Rational® RobotJ
Release Notes

Version 2002.05.02

Copyright © 2002 Rational Software and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.
May 2002


About These Release Notes. 5

Scope - Product Definition. 5

Getting Started. 5

RobotJ Documentation. 5

Quick Tour 5

RobotJ Online Documentation. 5

Before Recording and Playing Back Scripts. 6

Before Recording Scripts. 6

Changing the Foreground Lock Timeout to Enable Script Playback. 6

Installation. 7

Hardware and Software Requirements. 7

Before You Install Your Rational Software. 8

Installing Rational Suite TestStudio and Rational Suite Enterprise. 8

Installing Rational TeamTest 8

Removing Your Software. 8

Overview of Additional Software Installation and Setup Tasks. 9

About Local and Agent Computers. 9

Supported Playback Environments on Agent Computers. 10

Overview of Rational Test Agent Tasks. 10

Installing and Starting Rational Test Agents. 11

Installing a Windows Agent 11

Starting a Windows Agent 12

Installing a Linux Agent 12

Starting a Linux Agent 13

Removing a Linux Agent 14

Enabling Environments. 14

Configuring Applications. 15

Setting Up ClearCase. 16

Updating ClearCase Type Managers on Windows. 17

Updating ClearCase Type Managers on UNIX. 19

Guidelines and Restrictions on Using Rational RobotJ. 19

Script Recording and Playback Issues. 19

Missed Scroll Action During Script Playback. 19

Playing Back Both RobotJ and Robot Scripts to the Same Rational Test Agent 19

Recording or Playing Back Actions Against System Menus. 20

Recording ASCII Characters When Using a Chinese IME. 20

Double Byte Character Set Support on Linux 20

Browser and HTML Issues. 20

isEnabled Method Always Returns False. 20

History Pop-up List in Internet Explorer 20

Enabler Does Not Work with Netscape 6.2.1 If Netscape QuickLaunch Is Running. 20

Restarting Netscape During Script Playback. 21

Testing HTML Against Netscape. 21

Testing Java Applet and HTML Text Input Controls in Netscape. 22

Double-Clicking to Close a Browser Window During Recording. 22

Netscape Does Not Support Clicking on Client-Side Image Maps. 22

Script Playback on a Test HTML Application with Dynamic Content 22

Installation Using the Network Install Type from the UNC Path. 22

Operating System Issue. 23

Current Release of RobotJ Not Validated for Use With Windows 98 or Windows ME. 23

Java Issues. 23

Creating a Menu Verification Point Using Scripting. 23

Testing Java Applets in Internet Explorer 23

Installing Old Versions of Java Plug-ins. 23

Java Applets in Netscape 6 Running on Windows. 24

TestManager Issues. 24

Disassociating a Datastore in RobotJ. 24

Copying Datastores Using File System Tools. 24

Eclipse Issues. 24

Working in More Than One Perspective in RobotJ. 24

Working with Eclipse Files Outside the Eclipse IDE. 24

Configuring RobotJ to Test Eclipse-Based Applications. 25

Enabler Issue. 26

Searching for JREs in the Enabler 26

Purify, Quantify, and PureCoverage Issues. 26

Support and Usage of PureCoverage with RobotJ. 26

Rational Purify and Quantify. 26

Linux Issues. 26

Using IBM JRE 1.3.0 on glibc 2.2 Linux Systems. 26

RobotJ Stops Responding Due to Defects in the glibc Package. 27

Playback of Asterisk or Plus Symbols in Linux 27

ClearCase Integration Issues. 27

Renaming Files Under ClearCase. 27

Requesting ClearCase Branch Mastership Not Supported in RobotJ. 27

Trend Anti-Virus Software Incompatible with ClearCase. 27

Show Checkouts Does Not Show Checked-Out Files in ClearCase View Specified by UNC Path. 27

ClearCase on Windows 98 and Windows ME. 28

Miscellaneous Issue. 28

Working with Characters that Cannot be Displayed in the RobotJ User Interface. 28

Known Defects. 28

Browser and HTML Issue. 28

RobotJ Recording When Using Netscape. 28

ClearCase Integration Issues. 28

RobotJ Scripts and Files Appear to be Hijacked When They Are Not 28

RobotJ Incorrectly Issues File Change Message. 28

Java Issue. 29

Java Plug-ins with Java JREs or JDKs. 29

Linux Issue. 29

Cleaning Files Downloaded to Agent When Running Linux 29

Verification Point Issue. 29

Inaccurate Colors When Playing Back a Verification Point 29

Miscellaneous Issue. 29

Recognition of Word Characters in the com.rational.test.util.regex Package. 29

Contacting Rational Technical Support 30


About These Release Notes

These release notes provide information that is not available in the Help for Rational® RobotJ.

Scope - Product Definition

RobotJ is a functional test-automation tool that enables organizations to validate business-critical Web and Java applications on Windows and UNIX platforms. Its unique capabilities enable both application testers and developers to rapidly create repeatable tests through a robust user-action recording engine and wizards.

You can record and play back on the following platforms:

·        Windows NT

·        Windows 2000

·        Windows XP Professional

You can play back, but not record, on the following platforms:

·        Red Hat Linux

·        Windows Me

·        Windows 98

Getting Started

RobotJ Documentation

Quick Tour

The RobotJ Quick Tour helps you get started using RobotJ quickly. It uses a sample Java application that is automatically provided in your RobotJ installation. The Quick Tour walks through the major use cases for testing with RobotJ and shows you how to do the basics. To access the Quick Tour from RobotJ, click Help > RobotJ Quick Tour, or click the link at the top of the Welcome screen. We strongly recommend that you print the Quick Tour and go through it from your printed copy.

RobotJ Online Documentation

The RobotJ documentation, which contains both API and user-guide information, is all online. For important information on how to get started with RobotJ, see the topic "Getting Started with RobotJ" in the user documentation.

To access the RobotJ documentation:

In RobotJ, click either Help > RobotJ User Guide or Help > RobotJ API Reference.

Following is additional information about displaying the RobotJ Help:

·        To access the Help at any time while using RobotJ, press F1.

·        Some RobotJ dialog boxes and windows also have Help buttons that display context-sensitive Help.

