
FAQs/Tech Notes

Release Notes
Target Services Library


Product Family Modeling


Data Management Strategies with ObjecTime Developer for C
Dynamic Role Modeling with ObjecTime C
ISR, IPC and Timer Example for ObjecTime Developer for C Version 5.2.1


C++ Compilation problems troubleshooting
Static functions & variables in ObjecTime
Rebuilding a Data Object from RTByteBlock
Running ObjecTime with Purify
Accessing SequenceOf elements via a member function
Notes on using RTPointer
Problem with informEvery() under TargetRTS
Changing the maximum SimulationRTS message size
Guard condition troubleshooting
Overriding a function in an actor subclass
Printing the time
Use of the enumeration data class
Conditionally selecting Target or Simulation transition code
Problem with informEvery() under TargetRTS


Auto-starting the License Manager
Fonts - PC and Mac based X term software packages
Fonts - Using ObjecTime fonts with Mac-X
Fonts - Using eXceed as PC X Term
Installing ObjecTime on stand-alone workstation
Unable to find second file on tape
'machineType' not found
License Manager: ObjecTime queueing: -n
Minimum System Configuration Recommendations
Using ObjecTime and IRIX 6.x
Configuring OTL Fonts in Hummingbird Exceed


Overriding library name mask
Target Observability, target not connected
Using ObjecTime Developer 5.2.1 with ClearCase


Behavior distribution over a hierarchy of actors
Can an imported actor contain an imported actor?
Recursive actor definition
Sending messages to self
External C++ Data type: C-Struct check box


Accessing private fields in a data class method
Entering literals in RPL
Syntax of RPL methods
Overriding printString


Detailed font setup diagnostics
Fonts - X Term booting from other server
HPView Keyboard Focus
Mac Exodus Setup
Printing design output in Frame Maker format
Setting up the ObjecTime hot key
System Resource Usage Troubleshooting
Recompiling the C++ Simulation Libraries
How to use Internet Explorer With ObjecTime 5.1 and Win NT

Target Services Library

Bad file number and cannot register errors
Micro-RTS footprint
Determining SAP-SPP link validity and MAX_NO_DATA
Accessing the status value from within the actor
Setting up of microRTS main thread and task stack size
SIGHUP handling by the MicroRTS
Handling Simulation vs Target differences
How to start an executable without RTS debug mode
Mixing user input with RTS debugger input
Using RTTimerId in RTSequences for the Micro-RTS
How to access argv and argc
Regenerating Micro-RTS Dependancies for QNX
Using pSOS+ with ObjecTime Developer for C++ 5.2.1


Errors while submitting to library
Importation troubleshooting
Injecting RTPointers
Changing port to SAP without losing triggers
Checkout of an item checks out all versions
Do I have to reply to an invoke
Recovering your work after toolset abort
Running ObjecTime through gdb for troubleshooting
Environment Variables used by ObjecTime
YACC Grammar Spec and ObjecTime Linear Form
In the Event of Being "Locked-Out" From ObjecTime...
Explanation of Epoch field in RTS configuration
Improving ObjecTime performance
Local Name Space flag and variable inspection
Messaging to non-existent actors
Obtaining linear form of a model
Obtaining requirements update in linear form
Performance Statistics
Slow simulation in mixed language mode
Using state entry and exit code
Corrections to the GTF Tutorial Code
How do I save daemon (probe) definitions?
When is "R1" appended to a reference name?
Using SparcWorks Debugger with Objectime 5.1
Using SparcWorks Debugger with Objectime 5.2 and 5.2.1
Injection of Complex Data Classes


UML for Real-Time
Technical Papers

Web Publisher

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Release Notes

ObjecTime Developer 5.2.1

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    ObjecTime Developer for C 5.2.1

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    ObjecTime Developer for C++ 5.2.1

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    ObjecTime Developer 5.2

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    ObjecTime Developer for C 5.2

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    ObjecTime Developer for C++ 5.2

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  • ObjecTime Developer 5.2 C++ and C Target Porting Guide