Rational SoDA Release Notes

Version:  2001.03.00

for Windows 95/98/NT/2000

Part Number:  800-023897-000


This document details new product features, known defects, and known limitations for Rational SoDA for Word, version 2001.03.00.

Hardware/Software Information

The following sections provide the information about supported platforms, hardware requirements, and software requirements.

Hardware Requirements

Component Type



266 MHz or greater


64 MB Minimum

Virtual Memory (swap space)

Twice the installed RAM

Hard Drive

40 MB of free hard disk space before installation

Software Requirements        

Component Type


Operating System

·        Windows 95, Service Pack 2 or greater

·        Windows 98

·        Windows 98 ME

·        Windows NT 4.0, Service pack 3 or greater

·        Windows 2000

Supporting Software

Microsoft Word 97 or 2000

Getting Started


Rational SoDA for Word requires a valid license in order to launch.  The license can be activated either during the installation process, or post-installation using the Rational License Key Administrator on the Start Menu.

Product Documentation

The Rational SoDA for Word documentation set consists of this Release Note, a manual titled “Using Rational SoDA for Word”, and online help.

Compatibility Issues

There are no known compatibility issues with either Rational products or third-party products.

New and Changed Features

ClearCase Domain

The following classes have been added to the ClearCase domain.

Class Name



Retrieves Baselines from ClearCase UCM.


Retrieves BaselineComparison objects from ClearCase UCM.  The BaselineComparison object compares one baseline with another baseline; or a stream with a baseline.


Retrieves all Components from ClearCase UCM.


Retrieves the folder structure from ClearCase UCM.


Retrieves all projects in the named ClearCase UCM folder.


Retrieves all policies assigned to the ClearCase UCM project.


Retrieves VOB information for the ClearCase UCM’s project.

ClearQuest Domain

The following classes have been added to the ClearQuest domain.

Class Name



Enables you to immediately access a particular ClearQuest defect.

Getting Started

Getting Started wizard displays templates in user-defined folder.  SoDA’s Getting Started wizard allows user to include template folders of their choice in addition to SoDA-defined templates. The user folder location (GettingStartedTemplatePath) can be specified using SoDA->Options.  See the New Features topic in the online help for details.


Recursive REPEATs:  Users can now specify that REPEAT commands recurse.  See the New Features topic in the online help for details.

Microsoft Project Integration

A new adapter has been added to extract information from Microsoft Project files. the adapter provides the following classes.

Class Name



Retrieves all assignments for the given task.


Retrieves all predecessors to the given task


Retrieves basic project information.


Retrieves all resources needed for the project.


Retrieves all tasks for the project.


Rational Administrator

A new adapter has been added that provides for tight integration with Rational  Administrator.  Rational Administrator now includes a Generate Report menu command that launches SoDA.

RequisitePro Domain

The following classes have been added to the RequisitePro domain.

Class Name



Retrieves Views defined for the RequisitePro database.

Rose Domain

Objects in MappedArtifacts can now be explicitly retrieved and filtered for inclusion in SoDA reports/documents.  Prior to this release, SoDA could not provide a list of actual objects that were part of a given diagram.  However, now, using the relationship MappedArtifacts, all of the artifacts on a diagram (any diagram) are now known to SoDA.  Furthermore, you can filter out which object types should become part of the report/document and which should not.  For example, if you wish to display all objects, but not relationships, then simply filter out the relationships using the standard SoDA And Where filter.  Or, perhaps you wish to display all associations that are part of the diagram but nothing else, simply use MappedArtifacts with the And Where filter

SoDA Options dialog box

The SoDA menu now has a new selection:  Options.  SoDA>Options displays a dialog box from which you can define file locations and report options.  See the New Features topic in the online help for details about each field in this dialog.

TeamTest Domain

·        Tight integration with Rational TestManager.  Under the TestManager Report menu is a new item that generate reports directly from TestManager.

·        The following classes have been added to the TeamTest domain.




Test case configuration information.


An event is an object in a schedule upon which another object is dependent.


Project iteration information.


Log event information.


Data identifying the current TeamTest session.


Test case information.


Data identifying test cases.


Log event information.


Test input information.


Test plan information.


Supercedes the Name class.

Fixed Defects

ClearCase Domain

DefectId:            RMBU00014833

Headline:            Unable to Open ClearCase Region

Resolution:            ClearCase Regions can now be opened.

Generate Web Page

DefectId:            RMBU00012320

Headline:            XML Generate does not Understand Word Field Codes

Resolution:            Generate Web Page now updates the Time and Date stamp for the following Word Date and Time fields: Createdate, Date, EditDate, PrintDate, SaveDate, and Time.



DefectId:            RMBU00012364

Headline:            Generate Web Page does not support embedded Excel spreadsheets

Resolution:            Generate Web Page now supports embedded Excel spreadsheets.



DefectId:            RMBU00012400

Headline:            Relative path in OPEN command does not work with HTML generation

Resolution:            Relative path in OPEN command now works with Web Page Generation.



DefectId:            RMBU00013696

Headline:            SoDA displays error web page is generated for MS Word domain

Resolution:            SoDA can now generate web page for MS Word domain without generating errors.