·        To display Help in the Object Map, Verification Point Editor, and Verification Point Comparator, use the Help menu in that component.

Once you are in the Help perspective, you can use any of these methods to return to the RobotJ Test perspective:

·        Click the RobotJ icon in the left icon bar.

·        Select Project > Switch to RobotJ.

Note: The Rational Documentation CD that is included in your package does not contain the RobotJ documentation. The RobotJ documentation is online, as described above. The Documentation CD contains .pdf files of the books for the current release of Rational TestStudio®. Note that the RobotJ functionality in Rational® TestManager is not documented there. It is documented in the TestManager online Help.

Before Recording and Playing Back Scripts

Before Recording Scripts

Before you can record scripts, you must create a datastore and configure your applications and environments for testing. For instructions on how to complete these setup tasks, click Help > Getting Started with RobotJ.

Changing the Foreground Lock Timeout to Enable Script Playback

The foreground lock timeout indicates the amount of time in milliseconds after user input during which systems that are running Windows 98/Me, Windows 2000/XP, or later do not allow applications to force themselves into the foreground.

To enable playback of scripts in Windows 98/Me, Windows 2000/XP or later, the foreground lock timeout is automatically set to 0 the first time that you run RobotJ. Setting this timeout value to 0 causes the Windows operating system to keep the behavior of previous versions of Windows. Note that this is a persistent setting. For information on how to set this timeout manually, see the RobotJ Help.

If you are using remote execution of RobotJ scripts on any of the above-listed Windows platforms, you should make sure that the foreground lock timeout is set to 0 on the agent computer.


Rational RobotJ comes with Rational Suite Enterprise, Rational Suite TestStudio, or
Rational TeamTest software. The information in this section of the RobotJ Release Notes contains software installation or setup tasks for Rational RobotJ.

Hardware and Software Requirements

Make sure that your computer conforms to the following minimum requirements.

Rational Component

Minimum Requirements

Rational Suite Enterprise, Rational Suite TestStudio, or Rational TeamTest

Pentium II, 300 MHz minimum
(Pentium III, 600 MHz recommended)
800 MB free disk space (minimum for installation) - 1 GB recommended
256 MB RAM (minimum), more memory generally improves responsiveness.
Video Resolution 1024x768

Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000 (Service Pack 2),
Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 6/6a or higher)

RobotJ – for software-under-test on Windows

Java support:  Sun Microsystems JRE 1.2.2 or higher
IBM JRE 1.2.2 or higher
HTML Support: Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.0, 5.5, or 6.0
Netscape Navigator 6.2.1

<fix for McKinley> RobotJ for software-under-test on Solaris

<for Solaris for McKinley, get information from Eric Ding>

RobotJ – for software-under-test on Linux

Java support:  Sun Microsystems JRE 1.3 or higher
IBM JRE 1.3 or higher
HTML Support: Netscape Navigator 6.2.1 or 6.2.2

Rational Test Agent software – Windows Systems
(for remote playback of RobotJ scripts using Rational TestManager)


Pentium class or equivalent (500 MHz or better recommended)
128 MB memory
425 MB free disk space for installation. We recommend more disk space for large virtual tester runs.

Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000 (Service Pack 2),
Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 6/6a or higher), Windows 98 Second Edition and Windows Me

HTML Support: Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.0, 5.5, or 6.0
Netscape Navigator 6.2.1

TCP/IP network software



(Table Continued)

Rational Component

Minimum Requirements

Rational Test Agent software – Red Hat Linux <add specific operating system, add solaris for McKinley> Systems
(for remote playback of RobotJ scripts using Rational TestManager)


32 MB memory
150 MB free disk space for installation

<Add back for McKinley>Solaris Version 2.8 or higher (playback only)

Red Hat Linux 6.2 or higher (playback only)

HTML Support:  Netscape Navigator 6.2.1 or 6.2.2

BEA WebLogic EJB support: BEA WebLogic client software

TCP/IP network software

You also need:

·        To test HTML

·        To test both applets and HTML


JDK 1.2.2 or higher

JDK 1.3.1_02 or higher

Before You Install Your Rational Software

Before you install your Rational Software, do the following for remote playback of RobotJ scripts:

·        Determine the role each computer will play in testing—whether it will be a Local or an Agent computer. A Local computer is a single Windows computer that runs TestManager and coordinates testing activities locally and on computers that you designate as Agent computers. You use Agent computers to run scripts on more than one computer, to test different configurations, or to run RobotJ scripts remotely on Linux<change to UNIX for McKinley>UNIX or Windows computers. 

·        Install TCP/IP network software and update your network software on all computers that you use for remote playback of RobotJ scripts.

Installing Rational Suite TestStudio and Rational Suite Enterprise

To install Rational Suite TestStudio or Rational Suite Enterprise, see the Rational Suite Installation Guide, which is a PDF file on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD.

Installing Rational TeamTest

To install Rational TeamTest, see the Rational Testing Products Installation Guide, which is a PDF file on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD.

Removing Your Software

To remove Rational software, you must have Administrator privileges on the local computer. Before removing a Rational software product, make sure that no one is using the that product on your system. You cannot remove files that are in use. The Rational Software Setup program does not remove directories that contain files that you have created using Rational software products. You can remove these directories manually, if you no longer need them.

Note: When you uninstall your Rational software the uninstall wizard deletes the RobotJ Configurations.rftcfg file. We recommend that you make a back up copy of the Configurations.rftcfg file before you uninstall your Rational software. If you do not make a back up copy of the configurations.rftcfg file, you need to re-configure your Java and HTML applications for testing with RobotJ using the Application Configuration Tool.

To remove Rational software from your Windows computer:

1.      Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.

2.      Click Add/Remove Programs.

3.      Select the Rational product that you want to remove and click Add/Remove.

Overview of Additional Software Installation and Setup Tasks

The following table lists additional software installation or setup tasks for Rational RobotJ:



Learn about how to remotely play back Rational RobotJ scripts on Agent computers

About Local and Agent Computers

Install a Test Agent

Installing a Windows Agent or Installing a Linux Agent

Start a Test Agent

Starting a Windows Agent or Starting a Linux Agent

Enable Java environments or Web browsers for testing

Enabling Environments

Configure applications, Web browsers, and Java environments for testing

Configuring Applications

Use Rational TestManager for remote playback of RobotJ scripts, or to manage RobotJ logs

RobotJ Help and the TestManager Help

Set up ClearCase for RobotJ

Setting Up ClearCase

About Local and Agent Computers

Note: If you do not intend to run RobotJ scripts on an Agent computer, skip this section.

