Rational ClearQuest v2001.03.00 Release Notes

Copyright © 2000 Rational Software and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

Please read this document to learn about known product issues, important tips, and other Rational ClearQuest product information.

Release Notes, version 11.9.00

Table of Contents


1      Supported Hardware and Software Platforms

2      What’s New in ClearQuest v2001.03.00

2.1       Rational ClearQuest Web Enhancements

2.2       General Rational ClearQuest Enhancements

3      Upgrading from Previous ClearQuest Releases

3.1       Converting from Crystal Reports 6 to Crystal Reports 8

3.2       Upgrading from Rational ClearQuest v2000 (including patch releases)

3.3       Upgrading from Rational ClearQuest 2.0 (including patch releases)

3.4       Upgrading from Rational ClearQuest 1.0 or 1.1 (including patch releases)

3.5       New ClearQuest Packages

3.5.1        Repository 1.0 package

3.5.2        RequisitePro 1.4 and RequisitePro Supplement 1.1 Upgrade packages

3.5.3        TeamTest 2.0 package

3.5.4        E-mail Rules 4.0 package

3.5.5        Unified Change Management 2.0 package

4      Tips and Workarounds

4.1       SQL Server 2000 Installation

4.2       Oracle Database Connection Options

4.3       IBM DB2 Installation

4.3.1        Creating a new DB2 database

4.3.2        Creating a DB2 alias on client machine

4.4       Minimal Install

4.5       Use of MDAC 2.5.1 or later with versions of ClearQuest prior to v2001.03.00

4.6       Use of SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 or SQL Server 2000 with certain rare database schemas

4.7       Debugging E-Mail Notification Issues

5      Troubleshooting Web Services

5.1.1        Basic Troubleshooting Tips

5.1.2        Advanced Troubleshooting Tips

5.1.3        Web Performance and Recommended Configurations

6      Known Defects

7      Fixed Defects

8      The Rational Web Site

9      Subscribing to the ClearQuest User Group.

10        Accessing the Sample Hooks Database

11        Contacting Rational Technical Support


1        Supported Hardware and Software Platforms




Operating Systems

Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a

Windows 2000 and Windows 2000 Service Pack 1

Windows 95 SR2

Windows 98 2nd Edition

Windows ME

Hardware Requirements

233 MHz or higher Pentium-compatible computer

Hard Drive containing system files: 43 MB (default drive is C)

Hard Drive where ClearQuest is installed: 141 MB

Web Browsers

Internet Explorer 4.01 (4.72.3110.8 recommended)

Internet Explorer 5.0 and 5.5

Netscape Navigator 4.7

NOTE: Netscape 6 is not supported at this time.  Various issues have been discovered involving a number of buttons and controls that do not operate properly with the new version of Netscape.  We will support Netscape 6 in a future release.

Web Servers

IIS 5.0, 4.0

Web Clients on Non-Windows Platforms

Netscape 4.7 running on Solaris 2.5.1, Solaris 2.6, Solaris 7, HP-UX 10.20, or HP-UX 11.00

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office 97 Service Release 2

Microsoft Office 2000 Service Release 1


Microsoft Access 2000

Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Service Pack 2

Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2

Microsoft SQL Server 2000

SQL Anywhere 5.5.05

Oracle 7.3.4 on Windows NT, Solaris, and HP-UX

Oracle 8.0.5 on Windows NT, Solaris, and HP-UX

Oracle 8.1.6 on Windows NT, Solaris, and HP-UX

IBM DB2 6.1 on Windows NT

Database Drivers

Windows NT with MDAC 2.5

Windows 2000 with MDAC 2.5, 2.5.1, and 2.6

Please note that the current version of the Rational Solutions for Windows CD will install MDAC 2.5 if an earlier or no version of MDAC is currently on your machine.  MDAC 2.5 or greater is required to run ClearQuest.

2        What’s New in ClearQuest v2001.03.00

2.1      Rational ClearQuest Web Enhancements

A major focus of this release was to continue to enhance the ClearQuest Web interface, both in terms of functionality, look and feel, and general usability.

·        General ClearQuest Web Usability Enhancements:  ClearQuest Web has been redesigned to be much more user friendly. The interface is now a much closer approximation of the Windows interface, and provides an intuitive, context-sensitive, tool bar to perform all major ClearQuest operations such as submitting records, finding records, creating or editing queries and reports, creating shortcuts, etc. Other improvements include:


Ability to include URLs in short and multi-line fields - Users can now include live URLs in short and multi-line fields and click on them to visit other web pages. So, for example, you could list a URL in the comments field, and the reader could simply click on the link to go to the appropriate page as opposed to having to cut and paste the URL into their browser window.


Ability to display customized help text by mousing over fields - By mousing over any of the fields, users can view the customized context help for that particular field.


Ability to display information on entries in list view controls - By selecting an entry in the list view control and pressing the new Show button, users can view more information on the selected record. So, for example, you can view and open child records associated with a parent record, directly from within the parent record.


Ability to find stateless record types using the Find a Record feature - Users can now select either stated (default) or stateless record types and search on the unique key of either record type.


Ability to perform AND or OR operations in queries - Users can now select AND or OR operators while creating or editing queries in the query builder.


·         Perl Scripts are fully supported on the Web: Previous to ClearQuest v2001.03.00, Perl was not supported as a scripting language for hooks while using the ClearQuest Web interface.  With this release of ClearQuest, ActiveState Perl v5.6 is now included with ClearQuest and can be used to author hooks for all clients including Windows, Web, and Unix.  In addition, external Perl scripts may be executed using the cqperl executable and the CQPerlExt Perl module.  Please consult the ClearQuest API reference for further information on Perl scripting.


·         Advanced Web-based Query Builder: In addition to the current query editor, ClearQuest Web now provides a new advanced query builder. This Java-based applet allows Web users to create, edit and save complex queries.  Users can create queries with groupings, use reference lists, etc, and can also save queries into the public folders provided they have appropriate privileges. Users now have more flexibility to create and edit queries directly through the Web interface, as opposed to having to create/edit them on Windows, and then run them on the Web.


·         Support for Secure Socket Layer (SSL): ClearQuest Web now includes support for SSL. This enhances ClearQuest security by encrypting information sent from the ClearQuest Web server to a browser client.


·         Enhanced Web-based reporting: ClearQuest Web now provides some limited capabilities for creating and editing reports. Note that report formats still need to be created and edited on Windows, but now ClearQuest Web users can match specific queries with existing report formats to generate new data through the existing report formats. Previously, there was no capability to create or edit reports on the Web interface. Users could only click on specific reports to run them. Now, users can select, create, or edit a query and choose which report format to attach it to, providing much more reporting flexibility directly from the Web interface.


2.2      General Rational ClearQuest Enhancements

·         Support for IBM DB2 6.1 on Windows NT - This extends ClearQuest's database support, which now includes Microsoft Access, SQL Anywhere, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and IBM DB2.


·         Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 – ClearQuest now includes support for Microsoft SQL Server 2000.


·         Support for Oracle 8 and Oracle 8i (client and server) - ClearQuest now includes support for Oracle 8.0.5 and Oracle 8i/8.1.6 on both the client and server.


·         Support for Crystal Reports 8 – ClearQuest now supports the latest release of Crystal Reports.


·         Database Administration Enhancements - ClearQuest v2001.03.00 provides enhanced capabilities for moving master databases and user databases. Previously, when a master database was moved without using the ClearQuest database maintenance tool, there was no easy way to update ClearQuest's internal pointers. Also, options for moving user databases have also been improved with new, more intuitive, menu options.


