Status of ClearCase LT Software Change Requests

This file explains the status of noteworthy problems in Rational ClearCase LT Version 2003.06.00. Any functionality or characteristics described here that refers to ClearCase applies to ClearCase LT as well.

This file consists of the following sections:

Note: During this release, the ClearCase Product Family development group was in the process of changing from one database schema for software change requests to another. Depending on the state of a change request at the time of publication of this document, the change request may be identified by its old CMBU ID, its new RATLC ID, or by both IDs.

Known Problems in This Release

The following are known problems in ClearCase LT Version 2003.06.00.

CMBU00026201; RATLC00605713; global types: differences in command line behavior and GUI behavior

The ClearCase Type Explorer and Properties Browser always display information about local copies of global types, instead of displaying information about the global type.

If the client VOB you are browsing does not contain a local copy of a global type, the ClearCase Type Explorer does not display the global type.

CMBU00028068; RATLC00605895; diffbl does not work with imported baselines

The cleartool diffbl command, which compares two baselines and shows the differences between them, does not work correctly when one or both of the baselines are imported baselines.

CMBU00028501; RATLC00605929; snapshot view limitation on VOB symbolic links

VOB symbolic links are limited to one level of indirection in snapshot views. That is, the result of cleartool ln –s is loaded as a native file-system symbolic link only if the target of the symbolic lin is not another VOB symbolic link.

CMBU00029594; RATLC00606007; integration stream property sheets may not show delivered activities

In the Project Explorer, the Activities tab of the baseline and integration stream property sheets does not list the activities that have been delivered to the integration stream and incorporated into the baseline. The Activities tab displays only activities that were created in the integration stream, including integration activities, which ClearCase generates during deliver operations.

CMBU00031647; RATLC00606167; config spec may not be synchronized before update preview

In a UNIX snapshot view, your config spec may not be correctly synchronized before all update previews. However, synchronization is always correct for full updates.

CMBU00033367; RATLC00585669; delivery of selected activity does not detect directory dependency across activities

If you create a new element in one activity (for example, A) while the directory containing the element is checked out to a different activity (for example, B), you have created an implicit dependency of A on B. When selectively delivering activity A, you must also include activity B. Otherwise deliver reports the error: DBID not found.

CMBU00033579; RATLC00606354; Project Explorer Transcript window does not always respond

The Transcript window may open when exception conditions have occurred during an operation. When the Transcript window and another modal dialog box are open, such as a properties dialog in which operations can be initiated, the Transcript window does not respond to user actions. You must close the dialog box before you can adjust the scroll bar of the Transcript window to view the full message or event log.

CMBU00034173; RATLC00606412; relocate does not preserve lock applied to branches

If a branch of an element is locked, rather than the element itself, you can relocate the element along with the branch. However, the relocated branch is no longer locked.

CMBU00034704; RATLC00585764; symbolic links to hijacked files show up as duplicates in list

Symbolic links to a hijacked file appear in the clearviewupdate hijacked file list along with the file itself. As a result, multiple entries in the hijacked list refer to the same file.

CMBU00040953; RATLC00604580; HTML generation code uses local paths even when inappropriate

When a file in an xcleardiff pane is rendered to a HTML browser, the HTML browser may not be able to display the file if the browser is running on a different host than xcleardiff. This situation occurs when xcleardiff does not generate a pathname to the file that is accessible from the host on which the Web browser is running.

Workaround: Run xcleardiff on the machine where the HTML browser is running.

CMBU00041571; RATLC00606635; describe -graphical cannot handle white space in path name

Attempting to describe files whose names have shell special characters (for example, *) or spaces from the graphical interface may fail with a file not found error.

For example, the following describe command fails because it treats the file name as two separate names:

cleartool describe –graphical “my file“

CMBU00043178; RATLC00606976; using Web interface with Netscape causes harmless error messages

Web clients that use Netscape Navigator may see an error message similar to the following in the Web server logs:

File does not exist: /usr/atria/web/applets/com/ms/security/PermissionID.class
File does not exist: /usr/atria/web/applets/com/ms/security/PolicyEngine.class  

These error messages are harmless and can be ignored.

CMBU00057114; RATLC00607739; interoperability issues running UNIX Web server and Windows ClearCase Web client

When entering a version identifier as an advanced version selector in the Welcome to Merge Manager page, you must use forward slashes (/) if the Web server is running on UNIX. If the Web server is running on Windows, you may use either / or \.