When you associate a RobotJ datastore with a Rational project, you can use TestManager to run your RobotJ scripts and to coordinate testing activities from a single Windows computer. This is called the Local computer.

During the execution of a test, scripts play back on the Local computer or on computers that you have designated as Agent computers.

You use Agent computers to:

·        Run scripts on more than one computer. If you are running a test, you can save time by running the scripts on the next available Agent computer instead of running them all on the Local computer.

·        Test different machine configurations. If you are testing various hardware and software configurations, you can run scripts on specific Agent computers that are set up with different configurations.

·        Run RobotJ scripts remotely on Linux or Windows computers. If you run RobotJ scripts remotely on Linux or Windows computers, you need to enable environments and configure applications on the Linux or Windows Agent computers. For information, see Overview of Rational Test Agent Tasks.

Supported Playback Environments on Agent Computers

Note: If you do not intend to run RobotJ scripts on a remote Agent computer, skip this section.

The following table shows the operating systems that are supported when you play back a GUI script on an Agent computer.

Type of Script

Win NT(SP6/6a), Win 2000,
Win XP Professional,  Windows Me, Windows 98  Special Edition<for McKinley>Win 98 (2nd edition)

Red Hat Linux
version 6.2
or higher




SQA Basic




<add back into table for McKinley>
Solaris 2.8



Overview of Rational Test Agent Tasks

Note: If you do not intend to run RobotJ scripts on an Agent computer, skip this section.

The following table lists the tasks you need to do to make sure that your Java applications run cross-JVM or to test various Web browsers on different computers:



Install a Test Agent

Installing a Windows Agent or Installing a Linux Agent

Start a Test Agent

Starting a Windows Agent or Starting a Linux Agent

Enable Java environments or Web browsers for testing

Enabling Environments

Configure applications, Web browsers, and Java environments for testing

Configuring Applications

Installing and Starting Rational Test Agents

Note: If you do not intend to run RobotJ scripts on a remote Agent computer, skip this section.

After you install and license your Rational testing software on a Local computer, you have the option of installing Rational Test Agents on other computers. For information about Agents, see About Local and Agent Computers.

1.      Install your Windows or Linux Test Agent on a remote computer.

2.      Start the Test Agent on the Windows or Linux agent.

3.      Enable the testing environments that you need on Windows or Linux<change to UNIX for McKinley to include Solaris and Linux Agents.

4.      Configure the applications that you want to test on Windows or Linux<change to UNIX for McKinley to include Solaris and Linux Agents.

Installing a Windows Agent

Note: You must install the same version of Rational testing software on the Local and Agent computers or they will not work together.

To install Agent software on a Windows computer:

1.      Log on using an account with Administrator privileges.

2.      Insert the Rational Solutions for Windows Disc 1 CD into your CD drive. The installation starts automatically.

If the installation does not start automatically, do the following:

a.      Click Start > Run.

b.      Type drive:\SETUP.EXE

where drive is the CD drive you are using.

c.      Click OK.

3.      In the Rational Software Setup screen, click Next. 

4.      In the Product list, click Rational Test Agent, and then click Next. 

5.      Read the terms of the license agreement, click one of the following, and then click Next.

·        Yes, I accept the agreement. If you accept the agreement, the Setup program continues.

·        No, I don’t accept the agreement. If you do not accept the agreement, the Setup program ends.

6.      In the Select Configuration screen, click Typical, and then click Next. 

7.      Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. 

The Rational Setup wizard displays a series of dialog boxes that guide you through the installation process and prompt you for information.

8.      In the last dialog box, click Finish. 

You must restart your computer to finish the installation.

9.      Log on again using the same user account and Administrator privileges that you used to start the installation. This allows the setup program to complete. 

10.   In the Installation Complete screen, click Finish.

11.   Start the Windows Agent. For information, see the next section, Starting a Windows Agent.  

Starting a Windows Agent

An Agent running on Windows runs as an application on the computer on which it is installed.

To start the Agent on Windows:

1.      Do one of the following:

·        Click Start > Programs > Rational Product > Rational Test Agent.


·        Put the executable, rtprvd.exe, in a Start group to start automatically. The default location of the Test Agent is:

c:\Program Files\Rational\Rational Test\rtprvd.exe

2.      Enable the testing environments that you need on Windows Agents.

3.      Configure the applications that you want to test on Windows Agents.

Installing a Linux Agent<change to UNIX for McKinley so it covers Solaris and Linux Agent

Note: You must install the same version of Rational testing software on the Local and Agent computers or they will not work together.

To install Agent software on a Linux<change to UNIX for McKinley> computer:

1.      Log on as superuser.

2.      Create the installation directory:

% mkdir -p /usr/rational/test

3.      Insert the Rational Test Agent Disc 1 CD into your CD drive.

If the CD does not automount, type the Linux mount command at the prompt: <change to UNIX for McKinley>

% mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom


<add back for McKinley> For an Agent on a Solaris operating system mount command:

mount /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s0 /cdrom

cd /cdrom/cdrom01/solaris_agent

4.      To change the directory to the CD, type at the command prompt:

% cd /usr/rational/test

5.      To copy the installation files to your hard drive, type at the command prompt:

% tar xzpf /mnt/cdrom/linux_agent/robotj-agent_v2002_linux.tar.gz


6.      To set the RobotJ environment variables, type at the command prompt:

% RATIONAL_FT_JRE=/usr/rational/test/IBMJava2-13/jre






% RATIONAL_FT_INSTALL_DIRECTORY=/usr/rational/test/RobotJ


% PATH=$PATH:/usr/rational/test/bin:${RATIONAL_FT_JRE}/bin


% RATL_RTHOME=/usr/rational/test








7.      To set the library path, type at the command prompt:





8.      Start the Linux Agent.<change to UNIX for McKinley> For information, see the next section, Starting a Linux Agent.<change to UNIX for McKinley>

Starting a Linux Agent<change to UNIX for McKinley if Solaris is added>

To start the Linux Agent: <change to UNIX if Solaris is added for McKinley>

1.      Log on as superuser.

2.      To start the Agent daemon, type at the command prompt:

3.    % RTsagt


4.      Enable the testing environments that you need on Linux<change to UNIX for McKinley to include Solaris and Linux Agents.

