Rational RequisitePro Release Notes

Version 2002.05.20

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These release notes provide information critical to installing and using Rational RequisitePro, including hardware and software requirements, compatibility, and known issues with this release.

This document provides information about the 2002.05.20 release of Rational RequisitePro.

For more information on this release, including a list of fixed defects and changed files, refer to Rational RequisitePro Service Release 2002.05.20 Release Notes.

For information regarding RequisiteWeb, including system requirements, installation and configuration, and known issues, refer to the Rational RequisiteWeb Installation and Configuration document (RequisiteWebInstall.html).


What's New in This Release
Integrated Use Case Management with Rational XDE
Product Documentation
Hardware/Software Information
Client Requirements
Enterprise Database Server Requirements
Application Server Support
Installation and Upgrading
Installation Information
Installation/Upgrade Issues
Compatibility Issues
Compatible Applications
Conflict with Crystal Reports
Restrictions and Guidelines on Using RequisitePro
Microsoft Word Issues
Offline Authoring
ClearCase UCM/Baseline Issues
ClearCase LT Issues
Data Transport Wizard
Numerical Attributes
Views and Queries
Requirement Metrics
Known Issues
Using Integrated Use Case Management
Creating Projects
Using Microsoft Word-linked files in Word 2002
Saving Documents
Assigning Parent Requirements in Documents
Importing Requirements
Deleting Discussions
Internationalization Issues
Using ClearQuest with RequisitePro
Contacting Technical Support

What's New in This Release

Integrated Use Case Management with Rational XDE

This release of Rational RequisitePro provides support for Integrated Use Case Management with Rational XDE. This integration enhances Rational XDE use-case modeling with requirements management features in Rational RequisitePro, allowing you to manage use cases by associating requirement attributes, such as priority, status, or iteration, with use cases. In addition, you can associate the use case with a requirements document in RequisitePro, allowing you to develop a textual definition of the use case in a RequisitePro Microsoft Word document. These RequisitePro use-case documents can provide elaboration of the use case with descriptions, flows of events, special requirements, and conditions. RequisitePro offers requirements management capabilities, such as hierarchical (parent/child) relationships and traceability between requirements in the use-case document and associated design features and test plans. This release supports migration of RequisitePro associations from Rational Rose to Rational XDE. For more information, refer to the Integrated Use Case Management Help.

Integrated Use Case Management is available when RequisitePro is installed on the same system as XDE or Rose. For each XDE model you want to integrate with RequisitePro, you must set the model's AppliedProfiles property to RequisitePro:

  1. In the XDE Model Explorer, select the model.
  2. In the Properties window, type RequisitePro in the AppliedProfiles property.
Note: The AppliedProfiles value is case-sensitive. You must type RequisitePro exactly as indicated.

Setting the AppliedProfiles property automatically creates the necessary default packages in the model (Component View, Deployment View, Logical View, Use Case View) and adds the Rational RequisitePro integration to the Rational XDE Tools menu. To associate your XDE model and its use cases to RequisitePro artifacts, click Tools > Rational RequisitePro in Rational XDE. The Help is also available on this menu.

Product Documentation

RequisitePro setup creates a Start menu program group for RequisitePro with the following items: Let's Go RequisitePro, Online Help, Rational Administrator, Rational License Key Administrator, Rational RequisitePro, Rational Software Installed Product Information, Release Notes, Rational Extensibility Interface Help, RequisitePro Tutorial, Technical Support, and database configuration documentation (if installed). To start RequisitePro, select the Rational RequisitePro menu item.

Let's Go RequisitePro opens when RequisitePro is first launched. Use the Let's Go RequisitePro online help to access the RequisitePro Tutorial, the Quick Tour, these release notes, online help, project administration tips, white papers, the Rational Unified Process, and Web resources. Let's Go RequisitePro can also be launched from the RequisitePro Help menu.

In addition to online help, refer to the manual Rational RequisitePro User's Guide (available on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD and the Rational Software documentation Web site: http://www.Rational.com/documentation/).

Hardware/Software Information

Refer to the following information for system and software requirements. This section provides basic information on the platforms supported and the hardware and software requirements for running RequisitePro. Refer to Compatibility Issues for more information.

Client Requirements

Operating Systems:

Recommendations for Using Microsoft Office with the Above Operating Systems:


500 MHz or greater.


128 MB or greater.

Note: For using UCM to baseline RequisitePro projects, 256 MB is recommended for RequisitePro project administrators.