·         Improved Test Database Setup – When setting up new databases, the administrator is now prompted to define the database as either a test or production database, ensuring that ClearQuest does not allow production databases to be inadvertently used as test databases and vice versa. Previously, the setup procedure could allow production databases to be used as test databases, resulting in irreversible changes being inadvertently applied to the production databases.  With the new setup procedure, only specifically designated databases can be used for testing.


·         Internationalization – ClearQuest now provides Level 1 Internationalization support for Korean and Hebrew.


·         Support for SQL Anywhere 5.5.05 – The previous release of SQL Anywhere (5.5.04) had some known defects which have been resolved with SQL Anywhere 5.5.05. The major implication for ClearQuest is the ability to run the SQL Anywhere database server on Windows 2000, which did not work with version 5.5.04.

3        Upgrading from Previous ClearQuest Releases

A typical upgrade cycle would comprise some of the following steps:


·         Confirm whether or not Crystal Reports 6 needs to be uninstalled – consult the Crystal Reports upgrade section

·         Install Crystal Reports 8 if desired

·         Install ClearQuest v2001.03.00 using the Administrator option – consult the Installing ClearQuest manual.  It is not necessary to uninstall previous versions of ClearQuest software before installing ClearQuest v2001.03.00

·         Determine if a schema repository and user database upgrade is required (current users of ClearQuest v1.0 and v1.1 only – please consult the relevant section of this readme)

·        Installing ClearQuest resets the connection to the ClearQuest database.  Execute ClearQuest Designer to establish a new connection to your ClearQuest database.

·         Decide which packages need to be applied to your schema – consult the package upgrade section of this readme

·         Upgrade and test your database – consult the Administering ClearQuest manual

·         Install ClearQuest v2001.03.00 on Web Servers as needed – consult the Installing ClearQuest manual, it is not necessary to uninstall previous versions of ClearQuest software before installing ClearQuest v2001.03.00


·         Confirm whether or not Crystal Reports needs to be upgraded – consult the Crystal Reports upgrade section

·         Install Crystal Reports 8 if desired

·         Install ClearQuest client software – It is not necessary to uninstall previous versions of ClearQuest software before installing ClearQuest v2001.03.00.

3.1      Converting from Crystal Reports 6 to Crystal Reports 8

With ClearQuest v2001.03.00, Crystal Reports 6 is no longer supported for authoring reports.  If a user attempts to use Crystal Reports 6 to author reports against ClearQuest v2001.03.00, various run time errors may occur when authoring report formats or executing reports.  Crystal Reports 8 is now included with the media for ClearQuest and there are a few steps you will need to perform to successfully upgrade clients who have Crystal Reports Designer 6 installed:

·         Uninstall Crystal Reports 6

·         Install Crystal Reports 8

·         Install ClearQuest v2001.03.00

If the uninstall of Crystal Reports 6 is not done before the installation of ClearQuest v2001.03.00 it will be necessary to uninstall ClearQuest and Crystal Reports and then re-install Crystal Reports 8 and ClearQuest v2001.03.00 in that order.

Client machines which did not explicitly install Crystal Reports 6 (they had just installed ClearQuest) do not need to take any special steps with regards to Crystal Reports.

If you performed a web download of ClearQuest v2001.03.00 or if you did not receive a Crystal Reports 8 CD in your upgrade media kit, please contact Rational Technical Support for a new CD.

3.2      Upgrading from Rational ClearQuest v2000 (including patch releases)

Upon invoking ClearQuest for the first time, you will need to connect to the ClearQuest databases again. Get the database location and connection information from your ClearQuest Administrator, and enter it when prompted.

No database upgrade is required when going from ClearQuest v2000 to ClearQuest v2001.03.00

It is possible to interoperate between releases ClearQuest v2000 and ClearQuest v2001.03.00 (i.e. for some clients to have ClearQuest v2000 installed while others have ClearQuest v2001.03.00 installed), however this is not recommended for the following reasons:

·         Clients running ClearQuest v2000 will not be able to utilize any of the integrations with other Rational products such as the Rational Administrator, RequisitePro, or TestStudio.  Note that merely modifying ClearQuest records where any of these integrations are enabled may be sufficient grounds to require compatible versions of the Rational Suite Compenents be installed on the client machine.

·         ClearQuest v2001.03.00 clients can use reports and report formats created in ClearQuest v2000 with Crystal Reports 6, but Crystal Reports 8 must be used with ClearQuest v2001.03.00 when authoring report formats.

When using Oracle databases, any operation involving exporting the schema or schema repository will not work if the export is done from ClearQuest v2001.03.00 and the import is done on ClearQuest v2.0 or ClearQuest v2000. This is because the specification for Oracle databases has changed from “Oracle7” to “Oracle” in the text files created by these tools. ClearQuest v2001.03.00 supports either format, but ClearQuest v2.0 does not.

3.3      Upgrading from Rational ClearQuest v2.0 (including patch releases)

If you have installed Rational Suite 1.5 or ClearQuest v2.0, you may install ClearQuest v2001.03.00 over the previous installation.

Upon invoking ClearQuest for the first time, you will need to connect to the ClearQuest databases again. Get the database location and connection information from your ClearQuest Administrator, and enter it when prompted.

No database upgrade is required when going from ClearQuest v2.0 to ClearQuest v2001.03.00

It is possible to interoperate between releases ClearQuest v2.0 and ClearQuest v2001.03.00 (i.e. for some clients to have ClearQuest v2.0 installed while others have ClearQuest 2000 or ClearQuest v2001.03.00 installed), however this is not recommended for the following reasons:

·         Clients running ClearQuest 2.0 will not be able to run queries that were created or modified under ClearQuest 2000 or later.

·         Clients running ClearQuest 2.0 will not be able to utilize any of the integrations with other Rational products such as the Rational Administrator, RequisitePro, or TestStudio.  Note that merely modifying ClearQuest records where any of these integrations are enabled may be sufficient grounds to require compatible versions of the Rational Suite Compenents be installed on the client machine.

·         ClearQuest v2001.03.00 clients can use reports and report formats created in ClearQuest v2.0 or ClearQuest v2000 with Crystal Reports 6, but Crystal Reports 8 must be used with ClearQuest v2001.03.00 when authoring report formats.

When using Oracle databases, any operation involving exporting the schema or schema repository will not work if the export is done from ClearQuest v2001.03.00 and the import is done on ClearQuest v2.0 or ClearQuest v2000. This is because the specification for Oracle databases has changed from “Oracle7” to “Oracle” in the text files created by these tools. ClearQuest v2001.03.00 and ClearQuest 2000 support either format, but ClearQuest v2.0 does not.

3.4      Upgrading from Rational ClearQuest v1.0 or v1.1 (including patch releases)

Customers upgrading from ClearQuest 1.0 or 1.1 should refer to the documentation in Chapter 7 of the Installing Rational ClearQuest manual to facilitate the mandatory database upgrade.  Please be especially aware of the following:

If you have applied any of the ClearQuest add-ins from version 1.1 to your schemas (or if you used certain functionality that was supplied as part of the provided sample schemas like TestStudio or Enterprise), you must use the Package Wizard to apply the equivalent upgrade packages to these schemas. For more information, see “Working with schema packages” in the ClearQuest Designer Help. Specifically:

·         If you have installed the Email Rules functionality (either by using the add-in or by using the TestStudio schema, which has this functionality installed by default), then you must apply the Email package (Upgrade 4.0 version).

