Rational ClearQuest Unix v2001.03.00 Release Notes

Copyright © 2001 Rational Software and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

Please read this document to learn about known product issues, important tips, and other Rational ClearQuest product information.

Release Notes, version 02.16.01

Table of Contents


1.     Supported Hardware and Software Platforms

2.     What’s New in Rational ClearQuest Unix v2001.03.00

3.     Upgrading from Previous ClearQuest Unix Releases

4.     Database Vendor Considerations

1.     Use of Oracle with ClearQuest Unix

2.     IBM DB2 Installation

3.     Use of SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 or SQL Server 2000 with ClearQuest Unix

4.     Use of SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 or SQL Server 2000 with certain rare database schemas

5.     Hints and Tricks

1.     Executing Nightly Reports using cqtool

2.     Advanced Reporting and Automation with cqperl

3.     Configuring the Rational Suite License Map

6.     Known Defects

7.     Fixed Defects

8.     The Rational Web Site

9.     Subscribing to the ClearQuest Users Group.

10.       Accessing the Sample Hooks Database

11.       Contacting Rational Technical Support


1.     Supported Hardware and Software Platforms




Operating Systems

Sun Solaris for SPARC 2.5.1, 2.6, 7, and 8

HP-UX 10.20 and 11.00

RedHat Linux 6.2 and 7.0

Hardware Requirements

200 MHz or greater processor (Sun SPARC, HP PA, or Intel Pentium).

128 MB or greater RAM.

Hard Drive where ClearQuest is installed: 120 MB

Web Browsers

Netscape Navigator 4.7


Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 on Windows NT SP6a, Windows 2000, and Windows 2000 SP1

Oracle 7.3.4 and  8.0.5 on Solaris 2.5.1, 2.6, 7, and 8, as well as HP-UX 10.20 and 11.00

Oracle 8.1.5, and 8.1.6 on Solaris 2.6, 7, and 8, as well as HP-UX 10.20 and 11.00

Oracle 8.1.7, on Solaris 2.6, 7, and 8, HP-UX 10.20 and 11.00, and RedHat Linux 6.2 and 7.0

IBM DB2 6.1 on Windows NT SP6a, Windows 2000 and Windows 2000 SP1

2.     What’s New in Rational ClearQuest Unix v2001.03.00

Rational ClearQuest Unix v2001.03.00 includes support for several new database vendors and database versions:

·         Rational ClearQuest Unix v2001.03.00 now supports Microsoft SQL Server as a backend database.  Users can now run ClearQuest Unix with either SQL Server 7.0 SP2 or SQL Server 2000 databases hosted on a Windows NT or 2000 platform.

·         Rational ClearQuest Unix v2001.03.00 now supports IBM DB2 6.1 as a backend database.  Users can now run ClearQuest Unix with IBM DB2 hosted on a Windows NT or Windows 2000 platform.

·         Rational ClearQuest Unix v2001.03.00 now supports Oracle 8.1.7 running on Solaris, HP-UX and RedHat Linux

Rational ClearQuest Unix v2001.03.00 includes support for several new operating system platforms:

·         This release provides support for RedHat Linux 6.2 and 7.0.  Users running Linux on their desktops can now use either ClearQuest’s motif based interface or its command line interface.  With this release, users can now use Unified Change Management (UCM) on Linux platforms.  Please be aware that a ClearCase patch is required to use UCM on the Linux platform.  Check http://clearcase.rational.com for more information.

·         This release of Rational ClearQuest Unix includes support for Sun Solaris for SPARC 8 (2.8) in addition to support for Sun Solaris for SPARC 2.5.1, 2.6 and 2.7.

Rational ClearQuest Unix v2001.03.00 also includes many general enhancements to improve performance and usability.

·         This release includes many improvements to query and hook performance.  Users should notice improvements in the time to query and update records.  Several memory leaks were also fixed so that memory consumption is greatly reduced.

·         This release includes support for external scripting using cqperl.  Prior to this release, users could not create external Perl scripts to perform any ClearQuest actions that fire hooks.  This restriction is now removed so that users can now create external Perl scripts to perform any ClearQuest actions.

3.     Upgrading from Previous ClearQuest Unix Releases

ClearQuest Unix v2001.03.00 is designed to be installed in either a new location or in place of an uninstalled ClearQuest Unix v2000.02.10.  To uninstall ClearQuest Unix v2000.02.10 navigate to <rational dir>/config and type ./uninstall.

