IBM Rational TestManager, Version Readme



Release Date: April 2007

Last Updated: 04/03/2007

Material ID: GC23-7643-00

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2004, 2007. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Product changes described in this document and contained within this service release apply if you are upgrading from:

IBM Rational TestManager Solutions v7.0.0 to v7.0.0.0-IFIX01.


1.0 About this release
2.0 Installation information
3.0 Fixes contained in this release 
4.0 Enhancements in
   4.1 Understanding test results without opening test logs
   4.2 Creating multiple test cases
   4.3 Changing login and password of projects
   4.4 Rearranging the test execution order in a suite
   4.5 Deleting multiple manual test scripts
   4.6 Importing multiple parcel files
   4.7 Changing the precedence of implementations of test cases
   4.8 Creating new log when running suite from the command line
   4.9 Associating and disassociating test inputs, configurations, and iterations
   4.10 Viewing properties of any test case
   4.11 Renaming reports and test assets 
   4.12 Associating a test script to multiple test cases 
   4.13 Removing multiple test cases
   4.14 Corrections to TestManager documentation
   4.15 Crystal Reports Issues
   4.16 Support for Windows Microsoft Terminal Server
5.0 IBM Rational Software Support

6.0 Notices and trademarks

1.0 About this release

This release of IBM Rational TestManager includes enhancements as well as fixes to problems.

2.0 Installation information

This section provides information about installing IBM Rational TestManager 

Installation prerequisites:

Before you install this fix pack, you must have an installed IBM Rational TestManager version 7.0 product. For more information, see the IBM Rational TestManager Installation Guide from the IBM Publications Center at

To install Rational TestManager, perform the following steps:

  1. Download the Rational TestManager to your computer.
  2. Double-click on
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to install. 

Note: If you are using Rational TestManager with Rational Robot, you must install Rational Robot For more information, see IBM Rational Robot, Version Readme from the IBM Publications Center.

3.0 Fixes contained in this release

This fix pack contains fixes for the following defects:
APAR # Description


DB2: If a test log is open and a test case run overwrites same log then Test Manager will warn about log is being open and therefore can not be editable. If OK button of run dialog is clicked again before this warning is displayed, TestManager hangs.


If there are two excel test inputs sources associated with a TestManager project and a test case is created and associated with one of the test inputs; when you go to View menu > Test Inputs, you will notice that the test case is associated with all test inputs which have same the serial number, even though test input source is different.
  Disconnect to Excel test input source does not Release Excel.exe, its instances go on increasing in Task Manager.


Load test input source on demand, to overcome the performance issues especially when connecting to Rational projects over WAN. 
  1. Delay the connection to test input source.
  2. Make connection to test input On demand.
  3. Expand All was reconnecting to every source again; Now it will not do that, just expand with existing connection (if already connected).
  4. Added Expand Node and collapse Node to context menu.
  5. Corrected/Removed some performance bottleneck code.


Deleting lines in manual test with text editor may lead to frozen state.


Warning message  "VP comparator can not be opened before the defect is submitted" being displayed even after defect has been submitted, when clicking the open button next to VP comparison in Test Data tab of submitted defect.


TM allows trailing spaces when creating MT scripts.


TM does not import Custom1 and Custom2 fields for Test Cases.


Working with remote project over WAN, TM takes too long to generate reports that relate to Test Inputs from ReqPro.
PK24953 Test Plan Development Coverage report not correct: only part of test case folders displayed.
  Browse button clears the selection in Import Datapool window. Select  Tools - > Manage Datapools, click Import button,  select .csv file for import. In Import Datapool window, click Browse to get Open File dialog, Now Cancel from Open File Dialog,  All entries are cleared in Import Datapool window.
  While Exporting Test Plan, no summarized details are provided about which test plan is exported.
  After selecting multiple log items, user can not remove selection of any selected items.

4.0 Enhancements in

This section includes descriptions of the enhanced features as well as fixes to problems of TestManager in 

4.1 Understanding test results without opening test logs

TestManager now makes it easier to understand the test results by displaying test log items in different colors in the Test Log window. Each color of the test log items indicates the following:

4.2 Creating multiple test cases

TestManager provides the Test Asset Builder tool to automate the creation of multiple test cases for test scripts. You can use the Test Asset Builder tool by selecting the menu options, Tools > Test Asset Builder. The Test Asset Builder has the following advantages:

4.3 Changing login and password of projects

You can change the password for a Rational project by using TestManager instead of Rational Administrator. In TestManager, you can also use Rational ManualTest to change the password. To change the password for any Rational project in TestManager or Rational ManualTest, select the menu options, File > Change Password

Note: Only a logged in user can change the password of a Rational project.

