Fixes Defects: PM33116,PM46858,PM57371,PM60748,PM61242,PM63389,PM64420,PM65721,PM66959,PM68040,PM71175,PM71702,PM72417,PM72905,PM73551,PM74838,PM74845,PM75238,PM76855 This patch contains the following software changes: PM33116: Problem: Both ClearQuest Designers crash during validation if a choice list's default value is invalid.  Example:  Create a short string field and make it a CHOICE_LIST.  Put the values x and y and set it to "Limit to list".  Setting the default value of the short string field to a blank space will cause a crash. Fix: When the default value of a choice list is invalid, the designer now displays a message saying the "The hook must consist of only a single value..." PM46858: Problem: ClearQuest performance on Unix decreases when loading schemas with many hooks. Fix: New caching mechanisms were added to improve ClearQuest Unix performance. PM57371: Problem: ClearQuest Eclipse client continues to log into an old database even after it's been moved. Fix: After a database move, ClearQuest Eclipse will log into the new moved database so data is put in the correct place. PM60748: Problem: By default, after deploying ClearQuest Web on an IBM WebSphere Application Server, the JSESSIONID cookie path is set to the domain root /. If there are other web applications running on WebSphere Application Server that set the JSESSIONID cookie path to /, this creates a JSESSIONID conflict, which causes ClearQuest Web functions to fail. Fix: The ClearQuest Web session id name is no longer hard coded to use JSESSIONID.  If there's a JESSIONID conflict, the ClearQuest Web session id can now be renamed.  The following technote also explains an alternate workaround: PM61242: Problem: Attachments can not be added to a ClearQuest Web record after a user session has timed out.  The record can only be saved without attachments or discarded completely. Fix: After a ClearQuest Web user session has timed out, a relogin dialog appears and attachments can be added to a record. PM63389: Problem: Logging into ClearQuest takes more time now than 7.0.1.x due to changes made to reading and writing database information to the registry. Fix: Database information is now cached in memory to improve ClearQuest logon performance. PM64420: Problem: When a ClearQuest Web child record is modified on it's parent record using a utility action, a refresh is needed from the parent record for the change to be visible.  Note - this only a problem with a utility action not a modify action. Fix: ClearQuest Web child records which have been modified using a utility action are now immediately changed on the parent record.  A refresh is no longer needed. PM65721: Problem: When a ClearQuest Web record contains a reference list with over 1000 items, any modification on the record will cause unresponsiveness and a "CRVSV0917E The request timed out waiting for a locked resource to become free." error message. Fix: Modifying a ClearQuest Web record with a reference list of over 1000 items now works fine.  The locking condition on the resource mentioned in the message has been eliminated so this error no longer occur. PM66959: Problem: Under certain circumstances, if the CQ Full Text Search Admin (FTSA) tool fails early in the deployment, diagnostic logging may not occur.  Trying to use the CQ FTSA tool command-line options on a none existing FTS deployment at "--ftshome" results in following misleading error message:  "UNEXPECTED_DATA  as needed at line 1812" Fix: The resource string "UNEXPECTED_DATA" has been added properly to report the true nature of the CQ FTSA issue. PM68040: Problem: If you start using ClearQuest Full Text Search Administrator tool in a Unix shell or a Windows command prompt which is not setup with root or administrative privileges, the ClearQuest Full Text Search Administrator tool could fail while executing command without explanation as to why. Fix: ClearQuest Full Text Search Administrator tool now checks to make sure that the Unix shell or the Windows command prompt is started in root or administrative privilege, if not, it will report an error. PM71175: Problem: When a ClearQuest Web CQRPC process reaches the 'Recycle Server Lifetime Limit', it is marked for termination by the CM Server. If the CQRPC process fails to exit, it will appear as hung in the process list and will run indefinitely if not terminated manually. Processes like that can and should be terminated to prevent them from consuming unnecessary resources such as CPU or Memory. Fix: A fix has been made to use a PERL script, called, to address this issue. This script is run automatically by the CM Server periodically based on an MBean value cqrpcAbandonedProcessCleanupInterval. The script checks the PIDs of the cqprc processes that are running in CM Server and that are running on the machine itself. It terminates the processes that are not in the CM Server list and that have been up for at least 5 minutes. PM71702: Problem: ClearQuest Web short string fields with drop-down list box controls can not be made blank when using your keyboard's backspace key rather than your mouse. If the field has been made blank and is not in the list of values, you will be prompted with warning: "The value entered is not valid".  After Clicking "OK" and "Save", the value which was deleted still exists. Fix: Clearing ClearQuest Web short string fields in drop-down list box now has consistent behavior when using both a mouse and a keyboard.  If the field has been made blank via a backspace, clicking "Save" successfully removes the deleted value.  This makes it consistent with ClearQuest Web 7.1.2.x. PM72417: Problem: When a ClearQuest Web 8.0.0.x user tries to add a attachment with over 50 characters in the file name, they receive an error message saying it is not allowed.  This is correct behavior but the user then can't delete the attachment from the form control because the Remove button is greyed out. Fix: ClearQuest Web 8.0.0.x users can now remove attachments with over 50 characters in the file name from an attachment form control. PM72905: Problem: A ClearQuest security problem was identified. Fix: The ClearQuest security problem was fixed. PM73551: Problem: If a drop down list control field was reset via hook and then is modified, CQ Web 8.0.0.x can not recognize the modified field and treats it as unchanged.  NOTE - This issue only occurs in CQ Web 8.0.0.x. Fix: CQ Web now correctly recognizes a modified drop down list control field if it was originally set via hook PM74838: Problem: Date field values are not displayed in a query result set if the ClearQuest Web server is on certain non-English operating systems such as German or French. Fix: ClearQuest Web date field values now display in query result sets on all locales. PM74845: Problem: When a ClearQuest Web 8.0.0.x user tries to add a attachment with over 50 characters in the file name, they receive an error message saying it is not allowed.  This is correct behavior but the user then can't delete the attachment from the form control because the Remove button is greyed out. Fix: CQ Web 8.0.0.x users can now remove attachments with over 50 characters in the file name from a attachment form control. PM75238: Problem: The IBM Installation Manager panel was not displaying the correct version for non-English operating systems. Fix: The code has been updated to have a generic extraction of the correct version on the IBM Installation Manager panel independently of the Operating System language. PM76855: Problem: ClearQuest Web users on some non-English locales receive a error message when requesting a date time field using a OSLC request like the following:  "" Fix: When calling OSLC requests as in the above example, ClearQuest Web query result sets are correctly displayed on all locales.