======================================== Rational Rose RealTime README File Release 6.0.2, September 1999 Build Number 6.0.355.4 ======================================== Thank you for installing Rational Rose RealTime. The Rational Rose RealTime README file contains updates that were not available when the hardcopy and online versions of the Release Notes were published. For additional information regarding Rational Rose RealTime, please refer to the Rational Rose RealTime website at www.rational.com/products/rosert. NOTE: If you are viewing this document in Wordpad, please use the word-wrap option under View/Options/Text. To make this document easier to read, you can enlarge the Wordpad window to its maximum size. CONTENTS: Installation & Upgrade Information .......... 1 Known Install Limitations .................... 2 Uninstall Information ....................... 3 Licensing Information ....................... 4 Known Licensing Limitations ................. 5 Licensing Support ........................... 6 Updates ..................................... 7 Rational Rose RealTime Web Site ............. 8 Contacting Rational Tech Support ............ 9 Contacting Rational Software ................ 10 Legal Information ........................... 11 ========================================================== 1. Installation & Upgrade Information ========================================================== Minimum System Requirements: We recommend a minimum of 5 SPECint95 for all Rose RealTime platforms, for information on the System Performance Evaluation Cooperative (SPEC) please see www.spec.org. ______________________________________ PLATFORM REQUIREMENTS - WINDOWS NT: The minimum supported configuration for running Rose RealTime 6.0.2 on Windows NT is: - Windows NT 4.0, Build 1381 with service pack 3, 4 or service pack 5. - Minimum Pentium 150 MHz or faster CPU. - Minimum 64 MB of RAM, we recommend 128 MB. - Minimum 65 MB of disk space for the Rose RealTime installation. - Minimum 800 * 600 * 256 color video resolution or better. - Postscript printer for printing. - Browser requirement - Internet Explorer 4 / Internet Explorer 5 or Netscape Navigator 4.51. Internet Explorer 4 or 5 is recommended. ______________________________________ PLATFORM REQUIREMENTS - UNIX: The minimum supported configuration for running Rose RealTime 6.0.2 on UNIX is: - Solaris 2.5.1, Solaris 2.6 or HPUX 10.20 - For Solaris operation - we recommend an UltraSparc 1 or greater. - For HPUX operation - we support installation on the HP 700 series architecture. - We recommend 128 MB of RAM. - Minimum 150 MB of disk space for the Rose RealTime installation. - Postscript printer for printing. - Browser requirement - Netscape Navigator 4.51 minimum. At the time of release Internet Explorer 5 for UNIX had not been tested. Refer to the product web site (www.rational.com/products/rosert) for the latest update on this. - For proper Mainsoft operation on UNIX please refer to the notes specific to your platform: - Solaris 2.5.1/2.6 Specific OS Kernel Requirements: Mainwin works correctly from Solaris Kernel Revisions dated according to the following: For Solaris 2.6 from January 1998 For Solaris 2.5.x from March 1997 If you do not have these revisions of the Solaris kernel you may acquire them from the web page: http://sunsolve.sun.com To check the current revision of your kernel use the following command: showrev -a | grep "Kernel version" The output from your command should be similar to the following: For Solaris 2.5.x: Kernel version: SunOS 5.5.1 Generic 103640-08 March 1997 For Solaris 2.6: Kernel version: SunOS 5.6 Generic 105181-05 January 1998 Note the last two fields (Month/Year) are the current revision of your kernel. Patches for Solaris 2.5.1: 103566-38 or more Xserver Patch Solaris 2.5.1 103792-11 M64 Graphics Patch For PGX (M64 Graphics) 105790-07 or later FFB Graphics Patch For Creator Graphics 105791-08 or later AFB Graphics Patch For Elite3D Graphics 106022-02 or Later OpenGL 1.1.1: OpenGL Patch This patch is for user’s of OpenGL who have installed patch 105363 or 105791 105789-02 or Later VIS/XIL 2.5.1 Graphics patch To obtain a complete patch baseline for the Elite3D graphics accelerator and the Creator graphics accelerator. (105790 and 105791) Patches for Solaris 2.6 105633-18 or more Xserver Patch Solaris 2.6 105362-10 or later M64 Graphics Patch For PGX (M64 Graphics) 105360 FFB Graphics Patch For Creator Graphics 105363-10 AFB Graphics Patch For Elite3D Graphics 106022-02 or Later OpenGL 1.1.1: OpenGL Patch This patch is for user’s of OpenGL who have installed patch 105363 or 105791 105789-02 or Later VIS/XIL 2.5.1 Graphics patch To obtain a complete patch baseline for the Elite3D graphics accelerator and the Creator graphics accelerator. (105790 and 105791) How to detect what graphics card is being used: % ls /dev/fbs/* /dev/fbs/m640 - PGX graphics /dev/fbs/afb* - Elite3D graphics /dev/fbs/ffb* - Creator/Creator3D graphics /dev/fbs/cgsix* - GX graphics /dev/fbs/leo* - ZX graphics /dev/fbs/sx* - SX graphics - HP-UX 10.20: PHSS_16585 HP aC++ runtime libraries (aCC A.01.18) PHSS_15391 dld.sl(5) cumulative patch The HP-UX patches are available at: http://us-support.external.hp.com for US, Canada, Asia-Pacific, and Latin-America; http://europe-support.external.hp.com for Europe. _____________________________________ COMPILER: You must have a C++ compiler installed on your system if you wish to make use of the code generation and execution capabilities of Rose RealTime. Different compilers are required for host workstation and for embedded system targets. The list of supported compilers and targets is provided in the Getting Started Guide. ______________________________________ REAL-TIME OPERATING SYSTEM: If you are planning to deploy your model on a