          sortbug - sort ClearDDTS defect records by particular

          sortbug [-r] [-v] [sort-options] keyword ...

          Use sortbug to sort defect record IDs into an order for
          convenient postprocessing by other programs, such as
          dumpbug(1), summarybug(1), or bugval(1).

          It reads the defect record IDs from the standard input.

          When invoked without options, sortbug sorts the defect
          records based on the values in the specified keyword fields
          into ascending order, and writes the defect record IDs to
          the standard output in that order.

          -r    This option causes sortbug to reverse the order of the
                sorted output.  Other sort(1) options, such as -n, are
                also accepted.

          -v    This option causes sortbug to print the values of the
                specified keywords for each defect record, one record
                per line, instead of just the record IDs.

          When deciding the ordering of defect records, the values of
          the first specified keyword are compared, and if they are
          equal, the second keyword is considered, and so on.

          The available keywords are defined in the file
          ~ddts/etc/cache_conf.  The meaning of each keyword is
          described in Appendix A: Contents of a Defect Record of
          the ClearDDTS Administrator's Guide.

          This command finds defect records for project compiler whose
          status is O (open), sorts them by their severity and then by
          the name of the responsible engineer, and prints out their
          defect record IDs:

               findbug -O -p compiler | sortbug Severity Engineer

          This command locates the same defect records and sorts them
          the same way.  However, instead of just displaying their
          defect record IDs, it displays the values of the Status,
          Severity, Engineer, and Identifier keywords for each defect

               findbug -O -p compiler | sortbug -v Status Severity \
                Engineer Identifier

          bugval(1), dumpbug(1), findbug(1), summarybug(1)
          ClearDDTS Administrator's Guide