Options for saving data





Specifies the prefix name for report filenames.

By default, Quantify forms filenames by expanding any conversion characters in the value of the -filename-prefix option and appending an extension. Quantify saves data to these files:


Data saved


The binary dataset file


The export data file


The program summary file


The current Function List


The current Function Detail data


The Call Graph, in PostScript form


The annotated source file


The X resource file for customizing Quantify

The value of %n is incremented each time the dataset is saved.




Specifies the name of the file used to write the export data file for a dataset. By default, the value none specifies that no export file is written. If you specify no value using –write-export-file, Quantify creates the export filename based on the value of the –file-prefix option. Quantify appends the .qx extension to the option value. For more information, read Exporting performance data.




Specifies the name of the file used to write the program summary for a dataset. By default, Quantify writes the program summary to the current output. If you specify the value none, Quantify does not write a program summary. If you specify -write-summary-file without a value, Quantify creates the summary filename based on the value of the –file-prefix option. Quantify appends the .qs extension to the option value. For more information, read Exporting performance data.