5.      Configure the applications that you want to test on Linux<change to UNIX for McKinley to include Solaris and Linux Agents.


Removing a Linux Agent <change to UNIX if Solaris is added for McKinley>

To remove a Linux Agent: <change to UNIX if Solaris is added for McKinley>

1.      Find the rtprvd process and stop it by typing:

% ps -ef|grep rtprvd


2.      To stop the pid process, type at the command prompt:

% kill pid


3.      To remove the Linux Agent, type at the command prompt. <change to UNIX for McKinley>

% rm -rf /usr/rational/test

Enabling Environments

The first time that you start RobotJ, RobotJ automatically enables your environment for a Windows computer running RobotJ scripts stand-alone. If you add a browser or add a new Java environment, then you must enable the new browser or Java environment on the Windows computer running the RobotJ script stand-alone.

If you use TestManager to coordinate your testing activities and run a RobotJ script on an Agent computer, you need to enable environments on the Agent computer that runs the script. 

To enable environments:

1.      Do one of the following to start the Enabler:

·        For a Windows computer running RobotJ scripts stand-alone, or for a Windows Agent, <change to UNIX and Linux for McKinley>click  Start > Programs > Rational Product Name> Rational Test > Rational RobotJ Enabler.

·        For a Linux Agent, type at the command prompt:

java -Drobotj.install.dir=${RATIONAL_FT_INSTALL_DIRECTORY} -classpath ${RATIONAL_FT_INSTALL_DIRECTORY}/rational_ft.jar:${RATIONAL_FT_INSTALL_DIRECTORY}/xerces.jar com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -enable

2.      When the Enabler starts, click the Web Browsers tab to enable browsers or the Java Environments tab to enable Java environments.

3.      Complete the environment setup.

4.      After you run the Enabler for all browsers or JREs for the applications that you want to test, click OK.

Configuring Applications

Before you use RobotJ to test your Java or HTML applications, you need to use the RobotJ Application Configuration Tool to configure your applications. When you configure your applications, you provide the name, path, and other information about the application that you intend to test. RobotJ uses this information during record and playback to make the RobotJ script more reliable and portable.

If you use TestManager to coordinate your testing activities and run a RobotJ script on an Agent computer, you need to configure applications on the Agent computer that runs the script. 

To configure applications:

1.      Do one of the following to start the Application Configuration Tool:

·        For a Windows computer running RobotJ scripts stand-alone, or for a Windows Agent, <change to UNIX and Linux for McKinley>click Start > Programs > Rational Product Name> Rational Test > Rational RobotJ Application Configuration Tool.

·        For a Linux Agent running RobotJ scripts, type a <change to UNIX for Linux and Solaris for McKinley>t the command prompt:

% java -Drobotj.install.dir=${RATIONAL_FT_INSTALL_DIRECTORY} -classpath ${RATIONAL_FT_INSTALL_DIRECTORY}/rational_ft.jar:
${RATIONAL_FT_INSTALL_DIRECTORY}/xerces.jar com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -appconfig

2.      When the Application Configuration Tool starts, click the Add button.

3.      In the Add Application dialog box, select the application type, and click Next.

4.      Click Browse to find the application. If it is a Java application, select the .class or .jar file of the Java application you want to add. For an HTML application, browse to an .htm or .html file.

5.      With the file selected, click the Open button.
The file name and path appears in the Filename field.

6.      Click Finish.
The application appears in the Applications list in the Application Configuration Tool.

7.      Look at the information in the Detailed Information list. For a Java application, the Name, Kind, Path, .class/.jar file, Classpath, and Working Dir fields will automatically be filled in for you. The JRE and Args fields are optional. Make any necessary edits.
For information on these fields, see the RobotJ Help

8.      You can click the Run button to test that your application is properly configured.

9.      You must click OK or Apply to save the changes you made.

Note: After you add an application, you can edit its information any time by opening this tool and selecting it in the Applications list.


To remove an application:


To remove an application from the Applications list, select the application, then click Remove.

Setting Up ClearCase


·        RobotJ works with ClearCase and ClearCase LT. ClearCase LT is one of the team-unifying tools that come with Rational Suite TestStudio and Rational Suite Enterprise software. RobotJ does not work with ClearCase Unified Change Management (UCM).

·        Refer to the ClearCase Help for any specific ClearCase questions you may have.

The following procedure is an overview of the tasks that you need to do to set up a typical ClearCase installation. For example, a typical installation is when you install and set up ClearCase on a shared server and install the ClearCase client on a separate system. RobotJ is the ClearCase client on the local system. If you install and set up a ClearCase server and ClearCase client on the same system, you need to do some additional configuration tasks. For information, see the Rational ClearCase Administrator's Guide.

Before you can create a RobotJ datastore and add it to ClearCase, perform the following steps to set up ClearCase on a shared server:

1.      Install ClearCase. For information about installing ClearCase LT, see the Rational ClearCase LT Installation Guide on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD. For information about installing ClearCase, see the Rational ClearCase Installation Guide.

2.      Create a VOB, if necessary. For information, see the ClearCase Help. (You can skip this step if your ClearCase administrator creates a VOB for you.)

3.      Create a view to access your RobotJ test assets.


·        The instructions that follow are suggestions. Be sure to consult your ClearCase Administrator for the options you should select when you create a view. You can also find information in the Administering ClearCase manual, which can be found on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD-ROM.

·        Be sure to create the appropriate view. You can create snapshot views for ClearCase LT or dynamic and snapshot views for ClearCase.

a.      In the ClearCase Explorer, click the Toolbox tab.

b.      Click Create View.

c.      Complete the View Creation wizard.

d.      Click Finish.

4.      Update the ClearCase type managers on a Windows or UNIX Server. For information, see the next section, Updating ClearCase Type Managers on Windows, or see Updating ClearCase Type Managers on UNIX.