Disk Space: 400 MB.


Note: The graphical heading banners and icons in Let's Go RequisitePro may be distorted when displayed on PCs with the 256 Colors display setting. For clearer graphics, set your display properties to High Color (16 bit) or the True Color (24 or 32 bit) settings. (RMBU11573)

Mouse/pointing device: Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device.

Word Processor:

Browser: To install any Rational Suite Solutions for Windows product, you must have Internet Explorer 5.01, Service Pack 2 or higher on your system.

Let's Go RequisitePro Document Viewing: Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.x or higher.

MDAC: Version 2.6.

Requirement Metrics Reporting:

LAN Support: Microsoft networks. (Novell networks are not supported.)

Automated License Key Requests: Internet connection required for automated license requests.

Oracle Client: Versions 7.3.4, 8.1.6, 8.1.7.

Enterprise Database Server Requirements

Application Server Support

MetaFrame 1.8 Service Pack 2 application server software by Citrix Systems, Inc. on Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 or 2 Terminal Services is required.

Installation and Upgrading

Installation Information

For full installation instructions, refer to the manual Rational RequisitePro Installation Guide. For information on upgrading Rational Suite or integrations with other Rational products, refer to the manual Rational Suite Installation Guide and the Rational Suite Release Notes.

Both installation guides are available on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD and the Rational Software documentation Web site: http://www.Rational.com/documentation/.

Installation/Upgrade Issues

Naming the Installation Path and Directory

Upgrading from Service Release 1

If you are upgrading from Rational RequisitePro Service Release 2002.05.01.305.000 (or a Rational Suite product containing the service release), you may encounter the following error summary after installing this release:

This installation was previously upgraded to service release 1. 
To update additional products and components that you installed
after applying the service release, reinstall service release 1.

You do not need to reinstall service release 1. Click Next to continue. (RATLC00017907)

Upgrading Projects from Versions Earlier than RequisitePro 4.0

If a project is in a version of RequisitePro earlier than version 4.0, you must first upgrade the project to RequisitePro 4.0 before using the Database Upgrade Wizard. Contact Technical Support for information.

Upgrading Projects that are Associated with a Rational Repository

If a RequisitePro project is associated with a Rational repository (rather than the more current structure of a Rational project, which can be created in Version 2001.03.00 or later), upgrading the project may cause irreparable harm to the Rational repository that you use with other Rational products. To protect your Rational repository, first upgrade your software and datastores to Version 2001A, then upgrade the software and datastores to the current version. For more information, see "Upgrading from Earlier Versions of Rational Suite" in the Rational Suite Installation Guide (available on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD and the Rational Software documentation Web site: http://www.Rational.com/documentation/). (RATLC00015819)

Upgrading SQL Server

If you have an existing RequisitePro database in SQL Server, and your SQL Server software has been upgraded to version 7.0 or 2000 from a previous version, then you must run the following stored procedure in SQL Server to set the database compatibility level to 70 for SQL Server 7.0 or 80 for SQL Server 2000:

sp_dbcmptlevel [database name], 70 (or 80)

for example:

sp_dbcmptlevel RequisitePro, 70

The above procedure is required to prevent SQL Server Syntax Errors in RequisitePro.

For more information, select SQL Server Setup under the Custom/Full installation option, and open the Configuring SQL Server for RequisitePro document (SQLSetup.html).

Compatibility Issues

Compatible Applications

RequisitePro is compatible with:

For teams that access a shared RequisitePro project or enterprise database from multiple RequisitePro clients and RequisiteWeb, you must upgrade all your RequisitePro and RequisiteWeb installations to the same product version number.

Note: Oracle and SQL Server versions are listed in the Hardware/Software requirements.

To verify which product versions you have installed on your system, go to Start > Programs > Rational [Product Name] > Rational Software Installed Product Information.

RequisitePro Conflict with Crystal Reports

After installing Crystal Reports version 8.0, users that are not local administrators may encounter the following error message when starting RequisitePro:

"Unable to load the RequisitePro GeneralServices.Files Component.
Class not registered (HRESULT REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG)"

In this case, RequisitePro immediately closes. This error is caused by a change to the default security permissions on several registry keys by Crystal Reports. For more information, see Microsoft Article Q266621 in the Microsoft online Knowledge Base. To resolve this problem, reset the registry key permissions that are changed when you install Crystal Reports. A utility that resets the registry key permissions is available from Crystal Decisions:


This third-party contact information is subject to change without notice. (RATLC00017845)

Guidelines and Restrictions on Using RequisitePro

Microsoft Word Issues

Text Boxes in Word

Avoid creating requirements inside text boxes. RequisitePro cannot access them properly.

