IBM Rational SoDA

Release Notes

Version IFix02
Material ID/Part number GI11-6305-00

Before using this information, be sure to read the general information under Notices.

This edition applies to version IFix02 of IBM Rational SoDA for Microsoft Word (product number 5724-G53) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. This edition replaces GI11-5905-05.

Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1996, 2008. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


About this book
Who should read this book
Related information
IBM developerWorks Rational
Typographical conventions
Contacting IBM Customer Support for Rational software products
About this release
Latest version of this document
New features in version
Announcements and changes
Installing Rational SoDA
Hardware and software information
Installing, upgrading, and licensing Rational SoDA
Compatibility issues
Restrictions and guidelines for Rational SoDA
Rational SoDA comments in Microsoft Word
Information for Microsoft Word 2002 users
Information for Microsoft Word 2003 users
Required software for using the IBM Rational Software Architect Domain for Rational SoDA
Macros for menu items
Diagram images from Rational Rose RealTime
Updating XDE models when running a Rational SoDA report
Integration with menu systems for other Rational products
Rational SoDA documentation updates
Mismatch between Help text and Rational SoDA icons
Additional Rational SoDA information
Status of change requests
Defects fixed in this release
Known issues and change requests

About this book

This document provides information about installing and using IBM(R) Rational(R) SoDA(R), including hardware and software requirements, known issues, and compatibility issues.

The product changes described in this document apply to Version of Rational SoDA for Word.

Who should read this book

This document is intended for system administrators and users of Rational SoDA.

Related information

These release notes are accurate at the time this product was prepared for release. The most recent version of this document is available from the IBM Publications Center.

For more information about installing, upgrading, configuring, and using Rational SoDA, see the IBM Rational SoDA Installation and Upgrade Guide.

Product documentation is available on the IBM Publications Center, where you can download documents or purchase printed copies. To find documentation:

  1. Search for IBM Publications Center.
  2. At the IBM Publications Center, select a country.
  3. Click Search for Publications.
  4. Enter either the document title or publication number in the appropriate search field.

IBM developerWorks Rational

IBM developerWorks(R) Rational is an online community that provides information and an exchange of ideas and best practices. Content on the site has been edited for quality and relevance, and organized by technology and process. There are also links to Web-based training. You can use the site to for the following purposes:

Typographical conventions

This manual uses the following typographical conventions:

Contacting IBM Customer Support for Rational software products

If you have questions about installing, using, or maintaining this product, contact IBM Customer Support as follows:

The IBM software support Internet site provides you with self-help resources and electronic problem submission. The IBM Software Support Home page for Rational products can be found at

Voice Support is available to all current contract holders by dialing a telephone number in your country (where available). For specific country phone numbers, go to

When you contact IBM Customer Support, please be prepared to supply the following information:

Downloading the IBM Support Assistant

The IBM Support Assistant (ISA) is a locally installed serviceability workbench that makes it both easier and simpler to resolve software product problems. ISA is a free, stand-alone application that you download from IBM and install on any number of machines. It runs on AIX(R), (RedHat Enterprise Linux(R) AS), HP-UX, Solaris, and Windows(R) platforms.

ISA includes these features:

For more information about ISA, including instructions for downloading and installing ISA and product plug-ins, go to the ISA Software Support page.

IBM Support Assistant:

About this release

This chapter contains information about new features and describes changes to Version of Rational SoDA.

Latest version of this document

The latest version of this document is available from the IBM Publications Center.

To obtain this version:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Search for Publications.
  3. In the Publication number field, enter the number of the form GIxx-xxxx-xx from the title page of this document.


These release notes provide the following information:

Updated versions of the release notes are periodically posted on the IBM Rational Web site at . Ensure that you are viewing the latest version of this document.

When you are ready to install Rational SoDA, be sure to check the IBM Web site for the latest available downloads:

  1. Go to
  2. Go to the Rational Licensing and Download Center and navigate to Rational patches and service releases.

New features in Version

This section describes new product features in Version of Rational SoDA.

