TargetRTS Debugger OTDC 5.2 Detailed Level Test Plan


Last Modified: July 22nd, 1998

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This document contains the test plan for verifying the TargetRTS debugger

Table of Contents:

  1.  Introduction

  2.  TargetRTS configuration

  3.  TargetRTS debugger command list

  4.  Testing of configuration without the debugger

  5.  Testing of configuration with the debugger


1. Introduction

This document provides the test plan for the TargetRTS debugger. It could be used 

to test any platform supporting the debugger. The purpose of this test plan is to

verify that all known features of the debugger are working properly. 

Command parameters and order of test cases: For each test case, a suggested command 

and parameter is given. If you change the order of the test cases, you might not get

the expected results. The results will have to be analysed according to the new sequence 

of operations.

2. TargetRTS configuration

There are currently three (2) TargetRTS possible configurations for the debugger which are

RSLDEBUG = RSLFALSE      : Minimum executable size, no debugger

RSLDEBUG = RSLTRUE       : Maximum debugging (default)

The selection of the wanted configuration is done by editing the file "RTConfig.h"

The TargetRTS must be rebuilt and will reflect the change.

Update used for the following tests: C_DebuggingExample 

3. TargetRTS debugger command list


cont   		  Continue execution.

delete <n>        Delete trace point <n>.

detach		  Don't pay attention to <tasksId>.

exit              Terminate process.

go [<n>]          Deliver <n> messages (default is 10).

help              Print help information.

info <actor>      Show information about actor.

list              List all trace points.

log <detail-level>

		  Log ROOM messages             

         detail levels: none all

printstats <n>    Print current statistics for task <n>.

quit              Quit debug mode.

saps              Show registered SPPs and corresponding SAPs.

stats <n>         Alias for printstats.

step [<n>]        Deliver <n> messages (default is 1).

system            List all the active actors in the system.

tasks		  Print list of tasks

trace <actor> <type= endport | relayport | sap | spp> <port>

                  Trace messages involving port.

  Unambiguous abbreviations are permitted for all commands.

4. Testing of configuration without the debugger

This configuration is the one without the debugger. The following applies:

Test case 1:

Verify that the size of the executable is smaller than "with" debugger 

version of the executable file.

Test case 2:

Using unix commands such as "strings" or "hd" and "grep", search for the string 

"RTS debug" in the executable file. The absence of this string confirms that the debugger

was not linked.

Test case 3:

Run the executable. Enter "q" followed by enter. It should loop indefinitely after displaying:

*** Warning: Actor kibitz/Kibitz[5] sending signal Synchronization[2] data 0x0 on port Cheater[9->?] UNBOUND!

*** Warning: Actor kibitz/Kibitz[5] sending signal Synchronization[2] data 0x0 on port Cheater[10->?] UNBOUND!

*** Warning: Actor kibitz/Kibitz[5] sending signal Synchronization[2] data 0x0 on port Cheater[11->?] UNBOUND!


Should it exit immediately, it means there is a problem.


5. Testing of configuration with the debugger

This configuration is the one with maximum debug information. The executable is invoked

on the target and the following test cases are applied. To run these tests, you must 

first run the executable which will show the debugger prompt such as:

ObjecTime C Target Run Time System

Release 5.20

Copyright © 1993-1998 ObjecTime Limited

RTS debug: -> Starting without a TO connection

Testing of informational commands:

Test case 4:

enter:			 "step"

expected output:	  step 1

*** Warning: Actor kibitz/Kibitz[5] sending signal Synchronization[2] data 0x0 on port Cheater[9->?] UNBOUND!

*** Warning: Actor kibitz/Kibitz[5] sending signal Synchronization[2] data 0x0 on port Cheater[10->?] UNBOUND!

*** Warning: Actor kibitz/Kibitz[5] sending signal Synchronization[2] data 0x0 on port Cheater[11->?] UNBOUND!

enter:			 "step"

expected output:	  step 1

enter:			 "go 3"

expected output:	  go 3

enter:			 "saps"

expected output:	SPP TheCheater: 3 SAPs

Pass criteria: You should see the registered SAPS (3 in the case of our model)

Test case 5:

enter:			 "system"

expected output:	TopActor : TopActor(fixed) 0

			. server  : Server(fixed) 1

			. client  : Client(fixed) 2

			. client  : Client(fixed) 3

			. client  : Client(fixed) 4

			. kibitz  : Kibitz(fixed) 5

Pass criteria: you should see the current status of the model. Verify that you see the

               proper strings which consists of <refName>:<className> 

               (< type = fixed >) <actorId> for each actor

Test case 6:

enter:			 "info 2"

expected output:	 ClassName 	: Client

			 ReferenceName 	: client

			 CurrentState 	: Awake

			 Address 	: (Client_InstanceData*)0x37298  <- Address might be different

			 No Actor Probe attached.