Updating ClearCase Type Managers on Windows

If you use ClearCase for source control management of your RobotJ test assets, you need to update the ClearCase type managers to recognize RobotJ test object map files on Windows.

To update the ClearCase type managers to recognize RobotJ test object map files on Windows:

1.      Do the following:

If you


Use ClearCase

Perform the following steps on the computer where you located the view storage when you created a view.

Use ClearCase LT

Perform the following steps on the ClearCase server.

Use ClearCase MultiSite

Also perform the following steps on all replicas.

Want to perform ClearCase operations on a VOB with RobotJ assets, but you do not need to install RobotJ on your system.

Perform the following steps on your system to gain access to RobotJ assets.

Note: To simplify your ClearCase administration, we recommend that you put RobotJ test assets in a separate VOB by itself. By putting RobotJ test assets in a separate VOB, only those users who need to access RobotJ test assets must install the RobotJ type managers on their system.


2.      Log on using an account with Administrator privileges.

3.      Do one of the following:

·        If you have the Rational Solutions for Windows Disc 1 CD, you can use a program to update the ClearCase type managers:

a.      Insert the Rational Solutions for Windows Disc 1 CD into your CD drive. The installation starts automatically.

If the installation does not start automatically, do the following:

                             i.        Click Start > Run.

                            ii.        Type drive:\SETUP.EXE

                            iii.       where drive is the CD drive you are using.

                            iv.       Click OK.

b.      In the Rational Software Setup screen, click Next.

c.      Select RobotJ ClearCase Server Extension from the list of available products and click Next.

d.      Complete the Installation wizard.

_rftmap             construct_version                    ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftmap             create_branch                          ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftmap             create_element                         ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftmap             create_version                          ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftmap             delete_branches_versions            ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftmap             compare                                  ..\..\bin\cleardiff.exe
_rftmap             xcompare                                 ..\..\bin\cleardiffmrg.exe
_rftmap             merge                                       ..\..\bin\cleardiff.exe
_rftmap             xmerge                                     ..\..\bin\cleardiffmrg.exe
_rftmap             annotate                                  ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftmap             get_cont_info                            ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftdef               construct_version                    ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftdef               create_branch                          ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftdef               create_element                         ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftdef               create_version                          ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftdef               delete_branches_versions            ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftdef               compare                                  ..\..\bin\cleardiff.exe
_rftdef               xcompare                                 ..\..\bin\cleardiffmrg.exe
_rftdef               merge                                       ..\..\bin\cleardiff.exe
_rftdef               xmerge                                     ..\..\bin\cleardiffmrg.exe
_rftdef               annotate                                  ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftdef               get_cont_info                            ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftvp                construct_version                    ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftvp                create_branch                          ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftvp                create_element                         ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftvp                create_version                          ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftvp                delete_branches_versions            ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftvp                compare                                  ..\..\bin\cleardiff.exe
_rftvp                xcompare                                 ..\..\bin\cleardiffmrg.exe
_rftvp                merge                                       ..\..\bin\cleardiff.exe
_rftvp                xmerge                                     ..\..\bin\cleardiffmrg.exe
_rftvp                annotate                                  ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe
_rftvp                get_cont_info                            ..\..\bin\bdtm.exe

Updating ClearCase Type Managers on UNIX

If you use ClearCase for source control management of your RobotJ test assets, you need to update the ClearCase type managers to recognize RobotJ test object map files on a UNIX system.

To update the ClearCase type managers on a UNIX system, do the following:

If you


Use ClearCase on a UNIX system

On the UNIX system running the view_server, type the following commands at the prompt.

Use ClearCase MultiSite

On all UNIX replicas, type the following commands at the prompt.

Want to perform ClearCase operations on a VOB with RobotJ assets, but you do not need to install RobotJ on your system.

On your system, type the following commands at the prompt.

Note: To simplify your ClearCase administration, we recommend that you put RobotJ test assets in a separate VOB by itself. By putting RobotJ test assets in a separate VOB, only those users who need to access RobotJ test assets must install the RobotJ type managers on their system.


Type the following commands at the prompt:

cd <clearcase_install_directory>/lib/mgrs

ln -s ./binary_delta ./_rftmap

ln -s ./binary_delta ./_rftdef

ln -s ./binary_delta ./_rftvp

Guidelines and Restrictions on Using Rational RobotJ

Script Recording and Playback Issues

Missed Scroll Action During Script Playback

If a scroll action fails to take place during playback, RobotJ does not throw an exception. That is, missed scroll actions are not fatal, script-stopping events. When the script performs actions that require an object to be scrolled into view, RobotJ automatically performs the action so that the object is scrolled into view.

Playing Back Both RobotJ and Robot Scripts to the Same Rational Test Agent

To play back both RobotJ and Robot scripts to the same Rational Test Agent:

1.   Start TestManager.

2.   In a suite, insert two computer groups. Each group must have the Rational Test Agent as its computer resource.

3.   Insert the RobotJ script into one computer group, and insert the Robot script into the other computer group.

4.   Run the suite. Both the RobotJ and Robot script will execute on the Rational Test Agent.

Recording or Playing Back Actions Against System Menus

RobotJ does not record or play back actions against system menus.

Recording ASCII Characters When Using a Chinese IME

If you use a Chinese Input Method Editor (IME) while recording in RobotJ, RobotJ does not record any ASCII characters that you enter. To avoid this issue, switch the input mode to standard ASCII layout when recording ASCII characters. To switch to another input mode in Windows, select Settings > Control Panel > Regional Options > Input Locales. When you want to resume recording Chinese characters, switch back to the Chinese input mode.

Double Byte Character Set Support on Linux

This release does not support playing back strings with double-byte characters on Linux, for example, playing back Japanese characters.

Browser and HTML Issues

isEnabled Method Always Returns False

For all HTML test objects, the isEnabled method always returns false because there is no consistent way for RobotJ to know whether an HTML element is enabled or disabled. To avoid this issue, use the .disabled property, which is available only for HTML form element test objects.

History Pop-up List in Internet Explorer

Certain versions of Internet Explorer have a pop-up history mechanism for edit controls. This history pop-up list, which RobotJ ignores, may hide other controls and therefore may interfere with playback of actions on the covered controls. If this occurs, end the keystroke input to the edit control with a tab character, which dismisses the history pop-up list.

