Installing and Configuring Rational RequisiteWeb Version 2003.06.00

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Rational RequisiteWeb lets clients read, create, and modify Rational RequisitePro project requirements across an intranet. RequisiteWeb uses the browsers Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer to provide platform-independent, thin-client access to RequisitePro project data. RequisiteWeb can access projects that use Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, or Oracle databases. RequisiteWeb must be installed on a Windows server.

Click here for information on new features in this release of RequisiteWeb.

This document contains the following sections:

RequisiteWeb System Requirements

Server Requirements

The following table summarizes the requirements for the RequisiteWeb server.

Item Requirement
Operating System One of the following:

Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP2, SP3

Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP2, SP3

Microsoft Windows .NET RC2

Note: The production release of Microsoft Windows 2003 was not available for final testing at the time this document was finalized. To obtain the latest information on Windows 2003 support, go to

NT Server 4.0, Service Pack 6A with security rollup package

Processor 400 MHz or greater
Memory 128 MB. For projects with more than 10,000 requirements or Web sites with more than 10 concurrent users, we recommend 256 MB or more.
Disk space RequisiteWeb (includes system DLLs) - 40 MB
Microsoft Word

One of the following:

Microsoft Word 2000 SP2, SP3

Microsoft Word 2002 SP1, SP2

Note: Microsoft Word licenses are required for all concurrent RequisiteWeb users.

Oracle Database Client (to use projects located in Oracle databases)

Oracle 8.1.7, 9i R2

Note: The RequisiteWeb server cannot be implemented on a Primary Domain Controller, or Backup Domain Controller and RequisiteWeb cannot be run on an ADSI enabled network or a Novell network. RequisiteWeb can be used with SQL Server 2000 "Named Instances."

Client Requirements

Microsoft Word must be installed on the client system in order to edit documents. To access RequisiteWeb from client machines, you must install one of the following Web browsers on the client system.

Note: For proper RequisiteWeb operation, you must set your browser to allow cookies and enable JavaScript.

Configuring the RequisiteWeb Server

Before you configure RequisiteWeb, Microsoft Word must be installed on your Windows server.

Note: Installing RequisiteWeb on a system that has J-Integra already installed may cause conflicts.

Note: If you are upgrading RequisiteWeb version 2002.05.0X or 2001A, to the Upgrading RequisiteWeb 2002.05.X and 2001A section of this document.

This section describes installation and configuration of the RequisiteWeb components on your server. The following procedures are provided:

Installing the Oracle Client

To access RequisitePro projects that are stored in an Oracle database, you must configure Oracle client software on the server.

Important: If you are using Oracle version 8.1.7, you must install the Oracle client software before installing RequisiteWeb.

Creating the RequisiteWeb User

RequisiteWeb requires that you create a RequisiteWeb user. The RequisiteWeb user can be given any name. For the purposes of this installation guide, the user will be called ReqWebUser. This user will be granted the necessary permissions for RequisiteWeb to operate properly. If all RequisitePro projects that are accessible through RequisiteWeb are located on drives local to the RequisiteWeb server, create ReqWebUser as a local user on the RequisiteWeb server. However (if any of the projects accessible through RequisiteWeb are located on network file shares within your domain), create ReqWebUser as a domain user on your primary domain controller server and grant rights to your project directory.

Note: If you create the ReqWebUser user on the Windows domain server, be sure to log in to your Windows domain server as an administrator.

Step Windows NT 4.0 Windows 2000 Server/.NET RC2
1 On the domain server, click Start > Programs > Administrative Tools (Common) > User Manager for Domains. On the domain server, click Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Computer Management.
2 Click User > New User. Expand Domain Users and Groups. Right-click Users; select New User.
3 In the Username box, type ReqWebUser and type a password. In the Username box, type ReqWebUser and type a password.
4 Clear the check box User must change password at next login, and select the check box Password never expires. Click Add; click Close. Clear the check box User must change password at next login, and select the check box Password never expires. Click Create; click Close.
5 Close the User Manager application. Close the Computer Management application.

Adding the ReqWebUser to the Local Administrator Group

Note: Be sure to log on to your RequisiteWeb server as an administrator for the following procedure.