This release of Rational SoDA contains the following new features:

Announcements and changes

This section contains announcements about important changes to Rational SoDA.

The following software and features are no longer supported in this release:

Installing Rational SoDA

This chapter describes updates to the documentation that pertain to installing Rational SoDA.

Hardware and software information

Table 1 provides the recommendations and requirements for operating Rational SoDA for Word in your environment. You can use the software on computers that may not meet all the hardware recommendations. The recommendations in this table provide guidelines for good operating performance.

Table 1. System and software requirements and recommendations
Item Requirements and recommendations
Client operating systems
  • Windows 2000 Professional SP4 and later running on 32-bit processors (IA-32)
  • Windows XP Professional SP1, SP2 and later running on 32-bit processors (IA-32) and 64-bit processors (AMD64, EM64T)
Client disk space 150 MB (full), 95 MB (typical)
Microsoft(R) Word
  • 2000
  • 2002 SP1 and SP2
  • 2003 SP1
  • 2007
Remote access Windows Terminal Server 2003
Automated license key requests Internet connection to request and receive license key files. For more information, see the IBM Rational License Management Guide.
IBM Rational documentation Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.x or higher to read online PDF files. Download a free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader from

Installing, upgrading, and licensing Rational SoDA

This section contains information relevant to installation, upgrade, and licensing tasks for Version of Rational SoDA.

Installation information

Keep the following information in mind when you install Version of Rational SoDA.

Installation issues for Rational SoDA
Microsoft Windows 2000 NTFS "Change Journal" defect can cause file system corruption during installation of Rational products

Under certain circumstances, file system corruption can result from installing the software on a computer running Windows 2000 to an NTFS partition that has enabled the Windows Change Journal (log). This corruption is caused by a defect in Windows 2000. Before you install Rational SoDA on a computer that is running Windows 2000, perform the following actions:

  1. Disable all virus detection software.
  2. Read IBM Support Technote 1135295; go to and search for "Rational Installer Change Journal."
  3. Read Microsoft Knowledge Base article 820888 at;[LN];820888. This article includes information about an update from Microsoft that fixes the defect.

Upgrading from earlier versions of Rational SoDA

There are no known issues regarding upgrading this product. However, if you store user-defined templates in the Rational installation directory, make a backup copy of those templates in another directory.

Licensing Rational SoDA

This version of Rational SoDA requires a license for version 7.0. You cannot use a license for an earlier version of the software with version 7.0.

Compatibility issues

This section identifies special considerations for using Rational SoDA with other products, including Rational products and vendor software products.

Compatibility with other Rational products

Rational SoDA can report on Rational products of the same version and is also backwards compatible.

Compatibility with vendor products

This section describes compatibility issues to consider when using Rational SoDA with vendor software products.

Installing Rational SoDA in a Windows Terminal Server Environment

You can install and run Rational SoDA on a Windows Terminal Server console system as you would on any other supported Windows system.

Windows Terminal Server configurations are limited by the resources of Windows Terminal Server. Rational SoDA is a memory-intensive application due to its dependency on Microsoft Word. For best performance, real memory on the Windows Terminal Server (RAM) should be as large as possible, and virtual memory should be left unrestricted.

To use Rational products on a Windows Terminal Server client, you must configure your console system to use floating licenses.

Restrictions and guidelines for Rational SoDA

This section describes noteworthy restrictions and guidelines that affect the use of Rational SoDA. These are not considered defects because the behavior is not expected to change in a future release.

Rational SoDA comments in Microsoft Word

Rational SoDA uses the Microsoft Word comment feature to store the arguments it needs to extract and display information in a Rational SoDA report.

Information for Microsoft Word 2002 users

Because comments have a different appearance and different behavior in Microsoft Word 2002 than they do in Microsoft Word 2000, you use the comment feature differently in the two versions of Microsoft Word.

