          ddtsclean - ClearDDTS clean up script


          The ddtsclean utility performs a number of consistency
          checks, recovery operations (if the consistency checks
          detect problems), and other assorted cleanups.

          It checks the following:

          o    If file permissions are correct.  If not, they are

          o    If all bugs submitted to a remote ClearDDTS machine
               have been received and acknowledged by the remote
               system.  If not, they are retransmitted.

          o    If all records in projects to which this system
               subscribes are up-to-date.  If not, they are refreshed
               from the remote system(s).

          o    If the ClearDDTS daemon ddtsd(1) is running.  If not,
               and the system is not in maintenance mode, the daemon
               is restarted.

          o    If the license is about to expire. The ClearDDTS
               administrator will be sent mail once a day for a week
               before and a week after the license expires.

          In addition, it performs the following functions:

          o    Updates the count of the current number of ClearDDTS

          o    Removes temporary files from the ~ddts/tmp directory
               that haven't been modified in the last 10 days.

          o    Truncates the log files that have grown too large.

          ddtsclean must be configured to run once a day. This can be
          accomplished thru the use of the cron(8) utility. A
          crontab(5) entry something like:

               0 3 * * * /usr/ddts/bin/ddtsclean

          where /usr/ddts is the home directory of ddts must be added
          to ddts's crontab file. See the crontab(1) command for more
          information on how this is done. In this example ddtsclean
          will be run once a day at 3:00am in the morning.

          ~ddts/spool/LOG           ClearDDTS main log file
          ~ddts/spool/LOG.old       backup of LOG before being cleared
          ~ddts/spool/ADMINLOG      ClearDDTS administration log file
          ~ddts/spool/ADMINLOG.old  backup of ADMINLOG before being cleared
          ~ddts/spool/CMLOG         ClearDDTS configuration management log file
          ~ddts/spool/CMLOG.old     backup of CMLOG before being cleared
          ~ddts/tmp/*               temporary files

          crontab(1), crontab(5), chddts(1), ddtsd(1)