Rational Software Corp.


Appendix B

Accessing the CD-ROM Drive

This section provides instructions for mounting and unmounting a CD-ROM drive in the UNIX environment.

Mounting the CD-ROM Drive

As root, make a directory (if one does not already exist) to be the mount point for the CD-ROM drive. The following examples for each platform use the directory /cdrom. Make sure you know the device name of the CD-ROM drive. If you do not know the device name for the CD-ROM drive, consult your system administrator. Mounting commands for different operating systems are as follows:

Sparc/Solaris with Volume Management

Solaris 2.x with volume management mounts to the /cdrom directory. This happens automatically when you load the CD-ROM drive. You have volume management if the vold daemon is running on the system.

Sparc/Solaris (Solaris 2.x) without Volume Management

# mkdir /cdrom
# mount -r -F hsfs /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s0 /cdrom

HP-UX 10.x, 11.0, 11.11 (11.i)

# mkdir /cdrom
# mount -r -F cdfs /dev/dsk/c0t2d0 /cdrom

Unmounting the CD-ROM Drive

For CD-ROM installs, unmount the CD-ROM drive with the following commands.

For Solaris with volume management (vold is running):

% eject cd

All others must unmount the CD as root.

% su
# umount /cdrom

Note: You cannot eject the CD if you are at the directory /cdrom or /cdrom/cdrom0. If you get a "Device busy" error, change your directory location to a location other than the CD-ROM and repeat the above commands.

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