The Rational SoDA Help does not include Microsoft Word 2002 procedures. Therefore, if you are going to use Microsoft Word 2002 with Rational SoDA, review the Microsoft Word 2002 information in the Rational knowledge base on the Web site for IBM Customer Support for Rational software products. to get this information. The Help contains topics which provide the following information:

Information for Microsoft Word 2003 users

The behavior of comments in Rational SoDA using Microsoft Word 2003 is slightly different from Microsoft Word 2002 and similar to Microsoft Word 2000. This difference is not documented in the Help, but it is provided here.

Like Microsoft Word 2002, Microsoft Word 2003 requires Markup to be turned ON to display Microsoft Word comments (and Rational SoDA commands). However, in version 7.0 of Rational SoDA, the default Markup setting is ON and the color is white, which makes markup invisible to the user. This does not affect comment functions for normal Microsoft Word usage. In this release of Rational SoDA, the Markup value is always set to ON, and you can use the Microsoft Word Show/Hide icon to toggle the display of Rational SoDA commands. The placement of the cursor in relation to the marker is irrelevant in this version (this is different from Microsoft Word 2002).

Required software for using the IBM Rational Software Architect Domain for Rational SoDA

The IBM Rational Software Architect Domain for Rational SoDA supports the following software:

The integration feature is available to Rational Software Architect or Rational Software Modeler users through the Rational Product Update functionality contained in these products.

Additional information for the integration can be found in the IBM Rational Software Architect / IBM Rational Software Modeler documentation.

Table 2 lists the limitations specific to this domain.

Table 2. Limitations to the Rational Software Architect Domain
Component ID Description
Rational Software Architect Domain RATLC00532524 First time generation of report is slow to post progress message.

Workaround: None. This only occurs the first time a report is generated from a given session of Microsoft Word. Rational SoDA has to build a large data structure. Delay is typically about one minute before the message is posted and report generation proceeds normally.

Rational Software Architect Domain RATLC00532947 Rational SoDA online Help missing Help On Domains entry for Rational Software Architect

Workaround: Domain documentation is available and can be found in install path\Rational\SoDAWord\help\RSA_Classes.pdf

Rational Software Architect Domain RATLC00532533 Generate Document, Generate Web Page, Regenerate Section, Visit Source not supported in this release.

Rational Software Architect Domain RATLC00960416 Sub classes for EAnnotation.contents are not working.

Macros for menu items

In versions of Rational SoDA earlier than version 2003.06.12, menu items were implemented through Microsoft Word macros. In version 2003.06.12, some of these macros were removed from the Rational SoDA release because of the addition of COM Add-In functionality. Due to customer request, the majority of the macros were reinstituted in version 2003.06.13 and are also available in this release. The following macros are available:

Diagram images from Rational Rose RealTime

On a non-English operating system, diagram images extracted from Rational Rose RealTime are missing, cropped or scaled incorrectly when Microsoft Word's measurement units are centimeters.

Workaround: Click Tools > Options, and on the General page of the Options window, change the measurement units used by Microsoft Word by selecting Inches or Millimeters from the Measurement Units drop-down list.

Updating XDE models when running a Rational SoDA report

When a Rational SoDA report runs against an XDE(TM) model, you cannot modify the model because it is opened in the background by the Rational SoDA data access layer.

Workaround: Wait for the Rational SoDA session to complete, then close Rational SoDA before updating your model.

Integration with menu systems for other Rational products

A number of Rational products provide tight integration with Rational SoDA through their own menu systems. Certain default values were persistent in the soda.ini file found in ...\rational\sodaword\. This was problematic for supporting Rational SoDA a Windows Terminal Server Environment if two users accessed these tight integrations at the same time.

Windows Terminal Server users need to copy the soda.ini file to the $SODAHOME\$USERNAME folder if they desire user specific settings where $SODAHOME is the Rational SoDA installation directory (for example, ...\rational\sodaword) and $USERNAME is the Windows login user name of the user.

