Rational RequisitePro 2002.05.20 Service Release Notes

APRIL 2002

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This document provides information about the 2002.05.20 release of Rational RequisitePro, including information on fixed defects. For more general information on this release, including descriptions of supported platforms, enhancements, and known issues, refer to the RequisitePro Release Notes.

This release provides enhancements and fixes for defects in the 2002.05.00 release, adds new support for the Integrated Use Case Management capability in RequisitePro for Rational XDE, and maintains the Integrated Use Case Management support for Rational Rose.

Table of Contents

Hardware/Software Information

Getting Started

Product Documentation

Defects and Changes

Contacting Rational Technical Support

Hardware/Software Information

For information about Hardware/Software requirements for this release, refer to the RequisitePro Release Notes.

If you do not know which product versions you have installed on your system, go to Start > Programs > Rational [product name] > Rational Software Installed Product Information.

Getting Started

The release described in this document enhances Integrated Use Case Management functionality in RequisitePro by enabling the integration between RequisitePro and Rational XDE. You can install both Rational Rose and XDE on the same system. You can associate RequisitePro projects, requirements, and documents with either Rose or XDE models. We recommend that for production purposes, you use one modeling tool exclusively for the integration with RequisitePro.

Installation Information

To install this service release, take the following steps:

  1. Run setup.exe. Follow the instructions and restart your system.
  2. To initialize the integration, start XDE v2002 Release 2.

Upgrading from Service Release 1

If you are upgrading from Rational RequisitePro Service Release 2002.05.01.305.000 (or a Rational Suite product containing the service release), you may encounter the following error summary after installing this release:

This installation was previously upgraded to service release 1. To update additional products and components that you installed after applying the service release, reinstall service release 1.

You do not need to reinstall service release. Click Next to continue. (RATLC00017907)

Configuring the integration

Integrated Use Case Management is available when RequisitePro is installed on the same system as XDE or Rose. For each XDE model you want to integrate with RequisitePro, you must set the model's AppliedProfiles property to RequisitePro:

  1. In the XDE Model Explorer, select the model.
  2. In the Properties window, type RequisitePro in the AppliedProfiles property.

Note: The AppliedProfiles value is case-sensitive. You must type RequisitePro exactly as indicated.

Setting the AppliedProfiles property automatically creates the necessary default packages in the model (Component View, Deployment View, Logical View, Use Case View) and adds the RequisitePro integration to the XDE Tools menu. To associate your XDE model and its use cases to RequisitePro artifacts, click Tools > Rational RequisitePro in XDE. Integrated Use Case Management Help is also available on this menu.

Product Documentation

For more information on Integrated Use Case Management, refer to Integrated Use Case Management Help, which can be accessed from Rose or XDE from the Tools > RequisitePro menu. To access this menu in Rose or XDE, RequisitePro must be installed.

Defects and Changes

Defects fixed in this release

RATLC00016619, RATLC00017225: Copying and pasting requirements with child requirements did not properly locate those child requirements in a package, causing subsequent reparenting and template creation actions to fail.

RATLC00017020: Assigning requirements to a new parent caused duplicate requirements to appear in saved views.

RATLC00026312: Deleting a date attribute value using the Delete key caused a runtime error.

RATLC00016830, RATLC00016809: Exporting requirements in an Attribute Matrix to a .csv file caused a runtime error.

RATLC00016738: Expanding and collapsing requirements in the columns of a Traceability Matrix view caused duplicate requirements to appear when the "retain hierarchy" setting was turned off for the row requirements.

RATLC00016742: Traceability trees printed with overlapping text on some types of printers.

RATLC00016834: Printing a discussion with associated requirements caused an error and failed to print the requirement references.

RATLC00017275: Creating a project from a template failed if that template was created from a project with requirements not stored in packages.

RATLC00017376: Creating a project template from an Oracle-based project performed slowly.

RATLC00030521: The Metrics Tool did not produce results for a report created using the "Traceability Change" filter.

RATLC00030826: "'IsRoot' not understood" error message was returned when attempting to expand a package in RequisitePro.

RATLC00017654: Message always appeared when external project could not be found even if 'connect at project open' was not selected.

RATLC00017677: Queries on packages in projects using Oracle Databases with the Retain Hierarchy option selected returned no results.

RATLC00017361: Rose virtual path maps were not displayed correctly in the Associate model to project dialog box.

RATLC00030833: Saving a document with thousands of requirements performed slowly.

Defects fixed in prior service releases included in this release

RATLC00016602: Taking documents offline occasionally caused a specific run time error. Note: You may still experience a separate Microsoft Word Visual Basic error if the document is currently opened. Receiving this error will not prevent you from successfully taking the document offline To avoid this error, close the document first before taking the document offline.

RATLC00016486: Creating requirements in offline documents, particularly requirements containing double-byte characters, produced an error.

RATLC00016580: The Choose Parent dialog box returned an empty or inaccurate list of parent requirements after a New Wizard command.

RATLC00022222: RequisitePro's Check in All command ran slowly on projects containing a large number of documents.

RATLC00016523: The RequisitePro E-mail reader ignored messages referring to double-byte project names and discussion subjects, causing the occasional loss of discussion e-mail.

RATLC00016527: Rebuilding tags and renumbering requirements occasionally deleted one-word requirements that are immediately adjacent to other requirements.

RATLC00016545: The Requirement Metrics tool corrupted the display of double-byte characters.

Files changed by this release

New files installed by this release

Contacting Rational Technical Support

Telephone: 1-800-433-5444 or 408-863-5000 (outside the U.S. and Canada)

Fax: 408-863-4300

E-mail: support@rational.com

Web site: http://www.rational.com/support/

RequisitePro Users Mailing List

Join our user group! Rational maintains an open e-mail list "req_forum@rational.com" for customers to exchange ideas on using RequisitePro. To subscribe to the mailing list, go to the following Web site: http://www.rational.com/support/usergroups/