Patch 201002184-0 - TestMate 4.2.2 for any UNIX O/S ----------------------------------------------------------- To install this patch, download these 3 files and run the install script: install_201002184_0 any.patch.201002184-0.inventory any.patch.201002184-0.tar.Z Description This patch is recommended for all installations using TestMate 4.2.2. This patch contains changes to address the following defects: Defect RATLC00415956 invalid option passed to tm script Enhancements to error messages for a TestMate script. Defect RALTC00876508 Embedded debugger does not support $APEX_PRODUCT_EXE_READ The TestMate key scripts have been updated. This patch contains changes addressed in previous patch (200809182-0): Defect RATLC00878656 TestMate improvements to copy time Modification to improve copy time have been made to the update_testing_tower.ash script in the key. Defect RATLC00878636 Read only files of stubs in TestMate view RATLC00146236 Write permission not given to files copied to test tower The script to update the testing view has been corected. The script will ensure the target file, for a simple copy when reusing a testing view, is writable. Defect RATLC00876934 Testmate attempts to run script that failed to link The shell script has been modified to check for execute permission. Defect RATLC00144906 Add Flexibility to logic that discards "old" testing tower Added use of an environment variable, APEX_TM_EXPIRE. It is interpreted as an integer; default value is 259200 (3 days). A non-negative value specifies the seconds after which a testing tower is considered to be obsolete (has expired). A negative value implies no obsolescence. The algorithm for updating instrumented towers has been modified to defer parsing so it can be applied to entire library contexts, rather than parsing file-by-file, for a modest speed improvement. Non-functional changes have been made to several keys scripts to ease debugging. The TestMate Link utility has been enhanced to correctly determine when linking can be skipped in non-TestMate library contexts; previously, it assumed the executable was not up-to-date. It is also more robust in handling mixed Ada/C++ programs.