·         If you installed the Visual SourceSafe or the ClearQuest/ClearCase integration add-in, apply the Visual SourceSafe package (Upgrade 2.0 version) or ClearCase package (Upgrade 1.0 version) respectively.

·         If you are using the integration with TestStudio, or the Rational Administrator, you must install both the “TeamTest 2.0” and the “Repository 1.0” Upgrade packages. If you do not install both of these packages, you will get errors creating the ClearQuest project records when trying to connect the ClearQuest database to the Rational Administrator Project.

If you do not apply the needed upgrade packages after upgrading the ClearQuest software and databases, the existing functionality (notification mail, integration with your source code management system, etc.) will be inoperative.

NOTE: Be careful when selecting the packages to install. Some packages (such as Email and Visual SourceSafe) have a version for first-time installations (for example, version ‘1.0’) and a version for upgrades (for example, version ‘Upgrade 1.0’). Be sure to select the correct version. As a general rule of thumb, when installing upgrade packages, if there is more than one version, always apply the highest-numbered version. Record types, fields, and actions that were added by the add-ins are modified by the packages. The package takes “ownership” of these entities (record types, fields, and actions) so that in some cases they become read only in the ClearQuest Designer.

3.5      New ClearQuest Packages

The ClearQuest v2001.03.00 release includes many enhancements to integrations with other Rational products.  If you currently use the integrations with the Rational Administrator Repository, Rational RequisitePro, or Rational TestStudio, then you will need to apply certain packages to your ClearQuest schema before upgrading the datastores associated with the other Rational products.  If you are not currently using any of the integrations mentioned above, then the upgrade may not be required.  Consult the upgrade section relevant to the version that your ClearQuest clients are running for specific details.

If you have used one of the out of the box schemas (such as the DefectTracking, AnalystStudio, or EnterpriseStudio schemas) to construct your schema, and your datastores are contained within a Rational Repository, then you should consult the following chart for guidelines as to which packages to apply.  Please note that the packages should be applied in the order you see from left to right:

Current Schema or Package

Repository 1.0 Package Required?

RequisitePro 1.4 Package Required?

RequisitePro Supplement 1.1 Upgrade Package Required?

TeamTest 2.0 Package Required?

E-Mail Rules 4.0 Package Required?

DefectTracking Schema

Only if Rational Administrator Project integration is desired

Only if RequisitePro integration is desired

Only if RequisitePro integration is desired

Only if TestStudio integration is desired


AnalystStudio Schema






DevelopmentStudio Schema






TestStudio Schema






Unified Change Management Schema

Only if Rational Administrator Project integration is desired

Only if RequisitePro integration is desired

Only if RequisitePro integration is desired

Only if TestStudio integration is desired


EnterpriseStudio Schema






Repository 0.2 (or earlier) Package






RequisitePro 1.3 (or earlier) Package






RequisitePro Supplement 1.0 (or earlier) Package






TeamTest 0.2 (or earlier) Package






If you wish to add further integrations to the schemas that you have already created, consult the installation documentation for the Rational product that you wish to integrate with ClearQuest.

Once you have determined the packages to apply, there are a few general rules for package application since the ClearQuest designer allows only one package application at a time for a particular schema:

·         Run the package wizard

·         Apply the relevant package

·         Make any necessary modifications to your schema to support the new package.

·         Check in the schema

Once the final package has been applied, upgrade your test database and test your work.  At that point, you should be ready to upgrade your production ClearQuest database and proceed with any Rational Administrator datastore upgrades that may be required.

3.5.1       Repository 1.0 package

To support the conversion of Rational Repositories to Rational Administrator Projects, a new version of the Repository package was developed.  There are a few changes in this package that will require some work by the ClearQuest administrator in ClearQuest designer to complete the upgrade.

Rename of field “RepoProject” and stateless record type “RepoProject” to RAProject:

As part of the application of the Repository 1.0 package, you will notice that many instances of the RepoProject field associated with some record types (such as Defect and Enhancement Request) are renamed to RAProject.  Unfortunately, the automatic upgrade process cannot fully rename every instance of this field/record type.  It will generally be simpler to apply these changes immediately after the application of the Repository 1.0 package.  Specifically, the ClearQuest administrator will need to check and manually rename any instance of:

Form controls that had referenced RepoProject:

If you have used any of the out of the box “Studio” schemas such as AnalystStudio, DevelopmentStudio, TestStudio, or EnterpriseStudio, this step will be required.  In addition, this step is very likely if you have included the RepoProject field on any ClearQuest forms that you might have created in your own custom schema, particularly as a result of applying an earlier revision of the Repository package.

As part of the upgrade process, the underlying field name is changed to RAProject, but the field that the control points to is removed since it is no longer known by that name.  You must select properties for that control and pick the RAProject field.  If this is not done, the field will always appear read-only from the client and the designer schema validation process will report that there is no field associated with that control.

Record Type families that had included RepoProject:

This will be necessary only if you have created record type families that happened to include the RepoProject stateless record type.  You will need to modify the members list of the Record Type family.  Remove the reference to the RepoProject stateless record type and replace it with RAProject.

Web dependent field lists that had included RepoProject:

This will be necessary only if you have added code to the RepoProject choice list hook that makes that field dependent on another field.  In this case, you would have specified RepoProject as one of the web dependent fields for the originating field.  You will need to modify the web dependent field list to remove RepoProject and replace it with RAProject.

Crystal Reports report formats that had referenced RepoProject:

Several user defined Crystal Reports report formats may have referenced RepoProject and the package upgrade utility does not handle redirecting such references to the new field name.  Editing, authoring, or running a report format which contains these obsolete references will result in a ClearQuest error message indicating that the fielddef “RepoProject” does not exist and that the user should contact technical support.

To work around this problem, Rational has provided a tool to convert the RepoProject field references to RAProject.  The tool (which can be used any time a field is renamed with ClearQuest designer) is located in the ClearQuest install directory and is called renrptflds.exe.  It’s usage can be obtained by changing directory to the ClearQuest install area and typing “renrptflds” with no paramaters.

A typical use of this command would be:

renrptflds –us engineer –p “” –db SAMPL –fmt engineer –rec Defect –fld RepoProject RAProject

This example would convert all RepoProject field references to RAProject for the “engineer” user’s personal report formats based on the “Defect” record type for the SAMPL database.  Note that the –fmt option must contain the same user as the –us option.  It is not possible to convert another user’s report format without that user’s password – even as the admin user.

To completely convert all personal report formats, have each user who has any personal report formats run this command once for each record type in your schema, for each user database.

To convert public report formats, the admin user should run a command like the following:

renrptflds –us admin –p “” –db SAMPL –rec defect –fld repoproject raproject

Note that the “-fmt” option is omitted.  This signifies that public report formats should be updated.  Note that this command must specify a user who has SuperUser authority in the “-us” operand.  The administrator should run this command once for each user database for each record type containing the RepoProject field.

Running the commands described above will fix field references in the report format and allow the report format to be used in running reports.  If your report formats contain headings indicating the names of the fields, you may also wish to change that text to indicate the new field name.  To do that:

·         Edit the report format in ClearQuest

·         Click the “Author Report” button

·         Upon entry to Crystal Reports Designer, point to Database->Verify Database

·         Click “Yes” to proceed to fix-up the report

·         On the “Map Fields” dialog, map the report field “RepoProject” to the active data field “RAProject” (click on each field in turn, then click “Map”, then click “OK).