DefectId:            RMBU00013824

Headline:            Generating a web page from a read-only directory crashes Word

Resolution:            Word no longer crashes when an error occurs during web page generation against a read-only directory:  an error message is displayed noting the read-only status of the directory.


DefectId:            RMBU00012735

Headline:            Domain names cannot be aliased

Resolution:            Alternate names can now to be added to alias files (this applies to all RSE based domains), e.g.



DefectId:            RMBU00013080

Headline:            Error launching SoDA:  Word cannot open this document template

Resolution:            SoDA user can now successfully launch SoDA from Start Menu without errors opening the template.

RequisitePro Domain

DefectId:            RMBU00012365

Headline:            Cannot extract documents if the path for the RequisitePro documents is "non-standard"

Resolution:            Documents can now be extracted from the RequisitePro domain if the document is non-standard.



DefectId:            RMBU00012536

Headline:            Groups.DefDocTypeRights should be Groups.DocTypeRights in the RequisitePro domain

Resolution:            Groups.DefDocTypeRights has been renamed to Groups.DocTypeRights.

The following selectors have been added to the Group class in the RequisitePro domain:

ProjectPermissions - a string containing the permissions of the group for projects.

DocTypePermissions - an nary relationship to the Permissions for various document types held by the group.

ReqTypePermissions - an nary relationship to the Permissions for various requirement types held by the group.

A new Permission class has been added.  The Permission class represents the permissions granted to a particular group for a particular type. This new class has the following properties:

TypeName - the name of the type (document or requirement) to which permissions are granted.

Permissions - the permissions granted to the group for the type (e.g., Read, Update, Create etc).

PermissionID - the key for identification of the permission.

IsModified - true if the permission has been modified.

Rose Domain

DefectId:            RMBU00010291

Headline:            Class diagrams with unloaded packages are not retrieved

Resolution:            SoDA can now retrieve class diagrams with unloaded packages from Rose Class diagrams.



DefectId:            RMBU00011703

Headline:            Rose Domain Returns a Use Case Diagram for the Main Diagram of a Use Case Package

Resolution:            Package::MainDiagram is now always considered a ClassDiagram.  This new default behavior can be overridden by setting the 'RoseDomainUseCaseDiagramsAreClassDiagrams=TRUE' under the '[Rational SoDA]' section in soda.ini.



DefectId:            RMBU00011965

Headline:            Open command to a non-existing component diagram crashes Word.

Resolution:            Word no longer crashes when a direct OPEN ComponentDiagram is instantiated against a non-existing component.

Rose Integration

DefectId:            RMBU00015381

Headline:            Cannot use templates that utilize custom properties through the tight integration

Resolution:            Templates that utilize custom properties through tight integration can now be used.

Rose RealTime Domain

DefectId:            RMBU00011564

Headline:            RoseRT: UseCaseDiagram is called ClassDiagram

Resolution:            Added class CUseCaseDiagram and updated relationships.



DefectId:            RMBU00011565

Headline:            No MyUseCases selector in Rose RealTime domain

Resolution:            Added alias MyUseCases to Logical Package.



DefectId:            RMBU00011833

Headline:            Rose RealTime domain needs a direct link from Capsule to Ports

Resolution:            The DOM file was modified to expose the relationship between capsules and ports.



DefectId:            RMBU00012211

Headline:            RoseRT domain-objects are missing from UseCaseDiagram

Resolution:            All RoseRT objects are now properly retrieved for UseCaseDiagrams



DefectId:            RMBU00012424

Headline:            Rose RealTime OPEN Package does not work

Resolution:            RoseRT OPEN Package command now works as documented.



DefectId:            RMBU00012453

Headline:            Rose RealTime: when repeating for capsules on diagram, only the classes are retrieved

Resolution:            All capsules are now retrieved properly.



DefectId:            RMBU00012577

Headline:            Need the Rose RealTime domain to include the RequisitePro Integrated Use Case Data fields

Resolution:            Integrated Use Case Data fields are now available for the RoseRT domain.



Sample Data

DefectId:            RMBU00012582

Headline:            RDSI Error on OPEN with sample ReqPro projects - need to upgrade projects from samples

Resolution:            The database files have been updated.

Template View

DefectId:            RMBU00006406

Headline:            Error deleting an OPEN command from Template View

Resolution:            When an OPEN command is deleted using Template View, the dependent REPEAT and DISPLAY will still display correctly.  User is no longer subjected to a cryptic error message.



DefectId:            RMBU00011504

Headline:            Template View Crashes on Delete Command

Resolution:            Template View will display all commands correctly (with warnings) even if the REPEAT from which they are derived is deleted.



DefectId:            RMBU00011737

Headline:            Template View does not always display all available dynamic domain selectors for Rose and RequisitePro

Resolution:            The adapter has been fixed so that all dynamic domain selectors are properly retrieved and displayed in Template View.



DefectId:            RMBU00012001

Headline:            Moving commands in Template View dialog box can cause it to hang

Resolution:            Commands can now be moved in Template View without causing the dialog box to hang.