Enabler Does Not Work with Netscape 6.2.1 If Netscape QuickLaunch Is Running

Do not run the Enabler when Netscape QuickLaunch is running. If you want to run the Enabler to enable Netscape for HTML testing, you must first disable Netscape QuickLaunch and then run the Enabler.

To disable QuickLaunch when Netscape is running in the background:

1.   Right-click the QuickLaunch icon that appears on the right side of the Windows taskbar.

2.   Click Disable QuickLaunch.

To disable QuickLaunch when Netscape is running in the foreground:

1.   In the Netscape menu bar, select Edit > Preferences.

2.   In the Preferences dialog box, click Advanced.

3.   In the Advanced area of the dialog box, clear the Enable QuickLaunch check box.

Restarting Netscape During Script Playback

In a RobotJ script, a browser or application can be started, stopped, and started again. If a script starts, stops, and immediately restarts Netscape, Netscape may stop responding. To prevent this from occurring, after RobotJ has finished recording the script, manually code a sleep method. This method should be included after the method that closes Netscape and before the method that restarts it.

For example, in the recorded script, you may see the following lines of code, which do not contain a sleep method:

public class BasicFormTest extends BasicFormTestHelper


      public void testMain (Object[] args)










Following are the same lines of code, with a sleep method inserted:

public class BasicFormTest extends BasicFormTestHelper


      public void testMain (Object[] args)






            sleep(1.0); // Gives Netscape time to close.





Note that the argument 1.0 represents the number of seconds that elapse when the sleep method is executing. Enter a delay of at least 1.0 seconds into this argument.

Testing HTML Against Netscape

If you want to test (that is, record and play back) HTML against Netscape and you have enabled Java in Netscape, you must make sure that the JRE loaded by Netscape is also enabled.

Because the JRE loaded by Netscape is not automatically enabled, you must check to see whether this JRE is enabled, as follows:

1.   In RobotJ, select Configure > Enable Environments for Testing.

2.   In the Enable Environments dialog box, select the Java Environments tab to see whether the JRE used by Netscape is enabled.

3.   If the JRE used by Netscape is not enabled, select the Java environment from the list of environments and click Enable.

Once the JRE is enabled, you must determine whether the JRE that is running in Netscape is designed for Netscape 6.x. To do this, in Netscape select Help > About Plug-ins and verify that the plug-in for mime-type application/x-java-vm is Java Virtual Machine for Netscape 6.x. If it is not, download a new java plug-in by going to http://www.javasoft.com.

Testing Java Applet and HTML Text Input Controls in Netscape

When working in Netscape, if Java applet and HTML text input controls are displayed on the same page, the playback of the input keys for the HTML may be redirected to the text input controls in the Java applet. This occurs because the Java applet takes the input focus after it initializes. In this case, the browser cannot determine whether the Java applet is in a ready state. The Netscape browser only sees that the document is ready, and it begins script playback.

To solve this issue, record a WaitForExistence command on the Java applet before recording anything for the HTML controls. On playback, this forces a wait, which makes the Java applet ready before any other playback begins.

Double-Clicking to Close a Browser Window During Recording

When trying to record a close-browser action in an open browser, do not double-click the browser icon on the upper left of the browser window. RobotJ does not record such close-browser actions. Instead, use the standard Windows Close Window icon on the upper right of the browser.

Netscape Does Not Support Clicking on Client-Side Image Maps

Netscape does not support clicking hot regions of client-side image maps. (Hot regions are regions that link to a site or action when clicked). Therefore, a script recorded on Internet Explorer that clicks on client-side image maps with hot regions does not play back correctly on Netscape.

Script Playback on a Test HTML Application with Dynamic Content

If a test HTML application has dynamic content, script playback may not work correctly. During playback, RobotJ may try to interact with a control, that is, an HTML object, before the content is fully loaded into it. If this happens, RobotJ issues an UnsupportedActionException.

To avoid this situation, insert a sleep() command into the test script. Insert this command on the line before actions against the control with dynamic content. For example:



List_myDynamicListBox().click(atText(“Pick me”));

Installation Using the Network Install Type from the UNC Path

RobotJ does not work if you install it from the network using the UNC path. To install RobotJ from the network, map the network location to a drive letter first and then do the installation from the network.

Operating System Issue

Current Release of RobotJ Not Validated for Use With Windows 98 or Windows ME

The current release of RobotJ has not been validated on Windows98 or Windows ME and is not recommended for use on those platforms.  Please contact Technical Support for the latest update on support for these platforms.

Java Issues

Creating a Menu Verification Point Using Scripting

RobotJ does not provide menu verification points for SWT. However, the RobotJ Examples directory contains source code that provides a menu verification point for SWT. To try the menu verification point example:

1.   Copy the examples to your datastore. You can find the examples in the Rational\RobotJ\Examples directory, which is typically located in C:\Program Files.

2.   Create a new script that clicks on an SWT menu.

3.   Change your script’s helper superclass from the default, which is RationalTestScript, to superscript.SwtScript. You can do this by right-clicking the script in the Datastore Explorer, selecting Properties from the pop-up menu, and selecting the RobotJ Script properties section.

4.   Return to your script and find the line of code that represents a click on the menu. It should look similar to this example:


5.   Insert the following after this line of code:

menuVP(“myVpName”, MyMenuBar());

6.   Play back the script.

The first time that you play it back, RobotJ creates the verification point baseline file. Each subsequent time that you play back the script, RobotJ captures the menu data  and compares it to the baseline. RobotJ logs the results. The menuVP() method is implemented with the vpManual() method.

Testing Java Applets in Internet Explorer

When testing Java applets in Internet Explorer, you must use versions 1.3.1_02 or higher of the JRE and Java plug-in.

Installing Old Versions of Java Plug-ins

If you install a JavaSoft JRE, the associated JavaSoft Java plug-in may also be installed. If this Java plug-in is installed, it becomes the default Java plug-in that is used by your browser and RobotJ. That is, it overrides any previously installed version of the Java plug-in. If you install a Java plug-in that is older than version 1.3.1_02, Java applet testing for Internet Explorer with RobotJ does not work.  To test Java applets with RobotJ, you must use Java plug-in and JRE version 1.3.1_02 or higher.  

