ClearCase Symbolic Links and UNIX/NT Interoperation


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Table of Contents

ClearCase Symbolic Links and UNIX/NT Interoperation

UNIX/NT Symbolic link interoperation issues

Problematic VOB tag naming conventions

UNIX VOB tag directory level issues

Directory level examples

UNIX VOB tag terminal directory does not match NT VOB tag

VOB tag examples

Solutions to VOB tag naming convention problems

Mechanism to allow for backwards compatibility of old UNIX VOB tags

Example of mechanism to allow use of old VOB tags

Symbolic links valid on one platform may be invalid on the other platform type

Solutions to allow symbolic links to work on both platforms

Finding the symbolic links to fix

cleartool find command

Finding symbolic links with a set of config specs

Finding symbolic links in every directory version

Issue related to correcting symbolic links

Managing the checked out directories

Managing the checked out directories

Managing the checked out directories

Exercise care when changing both VOB tags and symbolic links


MultiSite issues

Author: Neil Hunt