........................................................................... PATCH DESCRIPTION FOR PATCH Product: IBM Rational RequisitePro Release: iFix01 Platform: Windows Prerequisite: (Fix Pack 1) ........................................................................... This document contains the following sections: - About this Interim Fix (iFix) - What's new in this iFix - Installing this iFix - Fixed defects - Known problems ........................................................................... About this Interim Fix (iFix) This IBM Rational RequisitePro iFix01 is a patch for version (Fix Pack 1). Version is required for this update. The iFix download contains content for upgrading only RequisitePro; it can be installed independent of other Rational products. This iFix does not include the entire product, but rather a subset of fixed components and files. Fix Packs and other maintenance releases are available for IBM Rational Support on the Web at http://www.ibm.com/software/rational/support/upgrades/. ........................................................................... What's new in this iFix This iFix contains fixes to customer-reported problems (APARs - Authorized Program Analysis Reports). See the "Fixed defects" section below. ........................................................................... Installing this iFix You can install RequisitePro v. and this iFix01 from a software package download from IBM Rational Support on the Web (http://www.ibm.com/software/rational/support/upgrades/). You can perform a single client or server installation using the Windows Installer service, or create a release area for performing multiple installations. For details on installing Rational software, see the IBM Rational RequisitePro Installation and Upgrade Guide v., which is available at the IBM Publications Center (http://www.elink.ibmlink.ibm.com/publications/servlet/pbi.wss). You must install this iFix on a computer that has RequisitePro v. installed. To roll back to previous version of the product after installing an iFix, you must uninstall the full product. You can then install a previous version that includes the full product. ........................................................................... Information for installing from a release area: RATLC00991284: In most cases, a release area created from a Baltic installation package will support all languages that a product is available in. However, when a release area is created from CD media or ISO files, and the product spans more than one CD/ISO, the release area will support only the language that the release area was created with. For example, if a release area is created on a Japanese operating system, in Japanese, then the release area will support only the Japanese language. The following two workarounds are available to create a multi-language release area with CD media or ISO files: 1. Create the release area using an image that was downloaded as a Web download. The problem that occurs when spanning CD/ISO files is not encountered when a Web download is used to create a release area. 2. Create the release area using CDs or ISO files. Place the IBM/Rational Product CD Disc 1 in the CD drive ~or~ mount the IBM/Rational Product CD Disc 1 ISO image. Run the MUI_RA_Console.exe tool that will update the release area with information to support all languages a given product is available in. For example: MUI_RA_Console where is the the letter of the CD drive that contains IBM/Rational Product CD 1 or the drive mapped to IBM/Rational Product CD 1 ISO image, and is the root directory location of the pre-existing release area created using a Baltic GA product installation CD. For more information, please see technote #1239528, available at http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?&uid=swg21239528. ........................................................................... Fixed defects The following fixes are included in this patch release. See the descriptions below for more information. IC47330 (RATLC01098693), IC47741 (RATLC00762030), IC51355 (RATLC01006568), PK20615 (RATLC00144452), PK25030 (RATLC00988164), PK28191 (RATLC00992597), PK29174 (RATLC00492869), PK29496 (RATLC01185370), PK30887 (RATLC00997000), PK32861 (RATLC00498130), PK32912 (RATLC01000950), PK33585 (RATLC01002147), PK33905 (RATLC01002676), PK35268 (RATLC00501813), PK35453 (RATLC00057983), PK35714 (RATLC01186922), PK36058 (RATLC01006493), PK36436 (RATLC01092657), PK36672 (RATLC01008050), PK36708 (RATLC01008112), PK37309 (RATLC01009133), PK37966 (RATLC01187293) This patch corrects the following software defects: IC47330 (RATLC01098693): Unusual punctuation, such as multiple periods within a sentence prevented the New Requirements wizard from accurately creating requirements as full sentences. The fix improves the accuracy of the wizard; however, it does not guarantee the capture of full sentences in all cases, due to the dependence on the Microsoft Word API for sentence identification. For best results, eliminate extra periods within sentences and other unusual punctuation before importing the document. IC47741 (RATLC00762030): Oracle optimization methods had differing impacts on performance in RequisiteWeb and RequisitePro. Fixes in iFix005 and have improved RequisiteWeb performance in Oracle. IC51355 (RATLC01006568): An error occurred in RequisiteWeb when displaying RequisitePro documents that contained empty and non-RequisitePro bookmarks. The conversion to HTML failed. The display function has been modified to ignore these bookmarks. If problems persist, avoid empty and non-RequisitePro bookmarks in documents. To resolve the problem if it persists, save the Word document to HTML outside of RequisitePro, and then convert the HTML back to Word format before attempting to display the document in RequisiteWeb. PK20615 (RATLC00144452): If a document-based requirement's text ended with a double-byte character with a hexadecimal value of 0x5c in the trailing byte, the final character was truncated or converted to a 0 when changes were made to the requirement hierarchy. This was caused by a partial match of the double-byte character and the value of the requirement delimiter. The delimiter value for identifying document-based requirements in hierarchical functions has been modified to avoid confusion with the Japanese character. (This fix also resolves PK29496 RATLC01185370.) PK25030 (RATLC00988164): The New Requirement wizard encountered problems if more than one key word was used. The problem was fixed by RATLC00738463. PK28191 (RATLC00992597): In version 2003.06.15 while attempting to log in to a RequisitePro project from Rational ClearQuest using the integration, if you canceled the login by closing the login window using the red "x" in the upper-right corner, the computer "hangs" and the application consumes CPU