To begin the new install, navigate to the root of the cdrom and type rs_install.  Online help is available during the entire install process.  If you choose to install ClearQuest Unix v2001.03.00 in a separate location from a previous release of ClearQuest Unix, please ensure that all users are sourcing either the new cq_setup script or the old cq_setup script, but not both.  Sourcing the cq_setup scripts from both releases at the same time will cause ClearQuest Unix to not function properly.  A typical symptom of this is that unresolved symbols will be reported when the user attempts to execute clearquest.

4.     Database Vendor Considerations

1.           Use of Oracle with ClearQuest Unix

ClearQuest Unix v2001.03.00 now supports Oracle 8.1.7 on Solaris SPARC 2.5.1, 2.6, 7, and 8, HP-UX 10.20 and 11.00, and RedHat Linux 6.2 and 7.0.  Follow the installation instructions for setting up the Oracle OpenLink request broker to use Oracle with ClearQuest Unix.  Note that the OpenLink Request Broker does not need to be re-installed from if it had been previously installed for use with ClearQuest Unix v2000.02.10.

Consult the ClearQuest Windows Release Notes for a full discussion of Oracle connect options and parameters.  One point to be stressed about the ClearQuest Unix client, however, is that the SID for Oracle is case sensitive, and if this is set incorrectly, it may cause a connection rejected by datasource error upon connection.  To verify the Oracle connect options on a Unix client, execute the cqreg show command.  Make sure that the Host, SID, and Server Version parameters are correct for your Oracle database.

2.           IBM DB2 Installation

ClearQuest Unix v2001.03.00 introduces support for IBM’s Universal Database (DB2). To use DB2 with ClearQuest, you must:

·         Install the IBM DB2 6.1 database server software on a Windows NT or Windows 2000 machine which you will use as your database server (consult the “Installing Rational ClearQuest” manual and the release notes for ClearQuest Windows v2001.03.00 for further information on configuring DB2 databases for use with both ClearQuest Windows and ClearQuest Unix.).  You will need the DB2 database name as well as the local Windows user id and password for further configuration from the ClearQuest Unix client.

·         Install the DB2 client software on each client workstation where ClearQuest Unix will be installed.  All ClearQuest Unix client users must install DB2 client software on their client machines before they can install and use ClearQuest. To install DB2 client software, follow the IBM documentation.

Once the DB2 client software is installed on the ClearQuest Unix client machine, perform the following steps:

1.       Logon to the ClearQuest Unix client machine as a user with privileges to modify the database instance (perhaps the Unix user that created the DB2 instance).

2.       Ensure that the DB2INSTANCE environment variable is set to the correct DB2 instance.  This is very important.  The IBM DB2 ODBC driver requires that this environment variable be set for all operations.  ClearQuest Unix will not operate properly with DB2 if the DB2INSTANCE environment variable is not set.  A typical symptom of the DB2INSTANCE environment variable not being set is that the IBM DB2 ODBC driver will cause a Segmentation Fault after attempting to log in to the DB2 database.

3.       Run the DB2 command line administration tool:


4.       Create a DB2 TCP/IP NODE for use by ClearQuest Unix.  The node alias needs to be the same for all DB2 clients.  The port number is the TCP/IP port used by the DB2 service.  This is typically set to 51164.

db2> CATALOG TCPIP NODE <node alias> REMOTE <server host name> SERVER <port number>

5.       Create a DB2 database alias for both the Master Schema Repository and a User database.  The database alias needs to be the same for all DB2 clients.

db2> CATALOG DATABASE <database name> AS <database alias> AT NODE <node alias>

6.       Test the connection to the DB2 database.  The CONNECT command should succeed.

db2> CONNECT TO <database alias> USER <Windows user id> USING <Windows password>


db2> QUIT

7.       Create a symbolic link from the ClearQuest install area into the IBM DB2 installation area for the IBM DB2 ODBC device driver.  This is required because ClearQuest Unix does not redistribute the IBM DB2 device driver.  A typical symptom of this step being omitted is that ClearQuest Unix will indicate that the specified driver could not be loaded while attempting to logon to the DB2 database.  This step needs to be completed for every ClearQuest Unix install area that will access DB2.