·         On the report designer layout page, the field’s name will be set to the new value (“RAProject”), but text references such as page header information may still contain the old value.  Edit these values appropriately.

·         Exit Crystal Reports Designer, saving the changes.

·         Click “OK” on the ClearQuest “Edit Report Format” dialog to save the changes to the ClearQuest database.

This procedure must be run for each report format (private or public) containing references to the old field name.  If this procedure is not performed, the report will run correctly and show correct data, but textual references such as column headings may appear incorrectly.

User defined hook body code that references RepoProject:

While developing hooks, you may have added custom script code that references the RepoProject field or stateless record type.  This will need to be modified using the hook editor to reference RAProject.  Any hook code that is owned by an out of the box ClearQuest package will automatically be modified to use RAProject.

3.5.2       RequisitePro 1.4 and RequisitePro Supplement 1.1 Upgrade packages

To support the latest version of the RequisitePro integration, application of two packages is required.  They are the RequisitePro 1.4 package and the RequisitePro Supplement 1.1 Upgrade packages.  It is important to apply the RequisitePro Supplement 1.1 Upgrade package and not the base package or the integration will not function properly.  If you accidentally apply a version of a package that you wish to remove, you will be required to remove the entire schema version that includes that package.

There are two cautions when applying these packages.  First, they expect the record types for “Defect” and “EnhancementRequest” to be named exactly as listed here.  If you have renamed either of these record types, you will be unable to apply the RequisitePro packages.  Second, the packages expect the submit forms for the Defect and Enhancement Request record types to be named “Defect_Base_Submit” and “EnhancementRequest_Submit” respectively.  If you receive an error message while applying the package indicating that the “<form name>” form could not be found for the record type “<record type>”, you should temporarily rename the form to what the package is looking for before applying the package and then rename the form back to your desired name after the package application.

After applying the RequisitePro 1.4 and RequisitePro Supplement 1.1 Upgrade packages, you should follow the instructions in the “Configuring Rational Suite” manual to complete the upgrade of the RequisitePro datastore and to re-initialize the integration between ClearQuest and RequisitePro.

3.5.3       TeamTest 2.0 package

The TeamTest 2.0 package is now an even more integral part of the Rational Administrator Project functionality.  It will be required for you to apply the TeamTest 2.0 package even if you had not previously had this package applied.  Many of the integrations of the Rational Administrator are contained within this package.  You will want to apply this package to each of the record types that you wish to enable for the integration.

3.5.4       E-mail Rules 4.0 package

The new E-mail rules package is optional, but contains a number of bug fixes that improve the stability of the e-mail notification feature.  In addition, there is a new boolean operator that can be applied to various e-mail rules.  This AND/OR operator controls the behavior of the “Fields to check for change” rule and the “Action Controls” rules.  Before this modification, the conditions specified in the “Fields to Check for Change” and the “Action Controls” rules would be ANDed together to determine whether or not to fire the rule.  Now, the administrator can select that the “Fields to Check for Change” be ORed against the collection of the “Action Controls” rules, which are still ANDed with each other.  A few examples:

Suppose you wish to check for a modification of the “Priority” field during an “Assign” action from the “Submitted” state.  You would set the “Fields to check for change” rule to “Priority”, the “Actions” list to “Assign”, and the “Source States” list to “Submitted”.  The Boolean operator would remain as an AND.

Conversely, suppose you wanted to check for a modification of the “Severity” field in any event or a “Modify” action from the “Submitted” or “Closed” states.  You would set the “Fields to check for change” rule to “Severity”, the “Actions” list to “Modify”, and the “Source States” list to “Submitted” and “Closed”.  The Boolean operator would then be set to OR.

Finally, it is now possible to leave the “Fields to check for change” rule blank.  This had previously been mandatory.

3.5.5       Unified Change Management 2.0 package

There is no update to the UCM 2.0 package for ClearQuest v2001.03.00.  However, there are a few caveats if you are a new user of this package.  When applying the UCM packages, you will be required to define whether or not a particular state is “resolved” or “not_resolved”.  These are called state types.  If you have the Resolution package applied in addition to the UCM packages (which is the case with many of the out of the box schemas), then the resolution field will be mandatory if the state type for that particular state is resolved.  This may affect your ability to perform deliver operations in ClearCase that move the activity to a resolved state.  This is visible if the defect cannot be validated in the deliver operation because the resolution field is mandatory, but has no value.  You will need to modify the hook code for the Resolution field’s permission hook such that the field is optional in these cases.

Additionally, if you are using a package that includes the Enhancement Request record type (such as the RequisitePro package), you will need to define a state type of “Ready” for UCM purposes.  One potential state for this could be an “Assigned” state with an associated “Assign” action.

4        Tips and Workarounds

4.1      SQL Server 2000 Installation

During the installation process for Microsoft SQL Server 2000, you have the option of selecting Windows only authenticaition or mixed mode (Windows and SQL Server) authentication.  You must select mixed mode (Windows and SQL Server) authentication in order for ClearQuest to function properly.

Also during the installation process for Microsoft SQL Server 2000, you are prompted for a database instance name.  The database instance name must be the same as the hostname of the machine that you are installing to.  This can be accomplished by leaving the instance name blank and accepting the default.  If an instance name is required, there are several issues that will arise:

·         Clients running earlier versions of MDAC (such as 2.1.2) will not be able to connect to the database.

·         The Client machine will need to install the SQL Server client or manually edit the registry.  The following is an excerpt from the Microsoft white paper entitled “Upgrading to SQL Server 2000”:

“When using the SQL Server client connectivity components from SQL Server 7.0 or earlier, you must set up an alias using the Client Network Utility before you connect to a named instance of SQL Server 2000. For example, on a SQL Server 7.0 client, to connect to a named instance of SQL Server 2000, you must add an alias that points to \\computername\pipe\MSSQL$instancename\sql\query. If you use an alias name of computername\instancename, clients can connect by specifying this name in the same way as SQL Server 2000 clients do. For the TCP/IP Sockets and NWLink IPX/SPX Net-Libraries, you must use the Client Network Utility to define an alias on the client that specifies the port address on which the named instance is listening.”

Please consult the Microsoft support web site at http://support.microsoft.com for more information – particularly in the area of upgrading versions of Microsoft SQL Server.

4.2      Oracle Database Connection Options

When connecting to Oracle databases, ClearQuest uses a database property called “connect_options” which determines behaviour of the client under certain configurations.  Generally, these connect options are stored in the master schema repository and are replicated to each client when they connect.  This reduces workload for site-wide maintenance, but has the side effect of limiting certain heterogeneous Oracle client version configurations.  There are several configuration options that are discussed here.

The connect_options database property has several options.  They are:


<host> is the network hostname of the Oracle database server;
<sid> is the instance ID of the Oracle database server;
<ver> is the Oracle version number, either, 7, 8.0 or 8.1;
SERVER_VER is the Oracle database server version number;
CLIENT_VER is the Oracle client version number;
LOB_TYPE is the Oracle data type used for text fields; currently, this must be of type LONG.

Generally, the connect_options property is set when the schema repository is created for the first time.  This can be modified later (on a site wide basis) for the user database using the database properties option of ClearQuest Designer or for the master schema repository itself using the ClearQuest Maintenance tool.