			 End ports:

			     0: clientServerComm


			     0: Cheater registered as 'TheCheater'

Pass criteria: this command should list info about a particular actor. Invoke it using the 

               actorId (see system) as a parameter and verify that the printed strings are 


Test case 7:

enter:			 "stats 0" or "printstats 0"

expected output:	Thread 0

			 messages[System]      : 0

			 messages[Panic]       : 0

			 messages[High]        : 0

			 messages[General]     : 3

			 messages[Low]         : 0

			 messages[Background]  : 0

			 messages[incoming]    : 0

			 messages[freeExternal]: 1

			 messages[freeInternal]: 97

			 messages[freeTCBs]    : 10

			 messages[activeTCBs]  : 0

			 messages[freeGlobal]  : 99



Pass criteria: Should normally list 3 General messages if the previous test cases

               were run properly. Both stats and printstats should be tested.

Testing of control commands:

Testing of tracing commands:

(The control and tracing commands are tested concurrently since we need some form of feedback as

to confirm the working of a control command)

Initial setting:

Turn the full logging by entering command 

enter:			 "log allexpected output:     	(debug prompt only)

Test case 8:

enter:			 "step" 

expected output:     	  step 1

			General message

			 to client(Client)<WaitForSynch>.System[0]:hello

			 from server(Server)<S1>.clientServerComm[1]

			 data (void *)0(0x0)

			General message

			 to server(Server)<top>.System[0]:huh

			 from client(Client)<S1>.clientServerComm[1]

			 data (void *)0(0x0)

Pass criteria: Should see the above info.

Test case 9:

enter:			 "go 3expected output:     	  go 3

			General message

			 to client(Client)<WaitForSynch>.System[0]:hello

			 from server(Server)<S1>.clientServerComm[2]

			 data (void *)0(0x0)

			General message

			 to server(Server)<S1>.System[0]:huh

			 from client(Client)<WaitForSync>.clientServerComm[1]

			 data (void *)0(0x0)

   			General message

			 to server(Server)<S1>.System[0]:huh

			 from client(Client)<WaitForSync>.clientServerComm[1]

			 data (void *)0(0x0)

			General message

			 to server(Server)<S1>.System[0]:huh

			 from client(Client)<WaitForSync>.clientServerComm[1]

			 data (void *)0(0x0)

			General message

			 to client(Client)<Awake>.System[0]:notMe

			 from server(Server)<S1>.clientServerComm[2]

			 data (void *)0(0x0)

			General message

			 to client(Client)<Awake>.System[0]:notMe

			 from server(Server)<S1>.clientServerComm[2]

			 data (void *)0(0x0)

Pass criteria: Should see the messages info such as the ones above.

Test case 10:

enter:			 "exit" 

expected output:     	  Task 0 detached


Pass criteria: Should get the operating system prompt

Test case 11:

(To execute the following you must invoke the executable again from the operating system

 before you attempt the command if you used the exit of case 10)

enter:			 "quit" 

expected output:     	  Task 0 detached  followed by

*** Warning: Actor kibitz/Kibitz[5] sending signal Synchronization[2] data 0x0 on port Cheater[9->?] UNBOUND!

*** Warning: Actor kibitz/Kibitz[5] sending signal Synchronization[2] data 0x0 on port Cheater[10->?] UNBOUND!

*** Warning: Actor kibitz/Kibitz[5] sending signal Synchronization[2] data 0x0 on port Cheater[11->?] UNBOUND!



Pass criteria: It should loop indefinitely. If it exits, there is a problem.

Test case 12:

(To execute the following you must invoke the executable again from the operating system

 before you attempt the command if you used the quit of case 14)

enter:			 "trace 4 end 0expected output:     	 0: Port clientServerComm[0] on client : Client 4

enter:			 "go 20" 

expected output:     	  go 20

			General message

			 to client(Client)<WaitForSynch>.System[0]:hello

			 from server(Server)<S1>.clientServerComm[2]

			 data (void *)0(0x0)

			General message

			 to server(Server)<S1>.System[0]:huh

			 from client(Client)<WaitForSync>.clientServerComm[2]

			 data (void *)0(0x0)

  			General message

			 to client(Client)<Awake>.System[0]:notMe

			 from server(Server)<S1>.clientServerComm[2]

			 data (void *)0(0x0)

Pass criteria: Should see the messages same as above

Test case 13:

enter:			 "list" 

expected output:     	 0: Port  clientServerComm[0] on client : Client 4

Pass criteria: Should have the client actor listed as having a probe

Test case 14:

enter:			 "delete 0(zero not O)

expected output:     	  Deleted 0: Port clientServerComm[0] on client : Client 4

enter:			 "list" 

expected output:     	  (debug prompt only)

Pass criteria: Should not see the probe listed anymore

Test case 15:

enter:			 "help" 

expected output:     	  (see section 3 for expected output)

Pass criteria: Should see help text similar to description of section 3

Multi-thread specific test:

Test case 16:

enter:			 "tasks" 

expected output:     	  0: stopped TopActor

Pass criteria: Should see help text similar to description of section 3

enter:			 "exit"

to terminate the test