Step Windows NT 4.0 Windows 2000 Server/.NET RC2
1 On the Windows server, click Start > Programs > Administrative Tools (Common) > User Manager for Domains. On the Windows server, click Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Computer Management.
2 Click User > Select Domain, select your domain server, and type your machine name. Click OK. Expand Local Users and Groups. Select Groups. Right-click Administrators and select Add to Group. In the Administrators Properties dialog box, click Add.
3 In the Groups column, double-click Administrators. The Select Users or Groups dialog box opens. At the Look in box, select the domain where you created the ReqWebUser.
4 In the Local Group Properties dialog box, click Add. Select your Domain Server from the List Names From list. Select ReqWebUser in the Names list and click Add. Click OK. Select the ReqWebUser and click Add.
5 Click OK in the Local Group Properties dialog box to close it. Click OK to close the Select Users or Groups dialog box. Click OK to finish.
6 Close the User Manager application. Close the Computer Management application.

Assigning DCOM Permissions to the Local Administrators Group

RequisiteWeb uses DCOM to start Microsoft Word. To achieve this, the ReqWebUser should be a member of the Administrators group on the RequisiteWeb server.

Note: If you have not already installed Microsoft Word on the RequisiteWeb server, you must do so now.
To Assign Access Permissions to the Local Administrators Group:
  1. On the Start menu, click Run, and type dcomcnfg
    Note: If you see the DCOM Configuration Warning dialog box, close the warning and proceed to the next step.
  2. Select the Default Security tab. Under Default Access Permissions, click the Edit Default button.
  3. In the Registry Value Permissions dialog box, click Add.
  4. At the Add Users and Groups dialog box, select your local machine from the List Names From list.
  5. Select the Administrators group in the Names list and click Add.
  6. At the Type of Access box, select Allow Access. Click OK twice to return to the Distributed COM Configuration Properties dialog box.
To Assign Launch Permissions to the Local Administrators Group:
  1. Select the Default Security tab. Under Default Launch Permissions, click the Edit Default button.
  2. In the Registry Value Permissions dialog box, click Add.
  3. At the Add Users and Groups dialog box, select your local machine from the List Names From drop-down list box.
  4. Select the Administrators group in the Names list and click Add.
  5. At the Type of Access field, select Allow Launch. Click OK twice to return to the Distributed COM Configuration Properties dialog box.
  6. Close DCOM and restart your system.

Installing RequisiteWeb on the Server

Note: If you are a current RequisiteWeb user, be sure to remove any earlier version of RequisiteWeb before you install the current release of RequisiteWeb on your server. For details, see Uninstalling RequisiteWeb 2002.05.X and 2001A.

To install the RequisiteWeb server components, log on to the RequisiteWeb server as a local administrator. Use the Rational Solutions for Windows CD disc 1 to install RequisiteWeb. The Rational Software Setup Wizard guides you through the software installation. On each screen, click the Next button to proceed to the next screen. At the Product Selection screen, select Rational RequisitePro from the Rational Product list.

Note: If your database server is running on an international operating system, be sure that the install path does not include folders with double-byte character names.

At the Custom screen, expand the Web Server Components and select RequisiteWeb.

Installation Issue: Rational Installer Incompatible with Windows "Change Journal" Feature

Rational has determined that under certain circumstances file system corruption can result from installing Rational Version 2003 products on Windows 2000 to an NTFS partition that has the Windows "Change Journal" (log) enabled on it. Rational is actively working with Microsoft to better understand and identify a fix for the problem.

Before installing any Rational Version 2003 product on a computer running Windows 2000, please read Rational Solution 182435434 at for the latest information. Alternatively, you can search the Rational Solutions Knowledge Base at for the text "Change Journal". (RATLC00688306)

For more information about installing the RequisiteWeb server components, see the Rational Desktop Products Installation Guide included on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD.

RequisiteWeb and IIS

RequisiteWeb uses the Rational Web Platform (RWP). Because RWP and Internet Information Services (IIS) can conflict with one another, you must choose one of the following options to run RequisiteWeb on a system with IIS running:

Disable IIS

The following table explains how you can disable IIS. After you disable it, any programs using it will no longer work.

Step Windows NT 4.0 Windows 2000 Server/.NET RC2
1 Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Services. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
2 Locate and select the World Wide Web Publishing service. Locate the World Wide Web Publishing service and double-click the icon to display the Properties dialog box.
3 In the Services window, click the Stop button and change the Startup type to Disabled. On the General tab under Service status, click the Stop button and change the Startup type to Disabled. Click OK and close the Services window.
4 Click Close to finish. Click OK to close the dialog box. Close the Internet Services Manager.