When setting up a site for use with Oracle, you should carefully consider which Oracle client versions will be used across the site.  You should determine which is the most likely Oracle client version and specify that version in the CLIENT_VER parameter of the connect_options database property using ClearQuest designer.  There will then be an additional step required for clients that use a different Oracle client version.  For each client that wishes to deviate from the site standard, you will need to run the command:

installutil registeroracleoptions “CLIENT_VER=<ver>”

Where <ver> is one of “7”, “8.0”, or “8.1”.  The installutil executable is located in the ClearQuest installation directory.

This command has the effect of creating a registry key setting under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Rational Software\ClearQuest\2001.03.00\Core with a value OverrideOracleConnectOptions equal to “CLIENT_VER=<version>”.  This will then force that client to use that CLIENT_VER connect option in place of the CLIENT_VER option specified in the master schema repository.

You will know that this override is required because the user will be unable to successfully connect to Oracle databases.  The salient error message will indicate a version of the Openlink ODBC driver for Oracle that references the wrong Oracle client version.  This can be viewed by clicking the “Details” checkbox on the login error message dialog box.

There are two major examples of use.  The first is a homogenous environment of Oracle 8i clients and an Oracle 8 server.  The connect options string should be:


In this example, registeroracleoptions is not necessary because all client versions use the Oracle 8i client.  Another example would be the heterogeneous case, with the majority of clients running Oracle 7.3.4 and a few running 8.0 and 8i against a 7.3.4 server.  The connect options string in the database properties would be:


As clients install Oracle 8.0.5 or 8i (8.1.6), they would need to override the connect options with either:

installutil registeroracleoptions “CLIENT_VER=8.0”


installutil registeroracleoptions “CLIENT_VER=8.1”.

One final note: If you reinstall ClearQuest, this setting might be deleted as part of the reinstall.  Please make sure it is set for the client after each install.  It may be useful to create a “.bat” file with the appropriate installutil command options can simply double click on to reset the override.  This could be placed in a network install area.

4.3      IBM DB2 Installation

ClearQuest 2001.03.00 introduces support for IBM’s Universal Database (DB2). To use DB2 with ClearQuest, you must:

·         Install the IBM DB2 6.1 database server software on the machine which you will use as your database server.

·         Install the DB2 client software on each client workstation where ClearQuest will be installed.

The instructions below provide additional information about setting up DB2 databases for use with ClearQuest. Use these instructions in place of the description in the "Installing Rational ClearQuest" manual under the heading "Setting up IBM DB2 6.1".

4.3.1       Creating a new DB2 database

You need to set up one empty DB2 database for the ClearQuest schema repository and one empty DB2 database for each ClearQuest user database (such as the optional SAMPL database). For each DB2 database, complete the following tasks:

1)       From the Start menu, select DB2 for Windows NT->Control Center.

2)       Enter the login name and password for the DB2 administrator account and click OK.

3)       From the DB2 Control Center, continue to expand the machine name tree that corresponds to the database server on which you will create the database until you see the Database folder.

4)       Right-click the Databases folder and select Create->Database using the Smart Guide.  Note: Make sure all DB2 services are running, otherwise this utility will not work.

5)       Enter a name of the database.  Note: DB2 database names must be eight characters or less in length.

6)       Click Done.

7)       Expand the database name folder.

8)       Right-click the Buffer Pools folder and choose Create…

9)       On the Create Buffer Pool dialog box, enter a name for the Buffer pool (for example, "BFP16K" - we will refer to this name later), select Page size=16, and click OK.

10)   Right-click the DB2 folder and choose Stop (remember to mark the checkbox labeled “Disconnect all applications”), and then Start to restart the database with the buffer pool activated.

11)   Right-click the Table Spaces folder and choose Create > Table space…

12)   On the Create Table Space dialog box, enter a name for the Table space (i.e. TSPRGR16K), select Type of table space = Regular, and Space management = System.  On the Container name section, select the Add button.

13)   On the Add Container dialog box, enter a name for the container (i.e. cntr1a_16K) and click OK to close the dialog box.

14)   On Create Table Space dialog box, click the Advanced… button.

15)   On Advanced dialog box, select Page size = 16, select the buffer pool name created earlier in step 9 for the Buffer pool, and click OK.

16)   Click OK to close Create Table Space dialog box.

17)   Right-click the Table Spaces folder again and choose Create->Table space…

18)   On the Create Table Space dialog box, enter a name for the table space (i.e. TSPTMP16K), select Type of table space = Temporary, and Space management = System.  On the Container name section, select Add button.

19)   On Add Container dialog box, enter a name for Container (i.e. cntr1b_16K), click OK. (Note: Make sure a unique name is used for each container created.)

20)   Click the Advanced… button of the Create Table Space dialog box.

21)   On the Advanced dialog box, select Page size = 16, and select the buffer pool name created earlier for Buffer pool, click OK.

22)   Click OK to close the Create Table Space dialog box.

23)   Right-click the database name and select Configure…

24)   On Configure Database, select Performance tab, set value for the parameter Application heap size = 320 and the parameter Application control heap size = 320. Click OK button.

25)   Right-click the DB2 folder, and choose Stop and then Start to restart the database and make the configuration parameters effective.

4.3.2       Creating a DB2 alias on client machine

All ClearQuest Windows client users (including the ClearQuest administrator) must install DB2 client software on their local machines before they can install and use ClearQuest. To install DB2 client software, follow the IBM documentation.

Note: If the client and server machines are the same, you can skip this step. Before using the ClearQuest Windows client, all users must use the Client Configuration Assistant to create a DB2 alias for each ClearQuest schema repository and user database they will use.

1)       Install the DB2 Client Software according to the IBM DB2 documentation.

2)       From the Start menu, choose DB2 for Windows NT > Client Configuration Assistant. The Welcome dialog box appears.

3)       Click Add Database.

4)       Click Search the network.

5)       Click Next.

6)       Expand the Known Systems folder, if you see the database server machine on which the ClearQuest database resides, expand it and select the database name for which you want to create an alias.  Note: If you don’t see the machine you need, try expanding the Other Systems folder. If you don’t see the machine your need in the Other Systems folder, talk to your database administrator. There may be a network problem.

7)       Expand the database server machine folder you need and click the database for which you need to create an alias.

8)       Click Next.

9)       Click Done.

4.4      Minimal Install

The Minimal Install functionality of ClearQuest is not supported in this release. You must choose the Typical or Custom/Full options to install ClearQuest. For information on how to install ClearQuest, see the ClearQuest Installation Manual.

Note that the installation manuals may include information on minimal installations. That information is no longer valid.

4.5      Use of MDAC 2.5.1 or later with versions of ClearQuest prior to v2001.03.00

Microsoft released MDAC 2.5.1 as part of Windows 2000 SP1.  With that release, ClearQuest was no longer able to successfully perform queries against Microsoft Access databases.  This manifested itself through a number of different error messages either in the ClearQuest Client or in the ClearQuest Maintenance tool while creating sample databases.  The specific symptoms included spurious “Out of memory” errors executing various commands.  This issue has been addressed in ClearQuest v2001.03.00.  Earlier versions of ClearQuest will not support use of MDAC 2.5.1 or later or Windows 2000 SP1.  For more information, please consult Microsoft knowledge base article Q272951 at


4.6      Use of SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 or SQL Server 2000 with certain rare database schemas

There is a known issue with these versions of Microsoft SQL Server in that for certain database schemas that could be created by ClearQuest, executing the same query three times in a row by the same process can cause certain rows and tables in the database to become locked.  This will create what is known as a blocking SPID (SQL Server Process ID) on the database server.  Rational has developed a workaround for this problem until it is addressed by Microsoft.  The major symptom of the problem is that the CQ system becomes unavailable to all users (hourglass, or just no response from CQ).  This would particularly impact the ClearQuest web interface.  To diagnose if this is the problem:

·         Run SQL Server Enterprise Manager

·         Select the Management section under the appropriate server

·         Select Current Activity->Locks/ProcessID

·         You will see which SPID is the blocker, and all SPIDs that are blocked by the blocker

The relevant Microsoft defect number for this problem is 58388.  Rational Software has developed a workaround that addresses this problem.  The relevant Rational Software Technical Note is 13899 – please contact Rational Technical support to obtain this technical note and for assistance with this problem.

4.7      Debugging E-Mail Notification Issues

Beginning with ClearQuest v2001.03.00, there is a new method for debugging e-mail notification issues.  ClearQuest, when enabled via a registry setting, will output interesting debug information to the Windows debug log.  This can be viewed using the dbwin32 tool located under the ClearQuest install directory or any other tool that can browse the Windows debug log.  The e-mail notification debug information can be enabled by importing the following “.reg” file after ClearQuest has been installed.  Note that you have to stop and restart ClearQuest for this to take effect on that client (this would include the web server).



[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Rational Software\ClearQuest\Diagnostic]




Please note that beginning with Windows 2000, you are required to have local administrator permissions to view debug output.  If you have any further questions about using this feature, please contact Rational Technical Support.

5        Troubleshooting Web Services

5.1.1       Basic Troubleshooting Tips

The IIS Server (inetinfo.exe) may crash when you stop the service from the Microsoft Internet Service Manager application. If this happens, you must stop and restart the Internet Service Manager before restarting the WWW service. If FTP or Gopher services are provided by this machine, you must restart them too.

If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.72.2106.8 or 4.71.1712.6, you will need to upgrade to a newer version, such as 4.72.3110.8. Otherwise, you will run into a JavaScript error when selecting Help, About or attempting to view an attachment.

Users of Netscape Communicator 4.0x browsers should have the following options set:

·         In the browser, selectEdit>Preferences.

·         Select”Advanced->Cache” Category.

·         Set “Document in cache is compared to Document on network” to “every time” and press OK.

5.1.2       Advanced Troubleshooting Tips

There is detailed documentation on the configuration of IIS 4.0 and IIS 5.0 in the Installing Rational ClearQuest guide that may help you troubleshoot installing Web services.

·         If you have not granted proper permissions on the ClearQuest registry keys you may get the following error while attempting to access ClearQuest Web:

Failed condition: disposition == (0x00000001L) 

Location: ClearQuest Core:adregistry.cpp:569occurred 


See the printed document, Installing Rational ClearQuest, to set the proper permissions.

·         If you haven’t granted proper permissions in the cache directory, you will not be able to logon and you will see the following error:

Logon Error 80020009

Could not create directory

occurred in ClearQuest.FileCache.1

See the printed document, Installing Rational ClearQuest, to set the proper permissions.

·         If you run your Web server and SQL Server database on different machines, you may encounter an error if the user ID the Web server uses to establish a network connection is not recognized by the computer hosting the SQL Server database. Consult the Microsoft KnowledgeBase Article Q152828, IIS Queries to SQL Server Generate Error 1326. To locate the article, go to the Microsoft web site at www.Microsoft.com, click the Search button at the top of the page, and enter the article number. You should now be able to access the ClearQuest database using the Anonymous Internet connection.  This issue is described in more detail in Rational Tech Support TechNote 8184, “How do I access a SQL Server database in another domain?”

·         Occasionally you may have your script time out. If this happens, you’ll see a message that looks like:

error ‘ASP 0113’

Script timed out

The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by specifying a new value using the Internet Service Manager.  To do this:

1.       Start Internet Service Manager

2.       Select your ClearQuest virtual directory

3.       Select properties

4.       Press the configuration button on the Virtual Directory tab

5.       Select the App Options tab of the Application Configuration dialog.

6.       There is an ASP script timeout setting on that tab of the dialog.

7.       Set it as you desire.

5.1.3       Web Performance and Recommended Configurations

Rational has performed extensive performance and stability testing on various web server configurations.  As a result of these tests, we have developed a set of recommended database and web server configurations.

ClearQuest Web has now been load tested extensively with hooks written in both Perl and VBScript.  In order to ensure web stability under high loads, Rational’s load testing involved 50 simultaneous users performing normal operations such as submitting records, modifying records, and executing queries.  Based on this load testing, Rational recommends the following configurations for best performance and stability under high loads:

·         Windows 2000 or Windows 2000 SP1, IIS 5.0, SQL Server 2000

·         Windows NT 4.0 SP6a, IIS 4.0, SQL Server 7.0 SP2

·         Windows NT 4.0 SP6a, IIS 4.0, Oracle 8.0.5 Server, Oracle 7 Client

In order to ensure top performance from ClearQuest Web in a multi-user environment, please be sure the following IIS tuning is completed:

·         On the Internet Service Manager->host_name->Properties->Internet Information Server tab, check "Enable Bandwidth Throttling" and use the default of 1024 kb/s for maximum network use.

·         On the Internet Service Manager->host_name->Default Web Site->Properties->Web Site tab, uncheck the "Enable Logging" option.

·         On the Internet Service Manager->host_name->Default Web Site->Properties->Performance tab, set the performance tuning scale to the maximum (more than 100,000).

·         On the Internet Service Manager->host_name->Default Web Site->Properties->Performance tab, make sure the "Enable Bandwidth Throttling" option is unchecked.

·         On the Internet Service Manager->host_name->Default Web Site->Properties->Performance tab, uncheck the "http Keep-Alives Enabled" option (this option is in the Web Site tab for IIS5).

Note: Rational ClearQuest was load tested using Rational Performance Studio. Rational recommends at least 1 GB of RAM and a Pentium III processor (500 MHz and greater) on the Web server for optimal performance.  All load testing above was performed on a single processor machine.

6        Known Defects


Description of Problem and/or workaround


Oracle 8 client version setting doesn’t work with previous ClearQuest releases.

If the connect option, CLIENT_VER (set either to 8.0 or 8.1), is set for any of the databases, ClearQuest v2000 and earlier releases will not be able to run.  Please upgrade any ClearQuest client that requires Oracle 8.0 or 8.1 client support


Database timeout ignored on Windows 95/98.

There was a problem with the database timeouts on the Windows 95 and 98 platforms, so database timeouts on these platforms have been disabled in the ClearQuest v2001.03.00 release. 


CR8 can’t author reports with Attachments and History fields.

Crystal Reports 8 users: The ClearQuest Client user cannot create a new report format if either the Attachments or History fields have been selected to be displayed as a part of the report. After such a query has been created in the Client, the Author Reports button does not function.


ClearQuest v2001.03.00 support for CR6 limited.

Crystal Reports 6 users: The ClearQuest v2001.03.00 Client user cannot create a new report format with Crystal Reports 6. However, formats generated in ClearQuest 2001.03.00 installations with Crystal Reports 6 can be utilized to create new reports. Also recommended is an upgrade to Crystal Reports 8.


Hooks dependent upon “::new” API may experience a run-time error.

A “bus error” or Client application crash may appear when Perl hooks fire which are looking for “::new” PAI methods, CQEmailRules::new and CQWorkSpace::new. The workaround is to replace “::new” with “::Build”.  This change is included in the E-mail rules 4.0 package.


