Release notes for PureCoverage version 2003.06.00  Solaris 2


  o Changes from previous releases

  o Supported systems

  o Restrictions and known issues

New in this release

  - Bug fixes and compatibility with OS patches.

  - Support for Solaris 9.

  - Support for gcc/g++ 3.0.x and 3.1 compiler (32-bit only).

  - Support for 32-bit JNI applications using JDK 1.2.X and 1.3.1. 
    Please refer to the "Restrictions and Known Issues" section for 

  - This release supports Java programs. JVM versions 1.3.1 and 1.4 
    are supported on Solaris 2.6. JVM versions 1.3.1, 1.4 and 1.4.1 
    are supported on Solaris 7 and newer versions of the operating 
    system, as long as the JVM is supported on that OS version. For 
    information on the Solaris versions supported by a JVM release, 
    please refer to the Sun Microsystems websites:

    Refer to the "PureCoverage for Java" online document for
    PureCoverage usage instructions. Use the link on the main page
    for PureCoverage online help to view the "PureCoverage for Java" 
    supplement. For product details, please look at the "Restrictions 
    and Known Issues" section.

  - This release supports viewing Unix data with the Windows product.
    Please see the section "Restrictions and Known Issues" for known 
    issues with this feature.

New in PureCoverage 2002a.06.00

  - Bug fixes and compatibility with OS patches.

  - Modified support for Change Request Management
    systems, including Rational's ClearQuest and
	ClearDDTS. Please see online help for more

  - Support for Forte 7 compiler (compiler version 5.4).

  - This release does not support Solaris 2.5.1 (SunOS 5.5.1).

New in PureCoverage 2002.05.00

  - Bug fixes and compatibility with OS patches.

  - Support for Forte 6 Update 2 compiler (compiler version 5.3).

  - Support for gcc 2.95.3 compiler.

  - This is the last release to support Solaris 2.5.1 (SunOS 5.5.1).

New in PureCoverage 2001a.04.00
  - Bug fixes and compatibility with OS patches.

  - HTML-based online help system. See the "HTML Help" topic in the 
    Restrictions and Known Issues section.

  - New product versioning system. This release
    is the successor of:

       PureCoverage 5.3 for Solaris

  - Support for Forte 6 Update 1 compiler (compiler version 5.2).

  - Support for gcc 2.95.2 compiler.


Supported systems

  Operating system and Hardware

    PureCoverage has been tested with Solaris versions 2.6, 7, 8 and 9 on 
    SPARC platforms.

    PureCoverage has also been tested on V8 and V8+ SPARC programs on the 


    PureCoverage has been tested with the following compilers:
    - Forte 7 (compiler version 5.4)
    - Forte 6 Update 2 (compiler version 5.3)
    - Forte 6 Update 1 (compiler version 5.2)
    - Forte 6 (compiler version 5.1)
    - Sun Workshop C and C++ 4.2 and 5.0
    - GNU gcc and g++ versions 2.8.1, 2.95.X, 3.0.x, 3.1 (32-bit only)
    - Cygnus GNUpro v.98r


    PureCoverage supports these threads packages:
    - The native Solaris libthread library.
    - The Solaris Pthreads library, libpthread.
    - Transarc DCE threads.


Restrictions and Known Issues

  Java Language Support
  - To use PureCoverage with JNI applications using JDK 1.2.X, please
    refer to Solution ID 22506 on:
    or contact Rational Technical Support and reference Solution ID 22506.

  - To use PureCoverage with JNI applications using JDK 1.3.1 or higher, 
    please refer to the Solution ID 134726221 on:
    or contact Rational Technical Support and reference Solution ID 134726221.

  - PureCoverage for Java requires certain Java functions packaged in the
    Rational.jar file. Part of the functionality provided by Rational.jar
    is implemented in C/C++ and packaged as a shared object The default Java security manager disallows 
    running these files when executing applets. We currently 
    work around this problem by placing the Rational.jar file in your 
    <$JAVA_HOME>/jre/lib/ext directory. This is a special directory 
    for Java and the files placed here are given special permissions. If
    you do not have write access to $(JAVA_HOME)/jre/lib/ext, 
    PureCoverage fails to place Rational.jar in the ext directory. 
    In that case, you must manually copy or link 
    Rational.jar from purecovhome to 
    the $(JAVA_HOME)/jre/lib/ext directory for PureCoverage to work.

