------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IBM Corporation Rational Change for DOORS Interface Patch 5.7-05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY This README describes the contents of Rational Change for DOORS Interface Patch 5.7-05 and describes how to install the patch. The README has the following sections: PROBLEMS This section describes the problems fixed in this patch. SUPPORTED RELEASES This section lists the releases to which this patch may be applied. DELIVERABLE COMPONENTS AFFECTED This section lists the files that will be replaced by this patch. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS This section describes how to apply the patch to your DOORS installation. REVERSING THE PATCH This section describes how to remove the patch. CONTACTING TECHNICAL SUPPORT If you need assistance or have any problems with this patch, contact IBM Technical Support as described at the very end of this README. PROBLEMS Patch 5.7-05 to Rational Change for DOORS Interface Release 5.7 fixes the following problems: * R29005 Recording an unmanaged change in shareable edit mode raises a DXL error and managed changes gets saved on the module without RCR apply * R34892 Always prompt for a default RCR when opening a module * R34893 Allow the display of redlined differences during Review RCR and Display Multiple RCRs to be an option * R34901 Discarded changes dialog is not shown when objects are moved in unmanaged mode * R34939 Lock debug errors are displayed on locking a section in shareable edit mode * R34940 DXL errors appear when recording and applying an RCR on a module with managed and unmanaged attribute changes * R34958 In-Links are not discarded in Unmanaged Edit mode * R34960 Recording in Shareable Edit mode displays debug statements * R34980 Unwanted structural changes are made to a module * R35348 Open for Unmanaged Changes mode, large sections of the module being edited can vanish * R35349 RCs in the RCR in the Change DB will completely disappear when accessed through ActiveX by users who upgraded from Rational Change for DOORS Interface 5.6 * R35834 Remove Packages from Client menu option is not available to users Patch 5.7-05 also includes Patch 5.7-04 which fixes the following problems: * R33834 Users cannot modify objects which have prior rejected changes NOTE: * The user must specify the desired RCR Rejected State. This may be done by modifying the Configuration Template being used. Simply select the Define Configuration Template menu, then select the Template Name and click Modify. In step 3, which is Requirements Change Management, there will be a new listbox called RCR Rejected State. Make the desired selection and save. * R33842 DXL errors appear when performing a copy module configuration * R34510 DXL errors appear after performing undo modify on an object * R34513 DXL errors appear when sending an RCR to Review state from DOORS * R34515 DXL errors appear after modifying an object attribute that has previously been modified * R34687 DXL errors appear regarding locked log files when the Integration has debugging turned on NOTE: * When there is more than one DOORS session running at the same time, the Integration will write all debugging information in the same log file. * Patch 5.7-04 replaces %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\startupfiles\csintStartup.inc file. Configuration changes applied to this file will be lost after applying Patch 5.7-04. Please update the required settings manually after applying the patch. * R34758 Changes are automatically applied into DOORS during Record instead of into Rational Change Patch 5.7-05 also includes Patch 5.7-03 which fixes the following problems: * R34154 Changes cannot be recorded properly in shareable edit mode Patch 5.7-05 also includes Patch 5.7-02 which fixes the following problems: * The integration is unable to connect to Rational Change 5.1 * IR synchronization fails when the module contains deleted objects * RCRs cannot be reviewed in shareable edit mode * RCRs cannot be applied in shareable edit mode WHO SHOULD INSTALL THIS PATCH This patch should be installed by all users of the Rational Change for DOORS Interface release 5.7. SUPPORTED RELEASES This patch may only be applied to Rational Change for DOORS Interface release 5.7 DELIVERABLE COMPONENTS AFFECTED %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\add_CR.dxl %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\attr_mapping.dxl %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\complete_RCR.dxl %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\custom_cr_attributes.dxl %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\display_additional_rcps.dxl %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\ecpsCustomAttrsDialog.dxl %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\get_requirements.dxl %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\rcr_create_report.dxl %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\rcr_create_report_docexp.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\rcr_create_report_rpe.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\remove_CR.dxl %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\review_rcp.dxl %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\select_default_rcp.dxl %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\show_CR.dxl %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\show_rcp.dxl %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\about\about.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\apply\ecpsapplyDialog.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\apply\ecpsapplyutils.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\misc\csintconfigdialogs.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\misc\csintconfigdialogs_all_module.