Special Characters in Word

Do not create requirements from text that contains the Wingdings font or other special characters at the beginning of the text string. (RATLC00016311)

Macros and Macro Security

Protecting Word Documents

Do not use a password when protecting RequisitePro Word documents with the Microsoft Word Tools > Protect Document command. (RATLC00016802)

Refreshing Requirements

RequisitePro contains a Refresh Requirements command on the RequisitePro > Document menu that allows you to reset the style and color of all requirement text in a document in case you inadvertently change it. However, if you change the color of any requirement text using Word 2000 or 2002, the color cannot be reset using the Refresh Requirements command. To refresh requirement text color, save the document and then select the Refresh Requirements command. (RMBU5359)

Nontextual Requirements

If you include the following in the text of a requirement located in a document, you will not be able to edit the requirement text outside the document (even when the extended editing feature is enabled):

Offline Authoring

ClearCase UCM/Baseline Issues

ClearCase LT Issues

Data Transport Wizard

If you have not opened a RequisitePro sample project (Learning Project, Learning_Business, or QuarterByte Savings Bank Example Project) and try to move the database or convert it to another database type using the Data Transport Wizard, you will receive an error message. If you want to experiment with changing the database type for a sample project, make sure you have opened the project at least once before you start the conversion. (RMBU14242)

Numerical Attributes

RequisitePro does not support a digit-grouping symbol of any kind (i.e., a thousand separator, such as the comma in 2,350). You cannot enter attributes with this symbol. RequisitePro does not display numbers with this symbol. (RMBU6858)

Views and Queries

Requirement Metrics

Known Issues

The following is a list of known issues in this release of RequisitePro. For information on issues related to Rational Suite or integrations with other Rational Products, see the Rational Suite Release Notes.

Using Integrated Use Case Management

Adding the RequisitePro profile fails to initialize the integration

Applying the RequisitePro profile to an XDE model may fail to properly initialize the integration. If you type "RequisitePro" in the AppliedProfiles field (note that this field is case-sensitive) and the Integrated Use Case Management context menus remain unavailable, do the following:

  1. Remove "RequisitePro" from the AppliedProfiles field.
  2. Save and close all open models.
  3. Start XDE. Do not open any models.
  4. Click Window > Preferences. The Preferences dialog box appears.
  5. In the explorer window, open Rational XDE > Add-ins.
  6. Click the Add-in Manager button. The Add-in Manager dialog box appears.
  7. Select the COMServerAddin and the RequisitePro check boxes.
  8. Click Activate.
  9. Open the model you want to use for Integrated Use Case Management.
  10. Type "RequisitePro" in the AppliedProfiles field. The integration initializes and creates four required default packages in the model for use with Integrated Use Case Management.


Converting Rose models to XDE models using the File > Import command

You cannot migrate an existing integration with a RequisitePro project from Rose to XDE by using the File > Import command. This command converts the Rose model to an XDE model but does not migrate any associations to RequisitePro. To migrate associations, follow the instructions in the topic "Migrating RequisitePro associations from a Rose model to XDE model" in Integrated Use-Case Management Help, which can be accessed from the Tools > Rational RequisitePro menu in Rose or XDE, or from within RequisitePro Help in Wizards, Integrations, and Components > Rational Products and Integrations > Rational Rose (Integrated Use Case Management). (RATLC00016923)

Using Rational Administrator with XDE

You cannot use Rational Administrator to integrate XDE models with RequisitePro projects. After you convert your Rose models to XDE models and migrate their RequisitePro associations to the new XDE models, any references to those Rose models in a Rational Administrator project become obsolete. We recommend that you remove any references to Rose models in Rational Administrator projects if the Rose models have been migrated to XDE models. (RATLC00017161)

Navigational Issues

Running different editions of XDE simultaneously

This release does not support integration of RequisitePro with different editions of XDE on the same system; for example, Java Platform Edition and Microsoft .NET Edition. (RATLC00017271)

Unsaved XDE models

Save all XDE models before you associate use cases with RequisitePro. (RATLC00017166, RATLC00017224)

Changing associations in XDE

XDE will overwrite your existing associations without warning if you try to associate a use case with existing associations to a new requirement or document. (RATLC00017273)