DefectId:            RMBU00012892

Headline:            Word fails to redraw and appears to hang when Template View REPEAT is open with Advanced checked

Resolution:            Template View permits Word to redraw when focus changes from Template View to the main document.



DefectId:            RMBU00013027

Headline:            SoDA hangs when open command has invalid path

Resolution:            SoDA no longer hangs with there is an OPEN command with an invalid path.



DefectId:            RMBU00014610

Headline:            Deleting a LIMIT command in Template view exits Word

Resolution:            Word no longer exits when deleting LIMIT commands from Template View.

Word Domain

DefectId:            RMBU00012025

Headline:            Unable to generate web page with Word FormattedText when it contains a clip art

Resolution:            Generate Web Page now supports the Word clip art from Word domain.



DefectId:            RMBU00013968

Headline:            xmlgen.dll failed to register when installed to directory with extended characters

Resolution:            xmlgen.dll now registers properly in directories with non-English characters.

Known Defects and Limitations

Add Command

DefectId:            RMBU00011870

Headline:            Cannot add SoDA commands with Track Changes enabled

Description:            With Track Changes being turn on, a “no element at cursor” error message will pop up when trying to add an OPEN command.

Workaround:            User needs to turn off Track Changes to use the OPEN command.



Adjust Links

Ids:                  RMBU00013483, RMBU00013991

Headline:            Adjust Links does not work properly

Description:            You cannot use "Adjust Links" from the SODA menu to reflect the change of location of source in a generated document.

Workaround: If you move a source to a new location, regenerate the document completely.



ClearCase Domain

DefectId:            RMBU00009006

Headline:            OLE exception when generating a ClearCase template for a specified activity which does not exist

Description:            If the activity that you specify in the Open command does not exist in the VOB, the following error is displayed:

***error: Unable to evaluate OPEN command: unexpected Domain Response: Ole Exception raised in class CActvity Activity not found "checkin"

Workaround:            Only OPEN activities that exist



DefectId:            RMBU00009139

Headline:            OLE Exception in ClearCase domain if  "\" is specified at the end of a directory name

Description:            When specifying a directory in the Open command for an Element and leaving the backslash at the end of the directory name, the following error is displayed:

***error: Unable to evaluate REPEAT command Element.AllCheckedOutFiles: unexpectedDomainResponse: Ole Exception raised in class CElement Pathname not found: "C:\dcleaver_view\DonsTestVOB\Folder1\@@".

 Workaround: Remove the “\” before generating the report.



DefectId:            RMBU00009140

Headline:            Repeat on AllCheckedOutFiles doesn't work with multiple check outs

Description:            The user has two views and each has a checked out version of the same element. When you identify the Element for the Open command, you have to specify one view or the other. During generation SoDA knows there are two versions checked out, so you get two iterations. But SoDA only knows about the details for the version in the view you specified. So you get two iterations of the same version (from that view).

Workaround: None           



DefectId:            RMBU00009281

Headline:            Open command for ClearCase Branch is not intuitive

Description:            The Open command for a ClearCase Branch requires you to specify a path for the branch.  The Browse feature allows you to select a path\filename, but that's all.  The Open command is actually looking for path\filename@@\(branch-name).

Workaround:            After selecting the path\filename, add the @@\(branch-name) to the end of the value returned by the Browse feature.


DefectId:            RMBU00009297

Headline:            ClearCase Open command for Activity requires internal name instead of regular name

Description:            In ClearCase, when you create an Activity you specify a name, for example: "Add in". ClearCase creates an internal name for the Activity. It may look something like "Add_in_26509". Using the regular name returns an error.

Workaround:            In the SoDA Open command for a ClearCase Activity, you are required to enter the internal name ("Add_in_26509").



DefectId:            RMBU00013908

Headline:            In SoDA template view LockDescription should be renamed to "LockedDescription"

Description:            The Element class includes a LockDescription attribute, which should be LockedDescription.

Workaround: Use LockDescription to access LockedDescription           



ClearQuest Domain

DefectId:            RMBU00013891

Headline:            SoDA reports wrong time on CQ Defect.Submit_Date

Description:            The Submit date reported by SoDA does not match exactly the date shown in the ClearQuest client.

Workaround:            None



DefectId:            RMBU00014391

Headline:            CQ attachments are copied but never deleted

Description:            When the FullPath of an Attachment is requested, the attached file is retrieved from ClearQuest and copied to a temporary file on the local machine. FullPath returns the name of this temporary file.

Workaround:            Delete the file when it is no longer required.



DefectId:            RMBU00015488

Headline:            Hang while generating report from Personal Query that contains non-alphanumeric characters

Description:            When generating a report from a ClearQuest Query where the query name includes non-alphanumeric characters, SoDA will hang.

Workaround:            Rename the query do that it does not include non-alphanumeric characters




DefectId:            RMBU00007620

Headline:            The Width and Height fields for graphic DISPLAY commands does not accept international numbering

Description:            When modifying the DISPLAY command for a graphic display, you can specify the Width and Height you want for the graphic.  These are real numbers.  In English and Japanese real numbers use a period as a decimal indicator (this is okay for SoDA).  But German and French use comma as a decimal indicator (this doesn't work).  SoDA needs to know which indicator is used for the current language, display the default values and accept input values using the correct indicator.