    The Rational.jar file or link in the $(JAVA_HOME)/jre/lib/ext
    needs to be updated whenever the purecovhome location is moved,
    either due to an install in a new location, or due to an upgrade.
    If the link or copy is not updated, Java programs containing PureAPI
    calls cannot be compiled.

    While running certain Java-enabled programs such as Netscape, 
    stderr and stdout are redirected to /dev/null and the messages
    that PureCoverage generates about Rational.jar and java security are
    not displayed. If you are running applets and, your program, when
    run with PureCoverage, crashes early in the run, it may be because of
    this security problem. Please first make sure
    that Rational.jar is present in  $(JAVA_HOME)/jre/lib/ext and rerun
    your program.

  - PureCoverage for Java dumps core with some programs on Java 1.3.x.
    This is most likely because of a JVMPI bug (bug number 4363175
    in Sun's Java bug database). Please run the program with the
    Java -Xint option. This restriction does not apply to Java 1.4.X.
    The JVMPI bug is fixed in all versions of Java 1.4.X.

  - The PureCoverage summary message, generated at the end of a run and 
    for each PureAPI.SaveData API call, shows the name of the program
    that runs the Java virtual machine, instead of the name of
    your Java program.
    For example, if you run:
    "purecov -java java MyClass"
    The PureCoverage summary message displays:
    "Saving coverage data to /people/anandi/test/java/java.pcv."
    instead, it should display the message as:
    "Saving coverage data to /people/anandi/test/java/MyClass.pcv."

  - It is not possible to run PureCoverage for Java on Netscape version 4.7x.
    To profile Java code running in Netscape, you must use 
    Netscape version 6. Note that Netscape 6 requires Solaris 7 or 
    later versions of the OS. 
    The Netscape version restriction is only for profiling Java code
    using Netscape. It does not apply to using Netscape to access 
    online help.  PureCoverage online help works with Netscape version 4.7x
    on all versions of Solaris. Refer to the section on "HTML help"
    later in this file to view the help pages independent of PureCoverage. 

  - Netscape 6 pipes all stdout, stderr output to /dev/null.
    This implies that the messages that PureCoverage generates are
    not displayed. When running PureCoverage with Netscape 6, 
    please use the -debug option to Netscape to view PureCoverage output:
    For example:
    purecov -java netscape -debug

  - The option -copy_fd_output_to_logfile is not working with java.

  - The option -follow-child-processes=no is not working with java.

  Licensing Troubleshooting
  - When PureCoverage is properly installed, a .lm_license_file file is
    created in the product home directory to allow PureCoverage to locate
    your licenses even when LM_LICENSE_FILE is not set appropriately
    in the user's environment. If you get a message such as:

      Error: Unable to open /product_home/.lm_license_file.
      Your installation is incomplete. Did you run rs_install? ...

    Check your product home directory to see if .lm_license_file exists
    and is readable by you. If the file does not exist, your installation
    is incomplete. You may need to re-run rs_install or license_setup.
    If the permissions are incorrect, change them so that the file is
    readable by all expected users of PureCoverage.

  - If you manually change the location of your licenses (e.g. without
    using license_setup), the .lm_license_file will not be updated and
    you will not be able to checkout a license unless you set the env
    var LM_LICENSE_FILE to point to the new location. You should always
    use license_setup to make changes to your licenses.

  - Be sure you install the products that correspond to your license(s).
    Do not install PurifyPlus unless you have a PurifyPlus license or 
    another valid license. To check your license, locate the "INCREMENT" 
    line(s) in your license file (*.dat) or license update file (*.upd). 
    The license feature name is the first word on the line after "INCREMENT". 
    For example:

      INCREMENT PurifyPlusUNIX rational 5.0 10-jan-2001 1 1234556789012

  HTML Help
  This product has an HTML based online help that incorporates all the
  information from the product user manual.

  The following restrictions and notes apply to using the HTML help system:

  - The only supported browser for the HTML based help system is 
    Netscape Navigator, versions 4.7.x. The HTML based help system
    does not work with pre 4.7 versions or with 6.x versions.