cd <rational directory>/releases/ClearQuestClient.2001.03.00

cd <architecture >/shlib

ln –fs <IBM DB2 Install Dir>/V6.1/lib/libdb2.so db_IBMDB2

8.       Launch ClearQuest Unix and configure the connection as follows:

·         Vendor: DB2

·         Server: <server host name>

·         Database: <database alias for Master Schema Repository>

·         User Name: <Windows user id>

·         Password: <Windows password>

3.           Use of SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 or SQL Server 2000 with ClearQuest Unix

ClearQuest Unix v2001.03.00 now supports SQL Server running on a Windows machine as a backend database.  To enable this, you need to install the OpenLink Request Broker provided on the ClearQuest Unix CD:

1.       Insert the ClearQuest Unix CD into the Windows SQL Server database server machine.

2.       The request broker resides in a subdirectory of the main CD called oplrqb.  Copy the opl.zip file to any location on the SQL Server database server that has approximately 16 MB of free disk space.  A typical location would be C:\Program Files\OpenLink. 

3.       Unzip the file into that location and execute cqperl oplrqb.pl. 

4.       It will prompt you for the directory where you unzipped the file.  Type that directory in and hit enter.  The request broker will be installed and the oplrqb service will be registered.  No other server configuration is necessary.

5.       Simply connect to it from the Unix client as you would the Windows client.  The following information is required to successfully connect.  Note that the Windows Server hostname that you enter must be accessible from all Unix clients.  When in doubt, use the ping command to verify connectivity.

·         Vendor: SQLSERVER

·         Server: <Server hostname>

·         Database: <Database name for Master Schema Repository>

·         User Name: <SQL Server User Name created for Master Schema Repository>

·         Password: <SQL Server Password created for Master Schema Repository>

4.           Use of SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 or SQL Server 2000 with certain rare database schemas

There is a known issue with these versions of Microsoft SQL Server.  For certain database schemas that could be created by ClearQuest, executing the same query three times in a row by the same process can cause certain rows and tables in the database to become locked.  This will create what is known as a blocking SPID (SQL Server Process ID) on the database server.  Rational has developed a workaround for this problem until it is addressed by Microsoft.  The major symptom of the problem is that the ClearQuest Unix client becomes unavailable to all users (hourglass, or just no response from ClearQuest).  This would particularly impact the ClearQuest web interface.  To diagnose this problem:

·         Run SQL Server Enterprise Manager

·         Select the Management section under the appropriate server

·         Select Current Activity->Locks/ProcessID

·         You will see which SPID is the blocker, and all SPIDs that are blocked by the blocker

The relevant Microsoft defect number for this problem is 58388.  Rational Software has developed a workaround that addresses this problem.  The relevant Rational Software Technical Note is 13899 – please contact Rational Technical support to obtain this technical note and for assistance with this problem.

5.     Hints and Tricks

1.                  Executing Nightly Reports using cqtool

A common question concerns how to automate running various reports overnight.  This is almost always coupled with some amount of e-mail notification.  This is an example of using cqtool, the ClearQuest Unix command line interface, to dynamically create and execute an ad-hoc query that will display the defects that are in the submitted state.  More detailed information on this example can be obtained by executing man cqtool or cqtool new_query –man.

There are three essential elements of cqtool use: logging in to the database, assembling a set of commands to execute, and determining the output.  All examples will use the out of the box sample database.

Logging in to the sample database is typically done with a database name of SAMPL, a user id of admin and a blank password.  Executing cqtool login will start a command line shell that allows you to interactively work with ClearQuest Unix from the command line:

cqtool login –database SAMPL –user admin –password “”

To execute other commands, but in batch mode, replace login with the command to be executed.  In the case of this example, we want cqtool to create a new query and execute it.  This is done with the new_query command.  The new_query command takes a number of parameters for field display and filter operations.  Fields can be displayed with the –field <fieldid> option and filters are executed with -<filterop> variable value.  This example displays the id, headline, and submitter fields for all defects that are in the submitted state.

cqtool new_query –type defect –field id –field headline –field submitter –eq state submitted –database SAMPL –user admin –password “”