Change and redirect the default RWP HTTP port

The following steps let RequisiteWeb and IIS coexist. To change and redirect the default RWP HTTP port:

  1. Change the default RWP HTTP port (80) in your rwp.conf file. Follow the instructions “To Change the Default RWP HTTP Port” in the Rational Server Products Installation Guide included on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD.
  2. Create a virtual directory for RequisiteWeb on your RequisiteWeb server:
    1. Launch the Internet Services Manager by doing one of the following:
      • In Windows NT 4.0, click Start > Programs > Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack > Microsoft Internet Information Server > Internet Service Manager.
      • In Windows 2000 Server, click Start > Programs > Administrative Tools/Internet Services Manager.
    2. Right-click the Default Web Site and select New Virtual Directory.
    3. In the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard, click Next and type ReqWeb as the alias.
    4. Click Next and browse to and select
      C:\Program Files\Rational\common\RWP\webapps2\ReqWeb and click Next.
    5. Click Next and Finish to complete the wizard.
  3. In the properties of your newly created Virtual Directory, select A redirection to a URL and redirect to: http://<server name>:<new port>/reqweb
  4. Close the Internet Services Manager and restart the Rational Web Platform. Follow the instructions in “Starting and Stopping the Rational Web Platform” in the Rational Server Products Installation Guide included on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD.

Editing the RequisiteWeb Configuration File (optional)

Edit the RequisiteWeb configuration file to:

To use customized RequisiteWeb settings, open (by default) C:\Program Files\Rational\common\rwp\webapps2\ReqWeb\WEB-INF\classes\config.txt in a text editor.


Setting Description Default
RPXDocPath The path to the directory where RequisiteWeb temporarily stores Word documents (also known as the “GenDoc” directory). From the GenDoc directory, client Web browsers download documents (Word format) or read them for display (HTML format). For example:

RPXDocPath=C:\Program Files\Rational\common\rwp\webapps2\ReqWeb\GenDoc

Note: If you change the RPXDocPath directory, you must make a corresponding change to the RPXHTTP variable below. The converse also applies.
RPXHTTP The URL that client Web browsers use to access the RPXDocPath directory. If you enter a relative URL, it will be relative to “http://<servername>/ReqWeb”. For example:


Note: This setting is case-sensitive.
RPXCatalog The path to the project catalog file that is used to locate RequisitePro projects. For example:

RPXCatalog=C:\Program Files\Rational\RequisitePro\ReqWeb\Projects\catalog.txt
SSL Set SSL to true if SSL is enabled. This setting affects whether hyperlinks in HTML-format documents use HTTP or HTTPS. For example:


Enabling SSL (Secure Socket Layer)

RequisiteWeb supports SSL, an encryption system that ensures the confidentiality of data exchanged between RequisiteWeb and a client Web browser. To use SSL with RequisiteWeb:

  1. Stop the Rational Web Platform. Follow the instructions for “Starting and Stopping the Rational Web Platform” in the Rational Server Products Installation Guide included on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD.
  2. Set SSL to true in the RequisiteWeb configuration file (see above table).
  3. Remove all files and directories in the GenDoc directory. By default, this is C:\Program Files\Rational\common\rwp\webapps2\ReqWeb\GenDoc
  4. Follow the instructions for configuring the Rational Web Platform in the Rational Server Products Installation Guide to enable SSL.

Granting ReqWebUser Access to Network Projects

Use the instructions in this section if you have projects on network file shares within your domain that are accessible through RequisiteWeb.

Step Windows NT 4.0 Windows 2000 Server/.NET RC2
1 Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Services. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
2 Locate and double-click the Rational Web Platform, ReqWeb servlet engine service to display the Service dialog box. Locate the Rational Web Platform, ReqWeb servlet engine service and double-click the icon to display the Properties dialog box.
3 In the Service window under Log On As, click This Account and enter the ReqWebUser and password that you created. Click OK to close the Service window. Select the Log On tab and click This account. Enter the ReqWebUser and password that you created and click Apply. Click OK and close the Rational Web Platform window.
4 Stop and start the Rational Web Platform, ReqWeb servlet engine service and start the Rational Web Platform, HTTP server service to finish. Start or restart the Rational Web Platform, ReqWeb servlet engine service to finish.