real-time operating system, your operating system, hardware and tool lineup must be one of the supported lineups listed in the Getting Started Guide. If you are not using a supported lineup, you may be able to obtain support for your lineup from a Rational RoseLink partner, or by customizing the Rose RealTime Services Library for your target. See the C++ Target Guide for instructions on customizing the Services Library and compiling for new target platforms. After your installation has been completed, we recommend that you get started by reviewing the online tutorial. See the tours and tutorials reference, which can be found through Help > Help Topics. ______________________________________ Upgrade Information Please ensure past releases of Rational Rose RealTime are removed from you system prior to installation. Please see the section on Uninstall for your specific platform. Models created in earlier versions of Rose RealTime can be read directly into 6.0.2. Rational Rose and ObjecTime Developer models should be converted as per the Getting Started Guide. License keys installed with earlier Rose RealTime releases (6.0 & 6.0.1) will still be valid for release 6.0.2. If you are upgrading Rose RealTime on either of the UNIX platforms, you must do one of the following: - Manually delete your ~/.registry directory before you run the new version for the first time, or - Add the "-recreate_registry" command line option the first time you run the new version. ========================================================== 2. Known Installation Limitations ========================================================== Please uninstall any previously installed version of Rational Rose RealTime before installing the new release. There were no known installation limitations at the time of release. Refer to the Rational Rose RealTime Install Guide for complete installation information. ========================================================== 3. Uninstall Information ========================================================== Unix To uninstall Rose RealTime, follow these steps: - Stop the license manager, if running locally. - Remove the installation directory and all of its contents. - Save any user data files, including license files, in another location before removing the installation directory. ______________________________________ Windows NT To uninstall Rose RealTime, follow these steps: - Stop the license manager, if running locally. - From the Start menu, select Programs > Rational Rose RealTime 6.0 > Uninstall Rational Rose RealTime 6.0. All directory items and registry settings are removed from your system. ______________________________________ Refer to the Rational Rose RealTime website at www.rational.com/products/rosert and the Release Notes for additional information. ========================================================== 4. Licensing Information ========================================================== Rational Rose RealTime, like most Rational software, is a licensed product. This means that you cannot run the product without a license key. The key is listed on your Rational Startup License Key Certificate, included in this shipment. The product you purchased has either a node-locked (client-based) or a floating (server-based) license. The license key certificate contains a startup key required for product use. A startup key allows you to start running the software and will allow you to run for a limited period of time. A startup license key administrator is included with the product to allow you to install your startup license key easily. You must run the Permanent License Administrator to request permanent keys for your installation. Startup - The startup license key contains information used by the license manager. You must follow the instructions in chapter 4 - "License Key Information" of the Rational Rose RealTime Install guide. THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE ENVELOPE AND THE STARTUP LICENSE CERTIFICATE ARE NOT VALID FOR YOUR ROSE REALTIME STARTUP LICENSES. The startup key is valid for about 8 weeks after the product shipment date. Permanent - You'll need to acquire a permanent license key to use the software beyond the expiration date of the Startup license key. Follow the steps for "Obtaining a permanent license" in the Rational Rose RealTime Install Guide. This section walks you through the process of requesting and installing a permanent key in your environment. For a full description of license types, installation and usage please consult the "Rational Rose RealTime Install Guide". Licensing Tips: - The License Server runs on a UNIX or Windows NT 4.0 platform. It will not run on Windows 95 or Windows 98. - If you need to move licenses from one machine to another, please contact Rational Licensing Support. - Please run the Rose RealTime License Administrator and issue your request for permanent keys immediately after you complete the installation. The startup license keys will expire on the date as specified on the Rational Startup License Key Certificate. Note the date on which the permanent keys will be available from the Rational licensing server. ========================================================== 5. Known Licensing Limitations ========================================================== There were no known licensing limitations at the time of release. ========================================================== 6. Licensing Support ========================================================== If you have questions about Rational Software licensing, please contact the Licensing Support group nearest you: AMERICAs Phone: 800-728-1212; Fax: 781-676-2510 Email: lic_americas@rational.com EUROPE, ISRAEL, AND AFRICA Phone: +31 23 554 10 62; Fax: +31 23 554 10 69 Email: Lic_europe@rational.com NORTH