This will return the following query result from the sample database:

id            Headline                                              Submitter

--            --------                                              ---------

SAMPL00000011 change due amount is supposed to be red               engineer

SAMPL00000012 would like logout button to be larger                 engineer

SAMPL00000016 too many spaces in "change due" field                 lead

SAMPL00000019 sales tax incorrect for NH                            lead

SAMPL00000021 inventory report is not running correctly             lead

SAMPL00000024 overriding price operation allows negative number     QE

SAMPL00000027 add item button is out of line with the other buttons QE

SAMPL00000028 context sensitive help fails from reorder window      QE

SAMPL00000029 formatting does not look right in inventory report    QE

SAMPL00000030 add items fails for large quantities                  QE

SAMPL00000032 shortcut to logout does not work                      QE

SAMPL00000033 unable to add item already in sale list               QE

SAMPL00000034 cancel sale leaves ite in purchase list               engineer

SAMPL00000036 inventory report is displaying an empty column        engineer

SAMPL00000037 need report for items ordered on a given day          engineer

SAMPL00000038 sales tax amount is offset from label                 engineer

SAMPL00000039 need automatic logout with QEeout                     engineer

SAMPL00000040 spelling error in help for override price             engineer

Count: 22

Finally, the user can specify the output using the –output_file <filename> parameter.  This can then be used to mail output to the administrator, for example.  The complete example is as follows:

cqtool new_query –type defect –field id –field headline –field submitter –eq state submitted –database SAMPL –user admin –password “” –output_file /tmp/cqoutput

mail cqadmin@yourco.com < /tmp/cqoutput

rm /tmp/cqoutput

2.                  Advanced Reporting and Automation with cqperl

In addition to the command line and batch support provided via the cqtool command, ClearQuest Unix has full support for external Perl scripting via cqperl.  There are several considerations when using cqperl on a Unix client:

·         cqperl must be used for Perl scripting with ClearQuest Unix.  Other versions of Perl will not function properly.

·         Each Perl script must include code for loading the CQPerlExt Perl module.  This is typically as follows:

$cqhome = $ENV{“CQ_HOME”};

$cqarch = $ENV{“CQ_ARCH”};

push (@INC,”$cqhome/$cqarch/shlib”);

push (@INC,”$cqhome/$cqarch/perllib”);

require CQPerlExt;

Consult the Clear Quest API Reference (ClearQuestAPIReference.pdf) document for detailed information on the elements of the ClearQuest Perl API.  It is located at:

<Rational Directory>/releases/ClearQuestClient.2001.03.00/books

The following example Perl code can be used to generate a similar report to that which cqtool generated, above:

# nightlysubmits.pl – A Perl script to list all of the

# defects currently in the submit state.


$cqhome = $ENV{“CQ_HOME”};

$cqarch = $ENV{“CQ_ARCH”};

push (@INC,”$cqhome/$cqarch/shlib”);

push (@INC,”$cqhome/$cqarch/perllib”);

require CQPerlExt;


# All ClearQuest work is done via a session object.  Cqperl

# obtains a session object with the CQSession_Build global

# function accessible from the CQPerlExt Perl module.

#   API Reference: Session Object


$session = CQPerlExt::CQSession_Build();


# Once we’ve obtained the session, we need to logon.  This is

# done with the UserLogon method.  You need to specify the

# username, the password, and the database name.  The fourth

# parameter, dbset, is usually left blank.  There is a typo

# in several versions of the API reference.  The session_type

# parameter is no longer required.  It should not be included.

#   API Reference: Session object->UserLogon method




# Generating a query involves creation of a QueryDef object.

# This is done via a method of the session object called

# BuildQuery.  It’s only parameter is the entitydef

# (also known as Record Type) that you wish to query on. 

# In this case, we’ll use “Defect”

#   API Reference: Session Object->Build Query method

#                  QueryDef Object

#                  EntityDef Object->Name property


$querydef = $session->BuildQuery(“Defect”);


# The next step (like creating a query through the ClearQuest

# Unix GUI) is to decide which fields will be in the Query

# Result Set.  This is done with the BuildField method of

# the QueryDef object.  We’d like to see ID, headline, and

# submitter.

#   API Reference: QueryDef Object->BuildField method






# Next, we need to build the filters for this query.

# This is done by constructing a tree of FilterOperator

# objects.  Creating the top level FilterOperator object for

# any subtree is done with the BuildFilterOperator method

# of the QueryDef object.  The BuildFilterOperator method

# takes one parameter, the boolean operator that will

# determine how each of the subtrees behaves.  If there is

# only one filter, either AND or OR will work.  To specify

# the correct boolean operator, select the proper BoolOp

# constant and Perl prefix.  In this case, we’ll use and, so

# therefore, our constant will be $CQPerlExt::CQ_BOOL_OP_AND.

#   API Reference: QueryDef Object->BuildFilterOperator Method

#                  BoolOp constants

#                  Notation conventions for Perl


$rootfilternode =



# Once we have the root FilterOperatorNode, we’ll assign a

# filter to it.  In this case, state equals submitted.  We’ll

# use the BuildFilter method of the QueryFilterNode object

# for this.  Note that the third parameter to BuildFilter must

# be a Perl reference to an array.

#   API Reference: QueryFilterNode object->BuildFilter method

#                  BoolOp constants

#                  Notation conventions for Perl


@statetest = “Submitted”;