ClearQuest v2001.03.00 Installation guide needs further details on setting up Oracle 8i Context/interMedia text server.

(Errata to Chapter 2, the section for enhancing search capabilities for Oracle 8.1.x.)

Step 2 and 3 as shown in the Installing ClearQuest Guide is incorrect.  It should read:

Enhancing Search Capabilities for Oracle 8.1:

Step 2: Start at least two context servers. The only personality supported for 8.1 is DML (M), which is the default.

Step 3: The script, setup_ora8i_ctx.sql should be run as the Oracle "ctxsys" user, i.e.

sqlplus ctxsys/<password>@<tnsname> @setup_ora8i_ctx.sql


CQ Designer crashes after creating a User Group with a space in the name.

If you create a new group using ClearQuest designer’s user maintenance function that has a space in it, ClearQuest designer will crash.  Previously, ClearQuest designer would display a dialog box indicating that spaces were not legal characters in group names.

Workaround: Create group names with no spaces or use underscores instead.


Email notification doesn't work from CQWeb on Windows2000/IIS5 if not properly set up.

If your web server is hosted on a Windows/2000 system using IIS 5.0, please be sure to set the "Application Protection" property of the CQWeb virtual directory to "Low (IIS Process)" as shown in the screenshot on page 87 of the "Installing Rational ClearQuest" manual under the heading "Edit the properties of the virtual directory for IIS". Although the screenshot on that page shows the correct setting, the text does not say specifically to choose this value. Furthermore, the default value upon entry to this dialog is "Medium (Pooled)". If you use the default setting then certain ClearQuest Web facilities, such as notification mail, will not work correctly.


Java2 Plugin needs to be loaded locally

In order to successfully use the new Advanced Query Editor, it is required to install the Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.3.  On a Windows machine, this is done for you automatically.  For a Unix web client, it will be required to manually obtain and install the latest version of the Sun JRE.  Contact Sun (www.sun.com) for the latest version.


Using Back button will crash the browser.

Using Netscape Communicator 4.7 on a UNIX platform, using the Back button while viewing a defect record can sometimes cause the browser to hang or crash.  In general, it is not a good idea to use the back and forward buttons due to the state information stored in the ClearQuest web server.

7        Fixed Defects

Please consult the following table for a list of defects that was addressed in ClearQuest v2001.03.00.




Typo on user admin, "subscription" spelled as "subscribtion"


Make sure that the Scripting Object is part of the Distribution


Testing schema indexes - appears to be dup entries, but they're not.


When using the "Find a Record" default query it does not accept full id's


"Find Record" option only lets you find records for a defect recordtype


Text in Help Text tab truncates


Taking forever to log into CQ


Creating a new database topic needs note about Access databases.


CQ installation instructions inaccurate.


Doc confusing about SQL Server read-only logon.


Query for text is case-sensitive


The "return to list" vanishes when viewing the 'parent' bug of a duplicate


cqvss: use of Refresh button with snapshots


Problem executing report on Win2000


Cannot load form for record type "<type>" after exporting/importing a form


Enhancement: CQWEB Record types are not alphabetically ordered


Package won't overlay identical field definitions


No description of the UCM schema in the Intro CQ book.


VSS-CQ: Access to ClearQuest database allowed to every VSS users


CQWeb login focus should initially be on Userid field


Syntax mistake in Web session detection hook example.


(CQ Web) No Help for Managing named sets of all presentation settings.


Product Name errors in CQ2.0 Online Help


Installation guide needs to mention that the FlexLM server needs to be installed


Removing a state with a default action makes schema unusable


Error in Maint Tool online help.


Upgrade SQL Anywhere to 5.5.05


Doc bug: 2.0 InstallingClearQuest.pdf.


DB2 core support


IIS 5.0: Various permission related problems with getting a license and getting dbwin32 output


Find a record feature does not work on the web


Cannot build a SQL/Anywhere schema repo for CQ on Win2000.


Remove "auto scroll to top" anytime a public query is run


HTML codes on attachment description on CQ Web gets interpreted


Help topic missing for "Moving Database" dialog


Remove SQL Editor reference from client help


CQ 2.0 and CQ 2000 not interoperable for queries and Oracle8


Can't upgrade schema containing field named "comment" or "Test"


CQ Web: text in title bar for prompted query not legible


Talking about SQL Server and pointing to SQL Anywhere Page!!!


CQ web: query name field needs to be expanded


Typo in the "Understanding hooks" online help


Missing word in the 'Field hooks Overview' online help


Improvements for the 'Deleting a field hook' online help


Missing number in the 'Field default value hook examples' online help


Schema Selection info under CQ TeamTest edition help


cq's init check for Oracle ConText is too inflexible


Two identical hot keys in Edit menu


Query names longer than 32 chars should be allowes


CQPerl should use Perl 5.00503


Cannot set value of fields associated with dynamic lists if the field name is hyphenated


(Web Help) Step 3 of 'Editing a Query' is incomplete


(Web Help) step #4 in 'Creating a shortcut' should say Click "Create Shortcut"


(Web Help) no help for Edit Shortcuts


Pop up an error message before deleting a dynamic list in use


(Web Help) Edit or Change User Profile


need API to remove user from group (RFE)


memory leaks in hook manager


GetEnabledEntityDefs and GetEnabledPackageRevs are problematic


Re-running report with dynamic query crashes ClearQuest


To submit  multiple values in a reference_list type of field


Back reference fields cannot be used as filters for queries


Cannot view details of a parent record from a child


Backref fields have Add, Remove and New button which is not consistent with the native gui


can't upgrade user database due to foreign key constraints; user db corrupt


(Web Doc) User account must have "Full Control" for SendMail


Problems deleting states to a production database


Dynamic queries using date returns incomplete results


javascript errors when submitting bug


"Submit Request Failed" error while submitting request using the CQ Web Client.


INT field does not work in Crystal Reports


Perl scripting does not work from the web


When using ClearQuest web new tabs show up


Wording error on cqdbsetup moving schema repo


DOC: Default logins not plainly visible.


Notify List Crash


Web query would not sort on correct field selection


Submit Record choice list is not sorted in CQWeb.


Queries under ClearQuest web do not sort alphabetically


Editing DB Column Name doesn't re-enable "Save Work"


App crashes after entering sql server connection information then using the back button and trying to select another option


Unable to Overwrite Existing "Queries" in "ClearQuest Client Private Query Folder".


Running query from Perl program gets Windows Application Error


ClearQuest release notes cannot be accessed from the RS Release Notes link on a minimal install.


ReqPro/ClearQuest integration breaks if UCM is enabled


GetChild method of FilterNode COM object does not return an object


Empty columns in reference lists populate from columns to the left


CQ GUI crashes pressing the X in the upper right corner


Drop down list controls differ between IE and Netscape


value changed function for combobox gets called after the entity is committed which results in a list call back error


pressing ctrl-O throws away script changes without offer to save


perl script editor corrupts the source


Print button should be disabled -- causing a crash


Erroneous functioning of Not operator in Filter query


Openlink Lite for Oracle driver not found.


Huge problems importing data using CQ Import tool


Submitting defects via mailreader adds a pipe character to entries


CqWeb Can't Generate Shortcuts on an SSL site


ClearQuest crashes when select an empty row and click OK in Browse Record Type users dialog


www\utilities\misc.inc Entity_AbortEdit error: Err.No should be Err.Number


Possible error in Email notification example hook


"Invalid relational operator" error w/ dynamic filter in Oracle dbase


association of defect on ci/co doesn't work with CQ/CC classic integration


CQ upgrade from 1.1 to 2.0 generates error if record_type field already exists


RFE: CQ default login information is not readily available.