4.4 Rearranging the test execution order in a suite 

You can rearrange the order of test execution in any suite by doing the following:

  1. Select the test cases or test scripts to rearrange.
  2. Select Edit > Move up or Move down. Alternately, you can also use the keys Ctrl+ Up arrow or Ctrl + Down arrow.

4.5 Deleting multiple manual test scripts

TestManager now supports deleting multiple manual scripts.

4.6 Importing multiple parcel files 

TestManager now supports importing multiple parcel files. 

Note: You can import multiple parcel files of test assets only when Test Asset Parcel Browser is not used.

4.7 Changing the execution precedence of implemented scripts in test cases

By default, if a test case is associated to both manual and automated implementations then, automated implementation would take precedence of executing test cases. You can change the precedence of the implementation by selecting the menu options, Tools > Option > Run > Execution Precedence

4.8 Creating new log when running suite from the command line

When a suite is scheduled to run repeatedly at a specific time from the command line, a new log is created each time it is run. For example, if a suite is scheduled to run repeatedly at every hour, a new log file is created at each hour the suite is run. 

4.9 Associating and disassociating test inputs, configurations, and iterations

TestManager now supports associating and disassociating test inputs, configurations, and iterations of multiple test cases and test case folders.

4.10 Viewing properties of any test case

Double-click on any test case to view its properties instead of right-clicking and selecting Properties as a drop-down menu option.

4.11 Renaming reports and test assets

You can rename reports and test assets such as test plans, test cases, and test plan folders by changing only the case of characters to lower or upper case.

4.12 Associating a test script to multiple test cases

TestManager now supports associating a test script to multiple test cases in the Test Scripts view. You can associate a test script to multiple test cases by doing the following:

  1. Right-click on a test script.
  2. Select Implement Test Case. The Associate test case to test script window is displayed with test cases.
  3. Select multiple test cases to associate to the test script.

4.13 Removing multiple test cases 

You can select and remove multiple test cases from the Test Input tab.

4.14 Corrections to TestManager documentation

In the Rational TestManager Help topic, Promoting Test Case Results, the link About Promoting Test Case Results incorrectly opens the topic About Interpreting Test Case Results. To view the topic About Promoting Test Case Results, do the following:

  1. Select the menu options, Help > Contents and Index and go to the Index Tab
  2. Type 'promoting test case results' and press Display
    In the
    Topics Found window, the topic About Promoting Test Case Results is selected by default.
  3. Press Display, the help topic About Promote Test Case Results is displayed.

4.15 Crystal Reports Issues

Installation of TestManager normally includes Crystal 10. However, if you have a Windows 9x operating system, Crystal 10 will not be installed. You need to have Windows NT or higher in order to include Crystal 10 with TestManager installation.

If you uninstall earlier versions of TestManager with Crystal 8.5 integration, the uninstall program does not remove the \windows\system32\crpe32.dll file. Even on installing TestManager v2003.06.13 or higher, the DLL continues to exist. On attempting to run a listing report while the DLL exists, TestManager displays an error message that you do not have a correct version of Crystal Reports installed. Remove or rename the DLL file to resolve this issue.

Crystal Reports v10 does not support dictionary-based reports. If you attempt to run a dictionary-based report with Crystal Reports v10, you receive an error message. While attempting to run a dictionary-based report should result in an error, the text of the error message is incorrect. The error message text should be: “The report that you are trying to run is based on a feature in previous versions of Crystal Reports called dictionaries. Crystal Reports v10 no longer supports reports based on dictionaries. Refer to the documentation to re-create your reports.” 

4.16 Support for Microsoft Windows Terminal Server 

All areas of TestManager are supported in Microsoft Windows Terminal Server except for the following:

  • Execution – Only execution of Robot GUI and Manual test types is supported. All other test type execution, such as Rational Functional Tester GUI, VU, Java, VB, and command line are not supported and are not features planned for this release.
  • Execution Monitoring – This is not supported in the Terminal environment. Users needing this functionality must execute tests directly from the TestManager client as they do outside of the Terminal environment.
  • Agent playback – Not operational or supported in this release.

5.0 IBM Rational Software Support

IBM Rational Software Support provides you with technical assistance.

For contact information and guidelines or reference materials that you will need when you require support, read the IBM Software Support Handbook.

For FAQs, lists of know problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the IBM Rational Software Support Web site.

For Rational software product news, events, and other information, visit the IBM Rational Software Web site.

Before you contact IBM Rational Software Support, gather the background information that you will need to describe your problem. When describing a problem to an IBM software support specialist, be as specific as possible and include all relevant background information so that the specialist can help you solve the problem efficiently. To save time, know the answers to these questions:

6.0 Notices and trademarks

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