Rational Testing Products Service Release 2001A. Release Notes

July 2001

Copyright Information

Copyright © 2001 Rational Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


These release notes describe the software defects that have been fixed in Service Release 1 for the Rational testing products as contained in the archive teststudio2001A.  These fixes are primarily for Rational TestManager (including the Test Log Viewer) and Rational Robot.  Install this service release if you are using the Rational TestStudio, TeamTest, or Robot products or are using TestManager and Robot in other Rational Suites. The archive teststudio2001A. contains updates for Windows 9.x, NT, 2000, and ME.  For updates of TestManager without Robot, use the archive testmanager2001A. For updates of UNIX Test Agents, use the archive unixtestagents_2001A.



Table of Contents

Scope. 1

Hardware/Software Information. 1

Supported Platforms. 1

Hardware Requirements. 1

Software Requirements. 2

Getting Started. 2

Installation Information. 2

Installation. 3

Product Documentation. 3

Defects and Changes. 4

Defects fixed in this release. 4

Files changed by this release. 5.

Additional Information. 5

Contacting Rational Technical Support 6


Hardware/Software Information

Supported Platforms

There are no changes to the supported platforms in this release.  For information on supported platforms, see the Rational Suite Release Notes, Version 2001A.04.00.

Hardware Requirements

There are no changes to the hardware requirements in this release.  For information on hardware requirements, see the Rational Suite Release Notes, Version 2001A.04.00.

Software Requirements

There are no changes to the software requirements in this release.  For information on software requirements, see the Rational Suite Release Notes, Version 2001A.04.00.

Getting Started

Installation Information

Before you install this service release, follow these steps:

1.      Stop all Rational products.

2.      When you are installing TestStudio, you must stop the ProxyServer Service (rtpxsr.exe) if it is running on your computer. Do the following:

·        For NT servers:

a)     Select Start->Settings->Control Panel->Services.

b)     Select ProxyServerService.

c)     Click Stop.

·        For Windows 2000:

a)     Select Start->Settings->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Computer Management.

b)     Click Services and Applications.

c)     Click Services.

d)     Select ProxyServerService.

e)     From the Action menu, click Stop.

3.      To stop the Agent process for NT and Windows 2000 test agents

a)     Open Task Manager.

b)     Select the Task Manager Processes tab.

c)     End the agent process called rtprvd.exe.

4.      If you are going to be doing DCOM recording, you should unregister your existing version of rtxcomspy.dll:

a)     Select Start->Run and then type cmd. A command prompt appears.

b)     Change (cd) to the folder that contains your existing Rational Test installation (%RATL_RTHOME%).

c)     Type the command:  regsvr32 -u rtxcomspy.dll

5.      If you have previously done DCOM recording, your registry will contain two keys related to DCOM recording, Exclude CLSID Set and PreCache Typelib Set.  These keys must be replaced.  If these keys are not present in your registry, skip this step.  If the keys do exist, use regedit to rename them

a)     Select Start->Run and then type regedit. The Registry Editor will appear.

b)     In the Registry Editor, navigate to the selection:

        HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Rational Software\Rational Test\8\Robot\VU Recording\API Recording

c)     Rename the “Exclude CLSID Set” entry to “RTM Exclude CLSID Set” by right clicking on the “Exclude CLSID Set” entry.

d)    Rename the “PreCache Typelib Set” entry to “RTM PreCache Typelib Set” by right clicking on the “PreCache Typelib Set” entry.

The keys will be automatically re-generated with updated values the next time you record.


To install this service release, follow these steps:

1.      If you have downloaded the service release consolidated patch zip file, rs_2001a.04.01_consolidated_patch.zip, you’ll need to first extract teststudio2001A. from it.  If you already have the teststudio2001A. file, skip Steps 2 through 4 below and go to Step 5.

2.      Go to the folder in which you downloaded the service release consolidated patch zip file.

3.      Open the consolidated patch zip file and select teststudio2001A. Extract teststudio2001A. by clicking on Extract and specifying a new folder, such a C:\Temp\TestStudio.  This extracts teststudio2001A. to the folder rs_2001a.04.01_consolidated_patch contained in the new folder you specified.

4.      Go into the rs_2001a.04.01_consolidated_patch folder in the folder that you specified in Step 3, for example, C:\Temp\TestStudio\rs_2001a.04.01_consolidated_patch.

5.      Extract the files from teststudio2001A. into a new folder named SR1.

6.      When the extraction is complete, select Start->Run and then type cmd. A command prompt appears.

7.      Change (cd) to the SR1 folder that contains the extracted files.

8.      Install the service release.

·        To install the service release for a local (non-agent) computer, change (cd) to the Windows folder and type the following command:


   xcopy /e /s *.* “C:\Program Files\Rational”


This command copies all service release files into their corresponding Rational folders. If you originally installed in a folder other than C:\Program Files\Rational, use that folder name in the xcopy command.