Java Applets in Netscape 6 Running on Windows

When playing back a script that has actions against a combo box item that is not in view, RobotJ does not succeed in scrolling the item into view.

TestManager Issues

Disassociating a Datastore in RobotJ

If you disassociate a datastore in RobotJ, any TestManager assets that point to that datastore become invalid, even if you already reassociated the datastore with the same name. This is because associating a RobotJ datastore with TestManager always creates a completely new registered script source.

Copying Datastores Using File System Tools

If you make a copy of a Datastore Definition file (\resources\DatastoreDefinition.rftdsd), TestManager cannot differentiate between the original datastore and the new copy of the datastore. This is because the script source unique identification number (UID) is stored in the Datastore Definition file.

To avoid this problem, delete the UID from the new copy of the Datastore Definition File. For example, if the UID appears in the original file as follows:


delete the UID in the new copy, as follows:



Eclipse Issues

Working in More Than One Perspective in RobotJ

When you work in more than one perspective at a time in RobotJ, either of the following issues may arise:

·        When you are working on the same file in multiple perspectives at the same time and you go to close the file in one of these perspectives, Workbench may not prompt you to save the file.

This behavior is confusing because it is different from the behavior of other development environments. However, this behavior does not result in an unexpected loss of data because Workbench prompts you to save the file when you close it in the last perspective in which it is open. That is, Workbench prompts you to save the file before you close it for the last time.

·        The Insert Recording functionality may not work correctly for RobotJ scripts.

To avoid this issue, keep the script open only in the Test perspective. Close the script if it appears in any other perspective (usually the Debug perspective).

Working with Eclipse Files Outside the Eclipse IDE

Eclipse caches the following RobotJ script artifacts in its internal cache:

·        Java source files

·        Java class files

·        RobotJ script artifacts

Typically, you work with these artifacts only within the Eclipse IDE. If, however, you work on any of these outside an open Eclipse IDE, these persistent forms may become unsynchronized with the Eclipse cached form.

If you work on these artifacts outside the Eclipse IDE and then start this IDE, Eclipse automatically synchronizes the persistent forms with the cached forms. Therefore, after returning to work in the Eclipse shell, you must perform a refresh action, which synchronizes the persistent form of the source, class, and script information with the cached form on Eclipse.

To perform the refresh action, go to the Datastore Explorer inside the RobotJ perspective and click the Refresh Datastores icon. This icon is located on the right side of the Datastore Explorer title bar, to the left of the Close (X) icon.

Configuring RobotJ to Test Eclipse-Based Applications

To test an Eclipse-based application in RobotJ, you must perform two major tasks:

1.   Configure RobotJ and the application under test so that each runs in its own instance of the Eclipse shell.

2.   Enable the application for testing by RobotJ.

To  configure RobotJ and the application under test so that each runs in its own instance of the Eclipse shell:

1.   Create a separate metadata directory so that you can run a separate instance of the shell.

Note that this directory does not need a special name or location. However, keep in mind the name and location of this directory because you need to refer to it when configuring the application under test, as described in Steps 2 - 5.

2.   In RobotJ, open the Application Configuration tool by selecting Configure > Configure Applications for Testing.

3.   In the Application Configuration Tool dialog box, click Add.

4.   In the Add Application dialog box, select Executable or Batch File and click Next.

5.   In the File Edit dialog box, insert the full path name of the Eclipse executable, which is either of the following, depending on the type of application that is installed:

<drive letter>:\<path>\eclipse.exe


<drive letter>:\<path>\wsappdev.exe

6.   In the Args text box of the Application Configuration Tool, specify a new metadata directory by entering the following and then clicking OK:

-data <dir/path for metadata>

Note that if you have spaces in the names in your directory, you must put the full path in quotes.

To enable the application for testing by RobotJ:

1.   Copy the com.rational.test.ft.enabler.wsw plug-in (typically found in C:\Program Files\Rational\RobotJ\hshell\plugins) to the plugins directory of the C:\Program Files\IBM\Application Developer\plugins install that you are testing.

2.   After the Enabler directory is copied, start the target Eclipse-based application that you want to test. In the applications under test, select Perspective > Show View > Other.

3.   In the Show View dialog box, select RobotJ Enabler to expand the node and then select RobotJ Enabler View. This action adds the invisible RobotJ Enabler view to the Eclipse-based application.

Once you have selected the view, the other open views resize to accommodate it. This resizing action confirms that the view is loaded. The RobotJ Enabler view appears as a blank window.

You are now ready to begin testing the Eclipse-based application under test in RobotJ.

Enabler Issue

Searching for JREs in the Enabler

If you start the Enabler and ask it to search for JREs, the search action searches all directories, which may include mounted network partitions. On a system with a large mounted network, the search could take a long time. Therefore, on UNIX you should use the Add button to enable the appropriate JREs.

Purify, Quantify, and PureCoverage Issues

Support and Usage of PureCoverage with RobotJ

RobotJ supports basic, minimal integration with PureCoverage. As part of an application’s configuration, command-line parameters can be supplied for running PureCoverage against the following:

·        RobotJ scripts

·        Java applications-under-test

·        Applets

You must configure and run PureCoverage for each application that is being tested by RobotJ.

Rational Purify and Quantify

Due to significant incompatibilities between RobotJ and Rational Purify and Quantify, applications running under Purify and Quantify are not supported for record and playback with RobotJ.

Linux Issues

Using IBM JRE 1.3.0 on glibc 2.2 Linux Systems

IBM JRE 1.3.0 is the default JRE that is included with RobotJ. When working in this particular JRE on Linux systems with glibc 2.2 (that is, Red Hat 7.x), you must set the following environment variable when starting up the agent:

export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5

If you do not set this variable on glibc 2.2 systems, the agent hangs when a script is run from TestManager. Note, however, that this same variable may cause some versions of Sun's JRE to have problems on Red Hat 7.1.

RobotJ Stops Responding Due to Defects in the glibc Package

In certain situations, RobotJ may stop responding due to defects in the glibc package that is included with Red Hat Linux 7.1. To resolve this issue, download and install the latest updates available from Red Hat (currently glibc 2.2.4-24).

