........................................................................... PATCH DESCRIPTION FOR PATCH Product: IBM Rational RequisitePro Release: iFix06 Platform: Windows Prerequisite: (Fix Pack 1) ........................................................................... This document contains the following sections: - About this Interim Fix (iFix) - What's new in this iFix - Installing this iFix - Installation limitation - Prerequisites to installation on the RequisiteWeb server - Information on installing from a release area - Fixed defects - Known problems ........................................................................... About this Interim Fix (iFix) This IBM Rational RequisitePro Interim Fix06 (iFix06) is a patch for version (Fix Pack 1). Version is required for this update. This iFix includes fixes from the previous Interim Fixes and new, previously unreleased fixes. The iFix download contains content for upgrading only RequisitePro; it can be installed independent of other Rational products. This iFix does not include the entire product, but rather a subset of fixed components and files. iFixes, Fix Packs, and other maintenance releases are available for IBM Rational Support on the Web at http://www.ibm.com/software/rational/support/upgrades/. ........................................................................... What's new in this iFix This iFix contains fixes to customer-reported problems (APARs - Authorized Program Analysis Reports). See the "Fixed defects" section below. RequisiteWeb administrators can now specify character encoding for exporting views to CSV files in RequisiteWeb. See the fixed defect below PK47070 (RATLC01023607). Also, see the known problem for working with Internet Explorer in a Hebrew server locale. ........................................................................... Installing this iFix You can install RequisitePro v. and this iFix06 from a software package download from IBM Rational Support on the Web (http://www.ibm.com/software/rational/support/upgrades/). You can perform a single client or server installation using the Windows Installer service, or create a release area for performing multiple installations. For details on installing Rational software, see the IBM Rational RequisitePro Installation and Upgrade Guide v., which is available at the IBM Publications Center (http://www.elink.ibmlink.ibm.com/publications/servlet/pbi.wss). You must install this iFix on a computer that has RequisitePro v. installed. To roll back to previous version of the product after installing an iFix, you must uninstall the full product. You can then install a previous version that includes the full product. ........................................................................... Installation limitation: When installing RequisitePro, do not use non-ASCII or double-byte characters for the installation path. (RATLC01005677) ........................................................................... Prerequisites to installation on the RequisiteWeb server Prior to upgrading the installation of the RequisiteWeb components, perform the following steps: 1. Verify that all RequisiteWeb users are logged out of RequisiteWeb. 2. Reboot the RequisiteWeb server before installing iFix06. 3. Verify that all RqProxy.exe processes have been ended in the Task Manager. This information is also available in technote #1256183 (http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21256183). ........................................................................... Information for installing from a release area: RATLC00991284: In most cases, a release area created from a Baltic installation package will support all languages that a product is available in. However, when a release area is created from CD media or ISO files, and the product spans more than one CD/ISO, the release area will support only the language that the release area was created with. For example, if a release area is created on a Japanese operating system, in Japanese, then the release area will support only the Japanese language. The following two workarounds are available to create a multi-language release area with CD media or ISO files: 1. Create the release area using an image that was downloaded as a Web download. The problem that occurs when spanning CD/ISO files is not encountered when a Web download is used to create a release area. 2. Create the release area using CDs or ISO files. Place the IBM/Rational Product CD Disc 1 in the CD drive ~or~ mount the IBM/Rational Product CD Disc 1 ISO image. Run the MUI_RA_Console.exe tool that will update the release area with information to support all languages a given product is available in. For example: MUI_RA_Console where is the letter of the CD drive that contains IBM/Rational Product CD 1 or the drive mapped to IBM/Rational Product CD 1 ISO image, and is the root directory location of the pre-existing release area created using a Baltic GA product installation CD. For more information, please see technote #1239528, available at http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?