Fixes Defects: PM38594,PM31017,PM43476,PM44377,PM43555,PM32096,PM37075,PM40970,PM36555,PM34211,PM39312,PM31021,PM28953,RATLC01329421 This patch contains the following software changes: PM38594: Addresses a ClearCase UCM issue where there is a noticeable degradation in the performance of the process of making baselines. PM31017: Fixes a ClearCase problem encountered on UNIX systems where the ClearCase vob_restore script does not correctly reset the current saved state if the checkvob fix phase does not complete. PM43476: Fixes a ClearCase MultiSite problem encountered on Windows platforms where the sync_receive script fails to forward packets to the next host when the shipping bay path contains spaces. PM44377: Fixes a ClearCase MulitSite performance problem where running a multitool syncreplica command with the oprange flag option runs slower than other export commands. PM43555: Fixes a problem encountered on Windows platforms where the process of launching ClearCase or ClearQuest can fail and produce an error message that reads, "Access to logfile.out was denied," if the user does not possess write permissions to the ClearCase or ClearQuest installation directory. PM32096: Addresses a ClearCase issue where the clearmake –C gnu compatibility mode was incorrectly parsing the $(wildcard ...) function. PM37075: Fixes a problem in the ClearCase Remote Client encountered when using ClearQuest where a URL in a ClearQuest multiline field is not a hyperlink in the ClearQuest Details window of the ClearCase Remote Client. PM40970: Fixes a ClearCase MVFS problem encountered on Windows platforms where running ntlogon_util.exe or nplogon.exe can produce a STOP error and cause MVFS to crash. PM36555: Fixes a ClearCase problem encountered on UNIX platforms where the ClearCase setgroup_swap utility is not managing groups correctly when reordering the list of groups. PM34211: Fixes a ClearCase MultiSite problem where a rmview -uuid command cannot successfully remove a view reference in a replicated UCM project VOB. PM39312: Fixes a ClearCase problem where the ALBD registry server may stop flushing journal entries so that the journal file continues to grow until ClearCase is restarted, which can negatively affect performance. PM31021: Addresses a ClearCase issue encountered on UNIX platforms where a vob_restore procedure does not correctly parse the checkvob fix log and incorrectly indicates that VOB repairs are needed. PM28953: Fixes a ClearCase problem, encountered on Windows Vista and Windows 7 platforms, where toggling the customer tool shortcuts in the ClearCase Explorer causes it to crash. RATLC01329421: Addresses a ClearCase issue where running the ucmutil -link_pvob function fails to detect certain objects that cause the -fix switch to fail.