Please find the list of defects fixed in FP1. RATLC00962622 Escalation of RATLC00962545 – Error messages not user friendly RATLC00997852 SoDA cannot display class diagram after repeating over nested sub packages RATLC00999917 Unexpected “V” character appears while generating a SoDA report RATLC00494567 ENDREP is placed outside of ENDMAST when adding a SoDA command that wraps other commands RATLC01185683 Error encountered while generating a SoDA report without saving SoDA template RATLC01185660 Unexpected error occurs while generating the SoDA report if the template is not saved RATLC00495816 SoDA cannot display class diagram after repeating over nested sub packages RATLC00474242 RFE: Requesting RSA/RSM online help RATLC00532947 SoDA Online Help missing SoDA Templates Library for RSA RATLC00488475 Recursive repeat with Word numbering doesn't work as expected when generating document RATLC00984613 Generated report from Rose gives different results than from Word RATLC01185333 Recursive repeat does not display classes as expected in domain RATLC01001135 Unable to extract value of RSA property value type enumeration RATLC00549056 Restricted User cannot create a SoDA template for RSA RATLC00475603 SoDA should retrieve data based on the storage order in XDE RATLC00494565 Cannot display Script Names from TestManager