Workaround:            Use inches as your default setting.



DefectId:            RMBU00011730

Headline:            Measurement units set to Pica cause SoDA to hang

Description:            If Microsoft Word Measurement Units are set to Picas under the (Tools->Options, General Tab), the generation of template that retrieves graphics, hangs at the 6th bar of progress indicator.

Workaround:            Change units to inches.



File System Domain

DefectId:            RMBU00012813

Headline:            proper error handing if File is a Directory or Directory is a File

Description:            In an OPEN command to a FileSys.File actually points to a directory, or an OPEN to a FileSys.Directory actually points to a file, you may see the following error: "RDSI other error in Get Dynamic Schema(Error:)".

Workaround:            Make sure that OPEN commands point to the proper type.




DefectId:            RMBU00006554

Headline:            Templates keep scrolling in Word

Description:            The SoDA template that is open in Word always scrolls to a different position when using Generate Document, Generate Report, start Template View, Add Command, or Modify Command.

Workaround:            The template is still usable; just ignore the scrolling.



DefectId:            RMBU00006628

Headline:            Empty REPEAT command adds a blank line to generated report

Description:            If a REPEAT command in a template returns no results, a blank line (or carriage return) is added to the generated report anyway.  Blank lines should not be added to the generated report unless the template contains them.

Workaround:            Remove the unwanted blank lines after generating the report.



DefectId:            RMBU00009677

Headline:            Generation hangs with parentheses ( ) in the template file name

Description:            If the path or file name of a template contains parentheses, SoDA hangs during generation without any error messages.

Workaround:            To work around this problem, rename the template, removing the parentheses, and generate.



DefectId:            RMBU00009717

Headline:            Soda hangs on List of Figures field code

Description:            If a SoDA template contains a "List of Figures" or "List of Tables" field code (such as TOC \c "Figure"), and if the template version of this field code contains entries that do not appear in the generated report, then SoDA hangs when the Generate Report command is run.

Workaround:            There are two potential workarounds: remove the field code entirely or delete all but one normal character from the "data" displayed by the field code in the template.



DefectId:            RMBU00012944

Headline:            Cannot set scale to fit larger than 11.149 x 8.979

Description:            When setting up page sizes, and selecting custom and using 17x11 (landscape), when trying to "size" graphics using scale to fit, SoDA limits you to 11.149 x 8.978. When a larger size than this is put into the display dialog box, upon generation, the error "The graphics size is either too small or too large"

Workaround: Scale large diagrams after generation.



DefectId:            RMBU00015704

Headline:            Like operator may function differently in different filters.

Description:            The attached template generates a report which demonstrates how LIKE will match as 'begins with' in the first REPEAT and will match as 'contains' in the second REPEAT that use filters.

The reason is that the first LIKE is evaluated by RDSI and then second one by SoDA internally.

Workaround: None



Generate Document only

DefectId:            RMBU00014234

Headline:            Generate Document hangs on regeneration

Description:            With some very complex templates, Generate Document hangs on regeneration.

Workaround:            If Generate Document hangs, use Generate Report.



DefectId:            RMBU00015513

Headline:            error on regeneration with SaveGraphics checked

Description:            If you set SaveGraphics in the Options dialog, and use Generate Document twice, you may see the following error:

Error evaluating graphic DISPLAY F:UseCaseDiagram:Rose:CUseCaseDiagram::Diagram:GAA::unexpectedDomainResponse: Graphic format undefined not supported <file pathname>.

 Workaround: Uncheck SaveGraphics before regeneration.



Generate Web Page

DefectId:            RMBU00011420

Headline:            Generate Web Page fails when OPEN arguments contain Asian characters

Description:            If an OPEN command contains Asian characters, Generate Web Page will fail.

Workaround:            Either move the source so that the OPEN command does not contain Asian characters, or use Generate Report followed by Save as Web Page.



DefectId:            RMBU00012051

Headline:            Gen Web page - Table of contents displays SoDA placeholders instead of actual value

Description:            When SoDA place holders (i.e. <Package.Name>) are used as headlines and using table of contents in Word, gen rep and gen doc works properly but generate web page fails to substitute the actual values in the TOC.

Workaround:            Use Generate Report followed by Save as Web Page.



DefectId:            RMBU00014487

Headline:            "Identify Model, a Rose Model" appears without a BROWSE button when using Generate Web Page.

Description:            The "Identify Model, a Rose Model" dialog box appears without a Browse option when Web Page generation is chosen before the Open file path is defined.

Workaround:            Users will need to manually enter pathnames rather than browsing to them.



Help on SoDA

DefectId:            RMBU00014526

Headline:            Help URL access to Technical Support website is invalid

Description:            The SoDA help URL access to the Technical Support website is invalid.

 Workaround: The proper link is http://www.rational.com/support/index.jsp .



DefectId:            RMBU00012632

Headline:            SoDA should be uninstalled before a new installation

Description:            SoDA leaves some files in the SoDA35 and SoDA36 directories.

Workaround:            These files can be manually deleted.