ASIA PACIFIC (Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan) Phone: +852 2143 6382; Fax: +852 2143 6018 Email: Lic_apac@rational.com SOUTH ASIA PACIFIC (Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, The Philippines, Vietnam, Guam and India) Phone: +612 9419 0100; Fax: +612 9419 0160 Email: Lic_apac@rational.com JAPAN Phone: +81 3 5423 3611; Fax: +81 3 5423 3622 Email: Lic_japan@rational.com KOREA Phone: +82 2 556 9420; Fax: +82 2 556 9426 Email: Lic_apac@rational.com ========================================================== 7. Updates ========================================================== Refer to the Rational Rose RealTime website at www.rational.com/products/rosert for the latest product and documentation updates. The following updates were available at the time of release: - For complete details on the integration with the Rational SoDA Document Automation product, please consult the Rational Rose Real Time web site at: http://www.rational.com/products/rosert. - In order to integrate with the Rational ClearCase configuration management system, you must enable the "preserve case" option in the ClearCase MVFS tab as Rose RealTime is case sensitive when performing file operations. In the ClearCase Homebase tool, select the MVFS tab - ensure the "preserve case" check box is selected. - Rose RealTime is tightly integrated with leading configuration management systems to perform the majority of CM operations. However, it does not replace the CM tool's interface for advanced configuration operations. In these cases you should use the CM tool directly to take advantage of its full power. Examples of operations that are simpler to perform directly through the CM tool are: - Reverting to an earlier model configuration that is structurally different from the current version. - Moving part of a model forward from an old version to an intermediate version that is not in the latest lineup. - If you are using batch scripts to perform unattended operations and wish to avoid dialogs which require user response, you should ensure the application is not visible. This can be enabled by including the following line in the batch script: RoseRTApp.Visible = False - Converting Rose 98 and Rose 98i models that have components of the same name will result in model conversion errors and errors in the component diagrams when these models are brought forward into Rose RealTime. In these cases, resolve the naming conflict in Rose 98 or Rose 98i before attempting the model conversion. - Prior to converting a Rose 98 or Rose 98i model, it is recommended that model errors are identified and corrected (where possible) through the use of the Check Model utility in Rose. - Rational Rose RealTime does not support the import of partial ObjecTime Developer models. Partial ObjecTime Developer models could be the result of performing a Linear Form export as a package from within the ObjecTime Developer Toolset. Please export the full ObjecTime Developer model if you plan to import it into Rational Rose RealTime. - Visual Diff for Rational Rose RealTime is designed to be used for generating differences for small files and models. Large models can be managed by checking the "Control All Units" option in the model specification. This will create separate files for each significant model element. These files can the be checked individually by the Visual Diff utility. Attempts to run Visual Diff on complete, large models will require large amounts of memory and CPU time. - If you have updated a model outside of the toolset, e.g. through a file copy or perhaps a CM get outside of the toolset, the modified files will not be regenerated by the toolset. In these cases, a Rebuild All should be run from within the toolset to resynchronize. - At times, a warning dialog appears when starting the online help using Navigator 4.51 on UNIX. The warning does not affect the functionality or operation of the help system. - If online help does not start up and you are using Internet Explorer 5, please shutdown any other Internet Explorer sessions and re-launch help. - With any of the UNIX platforms, a right-click on any of the buttons in a specification dialog will raise a File Menu in the pop-up window. The correct display should be a "What's this?" in the pop-up window. Any selection made after the right-click will still behave as "What's this?". - If you are using an NCD X Terminal, there is a problem with the Java applet for Netscape on this particular configuration which results in not being able to view the online help. Please consult the Rose RealTime web site for updated information. - Note that Rose RealTime workspace exchange between the Windows NT and UNIX operating systems is not supported. The various types of model files can be exchanged freely between platforms, but workspace (.rtwks) files can not be shared between UNIX and Windows NT platforms. - Structure and state animation is not available for plug-in capsules when running a model under target observability. Reference problem report 12585. This will be rectified in the 6.1 product release. - If you are using Exceed version, Rose RealTime may display fonts incorrectly at times. This has been corrected in Exceed version - When trying to build the C++ Services Library users should ensure that the EXTERNAL_LAYER macro in RTTarget.h for the appropriate target (in the directory ROSERT_HOME/C++/TargetRTS/target) be set to 0. To do this either delete the following line or explicitly set to 0: #define EXTERNAL_LAYER (HAVE_INET && OBJECT_DECODE && OBJECT_ENCODE) - If you are utilizing a Tornado 1.0.1 target and are experiencing reliability problems with the TCP/IP connection to the target board, we would recommend that you upgrade to the part 10 release for Tornado 1.0.1. Please contact Wind River support to obtain. - If you are running Rose RealTime on UNIX and experience a crash, you should use the command "RoseRT -cleanup" to clean-up shared resources that may still be in memory. This should be run before starting up any new toolset session. - If you experience a crash when covering a Rose RealTime window with another window and then by exposing the RoseRT window by dragging the top-level window away, you can disable the "Show window contents while dragging window" feature on Windows NT, and the equivalent "Show Contents During Move" feature on Unix/CDE to stop the crash from happening. On Windows NT: Open Control Panel, open Display Properties, select the Plus! tab, and uncheck the "Show window contents while dragging window" checkbox. On Unix/CDE: Open Style Manager, open Window icon, and uncheck the "Show Contents During Move" checkbox. - If you attempt to use a replication factor of 1 when overriding optional capsule role replication factors you will experience problems with incarnation of the created capsule roles. To workaround this problem, use anything other than one (1) for the replication factor - even leave it blank. - Using templates in a capsule's attributes causes otgen to crash. Instead, create typedefs to the templates and use those in the type names for the capsule's attributes. The typedefs can be placed in the header preface for the capsule class or in an external header file. - For Tornado 2 support with all 6.0.2 supported platforms: - In the RoseRT Processor Specification, set the Load Scripts field to: $TARGET_SCRIPTS/tornado2 - In the RoseRT Component Instance Specification, set the Operation Mode (if you want debugger integration): Debugger-Tornado2 Additionally, on Windows NT: - You must have HOME defined. - Tornado must be on your path. - Copy file $ROSERT_HOME/bin/tc/win32/tornado2/Tornado.tcl into your $HOME/.wind directory. ========================================================== 8. Rational Rose RealTime Web Site ========================================================== Please visit the Rational Rose RealTime Web site often for the latest release notes, patches, model examples and other information, at: http://www.rational.com/products/rosert Along with your software shipment, you received an envelope containing a Startup License Key Certificate for this product. You need this key in order to run your software. The startup license key will expire in approximately 8 weeks. To continue running the software, please be sure to request your permanent key as soon as it is available. Availability date is also listed on your Startup License Key Certificate. Please check the Installation Guide for detailed instructions regarding License Key Administration. ========================================================== 9. Contacting Rational Technical Support ========================================================== If you encounter any problems while installing or running Rational Rose RealTime, please check the release notes and this README File to see if it is a known problem. If a problem is not yet documented in the release notes or in this README File, please call Rational Technical Support so we can investigate it, provide you with a workaround, and track the problem for future action. Technical Support for Rational Rose RealTime is available at: support@rational.com Other contact information for Rational Rose RealTime is available: - On the Rational web page http://www.rational.com/rosert - In the Getting Started with Rational Rose RealTime guide - In the Rational Rose RealTime online help ========================================================== 10. Contacting Rational Software ========================================================== Rational Software Corporation 18880 Homestead Road Cupertino, CA 95014 Toll-free: 800-728-1212 (within the continental United States) Tel: 408-863-9900 E-mail: ratlinfo@us.ibm.com Web: http://www.rational.com ========================================================== 11. Legal Information ========================================================== Copyright © 1993-1999 Rational Software Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1999 ObjecTime Limited. All rights reserved. Portions Copyright © 1992-1999 Summit Software Company. All rights reserved. Licensee shall not incorporate any GLOBEtrotter Software (FLEXlm libraries and utilities) into any product or application the primary purpose of which is software license management. This document is subject to change without notice. Please consult the Rational Rose RealTime online help to review the product license agreement in its entirety. ______________________________________ GOVERNMENT RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions set forth in the applicable Rational Software Corporation license agreement and as provided in DFARS 227.7202-1(a) and 227.7202-3(a) (1995), DFARS 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii) (Oct 1988), FAR 12.212(a) (1995), FAR 52.227-19, or FAR 52.227-14, as applicable. Rational, the Rational logo, Rational Rose, ClearCase, and Rational Unified Process are trademarks or registered trademarks of Rational Software Corporation in the United States and in other countries. All other names are used for identification purposes only and are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. ObjecTime (and clock design) and ObjecTime are registered trademarks of ObjecTime Limited in Canada, the United States and in other countries. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and Visual SourceSafe are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. T Quatrani VISUAL MODELING WITH RATIONAL ROSE AND UML, (pages 3, 4, 29, 39, 73, 142, 153). © 1998 Addison Wesley Longman Inc., -Reprinted by permission of Addison Wesley Longman. All rights reserved.