Type mismatch


Email does not fire on DELETE action


Notes Web form field loses text


DOC: CQWeb Restricted Access poorly documented.


Error!AdMetaDataMgr: The placeholder AdEntityDef cannot be gotten because it does not exist.


RFE: Print selected Defects from client.


Entity->getLegalActions()  returns some customer-illegal actions


launch a Form in cqintsvr using dbid instead of display-name of the object


function to get the current querypath from the CQEntityBrowser returns nothing


Syntax diagram for GetFieldNames API is wrong


Bad links in API Reference PDF file


"Find in hooks" goes to wrong-language hook


Inconsistent Global Script behavior - naming conventions


Clearquest crashes when using the 'Add' button associated with a reference list field


DOC: Add steps to SQL Server 7 login creation.


Cannot rename the Action Modify


RFE: Tool to give logged-in user summary.


Get lengthy Oracle/ConText error message searching for string 'contains'




Passwords are showing up in dbwin32 when running cqweb


One of the email rules is not working on the web


Small memory leaks in vbscript manager


Double click on customer name in customer tab should give the customer info like it does on client.


ClearQuest Crashes when we do close database followed by file exit


Changing the name of the BaseCMActivity record causes error message


db.GetDescription does not retrieve db comment


RFE: Enable user-defined help on the CQ Web client


DOC: Adjust docs according to RAMBU9062 status.


Using tab key in Designer form editor leads to Dr. Watson.


Dynamic Filters dialog box


CqWeb userinfo update failing when one of the subscribed databases is inaccessible


Web URLEncoding fails with very large text strings


missing step in CQ doc for email notification setup


Action initialization hooks not executing for one particular Action.


CQ Web won't let you change the order of fields when editing a query


Hook editor losing/duplicating lines


Need to Add Optimized URL encoding logic to Web


CqWeb Needs to show Warnings when an update is successful but has warnings.


Cannot fire email if set up for "Duplicate" state....


upgrade error with rename order and multiple record types


upgrade issue: delete-schema-rev + change unique-keys can fail


upgrade issue: bug with delete of listdefs isn't handled


deleting listdefs doesn't cleanup references


Editing/Adding global script corrupts many other global scripts


Required field labels are not changed to black when values entered.


upgrade issue: export queries non-optimized for Oracle


DOC: Error in UCM State Type section.


no e-mail rule fires with fields to check for change as attachment


CQ crashes while submitting defects


RFE: Does the restricted web client need the Find a Record function?


RFE: Double-click on reference list entries to bring up record in CQWeb.


Ascending as default behavior when using query sort on the Web


Scroll bar for a stateless record on the web do not scroll far enough to view all the data values


Correct Time in "ClearQuest Web Display Settings".


RFE: choicelist queries on the CQ Web client don't have some Win client operators


RFE: Boolean operators not available on Web client


Bug: CQ Web settings problem with users & groups


tab order on the web does not workfor list box


tab with read only fields does not show up on the web


acess violation error using mailreader and start log button.


perl hook for notes_entry does not work.


Need to tighten security on CQ client and user; new user passwords can be entered w/o having to know the existing password


Losing Code in Designer


ClearQuest crashes with illegal access to memory after performing 51 database queries in a Perl hook.


Oracle 8 client version setting doesn't work with previous CQ releases.


Import tool run SQL on the record name and not table name when importing attachments


CTRL key acts like SHIFT key in Result Set tab


query page doesn't refresh with Netscape 4.7x


Reminder: Unable to connect to Oracle 7 server from Oracle 8 client (show-tables problem)


corrupted query causes client and web server to crash


Only BASIC Hooks work for Pre- and Post-Action Hooks


email not working if we check show previous values and fields to display.


Security hole with GetDatabaseConnectString method


expose resultset APIs for IBM


Description field does not wrap around in IE


Reminder: Problems w/ Renamed record types after upgrade from CQ 2.0 to 2000


create a link to submit a defect.


misleading message on save work.


ClearQuest Web only allows for 1024 x 768 res. and greater


hook example is wrong for Perl value changed  hook example


Reminder: cqweb Restricted Access with Win2000 Terminal Server for web server


Multiline text fields do not wrap when displayed in CQWeb.


MAPI mailreadrer does not work with NON - english outlook


Dynamic Queries using filters grouped with AND & OR do not show in the Web Client


When printing a query the last character of defect number gets clipped off


Exporting Reports in Client on Windows 98 causes crash!


Tab order is broken in DefectTracking submit form


Wrong Date recorded in Database, Due to GMT is set to +10.00


Need to add ?exit? on the ?File? pull down menu on the menu bar of CQ Query Editor for CQ Web


Cannot launch CQ Designer and Client after connecting Oracle schema repository from another machine


support for SQL Server 2000


Support MDAC 2.5


repository upgrade 0.2 package has an error in it


latest mshtml.dll breaks Print defect feature


Can't run CQWeb from Netscape browser on Solaris


CQ/Web - Keyword Search for Description field yields incorrect result.


Add a button to run a report from Create a Report Wizard


"Apply to All" broken in CC/CQ Classic Integration


cqintsvr11.exe - EnhancementRequest EntityDefName exceeds button size on association dialog


add debugging code for notification mail


Change text that is displayed when CQ is selected during installation

8        The Rational Web Site

Please visit the Rational Web site for latest Release Notes, patches and information:


9        Subscribing to the ClearQuest User Group.

The ClearQuest User Group is an e-mail forum where you can share your experiences, pose questions, or obtain useful information from other ClearQuest users. To subscribe to the group, visit the Rational web site at:


Your e-mail address will not be given out to anyone.

10  Accessing the Sample Hooks Database

The ClearQuest Sample Hooks Repository provides a place for users to trade hook scripts with one another. The Repository is located at:


To gain access enter:
username: user
password: password

You can browse the existing hook scripts for ideas, or add a script you would like to share with others.

11  Contacting Rational Technical Support

If you have any problems with the software or documentation, please contact Rational Technical Support via telephone or electronic mail as described below. For information regarding support hours, languages spoken, and other Rational Software information, visit the Rational web site, http://www.rational.com/sitewide/support.

Rational’s web site contains an extensive library of Technical Notes. To access the Technical Notes, go to http://solutions.rational.com/solutions/.

Rational maintains Support Centers in different geographic regions. To contact the center nearest you, consult the chart below. If you are contacting Technical Support by phone, dial the phone number shown below and follow the voice prompts to select ClearQuest Technical Support.

Support Location


Electronic Mail

North America

(800) 433-5444

(408) 863-4000



PHONE: +31 20 454-6200

FAX:+31 20 454-6201


Asia Pacific



© 2000 Rational Software Corporation and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Rational Software Corporation and its subsidiaries (“Rational”) claim copyright in this Program and documentation as an unpublished work, versions of which were first licensed on the date indicated in the foregoing notice. Claim of copyright does not imply waiver of Rational’s other rights. See Notice of Proprietary Rights.


This computer program and documentation are confidential trade secrets and the property of Rational Software Corporation and its subsidiaries. Use, examination, reproduction, copying, disassembly, decompilation, transfer and/or disclosure to others, in whole or in part, are strictly prohibited except with the express prior written consent of Rational Software Corporation and its subsidiaries.