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\misc\csintcopyconfigdialog.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\misc\csintStringTable.txt %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\misc\csint_upgrade_rc_52.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\misc\packageManager.dxl %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\misc\syncir_rcr.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\packages\uninstall_package.dxl %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\record_mode\edit_conflict_warning.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\record_mode\mrc.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\record_mode\rcm_open_trigger.dxl %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\record_mode\warning_cache.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\Utils\conflict_detect_dialog.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\Utils\conflict_report.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\Utils\csint_util.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\Utils\deploy_utils.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\Utils\ecpsutils.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\Utils\ecpsconfigutils.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\Utils\ecpsModuleConfiguration.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\Utils\lib.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\Utils\m_ir_sync.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\Utils\obj_sync_cr.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\Utils\rcm_utils.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\Utils\rcr_cache_util.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\Utils\rcr_report.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\Utils\review_util.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\Utils\select_query.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\Utils\select_rcp_dialog.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\Utils\submit_CR_utils.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\addins\synergy\Utils\view_config.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\startupfiles\csintStartup.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\startupfiles\csintStartupPrivate.inc %DOORSHOME%\lib\dxl\finishfiles\csintFinish.inc %WINDIR%\system32\csapi.dll trapeze\ TelelogiCECPSActiveXControl.cab wsconfig\templates\pt\include\attr_controls base.DOORS_DATA_CONTROL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Once you have installed patch 5.7-05, you should not install any individual patch that does not clearly state that it may be installed on top of patch 5.7-05, unless informed otherwise by IBM Technical Support. Before installing patch 5.7-05, you must first install DOORS client version 1. Extract the patch file into a temporary directory. Use Winzip (or another zip tool) to extract the files. 2. Start DOORS as a user with database manager privilege 3. Click Rational Change Integration->Package Manager. 4. Remove all previous Rational Change for DOORS Interface 5.7 patches from the Package Manager. You can do this by clicking Rational Change Integration->Package Manager, selecting each of the Installed Packages, then clicking Remove. NOTE: It is not necessary to remove the patches currently installed from all the DOORS client. 5. Click the Add button, browse to the package_info.xml file located in the temporary directory from step 1. 6. Restart your DOORS session, you will be prompted to install the patch on the client. All users who have the Change for DOORS Interface installed and have appropriate privileges to modify their DOORS installation area will be prompted to install the patch the next time they start DOORS. NOTE: If the DOORS client version is not installed, you will not be prompted to install the patch after restarting your DOORS session. NOTE: After installing Rational Change for DOORS Interface Patch 5.7-05, the Integration will ask the user to restart DOORS in order for the patch to be properly installed. When you attempt to exit your DOORS session, a DXL error will briefly appear and DOORS will exit. The instructions below explain how to install the Rational Change for DOORS Interface Patch 5.7 Change Package. 1. Login to the machine where Rational Change is installed as the user who installed Rational Change. 2. Unzip the patch file into a temporary directory. Copy the folder named doors_change_57_patch_change_package to your Rational Change installation packages directory (e.g. \cs_app\webapps\ synergy\WEB-INF\packages) 3. Login to Change as Admin, and click the Administration toolbar icon. 4. You can now select this patch package from the "Package Installer" tab which will show this patch package under "Available Packages". Install the patch. NOTE: Because this patch modifies files included in doors_cs_template, this patch must be reinstalled every time a CRProcess package is installed in Change. REVERSING THE PATCH If it is necessary to remove the patch after it was installed, follow these steps. 1. Start DOORS, click Rational Change Integration->Remove Packages From Client 2. Select this patch and click Remove. If you have installed other patches after installing this patch, you must remove the other patches first. The instructions below explain how to remove the Rational Change for DOORS Interface Patch 5.7 Change Package. 1. Login to Change as Admin, and click the Administration toolbar icon. 2. Uninstall the patch package. Click on the "Package Installer" tab. You should see the doors_change_57_patch_change_package in the Installed Packages. Click the uninstall button. CONTACTING TECHNICAL SUPPORT Please visit our Rational support overview site at: http://www.ibm.com/software/rational/support/telelogic/ You will find a one-sheet reference guide about how to best contact support in your geography.