RATLC00443987; data code page errors

You may see an error message about data code pages if you use the ClearCase LT–ClearQuest integration. The error message appears when you enter data into ClearCase LT using characters that are incompatible with the set of characters that a ClearQuest database accepts. If you see such error messages, consult with your ClearQuest administrator or systems administrator to resolve the character set incompatibility.

RATLC00584804; real attribute type does not work correctly in interop environment

The attribute type real does not work correctly in an environment of both UNIX and Windows systems. In such environments, VOBs may hold values that originate from both Windows and UNIX. Values orginating from UNIX systems appear incorrect to Windows clients, and those originating from Windows appear incorrect to UNIX clients.

RATLC00585713; cleartool checkin may fail in race condition

If two checkin operations are run simultaneously on an element and a branched sibling that share the same cleartext container, one of the checkin operations may fail. To correct the problem, perform the checkin again.

RATLC00607292; function to open file fails when not set to a snapshot view

If xclearcase is not started in a snapshot view directory, an attempt to open a file in a VOB fails. To avoid the problem, invoke xclearcase from within a snapshot view directory.

RATLC00607651; applet is missing functionality to make component VOB

The Create VOB wizard in clearvobadmin does not support the creation of component VOBs. To create a component VOB using clearvobadmin, use the mkcomp command after creating it using the wizard.

RATLC00683518; problem with linking activities mastered at remote site

Using a UCM project that is enabled for ClearQuest may leave activities that are mastered at remote sites unlinked to the ClearQuest database. To link the unlinked activities, use the following procedure:

  1. Change the mastership of the UCM Project object to the remote site.
  2. At the remote site, open the Project Properties page, select the ClearQuest tab, and click Link unlinked activities mastered at this replica.

Conversely, disabling a UCM project from ClearQuest may leave activities that are mastered at remote sites still linked to the ClearQuest database. To unlink the linked activities, use the following procedure:

  1. Change the mastership of the UCM Project object to the remote site.
  2. At the remote site, open the Project Properties page, select the ClearQuest tab, and click Unlink all activities mastered at this replica.

RATLC00685819; binary data inserted into text files that are modified using VS.NET

A problem has been detected storing text files in ClearCase under certain conditions. If you edit a new text file in VS.NET and check it in, the contents are stored normally. However, if you subsequently check out, modify, and check the file back in, binary data is inserted into the file.

The problem has been detected in text files that were edited using the native VS.NET source code editor, and saved to a dynamic view. The systems on which the problem was detected used a remote dynamic view UNIX server running Samba 2.0.7 for interoperability. The problem has not been detected under the following conditions:

  • Using snapshot views with remote view server on UNIX.
  • Using a local dynamic view server on Windows.
  • Using a remote dynamic view server on UNIX, running Disk Access for interoperability.
  • Saving files edited using a non-VS.NET editor (such as Notepad) to a dynamic view.
  • Using other Microsoft applications, such as MS Visual Studio 6.0 with remote dynamic view servers.

RATLC00686946; ClearCase–DDTS and ClearCase–FrameMaker integrations contain incorrect references to atria

The documentation for the ClearCase–DDTs and ClearCase–FrameMaker integrations contain incorrect references to the term atria.

RATLC00688491; single-stream project not recognized as such

If you use clearprojexp to create a single-stream project, the GUI does not recognize the project as a single-stream project until you either refresh the view or exit the GUI and restart it. Until you refresh the view or exit and restart the GUI, a user can create a child stream in the integration stream of the project. This problem only occurs in the application instance that created the single-stream project.

RATLC00689975; Project Explorer can crash in Japanese locale

On platforms that use the Japanese locale, you might encounter the following problems:

  • If the name of one of your UCM objects, such as a project, folder, stream, or view contains Japanese characters, the Project Explorer might core dump when you exit the GUI.
  • If you open the Join Project Wizard from the Project Explorer and specify a view storage path that contains Japanese characters, the wizard and the Project Explorer might crash with a core dump.

RATLC00691560; PVCS export fails if path includes 0x5c character

You cannot use the clearexport_pvcs command to export PVCS data from a path of which any component includes the Japanese character 0x5c. The PVCS commands required for export fail in this configuration. As a workaround, rename the file or directory that includes the 0x5c character.

RATLC00692556; mkbl –activities can fail in mixed version configuration

The mkbl –activities operation, whether invoked as a command or through a GUI, fails in an environment in which the VOB server is running Version 2003.06.00, clients are running Version 2002.05.00 and Version 4, and the following scenario takes place:

  1. A V4. client delivers work from a development stream to an integration stream.
  2. The feature level of the PVOB is raised to 4.
  3. A 2003.06.00 client invokes mkbl –activities on the integration stream.