Playback of Asterisk or Plus Symbols in Linux

If you record the “*” or “+” symbols on the standard keyboard, these symbols do not play back in Linux. As a workaround, use the numeric keypad to record these symbols if you plan to play back the script in Linux.

ClearCase Integration Issues

Renaming Files Under ClearCase

If you are working with a ClearCase snapshot view and you rename a file before it is checked out and then you check it out, this file is not under ClearCase source control. The result is that you can still write to this file, but ClearCase does not know about any changes you make. To avoid this issue, only rename a file after it is checked out of ClearCase.

Requesting ClearCase Branch Mastership Not Supported in RobotJ

RobotJ integration with ClearCase does not support a ClearCase Multisite request for mastership. This means that, when you check out a script, file or map from RobotJ, you cannot request mastership of the branch. And, if you have not already obtained mastership of the branch in ClearCase, you cannot check in the script, file or map to ClearCase.

To resolve this issue, you need to request mastership of the branch in ClearCase, not in RobotJ. To do this:

1.   While working in RobotJ, check out the scripts, maps, or files that you want to work with.

2.   Go to the ClearCase Version Tree Browser to obtain mastership of the VOB that contains these scripts, maps, or files.

For further information on how to request mastership in ClearCase, see the Rational ClearCase Help.

Trend Anti-Virus Software Incompatible with ClearCase

Trend anti-virus software does not work with Rational ClearCase. If you try to use RobotJ with both ClearCase and Trend running, the system stops responding. To use Trend and ClearCase together without any problems, go to Trend and exclude the following files from virus detection:

·        Mvfs drives (Multi-version file system, that is, dynamic view drives)

·        View storage files (files with the extension .vws)

·        VOB storage files (files with extension .vbs)

Show Checkouts Does Not Show Checked-Out Files in ClearCase View Specified by UNC Path

RobotJ Datastore Explorer’s Show Checkouts feature does not show the checked-out scripts, files, or maps in ClearCase views that are specified by a UNC path. Therefore, when working in a ClearCase snapshot view, always use a mapped path. When working in a ClearCase dynamic view, select Start View from ClearCase HomeBase and use the mapped path.

ClearCase on Windows 98 and Windows ME

The RobotJ ClearCase integration is not supported on Windows 98 or Windows ME.

Miscellaneous Issue

Working with Characters that Cannot be Displayed in the RobotJ User Interface

If an incorrect character (for example, a square box) displays in the Message Option window, you should change the current font to a font that supports the needed characters. You must change the font in two places:

·        In RobotJ, select Window > Preferences > Workbench > Fonts.

·        Open the RobotJ Enabler by clicking Configure > Enable Environments for Testing, and, in the Enabler, click Change Font.

Known Defects

Browser and HTML Issue

RobotJ Recording When Using Netscape

When you first install RobotJ, it may not record the correct test object on the first action in Netscape. If this occurs, reboot your machine and restart RobotJ.

ClearCase Integration Issues

RobotJ Scripts and Files Appear to be Hijacked When They Are Not

When you check out a RobotJ script or file in ClearCase, in certain situations RobotJ thinks that the script is hijacked when it is not. To resolve this issue, check out the file as if it were not hijacked.

RobotJ Incorrectly Issues File Change Message

When you work with the RobotJ editor in a ClearCase dynamic view and you change even one character in a file that is not checked out, RobotJ issues a message asking if you want to check out the version of the file that you are working on in memory.

If you click OK to check out the file, RobotJ has a safeguard in case another user created a new version of the file and checked it into ClearCase while you were editing your version that was not checked out. If that happens, when RobotJ tries to check out the file you have changed, it recognizes the version on disk (the version checked in by the other user) as being more current than the file that you are editing in memory. In this case, RobotJ issues the following message:

The file has been changed on the file system. Do you want to load the changes?

This is the correct behavior for RobotJ. However, occasionally RobotJ issues this file change message even when a new version has not been created on disk while you are editing your version in memory. You should always select No when the above message appears. Even if a new version of the file has not been created on disk, you will lose only the one character that you entered into the version that was not checked out.

Java Issue

Java Plug-ins with Java JREs or JDKs

If you install a Java JRE or JDK and then change the default Java plug-in, you must enable the new plug-in JRE. To find and enable all JREs:

1.   In the RobotJ main menu, select Configure > Enable Environments for Testing.

The Enable Environments dialog box displays.

2.   Select Java Environments.

3.   Click Search to find the Java environments.

4.   Select all the Java environments that are found by the search, and click Enable.

5.   Close the Enable Environments dialog box and restart RobotJ.

Note: For RobotJ to work with Internet Explorer, the installed Java plug-in must be version 1.3.1_02 or higher.

Linux Issue

Cleaning Files Downloaded to Agent When Running Linux

When the Agent runs a test suite or a test script that calls other scripts, it does not automatically delete the files that are in the directory /tmp/rtagent_0 or in the created directory. Therefore, if you want these files to be deleted, you must delete them manually. If you do not delete these files, they may use up too much space when you are running a suite or a large script.

Verification Point Issue

Inaccurate Colors When Playing Back a Verification Point

When you edit a color property in the Verification Point Editor or Comparator, the popup color chooser control may erroneously round off the color value after you select the HSB tab on the color chooser dialog box that is associated with color properties. This error can cause color values to compare unsuccessfully upon playback of a verification point.

Miscellaneous Issue

Recognition of Word Characters in the com.rational.test.util.regex Package

In the RobotJ com.rational.test.util.regexp package, Unicode is supposed to recognize \w as an underscore (_) when \w is used as part of a word. However, Unicode currently does not recognize \w.

Contacting Rational Technical Support

If you have questions about installing, using, or maintaining this product, contact Rational Technical Support as follows:

Your Location




North America

(800) 433-5444
(toll free)
(408) 863-4000
Cupertino, CA

(781) 676-2460
Lexington, MA


Europe, Middle East, Africa

+31 (0) 20-4546-200

+31 (0) 20-4545-201


Asia Pacific




Note: When you contact Rational Technical Support, please be prepared to supply the following information:

·        Your name, telephone number, and company name

·        Your computer's make and model

·        Your operating system and version number

·        Product release number and serial number

·        Your case ID number (if you are following up on a previously-reported problem)