Rational Purify: What it does
Using Purify
       The basic steps
       Instrumenting and running your program
       Analyzing Purify error messages
       Correcting errors and rerunning
       Saving error data
       Using Purify with test harnesses, makefiles, and scripts
       Using the Purify Viewer
             Using the Purify Viewer
             Exit status summary
             Memory leaked summary
             Using the Purify help system
       Using Purify: an example
             Building and running the testHash example program
             Finding memory access errors in testHash
             Finding memory leaks in testHash
       Suppressing Purify Messages
             About suppressing messages
             Suppressing messages in the Viewer
             Specifying suppressions in a .purify file
             Viewing suppressed messages
             Removing and editing suppressions
             Using suppressions for multiple programs
       Setting Watchpoints
             About watchpoints
             Calling Purify watchpoint functions
             Saving watchpoints
       Using Rational products with Purify
             Using Rational PureCoverage with Purify
             Using Rational ClearQuest with Purify
             Using Rational ClearCase with Purify
Customizing Purify
       About customizing Purify
       Mailing Purify output to team members
       Annotating Purify output
       Customizing Purify messages
       Controlling message batching
       Customizing threads handling
       Enabling just-in-time debugging
       Reporting Purify status at exit
       Running shell scripts at exit
       Customizing the Purify Viewer
       Using and customizing Purify scripts
       Customizing the program controls
       Managing cached object files
       Selecting a configuration management system
       Configuring a change request management tool
       Using custom memory managers with Purify
             About custom memory managers
             Modifying fixed-size allocators
             Modifying pool allocators
             Modifying sbrk allocators
             Accessing auxiliary data
Purify messages
       Purify messages: overview
       About memory access errors
             About memory access errors
             How Purify finds memory access errors
       About memory leaks
             About memory leaks
             How Purify finds and reports memory leaks
             Using the new leaks button
             Disabling memory leaked messages
       About file descriptors
             About file descriptor leaks
             File descriptor leak example
             File descriptors message
       ABR: array bounds read
       ABW: array bounds write
       BRK: misuse of brk or sbrk
       BSR: beyond stack read
       BSW: beyond stack write
       COR: core dump imminent
       FIU: file descriptors in use
       FMM: freeing mismatched memory
       FMR: free memory read
       FMW: free memory write
       FNH: freeing non-heap memory
       FUM: freeing unallocated memory
       IPR: invalid pointer read
       IPW: invalid pointer write
       MAF: malloc failure
       MIU: memory in use
       MLK: memory leak
       MRE: malloc reentrancy error
       MSE: memory segment error
       NPR: null pointer read
       NPW: null pointer write
       PAR: bad parameter
       PLK: potential memory leak
       PMR: partial UMR
       SBR: stack array bounds read
       SBW: stack array bounds write
       SIG: signal message
       SOF: stack overflow
       UMC: uninitialized memory copy
       UMR: unitialized memory read
       WPF: watchpoint free
       WPM: watchpoint malloc
       WPN: watchpoint entry
       WPR: watchpoint read
       WPW: watchpoint write
       WPX: watchpoint exit
       ZPR: zero page read
       ZPW: zero page write
Purify options
       About Purify options
       Using Purify options
       Build-time options
       Annotation option
       Exit processing options
       File descriptor options
       Mail mode option
       Memory access options
       Memory leak options
       Message appearance options
       Message batching option
       Output mode options
       Static checking options
       Suppression option
       Threads options
       Watchpoint option
       Miscellaneous options
Purify API
       About Purify API functions
       Calling Purify API functions
       Annotation API functions
       Exit processing API function
       File descriptor API functions
       Memory access API functions
       Memory leak API functions
       Message batching API functions
       Pool allocation API functions
       Threads API function
       Watchpoint API functions
       Miscellaneous API functions
Reference and contact information
       Contacting Technical Support
       Filing bug reports with Rational Software
       Contacting Technical Publications
       Accessing the Rational Developer Network
       Purify overhead