DefectId:            RMBU00013050

Headline:            Newly created Windows 98 users must reboot before SoDA is available

Description:            If SoDA is installed on a Windows 98 machine using a new user, and the machine has both Word97 and Word 2000 installed in different directories, SoDA will not be immediately available from Word 2000.

 Workaround: Rebooting the machine will correct the problem.



DefectId:            RMBU00014617

Headline:            SoDA does not launch after minimal install on Windows 98.

Description:            SoDA is not installed properly using minimal install.

Workaround:            Use Typical or Custom installs.



Microsoft Project Domain

DefectId:            RMBU00013247

Headline:            SoDA does not accept MS Project name with apostrophe in file name

Description:            When choosing a MS Project file named with an apostrophe, such as "Nobody's schedule", SoDA returns error and unable to open the file.

Workaround:            Change the filename by removing the apostrophe.



DefectId:            RMBU00013248

Headline:            MS Project Task.Notes does not display all types of notes

Description:            When a Task Notes field contain graphic or text not entered directly into the MS Project Task Notes field, SoDA is unable to display the contents.

Workaround: None.           



DefectId:            RMBU00013452

Headline:            OPEN command for MSProject Assignment requires an internal ID

Description:            An OPEN command to the MSProject Assignment domain class requires three arguments:
- Path
- Name
- ResourceUniqueID
Users do not know the ResourceUniqueID.

 Workaround:            OPEN the Project, and use REPEAT to find the Assignments.



DefectId:            RMBU00013539

Headline:            RDSI error when trying to generate the soda document after making changes to the MS Project source file

Description:            If you generate a document, make a change to the project file, and regenerate the document, you may see the following error:


***error Unable to evaluate REPEAT command MSProject_Project.Tasks: internal Error: Unknown RDSI Error In Get Nary Relationships

Workaround:            Close Word and reopen before regenerating the document.



DefectId:            RMBU00014135

Headline:            MSProject generation fails when Task dialog (in MSProj) or Project's File-Properties is open

Description:            When attempting to generate a SoDA report with MS Project 2000 Project Task open (double click a task such as Project Setup), SoDA returns the following error message to the user:

***error Unable to evaluate REPEAT command MSProject_Project.Tasks: internal Error: RDSI Server Error In Get Nary Relationships

An unspecified error has occurred.

Workaround:            If you see this error message, close all dialogs in MS Project.




DefectId:            RMBU00011745

Headline:            Cannot create an instance of class:  cModel, after changing model path

Description:            After changing the OPEN command to point to a new source (e.g., change model, change project, etc.) and trying to do a generation, it fails with the error:  cannot create an instance of class:  cModel

Workaround:            If you get this error message, close Word and reopen the template.



DefectId:            RMBU00012213

Headline:            Calculated OPEN calculated twice

Description:            Calculated OPEN commands are evaluated twice during report generation.  In rare circumstances (usually with domain extensions) the first execution of the command will change a value for the second execution.

Workaround:            None



DefectId:            RMBU00013114

Headline:            ReqPro domain: cannot have periods or commas in the name of a project

Description:            When setting up a project ... if a comma and periods are used in the name of that project, SoDA crashes on the OPEN statement with the following error:  ERRORS ENCOUNTERED GENERATING IN: <INVALID INPUT PATHNAME>\Document3

Unable to evaluate OPEN command: internal Error: RDSI Other Error In Load

<O:\REQMTS\Requisite Pro Projects\InTouch\Soda Reports\test.doc>\

Workaround:            Remove special characters from the project name.



DefectId:            RMBU00014184

Headline:            Templates with multiple OPEN commands must have the OPEN commands at the top of the document.

Description:            If an OPEN command is in the middle of a document, the dynamic metadata will not be retrieved.

Workaround: In order to let dynamic domain execute correctly,  put all the OPEN commands on the top of the document.           




DefectId:            RMBU00006976

Headline:            Word takes a long time to close down after using SoDA

Description:            Closing Microsoft Word after generating a SoDA report/document against a large data source, such as a ClearQuest defect database, can take a long time (possibly several minutes). The hard disk activity seems to be heavy during this time.

Workaround:            None



DefectId:            RMBU00013214

Headline:            Cannot extract a field for the title

Description:            When the title field is used, the resulting SoDA generated report reflects the title of the SoDA template _not_ the title of the source document.  This is shown through the attached template and document.  What should be seen is:  Title - To create a document.  What is seen is: SoDA Template    Which is the Properties Summary Title

Workaround:            None



DefectId:            RMBU00013280

Headline:            When Outlook is "autostarted" SoDA hangs at Generate Report in the progress Indicator

Description:            SoDA 2000 sometimes hangs when Outlook is active. 

Workaround:            Close Outlook.



DefectId:            RMBU00013621

Headline:            Screen shot is not visible in retrieved External Doc

Description:            Customer put a screen shot (Alt/Print Screen) in a Word file, along with some text.  Attached it to a class and used a calculate OPEN to retrieve it as an External Doc.  The text was displayed, but not the screen shot.

Workaround:            None




DefectId:            RMBU00015422

Headline:            Word 97 generation slower than Word 2000

Description:            For complex templates (4 or more levels of nesting) report generation will be much slower using Word 97 than the same generation using Word 2000.