# Okay, the Query definition has been created, now it’s time

# to execute it.  We go back to the session object for this

# and use the BuildResultSet method.  It’s only parameter

# is the QueryDef object we’d previously created.  After

# the result set object is ready, we then execute the query.

#   API Reference: Session object->BuildResultSet method

#                  ResultSet object->Execute method


$resultset = $session->BuildResultSet($querydef);



# Let’s prepare by printing a header for our output.


printf(“%13.13s %50.50s %9.9s\n”,”id”,”headline”,”submitter”);

printf(“%13.13s %50.50s %9.9s\n”,





# Now, traverse the resultset and print out the output.

# This is done via the MoveNext method of the result set

# object.  It will return $CQPerlExt::CQ_SUCCESS as long as

# there are rows to view.  GetColumnValue is used to get the

# data from that row of the resultset.

#   API Reference: ResultSet object->MoveNext method

#                  ResultSet object->GetColumnValue method


while ($resultset->MoveNext() == $CQPerlExt::CQ_SUCCESS) {

    printf(“%-13.13s %-50.50s %-9.9s\n”,






# And we’re done, so let’s release the session




3.                  Configuring the Rational Suite License Map

If ClearQuest Unix is installed as a standalone product, it will default to requesting a ClearQuest license key from FlexLM.  Since ClearQuest is a member of several different Rational Suite products, this can be configured using a file known as the license map such that ClearQuest Unix requests one or more Suite licenses in addition to, or in place of, the ClearQuest license key. 

The license map file resides in $HOME/.Rational (Note the ‘.’ in front of Rational).  The file name is “License_Map”.

Simply set the first line of the file using the following format (please note that case is sensitive, as is formatting):

ClearQuest:1.1  {<Suite Name>:<Version> }…

Available values for <Suite Name>:<Version> are:

·         standalone (means the same as the first item listed)

·         ClearQuest:1.1

·        DevelopmentStudioUnix:1.0

·         RationalSuiteEnterprise:1.0

·         AnalystStudio:1.0

·         DevelopmentStudio:1.0

·         TestStudio:1.0

To traverse several licenses, starting with ClearQuest, create a “License_Map” file that has the following line:

ClearQuest:1.1  standalone, AnalystStudio:1.0, TestStudio, RationalSuiteEnterprise:1.0

To search several licenses, looking for Enterprise Suite first, then ClearQuest, create a “License_Map” file that has the following line:

ClearQuest:1.1  RationalSuiteEnterprise:1.0, standalone

6.     Known Defects


Unix client spins while waiting for large query:

Description: When the CQ Unix GUI executes a large query (result set contains more than 100 items), it can take a fairly significant amount of time to display the query results.

Workaround: The command line interface to ClearQuest Unix – cqtool – can generate queries very quickly.  This should be used for most large result set data analysis.  The Edit->Find Record (ctrl-shift-F) command can then be used in the GUI to make record modifications.


Unix client does not recognize dates after 2000 if they are of the form 00

Workaround: Use 4 digit years for all dates.


Unknown user reference causes 2 repo logins

Description: When a user is typing in a reference field which points to the user record (such as an assigned to field), and ClearQuest Unix cannot find the value that the user types, it will query the Master Schema Repository to refresh the user list.  This can take 20-30 seconds.

Workaround: Selecting the user from the pulldown or typing the users name correctly will operate quickly.  There is a difference between how the Unix client and the Windows client operate Combo Box pull downs.  The Windows Client allows traverses of names such as Jacob, Joe, and John by repeatedly pressing the ‘J’ key.  The Unix client, on the other hand, allows typing of the full name to traverse to it.  For example, if you wanted to select John, you would type ‘Joh’ and John would be selected.  If you make a mistake on the Unix client, the backspace key will move the traversal back one character.  For example, to select Jacob after making a mistake, you would type ‘Jo’, hit backspace, and hit ‘a’.  This would select “Jacob”.


CQ Unix on Linux doesn’t support Sawfish window manager

Description: When performing certain button related actions in the CQ Unix GUI, the Sawfish window manager will return an X error and the ClearQuest Unix GUI will crash.