As a workaround, use the mkbl operation without specifying activities in this situation. You can then use mkbl –activities, specifying new activities.

RATLC00693286; list of contributing activities does not wrap

In the UCM-ClearQuest integration, there is a new Contributors operation that may be performed on a UCMUtilityActivity type record, which represents an integration activity. This operation displays the activities or baselines that contributed to the change set of this integration activity. The contributing activities or baselines are concatenated as a string, using | as the delimiter. In other words, the string is displayed in the form, activity|activity|activity. The string is not readable when the list of contributing activities or baselines is long because it does not wrap within the window.

RATLC00693550; graphical describe of activity does not work in ClearCase LT–ClearQuest integration

The command cleartool describe –graphical activity-selector does not work.

RATLC00693851; command alias arguments fail for cleartool man HTML pages

When you specify a cleartool command alias such as ci and co as the argument to cleartool man –graphical, the command fails with an error like No such file or directory. As a workaround, use the full command name, such as checkin and checkout, as the argument.

RATLC00693990; record not associated with view context in UCM-ClearQuest integration

The New option on the checkout common dialog submits a new ClearQuest record, but does not set that new record to the current view context and use it for the current checkout. As a workaround, use theClearCase Properties button or use ClearQuest to transition the record to the Active state.

RATLC00694448; creation of activity fails silently

Creating a new ClearQuest activity using the clearprojexp or xclearcase commands can fail silently. To determine what failed, use the command cqtool submit –gui. The same failure can occur with the Properties button for ClearQuest–enabled activities. In this case, use the command cqtool find_record –gui to determine the cause.

RATLC00694793; albd_server can fail at transition to daylight saving time

On any host where the ClearCase LT scheduler runs a job on an hourly schedule, the albd_server will fail during the hour before the transition from standard time to daylight saving time . The failure will stop all ClearCase LT operations on the host. Note that the default set of scheduled jobs does not include any jobs that run hourly.

Patches Incorporated in Version 2003.06.00

This release incorporates all patches through 2003a.

Problems Fixed in ClearCase LT Version 2003.06.00

Table 1.1 lists significant problems in previous ClearCase LT releases that are fixed in this release.

Table 1.1. ClearCase LT Problems Fixed in This Release

Problem numberDescription
CMBU00010087grp files do not handle multibyte characters
CMBU00031042; RATLC00585552GUI does not display Version Tree after checkin of hijacked file
CMBU00031043; RATLC00585553On Solaris Intel systems, selecting hijacked folder produces empty Name field
CMBU00055513; RATLC00602996Netscape doesn't list integration stream when creating a UCM project view
CMBU00056755; RATLC00603424Limitations on deliver/rebase status display when using Netscape Navigator
CMBU00056810; RATLC00603441UCM predefined queries are broken when upgrading to package UCM3.0 or UCM4.0
CMBU00057289; RATLC00587766xclearcase must be run from within a snapshot view
CMBU00061775; RATLC00683962findmerge error
RATLC00585753Problem creating views and VOBs on Solaris when automounted storage is exported
RATLC00586365Snapshot views allow symbolic links only to VOB objects
RATLC00588689Chinese display issue
RATLC00683156Type redefinition check insufficiently thorough
RATLC00684945UCM-ClearQuest performance problem
RATLC00689849root at client host becomes nobody at view server host
RATLC00690176albd_server crashes
RATLC00692207libatriadb inconsistency between tasks and databases

Disposition of Reported Problems

Table 1.2 lists the status of problems reported in previous releases.

Table 1.2. Disposition of Problems in Previous ClearCase LT Releases

Problem numberStatusDescription
CMBU00021475Not a bugSome applications may require increase in size of data limits
CMBU00028214No plan to fixChanging activity name breaks link with ClearQuest record
CMBU00034794; RATLC00585774 Unreproducibleupdate –add command in snapshot view may fail if working directory is global network path
CMBU00035331 No plan to fixCanceling a uncheckout confirm window hangs ClearCase-FrameMaker integration
CMBU00042778No plan to fixcleartool commands use one date format
CMBU00043725 Not a bugChange in behavior of rgy_backup causes no backup to be done and no errors
CMBU00048303No plan to fixlsclients command no longer shows if release is patched
CMBU00051601 No plan to fixAnomalous behavior when more than one user uses same snapshot view from same user account
CMBU00057847; RATLC00587996No plan to fixInstall scripts may abort when an obsolete German locale is specified

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