          bugs.in - ClearDDTS defect database manager


          Based on bug record files found in its spool directory,  the
          bugs.in  program  updates  the ClearDDTS defect database for
          the local system, routes subscription bug  copies  to  other
          machines,  and  generates  transactions  for  the bugmail(1)

          When a new or changed defect record comes into  the  system,
          bugs.in  analyzes  the  record  and  maintains the ClearDDTS
          defect database.

          If there  are  other  machines  with  subscriptions  to  the
          project to which the bug record belongs, bugs.in transmits a
          copy of the changed bug record to those machines as well.

          Finally, the old version of the bug record is placed in  the
          spool directory for processing by the bugmail program, which
          sends notification mail messages to interested users.

          The  bugs.in  program  appends  messages  to  a  log   file,
          ~ddts/spool/LOG, recording all bug records it has processed.
          The log file may  be  examined  if  defect  distribution  or
          notification  problems occur.  The size of LOG is controlled
          by the ClearDDTS cleanup utility, ddtsclean(1).

          The bugs.in program is invoked by the ddtsd daemon  whenever
          there is any ClearDDTS defect database work to be performed.

          The bugs.in program must run real-user-id ddts.   It  should
          not be run directly by users.

          ~ddts/spool/bugs.in             Spool directory for bugs.in
          ~ddts/spool/bugmail             Spool directory for bugmail
          ~ddts/spool/LOG                 Log file
          ~ddts/conf/*                    Configuration files
          ~ddts/projects/*/proj.control   Information aboutsubscribers

          bugmail(1), bugs(1), ddtsd(1), ddtsclean(1), mail.in(1),