  - You may view the help in stand-alone mode by pointing your browser to
    the following:


    (Where "product_home" is the installation location of PureCoverage. e.g. the 
    result of the -printhomedir option.)

  - Netscape must be on your path when you run your instrumented program. 
    Your path is used to locate the browser.

  - The first time you request help from a viewer, a new netscape session 
    will be started, even if you already have netscape running. This session 
    will be re-used by subsequent help requests unless you re-use the 
    launched browser for another purpose.  If you close the browser, a new 
    browser will be launched upon the next help request.

  - The new help system uses Javascript. On some platforms, the MOZILLA_HOME
    environment variable must be set in order for Javascript based web pages
    to work properly. If you experience Java related problems with the help:

    Make sure your netscape installation directory is on your path and that
    MOZILLA_HOME is either not set at all (we will set it for you) or is set 
    to the same installation directory.

    If MOZILLA_HOME is set but does not point to the same netscape 
    installation as the netscape on your path, the help may not work 

    If MOZILLA_HOME is not set at all, PureCoverage will attempt to set it when
    we start netscape. But we will be unable to set it correctly if the 
    netscape found on your path does not resolve to an actual installation 
    directory. For example, if netscape actually references a wrapper script 
    in /usr/local/bin. In this case, you will need to set MOZILLA_HOME 

    See the Netscape release notes for more information on MOZILLA_HOME.

  - Use the Help->Help Topics menu item to access the top level of the
    help system. 

  - Context sensitive help is available on leaf menu items and on buttons
    ONLY. For information about a window, use the Help->On Window menu item.

  - PDF versions of the PureCoverage Quick Reference card is available in the
    doc/pdf section of your installation, if you have installed PDF
    documentation. Otherwise, see the corresponding area of your
    installation CD.

  - PureCoverage does not present accurate line-by-line coverage data in the
    annotated source window if the code is compiled with both debug and
    optimization flags.

  - If PureCoverage is run in "/tmp" or "/usr/tmp" or "/var/tmp" the generated 
    instrumented *.o files are deleted in these directories.  Please do 
    not use commands such as:
    purecov cc -nolink ld file.o
    in "/tmp" or "/usr/tmp" or "/var/tmp" . 
    However there is a work-around for this , You can use the option 
    "-save-tmp-files" to tell PureCoverage not to delete the generated objects. 
    So using:
      purify -save-tmp-files cc -nolink ld file.o
    will generate the instrumented file_pure_*.o in "/tmp" or "/usr/tmp" 
    or "/var/tmp". Otherwise you can use -always-use-cache-dir so that 
    the generated file_pure*.o is generated in cache-dir where it is not 
    deleted (Note: if cache-directory is installed in "/tmp","/usr/tmp",
    "/var/tmp" the generated *_pure_*.o in cache are not deleted, so you 
    can have the cache-directory safely in "/tmp","/usr/tmp","/var/tmp").

    The product home directory has been reorganized. The new layout 
    should be transparent to most users. All libraries have been moved
    to a lib32 sub-directory, but top level links preserve backward 
    compatibility for accessing the stubs libraries.

    Users are encouraged to use the libraries from the lib32 directory, 
    and not from purecovhome.

    In the unlikely event you need to access private libraries such as, and you use -printhomedir to construct the path,
    you must now add a "lib32" component to the path:

       `purecov -printhomedir`/lib32/

    Reference to these libraries is rarely necessary.

  - Because of operating system differences, programs instrumented on one 
    version of Solaris may crash or generate incorrect results if run on 
    a different version of the operating system.

  - PureCoverage does not support use of the LD_PRELOAD environment variable.

  - The SPARCWorks incremental linker, ild, is automatically disabled by 
    PureCoverage due to an incompatibility with file naming conventions.

  - If you are running your application on a different machine from the one
    on which it was built, please ensure that both the machines have the 
    same operating system. Further, the system libraries on the two machines
    should be identical. Otherwise, PureCoverage might generate a warning message.
    For more details on how to build and run on different machines, please 
    please see Solution ID 5829 at:

    Or contact Rational Technical Support and reference Solution ID 5829.