Upgrading a Rose model to an XDE model does not migrate project association properties

When you migrate RequisitePro associations from a Rose model to an XDE model, the properties of the RequisitePro project (such as default document and requirement types) are not transferred to the project's properties in XDE. Thus the RequisitePro properties in the XDE project's Properties window and in the Associate model to project dialog box are blank. This does not affect the transfer of requirement and document associations or block the integration. (RATLC00017304)

Add-in Manager items

Integrated Use Case Management for XDE requires the RequisitePro and COMServer add-ins to be active. Deactivating all add-ins except the RequisitePro and COMServer add-ins may cause the RequisitePro menus to temporarily disappear. Restarting XDE fixes the problem. (RATLC00017310)

Context menu refresh in XDE for Visual Studio .NET

Invalid context menu options are occasionally available from the RequisitePro context menu in XDE. For example, the context menu may allow you to select Open from the context menu when your use case is not yet associated to a requirement. Selecting such an invalid option will cause an error message. (RATLC00017320)

OLE error on XDE for Visual Studio .NET Japanese platform

This error message appears when associating a requirement to a use case. Click OK and the association continues successfully. (RATLC00017284, RATLC00017217)

Required root packages

The following packages are required for Integrated Use Case Management: Use Case View and Logical View. Do not delete or rename these packages. If you have an existing XDE model containing packages and apply the RequisitePro profile to that model, the required packages will not be created. You must manually create the Use Case View and the Logical View packages in order to use the integration. These names are case-sensitive. (RATLC00017407, RATLC00017277)

Maintaining RequisitePro Use Case Associations in XDE and Rose

In XDE or Rose, if a use case contains an association to a RequisitePro use case requirement and you move the use case to a different package in XDE or Rose, the association is lost. In this case, you must reestablish the association. Right-click on the use case and select Requirement Properties > Associate. (RATLC0017836)

Using Rose with RequisitePro

Saving Controlled Packages in Rose

This issue involves Rose models that use version control with ClearCase and integrated use cases with RequisitePro. If you have unsaved changes within a controlled package and attempt to check in that package, ClearCase prompts you to save your changes. In this case, RequisitePro does not recognize the save operation. When you subsequently close the Rose model, RequisitePro removes all changes since your last recognized save operation. Therefore, use case information in Rose and RequisitePro may not be synchronized. To avoid this, be sure to save the controlled package in Rose before checking it in to ClearCase. (RATLC00017953)

Creating Projects

Do not include extra spaces in front of the project name when creating a project. If spaces are included at the beginning of a project name, RequisitePro can't find the project to open it. (RATLC00016425)

Using Microsoft Word-linked files with Word 2002

If you are using Word 2002 and your documents and linked files are both located on the same machine on the network, do not use spaces in file names or the paths. (RATLC00016337)

Saving Documents

Assigning Parent Requirements in Documents

To avoid all problems when assigning parent requirements, save the document first. If you assign a child requirement to a parent requirement that has not been saved in a document, an error message appears and you must select the parent again. To avoid further problems, select the parent requirement from the Parent drop-down list in the Requirement Properties dialog box; don't select the choose parent option. (RATLC00016426)

Importing Requirements

If you cancel the Import Wizard on the Commit screen, you can only close RequisitePro through the Windows Task Manager (CTRL-ALT-DELETE). (RATLC00020644, RATLC00016213)

Deleting Discussions

When deleting the only discussion item in a discussions list, you may receive an error message. Accept the error message, and the discussion item is still deleted. (RATLC00016363)

Internationalization Issues

Using ClearQuest with RequisitePro

For information on upgrading Rational Suite or the RequisitePro-ClearQuest integration, refer to the manual Rational Suite Installation Guide and the Rational Suite Release Notes. For information on configuring the integration, refer to the manual Rational Suite Administrator's Guide. (Both manuals are available in an electronic version on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD and on the Rational Software documentation Web site: http://www.Rational.com/documentation/.)

Contacting Technical Support

Telephone: 1-800-433-5444 or 408-863-5000 (outside the U.S. and Canada)
Fax: 408-863-4300
E-mail: support@rational.com
Web site: http://www.rational.com/support/

RequisitePro Users Mailing List

Join our user group! Rational maintains an open e-mail list "req_forum@rational.com" for customers to exchange ideas on using RequisitePro.

To subscribe to the mailing list, go to the following Web site: