======================================== Rational Rose RealTime README File 6.1 Release, January 2000 Build ======================================== Thank you for installing Rational Rose RealTime. The Rational Rose RealTime README file contains updates for the 6.1 product release. For additional information regarding Rational Rose RealTime, please refer to the Rational Rose RealTime website at www.rational.com/products/rosert. NOTE: If you are viewing this document in Wordpad, please use the word-wrap option under View/Options/Text. To make this document easier to read, you can enlarge the Wordpad window to its maximum size. CONTENTS: Installation Information .................... 1 Known Install Limitations .................... 2 Uninstall Information ....................... 3 Licensing Information ....................... 4 Known Licensing Limitations ................. 5 Licensing Support ........................... 6 Updates ..................................... 7 Problems Addressed ........................... 8 Rational Suite Web Site ..................... 9 Contacting Rational Tech Support ............ 10 Contacting Rational Software ................ 11 Legal Information ........................... 12 ========================================================== 1. Installation Information ========================================================== Minimum System Requirements: ______________________________________ PLATFORM REQUIREMENTS - WINDOWS NT: The minimum supported configuration for running Rose RealTime 6.1 on Windows NT is: - Windows NT 4.0, Build 1381 with service pack 3 or service pack 4. - Minimum Pentium 150 MHz or faster CPU. - Minimum 64 MB of RAM, we recommend 128 MB. - Minimum 65 MB of disk space for the Rose RealTime installation. - Minimum 800 * 600 * 256 color video resolution or better. - Postscript printer for printing. - Browser recommendation - Internet Explorer 4 or Internet Explorer 5. ______________________________________ PLATFORM REQUIREMENTS - WINDOWS 2000: The minimum supported configuration for running Rose RealTime 6.1 on Windows NT is: - Windows 2000 Professional, Build 2128, Release Candidate 2 (RC2) - Minimum Pentium 150 MHz or faster CPU. - Minimum 64 MB of RAM, we recommend 128 MB. - Minimum 65 MB of disk space for the Rose RealTime installation. - Minimum 800 * 600 * 256 color video resolution or better. - Postscript printer for printing. - Browser recommendation - Internet Explorer 4 or Internet Explorer 5. ______________________________________ PLATFORM REQUIREMENTS - UNIX: The minimum supported configuration for running Rose RealTime 6.1 on UNIX is: - Solaris 2.5.1, Solaris 2.6, Solaris 2.7 or HP-UX 10.20 - We recommend 128 MB of RAM. - Minimum 150 MB of disk space for the Rose RealTime installation. - Postscript printer for printing. Note: You will need to load the latest UNIX patches as identified in the Rational Rose RealTime support web page. Please refer to the Patches and Add-Ins section of the support web page at: http://www.rational.com/products/rosert/support ______________________________________ TOOLSET REQUIREMENTS: (Windows Platforms Only) The Help Viewer requires that Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 3.02 or > later) be set up on a user's computer. It is not required that Internet Explorer be used as the system's default browser, or that the Internet Explorer icon be visible on the user's desktop. If you choose not to make Internet Explorer your default browser, you will need to: - Install Internet Explorer 3.02 or above - Run Hhupd.exe (in redist). This file is the distribution executable that installs the run-time components needed for an HTML Help Project such as Hh.exe, Hhctrl.ocx, Itss.dll, and Itircl.dll. Hhupd.exe is in the Redist folder of the HTML Help Workshop folder. ______________________________________ COMPILER: You must have a C++ compiler installed on your system if you wish to make use of the code generation and execution capabilities of Rose RealTime. Different compilers are required for the host workstation and for embedded system targets. ______________________________________ REAL-TIME OPERATING SYSTEM: If you are planning to deploy your model on a real-time operating system, your operating system, hardware and tool lineup must be one of the supported lineups. Please consult the Getting Started Guides for information on the supported line-ups for the product. After your installation has been completed, we recommend that you get started by reviewing the online tutorials. See the tutorials reference, which can be found through the online Help Menu. ========================================================== 2. Known Installation Limitations ========================================================== If you plan to run release 6.0.2 on the same workstation that the 6.1 release will be installed, you will need to run a batch script to set-up your environment in order to run the 6.0.2 toolset. Please see the product support section of the Rose RealTime website for further information: http://www.rational.com/product/rosert. ========================================================== 3. Uninstall Information ========================================================== Unix To uninstall Rose RealTime, follow these steps: - Remove the installation directory and all of its contents. - Save any user data files in another location before removing the installation directory. ______________________________________ Windows To uninstall Rose RealTime, follow these steps: - From the Start menu, select Programs > Rational Rose RealTime 6.1 > Uninstall Rational Rose RealTime 6.1. All directory items and registry settings are removed from your system. - If a startup or permanent license was copied into the license directory, this directory must be removed manually. ______________________________________ ========================================================== 4. Licensing Information ========================================================== Rational Rose RealTime, like most Rational software, is a licensed product. This means that you cannot run the product without a license key. The product you purchased has either a node-locked (client-based) or a floating (server-based) license. Along with your software shipment, you received an envelope containing a Startup License Key Certificate for this product. You need this key in order to run your software. The startup license key will expire in approximately 8 weeks. To continue running the software, please be sure to request your permanent key as soon as it is available. The availability date is listed on your Startup License Key Certificate. Once you receive your license key follow the steps for installing a permanent license key in your Rational Rose RealTime Install Guide. For a full description of license types, installation and usage please consult the "Rational Rose RealTime Install Guide". Please check the Installation Guide for detailed instructions regarding License Key Administration. Licensing Tips: - Consult your documentation for complete information on licensing. - If you need to move licenses from one machine to another, please contact Rational Licensing Support. - Please run the Rational License Key Administrator (Windows platforms) or the Rose RealTime License Administrator (UNIX platforms) and issue your request for permanent keys immediately after you complete the installation. ========================================================== 5. Known Licensing Limitations ========================================================== There were no known licensing limitations at the time of release. ========================================================== 6. Licensing Support ========================================================== If you have questions about Rational Software licensing, please contact the Licensing Support group nearest you: AMERICAs Phone: 800-728-1212; Fax: 781-676-2510 Email: lic_americas@rational.com EUROPE, ISRAEL, AND AFRICA Phone: +31 23 554 10 62; Fax: +31 23 554 10 69 Email: Lic_europe@rational.com NORTH ASIA PACIFIC (Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan) Phone: +852 2143 6382; Fax: +852 2143 6018 Email: Lic_apac@rational.com SOUTH ASIA PACIFIC (Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, The Philippines, Vietnam, Guam and India) Phone: +612 9419 0100; Fax: +612 9419 0160 Email: Lic_apac@rational.com JAPAN Phone: +81 3 5423 3611; Fax: +81 3 5423 3622 Email: Lic_japan@rational.com KOREA Phone: +82 2 556 9420; Fax: +82 2 556 9426 Email: Lic_apac@rational.com ========================================================== 7. Updates ========================================================== The following updates and issues should be noted: - On the UNIX platform, if the Toolset freezes on exit, you will need to manually kill the Rose RT process to free up CPU and memory resources allocated to the defunct toolset session. - If you are receiving the message “Unable to connect to target” when trying to execute a component instance on a target, change the Connect Delay on the Component Instance specification to two or more seconds. - On UNIX, the toolset will freeze when the user specifies "/bin/vi" as the external editor and then tries to launch the external editor from the code edit pane. If you are using a non-GUI based external editor, this should be specified using "xterm -e /bin/vi" so that the editor has a terminal (tty) to display to. - On the HP-UX platform, the HP-UX Make restricts dependency filenames to 160 characters. We recommend the use of Gnu-Make to work around this problem. Alternatively, you may shorten the path-names to your class files to avoid this issue. - When using the xxgdb debugger tool on Solaris, the Load button is always grayed out - this is the expected behavior for xxgdb as we are not able to load the executable. The executable must be loaded manually. - When using the xxgdb tool you should compile your component instance with the "-g" flag. Running your component instance without the component being compiled with the "-g" option will cause xxgdb to hang. - The on-line help may contain some suspect links to Flash animations. If you select a link and the animation does not appear, you can instead access the animation via the concept tutorials. ========================================================== 8. Problems Addressed ========================================================== This is the second major release of the Rose RealTime Product from Rational Software. Please consult the product support section of the web site for a list of issues addressed in this release: http://www.rational.com/product/rosert. ========================================================== 9. Rational Rose RealTime Web Site ========================================================== Please visit the Rational Rose RealTime Web site often for the latest release notes, patches, model examples and other information, at: http://www.rational.com/products/rosert ========================================================== 10. Contacting Rational Technical Support ========================================================== If you encounter any problems while installing or running Rational Rose RealTime, please check the release notes and this README File to see if it is a known problem. If a problem is not yet documented in the release notes or in this README File, please call Rational Technical Support so they can investigate it, provide you with a workaround, and track the problem for future action. Technical Support for Rational Rose RealTime is available at: support@rational.com Other contact information for Rational Rose RealTime is available: - On the Rational web page http://www.rational.com/products/rosert - In the Getting Started with Rational Rose RealTime guide - In the Rational Rose RealTime online help ========================================================== 11. Contacting Rational Software ========================================================== Rational Software Corporation 18880 Homestead Road Cupertino, CA 95014 Toll-free: 800-728-1212 (within the continental United States) Tel: 408-863-9900 E-mail: ratlinfo@us.ibm.com Web: http://www.rational.com ========================================================== 12. Legal Information ========================================================== Copyright © 1993-2000 Rational Software Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2000 ObjecTime Limited. All rights reserved. Portions Copyright © 1992-2000 Summit Software Company. All rights reserved. Licensee shall not incorporate any GLOBEtrotter Software (FLEXlm libraries and utilities) into any product or application the primary purpose of which is software license management. This document is subject to change without notice. Please consult the Rational Rose RealTime online help to review the product license agreement in its entirety. ______________________________________ GOVERNMENT RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions set forth in the applicable Rational Software Corporation license agreement and as provided in DFARS 227.7202-1(a) and 227.7202-3(a) (1995), DFARS 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii) (Oct 1988), FAR 12.212(a) (1995), FAR 52.227-19, or FAR 52.227-14, as applicable. Rational, the Rational logo, Rational Rose, ClearCase, and Rational Unified Process are trademarks or registered trademarks of Rational Software Corporation in the United States and in other countries. All other names are used for identification purposes only and are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. ObjecTime (and clock design) and ObjecTime are registered trademarks of ObjecTime Limited in Canada, the United States and in other countries. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and Visual SourceSafe are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. T Quatrani VISUAL MODELING WITH RATIONAL ROSE AND UML, (pages 3, 4, 29, 39, 73, 142, 153). © 1998 Addison Wesley Longman Inc., -Reprinted by permission of Addison Wesley Longman. All rights reserved.