Patch 200205034-1 - Rational TestMate 4.0.0 for Solaris ------------------------------------------------------- To install this patch, download these 3 files and run the install script: install_sol_200205034_1 sol.patch.200205034-1.inventory sol.patch.200205034-1.tar.Z Description This patch is recommended for all Solaris installations, especially installations using Apex Embedded or the Apex integration with ClearCase. Previous installation of patch 200205033-1 is required. This patch includes the following changes: o Numerous changes have been made to eliminate or reduce unneeded processing in TestMate. Processing of the Ada closure has been minimized to cases where it is really needed. In addition, ASIS library opens are now conditionally cached when possible. The results of some internal lookups are also cached. In some scenarios, these changes dramatically decrease the time it takes to run tests, especially for nested test lists of Ada test cases. (Enhancement 8072) o Redundant processing of units-under-test for Ada test lists has been eliminated. Previously, units-under-test were processed for each test case, and then again for the test list. (Enhancement 7985) o TestMate now handles embedded line-feeds in the units-under-test field. However, to specify large numbers of units, it would be better to allow unit names in a separate file. Accordingly, if the UUT field starts with '@', TestMate will take the remainder of the field as a file containing a list of units. (Enhancement 7986) o TestMate now correctly specifies file redirection for program test cases in Apex Embedded views. (Defect 8123) o TestMate issues a warning message if trap-based coverage is selected but no qualifying events (traps) are found to set. Previously, this situation led to premature ending of coverage processing, and eventually to an error. TestMate now continues processing normally. o TestMate now correctly handles auto-checkin operations for the test results file. Previously, the file would often be left in a checked-out state even when auto-checkin was enabled. (8274) o TestMate can now instrument child packages of Ada.Characters. This capability applies only to source release versions of Apex Embedded. (8299) o TestMate now creates a corresponding "with" clause for any "use" clause specified in the context field of an Ada test list. Previously, both clauses would have to be specified. (8329)