&uid=swg21239528. ........................................................................... Fixed defects This iFix06 release includes all fixes from the previous v. iFix01 through iFix04 patch releases, as well as the new fixes for the following software defect APARs. See the descriptions below for more information. IC47023 (RATLC01095977), PK24337 (RATLC00987137), PK40339 (RATLC01196542), PK43110 (RATLC01019160), PK43721 (RATLC01020428), PK47070 (RATLC01023607), PK47980 (RATLC01026839), PK48452 (RATLC01011240), PK48650 (RATLC01189591), PK48904 (RATLC01207027) This patch corrects the following software defect APARs: IC47023 (RATLC01095977) - After deleting a parent requirement (but not its child) in an offline document, users were not able to assign a new parent to the child requirement when bringing document online. PK24337 (RATLC00987137) - When a user cuts requirement text from an external document, which contains Rational RequisitePro bookmarks, and pastes the requirement into a requirements document, the initial revision entry is missing in the requirement history. The missing entry causes Rational SoDA reports to fail when reporting revisions. PK40339 (RATLC01196542) - When ReqPro integrates with ClearCase in UCM mode, an error is displayed when open the ReqPro project and document PK43110 (RATLC01019160) - When changing the width of row requirements in a RequisiteWeb Traceability Matrix view, the frames become unaligned so that the traces in the matrix cells do not align with the column requirements. The issue is only reproducible on some versions of Internet Explorer. A new validator function has been added to synchronize the frameset every 0.1 seconds. PK43721 (RATLC01020428) - When entering values in fields in a new requirement in RequisiteWeb, if users entered incorrect values they were redirected to the Project Properties page and lost all input for new requirement. The requirement creation function has been modified so that the new requirement data is now cached. If an error occurs, the data is repopulated in the new requirement. PK47070 (RATLC01023607) - Users were unable to open some exported RequisiteWeb views as CSV files in Microsoft Excel, depending on the default character encoding for the RequisiteWeb server locale. The following encoding is used by default for the indicated locales. All are supported by Microsoft Excel except UTF-8: Windows-1252 - English, French, Italian, German, Swedish, Dutch Shift_JIS - Japanese GB2312-80 - Simplified Chinese Windows-1255 - Hebrew (see the known problem for this APAR below) EUC-KR - Korean UTF-8 - all others If the RequisiteWeb server locale defaults to UTF-8, RequisiteWeb administrators must specify the character encoding for the exported CSV files so that users can view them them in Excel. Set the following parameter in the config.txt file on the RequisiteWeb server: CsvExportCharacterEncoding= The default location of the configuration file is: C:\Program Files\Rational\Common\rwp\EmbeddedExpress\profiles\profile2\ installedApps\DefaultNode\ReqWeb.ear\ReqWeb.war\WEB-INF\classes\config.txt When specifying this value, use one of the supported character codes that are shown above with their various language locales; for example: CsvExportCharacterEncoding=Windows-1252 When using a locale that defaults to a supported character encoding, you can leave the value for this new parameter blank. PK47980 (RATLC01026839) - After migrating a project from Microsoft SQL Server to Oracle the View > Expand All command resulted in very slow performance. The SQL statements associated with that command have been modified to provide significantly faster performance. PK48452 (RATLC01011240) - The license checkout code in the RequisitePro Extensibility Interface (RPX) did not consistently manage licenses to ensure that the number of checked out licenses matched the number of active sessions in RequisiteWeb. RequisiteWeb now manages the licenses to ensure that a license is checked out for every active user session and the license is checked in when the user ends the session. PK48650 (RATLC01189591) - When comparing two baselines in Japanese versions of RequisitePro, the following error occurred: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException. This problem has been resolved. PK48904 (RATLC01207027) Users encountered a 404 HTTP error when attempting to open RequisiteWeb if Rational RequisitePro was installed in a location other than the default: C:/Program Files/Rational. An error message containing an explanation is now displayed. To search for information on these and other APARs, see the Web site: http://www-950.ibm.com/search/SupportSearchWeb/SupportSearch?pageCode=SBD&brand=rational ........................................................................... Other defects Fixed indirectly: PK31704 (RATLC00998542), PK47616 (RATLC01026329) PK48151 (RATLC01206051) Unreproducible: PK45195 (RATLC01202815) Works as designed or no plan to fix: IC50157 (RATLC00994171), PK41082 (RATLC00740625), PK39347 (RATLC01012446) - submitted as RFE RATLC01025516, PK40608 (RATLC01014621), PK41704 (RATLC01198399) - see RATLC00982782 in the 7.0.1 release notes for workarounds Duplicate: PK48646 (RATLC01149169) - see PK48650 (RATLC01189591) To search for information on these and other APARs, see the Web site: http://www-950.ibm.com/search/SupportSearchWeb/SupportSearch?pageCode=SBD&brand=rational ........................................................................... Defects fixed in iFix05 IC52388 (RATLC01018643), PK30594 (RATLC00996463), PK31934 (RATLC00998973), PK33449 (RATLC01001937), PK34555 (RATLC01003905), PK40941 (RATLC01015139), PK43721 (RATLC01020428), PK44185 (RATLC01021361), PK44736 (RATLC01022389), PK45791 (RATLC01203633), PK46208 (RATLC01188837) Unreproducible or fixed indirectly: IC47785 (RATLC01102954), PK32071 (RATLC00999240), PK33122 (RATLC01001366), PK35293 (RATLC01005121), PK42704 (RATLC01199671) Works as designed or no plan to fix: IC47728 (RATLC01134486), PK36559 (RATLC00506507) Duplicates: PK38366 (RATLC01139115) - see PK38539 (RATLC00509142, fixed in 7.0.1) PK41581 (RATLC01016247) - see RATLC01011131 ........................................................................... Defects fixed in iFix04 PK37409 (RATLC01009274), PK40888 (RATLC01015067), PK42856 (RATLC01018592), PK43598 (RATLC01200999), PK43658 (RATLC01020311), PK43810 (RATLC01020579), PK44410 (RATLC01021793), RATLC01021392, RATLC01022940 Unreproducible: IC47785 (RATLC01102954) ........................................................................... Defects fixed in iFix03 PK30561 (RATLC00996376), PK33086 (RATLC01001304), PK37184 (RATLC01187167), PK37587 (RATLC00507982), PK39074 (RATLC01011976), PK39874 (RATLC01013360), PK40101 (RATLC01013731) Fixed indirectly: IC51124 (RATLC00995818), PK39609 (RATLC01195459), PK06368 (RATLC01086816), PK40059 (RATLC01196088) Works as designed: PK25500 (RATLC00988922), PK34087 (RATLC01002964) ........................................................................... Defects fixed in iFix02 PK36693 (RATLC01137557), PK36708 (RATLC01008112), PK37322 (RATLC00507641), PK37480 (RATLC00507835), PK37486 (RATLC01009392), PK38880 (RATLC01011615), PK39068 (RATLC01187414) Defects fixed in iFix01 IC47330 (RATLC01098693), IC47741 (RATLC00762030), IC51355 (RATLC01006568), PK20615 (RATLC00144452), PK25030 (RATLC00988164), PK28191 (RATLC00992597), PK29174 (RATLC00492869), PK29496 (RATLC01185370), PK30887 (RATLC00997000), PK32861 (RATLC00498130), PK32912 (RATLC01000950), PK33585 (RATLC01002147), PK33905 (RATLC01002676), PK35268 (RATLC00501813), PK35453 (RATLC00057983), PK35714 (RATLC01186922), PK36058 (RATLC01006493), PK36436 (RATLC01092657), PK36672 (RATLC01008050), PK36708 (RATLC01008112), PK37309 (RATLC01009133), PK37966 (RATLC01187293) Fixed indirectly: IC47218 (RATLC00755062), PK28191 (RATLC00992597), PK33277 (RATLC00498765), PK36291 (RATLC01007244) Unreproducible: PK34331 (RATLC01003514), PK34331 (RATLC01003514), PK35907 (RATLC01006201), PK36268 (RATLC01007216) ........................................................................... Known problems PK45199 (RATLC01021807) - Users could not navigate from a URL Link requirement attribute in RequisiteWeb to a linked file (\\server\path\file.ext). This problem has been resolved for Internet Explorer. Due to a Mozilla Firefox Security Policy, the problem still exists in Firefox. RequisiteWeb does not display an error; however, a security exception is recorded in the Firefox Error Console. See the following mozillaZine article to work around this limitation for file-type URL Link attributes in RequisiteWeb: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Links_to_local_pages_don't_work. Also, see the technote #1265839 .......................... PK47070 (RATLC01023607) - When exporting a view to CSV using RequisiteWeb in Internet Explorer in a Hebrew server locale, the exported file has a Microsoft Excel extension (.xls), causing it to open in Excel with incorrect formatting. To correct this problem, replace the file extension with a .csv extension. .......................... RATLC01009865 - When integrating the Rational ClearQuest Web client with RequisiteWeb, the View, Refresh, and (Add from) RequisitePro buttons do not work in an associated record, such as a defect or enhancement request, in ClearQuest Web. To perform the View and Refresh operations, navigate to the ClearQuest requirement for the association. The use of the (Add from) RequisitePro button for creating associations is not supported in ClearQuest Web. .......................... RATLC01011175 - When you attempt to reach RequisiteWeb using the URL to the login page, an Internal Error 500 might be displayed. The error might include the following string: "%1 Is Not a Valid Win32 Application". This issue might occur if the path of the executable file for the service contains spaces. When Windows starts a service, it parses the path of the service from left to right. If both of the following conditions are true: - The path of a service’s executable file contains spaces. - There is a file or folder on your computer’s hard disk that has the same name as a file or folder in the path to the service's executable file. Windows may locate and try to run the file or folder before it locates and runs the executable file for the service; for example, if the path to the RequisiteWeb executable file is C:\Program Files\Rational\RequisitePro\bin\RqProxy.exe, and if a folder that is named C:\Program also exists on your hard disk, then the Windows operating system locates the C:\Program folder on your hard disk before the C:\Program Files\Rational\RequisitePro\bin\RqProxy.exe file, and the executable is not found. The same error may occur with the path to the RequisiteWeb application service: C:\Program Files\Rational\common\rwp\IHS\bin\apache.exe. For more details, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/812486. .......................... RATLC01136349 - The Business Modeling project template, which was new in, is unavailable in that release. To obtain the template, see the technote #1252382 at the following link: http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21252382 .......................... RATLC01200999 - Japanese project templates are unavailable after upgrading a release area. The project templates are not available after upgrading a Japanese version of a Rational RequisitePro release area to version or later, including this version 7.0.1. To obtain the templates after upgrading a release area, see the technote #1260686 at the following link: http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21260686. The templates are available if you create a new installation of 7.01, rather than upgrading from a previous version. ---------------------------