Rational SoDA documentation updates

This section describes updates and changes to documentation for Rational SoDA.

Mismatch between Help text and Rational SoDA icons

In some cases, there is a mismatch between the icons and on-screen logos shown in Rational SoDA Help topics and those that display as part of the Rational SoDA interface. In these cases, the Rational SoDA interface displays the most current information. The Help documentation will be updated in a later release.

Additional Rational SoDA information

For important information about getting started with Rational SoDA, go to and see the article "Understanding IBM Rational SoDA."

Status of change requests

This section lists defects fixed in this release and known issues and change requests.

Defects fixed in this release

Table 3 lists the defects fixed in this release of Rational SoDA.

Table 3. Defects fixed in IFix02
Component ID Description
Rational SoDA


*Word/SoDA: significant drop in performance when generating report
Rational SoDA


*SoDA crashes with MS Word´s "unexpected error" message
Rational SoDA


#SoDA RFE: Option to use rich text from RSx documentation
* Need to set the registry key values. Under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rational Software\SoDAWord]
To enable, set
To disable, set
#Do not work with RSA/RSM/RSD, and earlier versions

Table 3. Defects fixed in IFix01
Component ID Description
Rational SoDA


SoDA: Only the install user can launch SoDA 7.0.1 Succesfully
Rational SoDA


Soda only works for the person who installed it
Rational SoDA


Diagrams not displayed properly in Word 2007
Rational SoDA


SoDA 7.0.1 does not start when logged in as different user
Rational SoDA


The SoDA Menu is not loaded when a Non-admin users launches SoDA
Rational SoDA


SoDA version information
Rational SoDA


Diagrams are not displaying when generating report in Word 2007 docx format.

Table 3.1 Defects fixed in Version of Rational SoDA
Component ID Description
Rational SoDA



REPEATing directly on a requirement type with filter does not return expected results
Rational SoDA



SoDA should retrieve data based on the storage order
Rational SoDA



No commands under "TestCaseResult.LogEvent" returns data
Rational SoDA



It is not possible to get Test Manager DefectID's in a SoDA report
Rational SoDA



SoDA v.7.0.1 MASTER and ENDREP commands are misplaced
Rational SoDA



Generated reported in HTM format displays OPEN command
Rational SoDA



Table of Contents in SoDA command of a generated document is not hidden
Rational SoDA



Wrong SoDA templates displayed when launch SoDA From Rose
Rational SoDA



Adding a display commands corrupts SoDA table
Rational SoDA



SoDA/Rose: Running report from Rose menu gives an incorrect report
Rational SoDA



Blank rows are displayed in the middle when using a repeat with filter in a table
Rational SoDA


Unreadable characters in SoDA Report generated from a ReqPro doc created in Word 2007
Rational SoDA


SoDA error: "Last Word error was #512 (Error: internalError)"
Rational SoDA


Error while generating SoDA (for Word 2007) report thru Rose / Rose RT
Rational SoDA


SoDA does not open for Standard user in Vista Ultimate
Rational SoDA


SoDA prompt feature does not work with generate web page option
Rational SoDA


REPEAT command TMTestCase.ParentTestCases.Requirements_List does not work in SoDA
Rational SoDA


SoDA Cannot read custom CQ query
Rational SoDA


SoDA Report generation - insufficient memory
Rational SoDA


Separate dependency and related relationships
Rational SoDA


SoDA - Add a REPEAT command to Repeat over Parents
Rational SoDA


SODA-RSM-XP: Editing a template the first time after generating a report crashes Word
Rational SoDA


Error while adding / modifying commands through Template View
Rational SoDA


Template corrupts after editing SoDA Template having XDE Artifacts
Rational SoDA


RFE: option/macro to remove blank rows after report generation

Known issues and change requests

Table 4 outlines known defects and limitations in this release of Rational SoDA.