  - PureCoverage intercepts calls to dlclose() and can prevent
    dynamically loaded libraries from being unmapped. This has 
    the effect of preventing static destructors from running but allowing
    coverage data for such libraries to be saved at program exit. By default, 
    PureCoverage allows libraries to be unmapped, at the expense of 
    not saving coverage data for such libraries. Or it can save
    coverage data just before unmapping.
    The -dlclose-mode=i option controls this behavior :

    -dlclose-mode=0   : libraries may not be unmapped.
    -dlclose-mode=1   : libraries may be unmapped.
    -dlclose-mode=2   : libraries may be unmapped, coverage data is saved 

  Viewing Unix Data on Windows
  As described in the online help topic "Viewing UNIX ... data on
  Windows", it is possible to generate PureCoverage for Unix data in a
  format suitable for viewing with PureCoverage for Windows. 

  To take advantage of this feature, you must have a PureCoverage for 
  Windows license and you must use PureCoverage for Windows version
  2003.06.00 Proto Build 4619 or later. 
  The following limitations apply to viewing Unix data on Windows:

  - PureCoverage for Windows Build 4619 cannot open annotated source files 
    automatically unless they are co-located with your data file or you 
    use the new Unix "substitute" directive. For more information about the 
    substitute directive, refer to the PureCoverage for Unix online help.
    PureCoverage for Windows releases after Build 4619 include a pathname
    substitution feature as part of the GUI; see the PureCoverage for
    Windows documentation for details.

  - If your data file is co-located with your Unix executable and you
    access your data file from Windows via a Samba file share, opening
    the data file may remove owner execute permission on your executable.
    If possible, do not share your Unix file sytems via Samba.

  - Certain features of PureCoverage for Windows are disabled when viewing
    Unix-generated data. These include File->Run Again and 
    Settings->Executable Settings. The execution environment of your
    program can only be affected on Unix.

  - Coverage statistics viewed using PureCoverage for Windows will not always
    exactly matching the information displayed by PureCoverage for Unix:

    PureCoverage for Windows does not handle inline functions in the same
    fashion as PureCoverage for Unix. You may see the same function listed
    multiple times in PureCoverage for Windows, once for each place it was

    When multiple functions record coverage statistics against the same
    source lines, PureCoverage for Unix accumulates all the statistics and
    reports them against only one of the functions. PureCoverage for Windows
    does not do this - you will see coverage statistics for each function
    separately. This usually only occurs with compiler generated functions
    in C++ and Java.

  - If your Unix source file location is mapped to the root directory of
    a Windows mapped drive (i.e. F:\foo.c) and there are multiple modules
    (.o or shared library files) in this directory, the PureCoverage for
    Windows "File View" may not expand properly. Use the PureCoverage for
    Windows "Module View" instead or map your source location to Windows
    one directory higher. i.e. so that you have F:\parent\foo.c instead of
    just F:\foo.c.

  User Interface

  - The PureCoverage GUI menus and buttons become inaccessible if either the 
    NumLock or ScrollLock key is activated. The workaround is to switch 
    them off, or add the following line(s) to your $HOME/.Xdefaults file.
      ! Ignore the NumLock and ScrollLock keys on 
      ! mouse buttons
      PureCoverage*ignoreModifierMask: Mod3|Mod2
    This second workaround will take effect for a new PureCoverage viewer after 
    you restart your X-session or run a command like 'xrdb -merge 


  - The GNU gcc extensions are not tested against PureCoverage.  Most gcc 
    extensions will probably work fine.  Known limitations at present 
    include problems with nested functions (e.g.: making a pointer to a 
    nested function and attempting to call through it will not work).


  - Customers using unsupported threads packages should contact Rational 
    Software technical support ( to ensure compatibility.

  Copyright Notice

  The following copyright applies to portions of the ClearQuest
  integration and HTML based help system. 

  Copyright 1996 Netscape Communications Corporation, all rights reserved.
  Created: Jamie Zawinski (, 24-Dec-94.  Permission to
  use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
  documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
  that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both 
  that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
  documentation.  No representations are made about the suitability of
  this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  or implied warranty.