Also, when viewing requirement properties, if you clicked elsewhere in the ClearQuest interface, a Server Is Busy window was displayed in the foreground; the Switch To and Retry options in that window failed to close it. All windows are now shown with proper modality, allowing you to log on to the RequisitePro project and work from within ClearQuest without interruption. PK13938 (RATLC01102491) - The process for importing a document has been modified to prevent the display of an error when the import is cancelled. The imported document is now deleted after the cancellation. PK21553 (RATLC00769892) - Corrects a problem that occurred when accessing RequisitePro using Remote Desktop. A "Virtual Machine stack overflow" error sometimes occurred when minimizing or maximizing the Remote Desktop session while RequisitePro is launching, opening a project, opening a large Traceability Matrix view with external traces, or importing a large document or CSV file. PK23072 (RATLC00984969) - A white paper "RequisitePro Client Project Size Guidelines" is now available to project size and related performance issues. The paper provides recommended limits for the number of requirements in a project and the average number of characters in the requirements. For a copy of this white paper, please contact Customer Support at www.ibm.com/support. PK26132 (RATLC00145450) - Corrects a problem in the Japanese version of RequisiteWeb in which Attribute Matrix queries that included a attribute value displayed incorrect view results. PK29574 (RATLC00994584) - RequisiteWeb administrators can now disable the project creation capability for all RequisiteWeb users. The administrator must change the value of the DisableCreateProject variable to true in the [Web server] section of the config.txt file. The default setting, DisableCreateProject=false, permits RequisiteWeb users to create projects. The default location of the config.txt file is: C:\Program Files\Rational\Common\rwp\EmbeddedExpress\profiles\profile2\ installedApps\DefaultNode\ReqWeb.ear\ReqWeb.war\WEB-INF\classes\config.txt. You must restart the "IBM WebSphere Application Server V6 - Rational Web Platform, ReqWeb servlet engine" service after modifying the config.txt. PK29758 (RATLC00994957) - Corrects a limitation in the Change Description window that is displayed when saving a document with changed requirement text. The text field has been modified to allow entry of carriage returns within the text. PK30569 (RATLC00996396) - Corrects a Baseline Manager problem that caused project descriptions with multiple lines of text to be displayed incorrectly in projects created from the baseline. Carriage returns are now retained properly. PK30571 (RATLC01185566) - Corrects a Baseline Manager problem that caused inconsistent results when generating a report if the project baselines had packages with the same name in the project. Package names now have unique identifiers appended to them in the reports. The hierarchy for each package and links in the index file are now included. PK30777 (RATLC00996802) - Applies the Test Manager user name and password when opening a Requisite project through the integration with Test Manager. This prevents the display of the login prompt and provides support for automated access through the API. PK30915 (RATLC00495130) - Corrects a problem that caused a read-only Word document that is not controlled by RequisitePro to be deleted while saving changes to a RequisitePro document. PK30980 (RATLC00492619) - Resolves problems that occurred when users attempted to change their passwords in RequisiteWeb. Users with RequisitePro authentication can change their passwords in RequisiteWeb. LDAP-enabled users must change their passwords using the LDAP server or its associated user account management application. PK31479 (RATLC00998188) - Prevents the display of carriage returns as solid rectangles in CSV files when exporting an Attribute Matrix that contains text values with carriage returns. PK31596 (RATLC00998379) - Eliminates the an error that was displayed in RequisiteWeb when the user attempts to take a document offline or view document properties. This fix enables the proper display of the document Revision history. PK32741 (RATLC01000614) - Prevents RequisiteWeb session timeouts and database locks when creating traceability between to external projects from a Traceability Matrix view with a Microsoft SQL Server database. PK32913 (RATLC01000953) - Corrects a problem in RequisiteWeb so that the revision history of traceability relationship changes are now recorded for both "trace from" requirements, as well as "trace to" requirements. PK32953 (RATLC00498290) - Fixes the display of special characters, such as the ampersand (&) and double quotes, in the RequisiteWeb Requirement Properties window for read-only users. PK32962 (RATLC00498320) - Fixes the display of requirement text as a single line in the RequisiteWeb Requirement Properties window for read-only users. The requirement text now wraps in the window as expected. PK32983 (RATLC01001101) - Eliminates an error that occurred in RequisiteWeb when creating a Traceability Matrix view in the root package of the project. PK33620 (RATLC01186427) - Improves performance when opening discussions in RequisitePro using the Tools > Discussions menu command when the project contains many discussions. PK35406 (RATLC01005313) - The operation for saving a RequisitePro document in Word has been modified to improve performance. ........................................................................... Fixes defects in previous patch releases and included in this Fix Pack 1 release To review details, search for the APAR number (ICxxxx or PKxxxx) at http://www.ibm.com/software/rational/support/. Under "Self help," click "Search knowledge base." Narrow the search to Rational RequisitePro and limit the results to APARs. For more help, contact IBM Rational Customer Support. IC46380 (RATLC01086902),IC46922 (RATLC00961822), IC47077 (RATLC00472681), IC47325 (RATLC01098582), IC47740 (RATLC00962351), IC47813 (RATLC01103100), IC48603 (RATLC00772473), IC49721 (RATLC00990942), IC50157 (RATLC00994171), IC50182 (RATLC00994412), IC50384 (RATLC00996219), PK09170 (RATLC01094800), PK12054 (RATLC01099310), PK12152 (RATLC01099415), PK12792 (RATLC01099991), PK14021 (RATLC01102049), PK17752 (RATLC01107855), PK19278 (RATLC01109709),PK19880 (RATLC00772553), PK21416 (RATLC00982127), PK22208 (RATLC00144681), PK22288 (RATLC00144694), PK23072 (RATLC00984969), PK25122 (RATLC00988277), PK26050 (RATLC00740697), PK26052 (RATLC00145433), PK26587 (RATLC00990553), PK26730 (RATLC00990802), PK26851 (RATLC00991007), PK27176 (RATLC01091243), PK27574 (RATLC01185071), PK27678 (RATLC00987503), PK28536 (RATLC00993110), PK28762 (RATLC01185238), PK28801 (RATLC00993512), PK29602 (RATLC00994689), PK29785 (RATLC00995001), PK30166 (RATLC00995585), PK30168 (RATLC00494034), PK30574 (RATLC01185567), PK31382 (RATLC00997929), RATLC00139962, RATLC00489055, RATLC00489056, RATLC00727649, RATLC00728663, RATLC00732354, RATLC00735863, RATLC00736015, RATLC00738830, RATLC00740622, RATLC00741680, RATLC00744961, RATLC00744962, RATLC00745465, RATLC00749497, RATLC00769039, RATLC00982600, RATLC00983867, RATLC00984924, RATLC00985114, RATLC00985542, RATLC00985621, RATLC00985645, RATLC00986320, RATLC00987316, RATLC00987513, RATLC00988217, RATLC00989312, RATLC00989369, RATLC00990648, RATLC00992017, RATLC00992305, RATLC00992320, RATLC01077054, RATLC01090547, RATLC01090813, RATLC01091261, RATLC01091307, RATLC01091394, RATLC01091522, RATLC01091526, RATLC01091562, RATLC01091796, RATLC01185006, RATLC01185315, RATLC01185316