Workaround:            If possible, upgrade to Word 2000



RequisitePro Domain

DefectId:            RMBU00006496

Headline:            OPEN command error message is cryptic when it cannot locate a project

Description:            When SoDA is not able to locate a model or project, it returns the following error message that is somewhat cryptic: “(1) -2147220351 : RqGeneralServices.modINIFile.g_RetrieveINIFile - Error reading INI file.

Invalid file path specified.

Cannot locate valid RQS filename in G:\My Documents\Views.rqs”

Workaround:            When you see a message like this one, make sure the .rqs file exists.



DefectId:            RMBU00012265

Headline:            Unable to retrieve dynamic metadata from two projects in one template

Description:            SoDA will only retrieve dynamic metadata from the first project OPENed by a template.

Workaround:            Use only static metadata if you need to create a template that  OPENs two projects.



DefectId:            RMBU00012737

Headline:            When trying to use a RequisitePro template in the CC environment, a RDSI error occurs

Description:            When trying to use a RequisitePro template that has been checked out from ClearCase, but is still within the ClearCase environment, an error occurs.  The error is: ***error: Unable to evaluate REPEAT command Project.Requirements: internal Error: RDSI Other Error In Get Nary Relationships.

Workaround:            Check out the template, move it locally and then run the template.



DefectDefectId:            RMBU00013669

Headline:            Dynamic domains fail when OPEN is not at top of template

Description:            Report not generating correctly when more than one OPEN command is in the template AND the OPEN commands are not contiguous

Workaround:            When multiple OPEN commands are used in a SoDA template, they must all be placed consecutively at the beginning of the template (with nothing in between the commands).  Otherwise, errors are generated.



DefectId:            RMBU00014820

Headline:            ReqPro Users- Name and Full Name returns the same value

Description:            When a document is generated with SoDA on users, Name and FullName returns the same values.

Workaround:            Use either attribute



RequisitePro Tight Integration

DefectId:            RMBU00010664

Headline:            RequisitePro tight integration fails when RequisitePro's Word is running

Description:            Two scenarios fail:
Start RequisitePro, Open a reqpro document from reqpro, Select Generate Soda Report
b) Select Generate Soda Report, Choose a template and run it, Select Generate Soda Report again

In either case a message window pops up with the message:    report        Run-Time error '70'        Permission denied

Workaround: Launch Word directly and then select Generate Soda Report.             



DefectId:            RMBU00013278

Headline:            Error message is misleading for RequisitePro tight integration

Description:            The following error message occurs when Word is already open and the user selects Project > SoDA Report:

Error in launching Report Wizard

Workaround:            If you see this error message, close Word and launch from the Start menu


Rose Domain

DefectId:            RMBU00006472

Headline:            Rose browser window disappears

Description:            If you open Rational Rose AFTER a SoDA generation, either directly or with Visit Source, the Rose application may lose its browser window.

Workaround:            If you are planning to use Visit Source during your session, open Rose before generating. If you have generated a SoDA document and decide to open Rose afterwards, use the Task manager to find and delete for any zombie Rose processes, then open Rose and use View->Browser to reset the Browser.



DefectId:            RMBU00007641

Headline:            documentation fields are not displayed correctly when a table follows

Description:            If there is a table following a DISPLAY for a Documentation field, a carriage return is needed to separate them.  Otherwise, the text of the Documentation messes up the table.

Workaround:            Add the necessary carriage return.



DefectId:            RMBU00008837

Headline:            No selector for Interaction Diagram associated with Operations

Description:            If you open an Operation Specification in Rose, click the Semantics tab. At the bottom of the window, there is a box to associate an Interaction Diagram with the Operation. Retrieving this information is not available.

Workaround:            None


DefectId:            RMBU00012293

Headline:            AllClassDiagrams and AllUseCaseDiagrams failed to retrieve all (sub-level) diagrams for Rose model.

Description:            These relationships return diagrams in child use cases, but do not retrieve diagrams in child packages.

Workaround:            Use additional REPEAT commands to retrieve the additional diagrams.



DefectId:            RMBU00012799

Headline:            Cannot extract the Swim Lane Name(s) through the Activity

Description:            In Rose, on the Activity Specification for an Activity, there is a tab for Swimlanes.  All other tabs have corresponding repeats or displays (such as Actions, Transitions) except Swimlanes.  SoDA cannot retrieve this information.

Workaround: None           



DefectId:            RMBU00014464

Headline:            Package->FirstStateActivityModel->States functions like AllStates

Description:            The States relationship from an activity model will return child states as well as sibling states.

 Workaround: One possible workaround is to use a subpackage instead of an activity.



DefectId:            RMBU00014499

Headline:            Very long arguments distort diagrams

Description:            Classes that have attributes with arguments that are very long cause the ClassDiagram to be squashed down to a very small size.  The arguments don't have to be displayed on the diagram and are usually not, but if they exist, the diagram is squashed. 

Workaround:            You can remove the argument and do Format->Autosize All in Rose, and the diagram will look fine.



DefectId:            RMBU00014659

Headline:            Modification in model causes problems generating documents

Description:            In SoDA, generation of a Rose template fails if the Rose model was modified concurrently through Rose.