Table 4. Known issues and change requests in version 7.0 of Rational SoDA
Defect Description


If you use Rational SoDA with a non-English version of Microsoft Word, you cannot retrieve Headings from the Microsoft Word domain because the source code defines Heading as a paragraph with the style of Heading (using the English word Heading), instead of the local translation used in Microsoft Word.

Workaround: In your Rational SoDA template, modify the REPEAT Paragraph command, select the Advanced check box, and then create an And Where statement by following this procedure:

  1. On the left operand, click Click here to add.
  2. Expand Self.
  3. Select Style.
  4. Select the LIKE operator.
  5. On the right operand, click Click here to add.
  6. Click Literal.
  7. Enter the non-English word for Heading.

The filter will look like this:

Self.Style LIKE "non_English word for Heading"


Rational RequisitePro Integration

If Rational RequisitePro Integration with Microsoft Word is installed on your computer, and you have never started Microsoft Word on the computer, Rational SoDA does not start correctly.

Workaround: Perform the following procedure on a computer on which Microsoft Word has never been started.

  1. Open and then close Microsoft Word.
  2. Start Rational SoDA.
  3. Start Rational RequisitePro and then open a Rational RequisitePro project.
  4. Click Tools > Generate SoDA Report.

The Rational SoDA window is displayed normally.


The built-in template "Data Dictionary of Classes with Attributes and Operations" (ClassesAttrsOps.doc) is not available through Rational Rose RealTime. If you start Rational Rose RealTime, open a sample Rational Rose RealTime model, and then click Report > SoDA Report, the Generate Rose RealTime Report window does not list the built-in template.


  1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the following folder: Program Files\Rational\SoDAWord\template\rosert .
  2. Right-click the ClassesAttrsOps.doc file, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.
  3. On the Summary page, in the Value column next to the Keywords property, delete SoDA Template.
  4. Click OK.


If you start Template Builder and click ProjectConsole > Template View, and you then start Rational SoDA and click SoDA > Template View, the Template Builder Template View window opens.

Workaround: Close Template Builder before you use Rational SoDA.


If you open the Help for Rational SoDA in Internet Explorer 6.0 and display the table of contents, you may see an error message about not being able to move the focus to a control.

Workaround: To use the Help without further interruption, close the message window by clicking either OK or No (depending on your environment).


Messages are truncated on sequence diagrams.

Workaround: In Rational Rose, display the affected diagram and click Format > Autosize All.


Tight integration with Rational SoDA open and minimized causes unexpected behavior.

Workaround: Do not minimize Rational SoDA when using tight integration.


All data returned through Rational SoDA is returned as a String. Therefore, the comparators compare the string value, not the numeric value, so 100 is less than 99.


To run a report on XDE data, XDE must be running.

Workaround: Start XDE before reporting on data.


A Microsoft Word 2000 template that is upgraded to Microsoft Word 2002 can produce graphics that are sized incorrectly. This is caused by the Microsoft Word upgrade process, which may reset the display size to a default too small for the desired graphic.

Workaround: Manually reset the graphic to the correct size.


Opening a Microsoft Word 2002 template from the Rational Rose tight integration and then saving it with the Rational SoDA commands that are visible generates a Microsoft Word internal error.

Workaround: Hide the Rational SoDA commands before you save a template that you open in this context.


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This information contains sample application programs in source language, which illustrates programming techniques on various operating platforms. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating platform for which the sample programs are written. These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM for the purposes of developing, using, marketing, or distributing application programs conforming to IBM's application programming interfaces.

Each copy or any portion of these sample programs or any derivative work, must include a copyright notice as follows:

(c) (your company name) (year). Portions of this code are derived from IBM Corp. Sample Programs. (c) Copyright IBM Corp. _enter the year or years_. All rights reserved.

Additional legal notices are described in the legal_information.html file that is included in your Rational software installation.


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