Fixes Defects: PK94147,PM19201,PM24688,PM30197,PM32086,PM32161,PM34081,PM35363,PM40955,PM41547,PM41900,PM44970,PM45451,PM45936,PM46409,PM48143,PM49159,PM51132,PM51484,PM51613,PM51701,PM52258,PM52691,PM52772,PM52990,PM53529,PM54265,PM54784,PM54995,PM55477,PM55494,PM56210,PM56274,PM56454,PM59784,PM60154,PM60984,PM61278,PM61319,PM61670,PM61737,PM61741,PM61822,PM62441,PM62735,PM62740,PM62793,PM63174,PM63307,PM63499,PM63864,PM64027,PM65367 This patch contains the following software changes: PK94147: Addresses a ClearQuest issue on Window and UNIX platforms where a cached list of duplicate records can easily become stale because the information about duplicates for a ClearQuest record is not updated often enough to notice recent changes made in other sessions. PM19201: Addresses an issue of inconsistent behavior in the ClearQuest Eclipse client running on Windows platforms where the last field selected in the ClearQuest Designer is used as the base field for an alignment operation while the first field selected is used as the base field for a size operation. The issue has been fixed so that the first field selected now acts as the base field for both an alignment operation and a size operation. PM24688: Addresses an issue in the ClearQuest Eclipse client running on Windows XP Professional platforms where the Form Layout -> Align option behavior in the ClearQuest Designer was inconsistent with respect to the selected control that specifies other Form Layout functionality. PM30197: Fixes a defect in the ClearQuest Web client on Windows platforms where an error occurs when trying to edit or run a report with a query name that has been changed. PM32086: Fixes a problem in the ClearQuest Eclipse client on Windows platforms where deleting a form control in the ClearQuest Designer and then undoing the delete and selecting "Redo" produces the following error: "if (index >= size) throw new BasicIndexOutOfBoundsException(index, size)". PM32161: Fixes a problem in the ClearQuest Eclipse client on Windows XP platforms where the ClearQuest Designer shows an empty value for both the master database vendor option and the connect options and these options also appear to be editable. PM34081: Fixes a CQ Eclipse problem when using the Find Record button. If a user checks the box "Search All Record Types" and updates a record found by the search, the modified fields will not appear until the record is closed and reopened. PM35363: Fixes a problem in the ClearQuest Eclipse client on Windows platforms where, for some reference fields (such as the ReferencedRecordDefinition field), the record type it references is blank in the ClearQuest Designer. PM40955: Addresses a ClearQuest Web client issue on Windows and UNIX platforms where an error message from an email rule failure is lost when ClearQuest is running as LocalSystem account or when CM Server is running in the default configuration on Linux platforms. PM41547: Fixes a problem in the ClearQuest Web client on Windows and UNIX platforms where resizing a browser window and then dragging the child record title bar causes the child record to move out of view and blocks the entire interface until the browser is refreshed. PM41900: Fixes the CQ EmailPlus documentation about PERL experssions in templates. PM44970: Fixes a problem in the CQ Eclipse client where the result of importing stateless records always shows 'Success import 0' and 'Failed import 0' in the console window regardless of whether the record was imported correctly. PM45451: Fixes a problem in the ClearQuest Eclipse client on Windows platforms where the process of importing attachments fails with no error messages if the source file for the attachments does not have a column named "Attachments". PM45936: Fixes a defect in ClearQuest MultiSite on Windows platforms where the Modify and Change State icons are not visible in the ClearQuest Web client after submitting and saving a record. This occurs when storing an entity object in a session variable in a submit action validation hook on a ClearQuest MultiSite-enabled database. PM46409: Fixes a problem in the ClearQuest Web client on Linux platforms where adding a combo box and a list box, on a page containing a dynamic list linked to a multiline field, produces a situation where creating a new record and trying to add multiple values to the combo box results in the combo box only taking one value and the list box only taking one value, which displays vertically. PM48143: Fixes a CQ Eclipse Designer problem when comparing two versions of a schema where a constant list has changed. After trying to restore the change with the 'Copy Current Change from Right to Left button', the constant list is corrupted. PM49159: Addresses a ClearQuest Eclipse client issue on Windows platforms that the user encounters when creating a new record type in ClearQuest Designer where the record type name is set correctly but the database name is incorrectly set to "new1" and not to the record type name. After checking in the schema from the database, the table of the new record type is called "new1" as well. If attempting to add another record type, the new record type database name would be "new1_1" (because "new1" already exists) and subsequent ones would be "new2", "new3", and so on. PM51132: Fixes a problem in the ClearQuest Web client on Windows platforms where some field values are not copied from a source record to a new record when using multiline fields with the "API to open a form" feature. PM51484: Fixes a problem in ClearQuest Web where renaming a folder removes it's permissions. PM51613: Fixes a ClearQuest OSLC problem on Windows platforms where running an OSLC request to retrieve a record and a second-degree referenced record type's field value (such as Project.Owner.fullname) produces an RDF that is invalid and contains the data twice. PM51701: Fixes a problem in the "GetInstalledMasters" method example code in the ClearQuest API reference documentation. PM52258: Fixes a ClearQuest problem on Windows platforms where running an OSLC request to retrieve a record and two second-degree referenced record type's fields' value (such as Project.Owner.fullname