Reproduction steps:
1. Start SoDA
2. Generate a Rose template containing at least one SoDA DISPLAY or REPEAT command.
3. Open Rose and make a modification to the same Rose model referenced in the above template.
4. Save the change to the Rose model and  exit Rose.
5. Generate the template in SoDA again.
6. SoDA fails with the error "RDSI other error: the object has been deleted".

Workaround:            Restart SoDA.



DefectId:            RMBU00014870

Headline:            unable to retrieve "connection" info from deployment diagram

Description:            You cannot retrieve the name and documentation for "connections" on a deployment diagram.

Workaround:            None



DefectId:            RMBU00014989

Headline:            graphic does not display over watermark

Description:            SoDA does not allow an image to be over top of the watermark (at least not full on top of the watermark) and it also creates an "empty band" in the middle of the page and you can't put any text or pictures in that area.

Workaround:            None



DefectId:            RMBU00015044

Headline:            includes and extends relationships have changed from associations to dependencies

Description:            In UML version 1.3, the includes and extends relationships have changed from associations to dependencies.  So, if you create use case diagrams with the correct dependency relationship, nothing is shown in the report generated by Soda

Workaround:            Continue to show includes and extends as associations.



DefectId:            RMBU00015428

Headline:            unable to display object flows in State Activity Diagram

Description:            Object flows are unavailable in the Rose domain.

Workaround:            None



Rose RealTime Domain

DefectId:            RMBU00012327

Headline:            If running, RoseRT will attempt to open Rose model specified by SoDA OPEN Rose command

Description:            If Rose RealTime is running and you use the Template View to OPEN a Rose model, the Template View appears to hang at this point with an hourglass cursor.  Switch to the running Rose RealTime app and you'll see one of the following messages:  "C:\Program Files\Rational\SoDAWord\samples\greenhse.mdl is saved in an unsupported version of the Rose file format.  Rose RealTime can read files created by Rose 4.0 and later.  Continue anyway?"

 Workaround: Close Rose RealTime before creating or modifying Rose templates.



DefectId:            RMBU00009484

Headline:            Rose RealTime processes can become orphaned

Description:            Rose RealTime processes can become orphaned, especially if Word crashes while using SoDA.  At that point, if you open a Rose RealTime model file, it will open with read-only permissions because Rose RealTime thinks it is already open. This can also cause SoDA generations to retrieve incorrect information and can generate unusual errors.

Workaround:            Before starting Rose RealTime, always use the Task Manager to find and delete if there are any zombie "RoseRT" processes



DefectId:            RMBU00012256

Headline:            Rose RealTime-unable to DISPLAY only attributes listed in Compartment items

Description:            You cannot retrieve only the attributes that can be selected from the Compartment View.

Workaround:            None



DefectId:            RMBU00012328

Headline:            OPEN Rose opens RoseRT instead if last launched Rose is RoseRT

Description:            If the last launch "flavor" of Rose is Rose RealTime, SoDA's OPEN Rose model command will attempt to open the model in RoseRT, causing unpredictable behavior.

 Workaround: Be sure you have launch Rose before modifying Rose templates.



DefectId:            RMBU00012361

Headline:            RATL00033452: RoseRT: deployment diagram is reduced in size

Description:            Retrieving the deployment diagram from Rose RealTime.  It does not print in the size you would expect.  It is reduced to a small size. 

Workaround:            None



DefectId:            RMBU00012524

Headline:            RoseRT tight integration only works when Emulate REI is enabled

Description:            In Rose RealTime, from the menu, Tools->Options..., General tab.  At startup section, Emulate REI must be checked for SoDA tight integration to work.  With it unchecked, the Generate SoDA Report menu item will not appear under the Report menu.

Workaround:            Make sure that Emulate REI is checked.



Rose Tight Integration

DefectId:            RMBU00013028

Headline:            Rose tight integration fails on a machine running the RequisiteWeb server

Description:            On the machine that is acting as the web server for RequisiteWeb, Rose tight integration menu selection is there (Rose->Report->SoDA Report) but does nothing.

Workaround:            Launch SoDA from the Start menu.


Sample Data

DefectId:            RMBU00014450

Headline:            Some files are missing for some of sample ReqPro projects

Description:            Some files are missing for requisite.rqs and qbs.rqs projects(projects which are available in the SoDAWord sample directory).  It errors out if you try to open one of the documents.

 Workaround: Use one of the other projects (in the Requisite directory) for samples if you need document information.



TeamTest Domain

DefectId:            RMBU00013187

Headline:            Password with meta characters is not recognized in TeamTest domain

Description:            You can login to Test Manager with password containing meta characters, but using SoDA, the password is invalid.

Workaround:            Change your password to exclude meta characters.



DefectId:            RMBU00014706

Headline:            Unable to retrieve steps of manual script in TeamTest

Description:            You cannot retrieve the steps from manually created scripts. 

Workaround:            None



DefectId:            RMBU00015472

Headline:            K2 TeamTest templates do not work well in ML

Description:            When a K2 TeamTest template is loaded into ML, the arguments can be confusing.

Workaround:            Delete and re-create the OPEN command.



