Data collection options





Specifies that Quantify not time specified system calls. The syscall_list is a comma-delimited list of system call names or numbers. For more information, read Avoiding timing for specific system calls.

Specify a list of system-call names or numbers, separated by commas. The names and numeric values in the /usr/include/sys/syscall.h header file. The default values for -avoid-recording-system-calls are:

Solaris: SYS_exit, SYS_poll

HP-UX: SYS_exit, SYS_select, SYS_listen, SYS_sigpause




Specifies how Quantify measures the time required for system calls and dynamic library operations. You can specify elapsed-time, user+system, user, or system.

If –measure-timed-calls=elapsed-time, Quantify records the elapsed (wall-clock) time the operation took using the gettimeofday system call. If the value is user, system or user+system, Quantify records the time the kernel recorded for that operation using the getrusage system call. For more information, read Controlling how system calls are timed.




Specifies that Quantify not time certain system calls. The syscall_list is a comma-delimited list of system call names or numbers. Unlike -avoid-recording-system-calls, this option ensures that time is never collected on these system calls and that time is never added to the excluded time Quantify tracks and reports.

Use this option on Solaris to avoid timing system calls that cause LWP switches to occur in symmetric multi-processor (SMP) installations. Setting this option avoids double-counting the system call time that elapsed while one thread was blocked but another thread was able to execute. For more information, read Collecting data in threaded programs.

The default on Solaris is: SYS_sigtimedwait, SYS_lwp_sema_wait, SYS_lwp_create, SYS_lwp_kill, SYS_lwp_mutex_lock, SYS_lwp_mutex_unlock, SYS_lwp_cond_wait, SYS_signotifywait




Specifies whether Quantify records any data over the entire program, including data for system calls and register-window traps. This option establishes the initial recording state only. For more information, read Avoiding all data recording.




Specifies whether Quantify records the time spent by a function making calls to the operating system. This option establishes the initial recording state only. For more information, read Timing system calls.




Specifies whether Quantify records the time spent by a function in saving and restoring register windows. This option establishes the initial recording state only. For more information, read Timing register-window traps.




Specifies whether Quantify records the time spent performing dynamic library operations. This option establishes the initial recording state only. For more information, read Timing shared-library operations.



Specifies whether to report any time that has been excluded from a dataset. The excluded time is reported if, as a percentage of the combined total counted time and the excluded time, it exceeds the specified value.

  • no sets the threshold at 0, so Quantify never reports excluded times.

  • yes sets the threshold at 100, so Quantify always reports excluded times.

For more information, read Reporting excluded system-call time.