and returns only the last one of the field values that were specified. PM52691: Addresses a ClearQuest installation issue where installing the ClearQuest Eclipse client does not generate an entry in the Windows "Add or Remove Programs" Control Panel. PM52772: Addresses a focus issue in the ClearQuest Web client on Windows platforms where the user must click twice to save a record. PM52990: Fixes a problem in the ClearQuest integration with Base ClearCase on Windows platforms where adding a new file to ClearCase source control through the ClearCase Explorer causes an additional CQAdminSession login if there is one dbset in ClearQuest. This login causes an additional license to be checked out when it is not needed. PM53529: Fixes a formatting problem when running dynamic queries on CQ Web 8.0.0.x with Internet Explorer 8. In the filter field selection, the text "The current field is set to:" is not properly contained within the box. PM54265: Fixes the CQ Full Text Search documentation to clarify the feature level support in MultiSite and non-MultiSite environments. PM54784: Fixes a defect in the ClearQuest Eclipse client where source states are not saved when creating a new modify action in the ClearQuest Designer. PM54995: Addresses a ClearQuest issue where users linking to an existing defect in ClearQuest from the Rational Quality Manager Bridge can view the non-OSLC-Package-Enabled record types during configuration or integration operations. This problem has been fixed by adding a configuration item in the file which, if it is set to true, causes ClearQuest to filter out the non-OSLC-Package-Enabled record types. PM55477: Fixes a ClearQuest OSLC problem on Windows platforms where, when trying to access a ClearQuest record or to create a new record using OSLC, users are prompted to enter a ClearQuest user name and password that will be reused within the same browser session. If the user enters incorrect credentials, a 400 error message is returned and the user does not have the opportunity to re-enter the correct credentials. PM55494: Fixes a problem where updating three level (or more) dependent list fields using OSLC ( 1.0 & 2.0) gives an error on ClearQuest 7.1.2.x when a value is common between the two parent fields. PM56210: Fixes a problem with the textbox form control 'Multiline' option on ClearQuest Web. PM56274: Fixes a ClearQuest Eclipse client problem on Windows platforms where attempting to import a User or Group record type form using the ClearQuest Eclipse Designer is not possible because the "Import Form" feature is inactive. The new behavior activates the "Import Form" feature when the schema is checked out. PM56454: Fixes a problem on ClearQest Web forms where static text fields do not show any characters in between angle < > brackets (aka greater than and less than) symbols. PM59784: Fixes a performance problem where reference list fields containing more than 50 items take longer to display on a CQ Web 8.0.0.x form than they did on a CQ Web 7.1.2.x form. PM60154: Fixes a problem where ClearQuest does not honor/validate the case sensitivity of choice lists fields that have the "limit to list" option selected. PM60984: Addresses a ClearQuest Web client issue on Windows platforms that is encountered when a user tries to submit a ClearQuest defect from a Rational Quality Manager test script execution and the ClearQuest record is not populated with any data if the URL request has over 2,084 characters. PM61278: Fixes a problem where ClearQuest Web 7.1.x REST URI shortcuts are case sensitive to dbset names. PM61319: Fixes a ClearCase installation issue on Windows 2008 platforms where, after updating the version of ClearQuest, the entries for the email notification were cleared in the registry. PM61670: Fixes a ClearQuest Web client cross-site scripting (XSS) security vulnerability on Windows platforms. PM61737: Fixes a ClearQuest open redirect security vulnerability. PM61741: Fixes a ClearQuest Cross-Site Scripting security vulnerability. PM61822: Fixes a ClearQuest information disclosure vulnerability. PM62441: Addresses a ClearQuest Eclipse client issue on Windows platforms where a ClearQuest form that has access restrictions on all tabs except one displays the one tab that is viewable incorrectly so that it is cut off at the bottom. PM62735: Addresses a ClearQuest Web client security vulnerability. PM62740: Fixes a ClearQuest record type security vulnerability. PM62793: Fixes a ClearQuest problem in Full-Text Search on Windows platforms where a field added to an indexed record type in ClearQuest Full-Text Search is not searchable without fieldname: before the search term. PM63174: Fixes a problem in ClearQuest on Windows platforms where exporting records using the export wizard results in the field name order not matching the data order when the description field is selected because of a column order mismatch issue that occurs during the export process. PM63307: Fixes a documentation problem in ClearQuest where the example documentation for ClearQuest Full-Text Search deployment has invalid syntax for Windows environments in the ClearQuest Full-Text Search Administration Guide. PM63499: Fixes a problem when exporting records in the CQ Eclipse client where the data in the export file is listed in a different order than the column headings indicate. PM63864: Fixes a documentation error in the second sentence of section 2.7 (EmailPlusRuleSubscription Record Type) in the "ClearQuest EmailPlus Administrators Guide.pdf". PM64027: Fixes a ClearQuest Web client issue on Windows platforms where creating a dynamic query and adjusting the web page size on a German operating system causes the query interface label to overlap the control text. At 100% display resolution, part of the translated label "The current field is set to" is dropped down to the next line and overlaps the control text. Increasing the magnification to 105% or decreasing it to 95% of the page resolves the issue. PM65367: Fixes a defect in the ClearQuest Web client on Windows and UNIX platforms where links on a ClearQuest Form stop working if the owner application can set the Referrer request header.