·        To install on a Windows Test Agent computer, copy the contents of the Windows_Agent directory to the Rational installation directory.  Change (cd) to the Windows_Agent folder and type the following command:


   xcopy /e /s *.* “C:\Program Files\Rational”


This will copy all service release files into their corresponding Rational folders. If you originally installed in a folder other than C:\Program Files\Rational, use that folder name in the xcopy command,

9.      If you are going to be doing DCOM recording, you must register the updated version of rtxcomspy.dll:

a)     Select Start->Run and then type cmd. A command prompt appears.

b)     Change (cd) to the folder that contains your existing Rational Test installation (%RATL_RTHOME%).

c)     Type the command:  regsvr32 rtxcomspy.dll


Note: On Windows NT and Windows 2000 hosts, both the ProxyServer Service and agent process are configured by default to start at boot time. If you do not reboot after installing the service release, restart the ProxyServer Service on local hosts and the agent process on agent hosts.  

Product Documentation

There are no documentation changes in this release.

Defects and Changes

Defects fixed in this release







Robot Session Recording

Traditional Chinese character input was not datapooled correctly in VU script




Erratic behavior during GUI playback with Netscape scripts recorded under IE



Robot Session Recording

Application crash when trying to record DCOM




HTTP VU playback hangs, especially on AIX agents



Robot Session Recording

Not getting all expected objects during DCOM recording



Robot Session Recording

No scriptable protocol from DCOM recording



Robot Session Recording

DCOM Script generation failure if BSTR longer than 1020 characters




VB Scenario Test Not creating/compiling RES file




Not able to generate reports for playback involving more than one user on AIX agent



Robot Session Recording

VU script from Oracle API session generated incorrectly



Robot Session Recording

VU script from Oracle API session didn’t correctly specify array parameter variables




When a test case run causes TestManager to launch ManualTest, it requires the user to login AGAIN to the project if that user has a password



Robot Session Recording

VU script from Oracle API session incorrectly specified parameters on sqlexec



Robot Session Recording

DCOM script generation changes to break BSTR’s longer than 1020 characters into pieces



Robot Session Recording

Not able to generate script from DCOM session




COM/EJB Scenario Template can’t be found if user logs in as any person other than the original installer of RQA



Robot Session Recording

Quotation marks needed around char datatype values in Oracle VU scripts.




Reports will inappropriately filter out responses with negative response times




Enhancement to allow SoDA listing of scripts in a suite




Opening a Suite implementation from the Test Case property sheet causes TestManager to crash




Tests generated under Japanese NT OS will not compile




Report generation failure on runs involving multiple agents




TestManager crashes when adding test cases to a suite


Files changed by this release

Rational Test/QualityArchitect/rtscenariotestgenerator.dll

Rational Test/bin/rtaagt.exe

Rational Test/bin/rtpsrv.exe

Rational Test/rtprvd.exe

Rational Test/rtprvu.exe

Rational Test/rtasrv.exe

Rational Test/rtssrv.exe

Rational Test/rtvsrv.exe

Rational Test/RTManualTest.exe

Rational Test/RTmanager.exe

Rational Test/pthreadVSE.dll

Rational Test/rtarpt.exe

Rational Test/rtcomtestserver.dll

Rational Test/rtlogio.dll

Rational Test/rtsgen.exe

Rational Test/rtsgenw32.dll

Rational Test/rttestserver.dll

Rational Test/rtxcomspy.dll

Rational Test/rtxmj.dll

Rational Test/rtxnv.dll

Rational Test/rtxsys.dll

Rational Test/rtxvspy.dll

Rational Test/shlib/web/libhttp.dll

Rational Test/wwwapp.dll

Rational Test/wwwcache.dll

Rational Test/wwwcore.dll

Rational Test/wwwdir.dll

Rational Test/wwwdll.dll

Rational Test/wwwfile.dll

Rational Test/wwwhtml.dll

Rational Test/wwwhttp.dll

Rational Test/wwwmime.dll

Rational Test/wwwstream.dll

Rational Test/wwwthread.dll

Rational Test/wwwtrans.dll

Rational Test/wwwutils.dll


Additional Information

Note for Java Enabler users:  This service release does not include any updates to the Java Enabler. You can download the latest version of the Java Enabler by using the Web Update selection when running the Java Enabler.  For example, run Start->Rational Suite TestStudio->Rational Test->Java Enabler.

Note for Windows Test Agent Service users:  If you are running the Test Agent as a service (rtpsvc.exe), you may notice a warning message about a version mismatch after installing this service release.  You can safely ignore this message.

Contacting Rational Technical Support

If you have questions about installing, using, or maintaining this product, contact Rational Technical Support as follows:

Your Location




North America

(800) 433-5444
(toll free) (408) 863-4000
Cupertino, CA

(781) 676-2460
Lexington, MA


Europe, Middle East, Africa

+31 (0) 20-4546-200

+31 (0) 20-4545-201


Asia Pacific




Note: When you contact Rational Technical Support, please be prepared to supply the following information:

·        Your name, telephone number, and company name

·        Your computer's make and model

·        Your operating system and version number

·        Product release number and serial number

·        Your case ID number (if you are following up on a previously-reported problem)