Reboot Required

At this point you must restart your system. After rebooting, log in as the same user to complete the installation procedure.

Testing RequisiteWeb

To test your installation of RequisiteWeb:

  1. Open a Web browser.
  2. Set the URL address to "http://<server name>/reqweb" on your RequisiteWeb server and press enter.
  3. Select a RequisitePro project that contains documents from the Project list. If your project does not appear on the list, refer to the procedure Managing RequisitePro Projects for RequisiteWeb.
  4. Type your RequisitePro user name and password and click Log in.
  5. Select a document in the Explorer and open it. If the document opens correctly, the test has succeeded; RequisiteWeb has been properly installed.
    Note: If the Microsoft Word installer dialog box opens, you must allow it to complete.

Managing RequisitePro Projects in RequisiteWeb

Although RequisiteWeb provides features for accessing and editing requirements and documents and creating documents in projects, you must use RequisitePro to create projects. RequisitePro offers project templates and other management tools for creating and modifying project structure and security. For more information, see Rational RequisitePro User's Guide or RequisitePro Help.

Using the RequisiteWeb Project Catalog

RequisiteWeb uses a catalog text file to provide access to RequisitePro projects. By default, the file contains entries for the RequisitePro sample projects. The projects that are listed in your catalog appear in the Projects list on the RequisiteWeb log In page.

To add your own projects to the catalog, you must type the full path for the project file, which has an .rqs extension. For instructions on modifying the catalog, see Editing the RequisitePro Projects Catalog.

Note: Be sure that all projects that are listed in the Web server catalog.txt are accessible at all times. If any project in this file is unavailable, Web server performance for available projects may be affected.

To edit the catalog, perform the following procedure on the RequisiteWeb server:

  1. Navigate to the directory (by default):
    C:\Program Files\Rational\RequisitePro\ReqWeb\Projects
    Note: If your projects are installed in a directory other than C:\, you must edit the catalog.txt file to reflect the correct installation directory.
  2. Using a text editor, open the catalog.txt file.
  3. Create an entry with the full path to the RequisitePro project file (.rqs).
    Note: Use a full path for local projects on the RequisiteWeb server. To access projects on another server, you must specify a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path to the shared folder containing the RequisitePro .rqs file. For example, \\server_name\full_path\my_project.rqs
  4. Save and close the catalog.txt file.

Note: To view updates to the catalog.txt file, you must log out of RequisiteWeb and then pull down the project field on the RequisiteWeb project "log in" page.

Database Projects

RequisiteWeb can open SQL Server- and Oracle-based projects that are not physically located on the RequisiteWeb server; however, the ReqWebUser domain user must have Change or Modify permission for the directory containing the RequisitePro (.rqs) project file on the remote project server.

Note: To execute the provided SQL Server database scripts, you must be logged in as "sa" or as a user with "System Administrator" and "Security Administrator" privileges.

To access RequisitePro projects that are stored in an Oracle database, you must configure the Oracle client software on the server. See the section "Setting Up PCs for Oracle Access" in the Rational Desktop Products Installation Guide included on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD. That section refers to a RequisitePro installation on a client PC; you must perform that procedure on the RequisiteWeb server.

Configuring E-mail for Discussions

Use the Rational E-mail Reader application to configure e-mail for all discussion participants with a valid e-mail address in their RequisitePro user information. The Rational E-mail Reader application is included with your Rational Software installation at the following default location:
c:\Program Files\Rational\common\mailreader.exe
You use the same Rational E-mail Reader session for both RequisitePro and RequisiteWeb; however, note the following requirements when configuring the Rational E-mail Reader for both RequisitePro and RequisiteWeb:

Upgrading RequisiteWeb 2002.05.X and 2001A

To upgrade from RequisiteWeb 2002.05.X or 2001A to RequisiteWeb 2003.06.00, you must first uninstall RequisiteWeb as described in the following section, and then proceed with the install as described in the Installing RequisiteWeb on the Server section of this document.

Uninstalling RequisiteWeb

This section describes how to remove RequisiteWeb from a RequisiteWeb server. Before you remove RequisiteWeb from your system, make sure that no one is using RequisiteWeb or any associated files. You will not be able to remove files that are in use.