DefectId:            RMBU00014463

Headline:            The RevisionsinDocument.doc does not work with Word 97

Description:            The RevisionsinDocument template shipped with SoDA does not function in Word 97.

Workaround:            If possible, upgrade to Word 2000.



Template View

DefectId:            RMBU00006559

Headline:            No busy cursor when loading dynamic metadata

Description:            When loading dynamic metadata (especially ClearQuest), there is no busy cursor.  This is especially apparent when working over a network where there is a significant time lag. This may cause you to think that SoDA doesn't work because nothing has happened and you don't see any indication that SoDA is still loading the dynamic metadata.

Workaround:            Wait patiently until the dynamic metadata is retrieved


DefectId:            RMBU00012045

Headline:            Error when adding OPEN through Template View with Word minimized

Description:            When the Word template is minimized, trying to add OPEN and REPEAT through its Template View causes error.  This doesn't happen on all OPEN/REPEAT commands, just some.

Workaround:            Make sure the template is not minimized.



Visit Source

DefectId:            RMBU00006601

Headline:            Cannot close Rose when launched by Visit Source with Word 2000

Description:            With Word 2000, if you launch Rose by selecting SoDA > Visit Source and you try to close Rose before you close Word, Rose does not close.  This is inconsistent with the behavior in Word 97, which allows you to close Rose and then re-launch it from SoDA at will.

Workaround:            Close both Word and Rose.


DefectId:            RMBU00006622

Headline:            SoDA Template scrolls during Visit Source in Word 2000

Description:            When Visit Source is selected in a generated report or document that was generated with Word 2000, the template scrolls down.

Workaround:            Wait patiently until the scrolling is done.


Word Domain

DefectId:            RMBU00010364

Headline:            Must close file before regeneration using Word domain

Description:            When using the Word domain to access a text file or a document file with an extension other than .doc, the file is left open after generation. You cannot do another generation unless you close the file first; otherwise the following error is displayed:  ***error: Unable to evaluate OPEN command: unexpectedDomainResponse: Failure copying RequisitePro file: E:\MyTesting\355579\test\samplecode.txt.  Cannot create an instance of class - WordFile

Workaround:            Close the file before regenerating.



DefectId:            RMBU00011644

Headline:            Word domain changes tabs when using Generate Web Page

Description:            The implementation of FormattedText in the word domain changes tabs (possibly into spaces) when Generate Web Page is used.

 Workaround: None, other than avoid using tabs.



DefectId:            RMBU00012030

Headline:            Word Header and Footer are not returned by FormattedText or Text

Description:            Document.FormattedText will paste the complete contents of the Word Document as formatted text, but does not paste the footer and header.

Workaround:            Change the footer and header manually after generation.



DefectId:            RMBU00012289

Headline:            Cannot intersperse paragraphs from two Word docs into a SoDA doc

Description:            SoDA can only have one Word document open at a time in the Word domain, so you cannot use the contents of one document to specify what to retrieve from another document.

Workaround:            None



DefectId:            RMBU00012753

Headline:            Cannot extract a MS Equation that is in a Word doc

Description:            If an equation is created through MS equation editor and then saved as a requirement, when you try to extract that requirement through the RequisitePro document, nothing is displayed.

Workaround:            None



DefectId:            RMBU00014696

Headline:            Error from Word domain when retrieving UCS docs with Word 2000

Description:            Templates that retrieved formatted text from UCS documents as external files in Rose may no longer work with Word 2000.

Workaround:            Save the RequisitePro document in Word format.



Contacting Rational Technical Support

At Rational Software Corporation, we welcome your comments on our products and services. If you have product suggestions or recommendations, please contact our Technical Support staff or your Rational Account Manager.

Rational Software Corporation offers telephone, fax, and e-mail support to customers with an active maintenance contract. If your maintenance contract has expired, please contact your Rational Account Manager. Potential customers using evaluation copies of SoDA for Word should contact their Rational Account Manager instead of Technical Support for assistance.

Before calling for assistance, please consult this online help file or the SoDA for Word User's Guide. For late-breaking updates, see the Release Notes.  Technical notes for SoDA for Word are available on the Rational Software Web site at: http://www.rational.com/products/soda/support/index.jtmpl

If you still cannot find the information you need, contact Rational Customer Support:

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Required Information for Technical Support

When contacting Rational for support, please provide the following information:

·        Your SoDA for Word serial number and version number

·        The version number of Microsoft Word and related service packs

·        The version number of all related Rational domains: Rational Rose, RequisitePro, etc.

·        Your operating system and its version number, and related service packs

·        A description of your computer hardware:

·        The processor (CPU) speed

·        Amount of memory (RAM) installed

·        Amount of free space available on your hard drive

·        A description of the problem, the steps that led to the problem, any error messages displayed, and the soda.log file from the Logs directory

Problems with Templates in Dynamic Domains

If you need help with a customized SoDA template that references specific objects within a Rose model or RequisitePro project, please provide a copy of the template and the model or project (or at least a sample subset of the model or project that includes the referenced objects).  These are very useful in debugging problems.

Rational SoDA for Word Online Help ©1998-2000, Rational Software Corporation