Release Management with ClearDDTs


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Table of Contents

Release Management with ClearDDTs

Outline (the Menu)

Presentation Objective (the Appetizer)

Defining the CM Tools (the ingredients)

Defining the CM Tools (the ingredients)

Situation Setup: Project Grapefruit

Situation Setup: Project Watermelon

Situation Setup: The Surrounding CM-Tools & Processes (the garden salad)

Release Management and Project Grapefruit-When Tools & People Work (the main course)

Project Grapefruit Continued

Examples of Project Grapefruit (not too sour)

Release Management and Project Watermelon-ClearDDTs on its own (a single serving)

Project Watermelon Continued

Examples in Project Watermelon (with seeds)

The Dichotomy of Release Management (or ClearDDTs Fruit Salad)

The Dichotomy Continued

The Dichotomy Continued

More Fruit Salad (is anyone hungry yet?)

Even more Release Management (a small fruit cocktail)

Conclusions and Wrap-Up (time for coffee)

Recipe for ClearDDTs Fruit Salad (for those who have to know)

Author: Neil Hunt