RequisiteWeb installs a new project catalog containing paths to new sample projects. Be sure to make a copy of your existing catalog.txt file before removing RequisiteWeb. If you are upgrading from an earlier release of RequisiteWeb, the catalog.txt file should be located in the following default directory: C:\Program Files\Rational\RequisitePro\ReqWeb\projects

After you install RequisiteWeb 2003.06.00, add your previous catalog.txt entries to the new catalog file that is installed with the new version of RequisiteWeb in the default directory: C:\Program Files\Rational\RequisitePro\ReqWeb\Projects

For more information, see Managing RequisitePro Projects for RequisiteWeb.

For specific instructions on uninstalling RequisiteWeb, see one of the following sections below:

Removing RequisiteWeb 2003.06.00

Note: Your existing webapps2 directory, located in the default directory: C:\Program Files\Rational\common\RWP\, will be deleted when you uninstall RequisiteWeb. To preserve your configuration files or any other files in your webapps2 directory, you must relocate those files before uninstalling RequisiteWeb.

  1. Use the Add/Remove Programs function in the Windows Control Panel to select and remove the Rational product you installed.
  2. Using dcomcnfg, remove the Local Administrators Group from "Default launch permissions" and "Default access permissions".
  3. If permanently uninstalling RequisiteWeb, remove the ReqWebUser.
  4. RequisitePro project data, backup files, and log files may still exist on the server. The log files will be located at C:\Program Files\Rational\common\rwp\logs\.

Removing RequisiteWeb 2002.05.X

To remove RequisiteWeb 2002.05.X from a Windows NT or Windows 2000 Server/.NET RC2, you must have Windows administrator privileges on that machine. Use the following instructions to:

Delete the ReqWeb and Jakarta Virtual Directories

  1. Start the Internet Services Manager by doing one of the following:
    • Click Start > Run, and type inetmgr. Click OK.
    • In Windows NT 4.0, click Start > Programs > Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack > Microsoft Internet Information Server > Internet Service Manager.
    • In Windows 2000 Server/.NET RC2, click Start > Programs > Administrative Tools/Internet Services Manager.
  2. Select the Default Web Site and click the Stop button on the toolbar.
  3. Right-click the ReqWeb virtual directory and select Delete.
  4. Right-click the Jakarta virtual directory and select Delete. Leave the Internet Services Manager open.

Remove the Jakarta ISAPI filter

  1. Right-click the Default Web Site and select Properties. The Default Web Site Properties dialog box opens. Click the ISAPI Filters tab and select the jakarta filter.
  2. Click Remove and click OK to close the dialog box.

Restart the IIS Admin Service

Perform the instructions in the following table to restart the IIS admin service. Refer to the column that corresponds to your operating system.

Step Windows NT 4.0 Windows 2000 Server/.NET RC2
1 Close the Internet Service Manager. In the Internet Services Manager, right-click the server name.
2 At the Start/Run command line, type cmd. Select Restart IIS.
3 In the MS-DOS window, type the following:

net stop w3svc

net start w3svc.

At the Stop/Start/Reboot dialog box, select Restart Internet Services on <server name>.
4 Type exit to close the MS-DOS window. Click OK to close the dialog box. Close the Internet Services Manager.

Remove RequisiteWeb 2002.05.X

Use the Add/Remove Programs function in the Windows Control Panel to select and remove the Rational product you installed. After the uninstall process is complete and you have restarted your machine, check to see whether the C:\Program Files\Rational directory is still present on the server. If it is, delete the Rational directory and its subdirectories. You must also perform the following steps to edit your System Variables:

  1. On the start menu, click Settings > Control Panel. In the Control Panel, double-click the System icon. The System Properties dialog box opens.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • In Windows 2000 Server/.NET RC2, at the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.
    • In Windows NT, click the Environment tab.
  3. Locate the PATH system variable and remove the following from your PATH directory:
    C:\Program Files\Rational\common\java\jre\bin

Removing RequisiteWeb 2001A

To remove RequisiteWeb 2001A from a Windows NT or Windows 2000 Server/.NET RC2, you must have Windows administrator privileges on that machine. Use the following instructions to:

Stop and Remove the RqTomcat Service

Step Windows NT 4.0 Windows 2000 Server/.NET RC2
1 Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Services. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
2 Locate and select the RqTomcat service. Locate the RqTomcat service and double-click the icon to open the Properties dialog box.
3 In the Services window, click the Stop button. On the General tab under Service status, click the Stop button. Click OK and close the Services window.
4 Click Close to finish. Click OK to close the dialog box. Close the Internet Services Manager.

