Release Notes
Rational SoDA for Word

Version: 2002.05.00

Copyright (c) 2001, Rational Software Corporation.

All Rights Reserved.


This document contains the following sections:

General Technical Notes

Known Defects

Contacting Rational Technical Support

General Technical Notes

This section contains general technical notes for using Rational SoDA for Word.

Change Request  ID:



To access SoDA Help from Microsoft Word, click SoDA > Help on SoDA.

Known Defects in this Release

This release of Rational SoDA for Word has unresolved defects. This section lists these known defects, and, if available, the workarounds for them.

If you experience problems with SoDA for Word, consult the following list before you call technical support.  If you encounter a problem that is not listed, contact Rational Technical Support for assistance.

Change Request  ID:



If you open the ReqtsTraces.doc in Word and click SoDA > Generate Document, after the SoDA Progress Indicator window closes, it may appear as though SoDA has stopped working.  However, usually after several minutes, the generated document is displayed.


If possible, use the Generate Report command instead of Generate Document. Report generation takes much less time.


Change Request  ID:



If you try to use the clipboard or Word, or if you try to use Word-generated email while SoDA is generating a report or document, SoDA stops working


After you start to generate a report or document using SoDA, do not try to use Word, Word-generated email, or the clipboard until after generation is completed.


Change Request  ID:



SoDA places blank lines in generated documents or generated reports if a LIMIT returns empty. For example, if a LIMIT within a REPEAT limits the returned objects, SoDA inserts an extra blank line for each excluded section (corresponding to those objects that do not meet the LIMIT criteria).


To prevent SoDA from placing blank lines in generated documents and reports, remove all extra carriage returns from the template before you start generation.


Change Request  ID:



If you use SoDA for Word with a non-English version of Microsoft Word, you cannot selectively retrieve Headings from the Word domain.


In the source code for the document template, "Headings" is implemented as paragraph where Style LIKE "Heading". In the template, use a REPEAT on Paragraphs and use the Advanced key to add the following And Where statement:

<Self>.Style LIKE "<non-English word for Heading>"


Change Request  ID:



If Rational RequisitePro Integration with Word is installed on your machine, and you have never started Word on the machine, SoDA for Word does not start correctly.


On a machine on which Word has never been started:

1.      Start and then quit Word.

2.      Start SoDA for Word.

3.      Start RequisitePro and then open a RequisitePro project.

4.      Click Tools > Generate SoDA Report.

The SoDA for Word dialog box is displayed normally.


Change Request  ID:



The built-in template “Data Dictionary of Classes with Attributes and Operations” (ClassesAttrsOps.doc) is not available through Rose RealTime.  If you start Rose RealTime, open a sample Rose RealTime model, and then click Report > SoDA Report, the Generate Rose RealTime Report dialog box does not list the built-in template.


To work around this problem:

1.      In Windows Explorer, navigate to the following folder:

Program Files\Rational\SoDAWord\template\rose

2.      Right-click the ClassesAttrsOps.doc file, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.

3.      On the Summary tab, in the Value column next to the Keywords property, delete SoDA Template.

4.      Click OK.


Change Request  ID:



If you are using tight integration with Requisite Pro, and you try to generate a SoDA report from RequisitePro, you cannot access the RequisitePro Word document after report generation is completed.


After you generate the RequisitePro report, the taskbar displays two Word tasks: Requirements Management Plan and Document1. If you go to Document 1, select Document Revisions inserted in Current Document, and then click OK, Word is minimized while the SoDA Progress dialog box is displayed. After SoDA is finished, RevisionsInDocumentRpt is maximized in the background.

To access the Requirements Management Plan, close RevisionsInDocumentRpt.


Change Request  ID:



If you start Template Builder and click ProjectConsole > Template View, and you then start SoDA for Word and click SoDA > Template View, the Template Builder Template View dialog box is displayed.


Quit Template Builder before you use SoDA for Word.


Change Request  ID:



If you open Help for SoDA in Internet Explorer 6.0 and display the Table of Contents, you may see an error message about not being able to move the focus to a control.


To use the Help system without further interruption, close the message box by clicking either OK or No (depending on your environment).

Contacting Rational Technical Support

If you have questions about installing, using, or maintaining this product, contact Rational Technical Support using the following email address:

When you contact Rational Technical Support, please be prepared to supply the following information:

·         Your name, company name, telephone number, and e-mail address

·         Your operating system, version number, and any service packs or patches you have applied

·         Browser you are using

·         Suite product name and release number

·         Your case ID number (if you are following up on a previously reported problem)