resources. This problem was fixed in version PK29174 (RATLC00492869): When attempting to save a RequisitePro document that contains new changes, the user is prompted to Review Changes before saving. In the previous release when the user reviewed changes, the Document Changes window was displayed, but the document was not repositioned to review each change as it was saved. The function has been modified to reposition the document to review each change. PK30887 (RATLC00997000): When creating views that included traceability to external projects that are based in Microsoft Access, the view creation failed if the external project had a dot (.) in its name. The function has been modified to handle an external project name with this construction. PK32861 (RATLC00498130): When using the RequisitePro integration with ClearQuest on a Japanese language system, it is possible for the double-byte input in the RequisitePro text field to exceed the 254-byte limit for descriptions in ClearQuest. Previously, users received an error that interrupted the process. The text is now truncated to accommodate the field size in ClearQuest, and no error occurs. PK32912 (RATLC01000950): Programs that were compiled for the RequisitePro API were not compatible with iFixes. This problem was resolved in (Fix Pack 1). Programs compiled against function properly with (Fix Pack 1). PK33905 (RATLC01002676): In some cases, the command File > Project Administration > Renumber Requirements did not renumber the document-based requirements correctly to match the order in which they appear in the document. This problem has been fixed. PK33585 (RATLC01002147): In RequisiteWeb, when viewing a Traceability Matrix that did not include any column requirements, the frame did not display all requirements on the page and no scroll bar was available. The display function has been modified to provide a scroll bar. PK35268 (RATLC00501813): Opening a RequisitePro document that is stored in a ClearCase VOB resulted in errors. The handling of UNC paths for documents in a ClearCase VOB has been modified to correct the problem. PK35453 (RATLC00057983): Users were unable to create a requirement in an offline document if its text was positioned within a non-RequisitePro bookmark. The requirement creation function has been modified to disregard non-RequisitePro bookmarks and therefore allow the creation of the requirement in the offline document. PK35714 (RATLC01186922): In some cases, an inactive rather than the current administrative user was selected when creating a RequisitePro baseline, causing an error. Also, when the baseline data included a document that was last modified by a user who was subsequently deleted, an error occurred when a user attempted to create a project from the baseline. These problems have been resolved. PK36058 (RATLC01006493): When sorting requirements by document position in a project based in Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server, if the position value exceeded 32767 (number of characters from the start of the document), the value was set to 0 and the sorting was then invalid. This was fixed in iFix01 by using the relative document position (first, second, third requirement, etc.) rather than number of characters. Related fixed defects are IC49332 (RATLC00987513), IC46922 (RATLC00961822), PK36291 (RATLC01007244). PK36436 (RATLC01092657): In the (Fix Pack 1) release, the navigation between requirements and records for the integration with ClearQuest was not functioning. The navigation has been fixed. PK36672 (RATLC01008050): When multiple users are working in RequisiteWeb and editing the same requirement, if one user saves a change and a second user attempts to save a change, the second user is notified of the other user's change. PK36708 (RATLC01008112): The discussions notification feature has been changed so that after creating a discussion, an e-mail notification is sent to the originator of the discussion, as well as to all participants in the discussion. PK37309 (RATLC01009133): Users were able to relocate (drag and drop) requirements and documents in different packages even though the users only had read permissions for those requirement and document types. The drag and drop function has been modified to check for update permissions before the action is complete. This constraint only applies to requirements and documents; views and packages do not have read/update security policies. Duplicate defects: PK36336 (RATLC01007327), PK37307 (RATLC01336895). PK37966 (RATLC01187293): In the RequisitePro Metrics tool, the Requirement Creation (by date) filter was returning too many results. The filter has been modified to display the correct results. The following issues were determined to function as designed: PK29327 (RATLC00994258): If RequisiteWeb users are unable to use an alternative directory for project templates (as specified in RequisitePro Tools > Options), be sure that the ReqWeb user that is configured on the RequisiteWeb server has local administrator permissions. For more information, see chapter "Configuring RequisiteWeb" in the IBM Rational RequisitePro Installation and Upgrade Guide. PK36724 (RATLC01008164): When extended editing of document-based requirements is enabled, some requirements may be locked from editing outside of the document. This occurs if the requirement contains special formatting, such as bulleted lists. The requirement is locked because edits made in the Requirement Properties window, through RequisiteWeb, or through the API cannot maintain the special formatting. Notes on other resolved defects: IC47218 (RATLC00755062): Fixed indirectly PK28191 (RATLC00992597): Fixed indirectly PK33277 (RATLC00498765): Fixed indirectly PK34331 (RATLC01003514): Unreproducible PK34331 (RATLC01003514): Unreproducible PK35907 (RATLC01006201): Unreproducible PK36268 (RATLC01007216): Unreproducible PK36291 (RATLC01007244): Fixed indirectly To search for information on these and other APARs, see the Web site: http://www-950.ibm.com/search/SupportSearchWeb/SupportSearch?pageCode=SBD&brand=rational ........................................................................... Known problems RATLC01009865 - When integrating the Rational ClearQuest Web client with RequisiteWeb, the View, Refresh, and (Add from) RequisitePro buttons do not work in an associated record, such as a defect or enhancement request, in ClearQuest Web. To perform the View and Refresh operations, navigate to the ClearQuest requirement for the association. The use of the (Add from) RequisitePro button for creating associations is not supported in ClearQuest Web. RATLC01136349 - The Business Modeling project template, which was new in, is unavailable in that release. To obtain the template, see the technote #1252382 at the following link: http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21252382