After you stop the RqTomcat service, you must perform the following steps to remove the service from your system:

  1. Open an MS-DOS shell and navigate to the following directory:
    C:\Program Files\Rational\jakarta-tomcat\bin
  2. Type the following at the MS-DOS prompt:
    jk_nt_service -R RqTomcat
  3. Close the MS-DOS shell.

Remove the ReqWeb and Jakarta Virtual Directories

  1. Start the Internet Services Manager by doing one of the following:
    • In Windows NT 4.0, click Start > Programs > Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack > Microsoft Internet Information Server > Internet Service Manager.
    • In Windows 2000 Server/.NET RC2, click Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Internet Services Manager.
  2. Under the Default Web Site, locate the ReqWeb and Jakarta virtual directories. Right-click each of the directories and select delete.
  3. Right-click Default Web Site and select Properties.
  4. At the ISAPI Filters tab, locate the jakarta filter. Right-click the jakarta filter and select delete.
  5. Click OK and close the Internet Services Manager.

Remove RequisiteWeb 2001A

Use the Add/Remove Programs function in the Windows Control Panel to select and remove the Rational product you installed. After the uninstall process is complete and you have restarted your machine, check to see whether the following directory is still present on the server:

C:\Program Files\Rational

If so, delete the directory and all subdirectories.

Remove the TOMCAT_HOME and JAVA_HOME System Variables

  1. On the start menu, click Settings > Control Panel. In the Control Panel, double-click the System icon. The System Properties dialog box appears.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • In Windows 2000 Server/.NET RC2, at the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.
    • In Windows NT, click the Environment tab.
  3. Locate the TOMCAT_HOME and JAVA_HOME system variables and delete them from your system.

Note: You must also reset your DCOM configuration settings for Word Document and Word Basic (if present), to their default values.

To complete the upgrade process, go to the Installing RequisiteWeb on the Server section of the document and proceed with the rest of the instructions.

Note: Restore back up projects and your catalog.txt file to their original locations.

Known Issues

Many of the issues listed below include "workarounds" that you should implement when configuring your RequisiteWeb server or client browsers.

Installation Issues

See the section Installing RequisiteWeb on the Server for information on installation issues.

Working with Documents

Download vs. View

RequisiteWeb gives you the ability to download requirements documents and save them to disk in Microsoft Word format. On the Documents page in RequisiteWeb, click a file name in the Download File column.

When downloading a document, you have the options of opening or saving the document. Opening the document at this point may cause a program failure or an erroneous display. Be sure to save the document to disk, and then open it using Microsoft Word. If a "Navigation Canceled" page or blank page is displayed after you save the document, click the back button or the Documents icon to return to the documents list.

If you cancel a document download operation from the download dialog box, and then select the download option in RequisiteWeb again, the document may be displayed in the browser yet not be presented in the download dialog box. To fix this condition, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q162059 at (8740)

When you download a document in Netscape, spaces and other HTML special characters in the document name are replaced by HTML character codes. These characters are a result of the URL encoding that RequisiteWeb applies to the address of the document. Netscape displays the HTML character codes in the file name box of the document Save As dialog box. When you save the document, the characters are replaced by the original spaces and/or special characters. (7186)

Other Document Viewing Conditions

Other conditions may prevent you from viewing project documents in RequisiteWeb:

Creating Documents

Document Authoring

Security for RequisiteWeb Documents

Documents that are viewed or downloaded using RequisiteWeb are converted from RequisitePro format to Microsoft Word or HTML formats. Therefore, these copies can be viewed by unauthorized users on the RequisiteWeb server using MS Word or a Web browser.

If document security is an issue, be sure to limit access to the GenDoc directory on the RequisiteWeb server.

Note: The ReqWebUser user must have create/read/write permissions for the GenDoc directory.

RequisiteWeb Discussions

RequisiteWeb Requirements

Filtering Views in RequisiteWeb

Expanding Packages

User Preferences

Preferences are stored in cookies, not in the database. As a result, set preferences are browser-specific and not user-specific. (15983)

Running RequisiteWeb on International Operating Systems

File Naming

Word-Linked Files


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