Workaround: Use the Enlightenment window manager.


CQ Unix doesn’t automatically refresh databases

Description: ClearQuest Unix is designed so that a central administrator can create the database registry for all clients.  This prevents the Unix client from automatically updating the list of accessible databases upon database connection like the Windows client does.

Workaround: If the end user does not have permission to write to their database registry directory, the ClearQuest Unix administrator should execute the cqreg refresh command to manually refresh the list.  If the user has the proper permissions, they may do this themselves.


CQ Unix on Linux requires TZ environment variable

Description: The Linux platform does not properly perform GMT timezone calculations unless the TZ environment variable is set.

Workaround: Consult the Linux man pages on tzselect for details on which TZ environment variable are valid.


CQ Unix email fails when you do not have fields to check for change.

Description: It is possible to create an e-mail rule that only fires on a filter or on a state change.  The Unix GUI does not currently function properly in this case.  The user will receive a dialog box indicating that the notification hook failed with a AdIsNotEmpty(SQL) error message.

Workaround: Please ensure that all e-mail rules have at least one field to check for change.


7.     Fixed Defects


Corrections to the CQ InstallingClearQuest PDF (Connecting to the database (UNIX))


Allow external Perl scripting


Performance of drop-down lists


The connect options are not added to the user database in cq unix


cq_setup.sh uses setenv which is not compatible with sh, ksh, bash


Unix GUI date_time fields don't support time


cc_change set empty


CQ UNIX login needs to allow selection of test databases not on selection list


Unix gui ignores tab security rules


Netscape and Acrobat links are broken in the CQ Unix installation.


ClearQuest UNIX crashes with Linux as X Server


Help file doesn't display lefthand frame


Edit->Grid Properties doesn't appear even when query result has focus


value display in filter for choice-list needs separators


UNIX GUI doesn't limit characters typed in short string fields


Multi-line strings don't word wrap properly on unix


CQUnix gui needs to put up hourglass on apply of entity mod


Address field doesn't grey out when "Enable E-mail Notification unselected


Unix gui doesn't display default validation messages


query failure error message is cryptic and truncated


Unix GUI misbehaves when text box has no associated field


Unix GUI ignores "password style" checkbox for edit box


CQUNIX:- restricted access on tabs not working on unix client.


cqtool help is confusing


Find box does not bring query that it is associated with back in focus


Edit->Named Lists should not display if the database doesn't contain any


connect options field needs to be initialized


8.     The Rational Web Site

Please visit the Rational Web site for latest Release Notes, patches and information:


9.     Subscribing to the ClearQuest Users Group.

The ClearQuest Users Group is an e-mail forum where you can share your experiences, pose questions, or obtain useful information from other ClearQuest users. To subscribe to the group, visit the Rational web site at:


Your e-mail address will not be given out to anyone.

10.        Accessing the Sample Hooks Database

The ClearQuest Sample Hooks Repository provides a place for users to trade hook scripts with one another. The Repository is located at:


To gain access enter:
username: user
password: password

You can browse the existing hook scripts for ideas, or add a script you would like to share with others.

11.        Contacting Rational Technical Support

If you have any problems with the software or documentation, please contact Rational Technical Support via telephone or electronic mail as described below. For information regarding support hours, languages spoken, and other Rational Software information, visit the Rational web site, http://www.rational.com/sitewide/support.

Rational’s web site contains an extensive library of Technical Notes. To access the Technical Notes, go to http://solutions.rational.com/solutions/t.

Rational maintains Support Centers in different geographic regions. To contact the center nearest you, consult the chart below. If you are contacting Technical Support by phone, dial the phone number shown below and follow the voice prompts to select ClearQuest Technical Support.

Support Location


Electronic Mail

North America

(800) 433-5444

(408) 863-4000



PHONE: +31 20 454-6200

FAX:+31 20 454-6201


Asia Pacific



© 2001 Rational Software Corporation and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Rational Software Corporation and its subsidiaries (“Rational”) claim copyright in this Program and documentation as an unpublished work, versions of which were first licensed on the date indicated in the foregoing notice. Claim of copyright does not imply waiver of Rational’s other rights. See Notice of Proprietary Rights.


This computer program and documentation are confidential trade secrets and the property of Rational Software Corporation and its subsidiaries. Use, examination, reproduction, copying, disassembly, decompilation, transfer and/or disclosure to others, in whole or in part, are strictly prohibited except with the express prior written consent of Rational Software Corporation and its subsidiaries.